HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-02-06, Page 5What.i8 a $49? Wher,t,PU got 041rfterclin ry va11.10 for your nmey, it is Snap. 'ANA hut; where Oa you; ;, each a Snap 3 Why at BALL &C eap Jewellers, and dealers ini rade Watches, :Clocks, Silverware, acles, Violin Strings 86 Mouth Organs (nth of Eloots2Sho s To be Slaughtered at Less than Cost 1 will sell for the next 60 days for CASH, my whole stock of Boots and sho:s at the following reduced prices Regular Reduced Mens Kip Boots, our own make *4 50 50 efts Factory Boots whole stock 2 50 1 75 ens4als and Gaiter - 2 00 1 50 Mens hand sewed Bals or Gaiters 4 00 3 00 Diens Felt Boots - - 2 50 1 75 Mens Socks and Rubbers 2 70 2 35 ens FeltFox Bals or Buttoned 2 00 1 00 1 50 Womens Oil Goat Buttoned 2 50 1 90 Womens French Buttoned 2 50 1 90 - Womens Buff Boots *CalerISPoribliCaif .Bals or Buttoned 2 25 - 1 35 1 00 " 1 other goods in stook at equally reduced,prices. Call early and secure Bar- gains, and bring your cash with you, as the above prices are for cash only. This is a genuine sale as I have 'too much stook and too little money. I am elearing them out at cost, and don't you forget it. Chas. Cruickshank se, COO -AT .,_F NEW• BOOK STORE BLANK BOOKS at lowest prices, SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL SVPPLIES; Special Value in NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, WALLETS, PURSES and ALBUMS. A -R -CHILDREN'S SLEIGHS AT COST. BARGAINS IN Miscellaneous Books, China Goods, Plush Goods, Work Boxes, Photo Frames, Razors, eissors. iAs1�Weirl Store in Searle's Block, Call Early and Often. Opposite the Market, Clinton 1111=111111 W $20 Suit of Clothes For Ono Dollar 1\1-33:177T 801-13111VC3E3 We -want to organize a 'club .of Men to purchase a 320 Suit of Clothes each, on the following plan, viz:— Each member shall pay $1 per week; then every week will be held a , drawing, by 50 balls being placed in a box with numbers correspond-. ing with the number of member of the dub. The lucky nrkember each week will receive his suit without further payment. Thas the first lucky man will get his Suit for $1, the second for $2, *he third 13, and so on until the 20 weeks have paSSed, when all who have not been drawn will receive their suite. NOTICE—The goods for those suits may be from any stock in this town or allay stock in any' Other town, and will be the goods which thesefirme aro <in the habit of selliag at.$20 per suit. This is no lot- tery; there are no blanks,every man receiving -full value for his money.. If you want to know more about the plan come up and see. 1 L. H. STEVENS, Tailor and Draper ov OATS & SON'S MISCELLANEOUS Logs MONEY! MONEY! We have a large amount of private funds to roan ou Parnrproperty- -at-how-Interes Expenses tow and no time It in making loans. , MANNING & SCOTT MRS. WHITT. 1/10.S11111 TEACHER OF MUSIC. Plano, Organ and Toobnicoo, or Huse( developer. for use of Mile R001219 at mr, &Mutt's, Rattenhary &riot, Clinton A large'amount of Purv.ias money to loan, lowoolacte of interest C: A HARTT, So- licitor ,__Affice—Pcrrins Illook WOOD -WANTED. Wanted for the Clinton Collegiate Institute, about 25 cords good straight body wood, four foot long; clear and free from limbs Apply to a. HINE, Secretary, - _ _ cAUTION., Tho undersigned will not be responsible for ally debts contracted in his name with- eroskt ritten order. WM. BROW3. linm• merhu * lin \the PtxbIlic. • 'Fs undersigned while thanking the pub - Ho for the patronage bestowed.on him I 11 the mak vrould intimate MA ho has disposed of his business MI outstanding account. &re to be paid to the subscriber, who will be p.greatly Obliged for the prompt settlenidnt of the Same, R. FITZSIMONS, Clinton. Wanted and Custom Work Done The undersigned is prep/tied . to buy any Anantity ntgoLid logs. Also vre, are now in first dans pueitiOe to do on abort notice, all kinds of