HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-10-31, Page 2A.Y, ? T
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Published by Wm. Bryce, Toronto.
returned in two or three daylt' time
well bentent, The,? had Ghoaon, an
evening train to come back by.
Noir wenton an usual to select a
favorable carriltge; Donovan follow
ed him more leisurely, for it ans-
wered their purposea best not to
appear to be companions. Dono-
van's part was usually that o£ a de-
eoy—a well-to-do gentlemanly look
ing fellow, who consented to play,
and thus induced others to try their
hand. They had this evening chos-
en a moat auspicious looking car-
riage full of young. men returning
to town—for it was the week after
Christmas, and, the brief holiday
being over, many had chosen this
late train to take them back to the
busy London life again. Scarcely
had they left the station, however,
and hip expulsion from Oakdene, when Noir's countenance suddenly
and elder since that he had been in fell. Two or three of the passen-
the poisoned atmosphere ' of the
society into which Noir Frewin had
led him. No ?wonder that as the
winter advanced he began to fail.
Even the Frewins, who were not
more observant of such trivial mat-
ters than selfish people usually are,
noticed at last that something was
"There's no getting a rise out of
the boy now, "observed Rouge,
one December afternoon. "I don't
know what's come to him, unless,
as I expect, it's this absurd fad he's
taken into his head about water -
drinking. I told him it was enough
to kill a fellow to give it up all at
once like tL. t. I should have died
that very week if I'd kept my
Noir gave a contemptuous sneer.
.' No fear of you dying in that
way, at any rate. I wonder Dono-
van was ever such a fool as to
think you'd give it up. He is an
odd fish. There's no making him
Rouge glanced at the subject of
all this talk, who was lying asleep
on the sofa, and then for the first
time he noticed how worn and
thin he was. All the boyishness
had gone f:om his face now.
"I say, Noir, he looks to me un-
commonly queer," said the old cap-
tain. "I've seen one or two fel-
lows look like that before now.
There was one, I remember, on the
"Pooh ! I dare say many of then
looked badly enough before they
found their sea legs," said Noir,
"Well, tl l fellow I mean died,"
said the cap, in impressively. "And
I must sad Anes look to me
awfully oi.
"Ob ! no, He's only seedy
—a colu or something of that sort.
We got drenched the other night
coming from Legge's place. It's
time we were starting. Just wake.
him up."
Rouge complied, 'and Donovan
started up at once, and looked
sleepily at his watch.
"Time to go ? Oh ! I'd forgot-
ten. It's this Brighten scheme."
He looked wretchedly ill and
tired, "not at all fit to turn out of
the warm room into the cold drizzle
of the December twilight; but he
was not one to shirk an ergagewent
for the sake of mere bodily disincli-
nation, and there was no one to tell
him what madness it was to trifle
with such a severe chill as he had
taken. He drew on his great coat,
and without a word stood waiting
for Noir, who was sorting his cards
on a side table.
"Take my advice," said Rouge,
Sternally, "and have something
just to hearten you up before you
go. With such a cold you want
something to warm the cockles of
your heart."
For the moment Donovan was
strongly tempted. He did feel very
much in need of some such comfort,
but his hesitation was but moment-
ary. He knew that his only hope
of influencing the old captain lay in
the steadiest adherence to his plan
Df abstinence. The three months of
the agreemeitt were over, but though
Rouge had long ago broken his
pledge, his companion's example
had often kept hint from excess,and
Donovan knew well enough that
even for his own sake the safeguard
was a very good thing.
"Oh ! as to the cockles of one's
heart," be said, laughing, "that's
all bosh; one only takes cold the
easier—as any doctor would tell
you. Present loss, future gain, is
ou: motto to -day ! we ought to bag
a good many head of game to make
up for turning out in this wet mist.
Good-bye, captain. Look after
And then Noir and his young
accomplice set out on their expedi-
tion. .As they passed the window
of the print -shop, Donovan involun-
- tary paused.
