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The Clinton New Era, 1890-11-07, Page 5
)l ii 711T d ad IT!OVT a Weal have Watches from Il 2.75 up as high as you will go. What is Home Without a CLOCK? WE HAV1] CLOCKS FROM $1 UP. Via American and English JEWELLERY, very latest in the market. ARE The that can be had in thigns ands be utiful afinish SD.V latest ERW J. B. RUMBALL & CO. cRUICKSHA NK Boors and SHOES Full lines of everything in foot wear, as cheap as the cheapest. A few job lines at less than half cost. Call early and secure bargains. C. CRUICKSHANK, Clinton torP it WE ARE THE ONLY Agts. in Clinton con THE GurnayFurnace AND CELEBRATED Original Cook Stove ar NTal`t rxs: 0f/rooted overir xhuradaY altern00I . Webesday, Nov. 0, 1990%, Whe*14tall 0 92 a 0 95 Oats 0350085 Barley , 0 40 a 0 48 Peas.. 0 56 a 0 56 Fto1#r per ba1 5 00 a 5 00 Batter: 0 14 a 0 16 Eggs.. 0 16 6 0 16 Wool O 20 0 0 20 Pork 6 00 a 6 00 Hay 5 50 a 6 00 Hides 6 00 a 6 00 Sheep Skins 0 50 a 0 50 MONTREAL LIVE MARKET There were about 400 head of but- chers' cattle, 450 sheep and lambs and 25 calves offered at the East -End Abat- toir. There was an active demand for the best cattle, but there were no really good beef critters on the market and the best butchers were very dissatisfied as they had to pay 4o to 4to per lb for cat- tle not suited to their trade, and would much rather have paid from 41jo to 4/c per lb. for good animals. Mr Bickerdike bought 150 stockers here and at the yards paying from 2}o to 3}o per lb. for them. The Montreal Meat packing Company bought a number of common cattle here paying from 2e to 3o per lb. for them. Common dry cows sold at from $23 to 380 each or from 210 to 30 per lb., yet prices were better than for some time past. Calves were in good demand at from $8 to $14 eaoh. Mut- ton critters were scarce and lambs were considerably higher in price. Shippers continue to pay about 3g per Ib. for suitable sheep, but the season will be over in about another week. Lambs sold at from $2.50 to $5 each a lot of 20 superior lambs were sold at $4.75 each. Fat hogs are plentiful and sell at about 5c per lb. SALE REGISTER. Friday, Nov. 7th, lot 7, con. 5, East Wawanosh, farm stock and implements at 1 p. m. C. Douwdall, prop., Chas. Hamilton, aunt. Saturday, Nov. 8th, north half lot 8, con. 8, Morris, farm, farm stock and implements, at 1 p.m. S. Petch, prop., C. Hamilton, auct. Monday, Nov. IOth, Blyth, two good dwelling houses on Queen St., at 2 p. m. R. Howard, prop., C. Hamilton, auct. Farm stock belonging to il1r T. Draper, Forks farm, base line, Gode- rick Township, on Wednesday, Nov. 12. Jae Howson, auct. STOCK THE Completest and Best Construction of Woodl Binning FURNACES 111 ADE We are showing an immense stock of the latest designs in all classes of Linen Goods. We are the largest dealers in Linen in the County, and are in; a. position, to, ou the best value in the trade. give y Plain or Colored, NAPKINS, DOYLE►.w, SII?T0AR3 Table CiOthS, SCARFS, TRAY CLOTHS, TOWELS, &c. see, our Window full of them• Our stock of HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, LAMPS, CUTLERY, &c., is now complete. DAVIS & ROSIVLAND, MAMMOTH HARDWARE & STOVE HOUSE, CLINTON The LATEST STYLES IN English and American Hard and Sots Hats To please everybody. Call and see all the latest shapes. We are constantly offering bargains. We are showing a stook that is wonderful in quantity, quality and style. We also keep on hand a magnificent assortment of FINE STRAW HATS SUMMER TOP SHIRTS, TIES, LINEN and Rubbereen Collars and Cuffs Our stock is complete and well assorted. We invite your inspection. REMEMBER THE STAND -ONE DOOR NORTH OF THE DRY GOODS PALACE 5 per c. off for cash. C1 -311O. G-L.ASO-OW EBT1TE JOIN 80DCENB THE- CENTBAL - GROCERY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. & Wiltse MoMurray Beg to announce that they are ready for the