HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-01-01, Page 14er- greet aries for aye the NOW a line policy has ed, it is said, by the e last. few months, and paned upp a angst interest- rs®ussien about the big velar- bene. uncoy Depew hap always 7 1Rticegt as to.bis salary !ent of the New York t, .others who appear to -th his income Bays 'nly receives from eetral $75,00Q a makes from his `ice an addition - g his total in- ar. This may • sum to pay career- by to be one of But Mr 'ye the $ 75,- ork Central any severe art, but for aow1c dge of company and c them with friction. Mr arly morning filled with all th all sorts of man who r -- y he does must hem moat sat- ys in the inter- ork Central. ome of the salaries Yorkers; H. B. t of the Equitable 'ociety, receives Alexander, the 00, and John r, $25,000, t of the ny, re- annis, 30,- ef. 0 the great cruisers, the bands pl= in$ oiTail to the Chiofr' the gre personal honors shown the hold Of aloe, no doubt, are intended wake upthe, cowpensation„wbi cannot. he represented by'his sa ry of $50,000 a year,. ,The ca. net officers receive $.$,Q00 a ye. Senators and Congressmen reeei each $0,000 a 'year, 1'overn Hill receives $J.0,000,.a year, a'n the senators and .aseena,bly-me $1500 a year. Otte .has only t look 'at the difference in the fig ures received by men lit VON life and those paid to men wb reach the pinnacle in busines life in New York to observe th great difference and wonder a it. The wonder is that men o the personal abilities at the hea of the national and state govern ments should consent to accep the salaries paid to them. Bu then comes the y�i iversal state ment that the d.�jlonors of th places held by them in a measure must make np for this vast diff. ence in the pecuniary compensa tion. AN ALLEGED MIRACLE. Samuel Bowth is a coloured man, who for .li long time has been employed in a lumber .yard, writes a Jacksonville correspond.. ent. Though. ignorant he has also been well liked., Bowth has also taken a great interest in religious matters; but his great drawback was be could not read. His employer was much sur- prised the other day when be noticed that Sam wag exceedingly happy, and with great exultation, Sam told Dorocher that be could read, and, upon being furnished a Bible, be read with perfect ease. Sam was well known and this caused great excitement about his new gift. Sam told the following story: "I never had any education, and envied ministers, and I determin- ed to learn how to read. I studied, but it was Greek to me. I never could learn one word, so I took tolmy kuees and prryed that 1 wonlb bo made able to read. I rayed land prayed every night my kneels asking God to teach e how toread. The other night felt a curious feeling, as if an ld rag *as being unwrapped from around nay head, and some- thing toln me I oouid read, so I got a Bible of a neighbor, and it was all plain. I can read it plain- ly and can pronounce all the words richt, eto everybody tells me. Pfeil you, boss, I believe in prayer'.” ay, at' er to 'ch, la- bi- yea ve ox d • n 0 s e t f d t l'iilNx tr'Q p1. We met ealth qu }a ed eoeictens ih, bus} ae Aa@ went }o preaaq' Tge Iorernetc dsopded, ales of t fde, Atip Made.a portal woos, Sa gadu't'hue }o gz i; up, Vnp ao qa dip,'}, try, get Seas. QU;i reeder'a one anp all di MAR W. pxin4es'a pi•. ROMP folks rage do nob nndexalend The mya;exies of the asade� Are ver Aprone 3o saiae a ;ala, I wia;a, a is teede. Oomdosl4gse ere no; surprised alien antthiuge a uL They a 11 kgoa clog it is thenal s.ss, yo merle a pxtnetr's pi. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old ph sioan, retired from prao- l.oe, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the forumla of a simple vegetable remedy for the e speedy and permanent cure ofconsnmp- tron Bronchitis, C 1611 throat and,LugaAffections,aalsona r- positive and radical pure for Nervous - Debility and Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, has felt it hie duty tp make it known to his suf. tering fellows. Actuated by this mot- ive and a desire to relieve human Buf- fering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noses, 820 Power's Blook, Rochester, N. Y. 18012-y.e.o.w. alaries banks rederic e Cent- el $60,- t =of s $50,- d, pre - le Trust 00; John the Un- pany, gets . L. Tran- e -American ceives $20, - lams of the d President porters and ive $20,000, ldry of other New York is 15,000. There f such