HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-01-01, Page 2;F D ,IIINLT X li Ion IsOCIAT• XQrJel 4.'. e 'and Domple k arnegs, :Berea dkc, 0'040014A &rmoer, set price banal 0.10TTEi14 N 41.413., Henke ler sale ter to'rent, eentaini rg rearm, on William a$t, near the cope.. te.. MaS;' Pantie s' or E. Cormier J` v'. WI':fO1 ELI, fs offering from 10 20; per cent off,WinOr g,Qada to clean. Out srad }Hake ream ,for spring loo .., F.r au. -On information laid elf IlviRector Paisley, Mr Henry Martin, hopbll keeper, $altford, and, Mr W. Lashani, of the same place, were 1144 week filled by .Olintgn mragistrat a 40 and costs,for violating the Croo s' Act, by selling lienor on election da . Maar,uon--At Goderich, on We nesdayr John Be Ttumball, the. wel - known and popular young jeweller,ef Clinton, wanuni#ed in marriage to a young lady who had e „ only recently eeoa ,resident. of • the circular town, Miss Clar+a'tal. ,Swerts, late of Clinton. Rev..T.W, Shiltonperform, ed the ceremony, and Miss Minnie Rumballand .Mr H. E. Hodgeue act- ed as bridesmaid and groomsman. - That the young couple have the best wishes of a large circle of friends,goe9 without Baying. DESERyne HELI' •- Hugh Moore has concluded not to ask the council for any assistance towards rebuilding lirsnnery, but at the suggestion of a number of prominent persene,a ppp tition is being circulated among the townupeople,-whereby they may. show theilrF,.sympathy in a practical" way, and thee help hint to re-establish his, business. As an old resident ot town he isentitled to some consideration, more especially under existing, circ• cumstances, and if Our townspeople can see their way clear to assist him, they will at one and the same time be doing a good act for him, and for the town, Masers S. S. Cooper and Geo.' Hanley have the petitions in hand. . OGS, - LOGS *tapieton Salt Works is pre- -pare take any quantity of LOGS titins,. corning season, principallyl t;. And. Bass- wood. Aso Ststvo Bolts and Cordwood . gown *Qom. IDnuTiFIED--Yourex, forger, hull - lest 'oats and seed wheat' swindler, who was recently arreatod at Bremen, Germany has been identified by Mr Stork, the manager of the Bank of Commerce, Belleville, and will be ex- tradicted at once. LNseNNE.:-+On Monday afternoon Constable Wheatley received a tele-' gram to be on the lookout for a. young man named McKenzie, from Kincardine township, who had stray- ed away from home, being out pf his mind. The young man had hired a .tig at Wingham and drove down this direction, and Wheatley, learn- ing that he had gone on to Bruce - Geld, went down and secured him. He was brought here Monday night, and placed in safe keeping, and 'taken to hie friends the next day. A 'VERY UNDIGNIFIED ASSEMBLY -Any one who had occasion to at- tend the,County Council, while it was in sssion, would hardly think that he had got into the right place, r for some of the members sit around 'in all kinds of 'undignified attitudes, a good many of them smoke while 'bueinets is under way, and the entire =absence of any thing like order would - not; create a very favorable impress ion am the visitor. The County -Council ehonld turn over a new leaf, and paste it, so that it will stay "turn- edover." Nov So. -The statement of the '1'Vingham correspondent of the God- •erich.�Sigasal,that "a good house:is ob- tainable in Clinton for $2.50 per ]month apwarde" is simply untrue, . And further, there are very few rent- able•houses to be had here. The Sig- nal correspondent swings just as -vert sati]e a pen as he didwhen correspond- ing for the NEW ERA, but he certain- ly should not believe every yarn he hears, which is told concerning a sister town, particularly when there is an air of probability about such.- [The correspondent has since written here apologizing for the item in ques- tion, but he should make the apology just as public as be did the mislead- ing item. -En NEW ERs.] MILITARY MATTLBS.-A general meeting of the officers of the 33d Batt. was field at the Rattenhury House on Wednesday of last week, to consider matters pretaining to the resignation of Col. Coleman, and the conning camp out drill in June. It was un- animously agreed that the vacancies should be filled acording to seniority of rank, and under this agreement Major J. G. Wilson, of Seaforth, will become Lieut -Cols of the Battallion, Capts. Crockett and Varcoe will be - come Majors, and Capt. John A. Wil. son assume the adjutantship. Lieuts Holmes and Young, of Dungannon, will succeed to the Captaincies of Messrs. Crockett and Varcoe. There was a full representation present at the meeting and some routine matters connected with the annual drill were arranged for. a7, Narss ---Mr Geo. A. Calbick, of -Moodyville, B. C., (son of Mr J. Calbick) is troubled with rheumatism in his hip, and hardly able to