The Clinton New Era, 1890-10-31, Page 7t;.
IUE 0,itc3i`I1 ► L
detllitiing vine a. max tuild.
rdbently. Ali the beaten; of,en In«
dtat►a ells News reporter; "1
bonne pi'cjudicowhatevor agaiimt
the Use of liquors, I think the
uostion is purely personal, and 1
eeided for myselt years ago. I
had':alr'ays been in the habit of
driuking, and had never found
that 1 allowed liquor to interfere
with, business or duty. But once
Whelk I was in Salt Lake City,
rota ;ago. I m_adet a spprulation
Mlle, .I bogght up. toil eonld,
InutiVed a wain gon train to take
theni to mining.camps in Idaho,
and prepared to start. I had de—
cidto startou a certain evening
in order to lose no time in getting
over the mountains, where there
rag, danger of getting caught in
a Storm and losing all my eggs.
But the prospect of a long wagon
•journey was not a cheerful one,
1( and in bidding farewell to com-
fortable quarters I solaced myself
With. drinking. I did not become
drunk. I had never been drunk
in my life, but 1 came to the con -
elusion that one day more or less
would make little difference. It
made all the difference in the
world. I was caught in a storm
which I should have missed had I
started on time. I lost every egg,
was forced to abandon a valuable
train, and when I landed in Salt
Lake City was ''broke." Drink-
ing has interfered with my busi-
ness once. In fact it had nearly
ruined me, when I should have
certainly have. turned a pretty
fortune. It bas never cost me a
cent since that time.
The Clydesdale yearling colt,
William the Conqueror, sired by
Prince of Wales, was sold by his
breeder, Jas Johnston, Lochburne,
Scotland, for $6,500, the largest
price ever paid for a Clydesdale of
that age.
The stakes to be run for at Vic-
toria Racing Club, of Melbourne,
Australia, for the season of 1890-
91 amount to over $300,000, with
over $200,000 added. The hand -
cap sweepstakes for the Melbourne
Cup, Nov. 4, has $50,000 and a
.$750 trophy added.
Bishop 1, itzgerald, of Little
Rock, a few months ago sent an
Indian pony to Rev Peter McCoy,
pastor of the Church of St Mary,
Star of the Sea, at Baltimore, Md.
The Indian pony was a prize much
sought for atthe recent ladies' fair,
and was disposed of on the closing
night, bringing into the treasury
From the far oft Australia
there comes a story to show that
at least one honest man isengaged
in the "hors" business. it seems
that ne discovered that a mare
which he had bought was possess-
ed of considerable speed, and en-
tered her iu one of the district
meetings in a race for maidens.
It was with little difficulty that he
won, and received the money
from the association. Some two
'weeks afterwards he returned the
money to the director , saying
that he did not wish t defraud
them, and that he bad f nd with-
in a few days that his mare was
'not a maiden, as she hal had a
foal two years before.
Here is a pretty story, and it
comes from Alabama : "A re-
markable instance of the effect of
habit on a horse was witnessed
- in this State recently. The owner,
a merchant, lives two miles in the
country. For four years, evary
day except Sunday, be rode the
same horse to his store in the
morning, hitched the animal to
the same tree, and rode him home
at night. The horse is a sorrel
with a white face, and is known
as baldy. One day the owner
' was quite ill and unable to come
down to the store..IHis horse
was turned into the pasture early
in the morning, but at the hour
when the owner usually started
to the store arrived, baldy jumped
the pasture fence and walked up
to the front gate. He stood there
for several minutes, evidently sur-
prised that he was not bridled
and saddled. Then he turned and
walked off u short distance and
came back to the gate. This
time he only waited a few mo-
ments, when with:a low whinny he
turned and started tor town.
When he reached the store he at
once went around to his usual
• hitching place, where he remain-
ed until evening, and then went
home. Next day the owner was
unable to come to town, 'hut just
to see what the horse would do
Baldy was turned into the pasture.
He again jumped the fenbe, wait-
ed a few minutes at the gate, and
again walked into the town and
took up his position .under the
hitching tree."