salaries, opinion is that eir money. of these vast com- under the minute n of the commanding These interests extend r the globe and require the atest judgment and the most kilful knowledge of affairs. Many of these officers by their keen knowledge of affairs of state and nations, save their companies annually ten times the salary they receive. They are provided against almost every system of blackmail by reason of their vast experience in the conduct of companies and earn their salaries many times over. Up in the dry goods district the big man of the ,Claffin Com- pany, Tel,. Welleli: & Co. and other firms of that calibre receive on an 'average $5000 to 20,000 a year. There are several excep- tions where buyers and others run their iltconos upfrom.$10,000 to $20,000 a year. This is in the dry goods jobbing branch, because in the dry goods commission branch the average salary of an employee is from $2,500 to $5,000 a year. There are several excep- tional people -who receive $7,500. All of' these people earn their money, too. The vast experience necessary to buy goods successfully fled to `keep in touch with the vast competition of the present day is certainly worth a liberal income. Then the selling of goods requires an extended acquaintance, much personal outlay and the tempera- ment of a diplomat. 4 Looking over these few facts figures the salary of the Pres - f the United States comes +nsideration. The Presi- 5ves $50,000• a year; and day he enters the White til the hour he leaves it men can tell how hard his money. There can uate rule of compensa- 4 to his case. Tho office holders and who besiege him the place worth at least. But ensation for the it by its great rrrahs and cheers e Prosidnet, no ()pular he may bo, s. ''li8 salutes of His employer says Sam is a truthful darky, polite and industri- ous and he was never detected in anything wrong. As it is .well= known that Sam could not read a few days ago, and now h0 can read well, his story excites ddep ham. - est. NEWS NOTES. The friends of Mrs L. Youmans, the well-known temperance lec- turer-, will be glad to learn that she has returned much benefitted from Battle Creek, Mich., where she has been undergoing. treat- ment. Ata meeting of farmers the other clay, Mr L. W olverton of the Canadian Horticulturist spoke on "Causes of failure in the apple crop." The reason so many fail- ed in this line was because they starved and neglected their trees. Where barnyard manure could not be had wood ashes were good and worth at least 30 cents per bushel for trees. Another reason was because of bad pruning. The apple worm could be destroyed by spraying with Paris green, a tablelespoonful to a barrel of wat- er. Huron farmers:should make a note of this. Secretary Windom, one of Presi- dent Harrison's moat trusted ad- visers in the Government of the United States, suddenly dropped dead from heart disease while at- tending a public banquet at Del. monico's Hotel, New York, last Thursday night. There was a distinguished gathering to cele- brate the annual festival of the Board of Trade, and among the guests present were the Hon. Wil- fred Laurier, leader of the Opposi- tion in Canada, Attoney-General Longley, of Nova Scotia, and Er-astus Wiman. Just after the toast of the evening had been hon- oured and replied to by the spon- sor ofthe Silver bill himself', some one cried out, "look at Secretary Windom," and it *as seen that he had collapsed and was falling to the floor, tris face was gastly and a cry of horror ran around the banquet chamber. Several doctors rushed to the spot and drove back the crowd which had gathered around the prostrate man. He was carried to the dish room, and for six minutes four electric batteries were applied, in the hope of renewing vitality.'y. His head, however soon ceased to • beat, and at 11 minutes Set JO p. m. JudgeArnoux came into the dining hall and amid a breath- less silence announced that the secretary was dead. Secretary Tracy, of the Admiralty, wired the dread news to the President at Washingtsn, and the news was communicated to Mrs Windom by him before midnight. Deceased had suffered from a similar attack on Monday last, but it passed away without any serious conse- quences. PANTS O NO PANTS. The city of Mexico is face to face with a ,momentous question. This is whether the wearing of trousers in the street shall be compulsory or not. The primi- tive practices of the Republic sanction