HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-02-06, Page 3e litTUOITIAN aNRom V* rbileti belcsv s couple of lettere Obla tottnee Bevonite, who le at pra- t trim ". jrk EerOph, Dr James rOptell. AK% 0," Mr Idiram Campbell, will he fogad. to be $estexestieg t'eestinieS N1MrNov.,29th '90. Alter an eXtrensely pleesant passage we aVriYed here yeateoisay, let $ o'clock. Antwerp it eittutted en the beaks of the Pthilde, OVA infrty Milo from iteonth Theseeesawey up the elver is Taty plotareaghe, eiSteeding on the er'4 del*, alyeet thirty feet above 40' ate,we were juet able to the gable ends a the house e with _ red tiled roofs. Quaint old wind eame with W., genie four fans, etied towering ahoVe the dike, like &ate with extended, armlet ready to preteet awl land from. invaston. Long tines isf trots, plented with ree,thereati- Preeletion, traverse the •low flat totiettry in all direetions. The docks et this place, all of stone, with iron roofs, Were built by Napoleon I, when he was at the height of his powers There is a very old•cathedraltteret containing some o Betasen's finest paintings, whioh I visited this mornieg, during high mass, but not being a painter, I was unable to see the beauties in the pietureff which an artist would see. There is very little diffetenee between the cesturnes of the better elates of people here and those in America. The lower °lasso wear enormous wooden ehoee. They seem to be a healthy, good natured people, abort of stature, and inclined to en -bon - point. The language spoken is French aimed entirely. The modern portions of the city differ little from an Ameri- can city, but in the older portions, the greater part, the streets are narrow, esese "se -es CI,INTONIAN IN MICHIGAN, Te he Sditor ef 14 Oinien New Ern, You would never imegine me to be arum* the .0eternel *news," the ee- educated "ehowiillowe," and the un- pleasant "mueie of the catamount," .yet so it. le, Isere1 atii at ConwaY, in at hie word lla wit* taken, to alio be got' theNorthern part Of Michigan. It Some believed every thieg that be said; was wish no feeling oe sorrQw that 1 at Sterp facts OA not chaege their opon we length turned tny beck on Detroit. Its hugeness awed me, its neiae deafened me and the great number seeking em. Pigment buried MO. Some of you imp 'agme that it wonldnot take many to do ece but you never tried. It was with a sigh of satisfaction perhaps that I took a position on the "Pontiac Post," and there was inst a leirk-ing, bald-headed little bit of disappointment that I had $04101 to snooped in Detroit. The office I was in was crowded with work, the editor Hon. Prof. Fitch, Sup- erintendent lot Public, Instruction of Michigan now vvas running for the office which he now hold's. Ile was also the chairman of the Dernooratie Committee of Oakland county. In the office besides myself and the editor was a young lawyer, who was very anxious i to netruct reo in wage and means of carrying on an election, and as I was an apt student 1 wars very successful in unietering the difficulties. Those of you who read this and have known the inside ring ofv. pelitical party, have a faint idea of the wire -pulling and see- sawing of the inner circle in America. But the Democrats, as you are all aware, succeeded in sweeping the field an d wholly demolishing the structure set up by their Republican friends. The tight only lasted four weeks. It was bitter, sharp and decisive. Before noon the next day each elected or de- feated candidate had decided to his own satisfaction and those of hia friends (these were many or few as he happen- ed to be defeated or elected) just how he had been defeated. The result once known the war hatchet, was buried and the pipe of peace smoked. Republicans and Demodtats once more walked on the same side of the steeet. We were 'well treated by all elected candidates, oysters, cigars and "ehort and long pop" wee free for a few days. But my cempation was gone, the elec- tion over, my "secretary" ability was not furthermore required. I bad an offer of a school but was looking for a paper to dispefie of my valuable abilities, but the Republican papers required no help and the Democrat editors were all looking for office so I accepted a school at Conway and at 12 o'clock (midnight) Nov. 13,1890,1 bade farewell to Detroit, where I was just becoming acquainted and starled on a 300 mile journey north- ward. The night was beautiful, the stary choir in their dazzling dresses looked down and smiled as the train sped along, station after station flew by and was the --mazy distance, Wakeful with excitement I gazed on the fast receeding hills of Oakland county and thought of the many part- ings I had been forced to make. Butweary with toil,tired with thought "balmy sleep" came and easily took me priffoner and I did