"Why, there's your very double,"
he said, laughing, and, in apite of
the rain, Noir stopped to see what
he meant.
It was an old print of "Brunel,
the Engineer." The curious fore-
head and eyebrows and the general
cast of countenance certainly bore
a strong resemblance to Noir,
though the expression was very
different. Underneath in copper-
plate, was written the couplet—
, "Whose public works will best attest
his fame
Whilst private worth adds value to his
It was rather a curious contrast to
Noir Frewin's life, and the words
stung him.
"Well, well 1 he said, . with his
bitter laugh, "my 'public works'
are not of the first water, perhaps.
You needn't give me that epitaph."
The Brighton expedition proved
groat success. Noir and Donovan
The year, beginning with the
terrible strain of little Dot's death,
had brought him oveiwhelming
grief; the long spring months had
been.ernt in a fierce inward atrug-
gle, a vain search for peace; then
had fslllowed his quarrel with Ellis
gars were commenting on a placard
whish, printed in large lettere, was
put up on the aide of the carriage.
He was vexed and disconcerted,
for it effectually put an end to his
scheme for the journey. With a
slight warning pressure on his com-
panion's foot, be drew his attention
to the placard which was above his
head. Not in the least knowing
what to expect, Donovan took off
his hat and put it in the netting,
thus getting an opportunity of turn-
ing round, and there, staring at I
him in large type, were the worde
which he never forgot --words which
seemed to burn themselves in upon
his brain at the very first reading.
"Caution.—Passengers are earnest-
ly recommended to beware of pick-
pockets and cardsharpers dressed as
gentlemen," etc. He could read no
further; he fell hack into his place
like one stunned; then the hot color
rushed to his cheeks, mounted
higher and higher till his whole face
seemed to burn and tingle. Had
he actually come to this? Was he,
Donovan Farrant, a cheat against
whom the public must be warned,
classed with pickpockets? de, his
tether's only son, had sunk so low,
then, that this description would
apply to him — a "card sharper
dressed as a gentleman !" That
moment's sharp realization was ter-
rible. Noir, anxious to veil his
sudden confusion, held out a news-
paper to him, but he only shook his
head, and the older man, who was
merely annoyed by the occurrence,
began to feel alarmed at the strange
effect the caution had had on his
accomplice. Such misery, such
shame, were written on his face that
Noir began to fear he should lose
his able assistance.
They got out at London Bridge,
and he linked`.is arm within Dono-
van's with an anxious attempt at
"Why Milord, what made you
play such a false card just now,
coloring up like a girl at a mere
piece of paper? I gave you credit
for more self-control."
Doneven bit his lip; the last
words vexed him, and changed the
current of his thoughts, for he
rather prided himself on his powers
of self-control, which were indeed
"It startled rue," he confessed
after a brief silence. Then again,
with a slight hesitation: "Noir, do
you consider yourself a card -sharp-
The question was askew with a
kind of innocence which made Noir
shudder. Ho forced up a mocking
laugh, however.
"Ask a thief if he considers him-
self a thief, and he will tell you
'no' but a professional adept with a
gift for acquiring other people's
Donovan winced.
"If that's the definition of a
thief, you and I belong pretty
much to the same class."
Noir wrenched away his arm.
"And what do I care if we do?"
he cried angrily. "I don't know
what makes you so cantankerous
to -night. Have you forgotten your
favorite maxim, that the world is a
mass of injustice, and that a little
more or less evil makes no differ-
ence? You stand by that, and Pll
undertake to stand by you, for the
world is unjust, and I delight in
cheating it when I've the opportu-
nity. If you're going to turn mor-
al, 51ilord, we'll dissolve partner-
ship at once, and you can go back
to those fine friends you know,
who were so ready to help you be-
for'e you came to ua."
Donovan did not reply .to this
taunt; he only shivered and drew
his comforter over his month. He
fel: worn out and giddy, his foot-
steps began to falter; and Noir, who
in his strange rough fashion loved
him, forgot his anger, and taking
his arm again, half dragged him
"The fact is, you're seedy and
down in the mouth, Donovan," he
said, as they reached their rooms;
"you'll see things very differently
to -morrow."
