HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-08-01, Page 64414.-4•14 RTLINWS PEACE TALK In he Rel eke/ on,Thlitidity Ion Heal g, the Aft -rink ' Chantel eir, talk ou thessubject ref Peace...! As 481181.4° 1114444,0 ogit.;;44 Itferliue or Oven id down a basis for a. POO die. Cites , Ile hi welting -for the Allied Polve to propose 4tritis, and he con- detnn them seTerely because, lie says, a"Maybo Mare Geoffrei ill the elob," they aeoseede deep so. no had 'z).0 suggested the voice. - '.., ' ' ".: "bliet likell'," Bald Nell: 'mi./Seek here, terms to dite.'filtneeiChut, he will. be you euuet mee tor low.: : lio , otuu„ greet ly'leleas'e'd to eensider anY the mended. "When be Mites Mlle:Ali allies Cheer to submit. That is to him 'tos call up the Dixie, ' it'e Very Jell', rinzaki Will make no peep, 111113°1.'134C" . "ye,Sule 1 will, suh." Titen tit-4410We overt es/ Ot. hil dleneluIPes t1.91'1 f°, changed ite tone. . "Walt ' a Mittete, folion ng hai!' eihiriple. . There Is on,e seh, .Ilere he coaled, I hear, . the , matt however, on; which the aaltoinOblite" . ' Chan llor"4"41S"";i:cleterniitted,''' and In a' few :snemente' Neil houd... the w,ell•reMernhered, curt aeCe4,14 ot the that is ',e0iift,„ .i6. : ,f4i* a0 . 1'9". talrytiung thee, "VS4'hat is it 1"-* .' ...' garde the gait keitanOylii anent Neil bristled a etttle , at the mild: On t e Brest-Litisvsle treaty with "This is the nitin Yea lefe at the Dixii , . , , , . Russ! treaty that was .wruug from Hotel," he answered in tones to neittch4 the lithevilei while they lay prone "DO You get me?" . ...yea, :Whet do you want?" e. 1 at he feet., But .this treaty tlie7A1-1 t 'epelryote left here the place heet lied P wers will never recteguiee.,;ITIteel leri visited by the police. They didn" Chan llor told the Reicititait'':' /Aoki *Iv Oe. ';'47.1ne Men is , watching eitoni across the ;road now, I don't kno Ger M y's enemies sought her destruc- how much you knee/ ab'out,this cas 'Hon d that. she would:fight eo the }news eauedon't want me to be arresti eleath , so long as that wits tlin'spirii:t'frdifitith'ge-rmel.) 4o,. You to' help me awnS4 with ' hich the enemy was anirifited. g - " 1 i I ir t e, if..... ,, (,)liarre,sted?" the: voice, demapded, an, •:, Wel , what dee, e„Cermany.,witie,t,?_W *now: that shi*Ots y. trIPPle Ittp-',:: i grily,• ' ' , ' se!: .sia a then rkit,;40 ix,ii hnov thatYi :-,010." eat& Nat, ,'"Then you 'do no_ nolvewhat It le Mt abente• -.4 su gee ethe nte, to dili'd Biltaia'nur et the' that on consult Laura." • ' ' g' s'! , ' tes.-'6,,Iiidae,Is put 'of reach," the voice Fast, '-: and replace Turkey in: DoW.er aa over r subject peoples. We ;,ItnOW 'returned, stiffly. 11 what .• dile-iee 'Wants "/ , to; e' do • o'Well, if Pm -ifirested,',' Bettis -Nadi with Sailli'''iiiid 'Rouniartia; '"What reeklessiy,' "eyerybodyi fat le.in•the . fire: You bave to take ray 'ewer she WeiTdlilie-ta do with listigiern ' for' it „. iend France is well known, What d No answer froni the other end, ' the Allied Powers want? It wai onlyq "11Vh t are you going te do about, it7" Neale, demendede , ,, ,. . ,,,, , el:es I - 'LlvdelfestiAlejeors49.4149/041Q;Yils q'e..,547-9'' ' Afar' a brief paPSV Pie yoiCS aithe de tared that Germany could nave a little humanized: , "Ali, rigllt; rp et p. , co -morrow she would)cfreleS,:ac- come by in ray ,cer, five mini*esilefro e .t k ,ido;•„4T•l' 'j-.4 by noere 13e Waiting, 4104% tIM 1:00 an = . , be t Ff,'fsid ei se. otgGepi Of de- 'W44:11 ft 011 Aleart.M0e/eniing, e " ke el. un,:rer ''It's 'Plisisihr loWei, hfe no el' red •• 1Petetr4,:,,nir not ;tees ;so; ', ^-,,;,, tv t a le:;;:Yd'' q1Atian 'ik !',' and 7f:Y. c'....',' 6fifikiiti: !%3\r• JP. .41 3 di noteeleesleeeeee eyeeeeeeee, GointellX --Geoffrey Parran lived- in a oseverti, pf ee rightful inheritance or the ger- - and stately old hOnse at the cornet two old-fashioned streits. It wak ;en people of their tlegitlipate rights..., :Pt 'hat wertNieloridlidbusifor diettab7 '1;':asAlelre il's 4'115:%:!'411 if fi/nOlt• c'f Pinit .• brides 'With Cream , eiliiidittone tr.* Ja down by President Wilson. As wings and note -Egyptian ornament4 la down by hint on the Fourth of 6A, •tthe read , wad, a igrteate cc:elven 1 ;te .-Sb.nittelt Nell observet ail :Pie ihotor ' 1 'I they may be summaresed.as fol- , t.t , eflt'S iiiglt4eV41.1:4 ;..;; le ••].• 14 i,' ;lop Militarism must tie destroyed car Wiled into the garaige frbm th •ors educed to impotence; the settle- eide• stieet, the „original stable of th'I ile t'of every question must be based; estabibilineent; -The- big doom swun pedeto. Siteiti*teebellied them, as -if by magi- ` -en its free acceptance by the lt seemed; until Neil'saw the big negr, cmo erinriedoirandc 7lit!,,,cii,poon the ib,,,,,sisac,if., , er a s n ,,p.,.. n er inlet en; ene itxta Ai. ot 'accompanied his master' o chanergur grinning behind the car. Hie Ito ne aitotheiceil„,T* 11.easleittisioe's,, .01sAist jaunt. • ' • : . Parran unlimbered his long bod I. :no ask for the destruction of Germany from the machine, and smiled ironicat, :pr lie German people. He askd for ---- Ai -at -Neill. The common dangei theYi . all- nations to be governed in their re- had just -run made them feel almost is tas eneemeother in the Bev efriendly.el- , ., e , ,,, e. k aw-X-iii4-iiiettladlof4gliikaVall34 "4 'VOW f.1 i'alia'W.' ..retailtiMiltrarrail "Hew did you feel under fire?" destruction of militayisin,as car- "NOthing can feeze me now," seq. on by the Kaiser and the Pres- Nens-; •• .•• iw 'th rie i eele Junkere. , He wants to see the, , Portunately his aim vas bad . , :S'Not 86 '/ drirn: bail,"e Seeili Volited tq'... .. ,IN,T it roliVi‘illolgttiril iinftitrst t 1 titih t - a little robnd hole In the back of, thet, m e that is continually hanging over mohait top..., iti.1,, rid he wants to see all peotin frelt t 3tii, tVreti ttuched his cigar to it, an „etolive their own lives as they see ftti Oeenittirle.the edge all around. "Orde a new piece, Cliff," he said. "If any' e ''''.73n -''''this does not suit the Gernian . — -.