custom gaming at reasonable rate SI, THOMAS TRICE 2m TO THE PIUBLIC• - — Mr Combes, Druggist, ie now sole ag. ent here for the sale at MeLeod.'s Sys- teme Renovator and other tested remed. his. Specific and Antidote for improv. ing weak, and impoverished blood,Dys- pepsie., Bronchitis, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Conanmption, jaundioe, Rid - laey sed Urinary Diseases, Female Ir. regularities and flensral Debility. Laboratory', Goderich, Ont. J. M. Mc- Leod, Manufacturer and Proprietor. NOTICE. • Notice is hereby given that application will bo made to the Legislature of the Pro- vince of Ontario, at Ate neat sesio, by and on behalf of the Town of Clinton, for an act to empower the MuniCipality of the Town of O1lntoentity el Huron, to onosen. date its 'cionbt, °anti to provide for the issuing regu el debentures for the payment of the said cam debt, and for the redemption and retiring of T debentures now Outstanding, end contaiaing 6 mush other provisions es may be necessary to carry out the said consolidation, redemp• to d tion and home. I tion Dated 14th day of Nocrernbor,1890 T MANNING & SCOTT, Solicitors fof the appl icants. cnri °LINTON 1 4/14kligkard Cued every Thurettay efterneen. mom. voIngrOditY, ek, 0. 1891 Eggs! .................... 0 18 4 0 0 90 4 0 011414te4a.t.1,8.P, r.1.11.g. 0 85 ge 0 0 00 0. $ .1.3utter ............. ,..•- 0 3.8 a a wool 0 20 a 0 Pork 6 75 4 6 DL, No. 1 trimmedg gg : g Pfides, rough 8 00 a$ Sheep Skimp Timothy seed 10 2550 aa 10 4600 Clover limed 3 75 a 4 00 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MA.RIKET • 80 60 40 48 60 00 18 Of our Winter Stook are rapd1y disappearjjg under the influence 14 00 o the very low priees we have been offering them at, and we hop ogi to clear them all out in tbe uezt few weeks and be ready for our NEW It seems a little early to talk about Spring Goods, but if you want to get some of your spring sewing done. we have received our SIIIRTINCS, COTTON'S 44 COTT0114.410ES and ENDS There is no improvement in the cattle market, the oversupply continu- ing to have a depressing effect and a tendenoy to further reduce value. The quality offering was fair Tuesday, but only a few of the choicest brought over 4o per lb. The mild weather during he past week had a weakeningeffect n the lave hog market, prices failing to c. but /recovering again under colder weather and light supplies. Them were about 550 bead of batohers' cattle calves and 15 sheep offered at the east end abattoir. There was a larger pro- portion of good cattle, including several normously large bulls, than usual, and hese continued at about the same rates as they did last week, but con2- on and inferior stook brought rather etter prices than they have been doing tely, yet the prices are too low to ave any profits for either farmer or rovers. Mr George Nicholson bought prime steers, averaging 1,125 the eaoh 4io per lb, and in some claim 410 was emanded for choice beeves, but they ere of better quality than has been ffered on this market for several weeks ratty good stook sold at from 3ic to a toe over 4c per lb; common dry cows frons 3 to 3i, and the leaner beasts at ss than 3o per Ib. Messrs Brown ros. bought 2 calves and 18 sheep fore they reached the market paying .25 each for the mutton critters and 9 for the two calves. Fat hogs are t plentiful, and sell at about 5o per und. 0 5 2 t rn b le d6 at d P lit at le B be $5 $1 no po WANTED! 