S•UPPItfI S J QR , Ah1B:
eynical .doctor• withal a ;iutn'
9f wdincler'ful resources and quick
vind, lives vu ono of the avenues
onthe south aide. He was in his
study a few nigbtmpgo when a
young max dame in and .began
questioning him about bis (the
yonnp; man's) propriety of mar-
rying. The young man foolishly
raved over his sweetheart and
eallod her an clic and so on. VA
Was afraid she was too fragile
for this world. The old doctor
"Fragile, eh ?" he asked. How
fragile ? Ever test her fragility?
Let me give you some figures
about her, and womankind ingen-
eral, showing, bow fragile they are.
Let us suppose that this piece of
perfection has moderately good
health. She will live to say 60
years of age. Women don't like
to die any more than men do, not
as much, for women never grow
old, you know. Listen to me :
She will eat one pound of beef,
mutton, or some other flesh every
day. That's 365 pounds of meat
in a year. In sixty years it's
21,900 pounds. How's that for
fragile ? She will eat as much
bread and as much vegetables per
diem, and there yon have it in
sixty years 43,800 pounds of bread
and meat. If she is not too angelic
she will drink daily no less than
two quarts of coffee, tea, wine,
or beer. And by the time she is
ready to have a monument she
will have consumed 175 hogs-
heads of liquids. Fragile
"Now, young man, the figures
do not include the forty lambs she
will worry with mint sauce. It
does not take into consideration
the 2,000 spring chickens, the 500
pounds of butter, the 50,000 eggs,
and the four hogs heads of sugar
she will consume in 60 years. It
doesn't take into consideration her
ice cream, her oysters, her clams,
and such. All this means about
45 tons. Fragile ? Think of your
affinity in oonnection with those
figures, and then rave over hr
being fragile. Young man, yotil.e
a fool. l3oof !"
Il`1l'ii S: NOM.
Three• thousand bushels t £'wheat
ero'buruoi tt •stuck§ fit Inpiau
dead from I4Ianitoba, an. Tlieaday..
Foul breath, dull, oppressive
;eadarhes, and feeling of tired-
ess, are the result of Catarrh.
by suffer when Nasal Bebe is a
ertaln cure? Try it. Sold by
ll dealers.
The other evening as Mattie
Moulton, it young miss of 14 years,
was visiting at the residenceQi: lair
Beebe, Al ena,Mieb, Harry Beebe
began footing with a rifle that he
supposed was not loaded, when the
weapen was discharged. The ball
penetrated the girl's bead and
death was instantaneous.
The rumor that an English syn-
dicate was about to purchase all
the flour mills in Canana has
gained new credence. The Ogil-
vie's, Lake of the Woods and
Hudson Bay mills have already
been secured. The output is 7,2',0
barrels per day, and price named
is nearly $3,000,000.
Pare, split, and cut in two, six ba-
nanas ; sprinkle the pieces with two
tablespoonfuls of sugar, the juice of an
orange, and let them stand for an hour.
Make a batter with the fruit juice, a
small cup of butter; dip and fry. The
most delicious of panties, have no at.
traction for the individual who has no
appetite and suffers with dyspepsia.
Ayer'a Sarsaparilla improves the appe-
tite and digestion.
"A protective tariff is a sin,
The man who votes for it, to ob-
tain personal benefit at the ex-
pense of others, commits an im-
moral act. It is not a question
of expediency, it is not a question
of latitude, or of longitude; it is a
question of right or wrong, of
honesty or dishonesty, of justice
or injustice."
Minard'aLiniment cures garget inloows
Here is a truth from the Ham-
ilton Times,squarely stated, with-
out any mincing, add the beauty
of it is that it is just as much
gospel as if it had appeared in the
pages • of the New Testament,
though, unfortunately, a
many do not think so :—
For nearly twenty years this valuable
medicine has been largely used for the
cure of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis,
Croup, Whooping Cough, Loss of Voice
and Lungs, Those who know its value
always recommend it to their friends,
knowing that Wilson's Wild Cherry
never disappoints. The genuine is sold
by all druggists in white wrappers only
The London Times says:—"If
Canada desires to make the Mc-
Kinley law of benefit to her in-
stead of to 'cause loss, the most
likely method is to adopt frankly
and fully the policy of free trade.