get around; his wife, who has been troubl- ed with pleurisy, will come eaet for the summer. Mr Jas. Reith, former- ly of town, is filling a position in Tacoma, W. Ter., at $00 a month, and likes the country well, Mrs Walter Coats, of Wingham, who has been visiting here, returned home on Friday. This is fine winter weather, if there was only a little more snow. Do you belong to the Mechanic's In- stitute ? $1.00 will make you a member for a year. Mre Clarke and daughter, of Clinton are visting in The family of Dr. Reeve !eft town on Friday last, for West Superior City, Mich., where the doc- tor has decided to locate. W. A. Calbick, formerly of Brussles, and son of Mr John-Calbick,nf Clinton, is.re- ported to be very ill at his home in New Westmineter,,13. C. The roller rink is enjoying considerable patron- age at present. Mr Granger, of Flesberton, was a caller at the resi• deuce of Rev. J. W. Shiltoq, on Thursday; he had driven over and was on his way to Parkhill. Miss. Franc Welsh, late of Cooper's $ook Store, has taken charge of a mission school at St Clair, in Lambton; she is an est-amable young lady and has lots of friends whose best wishes accom- pany her. Dr. C. G. B. Klophel, brother of Conductor Klophel, of the G. T. R.) has been electgdto fill the vacancy in the Northwestern College of Dental Surgery, at Chicago The other day an old man named Gordon, who claimed to belong to London, stole a bundle of socks fr he front of Robertson's store; he w hortly afterwards captured by Ch Wheatley, and the mayor committ him for trial. Mr Albert Kaiser h aken a position in Steep's Paeki house, of which his father is manager; Mr Steep is working up an extensive business in this line and is literally "filling a long felt want:" Mr Ken doll, who has had charge of the switches at the diamond for several years, leaves- till's week for Stratford, where he takes a more important position Wm. White,Esq.,ofMitch. ell, D DGM of No 4 Masonic District, was in town last Friday,the 30th Jan. and paid an official visit to Clinton Lodge No 86, A F and A M. Mr H. W. Jessop, of Blyth, was in town on Wednesday, and in conversation with a friend said that the past season was an excellent one with the merchants f that burg. The next meeting ot he Septennial Circle will be held in ie Orange Hall, on Tuesday evening. e understand that Mr Plumsteel, ., has Lately had notification that as on as a few details aro complied ith, the immense fortune left in ermany, of which reference was reviouely made, will be distributed mong the proper heirs. A young an named Stewart,of town, who was orking in the country, had the Ellis.• rtune to get his leg cut the other y, by the axe ot his companion arcing and striking him on the leg. r David Cook has purchased a fine w organ from the Clinton Organ ompany. Mr and Mrs Sweet, of 'oodstock, are the guests of Mr atchford, of the Clinton Organ etory. While Mr H. C. Cook d wife, of the Huron road, were lying home, on Monday night, e cutter_ upset, throning them out, raining Mrs Cook's arm severely. merchant of town returning from ronto a few days ago, had an ex- rience he does not care to undergo ain, being tired he sought sleep, king the conductor to wake him at atford, this he did not do and was ried to the next station past Strat- d, and was compelled to spend the ht in Stratford, he'..says he was d enough to swallow the conductor not waking him. Mr T. H. Cole, Goderich township, bought from F. Emerson, one of the Clinton gan Co's organs; Tom keeps up h the times. James Mitchell and yid Fisher, of Goderich, left this ek for Findlay, Ohio, where they to help in.the formation of a Stud ok on the same basis as that of the minion Stud Book. Russel Henry ad, who,25 years ago, was Division trt Clerk here, died in Winnipeg s week. Miss Lena Mason, town, eriously i11. Mr Henry Young.ie confined to the house by illness. e DoliertyOrgan Company purpose ism a new catalogue; it will be a &tome one, as this Company goes the rule of "only the beat,"---- the meeting of the Collegiate m- ute Board on Wednesday, Mr Jas. tt was reelected chairman for year; W. H. Hine, Secy -Treat, E. 'Moore re -appointed caretaker ing the pleasure of the board.- • Church Work. At a meeting of the quarteil board of the Main St, Methodist Church, Exeter, held last Monday night, it was resolved unanimously that a call be extended to the Rev. E B. Lance- let', of Colborne St. Church, London-. T the on ten To NAREow ESCAPE -At St Thomas, last week,as the London & Port Stan- ley passenger train was crossing Tal- bot street, an accident happened which', in nine cases out of ten, would have resulted in the terrible death of from one to three persons. Mr•Will Southcombe, and wife, of Clinton, went to that city by train, on their way to Sparta, tovisit friends. Ar- thur Clark drove to the city to meet them; and all three were returning, when an approaching the Talbot St creasing the flagman warned them of the approaching train. The' horse was difficult ao handle, and Clark. seeing he couI not turd in the space between him and the track, tried to cross, but the train struck the shafts between the horse and the vehicle, and threw all three out on the track, directly in front of the -engine. The' foresight of the engineer, and that alone, saved the three from a terrible death between the wheels.