fall and winter trade with a large stock of GENERAL GROCERIES, and Indian BRUITTEA, it CANNED QOODS: Try our is second to none in the town. Japan and Hyson TEAS, no better value any• where. COFFEES, fresh ground and warranted A 1. A full stock of P,obb's Celebrated MEATS at our BAING POWDER,made by Mayen, of London. Handsome Glaswareewiithevery pound can. Try our German Table MUSTARD. Something new and very fine Crockery & Lamps Just arrived a choice lot of Crockery and N ) Lamps. Handsome Dinner, Tea and Bed- room and No.t 1 Canadiantterns ' n Coal Oil. A 1ces Calllow. Solicited. pSattiisf Satisfaction Wicks, Guaranteed BORN. W Wren. -In Seaforth, on the 20th Oct. the wife of Mr Wm. Winter, of a son. WAI,SI1.-1 n Seaforth, on the 25th Oct. the wife of Mr Thos. Walsh, of a daughter. FAIItSAlltN,---Iu Tuckersmith, on the 31st Oct., the wife of Mr R. Fairbairn, of a son. Sa1ALE.-In Brussels,on the 28th Oct., Charles Dickson, son of Mr D. A. Smale, aged 19 months and 3 weeks. FisuaR.-In Seaforth, on the 30th Oct. Harvey, second son of Mr Jas. Fisher, aged 7 years, 8 months and 8 days. MCKIBBON.--At Picton, Prince Ed- ward Co., on the 23rd Oct. Philip Mc- Kibbon, of Wingham. ANDREWS. -In Clinton, on Saturday, the 1st inst., Hezekiah Andrews, aged 50 years and 5 months. VallWORMIWIIINWARRIONWP VERCOATS. 1VIeMURRAY & WILTSE - CLINTON Homeseeker's Excursions. APPLES : WANTED Will leave Chicago and Milwaukee via -AT THE - Railway, the Chic ago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, for points in Northern Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dak- ota, (including the great Sioux Reser- vation) Montana, Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska, on September 9th, and 23, and October 14, 1890. We aro ;paying from 40 to 50 cents Rates for these excursions will be 1 per cwt. for apples, and will take any about one fare for the round trip, in quantity tickets will be good for return withinY so long as they are sound. thirty days from date of sale. Cash on delivery. For , further information, apply to any Coupon Ticket Agent in the United States and Canada. A. J. Taylor, Tray. Pass. Agt., Toronto. TELEPHONE WAR IN PETER• BORO'. The local Company which was formed in Peterboro' with a capital of about $8,000, and with the avowed intention of doing business at half the rates charged by the Bell Telephone Com- pany, and paying a much larger divi• dend than the Shareholders of the Bell Telephone Company ever received, has apparently discovered after all its con- struction work has been done, that the big Company has not the slightest in- tention of giving up the field to it. The tactics pursued by the first comers aresimple in theextreme. They have waited until the little Company had spent what was supposed to he the amount of its capital, and now an- nounce that they will give all their old subscribers. who are not interested as Shareholders in the attempt to wreck their business, and all new subscribers who are likely to remain with them, free telephone ccnnection as long as the opposition lasts. The officials of the Bell Company say this attack on them is a wholly On - provoked one, as no complaints were made of the service in Peterboro',which was excellent, and the regular rates the lowest in the Do you wanta good warm winter Overcoat? Ifso, you can have it at your own price, from $12 up, made to order, trimmed with the `; best of lining. Try the new Tailors in Smiths Block, near the Grand Union hotel. ranrring from $13.50, $14.50, $15, $16, $17, : 18, $19, ;SUITS $20, $21, $2`2, $23, $24 and $25. PANTS $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5, $G, $7, $7,50, $8 and $9.25. We aro here to stay. Give us a trial. Fit guaranteed in' no sale. Suits cut free of charge. Walton : & : Morrison, Remember the } SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON Opposite Goo er'sore place EVAPORATING