It is best to begin with the moth-
er country. Canada will not be
able to loose her commercial fet-
tors at once. It will be enough
for the present if the direction
and aim are right,
1. Do you purpose buying '
an Organ or Piano?
2. Do you wish to rent a
Piano or Organ a
3. Do you want a reliable
Tuner to take care of your Pi-
ano by the year ?
4. Have you a Piano to
The recent assassination of
the chief of police of New Or-
leans continues to be the great
topic of interest in that city, and
the Italians who are charged with
the murder, are closely watched.
Forty odd Italians who had collec-
ted at a grocery were Erre ed
yesterday. It was found at
they had just arrived from Chi :a-
go under orders, and as they were
without means and could not satis-
factorily account for themselves
they were arrested as dangerous
and suspicious characters. The
chief's assassins are, it is believed,
in custody.
These Pills conAet of a careful and peculiar admix -
tare of the "est and mildest vegetable aperients and
the pure extract of Flowers of Chamomile. They will
1x9 found a most efficacious remedy for derangements
of the digestive organs, and for obstmettons and tor-
pid action of the liver and bowels whtnh produce in-
digestion and the several varieties of bilious and liver
Complaints. Sold by all Chemists
Do men ever fall in love with
each other.
Women do. Not long ago a
young woman in New Jersey was
married to a youthful laborer on
her father's farm. Sometime af-
terward it was discovered that
the husband was a female; the
young wife refused, however,
though earnestly entreated by her
friends, to give up her chosen
consort. The strangest part of
the discovery was the fact that
the bride knew her husband was
a woman before she was led to the
If men do not exhibit this
strange infatuation for one of
their own sex, they at least often-
times give evidence of the fact
that they love one another. There
are many instances on record
where one man has given his life
for another. There aro many
more ingances where men have
given life�o another.
It is a proud possession—the
knowledge that one has saved a
precious human life. Meriden,
Conn., is the home of such a ►ap-
py man. John H. Pres' n, of
that city, July 11, 1890, writes,
'Five years ago I was taken very
sick. I had several of the best
doctors, and- one and all called it
a complication of diseases. I was
sick four years, takingprescrip-
tions prescribed by tese same
doctors, and I truthfully state I
never expected to get any better.
At this time Icommenced to have
the most 'terrible pains in my
back. One day an old friend of
mine, Mr R T Cook, of the firm
of Curtis & Cook, advised me to
try Warner's Safe Cure, as he had
been troubled the same way and
it had effected a cure for him. I
bought six bottles, took the medi-
cine as directed, and am today a
well man. I sm sure no one ever
had a worse case of kidney and
liver trouble than I bad. Before
thissl was always against proprie•
tary medicines, but not now, oh,
Friendship expresses itself in
very pet-ulinr ways sometimes;
but the truo friend is the friend
in need.
5. 1-Iave you seen our beau-
tiful Six -Octave Piano -Cased
Itch, Mange and Scratches of every
kind, on human or animals, cared in 30
minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion.
This never fails. Sold by J. H. Combe,
Druggist. June27-3m.
6. Do you know that G. F.
OAKES is the only man in the
county of Huron of whom you
can purchase the splendid Or-
gans built by the Oakes Organ
7. Do you know that by writ-
ing a card and directing it to
G. E. Oakes, Box 11, Clinton,
you can procure a splendid il-
lustrated catalogue of Organs
and Pianos.
A. F. Vedder, formerly a Pres-
byterian minister, of New York,
was sentenced to five years in the
State prison, for abducting 15
year-old Mary McCann for im-
moral purposes. Ho was Sen-
tenced in 1884 to three years' im-
prisonment in Clinton prison for
committing an abortion. He is
about 80 years old, and was made
a clergynem at an early age.