1000 bushels OATS in Exchange for Oat Meal, Cracked Wheat, Farina, . Wheat, Rolled Wheat, Split Peas, Pot Barley, Corn Meal, Oil Cake for Cattle, Fresh Oat Meal from and Flour received every the mill. week JAS. STF. EP, Packer and Curer CANADA COACII HORSES. ANNUA L MEETING OF THE SOCIETY FOR THEIR HEGISTPATIO,N. LoNeoN JAN. 30, '91, The anal meeting was held on above date in the offices of the Farmer's Advocate, and was called to order by the President with the following mem- bers present ;— Arch Wilion,'Presidenty John Gillson, Vice -President; David Fisher, Treasur- er: Jae. Mitchell, Secretary; Thos. B. Smith, New Hamburg • A.. J. C. Shaw, Thamesville; P. R. Shore,'London ; Isaac Hisey,Creernore. Also the follow- ing gentlernenJ. D. O'Neil, V. S., and Wrn. Ardeil, London ; J. W. Robinson, St. Mary's and others. The Secretary read the following report : Goderich, Jan. 25, '91. To the officers and members of the Can- ada Coach Horse Breeder's Society. GENTLEMEN.—In presenting to you this annual report I ENa mat able to con- gratulate you on the 'agrees which we would desire, but it can fairly be said that our experience has been such as to confirm us in the Opinion, if any doubts existed, that our society is an absolute necessity in the present state of horse breeding in Canada, and we would be derelict in our daty to this most im- portant industry and false to our best interests if we would not renew our efforts with greater zeal and persistence than even beforeto spread the knowledge of our society and its objects, Increase its membership and seek -to educate the farmers and breeders to the importance and benefits of systematic breeding of coach stock on the lines laid down in the standard of registration. The total number of entries received to date is as follows: Stallions, 53; mares, 14; total, 67. Of these the amount of fees received has been $27. The number of members who have paid the fee of $5 is 13, making a total of $65. Total receipts, $92 I have paid out a follows: Advertising - Sundry items of printing, .tc., as134581:35 per account herewith $53 98 Leaving a balance of $48.02 The following items are due for ad- vertising the meetings called for the Fair seasons at Toronto and London last September: Farmers' Advocate $14.40 Canada L. S. Journal' . 8.40 In this connection I regret to say that we did not succeed as well as an- ticipated with these meetings. There was no formal gathering, and only in• divideal conversations could be bad with persons likely to be interested in Coach stock registrations. I have carried on an extensive correspond. ence, writing whenever I could get the names of persons likely Oa be interest- ed in our Society and inviting their co- operation, but it is clear to ine other steps must be taken to spread informa- tion regarding our organization and its work. I would strongly urge ap- proval of the steps taken by our Presi- dent, Mr Wilson, to secure a class for our stook in the spring. show to be held by the A. & A. Association in March next, and also that efforts be made to secure a class for our registered stock both at the Industrial and Western Fairs. Another good step would be to endeavor to get recognition of our As - sedation and its registry by the Aineri- driii CleVarand Bay SocietY. This would relieve our stook from the no. just discrimination made in the now U. S. tariff law. I also recommend that a Committee be appointed to draft a new set of Rules and Regulations for the governance of the Soeiety. JAaina MMus/TM, Secretary. A discussion arose as to the advise, ty of drafting a new set of rules and lotions, and it was agreed that a raittee be appointed to prepare each. he President, Secretary and Mr T. with were appointed a committee. raw up a set of rules and regula- s. he next point taken np was the AN* ng of a position in the coming And we think it will pay you to see them before buying. The values are A 1- Zstato J0111 1-106E 5 per cent off for -Cash itt Spring Stallion Show at Toronto. The President explained the steps he had taken in notifying,the Secretary of the A. & A. Association after consulting with our secretary. This was to the effect that our Society would give $50 to be awarded in two prizes of 620 and 330 each for stallions registered in our book at the Stallion Show at Toronto on March 11 and 12. After general