not wake untilwe were in Grand Rapids. We stayed here from 7.30 a. m. to 11.30 a. in. The electric street oar railway is the most interesting sight, besides lots of pretty houses, beautiful churches, well decorated stores, etc. 195 -miles north then we went. Sometimes the country was a wild uncultivated tract rcovered with the dead trunks` of burned and charred trees. Petoekey, on Little Traverse Bay, only 4 ratite south of Conway, is a famous surnriaer resort. It is built on a hill overlooking the bay. On the opposite side is Harbor Springs the county seat of Emert county. This way one mile and a half is a city called Bay View, all summer residences. You want to know about Conway, tra- la-next time. F. H. Conway, Mich., an. 17, '91 A HUNDRED YEARS TO COME. 'Political Screed— tex Ara MEnDnNIO When business wae dUll, end the havveeta ROT° poor, teir Jelse. with a svink of his eye, --oust return, eel again- elect Inc to power. And 'good times' every Man will thee cry." many of them not being more than ---- twenty feetin- width, and are all wed with stone, quite clean, and well lighted -with gas. There are a great many ,public squares, each containing a statue of some great man. Rubens was born here, and his statue occupies the centre -of the laza, a large public square in thesgWre of the city. Many of the se lamp posts in the public squares were ereeteti in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, and are each surmounted estates etatuette of the Virgin and child, efseh wearing a gilt crown. Many of the houses are decorated in the same manner. LONDON, ENti., Dec. 10, '90. e - leaving Anteeyo we proceeded • byway et-Brateels_teePerie, the capital of la belle Frances. We travelled through a beautiful section of country, flat for the firet part of the journey, but after - \: Lr de rolling, and all apparently very i-iiitful. Every inch of land is here - veltivated according to the most ap- proved methods. Here we had our first opportunity of experiencing' the incon- viences of European railroad travel. We were looked in a compartment with two seats extending clear across the car, and facing each other. The seats were nicely upholstered and comfort- able. The compartments, during the first part of the journey,were heated by a stone about three feet long, contained in a metal case. There were two of these -aeticles placed in each compartment. At Brussele ,these were changed for metal cases', about the same length, -Ccretainie water. By these means the cni w taken off, but it was rte. , cessary for us to have a heavy travelling rug over our knees, in order to enjoy any degree of comfort. We arrived in brilliant, beautiful Paris about 6 o'clock in the evening, . and toidr'a coupe to our hotel, situated dlose beside the Tuileries gardens.- - This cost us 40 cents, and besides we were expeeted to, and in fact aid, give the delver his pourboire, or beer money. In Paris you' are expected to give every- body who does you any service his regular cberge, and fee him besides. The cab delver, the Waiter who brings you a glass of wine or beer, or who waits on you at dinner in a cafe or restaurant, expects a donation, and, unless he receives it, kicks up a terrible row, as I have experienced to my cost. They usually expect twenty centimes, equal to four of our cents. Besides this, on leaving your hotel, and paying an itemized bill DA long as the moral law, for beefsteaks, mutton chops, coffee, matches and sundry other little articles, Which you counted of no value when you received them, or perhape never had, you must tip the chamber maid, boot black, waiter, in fact, the whole army of servants, who are standing at the door, ready to renaind you that you 9 have neglected a very important duty, if you fail to do so. It would be impos- sible, within the compass of this letter, to give you an idea of Paris, with its beautiful gardens, magnificent picture galleries and museums, its brilliantly lighted boulevards, and streets crowded with gaily Ana costly dressed women, fiashing with diamonds, rubies, pearls, seeded ease-njJe6iOU5 steamer There is absolutely no qualor to be seen in THE PRESBYTERIAN YEAR those parts of aris visited by us.