FACTORY FOR SALE OR TO RENT. HOUSE TO RENT. SUITABLE FOR ANY FAMILY Cellar, Hard and Soft Water, and all conveniences. Rent $6 per month. W.. COOPER. To Rent. Good brick store, with splendid cellar, suitable for any business. Situate opposite the market. Clinton. hent. moderate. \V C. SEARLE. A EIG CH&NGE. Separation of Stocks charged by them are world for Exchanges of the size ; and also that anyone who will take the trouble to make a few enquiries could find out in five minutes that the item of rent and salaries absolutely necessary for the proper conduct of the business would alone eat up all the revenue of a cheaper -rate Company, leaving nothing whatever for the equally necessary ex- penses of heating, lighting, stationery. interest on cost of construction and allowance for depreciation, accidents and damages, and last, but not least, repairs. In addition to ordinary repairs•a heavy and continuous expense, one goad storm will often do damage enough to use up the surplus revenue of a single Agency for years. MRS. WHITT. M.C.S.M TEACHER OF MUSIC. Plano, Organ and Technicon, or ltiuscl developer. for use of pupils. ]looms at Mr. S. Hartts, Rattenbury Street, Clinton House to Relit. In good location, plenty of room, good water, stable and woodshed. Rent low. Ap- ply at NEW ERA Mice. FOR SALE OR TO RENT -HOUSE AND Lot for sale or to rent, on Townsend St., The house, which is new, contains fourteen rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is also a good stone cellar, good lawn, hard and soft } of an water abundance. at e. Termsre sonable containsApply on the premises or to MRS C. CARTEIc, Clinton. tf COLE & TOWN, - Clinton, - Suffolk Boar for Service. Subscriber keeps for service, at his premis- es, lot 12, 2nd con. of Hullett, a thoro-bred Suffolk boar of first-class pedigree. Terms .61 at time of service, with privilege of re- turning if necessary. H. FREEMAN. 1m, Teacher Wanted. Wanted, a male teacher, holding either second or third class certificate, for Harlock School, (S.S. No 6, Hullett.) Duties to com- mence with the New Year. Applicants to state salary wanted. Applicants receivediup to the 15th of Nov T NEILANDS, Sec ,4i THE POPULAR RY GOODS HOUSE LON DESBORO Much of the prejudice that existed a few years ago against the wearing of Ready Made Clothing has passed away, and in a short time it will bo annihilated. Why should it exist? This is a progressive age. We are not content to live just as our fathers lived, Steam, electri- city, labor, organization, and other factors have made it necessary that old ideas, old habits, and old customs must give way before the irresistible march of progress; backed up by capital, skill, inventive genius and mechanical contrivances, it is ever thus -the old gives way to the new. The king is dead, long live the king. In no bitstneh of trade has there been a more noticeable improvement than in Ret(dy Made Clothing. Commencing a few years ago in a small way, and furnishing an indifferent class of products, it has gradually increased in quantity and quality, and to -day every city throughout the Dominion has one or more factories devoted to this work. Each manufacturer endeavors to produce a line of goods superior to those his competitors place upon the market, and consequently the most skilful cutters are employed -labor-saving mac`linery reduces the cost of making to a very low figure. Why should you not buy suits of clothes ready made? You buy hats, shirts, collars, tins, underclothing, socks and boots ready made, and the truth is that the average well built man can buy his clothes ready made at a saving of about one half. If you are a millionaire, of course the price will not influence you, but to the u:'rlinary individual a saving of five or ten dollars is worth looking into. We buy from a company who turn out as good work as is produced on the continent. We make this line a specialty