discussion the action of the President was approved, and the President and Secretary be authorized to endeavor to secure a class in the In- dustrial and Western Fair prize lists this year by recommending them to make a rule that horses eligible to show as Coach horses thrill be registered either in the Yorkshire Coach, Clev- land Bay Or Canada Coach Stud books. Animals to be registered be required to be of Cleveland markings, with black points, as accepted in Great Britain. The committee on rules and regula- tions were empowered to prepare a list of persons suitable for judges on Coach stock, to be recommended to the Direc- tors of the leading fairs. The committee on rules and regula- tions were instructed to present their report at a general meeting of this Society, to be held at the Albion Hotel, Toronto, on the morning of the 12th of lYfarch, at 9 o'clook, for the consider- ation and adoption, and that a cordial invitation be extended to all persons interested in Cleveland Bay and Coach stock to attend the meeting. The Society then proceeded with the election of officers, which resulted as follows : .President — Arch. Wilson, Paris Station. Vice-President—F. H. Shore,London. See'y-Treas --James Mitchell, Gode- rich, Directors— Wm. Ardiell, London, Isaac Hisey, Creernore, A. J. C. Shaw, Tharnesville. Thos. Irvine, Winchester. Thos. Taylor, Harwich. - Thos. Smith, New Hamburg. S. W., TAple, Kingsville, W. C. Brown, Meadowvale, David Fisher, Goderich. Executive Com.—Thos: Smith, Pre- sident and D. Fisher. -144...LE REGISTER. Household furniture, cows and young cattle on the Miiket Sqnare, on Satur- day, Feb. 7th. T. M. Carling, auct. Farm stock, &c., of James Pickard, lot 4, con. 5, Tuckersmith, on Tuesday, Feb. 10. T. Br own, auct. A , consignment of harness, etc., in Cambell's block, Seaforth, in Saturday Feb. 14th. T. Brown, Auct. NEWS NOTES. ,The cost of the Sioux Indian war was $2,000,000. Tuesday was the coldest day of the season in Illinois and Indiana. Mr John Brown, residing near Wallacetown, West Elgin, while out chopping in the woods the other day fell and dislocated his shoulder. As Mr Brown is nearly 80 years old, the so accidcnt 15 serious. con oli While felling trees on the farm of mo A I Richard Gale,near Centreville,Waterloo pri county, a young man named Bonnick, in endeavoring to released a tree which had lodged, was struck by a sliver, which lacerated his abdomen fearfully, causing death, TO RENT OR FOR SALE ... To Rent. Good brick store, with splendid cellar, sultabie for any business. Situate opposite the market. Clinton. Rent moderate. W C. SEARLE, HOUSE TO LET. Good Brick Rouse to rent on Rattenbury St., all conveniences, five minutes walk from Post Office. Rent moderate. MISS ALICE FOXTON. HOUSE T RI.INT. ,To -rant, it convent° tly situated house on Rattenbury St., with every convenience, near E:beieet ,l ail gerlet °oat As present occupied by In- spector $5 mouth.R o eupied by Mr a a 0 fd It ; n tienorag,sweene de n t 3 y sistinottotda ts toonnces .0 etlasro, bard and a a other conveniences. John Stoneham, W. H. HINE, Clinton. Farin for Sale or'to Rent. containing 100 acres; over 70 cleared, good concession of the Township of Turnberry, miles from Wroxeter and 3 olH011 from 1 Immo house, barn and stable; ' The north half of lots 51 and 52, in thielulset_ vit.:0. WilIbe soli cheap and ou easy tc Apply to Id, MoTAGGAST, Cliuton. - -- - rms. Cottage for Sale Cheap.. House on Mill St., contains parlor, dining room, four bedrooms, kitchen, pantry, wash. room and wood shed, well in wood shed. Plenty of small fruit. Within live minutes walk of centre of town. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to MRS W. MOFFETT, mi the premises 1 m House and Half an Adre of Land for Sale. A comfortable cottage in Holmeavillo con. 