Donovan did not answer; he
stumbled up the dark staircase after
Noir, and followed him into the
parlor. There, with the gas flaring,
a huge fire blazing up the chimney,
and supper waiting on the table,
was the old captain. His hearty
welcome was generally pleasant
enough; but this evening Donovan
felt he could not stand it. He was
half perished with cold, and invol-
untarily made fel' the fire, but it
was only for a minute; the warm,
comfortable roam was not in keep-
ing with his doubt and misery.
Doable, donblo.
Toil and trouble,"
sung Sweepstakes, following the
ta'I dark figure with his shrewd eye,
"First rate leek :all three ,days„'
air was saying. "To -might our
little ;game was stopped, anti MI --
lord's dowin in tine depths. Mere
Donovan, corse to supper; we did'nt
get much of a feed at Brighton!”
But Donovan shook hie head.
"Good. -night, captain," he said,
and disregarding 'Rouge's Femonst
antes, left the room. He opened
his oe n door, and Waif, with
whines of delight, aprung to greet
"Waif --poor old fellow!" he ex-
claimed, etooping for a minute over
the dog, but hastily raieing'himeelf
again. "No, no, down! Gest down,
I say, I am not fit to touch you "
Poor Waif was utterly bewilder-
ed; his master had never spoken to
him in that way before. Something
be wrong, very much wrong. It
was dark, but the fairiteat glimmer
of light from the unourtained win-
dow served to show him that his
master had thrown hiwaelf on the
ground; it was a sure sign that be
was in trouble; Waif knew that
well, and did not just at first dare
to interrupt him. Presently he be-
gun to walk disconsolately round
and round him, stopping every
minute or two to sniff at him, list-
en, whine in a subdued way.
Donovan was beyond °dog help
just then. In the depth of his
abasement he could not sink low
enough; in his abject self loathing
to be touched by a being whom he
loved would have been unbearable.
He bad known well enough that he
was doing wrong before. Some-
thing of his blackness had been
borne in upon him when Gladys
Tremain had spoken those words in
the park, but now it was all before
him in hideous array, the very
vision of sin itself. How could he
have delighted in anything so ghast-
ly? It was not even a great re-
venge he had taken on the unjust
world, but the pettiest, meanest,
most despicable revenge. What
had he fallen to in these months?
Why, these hands of his --the hands
that had waited on Dot—had stoop-
ed to pick up paltry half crowns
won by cheating foolish wretches in
a railway carriage. And then came
the remembrance of his father.—
"You are hardly in a position, Dono,
to speak of breaches of honor."—
Not even then ! Oh ! what would
his father have said to him now 1
Yet little as he had known of him,
that little was enough to tell him
that his father would always think
more of the future than of the past.
There was a futine for him even
now; he must no longer wage war
upon the unjust world, he must—he
would alter his way of living if
only for the sake of redeeming his
father's name. But, for the first
time in his life, he felt a want in
himself. That agony of remorse,
despair, utter self abhorence had
done its work; he was no longer
blindly confident in his own strength
Presently from sheer exhaustion
he fell l: sleep.' Waif was happier
when he heard the deep, regular
breaths; a strange process of think-
ing began in the dog's mind. He
went back to his woolly rug and
lay down, but in a minute jumped
up again, ran to his master, licked
his hand, and then returned to his
rug. Still he could not settle him-
self to sleep; a second and a third
time he got up, making an uneasy
circuit round the prostrate figure on
the ground. At last, as if unable
to lie on his rug while Donovan
was on the floor, be curled himself
up at his feet, and there slept
In the adjoining room Noir,
having made a hearty meal, drew
up his chair to the fire and lighted
bis evening pipe. The old captain
was evidently uneasy, too, in real-
ity he kept it to himself.
"He's a very queer customer
that lad," said Rouge meditatively.
"-You thirik it really is this piece of
paper which frightened him?"