a shirt and a breech -clout as a.public full dress for the low- er orders, but the aldermen of the city are detirmined to inaugurate an era of sumptuory decency, if the police have to bo called in to enforce it. They havo therefore held a special session, tied have appointed a committee of five to oblige the men employed in city work to use trousers, and to visit proprietors of manufactories, etc., for the purpose of arranging to have their laborers arrayed with these bifurcated necessities. If we bear of a breeches revolution in Mexico, we may know that the down -trodden bare legs of the land of silver have revolted againt municipal tyranny and modeles tailoring. The •question is of great importance to Canadian houses in view of the fact that we 'may soon be able to enter into re- ciprocal trade ' relations with Mexico.=Dry Goods Review. .11 THE GOOD OLD TIMES. -"Then -times were good, -Merchants oared not a rush For any other fare, Than Johnny cake' and mush." But now times have changed, and the plain and simple fare of the forefathers is done away with. Patent flour, and high seasoned food,and strong drinks,have taken its place,and,as a result,dyspepsia impure blood, and diseases of the stomach, liver and lungs are numerous. This great change has led one of the most skillful physicians of the age to study out a remedy for these modern dis- eases, which he has named his "Golden Medical Discovery." Dr Pierce in this remedy has found a cure for Dyspepsia, Asthma, Con- sumption,in its early stages, and "Liver Complaints." The Winnipeg Tribune pub- lished a statement that Archbis- hop Tache is very ill,and that the doctors do not expect him to re- cover. 'Ladies who suffer from foul breath, the result of catarrh or cold in the head can obtain speedy relief by the' use of Nasal Balm. It never fails. Try it. Mr G. H. Croxden Powell, the English publicist, at present in Ottawa, referring to the cattle trade, says out of the 40,000,000 people of the British Isles, there are fully 30,000,000 who depend on foreign countries for their meat supply. Mu Stinson, the unseated Con- servative candidate in Hamilton, has resolved not to appeal the case, but to try another bout with the Hon J. M. Gibson. An ap • peal would have been useless. Minard s liniment is used by physician There is a curious state of af- fairs in the Presbyterian Churh at _New Bedford, because the con- gregation overlooked the church law that a man elected to the office of deacon must "be the husband of one wife and have his children in sebjection." At the annual meeting of the. New Bed- ford congregation, which took place recently, Wm Wright was elected a deacon. .After his in- stallation it was discovered that according to the rule, he was not eligible to election, he having lgeither wife nor chiluran. Wright, *ho is a fine old gentlemen, is, greatly vexed over the situation, andwill resign. When Baby was sink, wa gave her Caetorla, • . When aho was a Child, ebe cried for Caetoria, When she became Ifiee, eho clung to Cahtoria, When she had Children, she gave them Caged' Air Samuet . '. Lane, coun1., judge of the ()musty of grey, diiKI on Wednesday dight, Mivard'eLinimeet cures garget in cove Manitoba :deputation will wait on the Minister of Agricul— ture ture Thursday, to ask that the Cxovernment devote Rinds to the purpose of asaiating Canadians in Dakota to settle in Manitoba. Tile body of Robert Wilson, a South .Dumfries farmor,was found the other day in the cistern in ,his own house , and it was supposed that he had committed suicide. Circumstances attending the case, however, have caused suspicion, and the coroner's jury ordered the viscero to be sent to Toronto for analysis. ;Pigtail 0N4 a � qa: Mr,sqaa� ijs d e .. ° taltages y ans' gg kfr. ea 111 WI "URN o abs Mn9w9a� The Wilford Hall Rovolllion ! Health WithontMedicine This new Hygienic Treatment re- moves Constipation of the Bowels im- mediately and cures rapidly and effec- tually all Kidney and Nervous Diseases, including the effects of SECRRT Sins and SEXUAL ERRORS. The Microcosmic Echo,con- taining a history of this greatest of all modern health discoveries, and scores of lettere from doctors, ministers, edi- tors and_others who have been cured of most dietresging' complaints by this unique home treatment, will be sent free to all. NOTE. -This treatment costing but Four Dollars,, will absolutely do away with the necessity of buying pa• tent medicines or sending for a doctor, except in very rare instances, and will thus save scored of dollars every year to many families, and result in such health and physical comfort as they have not known heretofore. Address The Simpson Potilishiog Co 60 Adelaide St., East, TORONTO, ONT "The Unkindest Cut of AIL" ENCORE CASTOR IA fair infante end Childrine - ... . e'CaltU aswenad ptaaose U enthL$ aste:laeares „ 1 i ltas ape loll saYA sipaoa 1M Wo ' D 'Qo�Onxiat .6. amours, urs, K D., rro, r:ir�es —4,:s ""7 "-'-- ---- -.