HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-10-31, Page 8tOra
QC -'S)73E1t.314, ltl9
C.t)C 4 ,NQT.ICE6.
Hotitao to let 4u per month. .dQI;IN
' ARl3E L, Sowing Machine Agent.
t inq,le and. Rouble Harness, Horse
Clothing, &o, ,7ohnsten & Amnon%
Tva'itchell has j❑et received Isis
satgolk of fall and winter boots and shoes.
1,001) barrels of Early and Winter
itpples ®anted, Ism prepared to handle
tau hinds ofples and good price paid
az4,t Gla* Manton;
M'oisa'ro GENT—Ccommodions house
#nut $Pod part Pt the town, with every
t?onyenienoe . •gine rooms. Manning
liosfcA We are in the enpge buss
1,44 he eetoteret,atationery,,etc., and
'have a choice stock of all articles re-
W. our SIMPSO'Worthington's
l;. 0ORBETT, General insurance
Agent for Eire and Life. Houses to
74, properties bought and sold, general
i tai.ness transacted, money to loan.
teee.c over Twitchellts store.
gOill11 *mom
Miller came near losing his Left arm
the other day, having it caught in a
pulley. As a result thereof he was
compelled to carry it a sling. No
'"bones were broken.
'RECOVERING.—Reeve McMurchie
baa been suffering -for a couple of
. weeks from a painful ,rand serious
illness, and his many friends will be
;n ueh pleased to learn that be is re -
i; `hovering, though yet far from being
THICK ICE.—The nights have been
quite cool lately, but one would hard-
lythink they had been cold enough
to freeze hard. Tuesday morning
;its two inches thick—we saw it
:-measured—was picked up onnAlbert
atreQt, that's pretty thick ice for this
-''early in the year—but it had been
dumped there by fisherman Harrison.
ROYAL TEai'LARs.—A branch of
this organization was formed here
.last Friday evening. A meeting to
complete the list ofofficers, etc., will
be held in the lecture room of the
Rattenbury St. church, this (Friday)
evening at 8 o'clock. Mr Bemen
and wife will be present. A11 who
intend to join are particulary request-
ed to attend.
This id what Lu Stevens says about
•tailors, and acting upon thie belief he
has accepted the position lately held
by J. C. Cole in connection with R.
Goats & Son. During the last two
years Lu has had lots of experience
-having worked in some of the best
*hops in Minnieapolis, Minn, and
other western towns, and ought there.
fore to turn out fashionable and well-
lmade garments.
INDIAN RELICS —The other day,
while plowing, Mr James Lands.
'borough, of Tuckersmith, came across
ain -Indian relic in the shape of a
small stone about six inches long,
flattened on one side, and sharpened
to an edge. It is of remarkably hard
atone, and looks as if it had been in-
tended for use like a chisel. Mr
"Londesborough has also a couple of
flint arrow heade that he found on
;�tl*Yfarm, relics of the long, long
ago." I.,
?correspondent of the Seaforth Sufi
alntimaies that a stranger going into
tiv that town "would wonder whether
' 'they had got into a driving town or
e ? a. cow pasture.” That is worse than
, ^ sinything we have ever said of Sea -
forth, but as it appeals in a Seaforth
paper, we suppose it must be true.
While the cows are feeding in the
•rass•grown streets of that suburban
resort, business goes on as usual at
the hub.
TAX COLLECTORh:—Mr T. Netlans,
tax collector of Hullett, and Mr
Cumings, tux collector for Tucker -
smith, (brothers-in.-iau, by the way)
,:starrted out on their rounds on Mon-
Ady,`and happened to meet bycbance
at Clinton. The council of Hallett
last year decided to add five per cunt
to all taxes not paid in by a specified
time, and gave notice to that effect.
The result was that . all but a very
small fraction of tile taxes were paid
by the, apipointed. time.
4.11017L. —Miss M. Hine met
v.itl'an accident the other evening
that was very painful, and might
'i_::,jiave resulted seriously. Having
occasion to use a glycerine prepara-
tion on ber eyes, she took from a
;-cupboard what ahe supposed was the
)Might bottle, and did not discover un-
til she had applied it to her eyelids,
that she had got hold of a bottle of
%carbolic acid by mistake. As a re-
st* her eyes have been quite sore
since. Had she got any on her eyes,
she might have lost her eight.
