HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-10-31, Page 5Ism Ewa ammisi s 1 IN 1. immense stock of the latest designs in all classes of" We are sheaving an rgest dealers in Linen in the County, and are in, a position, Goods. We are the 1 give you the best value in the trade. Plain or Colored, NAPKINS, DOYLES, SIDEBOARD 11111 S SCARFS, TRAY CLOTHS, TOWELS, '' c. See or Table clot p Window full of them - ESTATE JOHN 1-101)GFS3! 5 per c. o$ for cash. The STANDARD Life fr I hove Wutohes'.fi'Qnt $2,75 up 4e high as you will go. What is Home Without a CLOCK? WE HAVE CLOORS FROM $1 UP. True American, and English JEWELLERY, very latest in the market. S.VERWAR Elatestand best fish • The that can be bad in thigsnbeautiful art. J. B. RUMBALL & CO. �RUICKSHA N SOOTS and SHOES Full lines of everything in foot wear, as cheap as the cheapest. A few ,job lines at less than half cost. Call early and secure bargains. C, CRUICKSHANK, Clinton QioX1 TQ ll ASICIa Oanig944TerY'Pilx ur >Rtttretwu. Tharsday, Qat 2,6► 10.90. ibe�t►Mall,.. « , 0 90 a 0 98x' :;,rff;C .,0114 4 0 64. Rafle • 0 40 a 0 45 Pellt4,«„ ,,..,;,..,.,*_.,, •�•55_a.9 05 Flour. ler hal.,, 5 04 15 0 00 Butt t 0 '14 4 010 EU* ... *... ...,0 10 a.0 10 ,. 000a0W ' Perk ......... 6 00 a 0 60 ga.. , +5�0(4ia6/0��i//0�i Mena }.,.'..a.,..•.►,... 0 0O. .a. 0 00 Sheep Skins .. 0... 0 59 a 0 GO BRITISH CA,T',I IE ly['!#R1 TS• • LivraPooL, get. 27. -To -day British cables were unchanged, quoting 11 c for the beat 'Canadian cattle. There were 1,000 Canadian cattle on sale at Stanley market today. Sheep were also unchanged at 14c for the best. - Offerings of Canadian on Stanley mar- ket today were.80obesd. The rollow- ing were to -day's quotation's, finest steers,11,4c; good to choice, leo; poor to medium, 10o; inferior and bulls, 7,jo. RE THE ONLY Agts. In Clinton FOR THE GurneyFurnace AND CELEBRATED Original Cook Stove MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET There is no ohange in the general situation of the cattle market. The ehipmente of the past week were even larger than those of the previous one, and this week is expected to be as large. Shippers continue to buy up everything they can lay their hands on, but it is diffieult to get any definite reason for their action. It may be that they want to fill space, or, as some shippers claim, that money is made out of these email stockers on the east coast of Scotland. At the east end market about 650 cattle were offered, 150 head being left over from Thursday. The quality was poor and the market slow. In fact, there would have been little doing, but for the presence of a couple of shippers,who bought up quite a lot of stookers. One of these picked up about 160 head, at a range of 2io to 3o, on which bads be expects to make something for his trouble. Some 600 sheep were offered to a slow demand. Butchers' stook was selling at $4 to $5.50 each, and shippers about 3i -c per lb live weight on the scales, and lambs sold from $2.25 to $4. THE Completest • and Best ponstrnction of Wood Burning FURNACES MADE Our stock of HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, LAMPS, CUTLERY, &c., is now complete. DAVIS & ROWLAND, MAMMOTH HARDWARE- & STOVE HOUSE, CLINTON The LATEST STYLES The, IN English and American Hard and Sott Hats To please everybody. Call and see all the latest; shapes. We are constantly offering bargains. We are showing a stock that is wonderful in quantity, quality and style. We also keep on hand a magnificent assortment of FINE STRAW HATS LINEN HUMMERand Rubbereen Collars Tand SCuffs Our stock is complete and well assorted. We invite your inspection. REMEM OFNORTH THE DRY GOODS PALACE SALE REGISTER. Saturday, Nov. 