- He put on the steam brakes and reversed the engine 'until the wheels turned back- ward Upon the track, stopping, the tr,i,i within eight feet. The buggy Iwas smashed to pieces, while the oc- cupants escaped without injery, save ' Clark's leg, which received a flesh wound. DEATH OF MR E. J. W000s.-One of the most highly esteemed, and oldest mettlers of the town, in the person of Mr Edward J. Woods, passed away at the residence of Mr W. W. Hicke on Wednesday after- noon last. Deceased was born in Wales, July 29th, 1800, and came direct to Mitchell in 1845, of which until the time of his death. Soon after a poet office was opened here, With the late Col. John Hicks as -postmaster, and Mr Woods was giv- en charge of it, a position which he held until about eight yeard ago, nhen on account of his advanced yawl, he was obliged to retire from active purabits, He wee a most obliging ' and painstaking official, rind never considered anything a trouble when he could dn a service to anyone. During the loug y era that he attended to his poet o ea ifi dutieei he was never bat three ays frotn his post, and often boasteditbat sickness was unknOWn to hittiFen men were More highly esteem , and even thmigh he lived long b loud tbe three emit and ten yean4, his 'death hail casts &Om over the wntire fMr Woods Wei in uncle el Mr Thos Senkina, of the Huron i road, e t wap ordowly transacted. - The churc still Continues .to proeper and the financial xecord, wall be away ahead of'auy pteviouM year. Tile army held a big xt eting. in. the Mown ball, on Tuesday evening in the intereate of the Social Reform movement The off ears"present were Col, Young, Chief Sec., Brig. Phil).- pot; Major Leighton; Staff;Capts. Bonen and Sweetaian, Lieut, Lee and others. The addresses wereallin the line of array .work tint 6030nd at thpse A collection was taken up amounting to about $130. Next Monday, Feb. 9th, will be the regular meeting of W. C. Y, P. 0. A., this meeting will" be open to everybody, and it is hoped that all who can will attend, as it cannot be otherwise then profitable to listen to the Rev A. D. McDonald, of Sea - forth, on the subject be has chosen for his loclure "Difficulties of Foreign Missions." A cordial invitation le extended to all. Sunday, March let, will be observ- ed as the centennial of Methodism in Upper and Lower Canada, and there- fore reference to it is likely to be made 'in every Methodist pulpit of Canada. One hundred. years of the work of the Church is certainly a fruitful theme. John Wesley died about 10 o'clock in the morning, March 2, 1791. The St Thomas Journal of last week, says :-"Rev. J. Livingston, of Listowel, formerly of the London Conference, spent Sunday and Mon- day evening with the people of Grace Church. His sermons on Sunday were on behalf of the missions. It would scarcely do him justice to say the congregation on Sunday was greatly satisfied. The large audience which gathered in last night to hear him lecture on "The Human Voice," frequently interrupted him with ex- pressions of'appreciation." The quarterly services of Ratten- bury street church, were held on Sunday morning last. The lovefeast service was not only largely attended, but was participated in by a great many, the power of the divine spirit being graciously manifest and the experiences giving evidence ofgrowth, development and spiritual, progress during the past quarter An un- usually large number also participat- ed in the sacrament; the membership of this church is in a very healthy and gratifying condition; -and the pastor, Mr Shilton, has the satisfac- tion of seeing "much good done in the name of the Lord." The union evangelistic services in Rattenbury St church, conducted by Rev. A. H. Renton, are nightly at- tended by large crowds, and several have already gone forward as seekers of salvation. Mr Renton is au able and eloquent preacher', and presents the truth in such a manner that it at once carries conviction. He has re- cently been conducting meetings in Muskegon, Manistee, Mason, Benton Harbor, Grenville and Carson City, all these cities being in the State of ,Michigan, and over 1050 adults pro- fessed conversion. He has calls for / work in different parts of Ontario,but previous engagements in ,,Michigan om prevent his acceptance of any. The as services here will be continued tor ief -some time. Miss Williams, evangel - ed ist, was present at the services on as Wednesday. . ti ng The For Ten Before we enter stock and wind up the year's business, on Saturday WO begin with some stnytling prices. We want to make SATURDAY the biggest day in tbe month. $300 wanted. Remember these prices last only ten days. ID IR, ICMS Shirtingi - 7c 10c Shirtings, best 10c 15c Ginghams . 