' English Sayin Liniment removes
all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and
Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin,
Curbs, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat,
Coahs, etc. Save $50 by use of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonderful
Blemish Care ever known. Sold by
J. H. Combe, Druggist. Jane 27, 1 yr
A judgment which will be of
considerable interest to produce
and commission men was recent-
ly delivered in the Circuit court
at Montreal. A consignment of
butter was sent to dealers there
to bo sold on commission, and
the owner drew on them fors:A
certain amount. The goods were
sold, but the returns were about
$79 less than the amount paid in
advance, but the farmer refused
to pay up when asked to do so.
Accordingly an action to recover
this amount was taken and judge-
ment has been rendered in favor
of the commission men for the
amount of $79 with interest from
-Jane 14th, the defendant paying
the costs of the suit.
'Children Cry for
Organs or Pianos
at prices Wait
suit purchase
Second-hand Pi
nos to rent
A reliable Pian
tuner sent to au.
part of the eoun'
Pianos moved un-
Six -Octave Piano
cases, handsomer;
in Canada.
Music furnished
for church opeax-
ings & entertain-
ments, &c. Write
for catalogue to
D'Avignon's Cream of Witch -Hazel,
Softens the akin, removes [roughness, eruptions and irritation iromthe face and
hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion.
$lis an invaluable application after shaving. Don't mistake tbissuperior; pre-
aaation for any paints, enamels or injurious cosmetics or inferior complexion
otions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, cot -
sores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and cold. In
sehort D'AvioNON's CREAM or WrTOR-HAZRLis at once a remedy and apreventfor
very form ofsurface inflammation or irritation. Price 25 cents per bottltai
Manufactured by
JA.MFS II. #04031.13 I
An old physican, retired from prao-
t oe, having had placed in his hands by
an East India missionary the forumla
of a simple vegetable remedy for the
speedy and permanent cure of consump-
tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and
all throat and Lung Affections, also a
positive and radical care for Nervous
Debility and Nervous Complaints, after
having tested its wonderful curative
powers in thousands of oases, has felt
it his duty to make it known to his suf-
feringfellows. Actuated by this mot-
ive and a desire to relieve human suf-
fering, I will of charge, to all
who desire it, this receipt, in German,
French or English, with full directions
for preparing and using. Sent by mail
by addressing with stamp, naming this
paper, W. A. NoYES, 820 Power's Block,
Rochester, N.Y. 13012-y.e.o.w.
C. C. Riau -nos & Co.
GRNTs—I have used your MINARD'S
LINIMENT in my family for some
years and believe it the best medicine
in the market as it does all it is recom-
mended to do.
Cannaan Forks, N. B., D. KEERSTEAD,
John Mader, Mahone 'Bay, informs
us that he was cured of a very severe
attack of rheumatism by ueeing MIN-
Rev Jas. Thompson, a Metho-
dist clergyman in the Shelburne
district, hap been suspended for
teaching unorthodox doctrines.
Aa far -as cats be made out he has
been preaching on the question
of annihilation. He believes the
soul of man is dependent on the
body, and when the body dies the
soul dies also. At the resurrec-
tion the body and eoul appear bo -
fore the Judgement Seat of God
to be judged't'-according to their
merits. All who were believers
on earth will have their reward,
and their souls will live on for
ever, but the bodies of the wicked
who had on earth enjoyed gospel
advantages will Is) raised, judged
and punished fno a time, then:an -
dibilated; .ch wicked as have
not bac l opportunities will
not be raiseclwat all.
"Pitcher's Castorla.
The Clinton Branch Bible Society nave for
STORE, Albert Street..a tine assortment of
Bibles and Testaments.
Anthony Comstock, Post Office
Inspector at New York, recently
intercepted at the New York
post office, a letter sent by a
young farmer named Thos. Mc-
Cormick, living near Ottawa,
to a "green goods man," offering
to purchase some of his wares.
The letter was sent to Commis-
sioner Sherwood, of the Domin-
ion Police, and tho latter, by
means of a letter mailed at New
York induced McCormick to meet
Detective O'Leary at the Windsor
Hotel in Ottawa, and offered to
buy ,counterfeit money from him.