"Yes; he is young," said Noir,
in an excusing tone, "It gave him
a turn. I dare say it will soon pass
off. If not, we must get a little
change somehow. It wouldn't be
a bad plan to go abroad for a month
or two; plenty to be done there,
and he'd be sure to like it. After
all, of course we do run some risk
here. A month or two of absence
wouldn't be a bad notion."
"He who prigs what isn't hia'n,"
quoted Rouge. "Well don't carry
it too far, and don't drive the boy
away, whatever you do."
"No, no, I'd sacrifice a good
deal to keep him," said Noir; "but
he's upset to -night about it."
Presently the old captain lighted
his candle and went up to bed, but
Noir sat on long after his pipe was
finished, long after the fire had
sunk down in the grate to a hand-
ful of dying embers. He was
thinking, brooding painfully over
the comparative innccence of his
boy accomplice and his own villainy.
How despairing and wild the fel-
low had looked, too, as he left the
room. He quite started when the
door opened, and Rouge with his
night cap on, appeared upon the
acene. '""''
"I say, Noir, I don't fuel happy
about that lad. It was very strange
of him to go off like that with no
"Pooh!" said Noir, contemptu-
ously, though his father was speak-
ing his own thoughts. "He is
ashamed of himself, and vexed about
that caution."
"Yes, but to go off, ill as he is,
cold and dupperless. If he was a
Catholic be might do it as a penance;
but he's nothing, you know."
It did not a,tike them that in
very deep inward trouble it is at
timea impossible to enjoy or permit
b el
bodily eaee. Indeed, if t, dour
ol t aptaia had been gt ilfyy.�, of the'.
moat heinous crimen 1}e worldrob-
ably have eaten his supper after its
committal, and find a solace in the
eating to his paugs,of remise. He
could not understand anything,
which went deeper than thee, and
his good heart had been.atirred:with
pity as he lay down wgrtned and
satisfied in his comfortable feather
Noir's thoughts went et once to
darker suspicions. He had seen
somethingof that same despairing
look on noven'e ,face when, on
that bright Juni afternoon, be lead
watched him unknown on West-
minster Bridge. He had read his
intention then; was it possible that
misery and shame had driven him
again to the same lougtng?
"We'll just give him a look on
our way up," he said carelessly.
And then he turned the door handle
noiselessly, and with well disguised
anxiety stole in. The room was
very quiet, the bed empty. Noir's
heart stood still, and with an ex-
claimation of dismay, he hurried
to the dark form which was stretch-
ed out on the floor.
"Bring the candle, quick!" he
said to his father, and Rouge,
trembling with fear, held the light
nearer, while Waif growled a little
at the unusual disturbance.
Noir bent down for a moment
close to the half hidden face, then
he started up again with an expres-
sion of relief, which canto rather
oddly from his lips:
"Thank God !"
"Well, it did give me a turn,"
said the old captain, stooping to
pat the dog,
"Hush !" said Noir, "you'll wake STUOGLING ON.
him." Men are led by strange ways. One
And then for a minute the shah- should have tolerance for a man, hope
of him; leave him to try yet what he
by little room witnesed a strange will do. -On Heroes and Hero.worship.
scene. Donovan stirred uneasily,
half turned round, but sunk again
into profound sleep, and the two
Frewins bent over him, why, they
could scarcely have said, but in
their relief it seemed almost a neces
sity. They watched the face of
the sleeper—flushed as if even now
the shame were making itself felt—
the sad face which seemed all the
more despairing because of its still-
ness, the fixedness of its misery.
And Noir'e heart smote him; his
conscience cried out loudly: "You
have brought him to this; you have
dragged this boy down into shame
and dishonesty."
Rouge thought only of the dis-
comforts of a night on the floor.
"Wake him up," he urged. "It's
frightfully cold; he oughtn't to be
But Noir would not wake him;
he knew that it would be cruel to
bring him back to his anguish of
remorse. Rouge could never under-
stand anything higher than bodily
comfort; it was what he lived for.