` - Ill Bo. Oxford 8. > In. N Y vPtth no inNriona EsedfalgoL Tem Oe2 T*Ca Coreirry, "17 Murraw Street, N. T.' FARMERS AND Tfl RESHERS SHOULD USE McCOLL IROS. LA1RDINE OIL, CYLIND E 1 —AND -- WOOL OILS SEE THAT Tun BARRELS ARE BRANDED —AND- -BOILER -- PURGER McCOLL BROS., LA`R'DINZE, - — TURC,N�'�, D'A vignon's Cream of Witch -Hazel, THE NEW TOILET LOTION. Softens the skin, removes roughness, eruptions and irritation fromthe face nd hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion. t is an invaluable application after shaving. Don't mistake thissuperior pre-" axation for any paints, enamels or' injurious cosmetics or inferior complexion otions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, col - sores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and oold. In. sehort D'AvIONON's CREAM of WITCH -HAZEL is at once a remedpand a preventfor very form ofaurfaoe inflammation or irritation. Price 25 cents per bottltai Manufactured by J 111. 1 YJ. c%()!IV.JE3t1E, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. E -"CENTRAL- GROCERY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. cMurra & Wiltsey Beg to announce that they are ready or the fall and winter trade with a large stock of GENERAL GROCERIES IIIEW FRUITS & CANNED GOODS;; Try our Ceylon and ls.diem BLACK TEA, it is second to none in the town. Japan and Hyson TEAS, no better value any- where. COFFEES, fresh ground and warranted A 1. A full stock of Robb' Celebrated MEATS and SAUSAGES. Take a look 'at our prize BAKING POWDER, made by Mayell, of London. Handsome Glassware with every pound oan. Try our German Table MUSTARD. Something new and very fins Crockery & Lamps} d Bed Just arrived a choice lot of Crockery and room). Sets, choice patterns and prices low. Handsome s, r Dinner,- Glasses, Wicks and No. 1 Cana ran Coal Oil. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed MCNURRA.Y & WILT S- - CLINTON DYES COME AND ,TAKE ONLY 5 CENTS A PACKAGE. This Valuable Preseni The - Best Dyes in the Werld FOR HOME DYEING. Equal to any Package Dye for brigbt and fast colors. Send for Sample Card to J. S. ROBERTSON do CO. Manu- facturers, Montreal. W A DA once, to sell and traveling at once, sell Ornamental Shrubs, Roses, Trees and Fruits. Experi- ence unnecessary. Salary and Expenses paid weekly. Permanent positions. No security required. Must furnish references as to good character, CHARLES H. CRASS, Rochester, X. Y. Mention this Paper. Away with You The subscriber offers one of Doherty & Co's justly cele brated ORGANS free, with one Package of James Watson & Co's CHARM BAKING POWDER, price 60cents. This giveslan opportunity of securing ar Organ worth $196, for fifty cents The organ will be on exhibition at our -s • ► • • r Saturday next. A call solicited from vi ;ic ) •; ►, Great Huron Central Exhibition N. ROBSON. -CHINA HALL. _. Prokssor Doropwepd America's heading Hair Goods Artist At IS COMING, AND WILL BE AT Before wearing Dorenwend's Coverings. Dorenwends Fluffy Bang Front, with long Back Hair Same style in Wig shape. After wearing Derenwends Coverings, in Wsgs or other shapes The Plain Straight Wig. THE RATTENBURY HOUSE CLINTON, on FRIDAY, FEB. 13th, 1891. tzlitb beautiful styles in flatly, Goods, Coverings for Iiedies' and Gents' beads, snob as Toupees and Wigs, nettles* Scititehee, Sangs, Waves, Plain and Fancy Coverings,ete. These goods aro so natuaal in appear+•. that thein detection is irn. possible. In ouden to give a seined tone to ane facto, the hair is theltnportant point. Why not attend to it at ones and secure the most bottom• ing style P Call at the Shoots Roon,, and let the Professor den,. onstsate the correctness of this assertion. A TN/HG OF BEAUTY /S A • • JOY FOREVER, DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE Swilthes and Braids. Doreswetlds Toupee. After wearing Dorcnwends Toupee. Cut this Advertisement out so as not to forget Day and Date. tl 1