HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-11-28, Page 6NASAL BALM tiostrZraci=italtalt ion Ct rFrilyelf , <J!laikI ; PWW14leilt Can% FORM tOIPosslbif +wlare aiyaFtit .1a.. awe i l t eiprfi` 1atF,ry Oft4r ►Pr. a4CR'1aa0 ' •bee, 7 o1 itAa� ,r q�" ► ay- MartiesunIt Cof4mt�saddt,Lath , �Mwx.,oatr.y.o =MI5 MIIpwand, wbyaddnainq "0041. 4" fit, FOR, ,Inttls.ect Strngs , $ore Eyes tipii?ons ors F91et r; Ore toss C,hafftiPt Cat ai) pr • S TMS AND T111 A. . Xit !MOO tell which waya. train has gout by the twits •it: 1 grvee, The man who bas a bulging brow may have, A big brain of he may have upper storey apartments to fret.. Ittwas a Scotch gravedigger Who said,' Trade's vera dull noo. I bavp ntr buried a lever* creotur in 4 fQ1'nigbt,t Trti0,We eAnnot see ourselves as others see us, but then we ! ave the aatisfaetion of seeing others as they don't see themselves. Father—Didn't I hear high words between you and your brotber just now, Rotary ? Henry —Very likely. father; but surely' Oet,r_t_s ilei emale m p Thts� OJtes s n urn, 'ASL flfla'tnrival ion REFU S'E1su aSTITUTES vram R*6Mk+- -Your BE:SUErtliAT,BOTTLE W_LTH)B U FFFWl'FAPPER WOKS LIKETHIS s MANUFACTURED ONLY eY PONDS EXTRACTCOMPANY, t 76 FIFTH AVE.NEW YORK. Abe_. Tab ora, of rmn lrl apOy., . it'at Marchant --140$ I�Qdt l4 14.4 evenipg eptel;ii)gPelmon;<eo'a, kb was dressed 14 the bi>iglai of fasbion, anti 4 largo and juiey cigar was between bis lips, Se- cond, J ;ol cbapti--Bnndgy'atO Ohs yes iii() f „11n4 tWloi',months, •ago,•: Siad is try iug t ► 'Settle qt ,res emi t6. Catarrh is not a looal but a constitu- tional disease, and requires a conatitu,- tional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla to effect a Cure. 'Oh, doctor, It have rheumatism and china and fever: and all sorts of tbicgs, and I don't Hee where I got all, things, and J don't see where I got all this trouble.' 'Is four house damp ?' 'No.' Ire you sure the plumbing in your stor'o is not out of order?' 'Yes; and I spent six weeks in the yo* wouldn't wish me to use low country last summer.' language. " A pickpocket tried to get in his Tincker—'When my play is work in a Chicago carette. The presented I want all my friends to driver chased him two blocks and be the first nigbtcrs. Persuade them all to come.' Rodney— 'Yes. 1'11 tell them it wiU be their only TEN POUNDS TWO WEEKS THINK OF IT ! As a Plash Producer there can be no question but that SCOTT'S EMULSIOI Of Pure Cod Liver 011 and Hypophosphites Of Lime and Soda - in without a vaL Many have 0 gained a pound a day by the use tof act. I cures CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS AND COLDS, AND ALL FORMS OF WASTING DIS- EASES. AS PALATABLE AB ffiLLS. Genuine made byScott& Bowne,Belleville.Salmon Wrapper; at all Druggists, 60c. and $1.00. opportunity.' Ductor—`You do appear to be in a bad way, that's a fact. What's your business ?' Pat; ent— 'I tim one of the city laborers.' Doctor -'It is as I feared. What you require, my man, is exer- cise.' • A man's idete of married hap- piness is having a wife who will devote all her energies to secure his comfort. A woman's idea of married happiness is having a husband who will love her alone and tell her of it once in a whale. A Delicate •Compliment.—Mrs Wickwire 'There was a time when you used to tell me you loved me better than your life. I never hear you makeany such statement now.' Mr Wickwire—'Certainly not. Since we are married my life is worth a great deal more to me.' ARE NOT a Pti gative Medi- cine. They are a BLOOD BUILDER, TONIC and RECON- STRUCTOR, as they supply in a condensed form the substances a,tually needed to en- rich the Blood, curing n11 diseases coming from POOR and WA'. 