His son, though a far worse plan,"
had nevertheless a capability of en-
tering into greater things; he had
himself sinned and suffered, and
though it was years since he had
known real remorse, be had once
known it, and to a certain extent
he understood Donovan's feelings.
"Better leave him," he said. But
with the words upon his lips, he
nevertheless turned to the bed, and
dragging off a rail -way -rug which
covered it, threw it over the pro -
trate form on the floor. Strangely
indeed in life do the lights and
shades intermix, faint fliekerings CONVEYANCERS, dco.,
of the light divine stealing in in
apite of the vast black shades of
The next day—the last of the
year—wss a dreary one in the
Frewins' rooms. Noir kept out of
way, not caring to face his accom-
plice; old Rouge, in great depres-
sion, dusted his curiosities as usual,
and put things tidy and ship-shape;
and Donovan sat coughing and
shivering over the fire, with an ex
pression of such despondency, often
of such terrible suffering that the
old captain scarcely dared to speak
to him. The sharpness of his re-
morse had for the time died away;
it was swallowed up in the misery
of his recollections, for this was the
anniversary of Dot's last day of life,
and remembrances strange, tender,
pitiful, but always full of pain,
thronged up in his mind. Brood-
ing over it all, his brain excited
with the events . of the past night,
his body worn out with pain, it
was no wonder that the overtaxed
nature at last gave way.
His mood seemed to change.
Rouge, who had not been able to
extract a word from biro all day,
was astonished as the evening dre w
on to find him suddenly in the
wildest spirits. ,
"Come," he said, "we'll go to
Oliver's; it's time we had dinner.
Come along, captain."
And poor old Rouge found him-
self dragged off, in spite of his re-
"You'd better not go out, Milord;
you're really not fit."
"Not fit I" said Donovan, with
a wild laugh, cut short by a cough.
"I'm fit for anything. Come along,
old fellow; we'll drown care, stifle
it, kill it—what you like!"
Rouge, really frightened, panted
along after bis companion, with
difficulty keeping pace with his
fevered steps; and then eusued an
evening of mad merriment. A year
ago, only a year ago, and Donovan
had been watching Dot's last agony;
with the strong manly tenderness
of great love lie had held the little
quivering band in his. Now in a
crowded hilliardroom he grasped
the cue instead, and betted wildly,
losing, witting, winning again
cotteidarable; then with the Vie,
wines and Illegge, and two or three
other companions rdterning :toDrury
Lane end gambling the .old year
out and the new year in.
"I back the winner! I back the
winner!" screamed Sweepstake
from Ilia cage.
And above the sounds of dispute,
and merriment, and eager play, the
cloth of at. Mary'q Church struck
twelve, and in the distance Big
Ben's deep notes echoed over the
pity, and, just because,an agony of
rewembrange rue ed back .intro
Donovaa'e mind, he staked higher
and higher. The room rang with
his wild laughter.
Noir broke up the gathering
mush earlier than usual, and with.
flushed cheeks and wild glittering
eyes, Donovan staggered to his feet.
But he could hardly stand; hie
head seemed weighted, his limbo
"I've clone for myself now," he
said, catching at Noir to keep him-
self up. Noir did not answer.
With his father's assistance he
helped him into the next room, and
with some pangs of conscience kept
guard over him through the night
of feverish excitement and misery
whish followed.
The next morning the bright
New year broke over the great
city; teems were fetes, and rejoic-
ings, and merry family parties, but
in the lodging -house in Drury Lane
all was silent. Even at night no
gamblers wild revelry broke the
stillness, for Donovan was pro-
strated by an attack of congestion
of the lungs in its acutest form.
Children Cry tor Pitcher's Castoria.
May we not again say, that in the
huge mass of evil, as it rolls and swells,
there is ever some good working im-
prisoned; working toward deliverance
and triumph? -French Revolution.