1st., south half lot 14, con. 8, Morris; farm, farm stook and Implements, at 12 o'clock sharp. John McEllroy, prop., C. Hamilton, auct. Monday, Nov. 3rd, lot 2, con. 13, Hal- lett; farm stock and implements, at 1 p.m. J. Allardyse, prop., C. Hamilton, auctioneer. Tuesday, Nov. 4th, lot 17, con 6, West Wawanosh, farm stook and implements, at 1 p.m., G. Steeples, prop., C. Hamil- ton, auct. Friday, Nov. 7th, lot 7, con. 5, East Wawanosh, farm stock and implements at 1 p. m. C. Douwdall, prop., Chas. Hamilton, auct. Saturday, Nov. Sth, north half lot 8, con. 8, Morrie, farm, farm stock and implements, at 1 p.m. S. Petch, prop., C, Hamilton, auct. Monday, Nov. 10th, Blyth, two good dwelling houses Queen St., at 2 p.am. R. Howard, prop., C BULBS for PLANTING Hyacinths, rtece Dah- lias, Gladiolus and ohers,hap. coStrawber berry Plats very hPlants �eap.3.p ar W. C. SEARLE Rasp - Tax Collector's Notice. No tine is hereby given that the Tax Col- lector starts on his rounds on Monday, Oot., 13th, and all parties are notified that prompt payment of Taxes is especially desir- able. W. COATS. Town Clerk. lm Teacher Wanted. Male, holding second or third class certifi- °ate, Salary not to exceed three hundred and seventy five dollars. Dutiesppto com- mence first January, 1891. AppHtROa re- ceived ceived until 1st November. JON TON, Sec.-Treas., B. B., No. 8, Wawanosh Belgrave. P. O. Notice to Pig Breeders. The undersigned will keep for service at his residence, lot 28, con. 2. East Wawanosh near Manchester, a first-class registered Berkshire Boar, Auburn Prince, bred .byiJ. portedO. Snell & Bros., Edmonton, Ont., from m- stookes White Boar,• from imAlso aportedurer stocklo and bred by E. D. George, Putnam, Ont. Terme-81 at per return- ing if nece necof essary., with Fie peri cent e of rmonth will be charged if booked. JOHN HOARE, Elm Grove Farm, Auburn. 2i 310. GSJ.A.SG-OW VERCOA Do you want a good warm winter Overcoat if so, you can have i at your own price, from $12 up, made t or tr, t immed with th best of lining. Try the Union new Tailors li n ,Smit s Black, n,earlth ranging from $13.50, $14.50, $'15, $16, $17, $18, $19 $20, $21, $22,$23, $24 and $25. SUITS FOR SALE OR TO RENT. HOUSE TO RENT Assurance Co. otEdinburgh ESTABLISHED 1825 Annual Income, $4,750,000. Assets, $37,730,000 Life Assurance in force $102,630,000 E. W. BURLEY, CLINTON, 'General Agent for counties of Perth and Huron. Agents wanted. 3m.p2 Stallion. Mr J. P. Fisher's Clyde Stallion, "Pride of the Manor," will stand for the service of mares for the fall season at Mr Otter Wil- son's, Huron Road, Goderioh•Townehip. Oct. 4 1890 SUITABLE FOR ANY FAMILY Cellar, Hard and Soft Water, and all conveniences. Rent $V per month. W. COOPER. To Rent. Good brick ssytore, with splendid cellar, usit the mark t.for aClinton. Rent moderate. W' C. SEARLE. New subscribers are entitled to the II balance of the year free when ordering the weekly Mail, Globe, Empire, Star, Witness, Farm Jonrhal, Farmer's Ad- vocate, News, Free Press, Advertiser or any other weekly paper. They also re- ceive as a premium, The Farmer's Manual ($2.50) when ordering to the amount of $5; or for 25cts, $4; 50cts, $3 and for 75 cents when the subscriptions amount to $2. We will also supply any premiums that are offered by the pub- lishers. For further particulars apply at onOe to COOPER'S BooK STORE t e e PANTS $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5, $6, $7, $7,50, $S and $9.25. We are here to stay. Give us a trial. Fit guaranteed for no Suits cut free of charge. Holneseeker's Excursions, Will leave Chicago and Milwaukee via the Chic ago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, for points in