1;1tY BLOOD, or from !'iIATED HUMORS in I -•N BLOOD, and also i.n i;' :rate and Bump t1,o BLOOD and �1 .TEM. when broken io\Tn by overwork, m, utal worry,disease, excesses and indiscre- tions. They have a SPECIFIC ACTION on the SRx UAL SYSTEM of both men and women, restoring LOST VIGOR and correcting all T nUEGULARITIES and sUPPItEa6IONS. `Gh' finds his mental tae- niti ; dull or failing, or his physical powers flap_ Ig, should take these Pmts. They will restw c his lost energies, both •thysical and mental. Which Accounts For It.—Mrs Lafferty (visitor) : 'Your daugh- ter has a fine touch,Mrs Moriarty.' Mrs M.—'Yis, so they do be tell - in' me ; an' sure 't is no wonther•, for she loves the pianny and niver tires of it ; she has a great tashte for mossic, but thin that's ownly natural, for her grandfat- her had his skull laid open wi'i a cornet at a timperance picnic ! EVERYWHIM Tleycn ekall sem. -cessions and irregulacu tea, which Inevitably entail sickness V:b n( ;lectcd. YOUNG MEN 41 honleyd take thosethPmets. Twl e - sults of youthful bad habits, andilstrengthen thr e system. YOUNG WOMEN make them regular. For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon receipt of price (50o. per box), by addressing THE D1. WILLIADMS'MED. (0. ockvOnt. should take them. These Pans will 1E *HEAT ENGLISH REMEDY tj$ P11R.1NLY VEGETABLE INGREDIENTS e *AND WITHOUT MERCURY, USED BY THE ENGLIS1i PEOPLE FOR OVER 120 YEARS, Is oaks om>'ovzsi) mxsnto>s knocked him down. A polioeman then arrested the driver, and on being, taken before a police justice ho was fined $9. Nothing that happens ie Chicago can astonish any cutsider. Mumma (from the next room, bearing a suspiciously sibilant noise followed by a scream.) 'What was that Agnes?' Mr Sissy (who lisps but is equal to the oc- casion.) •That wath a mouth ; it thartled Mith Agneth.' Mamma (who. has been young., herself.) 'Yes, I thought it was ! Don't do it again, please.' Costly Forgetfulness.—A weal- thy Englishman who was stop- ping at Baden-Baden lett his watch under his pillow, and then charged the servant with stealing it. The jewel was found whore he left it, and on the advice of his lawyers he paid the chambermaid $1,500 to settle the case. Had she gone to court she would have got $5,000. 1• 4' - RIA IT I5 A MISTAKE To try to cure catarrh by using local applications. Catarrh is not a local but a constitutional disease. It is not a disease of the man's nose, but of the man. Therefore, to effect a cure, re quires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla, which acting through the blood, reaches every part of the system. expelling the taint which capes the disease, and imparting health. 'The genuine cowboy isn't at all proud of his clothes,' says a Texas roan. 'They are a neces- sary part of his outfit, and ho is not aware that he is at all pictur- esque. Those strong leggingsand jacket protect him from the thorns and brush through which he sometimes has to run at full speed to head. off a wild steer. Those large spurs aro to make his pony go quick when he goes to rope an animal. That wide -brimmed hat is to protect his face from the burning sun in this southern climate. That cowboy belongs to the church, and next Sunday you may see him in the congsegation dressed up as neat as a pin, and likely teaching a class in the Sun- day school.' His Silence Purcbased.—Young Man—'Sir, I have come to de- mano the hand of your danghter.' Banker—'Sir? What do you mean you young—' Young Man— 'ller hand, sir, is the price of my silence.' Banker—`My 1 my ! This insolence is unbearable. George, call a policeman ?' Young Man—'One moment, sir. You mistake. I know nothing of your affairs, and do not for a moment imagine that you have been guilty of any wrongdoing. The silence I alluded to is of another sort. I am the young man who practises on the cornet in the boarding- house next door.' Bank—'Oh Take her, my son, and be happy.' At 20 a man thinks he knows it all ; at 30 he merely thinks he could have known it all if he had tried. Minard'sLiniment