in our business. We keep at all times a complete assortment of Childs, Boys, Youths, and Men's MANTLE MAKING - M1SS S. MOORE, who has been over the premises lately occupied Making byPlumst el & Gibbings, for a year past, desires to return thanks for the patronage accorded her, and at the saute tinge intimate that she will con- tinue to execute, iu the most satisfactor manner, all orders entrusted to her, at her rooms saute place as before. Orders respect- fully solicited. Executors' Notice to Creditors The creditors of George Oakes, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Hur- on, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the first day of October, A.D„ 1890, are here_ House and Lot for Sale. 1 by notified to send by post prepaid, fore the fifth day of December next, to J, C. nveniently 1 Stevenson, Clinton P.O., one of Ole of executors se.id A good comfortableh situated on William street, adjoining the Collegiate Institute grounds, containing eight rooms and large kitchen, with all con- veniences. A lot of b Terms Easy. Apply to or to MANNING & Clinton house co 1 of the last will and testament George Oakes, theirenristian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particu- lars of their claims, a statement of their ac- . HARDWARE in the South Building. STOVES and TINWARE in the North Building Goods all being remarked and away down below zero Look for particulars next week. HARLAND •.BROS.,. Iron and Hardware Merchants, Clinton W. JACKSON, Town Agent G. T. R 11 ,- rrr S r� l i ( IP tllUiV Tickets to all points at lowest fares. Por all information concerning travel, apply to above. The STANDARD Life Assurance Co. of Edinburgh ESTABLIEHIED 1621 Annual Income, $4,750,000. Assets, $37,730,000 Life Assurance in force $102,630,000 E. W. BURLEY, CLINTON, General ron. Ag©nt6suwanted. f Porti1la p2 1 BULBS for PLANTING Hyacinths, Tull pa. Crocuses, Narcisis, Dah- lias, Gladlolue and others, cheap. Also Strawberry Plante at25.. per hundred. Rasp- berry Plante very cheap. W. C. SEARLE eanng fruit aces. MRS C. DICKSON, l b um (if any); and thatthe nature of timmediately after SCOTT, Solicitors, I the said fifth day of December next, the as- sets of the said George (Oakes will be distri- _ - _ - buted among ,the parties entitled thereto, House to Rent 1 having regard only to the claims of which - I notice shall have been received; and said The frame cottage on Huron Street lately executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person of whose occupiedet.t o Mr S everyeHartt, is offered forto claim notice shall not have been received rent. It contains accommodation bythem at the time of such distribution. leo ordinary . Applyy, and will be let E. tea- JOHN OAKES, INSON, toor heJENew Era ROB- J. C. STEVENSON, �-Executors. Goderich (toad, or the New cities , \VM DlckLATH, ) Dated this 22nd day of October, A. D. 1690 House to Rent or for Sale Subscriber offers either for sale or to rant, I that very comfortable Brick House at mpre- THE W ILFORI) HAL(. sent occupied by himself, on the corner of Princess and Orange Ste Splendid cellar, SUIS and Overcoats Tax Collector's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Tax Col- lector starts on his rounds on Monday, Oct., 13th, and all parties are notified that prompt payment of Taxes is especially desir- able. W. COATS, Town Clerk. 