'lining seven rooms, hard and soft water in abundance, a number of bearing fruit trees; also a frame stable. For further particulars apply to R. DOCKING, Hohnesville Farm for Sale or to Let The farm lately occupied by Win Baer, being lot fonneemin theMaitlandConcession of Colborne, will besold or leased on favor- able terms. It comprises 00 acres of land, all cleared; has good frame house and bank barn,- with orchard, iko, Apply to 11. HALE, Clinton. im Farm for Sale or Lease. Fifty acres of good land, about three uar tern of a mile from the Village of Espial, will be sold or leased on es.sy terms. The farm is well fenced with boards and ceder rails, and comprises a good barn and stable, frame houe, largo orchard, two neverfailing springs, and four acres of good hardwood timber. Within e. mile of school, church and post ollIce. Salo preferred. , Apply to H. HALE, Huron St,,Clinton, or to MRS CATHERINE MOFFAT, Clinton P.O. 141 .Farn" For Sale. That well-known and vitina,sle farm, lot eighteen in the sixteenth concession of Goderich townsnip,aomprising eighty acres, will be sold on reasonable tonne. Has good frame house of ten rooms, large frame bank barn, with stable under barn, good orchard, etc. Now occupied by Mr John Smith, a ply to the owner, MR GEORGE. F. BURNS, 112 Sandwich Street, Windsor, Ont„ or to H. HALE, Clinton, Farm for Sale. A 150 acre farm, being lot 12 and half of 11, on the 5th con., Mullett. About 40 acres Cleared and fenced, good large frame house, well of water, log stable, deb. Good bearing orchard The soil is excellent. The stand- ing timoer is chiefly blank h ONV largely used for making furniture, and is sidered quite valuable. Six miles from nton. Convenient to school and church, arge portion of the price can remain on rtgage Apply to SAMUEL PAH, Pro- etor, annoy. 4i Rev Dr William Mitchell, a Presby• terian minister charged with forgery, has been sentenced at Fort Worth, Texas, to two years in the penitentiary. The verdict is a surprise, as Dr Mit. chell's bitterest enemies admit that his mind was unbalanced. The case of Mrs Edith Tupper against ex Superintendent of Police Morin, of Buffalo, which was reported on Tuesday to have been dismissed, has been restored to the docket and will be pressed. Mrs Tupper sues for 810,000 damages in connection with her arrest in Toronto some time ago, on a tele - ram from Morin. Sir Richard Cartwright spoke on re- ciprocal trade relations between Canada and the States last Friday evening at the annual banquet of the Boston Ater - chants' Association. Among other things he said: "The trade of the United States is certainly worth more to us collectively than ours is to them. But free trade with Canada will bene- fit quite as many of the people o' the United States as of the people of Cana- da, and to quite as large an extent. Man for man you will gain quite as much as we will. Canada °flora and Canada desires only a fair exchange, and no robbery." Miss Lent, a young school teacher, who was brutally assaulted by the CraSen family a few days ago, has died from her injuries. Mise Lent, who was teaching in a country school near Winnebago City, Minn., puniehed a girl named Criiilen. The girl's Sister ran home and told her parents. The latter became enraged and went to tho school and assaulted the teacher. Mr Crusen Struck Mies Lent with a school book and knocked her down. The enraged mother then grabbed Miss Lent by the hair and dragged her around the room until the oap _of her skull was partly torn from its place. With the aid of her husband the wife picked up the teacher and threw her out of an open window, her head Striking on a stone. A panic ensued and the pupils scattered to their homes, where they reported the assault. The Crusens, father, mother and daughter, have been jailed. FIRST CLASS FARM TO RENT. 134 Acres of Prime Land in Goderich Township. ESTATE OF LATE GEO OAKES The farm belonging to the estate of the late George Oakes, on the Maitland Conces- sion, is offered to rent. It is all good land, and AD but -about three acres (bush) suitable for cultivatio. 