— ...... .., edY...es s. ..ou how it happened, uh4',. ,,,,tcni tary caste. It wants ,to rule and- you' saw me do it with my cigar," ".!&, rd ?do inate, and, that la just what tho "Yes, suh. Mass', Geeffrey,"esaid the , AI ed Powe e4etelfifi e ;leit,'"-- h,ittli V;:6, hatifefetire'',w, ft,,h'iatlye,Plieof,4 expensivig. ',..• e e. - 44 •1 4 /, • fterim I:I / , :7 '.• - s. le ,, • e: q no do. Ge .onratth me , ,, ,.v :,1 kt,,,, ..„ ... s, 1,-.. • 1. ... b. , ..,-. ,Y.3 ' ,71. 4 ,- Neilentteitipted to .tnaiik• his' rescuer' • .4.- e • but Parran would pot heer of it. .: iii, is NINDittuRG3NA01,11$6?,,„/illdid,,CtliOd54,{to,,I)))11gOE:yol!,,,: he said4 • honest y. - ft Nfreivellese el Freneie newspaper "I know," said Neil,: o'Bitt: the lobli4 pu .lighell at 'he liagtie., announces gation is there just the same. If yoult thRsitea.the. AteARttse•ITS0144,490-1/iM 4.1'%''-'' 2-47.+111514'iiibtiVilliiilti3ri'?..r;A:Ir "- - -°°i . "Nonsenee!' said Parran, 'The whele ,authoeity being given as from g 001144./leseillezettileeePeeeletiedesdietTstet elate . notice Otte is'Arritteetti by 'to*: Yetrd* Belgium. • It states that death super- be arreited in ten minutes, and.then Vened?'franiese etroke aftet -Mind bad ,• where would be the ,gaine for. ell :our 0, estoteeee eetereteeneoe,;-;lth „theieleateee . :teriub6ltaiiittitYyrsilesmomuisei..,,rtyliartiegerie we etegrenteheadellaSteris• Wer ennee time a .NeiPbeived ift tierplidrdenae: ! ° '1 .• bade :thee General had beenererserted• . sParraneledethe/ wits; heress• a 'flagged' asebiting Unwell.' ILO. Wait said.. to . have . -.countiterd, and •througle /4 / side' deer ih..4:gtlimiti ia,Saidlthat ja 111.0.110 was . I into a great, dim hall. ,, .•, "MY diggings are neeteere "•hts said sutferingelirotruofeveri•.•thereheilwas :a : "Thle titiii Of' t!lie lionie pas' 'hot'been. vietint OfiFacntainervous trouble,: and. ;titled lee yeeetee, ; I - - - e se e-. s. -,- -• that'aislauentabr apaoity ;Iva:s.,impairs, t • Well Wks introdlited-ttrtAidie, &Milo' ed. The report adds tbatt,Ludesiderfts;seittingtropm",,the, -cot etsiteein.tie the secortd floor. It was unmistakably a Who le credited with being the brains Of the •Gefreen high conixiland, had • Rimaa:s room, and the' kind dear to a, Imo heart: plain, easeful and not too taken over Hindenburg's duties. . .tiely. Neil marked a capacious fire. ' Whtti',T( ".- f" ie -,. 4i, Fo . A Ittkilfeifte',•-•fibtibl. eaSy :CliWri4;.a dtible !student's' MAIO: "and ,, 1.4 Vr13 7 erif burg Wap et iv:h0 • ,, 14 the Itannt ita; 19-;',)!444" ' 66 ,te electesee,Shiti; leoffeey Parrail, fmminiti $ _ ,, p 11411% 4. 'dlia Ifiteihrir's- , Maisie :•Ishae' will/ get tis it 1V.{ t,140,i01,! .:•„e„ ,,..ais 'de" iei • 1 ci ,,,., 0.'ig ,T0'. eat "and •drink• dire.ctly." study ,of -'l it ',,e -'11te itel'enseMeyett,':411.4 il -NeilllObleed. et:hint:in astottisimient. :Thie tffrien the trfartiee,hrit bad loidit' On. Wet .i,s-:.:4.ip*.ftilitiiio.,,,,ii-i,.‘041..,fi'lFg. lItikeheet 4 eetipie sof liettrs befeial: SI xt'herit ...4i,,fir„4,,,,n4tietehis, 'One." arid 'bail aecept yonr• • hoimitellte,": , fie ueeeete4ey; dia ' 1 thii ..xnftnry:', idol" Staledi'atittly. • • .. :•• ' . • '! '' ciplc' j 11 ;Atlale -iltillttiliet's Stigi-ts:ea41!,igisltitottisiatvairtlielititiVflierizei: Of the. i 01' . . „ marsh:ea, ,. it et , , . ill' tt „ 1 eq 1 i % 1 p :lei '.(1)itN:'„Efolve't422.iipttk,1;;Iqtviitu-lotiliieti!vievagAt. 1...irine. 00. of r4rotl "lq," 7.1 lisrffrl !:,17 / thiddeEITY, ' • " YOU'', Irritfttea- Vie '.. ii ! itttie fibir bir.r r,tb.:e tiyi 4444. Lim, qx.ii ,iki,b. El ,1';ed I ' apt' Inclined to.. sympathize,. :to 'Come 1:0,': het khii 'if lbat- l'aidelidniff IS ' reenect YOU." - Neil frowned at the 01.1Si:1041 , ; , ': tint dfreti4e1 't ce Of the German . "I stmelose yOn're thinkinkOf the ebt- OrMY.: ; ! P. 1 , e se a'''''Ps '' ' ''' tri le that lodging -douse," "said Parrelle ' AltiMdgle 1 i #1 enburg helle•hiadee .9I Wen•obligeti te act al: I did. Tr* ern fron4 'Ifisf ii 0 'aate delaat ,waitotto i trli,'•ga,.,t'lriir,k4P0.•:‘.‘vvehinickifOl(" - f 'el e"ta , el.3ltrug6 1 iptne ;atidddsete /.! elves ,•eitt. the Wes& Nitaa•n12 antinleyeite it. It yen ettalci foie ti°llbt'i•;41414, 04i o etare him in the -tegothneei.e,e70 •I:11 tkee. 'It. Wei 'Ite. n that there was "What did she—what have 'you been trouble mid, disee, 1 ' ''' h !.(1.''flitit - • lold'h'aslved Nell. i high e4mrslentl.,"r. CroWit'Plitite and' the Keller WOO 'I,' , ore ogreNs,tvvar- iattee; iX di int4 linildtt, Hindenburg wag he' ing tart' attei lite g' at, 7, .. i , . , „3 • • ! • . „. "Not..nutch,n said the ether, avoid- Ang No glance. Whenever Uinta Was Suggested the tall young men' !Mine- diately became' /thy. Y'r 'underetand ;that yoa -bed ,befriended—that lade'. ;It Weetfis like' nicomplieated situation:" .. . ecoMplicated I vi ,7 said, Xell.- "Gbd 'r, " ' ', : 41101 J.011. I.. essi • ee Lord, none of us knows1 . Where he's e:tlietti'lltgellielb particularly poet'. at!" . , re but Shakespeare "Sit down," urged Parrett. :"Ittay 6 hete sereral, eel* ces to thies•-"celible in re eyriy •-of Speelcing /Weete hrith In blertntilli litilbona ilroot," defined , bif -+..tha Satufs 30,63t. I assurer Vela r abi 110i Johnsen "eitnply, I, "a plant," 1.71ke „trying to take you in. ?on my huger hard's tent -41044 6, howevir,'Inciiily they"are out of your reath for the tem- eoncertSd '1;;WIthi 1 lachrymal u•op.,, ment. Yon will not be any farther be- ectiesAntlit+4te r fe 'I lit akl, iloci,.1s71.4fte i..elle.tt lit, to-merrow morn- ery b k ilarttiet,'11 • .. be :sing:" /,' ' "t I . Well bRiltd. ll. lgri,ti Il not wish pur kise.- Neil Was glad 4o obey. 'The last ing t be '',Sttollid.TI Beatinient and , few hours had been *earying, The Piet ' Neetitier„Lilri "The Mud; LoV77'• eged negro presently dpiteared with ov. ke, : .kossli, reSeetteee, tes s • its • 014 beef and bisettitts and beer. They mettle :doe' ,, ., . 