105 MONEY . A largo amount of PRIVATE money to loan; lowest rate of interest 0: A HAIOTT, So- licitor, &e OtBce-Perrins Block Thorobred Cotswolds :for Sale The ,nhscriher often for sale a Shearling Ram a few Ram Lambs, a few Shearling Ewes and Ewe Lambs. Also Durham Heifers and Cows, registered pedigree. Will be sold on reasonable terms. JOHN MIMING, Londesboro, im( unan, hard and soft water, &e. TermsR. EV O L U TIO N reasonable. E. E. HAYWARD. Farm for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 12s mores, being lot 91, con., 14, Hullett. About 95 cleared and under cultivation; balance good hardwood. Veneer brick house ,etoty and a half, frame barn and stable; .plenty of water, bearing orchard Forty rods from school, 5 churches inside 1A miles, gravel roads hi all directions. Will be Bold on reas- onableterms. ADAM LAUTENSCHLAGER, Auburn. . lin Stray Steer. Strayed from lot 14, con. 2, Hullett, about the lst October, a small Steer coming 3 -yrs. old, nearly all red, with small borne tending a little downwards. Anv information re- garding the same will be thankfully rer•ely- ed by the subscriber. ROBT. PEACOCF Dressmaking Tho undersigned, who has had consider- able experience at Port Intron, desires to intimate to the people of Clinton and vioi- nity, that she has commenced Dressmaking at Mrs Hanley's, Huron Street. where she will bo pleased to fill in the most prompt and eatisfaotory:manner all orders entrusted to her, and at reasonable rates. MISS FRASER. Flour • Feed and Seed lilts' 'less for Sale. Subscriberollere'for sale lila well establish- ed Flour, Feed and Seed business, fin reason- able touts- A profitable trade Ilan been done, that can be materially increased, and it has been established on a cash basis. Sat- isfactory roaeons given for selling out. Also, eubscriber will sell his present resi- dence, which is a comfortable brick dweling, 12 rooms, two stories, in splendid repair, with orchard, hard and soft water, &c. If sold soon will sell n a bargain. in one of the best localities of the town. RORT. FITZ- SIMONS. MORTGAGE SAL We buy in largo quantities, and for cash. We get the benefit of any bargains that are put upon the market. We have pleasure in offering these bargains to our customers, knowing that the best and safest foundation on which a business can rest is the goodwill of its patrons. inspect our offering before buying your fall Suit or Overcoat. The result will be mutually advantageous. important Testimony. The REV. COVERDALE WATSON. for the last three years the popular pastor of the Central Methodist Church, Bloor St.,Toron • to, but now of Victoria, B.C., writes under date of Aug. 5th, 1890, as follows: -"Dear Mr. Simpson: Yours of the 20t,b Jh uly was sect td duly y A.reWilford i fo. 1 can onlyyHsaygienic treatment, that I regard it asaHall's Hyg and if it as a wonderful discovery, perseveringly used it cannot fail to be of great service I would advise any ono to get the pamphlet, bogin the use of the treat- ment and throw rnedicinc. to the dogs. A very clever l.h siciau said to me the other day, "let medicine alone and got ri,, of the waste materials, and the organs will form their functions.-- TITIR 14 PRNCTSET,Y WHAT THIS TREATMENT DORS. Sincerely yours, C WATSON. REV. W. P. HALL, of Point Peninsula, N.Y., Writes: "D, . Hall, Dear Sir, -f have Jost an- swered a letter from Utah Territory. A friend wished to know if my testimonial was given cor- rectly in the Micaoco8M 7 I answered yes; that it was true to alb letter, and that my Indorse- ment was nowhere near as strong as I could now truthfully make it. I told him that your treat- ment had cured me of rheumatidolt kidney dis- ease, catarrh and other complicatttlns of disease, so that from crutches and helplessness, I am now RR well and free from disease as fifty years ago, E Some have accused me of beteg a relative of yours and of trying to favor you. This is not true,ex- __ • cept so many generations back that it can not he Under and by virtue of the power of sale traced. And further, 1 have no financial inter - contained in a certain mortgage, which will est in the business, and only desire to make the be produced at time of sale, there will be trdatment known to benefit suffering humanity. sold by public auction by David Dickinson I have already received and answered more than auctioneer, at the RA'i'TFNBURY HOUSE, sixty lettere from all parts of the conhtry, re af- CLINTON, en