30 .ores seeded down, 20 in fall wheat, fall plowing all clo4 acres or- chard, at much as 250 barrels of fne, ruit having been sold some years; good buildings and plenty of water; church and school close by. This 18 008 of the best farms in the township, and will bo rented reasonable for a term of years, All particulars on application to JOHN OAKES, on the premise% or address ed to Clinton Post Office. Tkoro'bred Durham Calves Subscriber offer for sale two• tkoro'bred Durham Bull Calv es, aged 12 months, bred from first class pedi greed stock. Also EOMO young heifein, colore 1 red and roan; will bo sold on reasonable terms, A. ELCOAT, Brucofleld, lot 35, con, 3, Tuckersmith. .1m Pare Bred Suffolk Boar for Service. Subscriber keeps for service at his pre mises,lot 43,London Rd Tuckersmith, a pure bred Suffolk Boar. Terms -51 at time of service, with privilege of returning if neces- sary. JAMES MOTT, .2m Thoro'bred Durham Bull Calf for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale a first-elass Dur- ham Bull Calf of good pedigree. Tett months old; color red and white, W. MAIR, Oth oon., lot 36, Bill36 Line, Hallett. Odd Fellows Life Insurance, The I 0 0 F Society offers come of the hest features in safe life insuranee, as -wen as frater- nal help to its members, insuring Its members for $1,0N, 41,600 or 112,000; 11600 cash in ewe of accident. The lowest rate of expenses, with strict economy, under the management of the Grand Lodge of Ontario. The 0 M 0 Association, under the management of prominent Oddfellovis, transacts a general Life Insurance boldness, it combines the safety of the Stock Co with the cheapness of the Alutoale. Full government Deposit Policies In force, 35,000; ReserVe Fund, over ;000,000; batted Penedos frdm $2i to ;10,000, with profits. For fuller information apply to the Secretary of Oliot° Lodge 1 0 0 Situation Wanted. Tho undersigned wishes a situation ns housekeeper. Thoroughly empable of taking full charge of house. MISS L. PHILIP:,, Clinton P. 0. In, THE POPULAR RY GOODS HOUSE LoN DESBORO T3 -day, Feb. of stock. , wo complete our entering 1 Ends of lines, Remnants and slow selling goods that invariably turn up during a careful stock taking, will bo gathered togetherand offered at HALF PRIG F. Early.customers will have the greater assort- ment to choose from. On Monday next we will place in stock 2r_i3Pieee oCcottonacles_i; 40tn'd Shirtings guaranteed 'fast color 50 ]Elieee; rarint ,- - Newest Designs—Fast Colors 0 , A little lot worthy of your attention is 15 special 'drive of 30 PIECES PRINT Imported for last seasoa's trade—same width and weight as regular, J.2 -c. goods; will be cleared out at Sc. a yard. Also a few pieces of PRINT—desirable patterns, at 50. a yard, in HOTS I SEM We lead the trade—Style — Quality (S.; Low Prices. You will save money by •dealing at a store where goods are sold for cash only. WE PAY CASH FOR PRODUCE OUIMETTE, - _ Are You Satisfied - with the fib you are dealing with for your clothing ? If so, stay with them; but if not, give us a trial. Wo guarantee to sell for loss _ and give satisfaction in fit and workmanship. The question is asked how can we sell for less profit than others? Here is our answer:— We ate under no expense compared with other firms, and by doing ourown work, save a tailor's wages. When ordering drop in and seo OUR BLACK SUITS For less tan twenty five dollais, Walton : & Morrison, Remember the SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON icv:Zex:un's AMIN1111101111.11111mmay V For the next 60 days we will give fa a Discount (110 per et- for cash wha on balance of Winter Stoblt M. Special Bargains in Moccasins, Jr," ,ice4. Wool Boots, Overshoes, Ste, =III atm - :ES Eggs taken, it exchange crsi eras get! W. Taylor CLINTON AND LYTH