1 11 t rate 6 I ._ "The7,plaitine„.•, ' •• - - ' "NO' eatiee few the apPetIte like Ind- -Ili est% it iith gra onioa," lets, it seems," remarked Parfait, dry- , tr. ....4-.4,4,4,-- -es The tonged Minding 'Pi exette env "I hope you won't get int0 trouble ie en evil --lburipides, - *ter that," Neil remarked. sae '• • • ,,,sJ;;;;, 1 'No. 'fear. „That's the:, advantage'', of hsvirig a name that's •A GUY inititti, tion. TheY'd never dreitinsof spapect- - lag Me. And beside, I, took off the' number plate On the nifteltine." ' . "Hew rauele do 'yett blow about ray. case, really?" risked Neil.' -; .• Parran • became; ditfident again/. "Very little," be, said. , "„Naturally rape doesn't like to aek questions. I gath, ered ' simplY this; 'Mkt yob Were' 0 - 'culled of. a 'crime that 'young blade - guard had probably committed, ;and: ,that While yell had, •showO, leeethat lerly every., coneld,eration, still ,yoa were deterinined .tO 1)011g:him, ,to. JUST; :Moe) FIR tliat was Abigett••to,fight, !you." . , „ "Blackguard?" exglaimed. eagt., "Bid Shia.pey,, thee?", . „e„, „, "1%41,4 bay..wprd,", Perren'A At:eta:mm.1 , "rati with „with yen, them? said gelittly„ e "I 'tepees§ you, ASen't, lella' ine ettteh, tee added./ „N' The . other, Teen Opole .bie heittle, gloom:0Y'. ':Not; hitt. What sl'eleliket•te. MY. "Lyetimed „to," i said. Neil. , ." -P.erbana. Yea•Ppald„telk,1114,111Qres.,9t :the etreurnetancee/7" • eliggeeted Bari -ratie:SideYlles . . • ! • 44 2 1 •1:,! • •,:4 Irnpt°,LX :Acme .80.". OM& Neil; ; ,,• • et • 1, "Nou're rights .9f elattreeln.returnede the. others hielehing• PhiCtieldn'e, have :•aeltod, •it. il3nt ;sale •la „ANY lenneens t ent, tormented. tek 4440W." ., .• • "Oh, 1:understand•that./Satne.herei- T•here's - ono thing in, -partioulae ,that,• ttarreetits :me. I.know itssand lefts:not lanow: it:. Perhaps pen could: tell me-. :without , ;violating ;any •econfidenees, !What, is he •to her that •she obliged / lo/fight for hinannspeakable, cad that hiseis?" / • ••:•••• e: •-;.-• . 'iThat ••is. secret,'1 said ;Parrett:elle/ lowetones, •i'lle is her husbatd." • Neil; • took • the: blow,' standing, ;/ "1 / supposed so," her said galena*, ^busily, C'rumbling a /-pieceeof • bread: en the ,tablee ,doesn't.'alter • matters • ter, ane.t. Oh; but, how -could. it ever ta•ve hapPened?", ihe cried, his voice fell pp pain. :, . • • . : Parran.ishrugged bitterly. PNo. ,one know-thati. Of cottrae.°She' .w.ae,youngst,,But nobled:,wise tbr` hereyearsee • • • . , ',!Oh Yes 1 fi said Neil; harshly: ; It' e aleti,iyst.theebest/ ones /that °fling them, aelvereesevayi" I , :4 • ,-"Theetero nien, Were Silent' for a long/time.. 1. • • • 1 niesklispose /you have known her -for /.rtairegreisuggested- /Neils 4 wistfully,• .• '"Sitieer: eltilditmed!"' " ."' • '"What" a ' dear little" girl I She' meet bitiser'heen!"'enurintired " "Nevee anOther'ilka litne" deld Bar' eaii. grtiffly:." "Hoe,' leng have :roe?" 'nit!' 'week!" • ' ' e. • • -The'''Other- 'than 'looked' his"astriti, ; ',Bet' tar er :Unary 'Mediate hiS 'be.ei •,e -son -f ed"info th. it rteiren 'iliye I ":". ' ' •''' • • ' "She's' id tereiblo • diStress," 'Said' Barehn 'areer" 4' while'. ',"Cdeldn't 'Yenee-' ;et'ene•on'eretir purtiOSet''Yeotrand I together doeld 'eastlY 'hida• you. Olit 'of r7,14nly§'w'ar.1,1':'2.,'$:,.'ell -gra'te.cit.' 't://4V—Pi'th.'e , NvOAr.O. Tflit.sti ,1"(4.hileW •the trlitosst!,0 /0.0t;r44r.,-91VIsate.ti Witt C9nceille.7119. tvi-11 t.)X9P-CRIe P..1;d1.11S. YAMikl,cis It., Yen, 1!.t. •11.3-t. :40:p IR1 kind 9f T4,n4Pire7-, f'4. -; '-',P.Irg.: "Stisio ttlitkett,,h9,aP-thig..tor• ?11..0!•t gi3.94s7PRIP ,144.114,1'..9 '00111,4t ,Pae, tlei4 as, r, AP,04, 'TP)414..kuiT..esP1179t..1,1)11). pn the"tipat,e'leakc, n?.SIAlthtg, Illtt°0-1 •;:. , IVO 11 Ale :4,114S,'9,f .4 Mi!ng .11,1co Iha, :, ,i, e:',Inte. eraolei ,,t; gannet Asee.., twf.ti.f 1_, IA ettlet*,q'T P4? .9thr. Val.': 0,,lite !X lit I, Mil AlAn, iv. tb„ nix ow.o:Apurpr, , !a„bay,e.44QM35ht „of, that,!• ; said . Barr • eat; „wipe a, iwty, smile,. Mut I.!..00ttidn't. 097•7 iti,..Witli. 4 eleart..-hands, ,beeense..1 'went, i hen / neyeelf,"." ,. ,/ . , ..• ......., „ • . ! ‘7,6el ;do „I„;Sosaitl Neil ,Pre.mPtlY. il Nv_eultiNt „mpecf. ta get . her • that ewey. Whets Mein , ,thing., with . one ,, Is • to • set • ,xeurrel4reelt :Parrett, ...,"ishe could, never p9,1,„4 ill0,h9N ikeednftersite" ‘. :,•,,. e. '': :41-deell:t agree: with..youp.,said Neih "st s.tilitIN. YAW loole, abethinga wnong endefiredee"Ioarrean-artls,t, and e don't giy,e a 7ritP,,tor earhatethe,t world., ileyse "Whattei.,thinksot.letnatetteteshas mane', • retire erif,,Youtheend "beauty,botore :her, , need, , ,phe „thee:tee., eighe / to be.:: lianeY7 [w4.,peeniterre. e •••...: :: ,:. „es .. ..'• ea„ I tb.inh At her sree.,,aseI have 1 ,Ue 1,411400,1y e .pulled ., Maisel/ up,. luthelie's .no,juse,,shrielsing about what. rcre'reigeingtte..dot ls..there?", he, said. eltatnefueadly,.. ..eii,mean. to. get him. ;P‘,.37t.'ll ariet. ,I ,,.1 ., 1.,' , .,.. ,, , , • .., i: 41449 ketighte,hewever„Paesioneres and. uctermined lide qu.ests•maYnet Nature.: Lter.t1,1e,:great ,Mether blandly.,exaets t., ilatigiet . MI th , impunity.: Soo.neneor. 99 ,gble• r• Nell, who. turned hi ';for an PAr i. Pr r.neeF",',. Slept until. noon,. neXt, q'arir•TV4411•1 he. i did. open . his teyes, it !teas net, rel ,elering ont ,of bbd and ar- or , Illinsalt , RS ,knight-errant might te ,sapppsed te do. He last for•A few. fielnitteleedePeed, in ,delicious • „ease,: lirdeingnt the canopy of,his irelnense• entriPesten...and ,iifusing , to let: anY itenghts .,:of,1 Murders, ,police and bar- leeepte , ei.„ ,, ,,, ., .,,,w,M a 17, ..”. ,, ,,'A.1 0 ,.,.1 ,,O) ILSSell Aamsela „disturb 'his mind,. -. 