Northern Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dak- ota, (including the great Sioux Reser- vation) Montana, Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska, on September 9th, and 23, and October 14, 1890. Rates for these excursions will be about one fare for the round trip, and tickets will be good for return within thirty days from date of sale. For farther information, apply to any Coupon Ticket Agent in the United States and Canada. A. J. Taylor, Tray. Pass. Agt., Toronto. The papers are full of the f0 ndering oft Cape St Vitcent of a steamer carrying t,000 Russians boand for Brazil. School Teacher Wanted. Wanted, Male Teacher holding a Second Claes Certificate, for S. S. No. 9, Hullett.-- Dutiee to commence 1st of January, 1891.- )pplicants to state salary. Applications re- ,eived up to the evening of Oct. 25 and to be orwarded to the Secretary of the hoard, W. WASTE, Londesboro ,amoe Armstrong V. J. MoBrien Trustees '. Waite 4'p Suffolk Boar for Service. becribor keeps for service, at his preinis- ot 12, 2nd con. of Hullett, a thoro-bred golk boar of first-class pedigree. Terns at time of service, with privilege of re - S' ning it ueceseary. H. FREEMAN. lm. St( Teacher Wanted. Wanted, a male teacher, holding either ond or third class certificate, for Hariock •Iiool, (B.S. No 6, Hullett.) Duties to corn - 'mice with the New Year. Applicants to ate salary wanted. Applicants receivediup the 15th of Nov T NEILANDS, Sec ,4i House to Rent. In good location, plenty of room, good way er,at NEable and W ERA woodshed. lteut low. Ap- p Jlited States Consular AMelcy CLINTON, ONT yell."fuun Thingsto ou or the children can't • g{Q ..d 3 ou will have to prg4de th' of life. The problem a ©nfronting yQ the necessaries you must have, with a fey les to make you feel glsi,t'that you are Byrn *, cep enough money, to oda to the reserve fun' This agency has been established at Ciiu- on for the conveuience of shippers and oth- re having business transactions with the Juited States, or for parties going there. All nformation will be cheerfullyy v HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT -ON very facility furnished by O. ATTISON Albert Street, (Miss is in g tha's) suit- T.R., whose has charge of the Clinton able for small family and is in good repair; . ordinary convenieuces. Also good second,Agency. hand Cook Stove for sale cheap. For parti- culars apply to JOHN BEAN. W. JACKSON, Town. Agent G. T. R FOR SALE OR TO RENT -HOUSE AND DHSS S. MOORE, Lot for sale or to rent, on Townsend St., Who has ben doing Mantle Making over the The house, which is new, contains fourteen L_re¢,isos lately occupied by Plumsteei & rooms, Hud is heated with hot lawn, r., hard and Gibbiuge, for a year past, desires to return also a good stone cellar, good(tt auks for the patronage accorded her, and soft water in abundance. Tho lot contains t the saute time intimate that she will con- } of an acre. Terme reasonable. Apply ;nue to execute, in the moat satisfactor on the premises or to MRS C. CARTER, wanner, all orders entrusted to her, at her Clinton, tf rooms same place as before. Orders respect- �_-__ - fully solicited. in. House andLot for- Sale.' A good comfortable house convenientlyExecUtor8' Notice to Creditors situated on William street, adjoining the The creditors of George Oakes, late of the Collegiate Instituterounds, containing eight rooms and large kitchen, with all con-Towneliip of Oodericlr, in the County of Hur- veniencea. A lot of bearing fruit trees. on yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the firer day of October, A.D., 1880 are here - Terme Easy. Apply to MRS C. DICKSON, notified to send by poet prepaid, on or be - or to MANNING & SCOTT, Solicltors,by Clinton.