SATURDAY, the 15th day of firming the truth of my testimonial, and I will NOVEMBER, 1890 the following valuable gladly answer a hundred times sixty if t;.oroby town property: lamely, all that certain 1 0511 induce sufferers to try your treatment, as poreel or tractlof land and premises, situate, 1 declare before God my unfaltering conviction lying and being in the Town of Clinton, in heti from my own experience and observatiofir the Comity of Huron, containing by admeas- in numerous oases, that your discovery, if pro- urement one rood and 11 perches of land, he perly used and persevered inwill cure any form the same more or less, and which ie compos- of curable illness flesh is heir to, -1 am rthat eady ed Of, corundum, and may be known as fol- nowt treatment n seroclaim lf lr�Qforth, n your Health Helth BOOTS and SHOES. The state of the roads and weather make it imperative that you have your feet well protected. We have fall range of Overshoes and Rubbers. We handle Boots and Shoes made by John McPherson & Co, of Hamilton. The name of this firm stamped on a pair of boots is sufficient guarantee that they are first-class in every respect. Our newspaper space is all taken up. Come in and see us. lows, that is to say: Lot number 271, your of the said Town of Clinton, on the Pamphlet and without drags of any kind Is the north aide of Princeae Street, aecordivq to a h°aPhgngberm e of hea1th 1,o ao erydsufferingthat is c son lar d plan -Made by A. Bay, Provincial Lan 9 ur- veyor, dated the 19th day of January, 1863, and entitled plan of the• estate of William i the Village of Clinton, and 1 1 e Mere(' In the Registry Office of t al daughter of Adam, Let me know how 1 can servo you, and command me freely. Your friend Ratteu col •y, in gratefully, "W. P. Hall." r u y g the aWe can fill every page of the NEw ERA nail County of Huron on or about the 10th Wlth Juat such testimonials as the above,and day of ,trey in the Hanle year. On the nand we defy any one to chow that any of them Fond there s erected the building oftheCli s are net, genuine. Sod your address at 0000 ton Curling a and Skating Rink Co.C15 This and we will send you TRW d renocosnt, 16 building is a large frame structure 15(1 by Of, ,a es of articulare, testimonials, &c., b qq p y feet, for has been used as a Skating Rink 1 S ail tree Fveryonn hl the whole and Exhibition purposes. h TERMS -Sloe down on day of sale and bal- ance in 30 days. The purchaser will beppte- le - tion of his p rohaed to sign an RElon the day eifnt for lsale. Fur- ther Lerma and conditions made known on day of sale MANNING n Vendor's Solicitors return me. �y 111tA1,TH sRn T RER and Lit•11 at PiIRERvl1ilt really Is. Address, 8Hn A L'Sold knowMT, Aommv Or J. J. WrT�AB MPS,TORONTO.0 ADELAIDE ST eT •n', W L. OU I M ETTE. LONDESBORO amsLa f's �t � xTEA ABSOLUTELYPURE NONNI/MUD OM CAROtII$ IN INDIA '1! S We are Sole Agents for Ram Lal's Pure' Indian Teas. We beg to ask '' you to give them a trial, because they are absolutely pure; are grown ?j and prepared on the estate by the most skilled labor and improved machinery that money can buy, whereas China Teas are picked and carried by natives long distances before being made ready for the market. Ram Lal's is a blend of Three teas grown and prepared , especially for this brand. Will always bo the same flavor, to -day to ten years hence. 'Tis cheap ; only Fifty Cents for a pound package •;, which will go as far as two pounds of China or Japan Teas: - J. W. IRWIN, The Times Tea Warehouse . Cooper's Old Stand, Cor. Searle's Block, CLINTON FALL & WINTER as Our stock was never so large or complete as for the present season, and as in the �''�►,� past so in the future, we shall do our Ems hest to meet the wants of our customers fienip Eggs Taken in Exchange. 5 per c. disc't for can't' Sons".?W. Taylor St, CLINTON AND BLY'°i" 1hr *WS Woo sgfalkaar ,4'.AAA.,Y,.adi._ i