4 11 NO1 -eilittlklE72:0110 Mkirtirdicliietift 'Thei loftperoone had •,a, flaVer of/ treir the'"while he arkplied hinitielf to ,I'vere• elmertal,Diaded chintz, hangings, t6 Arehie alone. After several at - relieved thy.. :spotless..dithity- at, the itempts;: lie intleeed the ,follewing. in. eashee: TheAvindoyvis .were..openpand. F...ii, 9o.Lvolope: " Wein, the eeottrtyard rose a solind ot, ear Pai: tti'lletling.:And the splashing of 4,heee• il You thought vole were pretiet MOO, A•fter • the, frentic.,excitement of ,the tildift you, witkl j,youtik.,1).,,ovvfollittipt$? r' est. few days it was like walting,un _Out I got you. Heree die come-bncle. neheeven, •• / e• - / •• r- 0 I livesto see the end of,,t eeworld, : Oho/ of, the dobrs opened. softly,. and • el Ithe ibenigne ,wrinkled black fece et atir°o1rry:Pitniatitt IstellYeel'itaYine44178-1.1'41niti:lirtenlillitYg Uncle Asatiet ;animated. 'See.ingellea's nil day for GaInt'a 'trumpet. NOW Will open eStese lie grinned ,tootlaietisme , Yfrit ,be geodt Yeture, re ...7 • , Si ;, libel " el-tenUt i d'..I ''''' ito .get..up now -V! . bieyk,marle„nie . _And to..thenk disgusting moue again for the sake of all, 'ideal" , Whoa he en,tered the sitting -room • • later, .1,1'nele Tearte 'Wee putting straw. -herries and., groan -p4.-.4... little tsblo..by • an open-Winde* 'With' Maple' 'leaves rustling 'entaids. The 'lleaVy. lieeti,; the old silver, the nasturtitima in a china, • howl were ln, /Si eeltiff.' Neil silently • groaned again. '"To tIihilt of Coney Island atter this I° • • ' ' • - - • ' - "Where' is rier./ letrrenV1 he -attired. - "Pone, ,gone to me: office, auh. ,9111 he back to,,,luneh „et., ege„ Wekzeic,t." . ,., "It's nearly ono mew.. I'll wait and eat wlth him. Have Yon g.br a.-riewn.• P:aSP,';re70',';'eCh.•Righti 'here, sale/ The-Stna peper,". -'' ' • - .- ,, .! . • es • - , , Nell eelzed „on it eagerlye The 1'0,1 - seri ease- etili lield !the firet page, But the long doepatch'froill'NeW:Yeele -Cons 40E4 only orl;the•intereutdve-esoundinit Mole. with .witlell an- notate . oditox in., as celebre„ted• pees. coeite: , to ,epeceal,; a leek' Of' real new,e,''Of Jeeal news ,there • was no word. concerning the neetritt Wild !flights .. through , the/ etreete 'tee' pnrigetlistutibefteoretliBealtimcmerlieiweaqpnegr: tioncowt•!, .Yoekere knew,' •I'lley are uontenti to, . print .Witat! they' -maY. ' • ' ''''" ''' '•' ' : ''' rollowmg the, New York ,itleseatelt -.there was a single -paregrapee Rev, rob. !"1*911.11:0!"OttillowaYAite knewn to P e in Bal• !,tifecira.''Laat 'fiiglit'lie'Vati'been ht oVe'' iofs the • •hotels ;f-reriuented •bSe °porting ' Idea' :hilt Managed toeelip •away• before, ne,cenid;. be, eereated.,,ele, 4. icv,97,4 0, "be In town :gill, and ,eveey Avenue tit calcitae let 'guarded. • `'-'' ' -. -' ' - '-' : Hist par:tease ; -seszeltite • -oritiline .6t, •Nslhern the Neve:Vorki dopa,tehes'. nad 430.1 :FLYCit . tg:70,Y- • l'Sfiter,tten' 'tvail.-• titer/ rested la as.well-keownehetel here Jest S'itglitt nti -.Wag 'plit`threngli'll-A.e'arobiOg' exaraination: Anthere"fs itee'eVidelite' . :,a,sgaacilende.t bisa, he, wee, eubeequeettly re- '• At ePollee Heatidhartera all'inforina- lien abtiptcithe Cane Wirs'ibr• obvions reasons terceede-Colonel.-Thcenas;•salid:: S'When Nell.„petosiyay. p-A,R.r„,m40,0„ lii Will give. out , a stetemente Until, hep.. not a whet'!" '.' '' '• '!" "1' '• ''.' ' • - • From thee eltierti • 'cintfitlen t'' air itt 19 taken thet enearreet le draminents, e /; • ". "!Eameerild fitefft"..setielellght nail. Xet et inepreeeed him more than the windy Atipotii:gto:t4si: .1:6; si titxF4 ot.opatc:::-.114...NI:illiv itt' 'It' ttlilt: 'These •people ;mean busieleace" • b re euat ttioilie ellierif- fidi . d -;"4 fat' chance I haye et, getting clear! pow the :Ontretelanegeligaing0 to get Away troni4thie: : teeStf? 4' libr`."" .. in.• ATOP° ',Mt '#Wi) AlZ We holitt •AT.111. Strode' ttp ana noirn'the big risom, /theolfiergeltin trairreftir grithe '-ekii`e'clit" allitenliereltsseheitraightelegtablieirrti6ii-, bitia,icapaue..,004,scithad,„ nio, denht thee -had -set, "A:f0'rfi- 'free 'only isa'..,tbe kiipeetatiOrie4Pihtiera'Afo'tild'leitclitit'eSon' Ito-, Nelusoolfen7.6y ,iaterD'altem.iiirt%,-.Ta - tellephorieiiee priereen'elelsek,nlak Neil le3:ed deeirOusly. lig,,,, dared ,not.,,use it. , ,PrettY'''. neon:- Par"rati. 'Caine Ili, 'Oita, his .nnehanged, /ego Neil guesiellailiti e Irad,..-',Wat 011:ll'd,P4.0 ttIVIW•aglarai in the 'morning paper with theif af- he .wah;lePtegtatningri t4ei`i fame: „nt tly eil tetra, Certaiely it fieehtispecrlde.that "OttoeS4y, he lid it well: He : renght. the firsteeilltioneefetheletternoon pa- per. Nell' -Mud ted, "1 te With eare.ftit care- lessness:1;41*d artile eii".tha:""".rolsen ease was./megelYea4rehriale oe;:elie earl- ier etorYt- •,,-,,,,e-es:, -R;',,, .• 2' •• 774, 7 7.ri; 7- lt..;• ; While • die' two. mane -ate- the- delici- Cue lunch ' t li at' Seteele" risiebeienV elt ef ore them they leetletteelYeeeveddedeall re- re,rence to diaeoneertin,g-subjektes Neil !vas 1ml:ire/Isar lintiViktth tlifs'..tatt that his ' host -wee. algenercrue ;and 711.10:soul- ed gentleman, bat- a - iletketeeteettlized, it‘little lacking in huntere - - ' Stu,dying him -4 heeeekesl -il hjInstlf;1 "WhYv didn't' she tgiteilffin,lit "iaZiontig inconsequentiallyr, ?XII: glad , filhe did- n't. I coulebb Idalchici ;•ok' 1E130' to 'return ..te hie .ofrIce wets ,Netlet,cege, 46.tipt-t,:liett,I.artreolly•aet'IrlatqPX.'llolit, in to d' 1, "What . are7your,•plans2".:tha former asked dift,identir, --s• .seees- •;•,•,...,••ee, : SI lhayen't„any,."..,Nell frow4eA.,.'1A, UP' a tree." , -,' , ''', . : ,.: - : "Treat- this '11.euei. irk yen+ oWti..fo'f!' as-leng gerYou',61fOtafe;" eeld'ParratU, 1,'I . may tell you./.4ithout•-, betraying.. .anybodyi.i-that?, YOOP. oWn Apecials °lee ject will net.;he any; pere,diffleigt,,to„. ' ttain by reason of a day or two's de- ! ifYou're leery -1rititt!'''''''"keA"'14II. put of ceurse I muetllet trYmotion agife- ait Soon de' r ofizt: - ' - : - 71 / Left ,ithited vikwropwetvetratirrfuiet teed the sameold'retifid'sehithout findet ng any outlet. He -could tiotibtitlimen• hat Archieet olevernesa, which had ethrticularly aa ATi'd '"'s 'aVtery" "iiielVe p114.1!orset .1.1the:.a:nalee;..evtoti,.ter,ied:r hwini; Weitid ferret him out, tette h,ilieweeleatle "Ant Oeza how -it wasest -'- bei!"