•fore the fifth day of December next, to J, C. Stevenson, Clinton P.O., one of the executors of the last will and testament of the said Farm Lor Sale George Oakes, their ohrietian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particu- A splendid farm of 50 Hetes, being the seat tars of their claims, a statement of their ac - half of Lot 28, Con. 5, Hullett, about three Dante, and the nature of the securities held f Clinton On the remises is a�jy them (if any); and that immediately after d )ling house good am 36 x he said fifth day of December next, the es- tate of the said George !Oakes will be distri- muted among ithe parties entitled thereto, eying regard only to the claims of which once shall have been received; and said You' hung necee is ho' of thi and 000 I , ve Things to Sel It is Illy business to cater to the needs of the public. WI profits are my wages for giving the public my time :an the use of my capif 1.. I am not going to work fvr na = f:; thing unless it issary, but I will work for less tlh ,t many w. I know your .needs. I llv made ..y a study for years. I have good :now will satisfy you perfectly. ® ,' sale. I Tickets to all points at lowest fares. For all information concerning travel, apply to above. MRS. WHITT. M.C.S.M TEACHER OF MUSIC. Piano, Organ and Technicon, or blued developer. r. Harts 5, Rattenbpupils. Street, Clinton at (A'i Walton : • Morrison, Remember the I SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON {°Hoo =goes place bAMs' E9VIPORIUN! 10 per ct. Discount Having a large stock of diens and Boys LONG BOOTS, both coarse and fine, and wishing to dispose of them, will give a discount of 10 per cent until further notice. Now is your time to buy, as leather has advanced and likely to go high- er. Have also a full stock of Ladies and Childrens BOOTS, SHOES and SLIPPERS. All sizes of RUBBERS. Have some good Fur and Cloth OVER- COATS that are worth seeing and buying. Beat value in Flannels. Some fine Croesout SAWS cheap. Yon ought to see our PANTS made to order at $3, that others charge a great deal more for. Aincial respectfully solicited so as to be c R. ADAMS. LONDESBORO LAURANCEeS - Spectacles melee rum t, 60 frame we stables, &c. Orchard of one acre, two never failing springs, well fenced, good soil, and in good state of cultivation. Reasonable terms Apply on the premises to W. T. FARQUHAR Clinton post office. lxeculore will not be liable for the said case__ -- Or any part thereof, to any person of whose House to Rent Claim notice stroll not have been received - by them at the time of such distribution. The frame cottage on Huron Street lately JOHN OAKES, occupied by Mr H. LeB. Hartt, is offered to! J. C. STEVENSON, Executors. rent. It contains every accommodation for WM MoMATH, an ordinary family, and will be let on rea- Dated this 22nd day of October, A. D. 1890 sonable terms. Apply to JENIs LE E. ROB-` INSON, Ooderich Road, or the New Era office THE WILFORD HALL House to Rent or for Sale 8ubeoriber offers either for sale or to rantpEV OL U T I O N that very comfortable Brick House at pre • sent occupied by himself, on the corner o4 Important Testimony. Princess and Orange Sts. Spleudid cellar, furnace, hard and soft water, &c. Terms' reasonable. E. E. HAYWARD. The REV., COVERDALE WATSON, for the last three years the popular pastor of the Farm for Sale. entral Methodist Church, Bloor St.,Toron• o, but now of Victoria, B.C., writes under ate of Aug. 5th, 1990, as follows: -"Dear Mr. Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 12 acres, being lot 14, con., 14, Hullett. Abou impson: Yours of the 20th July was duly 95 cleared and under cultivation; balane(eceived. 