He had known for a long time
that he was out of health, and at
times the dread of being ill haunted
him painfully, as it will at times
haunt those who are practically
homeless. For it is indeed very
terrible to face the thought of ill-
ness with no mother at hand to
nurse you, no sister to whom
the duties of tending will be
a pleasure rather than a tiresome
duty, no house in which you have
a right to be ill, where you need
not feel burdened with the sense
of the trouble you are causing. To
Donovan, with his utter want of
belief in human nature, or in the
very existence of anything above
human nature, the sense of help-
lessness came with double power;
only, fortunately for him, things
were not really as he believed.
',1Cf,EFYE 'TURISrllRU>hl
Dr.'Reeve. Coroner forVotlnty of Iiuron,
Ar. Turabull, Graduate of Toronto and Vie,
torfa r�loiy4rsitles utembei: of College of
Physic4e,ns and. Surgeons of Ontario; Pellbrt-
of Obstetrical /pclety of Ediuburgh; date ,or'
London, Eng„ and itrillibur,'ggh Horkpitale
Oilj:co:-l4it;rray Brook, Rttttepbury 5t., cilia
ton. Night calla answered at Dr. save'e
rosidencs, heron at., px !at gral411 Vatop
Wilson's Wild Cherry has been pre-
pared by Archdale Wilson & Co., of
Hamilton, for nearly twenty years, for
the cure of Coughs, Colds, Croup etc.
It has no equal. Take no substitute
but get the genuine, in white wrapper.
Minard s liniment is used by physicians
groitootonalaud other ear..
MOl`T;BY'1 MONEY! Alis* EY!
funds at ow rates and moderate a private
Terms made tosuftbort owars.
When yon are in need of your Clothes being
cleaned or repaired. Being a practical Tat•
iur'gf fltre,a lezperienoe I am able to turn
out drat -class work at shortest notice. -
Char{iea moderato.
A ealtsolicited. Victoria St., Oliaton
Barristers, Solicitors,
Children Cry for
ommiasinners for Ontario and Manitoba
OFrio& seer Dooa ro NEW ERA, CLINTON
Bought. Private Funds. C RIDOUT,
Office over J Jackson's Store, Clinton.
111 the uncle. etgued at the Library Rooms,
JAS. SCOTT,.Clinton•.
undersigned, at resideuce or drug store.
Small sums on good mortgage security,
moderate rate of f o tercet. H "[ALE.Cllnton
DENCE ou Ontario street, Clinton, op-
posite English Church. Entrance by side
. EER and Land Valuator. Orders sent
by mail to my address, will receive jprompt
attention. Terms moderate. D.H. PORTER,
Auctioneer, Reynold. aug.29
The subscriber would intimate to
the public generally that he has
added to his business that of
And is prepared to supply all fun-
eral necessaries at short notice
and in a satisfactory manner.
Coffins, Caskets,
4ShroudS, &c ,
He has also purchased a first-class
Hearse, and can therefore meet all
requirements in this line. Night
calls answered at residence, Isaac
Street, Clinton.
Undertaker and dealer in
Furniture, Clinton.
Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Grain
ate of the Toronto School of Dentistry.
Nitrous Oxide Gas adminietered for the
painless extraction of teeth.
Offoe in Smith's Block over Emerton's
Barber Shop, Clinton.
or Night bell answered ry
'Ip.s Oit*ty tfge, $0.1442_43,00 in Japk-
son s Hall on a tat and Srd ridays is nisch
month: Visitors- cordial3y"trance.; ^° B.
sTONP,HAI(, M. W. JOBEAN, Recorder.
0 mall to anir sally aend lng sa her feat of T
address. lVIllli, Rkhard,en & Cbl,�ilsfif{alll•
YSprary and Reading RQ qp.. Town
Halt. down stairs. About 2,000' Volume
in the Library and all the Leading .News
papers and Periodicals of the day on tho
table. Membership ticket 51 per annum,
Open from 2 to 5 p. m., and from 7 to a p.
m. Applleationsfor memberehipreoeived
try the Librarian in the room.
The aboye ornamental trees and shrubbery ad
be sold at very low prices, and those want{,-
anything in this connection will sa-re moue -
purchasing here.