..4/0001e.hesit , ',' SOW at MO elf0 teapeee:sse-while the heakty: ho ntel 10 doer& not l'eoncentrate on a book. In the end an odd-looking Want advertisement caught his eye. It nae headed Personal, the only ad- VertIsement • en•derethet .headinge,end it consisted of but two worde, w•hieh etrused it /to stand out conepicuouslY l'it •the see, Of"print. d ' :le ' • ', / ; --." '1, •'-'"Preettlent -Wilmette' -• :"-• ' ' '"''';" ',' Addrese Box, e04. Sun offiee.". . 1...' That *an -a11,-Mell gad' it'end Taw., all riti; retterigidld it nrid'estiltaed. '',O ltiote -sniff° rivOtelefer4'",' hiCeetit4A- rce, 'arid hirito,therrideefee. btOrrilto bbie • Agili." Child 'Old' AfehieI •••T it Am to find a way! Neil's tend rekh- ", .."I say, this le the guest you left al 7 .' "Fire away." . „. 111"De iota mind if I send Cliff out on g'"lar.rfann%t!lcgt-)ifc'tee..11):,1.1.:11,..,:i.q6,:,'„Ii. ,e4'•7..1•14,-.4;;'./a,P ;Some." • ! -Ma errand?" "" t"Ce,rtainly net! A dozen, if vitt ray." bthetel dowel Which ••made hint feel like tonbosing.Aiii atiewer elaseheeeel'esertlee- ohied• waking; up -inetb•e paet., There krient' whieh weuld complehensible 'Motging, sub.. leoes ree etAtele'eetton, "17 suPeose so," said Neil, with. a *roam • • 'Horses Loyal -to Cavalry "Hot 'or old .bat, Wit' • • . It Has Proved a Revelation To Millions of Tea Drinkers i• or ,r.: ,771 tiO I , .Irtich-in Flavor —rAbsolute in Purity. '''Seale(E•Paokets onlY I...* T.R.Y ur! -,Volack-i4Greew J • 12,s, • .12 4.14 It; J. M.' it. ' 'rairbairn' has 'sb n ePP011ited, chief en,gineer of the 6P. R, eystea; • replacing." J, •EfullIvaeseettlef .1Anglarl/IFTP 'iq • retiring tO enter priVate'"practiae,.. 21diii.;the /announce. xnent by special circular issued°44•Y'' • $ir Norge »pry. yiees Preetclone, "'Lard a u g ,estetsy; the Prese Vq;174 .77 = ;ROO It c,attnot be accord- ' VW' Me.-Firikbairne s 0/Whose/el riee / has ,,,heenethe result et eervice renAered ' the dettilMiy"eince 'he eetillitict•/ Ahern in • .aira ;wee porn in! . • • , eterbOroitgli 45 ' . , •- . .. .1 eara ago: He eit." ' ' ! ' ''J: lq,' it. FAIRDAMN. ' 5 '., -NA 1 .,i,teted ,the Torietto • EletiversIty, 'where be:graduated. . le .t.Je et/ //re,Followeng aeshort privete Practice' In:British Pelutabla, Mr. Fairbairn joined,,the Cenedien Pactfie Railway ene June, 1892, in the Engineering :Department and Weenie Assistant. Engineer at Montreal, August, 1901, "lend -Resident Engineer at Cttawa 12 meriths later. After three years in F ithei!Ottania: Division,. he returned to, Montreal as Division Engineer, and ,fwae • trensferrelc). to Toronto some months- later; front' width liSilete 'it° ree • ' Itu, ne to Montreal in Ncivember, 19.07, in a similar Capacity': It '''ildil'in,'' - "'detach Obeg,' that Mr. Fitirbaire was made Principal Asastant at Mtint- . esbal; twteYears: later. being promoted to Engineer of itiaintenance of WaY, , andiiin.Jurte, 1911; wee mede Chief Engineer of `Eattern,Llinee, a 'prieition • ''' he occupied .up to the Ume of his present promotien. which is the .higlieste -• auilway position' attalualile. , .:•,,,,' 1 Id r• ,'1,•'. 4t 1 : 1 4 i VAX, TIMS,A1)11440. SKYE .NO,„ 80, 1918 Irow ;fungi° 'Xraamnit HELP WANtittY. mels°4". S 1.11?.peXioill, WITH TooLo---rw rt4t reetiriele. Reid roc, 1116-IttitifitAffiettlidt 110 "Thlthicoll language. Ile Sind letters. H MiscE4LAkszoos. Ass..p.o telksraph poles or telepholia elia hat Ut1 Allfficalty in • rr A.1.41Mitii sArt? TO sEND oemalual4tint with iilo•nellthhere teu, Fly): 74)11112aiLrl ees e4Thmreelllec'eentesy. Qr44kr, 15 or even 20 miles away. . , How. deee. he do It? The A.frican h*Oft dair°Ioni"410u' ti t oh VitrPelef4 ebt e n g43t on which he beate out messages wit4 tWo .wooden, stecits, Ts a stranger a white man, 'on his way to .the .heyond the, forest? "White Min corning.. Twelve in care. - van." emintis the warning ot the drummer-'-nothilig 'mere .that ' the African prototyPe of ourAelegreph eh- erater—tape ,eut his news. for:thinre:drj:uain*C'!:19c,19e:'!'.r:""'4'4:11i11?:i.'ertel rown p, On a d 'ititnie by' whichle sta he called from- ; aotlistance/ and illia.iirum‘ name; will serve as it key to his cheracter. For instancee pie rplartionary who aroused theridin.iyatibil of 'Apt nktieres Elephant Killer," and 7,e Zom, who Fairbanlis-Morse gasoline engine in : , • . ", 444.1 PRIer .$0,INS•• 10rhe2iolit Hebrew sages deelared:: i'Mrjedora coreetir from the OPPortupitY; lot,f,Opetres" (leek net mean that. a. wiee maninust 'belong to what We call Ibiettiq'dlaslida: It' means that if ;orllil otify a little •free*tieie at•his idlepoSale he must: useethat time for ,/the.refretelernent er, nes hidden aedvee, !says S. 11/. Crothers, in the Atlaneic, If he 'efitinot 'have es Sabbath rest of :hears;'ho. Mast leareto tanetify little i Sabbaths; it ntaT -1th ' of 10 • minutes' !lentils; themtbe shall do ,no man. • /her of ,Weris. ,It ie net enough„that !the tliat,Woilis arid recelies Wages be'ilecOgeiied rind Protected; the IWOrld' billet be Made safe of' our'other iselmes.t.,,Doee not the .Declaration of Indspendenee say that every man has !an inalienahle.,right to the pprseit of ,heppinese? , Liniment for,sale everywhere ,•/ . • . ;IWO: -EIN1)5 ,001 OCOUPATION A.CONQUERED LAND. 1 • YOrk. ,S1111.) ' ,,rA•edespatelPirom:• Amsterdam Says that: the: wari.contribution which Bel- giilln• -id, to •Ing Gertueny llas .brien ra,Wd to,,; 60,990,000 ;francs mOnthly. Th," Gerrean militery adminiseeation est 'Belgiiiiii thes exeets froth 'thht' ".deVaatated :teflon I12,090,000 eaeleirriontli:, Or abOut1150.a person'. ,are: the • Germans giving irt &eturn?, A.moRg otlIqr officM1 reports. fnreeisted, e Peigiari GoeTernment ;at Le Havre, France,, inthe statement that' Reigittn: viciodemen atid foresteira haled beea °briefed out of ithe vast forests •eif Liege,, arid, that this former grilat source .of ,revenue , for .the king- dom •le tie, he eaken, over„.by the Ger- meps fer their own use. An examPle of 'GetniOnY'd ethallneds arid of their thbeoughness 'Conibiheleelgiuni for bbOtY fouled :In the; Mitten:tent-that after. Seising . all, other live stock,. 