- BOOR. Paris is the Mee of the pleasure seek- This woeful me,nual for 1891 has just ors of the world. All climes our their been received, from the office of The quota into the n ver ceasing tide, that Canada Presbyterian." There are ebbe and flows h e. It is strange bow upecial papers on the Moderator, Rev quick tne pe te re to appreciate that • John Laing, D. D., and on Home Mis- you e.re a for ig r, and especially can ,sions by the Editor; on Foreign Mie- le they- dieting. skei li n Arneen, I can aions, by Rev A. M. McClelland, M. A., not tell how i is one, unleffe breathing' D. C-, E.; on the Pointe-aux-Trembles the pure sir ff a ree country. producee School, by Rev R. H. Warden, D. D.; an ea of inden ence which is easily on Missions in Western Canada, by dietinguishalie by the people here, Rev James Farquharson, Pilot Mound, whohavebeeithesubjecte-of oppression Man.; on the Condition and Prospects for ages pa4 and have only secured of Presbyterianism in the Province of political freetorn during the last twenty Quebec, by Rev J. R. MacLeod, Rings - years. We taitdd the tomb of Napo- bury, Q.; on Our Theological Colleges, leon I, in thP Hotel Invalides, it large by James Knowles, Jr. The Rev Robe hospital for !Dialers, containing also a Murray, Halifax. writes most interest - magnificent museum of the weapons ingly of "Thirty Years Ago." Rev R. and armor d all the peoples on •eakth. n . Burns, D. D., describes the field Here lies ailshat is mortal of him wbo and operations of the Synod of the once ruled tie world, who made all Maritime Provinces, and the Rev W. na European archs dance like puppets D. Armstrong, M. A., Ph. D„ Ottawa, at his compiled, and shifted them as it deals with the important subject of chest; player tioes his men. Like a Sabbath 'Observance. Historical sket- meteor, bellied and flobbio, he passed °hes of the following churchee add acmes the hoeson, and expired, a pris- value to the work, viz.: St. Andrew's oner, lonely ael almost forgotten, on Church, St, John, N. B.: St. John'e St. Helelia'S ale. With pomp and Church, Yarmouth, N. S.; Central grandeur his remains were brought Churole Galt, and St. Andrew's -back to Parisolar the French people, Church, New Westminister, B. C. The whorci he loves, and who loved him, general information furnished -such ea end interred Were he now rests. - We calendar for the year, officers of the stood upon the Place de Is Concord, Geeeral A.ssembly, standing commit - around which imged 'statues to the tees, deaths in_the 'ministry, dates for different cities St France, erected by stated collections, Rolla of Sync& and apoleoe III, itiorder tojpromote peace Presbyteries, with Poet Office address tween the diffeent provinces. Aseeng of every minister and an alphabetical stsiusesseeelelietsted to Stras- list of rainisters-is unusually cora, burg, epreeenting the intereste of Al- Ode. Altogether the Presbyterian 4%. 565e -Loraine, the provinces which were Year Book will be found specially use. • ried, ruder compulsion, to the Ger- fill to church members as well asto inane, some twenty years ago. . This, boinese men generally. The pried is each year since, is draped in mdurAing, 25 cents. Address the publishers, 6 by the citizens of Alsace•Loraine, who Jordan Street, Toronto, or ask at your bitterly regret their 'separation from book erore. France. In the centre of the Place de la Concord stands the obelisk of Luxor, the companion to Cleopatra's Needle. The obelisk tands on the exact epot , occupied by the guillotine, during the ' first French revolution. During that rible time 2,000 heads dropped into vimoily basket, separated from their - at the command of the Commune. ( Among the untortranates, whoae blood watered the soil of this sad Bloat was that of Louis XVIII and his wife, the beautiful but unfortnnate Marie An- toinette. jot, Or pue plain commou-sense in their bead. 'ebey thoeght the el.P, though a Insect mite feee, Could wake them both bapeY end rich; 'Wwould brine puethine ad rein for the whole Mousse raoe, As it tootle:11v the weeded a wieele. But ea Unlit worealong, and the years- rolled aWaY., The wealth that he promised came not.— n1 those who are leberiug day sfter day Feel "hard up" and displeased with their lot The farmer, mechanic, day -worker, and all— Though they tolled from the morn till the night, Saw no riches to them from supposed chim- nies And found times "nneommonly tight." Monopolies grew, and shareholders got fat, As high prices they managed to squeeze; And to keep him in place, SirJohn "passes the hat' Among those who can live at their ease. Now reader, aee here, just listen to me, While a word of advice I will give - If you wish to be happy, from burdens be free, Give Sir John a long "ticket -of -leave." He has bled us enough to make the few great Ho has fostered corruption and fraud, He has piled up the debt and made it a weight That bars progress at home and abroad. Just tell him to 'git'—let's give him the shake Be done with his frauds and his plans • For free trade we should work, and a big ef- fort make To give place to a much better man. ----- • NEWS NOTES. Jatnee 13. Boyle, inspector Of Public Schools, London, died on Wednesday night of heart dis- easo. itch, Mange and Soratchee of every kind, on human or wain:sale, cured in 3 minutes by Woolferd's Sanitary Lotion This never fails. Sold by/ IL Combe Druggiat. 