Orders by Mail will be promptly attend
ed to. Address,
JOHN STEWART, Benmlllor.
McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company
Thos. E. Hays, President,Seaforth P. O.; W.
J. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. 0.; Jno..
Hannah, Manager, Seaforth S. 0.
Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Donald Ross,
Clinton: Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; Geo, Watt,
Hariook; Joseph Evans, Beechwood; J. Shan-
non, Walton; Thos. Gerhart, Clinton.
Thos. Neilans, Harlock• Robt. McMillan,
Seaforth; 3. Carnochan, Seaforth; John O'-
Sullivan and Geo. Murdie, auditorr.
Parties desirous to effect Insurances or
transact other business will be promptly
attended to on application to any ot, the
above officers, addressed to their respective
post offices.
Horde the exclusive right for the county for
the Hurd process of administering chemi-
cally pure Nitrogen Monoxide, which is the
safest and best system yet 0.srevered for
the painless extraction of teeth. Charges
moderate, satisfaction guars ,teed. Office,
ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, over Rancelt Tailor
Shop, Huron Street.^finton.
Medical Department of Victoria Uni-
versity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals
and Dispensaries. New York, Coroner for
be County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont.
cesEoN,Honor Graduate Ontario Veterniary
College. Treats all diseases of domesticated
animals on the most modern prineipels. Of-
fice above Jackson's Butcher Shop, Auburn.
Pitcher's Castoria.
IP C. BRUCE, L.D.S., DENTIST, grade•
ate Royal College of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. All operations of modern den-
tistrycarefully performed. Anresthetics ad-
ministered for the painless extraction of
teeth. Office - Keefer's old stand, Coats'
Block, Clinton. Will visit Blyth profession-
ally every Monday, at Mason's Hotel.
the great Medical
Work of the age on Man-
hood Nervous and Physi-
cal Debility, Premature
Decline, Errors of Youths
and the untold miseries
consequent thereon, 300
pages 8 vol., 125 proscrip-
tions for alli''diseaaes.
Cloth, full gilt, only 81, by mail, sealed. Il-
lustrated sample free to all young and mid-
dle aged men. Send now. The Gold and
Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by
the National Medical Association. Address
P. O. Box 1895, Boston, Maes., or Dir. W. H.
PARKER, graduate of Harvard Medical Col-
lege, 25 years preetice in Boston, who may
be consulted confidentially. Specialty, Die-
etase of Man. Office, No. 4 Bulfinch St.
1! Auctioneer still in the field, able and
willing to oonduot any sales entrusted to
him, and takes this opportunity of thanking
his patrons for past favors. Also Chattel
Mortgages closed and rents collected. Char-
gee moderate. D: DICB:INSON, Lioeneed Auc-
tioneer for the County of Huron. Residence
Albert Street, Clinton.
The Molsons Bank.
Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855.
CAPITAL, - - $2,000000.
REST FUND, - $1,000,000
J. H. R. MOLSON ., Pres.
Notes discountsd,Collections made,Drafts
isatud, Sterling and Ameriecen ex-
eilznge bought and sold at lowest
current rates.
interest at 4 per cont allowed on, deposits.
Moneyadvanced to farmers on thetr own note,
with one or more endorsers. No Mortgage re-
quired as secerrfty.
11. C. BREWER., Manager,
January 1887. Clinton
Clinton Post Office Time Table
Mails are dew for delivery and close for despatch
at the Clinton Post Office as follows:-
_ 1 ELME I Dix
Hamilton, Toronto, Strat-
ford, Seaforth, Grand
Trunk east and Interme-
8ts ....,
, Sea -
forth, T. and S. oast.. -. 1.55 p.m.