Meeting of the Orange Lodge was
'held on Wednesday evening to make
arrangemenents for the supper that
t0 be held on the evening of the
5th of Nov., it was also`decided fo
present Mr A. M. Todd, County
Master, with a silver tea service at
the same time, in recognition of hie
services in connection with the 12th
of July celebration. Mr Todd
graciously expressed his pleasure at
the contemplated present, stating
that he had not expected anything of
the kind and felt that he was ue-
Worthy of it. If the opinion of an
Outsider is worth anything in this
connection, we may say that Mr
Todd deserves well at the hands of
leis Orange brethern, a fact they evi-
'dently realize.
'yaw tM ,,MOVING TO GODERICH.—It was
generally expected when Mr Menzies
'became connected with the Goderich
'rganfactory, that bewould;ultimately
remove to that place, and we are
Sorry to say that such bas been the
Case, he having moved his family
there this week. He has been a
le ;resident here for a good many years,
having filled various public positions,
and taken part in anything that
Would contribute to the well-being
of the town.. Mrs Menzies has been
"Ane of the active workers in the
Presbyterian Sabbath School, and
Will also be much missed. If Gode-
rich keeps on incorporating good
•`Oritekinto its population, there is
a. possibility that its political moral-
, iity hill goon .be of a higher tone. Mr
4 • `tlilftfehicird, has rented Mr Menzie's
11611010 bete•
' NO rxil..r.Cotiucil menta on Mon.
day evening next. Mrs John Miller
luta decided too temaiu in toren, hit,*
log taken part elate house on Rat
tenbur street, occupied by Mr W.
Menne]. Our Rrnasels cotena refers
to some "Dabin property in Cran•
brook," this breach of church die,
ciplioe will have to be dealt with at
once. _Miss Gibson, of Clinton, has
beets ongsgfx1 as organist in Trinity
church, :Blyth, and presided at the
organ for the 'l ret time on Sunday
Net. Aire . Brown, of the London
road, mother of Mrs O. S. Doan, has
been very ill. On information laid
by Iaapeetor Paisley, J. Mason,
:Blyth, appeared before magistrates
Mc0arva and Steep, on Saturday,
charged with a violation of the .Crooke
Act; a Sue of $80 and costa Witt IM.
rposed. The other evening, after an
1 eniertainmentein• the town 'hat'sle,iif
R. Welsh, while closing up, accident-
ally walked off the platform, and•
sprained his hand by the-fall.One
of the visitors to Clinton, the other
day, was Mr Paulin, hardware. Triet
chant, of St. Thomas, who, w'aa horn
in this town, and ehose father, of
the old firm of Paulin and Prier, was
one of the early business mon of this
place; Mr Paulin found a 'few of the,
old-timers still here, who, seemed
quite ialeased to meet hila, Mrs
Davis (mother of Wee*. Davis) one
of the pioneers of this place, is
fined to her room, and fears for h
recovery are entertained. Mr
Farquhar, or., of Hullett, lies rented
Mrs Coats' house in town, and moved
thereto, leaving the management of
his term to his son. Mr Albert
Cooper is this week attending the
meeting of the Ontario Booksellers'
Association i n Toronto. Rumor states
that a certain widower and widow of
town will shortly form a union for
life, a perfectly proper and com-
mendable step to take in most cneee.
Mrs Tuffts, of Belgrave, was in town
on Tuesday. Mr Jae. Walker had
the misfortune to slip down and break
his arm the other day. Apples are
being loaded in to cars here as qufek-
ly as possible, and yet there are hun-
dreds of barrels stored at the freight
ehed awaiting shipment. To -night
is the time-honored, but muchabus-
ed occasion of Hallowe'en. This is a
little late in the season for coon hunt-
ing but it is said that on Sunday
night last, a certain person in the
southern limit of the town went out
shooting and succeeded in killing
two. Wild geese have already been
seen flying over town. On Tuesday
there was a considerable fall of snow
and hail, but it only remained long
enough to help moisten the roads.