3rme27-3m. Capt. Win, D. Dietz,' assistant surgeon in the United States navy, shot his wife dead and then killed himself with a shot gun, at San Francisco. Preparations for the general election are proeeeding. At the Government Printing 13' nreau the i usual election papers, nstructions to voters, etc., are being printed. The Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Presbyterian Church has cancefl. ed ite call to Rev W. W. Carson, of Kingston, for the reason that the call was in contravention of the alien labor law. Rev Mr Carson will now in all likelihood take DP' his residence in Detroit and after- wards accept a second call from the church. _DOES. EXPERIENCE COUNT. 2. It does, in every line of business, and especially in compounding and prepar- ing medicines. This is 'illustrated in the great superiority of Hood's Sarsap- arilla over other preparations, as ehown by the remarkable cures it has accom- plished. The head of the firm of C. I. Hood & Co. is a thorote;hly competent and ex- perienced pharmacist, having devoted his whole life to the study and actual preparation of medioiees. He is also a member of the Massachusetts and American Pharmaceutical Association, and continues actively devoted to super- vising the preparation of and managing the business connected with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hence the superiority and peculiar merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is built upon the most eubstantial foundation. In its prepeeation there is .represented all the knowledge which modern re. search in medical science has developed combined with long experience, brain work, and experiment. It is only ne- cessary to give this medicine a fair trial to realize its great curative value. Hon, Mr Kirkpatrick,the mem- ber for Frontenac, writes to the Kingston Whig to ay:S'Like Mr Chapleau I am in favor of reciprocity in the products of the farm sea, mines and forests. A more extensive reciprocal trade with the 'United States might even be advocated; provided Canada would not be required to pay too much to obtain it.' They will all come to it yet. NEWS NOTES. -- Ron. H. L. Mazdonald, Com- missioner of Public Works for P. E. Island, is dead. There has been a heavy fall of snow in the lumber regions of Wisconsin and Turnbermen are jubilant. Secretary Blaine has definitely stated that -the -United States will not accept reciprooity with Can- ada confined to natural products. Wouldn't you lige to live until the year A. D. 2000, just to see the people and the world gener- ally? Wholnows but you might if you observe the laws of health, and keep the Stomach, Liver and Bowels in full action. The best medicine known for this is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They are small, sugar-coated granules, but powerful to euro; produce.no nausea or griping; easy to take, and .a sure cure tor biliousness, constipation, headache, and dia. easea produced by an inactive liver. A convenient vest-pocket remedy. FACg 'WAS One day it woman wet to Brigham Young for counsel touch- ing SOMe alleged opposition by uu officer et the au*. Brightlmi like a true politician, assumed to know her, but when i became necessary to T00014.1 her e&', tated and said: berii- rep:7twy,yhte‘nwtiabnleYd gotten your name." "Let me see, sister, I have for- i'd I marry you 2" firamaysptulT wife 1" queried wily old Brigham. The woman informed hire, and after consulting it metnorandum book the old fellow said: "Well, 1 believe you are right, my good woman. Lthought your face was familiar." British trade mittens for the calendar year 1890 show that Canada's trade with the mother country declined considerably last year. The total value of goods imported into the Domin- ion from the -United Kingdom last year was £4,841,979, com- pared with £5,428,850 in 1889, a decrease of £588,877, or about $2,900,000. This is how Canada's trade with the mother country is being increased under the opera- tion Oa trade polieyo._which im- poses twenty-two per cent toll, on the averge, upon imports from Breat Britain and fifteen per cent upon American imports. A pathetic scene was wit„nessed in front of the post officerWednes- day afternoon. Thediverced wife of a well-known Port Huron citi- zen was walking down the street with her newly -wedded husband. - A little daughter accompained the mother. Up the street came hum- band.No. 1, with a young lady companion. The parties never spoke as they passed by, but the little girl caught sight of her fat- her. and leaving the side of her mother, she rushed up to him,and throwing her arms around his neck kissed him several times. Finally the father bid the little ono good•bye, and told her to run along'ivith her mother. -The af- fair was witnessed by a number of the acquaintances df_both parties. It is evident that the