Goderich Holmesville and
Grand TPrunk west 1 p.m. 8.10 a.m
Goderich, ., 8,45 p.m. 2.40 p.m
Hamilton, Toronto, 4.15 p.m. 10.25 mm
London, L., H, & B. eolith a.m. p.m, a.m. p,m
and intermediate offices 7.00 4.15 10.257.00
Blyth, Wingham, [Clncar-
dlne,Luck dew, L.,i,&B.
north and Intermediate a.m, p m. a.m, p.m
offitishcesmails, Monday,Wed-
9.30 8.15 8.10 6.00
nesdayy, Thursday 7,00 a.m.
Reynold, Varna, Herbison,
Summerdailyhill, Tuesday and 2.30 p.m. 12.46p,m.
Priday, 6.30 p.m. 6.30 p.m
Monoy Orders issued and Dopesits received from
ono dollar upwards.
Office hours from 8 a,m. to 7 min.
Bank and Money Order Office oiose
at 6.30p.m.
THOMAS FAIR, Postmaster.
Clinton, April 29, 1889.
7.00 a.m.
8 a,m
Surgeon, A 000uoher, Licentiate of the
College of Physicians, and Burgeons of
Lower Canada. and Provtneta 1 Licentiate
and Coroner for the County of Huron. Of -
fico and residence, -The building formerly
occupied by MrThwaltes, HuronStroet.
Clinton, Jan.10,1871.
• OEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College. Treats all disoasos of
domesticated animals on the most modern
end scientific principles. Office - immedi-
ately west of the Royal Hotel. Residence -
Albert St., Clinton. Calls night or day at-
tended to promptly.
H, R. Elliot, M. D., W. Gunn, kl.D., L. R.
L.R,C,P.,Edinburgh, 0.P„Edinburgh, R.
• L,R.O,S.. Edinburgh, 0. S. Edinburgh Li-
Lfoentiate oftbe id- O0ntiats of the Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, wl:fery,tldtn.Offlco,on
linoo at llrueedeld. 1
corner 0! Ontarlb and
Witham Sts. , Clinton
The bestEmbalming Fluid used
Splendid Hearse.
Residence over store.
Loan & Investment Co'y
This Company is Loaning Money or
Farnt Security at Lowest Rates of
3, 4 and 6 per Gent. Interest Allowed
on Deposits,according toamount
and time left.
OFFIGE-Cornor of Markot Sgnareand North S
Goderiolr,August 5th 1886 MArreoEw.
Advances made to farmers on their own
notes, at low rates of interest.
A general Banking Business transacted
Interest allowed on deposits.
Sale Notes bought
J. P. TISDALL,, Manager
Rewarded are those who read
this and then act; they will find
honorable employment that will not take
them from their homes and families. The
profits are large and sure for every industri-
oud person, many have made and are now
making several hundreddollanea month. It
is easy for any person to maks 58 per day
and upwards, who is willing to work. Blithe
sox,young or old ; capital not aeeded,we star
you. Everything new. No upeolal ability.o
required; you, readeran dolt as well as 003. h
ono. Write to us at once for all part?.*taro-,:)
which we mail free. Address Stinson de Co
Portland, Maine.
Planing Mill
1- MATED and furnished his now Planing 3Ill t
with machinery of the latest improved patterns,
is now prepared to attend to all orders in hie
lino in the -nest prompt and eatiofaotorymtnner
and at reas,nable rates. He would also return
thanks to all who patronized tho old m before -
they were burned out, and now being in a bet-
tor position to' execute orders expeditiously , ti
fools confident he can givo satisfaction to all.
FACTORY—Near the Grand Trunk.
Railway, Clinton.
Mant.faoturer and Proprietor for the boat tJllie• :'
Mill Dog in Ilse. Agent for the sale and t.
application of the tgrPIIMER PATENT AtlMMMO
Bou,aa CLEANER. STEAM FITTINGS fnralehdtl.
and applied on ,Bort notice. ”
Boilers. Engines. and SII Wilda
Machinery repaired eirpetyittotat
and in a satisfaettory manlier
Farm implements manufactured 5114': r8+ir'.
paired. Steam and water p lips forp(shed
and put In position, Dry Kilns fitted Up ea
Ila t es Moderate.