HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-11-07, Page 6y tlli/lt lM9hIA , � Qi." r4dLiy�', � i� 161iy;}� upinioltalt fxprNwGplid TIM !V011. QC0i Q1JA8TIC?14. ae for WAR eOf. 116611M! � �r �rr3�d� tom. lilt► kAKI Rport, �« • l'ia! ii0- l lit t her. a 11" 10614 for a 3nPool *Xd 114.: If-]- ilpd """',, Imp tt� Iter. P4 :the Rema axn: o acro in the natYottal schools." u a ti ousatt ,s of infanta, }n flus - r padeta at Woo Point, eu h .th'' hptnes`oi,the poor,, in the sassll crocs4A lj hogsoo, 10 the Biles i ultval school at A nnapolis, are prohibit. Buoys, r? cities, are ? a-szv-77 ---�-�- ed from smoking and chewing. Rr, brought.,tg �tt untimely grave by this •� ^ Rig I�wUsaye, `-Within half. 44emtar , 041166t, s quite probable. COME' AND TA no young roan addicted to the nae .a'estinonr such I lrave been quoting KE 14►y wpa pick, wr gtvo her Ciotorlg tobacco has graduated at the head of , on the evil affects of tobacco could be- urni , lz' class, I ail d ti it o ,. i t s t e Yh tli i big, e r u met b t I r }A 11 H v u have �+ w a and , ba College, .. � 7 7 .. liva,> to «txor+c.et o , $1, stress This �rU'>�>'i iP ; . th4ngh five opt of re,I&&b O Else t of S, 'Ilia y'. cjual a enffwier}t1 to satisfy � X44111s..'aha olunl� to Casthi{a, ahlpnces; yon sea, are fie a out of Six that any PekPrt argept tb9ae v?lio have meas 0*hed.Ck.;l .shaeavothem casaria some smoker would graduate at the lip their Millie not to be satisfied, and nt head of his alas, if tobacco doss not Iv. slaters}}nasi to follow QA ii} flair } �' harm, but, during half a cook , no wrong doings. As ray article is again Away' With YOU smoker has been able to comb out gettijt. 9ektgtlay, J am ob)iged to leave ahead." my 0611n }ehts on the aboveifor a future lar. Rush, of PhilAlel sia, says of issue.;.; M over, Compos NENTrs. tobacco, "It impairs a P Top Subscriber offers one of Du.:3rt & Co'sjustlycele p ppetite,'producea y R dyspepsia, tromours, vertigo, headache brated ORGANS free, with one Package of Jawe and epilepsy, •,It injures the voice, .,d GGILSOI<I'S WILD CHERRY: ' Watson & Co's CHARM BAKING PO.4il'DER cora I the teethiLdiaa and impgarts y .,, For nearly twenty years this valuable rice 50cents.. This gives An opportunity of securing al s;oirlplexion a disagreeable dusl�y ttrgwn'I. p Dr, B. Stillman,, of New Fork, a nateca. '.kiedicine has been largely used for the Y b practical chemist, states the followingcare of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Organ'worth $196, for fifty cents scientific fggta',,-- , ,Croup, Whooping Cough, Loss of Voice First, "For every one hundred grains and Lungs, Those who know its value The organ will be on exhibition at our Grocery Store of a;�.'- of tobacco used, at least one tenth of a always recommend it to their friends. Saturdaynext. A call solicited from visitors to chi ,� grain of nicotine is absorbed; second, knowing that Wilson's Wild Cherry (' ---- the diurnal quantity of tobacco con. never disappoints. The genuine is sped Great Huron Central Exhibition 'FIAETO",t ' : ;'! ;;r$ sumed by an ordinary snicker is about by all druggists in white wrappers only six hundred grains; third, the effects _.,..,__ Valves, lien do L: sd; i 51 fo tobacco smoke are the same as those No ROBSONs CHiNp HALL,loess Pallrsy C �r:ra, followingthe admittiatration of nice- GOD PROVIDES. I - I Steam let flumes, Fr rm tine; fourth, the resinous liquid which a ij Pumps. Vllid st :i% condenses in a pipe is almost as poison. Doubt not His. promise: ;est AIn.^• andCreamau dry Ul r, Dalry nus of pure nicotine, and destroys the "God will provide" THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES �ctluag,Injurious. and Laundry Utsr,s, is. Iife of animals rapidly; fifth, the liquid �. n r, ��,; cordensed from the smelte in the mouth Food for His creatures- I GIVEN AWAY YEARLY• h hos C1'Ala S' ,..