cures garget in cows A woman may not he able to find her pocket, but she never has it filled with letters she has for- gotten to mail. tLiiesA Pills consist of a careful and peeuNar admi x - •,:Me of thet'ast and mildest vegetable Spam nts and nr,rite tenet of Flowers of Chamomile. They Wal ' ,found a most efficacious remedy for deranlrem-ate 1 ttio'digpstiYC organs, And for obstructions and tar - d schen of the liver and bowels which produce in- t legtkel .w arid the several varieties of bilious and IN or • latritii Sold by nu Chemists wl1OLEeAtE minima : VANS AND y/SyO�y1 S,, LIMITED, gMfCN7'RLAilet for infants and Children• uCMterl,Afso swellad ptedt ohnd1enths$ east tie, ours Collo, COBItipstton, I Sill. worms. rine alespr and promotes rocommwdiia>YsapaiortoanyPeeacaiptioo SO°t'Sto 'd4 convinced. Mown tome" H. ii- miosis, M. D., m�on. Ill So, Oxford 8t. Brooklyn, N. Y. .witpout lojarions mediation. — " mach, Diatrrhosa Eructation Ap4iVrs, gMPORlUi ��.+Q per �t� Discount Having a large stock of Kens and Boys LONG BOOTS, both coarse and ilne, acid wishing to dispose of them, will give a discount of 10 per gent until further, notice. NOw is your time to buy, as leather has advanced and likely 'to go Iiigly- er. Rave :also a full stook of Ladies and Childrens BOOTS, SHOES and' SLIPPERS. All sizes of RUBBERS. Have some good Fur and Cloth OVBR- COATS that are worth seeing and buying. Best value in Flannels. Some Axle Crewcut SAWS cheap. You ought to see our PANTS made to order at e8, that others charge a great deal more for. A trial respectfully solicited so as to .be Tri Cssrw u COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, N. Y R. ADAMS. LONDESBORO eiessaasenswirMiniNWA BIC ` HANCE THE - CENTRAL - GROCERY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. NO H I�IBUC 1 hatinc Reductioii of Price s STOVES & TINWARE in the North Building HARDWARE in the South Building. SEE THE FOLLOWING PRICES : A.Wall street man said yester- day that on the previous evening he had called on his next-door neighbors, an elderly couple, who had just returned from the coun- try. The only servant they had at the time was a little girl about 13 years old, who responded to the ring of the bell. 'Aro Mr and Mrs Green at home ?' was asked. 'Y os.' 'Ar'o they engaged ?' The small girl looked horrified as she answered—'Why, they are mar- ried.' A. Curious Calculation.—A rapid penman can write 30 words in a minute. To do this he must draw his quill through the :space of a rod—sixteen and a half feet. In 40 minutes his pen travels a fur- long,and in five hours and a third, a mile, We make, on an average, sixteen curves of the pen in writ- ing each word. Writing 30 words in a minute, we must make 488 to each second ; in an hour, 28,800 ; in a day of only five- hours, 144,- 000, and in a year of 300 days,43,- 200,000. Tho man who made 1,- 000,000 strokes with a pen in a month was not at all remarkable. Many men make 40,000,000. Here wo have in the aggregate a mark, 300 miles long, to be traced on paper by each writer in a year. In making each letter of the ordinary alphabet, we must make from three to seven strokes of the pen—on an average, three and one-half to four. Cook Stoves, $30, reduced to $26 00 Dish Pans, our own make, 50c, re'd to 25 Wash Basins, our make, 20c, re'd to 10 Tea Pots, our own make, 40c,tre'd to 20 1 Gallon Can filled with% Rock Oil 35 2 Gallon Can filled with Rock Oil 65 4 Gallon Can filled with Rock Oil 1 00 Manure Forks from 25c. up. A quantity of Coal Stoves at your own prices. x HARLAND Bros. Iron and Hardware Merchants, Clinton The offensive -breath, resulting {'rom Catarrh, can be removed, by a few applications of Nasal Balm. Every sufferer should give it a trial. Sold by all dealers. An Englisn statistician estimates that should the population of the world con- tinue to increase in the future