little girl knows no divorce law, and that her affection for her father and mother is as great as even -Pert Hu rein Ti m es. Executors Notice to Creditors We make a specially of Try our Blended Black, We can ;rive good Japan Also eliolk;eYoungllyson We told our cuetorners net to deceived with peddlers, and a number have taken our advice and quit thew. hey find that they can do as well at the. Hob ovrt, COFFEE is the best we can buy $ Canada. We guarantee _satisfac- tleat every time. W &j4114 eh W. cx,Trirrrcorc gives good satisfaction and you'll use no other at all prices to suit that gives satisfaction .atostars uRE NEIIMITEA IN TOE MATTEE OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIADI HENRY COOPER, TOE YOUNGER., LATE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON, IN 'POE COUNTY or Horton, MARBLE CUTTIOR AND DEALER CLINTON. Pursuant to Chapter 110, Section 36, R.S.0.. 1687, and amending act, notice is hereby given that all oreditors and other persons saving °labile or deraands against the estate of the above named. William Henry Cooper, the younger, ere hereby required_to send or de- liver to Mannin dc Scott, solibitors for the administrator,Clinton, Ont., on or before the SOth day of February, 1891, their christian, names, surnames, statements and descrip- tions with full particulars of their claims, statements of accounts, and nature of se- curities, if any, held by them, after which date the Adrainistrator shall distribute the assets of the estate of the said WilliamHen- ry Cooper, the younger, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to those ' claims el which, they oi,atl thenluive motice, andllie said administrator will not be liable for, the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person of whose c ms no c have been received by them at time of such distribution. JOB COOPER, Administrator a the Real and Personal Estate of Wm. H. Cooper, jr., deceased. MANNING dc SCOTT, Solicitors for Administrator If your children suffer with 'snuffle' nse Nasal Balm. It will give instant relief -and saves the little ones much suffering. Solds by all dealers. Try it. 13. S. Secretary of the Treas- ury Windom fell dead from heart disease at the New York board of tradp banquet, last Thursday night,just after delivering a splen- did speech. Thirty-two counties in the western part of Nebraska are in soretlistress. The farmers were unable to raise enough on their farms last season for seed. To keep the wolf from the door they have practically consumed their entire sur- plus means. We have received from Lovell es Co., Montreal, it copy of the book entitled "Name and Fame" be Adeline Sergent, which is intensely' interesting, and well worth the price. We have elso receiv- ed one entitled "Wormwood," by Maria Corelli. The name of the author is sufficient recommendation to guarantee a large aemand for this book. English Spayin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coatis, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by J. H. Combe, Druggist. June 27, 1 yr lalies ti e shall not Executors' Notice to Creditors tITEEPABSOLUTELY PURE MANUFACTRED OHM GARDENS IN We are Sole Agents for Ram Lal's Pure Indian Teas. We beg to ask you to give them a trial, because they are absolutely pare; are grown d improve and prepared on the estate by the most skiLleCl I000t machinery that monoy can buy, whereas China Teas are picked an carried by natives long distances before being made ready for th market. Ram Lars is a blend of Three Teas grown and prepare especially for this brand. Will always be the same flavor, to -day ten years hence. 'Ls cheap ; only Fifty Cents '-or a pound;packaa which will go as ?ar as two pounds of China ot JapanTeas.. 4.-W. IRWIN, _The Times. Tea Warehouse_ Cooper's Old Stand, Cor..Searle's Block, CLINTON .........si...s.......s. , 011S‘ItitiI10141 stu1k4 In the matter of the Estate of Robert Phil- ips, late of the 71._olon of Clinton, in the Count y of Huron, deceased Pursuant to Chapter 110, Section 36, of the Rev hied Statutes of Ontario, notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having claims or demands against the estate of the above named Robt. Philips, are hereby required to send or deliver to the undersign - cd executors of the last will and testament of the said late Robt. Philips, Clinton P.Q,, on or before the 10th day of February,1891,their Rhristian and surnames, addresses and de- scriptions, the tull particulars of their claims, statements of their accounts, and the nature of the securities Pheld by them any); after which date the Executors un- der the will shall distribute the assets of the estate of the said Robt Philips, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims tof which they Shall then have notice, and said executors will not