Mr D. Dickinson conducted a sale on
the market square on Tuesday; the
stock, which was young, sold well,
but there was not much demand for
implements, A person named Glen,
from Colborne, is in town undergoing
a surgical operation, which consists in
removing portions of his ribs; he is
said to be improving. Between three
and four thousand bushels of apples
were received at the Evaporator last
week; T. M. Carling is on the market
buying for this concern. Quite a
number of cases are expected to come
up at the sitting of the Diyision Cou
to -day. A few days since the moth
of Mr John Tedford, residing atDu
dalk, broke her arm, and Mr Tedfo
and wile drove down, thinking
would be a convenience to have the
rig along, but the weather has hardly
been the thing for comfortable driving
Live poultry coming to town sells as
follows:—turkeys 8c per lb; geese and
ducks, 5c; chickens, 4c. Mrs Porter
has rented Mise Trewartha's house
on Albert St. Mr N. Robson return-
ed from Kansas,yesterday, accompan-
ied by his mother.
Church Work.
The quarterly services of Ratten-
bury St. Church, will be held on
November 9th.
Miss Douglass is a representative
from the Presbyterian SabbathSchool
to the Convention now in progress at
Rev Mr Shilton will be one of the
speakers at a tea meeting in Trafal-
gar street Methodist church, Mitchell,
on the evening of Thanksgiving day.
held in; Willis Uburoh, Clinton on�
Tuesday. Mr J. A. McConnell, min.,
-inter of Ba iaield Road- and Berne,
stated that he nad received a,n;; ap.
pointincut from the .fIgiue Mission
Committee to Chalk Aber; in the
Presbytery tot Lanark and Renfrew,
and desired. to be relea9ed frotu his
chargge�� in order that he might accept
it. No objection being ofi ed by the
congregations of Bajfleld Road' and
Bertie,:;bir MoCounell'll reaiggaution
was accepted, the charge to be de•
clared vacant on November 2nd.
Mr Simpson, of Brucefield wee ap-
pointed moderator of the sessions
during the vacancy.
The Y. P. O. E. Society of Ontario
Street Methodist church will have a
visi(; next Wednesday evening from
fRev Tars, Potts, D. D., who will de-
liver an address on some popular
eubject. The Dr. is a grand speaker
aact i4 rich treat is in store for those
who hear';bim.
Oft Sunday next Rev Charles T.
`Cockj�ng,. a missionary from Japan,
Will preach morning and evening in
the Ratteubury street Methodist
church. His subject in the morning
Will be "our responsibility in regard
to the unsaved," from the text "Am
I mybrother's keeper." Tu the after-
noon the anniversary services of the
Sabbath School will be held, when
„. Mr Cocking will deliver an address,
er other exercises will also be held that
W, will add special interest to the oc-
casion. On the following Monday
evening, the regular anniversary
services will be held, music, essays,
&c, will be furnished by the children,
and Rev Mr Cocking will give an ad-
dress, accompanied by lime -light
scenes of Japan life, etc. The ex-
ercises will'befull of interest and at-
At the annual games held at To-
ronto University, last week, Mr T.
Agnew, an ex -student of the Collegi-
ate Institute, carried off the palm for
throwing the shoulder stone. You
see physical as well as mental culture
attains its highest.
The teachers are holding a series of
examinations throughout all the
rooms this week in order to ascertain
to what degree pupils have been ap-
plying themselves stnce the beginning
of the term. So far they have al-
most invariably expressed themselves
well pleased.
The Collegiate- Model football club
is in splendid trim now for a contest,
but fail to find material on which to
practice their skill. Challenges were
sent to several of the neighboring
clubs all of which managed to invent
some paltry excuse. A friendly
match was played one day last week
on the Collegiate grounds between
the Model school and the Institute
boys, which resulted in a tie. The
club is anxious to hear from any
ambitious challengers.
THE PIONEERS, —The Mechanics
Institute Board is arranging a course
of entertainments for the coming
season somewhat different from those
rt given in past years. The first of the
course is likely to begin on or about
the 20th of next month in which the
rd pioneers of the town are to be the
it performers.