5c Sc Gifigharas - 8c 121 Towelings . 5c 8c Grey itanze1s 121- 16c HeavyShirts(wool)40 75c Top Shirts , 45c 75c Corsets • . 25c 40c Dress Goods ITC Dress Goods 8c 121c Dress Goods 10c 15c Cashmeres 25c 40c Stockingeno1)10c 25c Gloves - - 10c 25c Buttons - 5c 10c Embroideries 2c 5c Embroideries 5c 8c Embroideries 8c 121c Art Muslins 81c 1U Art Muslins 10c 15c BestCorsets 90c $1 During th paratory to ge expect will b clear out su you the b; lines wil. to r We want every man, woman and child to come and see us SATURDAY. We want to make this the' biggeet boom ever heard of in the County. 0 r sr so a fo da gl ne BI Fa an dr th sp A To pe ag RS Str car for nig ma for of G. Or wit Da we go Bo Do Re Co thi is s also Th han on At stit Soo the and dur he regular quarterly servieee of Ontario Street Chinch were held Sunday last and were largely it- ded. The quarterly Board met on eetley afternoon and ttle business anniversary riervices of Willis Chutch were held on Sunday last, at which the Rev. J. A.Murray, of Lon- don, occupied the pulpit both morn ing and evening. At the morning service the text of the discourse was Col. 1: 12, chosen as appropriate to an anniversary occasion,and uponwhich the preacher delivered an earnest,and impressive sermon. In the evening the text was John 3: 16. In opening he said this might be thought a rather strange anniversary text, the tendency being on such occasions to' preach either the congregation or the preach- er, but he thought it too solemn for any words of man's wisdom; it might be that they never again would meet in the same capacity as at present, so he desired to preach to them Christ only, giving an able sermon, which was broad in its thought and yet comprehensive. The collections taken during the day amounted to about $300. ROBERTSON Spr bffe the G-REAT CASH STORE hey Ba CLIXTON MODEL SCHOOL REPORT. Number enrolled for January 1891, 466. Average attendance 415. Monthly report for division 1 is as as follows: -Senior class, marks at- tainable, 335: Thomas Wheatley 224, Ed Muir 220, Howard Grant 219, Louis Doherty 218, Fred Lavin 213, John Joy 201, Horace Jackson 193, James Fortune 190, Ernest Davis 176, Maggie McMurray 174, gtewart Plummer 173, Flossie Pattison 170. Class 2 -Marks attainable 320 : Celia McRae 271, Bertha Bean 261, May Robb 257, Maude Wiltse 253, Clara Ferguson 251, Minnie Aitken 248, Fred Ross 240, Annie McCorvie 219, Wm Biggart 211. Claes 3 -marks atsainable 32b: Teas McCuaig 190, Malcolm McCuaig 184, Rosa Cun- ningham 184, Robert Twitchell 181, Millie Newman 178, Blanche Shep- erd 177, Jennie Moffatt 175, Louis Peckitt 168, Marion Harland 163, Jennie Smith 162. Next month look 'for the lowest five fn each room. Report of Division II, Clinton Model'School, for the month of Jan uary-Senior Section -Alfred Os- borne, Mary Lough, Maggie Ander- son, Elsie Dowzer, Ada McDonald, Olive Helyar, Minnie Moore, Louie Heywood, Nettie McRae, Benjamin Webb, Jean Fortune. Junior Sec- tion- Maud Keane, Howard Jackson, Maud Moffat, John Forrester, Eva Cooper, Perry Plumsteel. Exeter . NOTES. -The South Ituron County orange Lodge,held their annual meeting hero on Tuesday last, a large crowd of Orangemen being in attendance considering the very stormy weather. Council meeting to night Friday. The Skating Rink is running at full blast this wegia Reeve Rollins, and Deputy Connell, on Saturday last. Mr R. C. Brumpton,who has carried on Busineaa in Pickards Block here, the paid year, left on Saturday last for Luoknow, where he will carry on the mercantile business in the future. Mr John Hawkshaw, has purchased 28 acres of land, the east side of the village belonging to the Pickard estate ,paying therefore a hendsoine figure. Mr Hawkshaw intends erecting a residence and barn eto., on the premises in the Spring. Mr Thomas Oke,pnrchased the residence of his late father which was sold by auction'on Saturday last, paying the sum of 1610,00 for it. Horse buyers are very nutnerous in town this week. A large »umber our citizens are being confined to their homes through ACKSON BROS, Idlers & Furnisholi CLINTON, Ont. During this month we wi Cash purchasers, in the 1 der not to carry over mu give a reduction in our pr is well assorted, and our offering s 'Dress Goods', all Woollen GI -o our ILAadies; 13113 at 25 eents4 eau: BARGAINS IN Decide to visit our_ compare our price proceed to ma,ke th Wesley ilie tabs