0( the., peppery ethey h.a,ve rempeitiened, eh Aogs. "more tban forty centimeters. qweara Who-refitso to declare 'ite "punisthed by n'thaxe nitifris fitteelbt 20:000 titarke•($5,000) and athiznerfatxviernlyntrierarivaltylse .1srisonment 03i...jillnesilsecrrMi:sp,et; theirs reosotuonrterdytisoxneeepetf thoge seree their °Military pur- ee 4... 1J a r r!. '7171 urtitt :1!7 • . , i .:. sAvE., wi.FE s ,, .„.•,,,,,, . ; . , , , •• ,r Prom Suffering by Getting Her LyditE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. kPittabjlirih, rtir nially Months iitt' Mile to da Iny Work ()Wing to • a Weaknese which dieleed-backache and headaches. A friend called y attentien to one of your newspaper advertisetnents and immediately my husband bought three bottles of Lydia E. PinIthare's ,Votetable Corn. pound for me. Altet 'taking two bottles I felt fine andIrmy *roubles 0:hutted by tha Weak. nem ate a thing of the past. ,A.11 Women who auffer as I did should try Lydia E. Pinklutm's Vegetable Ciompound."-*, Mrs. JAS. 620' Knapp Sao •Plttshurgh, ra. Wo*nrien who suffer from any form of weakness, as indicated by displacements, inflatrunatibn, ulceration, irregularities, banketbil, herniathes; netimusheles "the IbInesi i!. should accept Mrs. Rohr - berg's ,ouggestion end, give itydlia Pinkham's Vegetable CoMpound et theakittgh trial. cVer tatty stoat it lum beet correcting atieli ailmenta. If yea have anysterimae, N*11)1100012 write for advice to, Pinicham Medicine Co.. Lyto; Mau. , , , , , "Cold."„ . . . •.., : •• i Isplaying alinost human instinct, .100 Uncle. ',Isaae had . Netil's freshlY h' rses tutned' cliet to 'the rernount att.•. ' ressed suit over his arm (lleart lin- tierobss the Plitt NeW • York' ' eavairv n was already spread out, The Old iitten that organization, was • transferred tan shuffled Bleat the rOoln, With to emehine-gun cornertnies, . demon - is .fiteO beaming with the ley ,of ser; itude. Neil had not believed such. r inistere of centrOrt existed outside ,milttary dirtelpline, but [broke' dOwn : rttgldhtYhesltratglitNilitritCegalellittkrikitaa: Eerie. The horees paid no attention I I hoekti: • , , , • 4 , . 0 bitrriendO Of the remount station and hoped' oiler to the picket lihe or the :Watelaing , him, he indulged In a rst raven% their old rendezvous. , rotlection. Sliote• etyranni- atiY of the lioriseh -took nosittoid"“ in e mere metes oltest, peei,ve. lure: tun of the, teuttitf ofticersi• aritt 7 so. !hirer BerrantS. They. ere happy Ire ..!virsreonirear atrintio°411krr;:- thatk state. Wer Were bbltged tb en Were cOrnpelled to tarsal Bleb for. ree there,' it no end a trduble all er dunib eeftoeletes tool 4ive , them ek to the terriOnht station. round, merelY for the sake of an *LI , itl(la. int0 ln.n fit, thin momenteHew A fellow May be the salt of the , katerla, Conifortable sml Tint I aPt rth, bttt inet to be seaSonahhi !obliged' to get- ttp end plunge into the ould also have a little pep. , • •• r ••• • lit 1 • 1 , poses, -and they ase,cOntizthing•to.send Belgians to Germany to work le Ger-, Man Munition factokias."DY a'Gernien military court' sixty-six persons were; •tried Jen° for opposing th.e.German, administration; twenty-four were con- demned to ,death, and seven executed: immediately. At Charleroi nineteen persons, Weeding ,Wosuenemerchanta., a priest apd eailwey official, were trlad for spying 'On tlie'roovernepts of Ger-. . man troops. '"Six ef them; were .eondemnede tre death, but their relativesewere not •told, the names of. the victim aud paseed /days.ef agonletagesnepens,e, Wives end :children, of then who were under arrest' elsitionordetta,,el the Pritert gittee," their feelings alternating beeween tope' and despair, Not nittil •theebedies,of the victims were breughestit after,the. exeoetions wee it poesible to knOW who were' idled rind :AV had 'beed In, etrikibg centraet of.these reports of.,7sOrdidoess and savagery is the of- fieial report upen ,the, reselte; tef the, 'occupation of the, Begdad re.gion by , the British etOditienary ' force§ 'in the Mesopotamian valley. It explains Why the British administration has been eractically without opposition from the native inhabitarits. is, ' :moreover, gratifying to the Allied net - tions. The report srlydr • • ' • "Bagdad was dead to -.all appear- ances when the British.arrny 'entered on March 11 lest year. . Now .it.ls a 'bustling hive of humanity, Thoueaeds ••r•N••••••44•4444444444•444444=4444•• omporms.m44.•••••••••••••••• St. Isidore, P. O., Aug. 18, 1.904. M• illard's Liniment Co., Linilted.' Gentlemen, -I have frequently used ivuNARD'S riNraiuse, and also Pre- scribe it for my ratlents always with the most gratifying results, and lecoosider it the best all-round Liniment extant. -Prnirs truly, DR. JOS. AUG. mots • I 7r,r•S` Of workmen pass through the streets early and late. The Main street is Paved and lighted, There is a con- atant stream of traffic, and the Sleep- iest old women Who liana the itreete have become 'adept at 'dodging "the American motor cars wych• -rush through the city. Is • • Referring epeeldically to the im-, provements triad° and the deveiOn: ments Accomplished In thie ancient eapital of, liaroun-el-Rashirl, the ere - port continues: . "A police force and A fire depart-. ment have heee organized. The old Seshioned oil lames in. the streets; have been replaced by.electric