be liable for the said assets, or any part there- of, to any person of whoselclaim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Clinton this sixth Ray of Jan.,1891 C. A. IIARTT, Soliciter for Executors. JAS. H. COMBE,Executors. JOS. 110 NELL, The building of the Western Art Association at Omaha, Neb., has collapsed. Bongerau'n pic- ture, "The return . of' Spring," valued at $20,000, and many other valuable works on exhibi- tion were ruined. James M. Slocum, he New York baseball player who killed his wife January 1, 1889, and who was convicted of murder in the first degree, but appealod, was sentenced Thursday to be electrocuted at Sing Sing in the, week beginning March 16. Officer Nash, of Windsor, a.id Detective McDonnell, of Detroit, made a very clever capture on Thursday when they arrested it young man named they Ladou- cier charged with being connect- ed with the robbery of $7,000 worth oldiamonds from the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, on Nov. 29. Ladoucier came to Windsor a few days ago. A Chicago detective waa in Wiodsor Wednesday hut •coald rot find Wm. He was seen on t'.ie street by Nash and McDonnell and was arrested just as Jae wa.s emerging from the Manning House. When he Was searched a magnificent diamond bracelet and pin, valued at $1,000, were found on his per- son, together with it small sum of money. He said that he had comrnitted the crime and that his partner was locked up in East Saginaw. This is cerroborated by a dispatch from Saginaw. Ladoucior is about 22 year of age and well dressed. He says that as soon aS the New York authorities arrive he will tell them where the rest of the stolen jewelry is. STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND. ESTABLISHED - - - 1895 HEAD OFFICE IN CANADA-110§..TREAL Total Insurance over 6102,630,000 Total Invested Funds over... . • •1633,780,000 Investments in Canada over 65,000,000 Deposited with Government al Ottawa f or Canada Policy Holders $9,000.000 Policies iseued under all systems, including their new Reserve Bonus Plan, under which very large profits may be expected. Prospectuses and all information furnish- ed at Head Office or at any of the Cona- pany's agencies. W. M. RAMSAY, Manager for Canada. C. HUNTER, Superintendent of Agencies. E. W. BVIILEY, -Inspector, Stratford District CLINTON, ONT The murderer of John Hyslop, of Ancaster'has not yet been discovered, but SiDCO the rewards have mounted up to $700 nearly every bailiff,county conatablt and amateur detective in the vicinity has gone on the warpath. Rev T. W. Jeffery, rigor of the Berkeley Street 3/Xothodist Church, Toronto, who has many friends In London, continues ser- iously ill, and there it not much prospect of improveMent in his condition. C. C. ItICHARDS rt Co. Geeers-1 have used your M1NARD'S LINIMENT in my family for BOMO years and believe it the beat medicine in the market as it does all it is recom- mended to do. Cannon Porto, N. B. D. KIElte'rtaiD. John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs ns that be was cured of a very severe attack of rheumatism by useing Mfl- 'Who said Hood's Saraparilla ?' ARD'S LINIMENT. Thousands of people, who know it to b. the beat blood purifier end THE PRESS TO THE EDITOR: $ Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named drsase. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shaU be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have con. surnption If they will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfully' T. At BLOOM% 188 West Adelaide St.. TORONTO, ONTARIO. THE B. LAURANCE. SPECTACLE New ‘Vorii,- for 1891. DAILY. SUNDAY. WEEKLY. 6 pages, le. 20 Pages, 4c. 8 or 10, 3c. THF. AGGRESSIVE REPUBLICAN JOURNAL uF TIM METROPOLIS. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE MASSES ALL MEN. voting, old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nervons,weak and exhausted •J who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the fol- lowing symptoms; Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, ernie- sions, lack of energy, pain in the kid. neys, headache, pimples on the face or bocly,itehing or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, diz. ziness, epecks before the eyes, twitohing of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby mnsoles,de- sire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excit- ability of temper,stteken eyee serround. ed with Leaden Cirole,oily looking skin, ete., are all symptoms of nervous de- bility that lead to insanity and death unless cured, The spring or vital force having lost its tention every function wanes in consequence. These When through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your addrese for book on all discuss peculiar to man. Address M. V. 13BON, 50 FrOnt St, E., Toronto,Ont. Boelse