The committee, to arrange for the
coming Methodist Sunday School and
',1,,etiders Convention of Goderich
District; mill meet in Ontario St.
church next 3'uesday at 2.30 p. m.
The quarterly cervices of Ontario
St. church, will be .held on Sunday
next; an extra service, in connection
therewith, will be held on this (Fri-
day) evening, when Rev A. Stewart
will preach.
Rev J. S. Cook, of Hensal'i•, will
conduct the Quarterly services,, of
Londesboro Methodist church, on
Sunday next, and Rev Mr Ferguson
will conduct similar services at Hen -
sell, the Sunday following.
The Misses Hall, evangelists, com-
menced special services et Goshen
appointment, Varna circuit, on Sun-
day last, and will continue as long as
the interest warrants it, after which
they will commence services at Var-
na. They are good, zealous workers.
The usual union thanksgiving ser-
vices will be held in the town hall,
on Thursday morning next, com-
mencing at 11 o'clock. Rev Mr
Edge will preach, the other ministers
taking part in the exercises. The
collection will be on behalf of the
poor of the town.
The old friends of Rev W. L. G.
Newton, now of Vittoria, will regret
to learn of the death of his second
child, aged about 9 mouths, which
occurred a few weeks since. Mr
Newton bas a nice charge at Vittoria,
his church being in a prosperous con-
dition, and hie labors much appre-
ciated by his people.
The sacramental services of Willis
Presbyterian church were held on
Sunday laet; the preparatory services
were conducted' on Friday evening
by Rev Mr Edge, and on Saturday
morning by Rev Mr Needham, of
Egmondville, who also preached on
Sunday evening. Mr Needham is
only a young man, but he is a clever
one, and his sertnons were listened to
with pleasure.
The annual meeting of the Bible
Society was held in the Episcopal
school house on Tuesday evening, an
excellent address being given by the
n' Simpson, of Brucefield. The
attendance was not very large; in fact
for some years the attendance fit this
meeting has been lamentably small,
whether the reason is because people
have too many meetings to attend, or
lack interest, we cannot say.
PRESBYTERY.—A a special meet-
ing of the Presbytery of Huron was
News Notes Mrolld The Comity
Some 60 applications have been receiv.
ed by the Ethel Trustee Board for the
two vacancies in their public school.
Mrs McKee Leadbury, has rented one
of.her farms to Mr Wm Hackwell, for
a term of five years at an annual rental
of $245 per annum
Another of McKillop's old residents
has passed to his long home. Mr Bar-
net Bolton,of the 8th concession, died on
Tuesday, at the age of 73 years.
An Exeter paper says:—There has
been a sudden outbreak of influenza in
horses through this section, and in some
cases dangerous symptoms are develop-
ed, and a great many horses are laid up.
Mr James Woods, of Westfield,was un-
ited in marriage on the 8th inst., to Mise
Maggie Parks, both of Westfield, by Rev
F. Swan, in the Methodist parsonage,
at Auburn. Jim deserves a goo3 wife,
and has got one.
Mr John Allardyce has sold his farm
on the 13th concession of Hullett, near
Seaforth, to Mr Jos. Wheatley, for the
sum of $6,750. The farm contains 150
acres and is agood place Mr Allard yea
intends going back to Scotland.
Notwithstanding the alleged scarcity
of apples in Huron this year Mr Thos
Cox, of the 6th con., Goderich towns1,;p,
rejoices in a 250 barrel yield fro:., his
orchard, Not a bad asset with apples
ruling at $2.25 per b: --el.
Mr W. Morrison has purchased from
Mr Bramfield the property on which he
now lives, on the 3rd con. of Hallett.
The property contains 64 acres and has
on it good buildings. It was purchased
for $3,000. This farm lies along side of
Mr Morrison's other farm and gives him
a fine estate of 214 acres.
Mr Hugh Ross, of McKillop,has made
a fortunate strike in Denver, Colorado,
While residing there, two years ago, he
purchased some lots in the outskirts of
the city. He sold these lots a few days
ago, clearing over a thousand dollars on
the transaction. He still has other
property in the city, which he expects
will realize him even better.