lights. The water supply 1140,been innerov. ed and extended. Mosques hitve beert reephaoioriesd, , irnooaluddsinhsaves, bteres;p4,ta; e forj native teaCherC"haVe been open- ed." "The streets now are well watered in dry weather and sanitery offielels have peeetrated the, Meet hid.dett cor- ners Of the city. Tlit municipal gove ernmeat hag been Made self-support- TWo. bridges have been thrown acmes the Tigris River. Theso are some of the changes Which have emne with 13ritisit oceuriation and have tome mildly end utitterieed." There are tav ,Ithids Of octupation of at eonqUeeed territory, Otte hy devastation and deatetictien and by the• military subJectiosa of the helpless. inhabitethte threugh terror end creel- ty In the earner Kultur. The other has,for ite Multi:Se the uphillIdlug ef the lazd and the pacifioation and de- velopineat of the people la the inter- est of civilization. -777,---7,-***--- 7 . 'Big Things, The greatest ternetere ever raisedi the,bend of num Is the (treat Pyramid of itTheops. founded 4,000 yeare Me, aral messuring 744 feet •equaireen the Iwo attl 440 ferht htl7th, it tooac 20 yeets et) trtretrom left** input trtklitl ortir titre. months. and, loing thot w•ert% tkucr'4 (eel by an hh.oit. emirs. Thr inis9oh,o brought from A ttiblrt, 700, MI' VI.V7,0Y. The, cost of the sleek eetimated at 4145.000,000. FARMSeFOR SALE. S KA. TOIIE WHEAT LANDS-. In famous (loose Lake district. Coral municate with W. M. Roberts, 60 College street, Teront9. •or Zenlandia. Sask. ArAt4trASIXA FARU FOR $ALIii, ONE hunched acres. Seven miles from, Toronto; excellent grain or dairy farm; Afood buil:lingo and orehardp neyer-tatk lits. omen?. Apply 04 e Lulea° street. woronto. OR SALI!)--LOT 29, CONCESSION •9.' /se :Township or vaughan; one hundred. ,ucties; large brick house; barn, 75 re be' :vs te, stone foundation; will accomodate' 10 head of cattle; also stable for 6 horses;., Pis, pen. hen house; Alit ,'scres -oreitardt: wire fence; fifteen miles from Toront.0.. T. H. 'Steele, Nashville, Ont. FOR SALE. •• Ing twe niis; kriCien ait "The F OR SALE 25 H. P., PORTABLE free egggi Ur:eel:el/Lit: bt liP4 't;°' IIY:6! , is eln" riiinarently' •tirelette pedestrian,' anewere to the, Q00,6) VW, j'If ; th e: P:(.111 ..,-,....8- • .e_.es,:e_e_eseesi: flair writiesirr 0one:the Midst, Pastore •A GEN T 5 WANTED - TOL' CAN Bets I will walk by moonlight.4 , . With the drum, husbands may• Call ' • ' AN'Tt3. WANTED' iL: . make it your county, with our fast . may summon their flocks to churc!;, ,;Tel"iti! n.);11(gbPAI(5)ntIng i TIgrilAB.ar! riovrterre: titmil,L,71i,.,1,1iveix:,ii0oxitt...,,,,,e... other 'Sge:1711n4',',` cielaning up 810 daily. Ne capital nee - agent sells 20 in two hours. Others Ind';.'whit' Madera nth t 'o' Africa everyhody, knows the cedes ns.atriKie UVC1,81 8111/11101 to reliable men 17roaucts ,Co., Ill, slain street, Fostei'.. lquictit tO beeti;!: 3r°ortrr reir. W1.61Zig .vvEY4rlyclhoodiTtiolpsx'a„:,t.e:ite,gra;,pli. /oit;:eria.: tor -/--- 4 • l';. . . , ," : i - ...,:. , . gles, the tighter he Is held; and thia; , Why People Feel: Deprese d .„ . , pleat can be best described as a series:: '''‘' '''''. '' . In. the, telt Weather' , i, ,,,,..zekt.,1 ,:..v v ,.. . ., tirnore subtle. methoddi ' iv3:it:',Al'ierliih'tY Ili Et.i. I.Pn: ii?'5. :''' 4 : 73. *I" a; 311; hgl 1 si . I ai :' ilii -; ''ia9t.' 1 if: f' Pa e- . dsnu!' tt ril till:get 849 °.arkitil?'lliitehrveeeerk to f ongeise. a plained that the cold of winter drietee. ictlelvo feet - drinking water that has! lain in the': thet animels dislike• golathteenrisng Oe one cetti Itetr is inttfewrel hlopd from the surface of the body tp bowl -like leaves of certain "'tante,' the liver. ' Nerixthili Ceie-fOtirth of * euch as rhubarb and the vegetablee the; lyhele,,,illloposuPPlY is ineihe liver, inarrow, and• this is merely an utte; ....law .edtraleonlgoeler#00,1, ebr15,otohlrigisi3efittt.,M,wreol natge.d ;• „Other plants, again,. ensure . their' ,lociked-for neheme, of..,def,euee.„, .. , ..,,-- ,.,' ',/ePeTh,atettefiretinedy °xi 4ithan Dr :: Hamilton's pills, which are composeri1 inimunity front attack by the endigett•e Utility of their leaves. The rhod. 1147/44uithAvvetzeTteta-m- exutitteZstenl-Q1=, sedendro:m, for example, has etriegee ,VOnderfatir,74:14sera,sti-mitlatiagow.pawers,-, ,r1.64.6.11.,.074. Ytg,' that ' rtrust be the -re- goet-Iike animal. The most retailer Palatable, eeed tO the. Most Its a marvel the way Hamilton's PPM clear the blood of the poisonous hum- put'riew life/intoevorn out bodies, rtho eappetieee; brinle• back a, reserNe.oe, peeve ..energr,, tide fcilki over the cOld day's ,Of 'winter arid the edepreedier &Os' 'Of •springli For yeurehehlth fated body econifert• get• a; 25c..box, of/ Dr, / Hismilton's lo-daye 1 7..3: Scientlfio .,,T,ottimgsf: . l„., . High pritee prtid•foreelderalle, scrap iron and steel,lebc.,.• were•.ascontaibute rillgoedrotf,rthiellUtriet icitliaSntrt4:11sieTflit,44erYliv a track 'In 1917. ' ' ' "' 7." ' '' '• 'A'nedtceedi deeignert6i-eillysWiates' is -equtpped, for use as an ambularic,e. in case of emergericy. Tho consuniption of 'rabbits is greatly inc,reasing, owing to the scar- city' of, 'other meat. 'Incidentally' the country is being ridded 'of a erop-dds- troyIng :pest. ' ' By-produot cotakingedoubled its caps acitY; ire the last.:thete 'ye,rire ,in the UnTittlescid!S;imtaatersd.e'd. s-lio' es-' c:P.I,the Engils.h. 4 soldiers, are 'carefhlly Vexed. end Qhe' pieces qf leather ,iatilieed,Ineletindeeds ,. of vitaya:, and what is left is made up into, a patent -streetepaying ;material, • i BetOra the war VO per cent, Of the :artirliiial colotts Ind sclyee -Weed line ported0five or sexecencerne with ,400 operatlees prcieticirig an. eliCA !tonS per AO. Now than Arei nver3,9101 enter- priseol, ach naeking prudes etnd inter- raediesle 3. I 7. I,: : 1•.1 . I.