sent free Reeled. Heart disease, the symptom' of which are feint spells, purple lIpe, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot finehes, rush of blood to the head, du pain in the heart with bests strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, eto., can positive- ly be cured. No atone pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LIIBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont. Ulm 20, 1890, Spectsoles and Eye Glasses are the only genunie English Articles 'in the Canarben market s are recommended by and testimonials have boon received Iran the Presidents of the Radical a sedation of Canada, Colic*: of PhySiCiallla n5 Surgeons of Quebec, and scores of the best ph viician of Ontario. The 0 Leterene, patent test card Iliad, in all c 9103 and guaranteed to fit as accuratel as any machine We guarantee satisfaction For sale only at. C00401-0 F.1F'S CO CoIEK S rir Co 1E1 E, C1IIINT7C1N. HAYWARD'S PATENT sompe, 'mi... .A0 . CART. _• • These Carts leave long Springs, length ways, back hackOf th4ftlite axle,rtuderneath"th- seat, which gives the passenger an easy motion, also a long spring in front white' takes off the horse motion and the jar when the wheel strikes an obelentotior They are no constructed as to be -perfectly balanced with either One or 0,e,pas sengers. We also manufacture a PIIIETON ROAD CART,--for-t-tapet - two persons. This is a very neat and stylish cart; suitable for ladies, phyaiiiiip or general purpose. Is light, strong and durable, 'and le very easy mortriteds --, 1 na,y carts are free from horse -motion., In the manufacture of these carts my ob jeot has not been to produce the cheapest carein the market, but the most effici- ent for durability and comfort. The material of which they are constructed be- ing of the choicest quality. We guarantee them to be satisfactory in all respects. Persons wishing to try them and see how they ride, are at liberty by calling' e my shop. We also manufacture and keep in stock BUGGIES, WAGGONS and CUTTERS. Repairing of all kinds done with neatness and despatch. • HAYWARD'S CARRIAGE FACTORY LAIN- 9L1C)1T Founded December 1st, 1887. Circulation over 100,000 copies DAILY. The Press is the organ of no faction; pulls no wires; has no animosities to avenge. The most remarkable Newspaper Suc- cess in New York. The Press is a National Newspaper. Cheap news, vulgar sensatione and trash find no place in the columns of The Press. The Press has the brightest Editorial page in New York. It 'sparkles with points. The Press, Sunday Edition is a splendid twenty page paper, covering every cur- rent topic of interest. The Press Weekly Edition contains all the good things of the Daily and Sun day editions. Those who cannot afford the Daily, or are prevented by distance from early receiving it, The Weekly is a splendid Substitute. As An Advertising Medium. The Press has no superior inNew York. HAVE YOU NEURALGIA If you are saffering the agonies of neuraigia, inI have failed to get it remedy that will afford re- lief, we want yOU to try Polson'a Nerviline. No remedy in the market has given any thing like the earne degree of satisfaetion. Its action Oa nerve pain is simply marvellous, and as it is put up in 25 cent bottles no great expense is involved in giving it a trial, Poison's Nerviline is the most pleasant, powerful, and certain pain remedy in the world. Sold by druggists and all dealers in medicine. 20 Celaia a bottle. iLINTON NEW ERA R. HOLIvIES, - - Publisher, CLINTON, .5 - ONT. THE PRESS. Within the reach of all. The best and cheapest Newspaper published in America. Daily and Sunday, one Year, $5 00 " six months, 2 50 one month, 45 Daily only, one Year, . • . 3 00 four months, . 1 00 Sunday, one year, 2 00 Weekly Press, one year, ! . 1 00 Send for the Press Circular. Sample free. Agents wented everywhere. Lib eral coinmissions. Address, THE PRESS, Potter Building, 38 Park Row. NEW Yone. k." Go!, 1:1. - 0.4 :171 rnz • r,0 "'go btpi su us s CD Peg.prigapho ica Vs CO Pl. 00 gg etbl%iir ple.411 a'1.4 p.„,..5EvAg&n,g ;;mirOBT.,gcs. WAP-zpvgli Eiti;1116 tyaic,..,F.14114 THE NEW ERA is published every Friday; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad , X vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for,$1,.50 a year, in advance. JOB DEPARTM IA,NT. We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, 3ale Bills, and any kind of printing that -can be desired. Prices the Lowest, Work the Finest and satis- • faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. -R. HOLMES, BOX 74. CLINTON. CATALOGIVER 1141311IT Best and Cheapest Fence 'STEEL. R006—IRON FOIJMOATIO BUILDERS' IRON WORK, Office Railings, Lawn FurniSure AND FOUNTAINS, ETC. ADORERS Baru Wire & Iroa Wods (z...zzArrzsr)). WALICERVILL7, ONTARIO. ON A LICATION