at its pre- sent rate, there will be no room for:any more people on the earth one hundred and eighty-two years hence. All the land available for human occupation on the globe is now pretty well explored. South America and the Canadian ter- ritories are about the only regions re. maining for settlement, and these are gradually tilling up. By the close of the present century it is probable that the population of the United States will begin to overflow its boundaries. A time will come, no doubt, when America. Australia and Africa will be as thickly populated as China now is. When it does come civilization will probably have discovered a way to re- concile the pressure of population rm the means of existence. ALL MEN. young, old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous,weak and exhausted who ere broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the fol- lowing symptoms ; Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loos of memory. bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emis- sions, lack of energy, pain in the kid• nays, headache, pimples on the fade or The difference Between an en- body,itchingor peculiar sensation abort lightened and savage community the scrotum, wasting of the organs, diz- consists in the fact that In the latter there are no marauding sewing machine agents, life insur- ance solicitors or book agents. There may be other differences, but they do not come to mind just at present. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physican, retired from prac- tice, having had placed in his hands by an Emit India missionary the forumla of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure ofconsunlp- tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervosa Debility and Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wopderful ourativo powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his dnty to make it known to -his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this mot- ive and a desire to relieve human suf- fering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. S''nt by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Novas, R20 Power's Block, Roche3ter, N. Y. 18012-y.o.o.w, McMurray & Wiltse Beg to announce that they are ready or the fall and winter trade with a large stock of GNERAL GROCERIES,a NEW BRUIT EA it CANNEDGOODS: TryCeylon is second to none in the town. Japan and Hyson TEAS, no better value any- where. COFFEES, fresh ground and warranted A 1. A full stock of Ilobb's Celebrated MEATS and SAUSAGES. Take a look at our prize BAKING POWDER, made by Mayell, of London. Handsome Glassware with every pound can. Try our German Table MUSTARD. Something new and very fine COME AND' -TAKE Th 1T s Valuable Present Away with Y ou The°subscriber offers one of Doherty & Co's justly cele- brated ORGANS free, with ono Package of James Watson & Co's CHARM BAKING POWDER, price 5Ocents. This gives an opportunity of securing an ---Organ worth $196, for fifty cents The organ will be on exhibition itt our Grocery Store on Saturday next. A call solicited from visitors to the Great Huron Ccutral Exhibition ziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles,de- sire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excit- ability of temper,sunken eyes surround- ed with Leaden Circle,eily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous de- bility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tention every function wanes in consequence. Those when through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. ;;end your address for book on ell chemises peculiar to man. :Address .:\1. V. LU 110N, 50 Front St. E., 'I'oronte,thlt. Books sent free sealed. IIeart disease, the symptoms of which are faint aprlla. purple lips. nanlhnrss, palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blend to the bead, do pain