-,.T and lun s contains ammonia, nicotine• 'A "IYEBYWHEPE, g, Plenty beside. th p90hiT t1EAL• fats, resin and coloring matter, one When I say Cure I , not meal drop of(wbich speedily producesparaly- Working and trusting, have tbewrrturn again. i MEAM A RAo1CA mere'pUR . to have made fords ase ofdFitei e Bis and death in young animals; sixth, Waiting his time; Epliepry or Falling Sickness a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to Cure th< in men, small doses of tobacco smoke Hymns of Thanks ivin • worst cases. Because others have failed is no reas6n for not now receiving a care. Send a. n g g once fora treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express ani excite the intellectual faculties; repeat- Joyfully chime. Post Office. It costs you'nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address;—H. o. RooT, 1 t! i ► ed doses produce palpitations, disorder. M.C., Branch Office, 180 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. i ed vision, and decrease of memory." Spring has its beauty, 1 j t 1 r Mr Potts continues, "The best way ie Summertime too, to let tobacco alone, taste not, touch s not, handle not. The intense rs are But in the autumn Tho CENTRAL GROCERY and eickneae felt by beginners are Old things seem new ; -� r �~ ample proof that tobacco is nature's enemy. When once this strong, natural Rich with experience, - p T �+r Pa STEEL -LINER TRUNKS repugnance is overcome, the bodily Laden with fruit; OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. In sample, Ladies'and powers appear to give up completely, Work, busy reapers ; allotherkinda as if conquered and crushed by a ter. (�% 'I"Y`Q LlEiltESt anti SUCIlgESt ruble invader. The habit meanwhile Rest will recruit. McMurrayiJVgrows stronger, too will weaker, and W11 USP rnet afuiTRUiV1C the unsuspecting victim becomes an Bountiful giver, In the World, "Ubjeet slave." Father above, J. EYELEIGH&v0 For all the evil effects of tobac, o Hear our glad praises, Return -thanks for the patronage accorded them since starting business, and an- i SUPERIOR. lSRONTREAL, there is no counterbalance of good, No Echoing love, pounce that Lhey will ontinue to give satisfaction to all who may favor them ��iyi .1".. R IT. 50181>R1fS. iDIt11EDEIEIIl'R man can name a single benefit arising with their orders• from its use. It is in its tendency upon Thine is the sunshine, EL �������` the body, mind and puree depletory, Thine is the rain, evil, only evil, and that continually. Thine is the power, They zvilt keep a full stock of the 1PIp14TTM•IE,tg1G. One cannot wonder that Ding James, in his famous counterblast, should call Swelling the grain e 1b 1Bras St„ one of the most central it a "precious stinke," and condense the " !Zt elegantly odati is f Hotels fit the P very best goods rn their line. And when the latest $ r _ ,A.ucommodntlon for 400 guests• matter as a "customs loathsome to the 4eso S �00DRUFF, eye, dangerous to the lungs, and in the Harvest is here, lilt VkVerday. I bienager black, stinking fumes thereof nearest May we in Heaven's And as thea l,rnv-xc,usively for cash, will give as good value as any in the trade resembling the bottomless.,, Smoke of the pit Storehouse appear ; We refuse t,. one line at coat or under, and make the profits out of some �+• t•��TT��DOMINION that is resembling S)aLrLTRFR BOARD John Quincy Ad%ms, at one time Reaped by the Angela other line you ;:,a_y want, but for general family supplies we will not be undersold a president of the United States, after Garnered above, Patronage respectfully solicited. Remember the place -Walker's old stand. COMPANY. giviiTg up the tacco habit, which he cafe for Eternity, Manufacturers of had acquires in his youth, remarks, "I have often wished that ever individual Safe in Thy love i M 1t�URRAY & WILTSE - CLINTON "�1pb�diilbTmp tis of y ' (', BGiSTS' SU DRIES ASBESTOSMILLSOARD of the human race, afflicted with this Steam Packing, artificial passion, could be prevailed upon to try, if it should be' but for CONSUMPTION CURED. — llili IV"i'REAL. F-RtCTi0N three months, the experiment which I An old h slcan, retired from prat- A Mohammedan young woman NEWS NOTES "A y PULLEY BOARD, have, made, and I am sure it would Coe, having had placed in his hands by has just closed her medical studies P Tl�isuaPerJectF3iorcon turn four-fifths of the tobacco lands an East India missionary the fornmla in Odessa with a brilliant exam- Leading authorities say the only prop - into wheat fields, and add five years to of a simple vegetable remedy for the