Friday afternoon, as one of Mr D. D
Wilson's men, W. Carnocha, was engag-
loading two ears of eggs at the eleaforth
station a train in the yard caused the
team to run away, upsetting the waggon
and throwing some of the boxes on one
of Mr Carnochan's legs, breaking it.
The eggs were for the English markets
and were packed it very heavy flat cases.
Messrs. Scott & Crich, of the Sea -
forth Seed store, have dissolved partner-
ship, Mr Crich retiring from the busi-
ness. He has taken the old homestead
farm in Tuckersmith, and intends going
back to farming again. He is a good
citizen, and while we regret his proposed
removal from Seaforth we are glad he
does not intend going very far away.
It is our sad duty to record the de-
cease of Miss Eunice Elkin, fifth daugh-
ter of Mr Enos Elkin, of Manchester,
She was taken down by that fell destroy-
er, consumption, about fifteen months
ago, and in spite of all that kind friends
and skilful physicians could do she grad-
ually sank and quietly passed away to
the silent majority on Tuesday evening,
the 21st inst.
Mr W. Taylor, 9th con., Hallett, has
returned from his trip to Kansas, having
taken advantage of one of Neelin's excur-
sion trips to the Western States. Most
of his time was spent in Dickinson.
county, near Solomon City, where his
father, Mr Henry Taylor, formerly of
Hallett, is engaged in farming This
gentleman is well-known throughout
-the township. Along side of him is
Alex, Martin, 'rhos, Throp, A. McCart-
ney, J. Nichol and the Mustard's all of
Tuckersmith. They rank amongst the
most progressive and wealthiest farmers
of the county,
Mens UNDERWEAR IP Canadian and Seotcb
Goods from 25cts, up.
For a while, but those who have seen our
Are continually talking about it.
We carry a complete assortment
in all the latest shapes and styles
and suit every body. X111 we ask
is a trial. We are sure to suit
you. We guarantee , first-class
work and reasonable prices.
ROBERTSON s hat Cash Store
Famousi Clothiors !
Our $10 OVER-
COATS are the Best
an,d Cheapest Goods
in the County.
For the BOYS
See our great assort-
ment of
Jackson Brothers,
at twa
TIES 7 and - SCARF
In all the new and desirable styles at close prices. A
large assortment of
We are now ready for the FALL TRADE with the largest and best assorted
stock of Goods in the town. Our prices are as low as the lowest. We will not
be undersold by any one in the trade. We purpose taking the lead for good goods
at as low prices as possible with honest dealing.
We carry more lines of goods than any house in town, and are able to supply our
customers with almost anything they may want. Come and see us, and get
prices in the following:—
Silks, Mantle Cloths, House Furnishings, Carpets, &c
TWEEDS and CLOTHS in English, Scotch and Can-
adian. Gent's Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Furs.
CLOTHING, large stock ready-made and Clothing made
to order.
BOOTS and SHOES, one of the Iargest stocks in town,
and prices away below usual figures.
Come and get your Ordered Clothing made by us, and
save two or tbree dollars on a suit. Fit guaranteed
MANTLE and DRESS MAKING done in city styles.
Come and save money. Apprentices wanted
tle toMakilearn Dress and Man -
Plumsteel - & - GilThings
Sep. e5,is90
Childress HATS T=immd
And untrimmed (your choice) for 35 cents.
&agic: Black Wool NOSE
At 35 cents, worth 40 cents. Our HERCULES,
FINGERING and SAXONY YARNS, for quality,
wear and price, cannot be equalled
Infants, Childrens & Ladies WOOL VESTS,
See our Four Buttoned IUD GLOVES in Tan
Shades at 46 cents.
Special value in HENRIETTAS that cannot be sur-
passed for width, quality or price. Don't forget that
we have the best of everything wonderfully' cheap. Re-
member that for Newest Styles, Finest Qualities, Great-
est Varieties, and Lowest Prices. Nothing can outdo
t:eesley's Great Millinery Emporium.
Tlia ladies Favorilo Estabiish�ent