in'tlir ht art with heats strong, rapid and irregular, the sec 01111 heart beat gnirl • r then the first, pain about the I,r, gst bone, etc., can (,tusitivr- ly be cured. No cure no pay. Send for book. Addreaa M. V. LIMON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont. Juno 20, 1890. N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL. Cheap s Crockery IS 'WE INTEND Giving up the Grockery and Glassware Crockery& Lamps} Just arrived a choice lot of Crockery and Lamps. Handsome Dinner, Tea and Bed- room Sets, choice patterns and prices low. Lamps, Burners, Glasses, Wicks, and No. 1 Canadian Coal Oil. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed Branch of our liminess, and want to clear out. the stock by .Tan. 1st., we will, on :tut]. after Nov. 1st, titter The Entire Stock at COST ']'he stock is all now and consists of BENNEII SETS, TEA SETS, CHAM— BER SETS (in white o.nd colored w:,iv,) (:;L.lastl'A1tE, plc. This is the best 1)21'01' ever made in Clinton, and intending purchasers should ex- amine our st)ck buti)re buying. 'TERMS STRICTLY CASH COOPER& 11:OGAN NEXT TO COUCII'S, CLINTON. THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES tw1.1 GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When I say Coro I do not mean MCMURRAY & WILTSE - CLINTON HUB GROCERY We make a specialty of Try our Blended Black, We can give good Japan Also choiceYoungllyson gives good satisfaction": and you'll use no other at all prices to suit that gives satistaction We told our customers not to be deceived vith peddlers, and a number have taken our advice and quit them. They find that they can do as well at the Hub OUR COFFEE is the best we can buy I Canada. We guarantee satisfac- tion every time. GEo, .�'w Ai� ��►�, ca,TTNT® N merely to stop them for a time, and then have them return again. 1 1/111 A PI ,t E. it a 1 Cdt I. C LI 13 t<• 1 have made the disease of Fits, Epilepsy or Falling Sickness a lite -long study. 1 warrant my remedy to Curo the worst cases. Because others by ce f ;i'.ed is no reassn for not now receiving a cure. Send at Once for a treatise and a Free Battle of my lnfailtihle Remedy. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing fm• 1 trial, and it wilt cure you. Address 1— H. G. ROOT, M.C., Branch Office, ILG WEST P..D A:1:1 BVRIZE'P, TORONTO. BVI: ARE THE ONLY Agts. in Clinton Von 1 )10 GurneyFurnace AND 1'KLInn t•rin Original Cook Stove THE Com oldest and Best Construction of Wood Burning FURNACES MADE Our stock ill li:\RDW ARE, 'TOVi•'4, 'FI NWA PE, LAMPS, CUTLERY, &r., is now, templet('. DAVIS ( ROWLAND, MAMMOTH HARDWARE & S COVE HOUSE, CLINTON THE - - CLINTON NEW ERA R. HOLME8, - - Publisher, CLINTON, - - ON T. X X X X X IX X X THE NEW ERA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading fatter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address. for. $1.56 a year, in advance. JOH DEPARTMENT We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, Lale• Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74. CLINTON. 5PerCt cash Discount ,Q Having become agent for the celebrated B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES and EYE -GLASSES, and procured the Lawrence test, all those with failing eyesight, young or old, weak or strong, can be perfectly fitted here. Call and examine ie,Y, [Who, J@lly, And all other lines are complete, and as cheap as the cheapest place in the coutt- ty. I have a few of those first-class PRUNES left, at 5c per lb, and a GREEN TEA you should try, at 40c. per single lb, $1.75 for 5 Ib. Caddy, worth at least 50 cents per lb. 5 per cent discount for cash on all purchases of $1 and upward GEO. NEWTON LONDESBORO FARMERS AND THRESHERS ('YLiNi)EI1 OILS SEE 1'111')' TIIE RA11111,1.S ARI,; P,RANDI:1) --- SHOULD USE McCOL.I. BROS. LARDINE OIL, —AND- ---BOILER— PUROER McCOLL BR S.„ �.�AjlEt, JOIN -E, . - its°lire rte 6