1 can only say with respect to Dr good hardwood. Veneer brick house etor�1, Wilford Hall's Hygienic treatment, that I and a half, frame barn and stable; plenty of egard it fie a wonderful discovery, and if erseveringly used it cannot fail to be of water, bearing orchard. Forty rods fron? school, 5 churches inside 1a miles, grave eat service I would advise any one to get roads in ail directions. Will be sold on reas.he pamphlet, begin the nae of the treat- unable terms. ADAM LAUTENSCHLAGERI„ent and throw medicine to the doge. A Auburn. lm very clever l.hysiciau said to me the other -lay, "let medicine alone and get rid of the Flour Feed and Seed Busines waste materials, and the organs will perform chetr functions." Tnls is PRECISELY WHAT CAIS TREATMENT DOES. Sincerely yours, 0 for Sale. ,vATSON. ' Subseriberoffers'4or sale his well establish REV. W. P. HALL of Point Peninsula N.Y., Yrites : "Di . Hall, bear Sir, -I have gust an- axon onre friend fie Territory. A vie d eineTerrlto business, h Seed to m U Y Feed andttor fro w red a le ed Flour, e been terms- A profitable trade has ;shod to know it my testimonial was given cur- able done, that can be materially increased, endow), In the bitcrtocosu 2 I answered yes; that it has been established on a clash basis. Sat was true to tho letter, and that my indorse- iefactory reasons given for selling out.ont was nowhere near fie strong fie 1 could now bsertber wi•ll sell hie present ran,i,ruthfuii9 make It. I told him that your. treat- mtortable o w �1ent lead cured me df rheumatism, kidney dis- se, catarrh and other complications of disease, that from crutches and helplessness, I am now well and free from disease as fifty years ago. mo have accused me of being a relative of yours d of trying to favor you. This is not true,ex- t so manygenerationa back that it can not bo sed. And further, 1 have no financial inter - in the business, and only desire to make the a tipent known to benefit suffering humanity. ,ave•alroady received and answered more than ty letters from all parts of the country, re 31- ing thb.truth of my testimonial, and I will dly uneven' p hundred times, ixtE treatment, tier, fie an induce sefferere to try y eolare before God my unfaltering conviction, h from my own experience and observation humorous oases, that your dleoovory, if pro- ly used and porseyored in will ,tiro any form urable illness fle 15 heir to, --I am ready to proclaim to 1!, men unreservedly that r treatment as sot teeth in your Health phllet and without drugs of any kind is the plyingbalm health to eflvery suffering icted that ts °eon le of ard fighter of Adam, Let me know how 1 can o you, and command me freely, Your friend etully, "W. P. Hall." e can fill every; 'page of the NEw ERA h just suchtestimonials to show thatlany of tbom defy any not genuine. Bend your address at once ill send sot THE MtenocoaM, 16 Th .S are all RI Ther what MONEY. A large'amount of PRIVATE mono to loan; A�ITT • A H , lowest rate of interest C. So- licitor, &c Office -Perrins Block Thorobred Cotswolds :for Sale The subscriber offers for sale a Shearling Ram, Ewea few Ram Ewes and Lambs. Lambs, Durhama few Heifersand Cows, registered pedigree. Will be sold on reasonahle terms. JOHN CUMINO, Londesboro. Iml - Stray Steer. Strayed from lot 14, con. 2, Hallett, about the 1st October. a small Steer coming 3 -yrs. old, nearly all red, with small horns tending a little downwards. Any information re- garding the same will be thankfully receiv- ed by the subscriber. ROBT. PEACOCK Dressmaking Tho undersigned, who has had consider- able experience at Port Huron, dosiree to intimate to the people of Clinton and vict- attDors that she Hurrononced