ination. Her name is $clic- er way to treat catarrh is to take a con- ;, the average human life." speedy and permanent cure of consump er way to remedy like Hood's Sarsa- 3M Mr Bourrier, an inspector of slaugh. tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and jarOfl' Hanum. She is the first parilla. OTS ter houses in Paris, has lately reported all throat and Lung Affections, also a .Mohammedan woman who has re - to the Revue D' Hygiene the result of positive and radical cure for Nervous ceived an M.D.'s diploma, and the It is calculated that about 150 G ITT S BUE' some experiments to determine the in. Debility and Nervous Complaints, after state has ranted her . Canadian x HEST FOR LAUNIORY USE, fluence of the fumes of tobacco on food having tested its wonderful curative g special per exhibits will be shown overs In tbousands of cases, hp felt mission to practice profession. at the Jamaica exhibition. There �x of animal origin. Two kilograms of P are 117 now entered and many raw beef were minced and subjected to it his dnty to make it knq�vn to hie suf- uhe fumes of tobacco for sometime. feringfellows. Actuated b this mot- The living descendants OfQueen Flo. Y once.moreare the subject of correspond - Flom, T When offered to a dog of medium size, ive and a desire to relieve human alit- Victoria already number half a once. ntC,.N �NS that had been deprived of food for faring, I will send free of charge, to all hundred. They include sons and lis!+rai Lith) EEE twelve hours, the dog refused to eat it; who desire it, this receipt, in German daughters, grandsons and grand- In a runaway accident at Was concealed in some bread, the do was french or English, with full directions THE C�IREAT g for preparing an daughters, great grandsons 'and ington on Tuesday, Mrs Margaret y't induced to eat it. At the end of twenty P p g d using. Sent by mail g Gantt, widow of the late Lieut. (1 �C ALL TRENG°. GIVER minutes, the dog showed uneasiness by addressing with stamp, naming this great granddaughters. Besides 19pERFECT FOOD and of sof abdominal paper, W. A. Noss, 824 Power's Block these she has four sons- Gault, of the U. S. navy, was kill - SIZE pains, and ut• , •AN4 : FOR THE SICK tered plaintive cries; the respiration Rochester, N. Y. 13012-y.e.o.w. ed and her daughter, Miss Clare ARMING ak became AOta P daughter's in law, five grandsons g WEi¢H1$ r1UTRITineSOEVERAft y and embarrassed, the Gautt seriously injured. To ORDER 1 flanks heaved, the tongue hong from---""'�'`- in-law, and one granddaughter -in- y J A POwf_RFUL the month, the alvine evacuations be- law. It is said that a wealthy gentle. ZiDE$1ESOIESSt, INVIGORATOR Came ab4ridant, and the animal died in 'l�'OTED PEOPLE. man of Liverpool has purchased ] ;•Pnriners.R Minard'eLiniment cures gargetin cows p p horrible convulsions. Various other the Garden of Gethsemane, near ' kinds of meat, raw, broiled, roasted, Mr George W. Cbilds, of Pbila- The inventor of the atlin un r etc., were used in the experiments, and delpbia, has offered to purchase Dr Galling of Hartford, Conn i, Jerusalem, in which the Saviour "» with results similar, but varying in in, the strip of land at Stratford -on- constants bus with lana and spent the night before his cruel tensity. It was found that raw meats, y Y p fixion. The purchase was mane and those moist and teni3er, absorb the Avon, on which his handsome me- iweutiona,thoa b be is now cite tobacco smoke more rapidly than others,. morial fonntaln stands. an old man. He has a handsome In order to prevent speculators i and that strawberries and raspberries residence on Charter Oak Hall from carrying out their scheme �•++ ! + absorb readily the smoke from a tobac- Miss Helen Leah Reed, whose of building on the sacred grounds (ttiylgS co pipe. The inference whish the success in winning the Sargon and there is a large workshop on a hotel for the accommodation of r author would draw from these experi. prize at the close of bet studies at his grounds where he spends a visitors; and tourists to the Holy Monts is" that food which is subjected art of nears everyday with his _,� , �» to the fumes of tobacco awake, Burin the Harvard Annex has made. her p 3' y y Land. g