His arrest followed. Punishment
for this offence is five years' im-
prisonment. Commissioner Sher-
wood has received from Anthony
Comstock a list of B00 Canadians
who have responded to carefully
worded circulars with which New
York crooks are flooding the
Frank Wilkinson, gain buyer at
Hamilton, says: "I used several medi•
cines and found no relief until I tried
Wilson's 'Compound Syrup, Wild
Cherry." Less than one bottle cured
him of a long• standing and painful
cough, with tightness of chest and short
At the cheese factory in East
Otto last Thursday there was put
in the hoop the bi ggeet cheese
ever made in this region, and
probably the largest ever made
in the 'United States. It meas-
ures 5 feet in diameter and is 39
inches high. Its weight when
cured will be 4,000 pounds, and
fully 38000pounds of milk was us-
ed in its manufacture. The abun-
dant pasturage made tho Septem-
ber milk unusually rich, so this
lingo cheese is expected to be of
prime quality. About four weeks
will bo required to'cure it thor-
oughly. This record breaker was
made for a grocery house of Cin-
cinnati, who are about to occupy
a largo new building. IL is want-
anted as an attraction for the open-
ing—[Buffalo Commorciall
OtSVflO11 cu E°
Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedyfor the above aalbet,
disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. 1 sllaW.`
be glad to. send two bottles of my remedy FRE to any of your readers who bavo geya,
sumptioa if they will send me their Express and Post Oe Address. Respect,.
T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 186 West Adelaide 8t.. TORONTO. ONTARIO. •
The People's Grocery
Business Changer
The undersigned desires to intimate to his former patrons. and frinde
that he has repurchased his former business, and will contiuue tit •
the old stand,
Corner of Albert and Ontario Streets
He intends to go out of the Crockery and Glassware line entirely. J
balance of which will be sold cheap, and will devote himself exolu-
lively to
GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE. GROCERIES, Fine Fruits, Confectionary 40.0,;
HURON STREET, CLINT° N Of which he will keep nothing but first-class goods. The bnsi
Repairing of all kinds prrmptly attended will be conducted on a strictly cash basis, and prices will be ""Re
rex+o, a>`le rates. A trial solicited. eordingly. By giving close personal attention to the busin,
hopes to merit and receive the same liberal patronage tba.t he enj
Removes all kinds of Hard and Soft
Corns, Warts, &c., without Pain or
It is a:afe,Sure and Effectual
and there is no Corn existing it will not
cure destroying every root and -
Once Used will Never
be Regretted.
Refuse all substitutes. Full Directions
with each bottle.
Chemist and Druggist. West Hamilton
MEN, local cr tra.
veiling, to sell my
guaranteed NURSERY STOUR. Salary and
commission, paid weekly, Outfit free. Ape•
olal attention given to beginners. Workers
never fail to make good weekly wages. Write
mo at once for particulars. E. O. GRAHAM
Nurseryman, Toronto. (This house is reli-
able.) Spt. 12-10
hitherto. -
B. L,AURANCE'S Spectacles;
These celebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B. Lis
rance's test, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. You es..:
depend on getting the GENUINE B.)1AURANCE SPECTACLII,
by calling and examining the stock at
OUR ROAD CARTS are admitted to be the very best that
manufactured. They are built on scientific principles, the sprit( •
being so adjusted as to lessen t� the greatest possible extent flit
vibration Or jar. We guarantee them to be satisfactory in all
spectre. Prices are as low as they can bo placed. Persons wlehtng,t
try them are at liberty to hitch on and see how easy they rid&,;
Carry either one or two persons. They will be on exhibition at t;
Iiuron Central Fair. In the meantime if you want one call at Fahfoo;
Other vehicles sucli as Buggies, Wagons, Cutte>i
&c. built to order and kept in stock
Only Water required in ifsing.
a package. For sale orotywhore. If •
your dealer does not keep them,
send direct to the manufacturers,
est and l neapest lemon
Office Railings, lawn iurnil '
4,,,,,Utip FOUNTAINS, gidi.ADDR
Barn Wiro &s
Bar�� Iron!