Streett whet pprekshe t and satiill be sfactory:mleased o ner alfill in 11orderehe aentrusted to her, and at reasonable rates. MISS FRABER. Should be tried by any person needing glass as they are undoubtedly the most superior spectacle manufaottnrre gin Canar da. only Laurance Patent Test used inat fitti dO PIELR.Yr.i 'dK S7CORE, APPLES : WANTED -AT THF, - EVAPORATING FACTORY Also, su brick d elle dance, whits') is a co 12 orchard, two a deand softin awater,d repair, wit &c. 21 sol soon will sell at a the best localities of the town. ROBT. in. In one of SIMONS. MORTGAGE SALE. Under and by virtue of the power of sal contained in a certain mortgage, which wit be produced at time of gale, there will b sold by public auction by David Dickinson auctioneer, at the RAJTENBURY HOUSE CLINTON on SATURDAY, the 15th day o' NOVEMBER, 1890,a the following io all that valuabl l town property: Y poroel or traction land and premises. situate lying and being in the Town of Clinton, i the County of Huron, containing by admeas he same ement more or less,no roodland which is oomerehee of pos• ed of, comprises, and may rboetknown as 271 lows, that is to say: of the said Town of Clinton, on th north side of Prinoeas Street, according to plan made by A. Bay. Provincial Jal Land Sur veyor, dated the igtli day January, 186, and entitled plan of the estate of William Rattenbury, in the Village of Clinton, and duiy registered in the Registry Office of the said County of Huron on or about the 10th day of July in the game year. On the sba of particulars, testimonials, &o., by land therein erected the ng Rink oftheThisCI in- irn mail, free. Everyone in the whole ton Curliisng a and Skating Rink Co.CThis ntry should know what this wonderful building h a largeefusee structure 150 by 88 i TH RESTORER and LtrE PRESERVER tact. and has been used as a Skating Rink dly fig We are !paying from 40 to 50 cents and for Exhibition purposes. dress, DR. HALL'B DOMINION AtiExcv TERMS -$100 down on day of sole and bat- 7 SHANNON 'S DO INION per cwt. for B)iplea, and will take any anee in 80 days. The urohaser will be re, quantity 80 long a8 they are salmi. WI of his pigurohasgren the day of a e.ono FRY J. J. «F EA6T1 ST ONTO Ta ADELAIDE 81 / Cash On delivery. T cher terms and conditions made known o day of sale MANNINVG n&dSSCOO Solicitors t10L1C & TOWN, - Clinton, 0 At C are that . .•...' y uu will surely fetch you. tract the or rs .�c ncrease in my wages,- fall, b4 at a low price and I will have t( equences without kickib�g• x a,uyvr'e, i;> cent if you• un t. they never do. .My price ' They are the magnets which at - coin of the Dominion. W L. OUIM ETTE, LONDESBORO TRADE MARK. j,LaM URE HINAliTEA. Aosot nwilme iS IAN UF>,4CTURSOIMIL Wesel INou►. We are Sole Agents for Ram Lal's Pure Indian Teas. We beg to isle you to give them a trial, because they are absolutely pure ; are growls ; and prepared on the estate by the most skilled labor and improve&, machinery that money can buy, whereas China Teastare picked and. /' carried by natives long distances before being made ready for thee' °;;`' market. Ram Lal's is a blend o ree .Teas grown and prepared especially for -this brand. Will xe- be -theeameflavor, rf to .dd ay 0 iM,} ten years hence. 'T1s cheap ; only Fifty Cents for a pound packagO which will go as far as two pounds of China or Japan Teas. J. W. IRWIN. The Times Tea Warehouse Cooper's Old Stand, Cor. Searle's Block. CLINTON FALL &WINTER:.: Our stock was never so large or complete as for the present season, and as in the past so in the future, we shall do our best to meet the wants of our customers n ggs Taken in Exchange. 5 per c. disc's far eaShr . Traylor & Soii$ CLINTON AND M.lp`i"i