diagrams and tools. the process of preparation in factories, name well'' known, has become The proposition to utilize the if t�% ri.5' moat shops, bakeries, etc., may, and literaryeditor of the Boston Daily Miss Florence Glace, of Iowa, water power of Niagara .Falls has ! T often does, absorb enough of the to- Advertiser. whose name suggests rattler the created a great boom in the da- , baeco poison to become injurious to the gg ' health of the consumers. Like many andther wise elderly aesthetic than the practical, is the trict, and a movement is on foot The Philadelphia Medical and Sur- man, Francis Parkman the his• ,inventor of a cooking thermome- to amalgamate the town of Nia- gical Reporter, a weekly of high stand- torian, has taken to gardening, ter, which, instead of rogisteting gara Falls and the vi!lage of the ing, gives a very suggestive case, which and is as successful at It as was summer Beat, blood beat and same name, is being published by other journal#:- Eve1 n and is particularly freezin n 1 A mother said, "I have one child, a y P y fond g Poi f marks rho boiling l+a s little girl, not two years old, who was of roses. He is writing again, Point for meat, tho gently simmer- - =- - -_------- E as healthy as the birds, when she was having in a great measure recov- ing altitude, and the varying bak• PAINTING. PAINTING. E born, over since she was old enough tq ered his health, ing points for meati?, bread, cake be less in the nursery and more with and pies, The undersigned desires to intimate to the her father and I, she has ailed myete• King Leopold of Belgium, who people of Clinton and vicinity that he has riously, I could not say she was ill, yet + Miss Grace H.Dod e, ex Sell returned to town, and intends to remain ' had a three weeks celebration at g here pe •manently, and is better prepared {' �'.•N she was not well. The symptoms were / Commissioner of New York, and than ever to do anythfng whatever in the absense of appetite, complaints Of sick- Namur of tit;Vibilthday, 1H deSCilb- painting oto do nything line. All orders 111 r ness, stomach and digestion out of -or- ed'as a long man with along nose Hiss Clara de Graffenreid, clerk entrusted to him will receive prompt and der. .Last August, I took her to a and a long Ward — handsome to the United States Commission careful attention. ?, country town for two months. After Of Lab01•, Who took half Of MPS GEORGE POTTS, Kirk St.,Clinton. the first week she flourished like a enough in a hawklike fashion— A Green Bay tree, ate and drank, lamgbed and a king . who, having notbing Amelia Rivers Chanter's prize for t and played and slept, and kept me busy do, does it with admirable the best essay on ebildlabor, have enlarging her garments. I brought her, gL'OCe, been making a two months' ;our FALL GOODS 5` home rosy 4nd robust: In one week all , nay together in �urOpo t0 Jour the old symptoms re•appeared-loss off 'PictOr mmanuel,.tbe hInVeS- eir-lip-- tigate the conditions and bard - appetite, dark lines under the eyes, liar=- patent to the .crown of Italy, as. ships of the workbag girl, with a Just Arrived less ways, rootless nights. Some sag- suP&nrell 8, $Ctitioifs title while tra- A t gested that the neighborhood did not bOlhg in Russia and Germany view to their amelioration. suit her. She direly othesevere cold, and hot long ago. The title happen. Kate Field has been examinin • `� was confined entirely to the nursery for +� PP g WAT�iH�G.�.if a '1 three weeks. she recovered her health ed to belong by berodity to an some statistics furnished her by completely; appetite, spirits, all return. iM))ecunious Italian, who haR'now the Chicago board of pharmacy, , ed. It could not be the neighborhood. s6d the prince for compensation and finds to her horror, that �1t1wE3Y'WarEi!. 4 less joined ue down stairs again. In for fts use. American women spend sixty-two l o n lase than a despairweek . oo r oto., returned. J. BIDDLECO:IV.