-. : • 7 I, . : ; A AO et wrench mountedam a mo- .ip•whiting. tor seetes =Mi. -Pine lin the' eagenilij• linge fif antomoblies and. ,similar, perk, . . 'A:Colored 'or faded blouse riaY.'t,a Nat14iiii 61,7wAN.etT:nsE::::Et..13rows, i;.1.;, .11i;.,,,I, -To report color taken out by sem. bleaceed white by boiling In ereitii: ut use ammonia fsal vouttile„ or -nets- ioofvoturrapienntpne an& i!ry.,. 'Mlniiiid'a Liniment Cures Ppedruff. tartar solution. i,,,:i'v 1 0. e_sesse. i ,. , e • . :/, „me oPinoiumalwipllaritesn ". '' : ll- • ing'-hilimali,•,:, : ' • horn). drop on the faded spot. . corked bottles in hot paraffin° before When • traveling: dip the -1.ena i of pnaceyjedrnsgpiPocri4eleanalcd otillt milte414 ' will Use benzine or gasoline for cleans-, ing purposes only during the deyelms laurel is dietinctly uninviting as a dish; arid If a moth were placed in an airtight box with some crushed laurel leaves; the poisonous fumes WOuld kill the insect. ' '- ,The problem , poison is no a hard one to solve, and enters, VerY lerg'ely 'Into the plan of plant de - fen& • ia obviously harmful for the bark to be bitten froth/ trees, hence on many verietiee grows a mese. iatal to breersipg animels. Yet another form of plani e.feness !IS that' of 'odor. 'In the majerity nf meet wiernhig of poison,/ de given to' atimals•by odor,--0a.kland Tribune. , • Minard'a Lit:line:it Relieves elearalgia Worth Rememberin.g. When preparing a chicken, try fuh.• 'bins' the inside with a piece of lemen and you will find it very good,eae, it whitens the flesh and makes It move tender. To keep a chimney free of soet, o6- casionally sprinkle a ,little saltpetre over the fire. Teaspoonful' is enonge. Always seet buttonholes eshut befo-e washing a sweater or any other. *out garinent whete buttonholes are to stretch. 'Grease stain on leather may 1,e ece• ,moved with,beitzine. Wash the sees afterwards with beaten white of en 7% To remove fingermarks from tihiLt, enantel,'ruit with A moist, cloth dipped The keen COMpetition lit tbilltherelal circles, even in these etrenuous days, is en...meth:leg hes,ttlP.Ithet4leof„,„ rhal9' • erand ire thesop en att or an a ert- plan* t•ree'ce,e/f§p,e'lette, 4;1$te)1c4. ts,lated room eeetain i ea: t onen.,iliaka ;,4111itird:,the tithe MI:0i', 4' :7 • • • fOrrit la tll9 Per ne rteedliod, ere •heset with peril, for nature is as much mis- tress of destruction as of creatien. • Every plant grOW:ing.alitivild, stktit hes something to combat against. It may be the war waged against it by, lents of other species, or it may be' 'WHEN YAN COLO9 FAgES „ . When a girl --or woman--ftzSe tier dolor fading, when her elteeks end lips t e likelihood of Rbeing „devoured by . grow pate, and she gets short of breath anintal,Sne,inseakflf ; ostly _ hex heart praPitatet &net' This is partititlarly evident 'In the Slight eXertiort, 6r - under the leen drise of the garden plant, which, in excitement. it means riot pe.7.4; ;14 :711TP.a- Its natttral etate. carries $onget sharp ing from anaemia- thia; watore ierset. thornte tris aliPriatreetidit :Heade:ate :And bitelmeho- frtumently accompany title condition, and ntrrotti. .ness is , often Tresent... ,The reinady for ebid corldttion. lb build up the blood, end for ads pur- pose there is no metitoine ,can Pr. Pink Pitts. They build ep aed renew the blood, brine bright, ness 'to The hyes; dolor lb the' Abeam, and a general feeling of renewed healthsand energy. The onle other treatment needed is plenty of sneliget, browsing animals. Thorns, spikea, spines and stiff bristly growths are the most com- p:ton forms of plant defence. There Arceneny,plents that have, spines enly, Wheri. 'young:: Whedding tliehStesteapcins of defence, wriett old engin:0, apd put - fie' ently streng tie -etas t •eltlibuterhe'lits Other plants, again, carry their spikes, Or spines on the under part -•of ehe leeves, or spines on the under part of the leaves, te werd offreeeeppg inoclera,te exercise, and good, ple,a such as altlksAilq.17,! ,=!4, The most te r Mee prant efenet Or - All that of the wreath of thorns, a creeper that flourishes in the 'dense jungles of South Ametica.' A horse or man struggling through euch a IttlfglifSit.'9313-4tertforeattittiteitt trettitites" in eontact with this creeper, will rap- idly be enfolded with the ainuous , lengths, • rout e -et ,whipb 'ft lit ; lutpessibld to get free: Withoht aselatarieri. The mere the victim strug- . • I , ft711:1 404 h' er elt t irtil ;°.1. f a 'irb ti el al 1 :9'tehtolt tsielern ing perfect boallti. YOU. ca.n. get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any dealer in medicine, at .ins.11..post paid at 50 cents a, bee or six lAitosdiretesinfossr rffoctslittyTtilitee. l'ittliete,,V11lie sus • ialiocl Best Watch XspairorN. 'Biwa people -those who have 1....es 'bont blind -are, as well known ere 'cep/Tingly clever with their fingctr, but It IA not often that one hears or tt unt.h. maker Who WAS born blind, and /es there lueve been instances of the Itirel. ; A farmers Mine watehmalver livea '10,11nthibot7lthscontilletenlayillAiri'Cvd6,'Ihielleorullnd tdrink.dn to piece!!! and put together again watches of most dalicate construction 'with tho greatest ease and lin quicker time than most watelintakers who have the a.dvan. time ot good eyesight. on one .oneassion some of the tiey :totem axid screws uhed, ift the trAdo 'Weis strata from him, leat the thief tvas captured with the ,property ott his per. eon, and Itippin identified it hy his tune tate sense or trnmit. Anotrier Watch mid ciookmaker brought ato his- blind son to 7 the tetule, end he tOttrtred x6 deals ful thitt on Mort than ohe nceassion litrireetattn"uhlt41 'tut' C f*v'e' bolverill 44- -11119.112: Omer:. - • to.B1.1gliton Wood. towt 1184 *MD end tater ott fent Iktcheft wheintrok If it is varitlhte. A if -elution keroseue sett eater stay be "xtrielly" for a. utile while, hut It bright. ass nal the natural Nifood mendsrietity. Minerd'e wootivot autos Stott% tie • -( 41 1 • ,