�BE i I was in deopair. T'or nearly three Miss Rhoda 13rr5ugllton, the no. Million dollars a year for eosme- months I racked my brains about' Veliet, lives in a picturesque old ties, most of which are made of draino, wall paper, milk, water and hJUse at Orford, England, with zinc, oxide, mercury, and other " eaucopBus, and everything but all in b' vault. Irl 4901 '01! thipd I everything, that bet married sister,lVlrs Newcomb. Poisons. This leads her to ask W far from 6ut9td'W1n9 her clothes, Miss Broughton is A sprightly and this pertinent question: "How p�'d neraedy torCatarrh Is the the �x y large for her. entertaining compA,nion, and the Can women vain enough to paint Bast, lErieleet to 11" slid bliealpblt. • � t loocxn becoming sb lid w'smm�tbnd'd sisters receive man distinguish- and d O tE,01r bait brio f fi lr QUYitry. A week after bd Y guish 3' forth obil TS +wlrwract+owa�aiu rrAxlt she beggrtt5 to eat with a rslfsh in ed and agreeable nests in their dren stalwart enoug to resist , A fdffufg.ht ehd Who hor own ha py iialf beautiful flower -filed drawing. temptations that'lead to slit man as atri li +�r+>ealr.p9►>arall�tatc. t � 1 Ayr, bb � !I •--full 0 ribiOus, dbildibl� rl it pp rlN �. �,dletthra� d lE,aat. p it..I#er room, liar of biCO," - s.,lll:.,.. ..rail, ��A,... �- 'w. ..xb-..+y,,, .e.�i.�. �', u� ....ir...w,larti.c _y - A.,Y. ,.. ,..,r�,.��C.x,....-��.,-.,1.'.'n .. ,c ,. � -•x ►' w mom )p Y� `. ,} ,70pr tdylicount of I.C_ ppeeir� aailt JQoGiGe NOW i>! 1'QFr tt;np ta'ltayx 1i4, e+ftl�l3' 11p;11 aidrpytCed audflilR. io er, wave Alm a fill tltQ pf T,wa%lr and Cik#diens Bp i Ail II'Pl�lli a' X11 li of,IIpB.BBRS +iris Aogia gag r; nr 1►nd OY Ana 7ib GO5, tl}tet tirg �eortld ea+alsg and b>ly}pe4y>� u>� in ptgslutr S 1LW sopap You apKht t4 sae lint'ttl3TFIorder qtr 9413, tl " . utiiere abargO a great steal more 1tlr. , t#lel�a�espeotlaxl +lio%tgfjps; t til► coui in od. R. A DA.: 1� NO Irm, GOOD& Now V�rjeT 0, Ge k 1 - Vir"Adim ', l GROCERS, are in, the field with ' Bufains saw Blau, IMOR aid JOB Teas, Coffees, mars. 40 - Try our TEA NECTAR and SLC -RET BLEND TEA'S; they Cannot S be excelled in price or quality. ' CROCKERY. -We have a fine assortment •in Dinner, Tea and l Chamber Sets, in all the latest designs and colo and at prices to suit everybody. Come and inspeot them slid be convinced. also have a fine assortment of GLASS WARE, and cheaper than the cheapest 1 We have secured another Sewing Machine, which we will a give away with 1 1b. Baking Powder. Come and have a chance before It is too late Special attention given to Family Trade. Goods promptly delivered. Deal' with us and get the newest, cheapest and freshest goods. , COOPER & LOGAN, _ NEXT TO CoUCH'S. Clinton i HUR k. I GROCERY We make a specialty of gives good satisfaction 1 Try our Blended Black, and you'll use no other We can give good Japan at all prices to suit Also choiceYoungHyson that gives satisfaction We told our customers not to be deceived with peddlers, and a number have taken our advice and quit them. They find that they can do as well at the Hub OUR COFFEE is the best we can buy in Canada. We guarantee satisfac- tion every time. CLINTONN19W ERAY R. HOLMES, - - Publisher, CLINTON, - - ON T. THE NEW ERA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood-; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad, vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address. for $1.50 a year, in advance. ' � s . a ' JOB DEPARTM ENrI" We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, Me, Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74. CLINTON. 5PerOt cash Discount ,5 laving become agent for the celebrated B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES and, YE -GLASSES, and procured the Lawrence test, all those with failing eyesight,, young or old, weak or strong, can be perfectly fitted here. Call and examine gadwan, Jowdory nd all other lines are complete, and as ehAp as the cheapest place in the conn -- I have a few of thosd first-class PRUNES left, at 5c per lb, and a GREEN EA you should try, at 40c. per single lb, 81.75 for 5 lb. Caddy, worth at least; cents per lb. 5 per cent discount for cash on all purchases of $1 and upwards OEO. NEWTON - - LONDESBORO 'A,RME RS AND THRESIHERS SHOULD USE CYLINDER •--.AND— MCCIOLL I3RQs. --AIQD-- r..ti R C% i h1 1 L Ig - - BOILEPI WOOL OILS pUI1i;}EIl Sk'E THAT THE BARRELS ARE IMANDRn ° Mc•C•OLL BROS., +���►?:A.�I►J4J�\.IE..►� r1' �++ .i.���a1,11 �.1r +�"� �,.