HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-10-31, Page 1If CLINTON, ONT., OQTOBEIR 31, 1890. ROBERT EQLMB BdPubliaher $1.60 a year In advance. *jog Our Weekly Budget OF INTERESTING NEWS From all parts of the County—by wide-awake and lively Correspondents FAMOUS : CLOHIERS d •. efore purchasing your winter supply, we ask you to see our fine range of "ARCTIC" and "NATURAL ' WOOL" UNDERWEAR, which are the finest goods made. Smooth and soft in finish, and guar- anteed free from all dye. MENS andeBOYS 'OP ; SHIRTS 11 range in all prices and patterns, in and Fancy, Knit and Flannels, with and without collars. See our special bargains in M ensCardiganJackets We have a . hill range of the goods at every low prices. Oar stock of GLOVES and MITTS cannot be equalled. We have the largest and best assortment ;ever shown in this section. Our Great 50e. LINED MIT, with one finger, is a wonderful bargain. Jackson Wingham. NOTES. --Ea pe had some snow- flakes last week, Winghain had a few on Tuesday. Cold's soritetr runs,thue, cold brings snow, snow bring, sleighs ing, sleighing brings wood, wood brings comfort, cold's antithesis. Cold as Sunday was, the Presbyter- ian Sunday school had more than an average attendance. not so with the evening service, absentees missed a treat, Mr Hartley was in good voice and took the lesson and text from the eleventh of Hebrews, the picture gallery of the Hebrew worthies. A word painter such as becoFaith u looking forward, and p down through the centuries, Faith looking backward. Billeting the Huron con- tingent oI the Sunday School Army 1 is a trump card this morning. A Union meeting of the two female branches of temperance workers was held at the residence of Mies Maggie Holmes, Monday, when it was re- solved not to go into winter quarters but to start a vigorous winter cam- paign. It would be spring in a mine - prematurely, were any hints commit- ted to paper. The Rev A. T. Hart- ley presides at a musical and literary entertainment in his own church, Bluevale on hallow -eve; no doubt, the young folk after such a treat will go home quietly instead of—well least said is soonest mended; their parents need to duck for apples and rich—childish now doubt, but inno• cent at least. Mr Melardy, of Bel- more,apent Monday night here, he left for Brantford Sunday School conven- tion on Tuesday; his daughter, after a well earned vacation, will resume her professional duties in a few days. Brothers, The Famous Clothiers CLINTON. Stanley. NOTES.—The many friends of Mr Jas Aikenhead, of Stanley, who suff- ered eo severely of late from ulcera - `tion of the eye, will be pleased to learn that he is now able to attend to hie work; he has however lost the eight of the sore eye. Mrs F. Rum. ball, of London, spent a few days among her old friends in Brucefield and vicinity last week. Mr Duncan ;McDonald, of Montana, returned to ;his home this week, after a visit to ; his old home and aged mother. WEDDING.—The pleasant side of life is made up of social events that not only enlist one's affections, but have in themselves elements that do not exist in the ordinary stern affairs of every day life, One of these very pleasant social events occurred on Wednesday afternoon of last week, pat the home of Mr W. Keys, when his only daughter Ella R. was unit- ed in marriage with Mr W. Peebles, Aye of Minto township. Mr Walk- er, Methodist minister, performed the ceremony. The groom was support- ed by; Mr Geo. Graham, of Melvin, Mich., and the bride by her cousin, Miss Bella Keys. assisted by Miss Minnie Clark. A number of hand- s, some presents testified to the esteem in which the bride is held. After a sumptuous dinner, the party drove to Brucefield, and from there pro• needed to Belleville, and other east- ern points, via Wingham, before settling down to the duties of life. The bride was one of the moat popu- lar young ladies in Stanley, and therefore has the good, wishes of all. It is said that a number more wed- dings will take place in the neighbor- hood of Varna, before long. Exeter. SEVERELY BURNED.—On Saturday last a misfortune of a painful nature happened to Mrs^ Wm. Daw. It ap- pears Mr Wm Pipers was about to de some varnishing at the premieee of Mr'Geo Smallacombe and had ;placed a varnish pot full of varnish ,on the stove to warm, and Mrs Daw, seeing it was getting too hot, went to move it and when doing so the bottom •.dropped off, allowing the varnish to run all over the top of the stove and on her dress which in an instant took fire, and before the flames could be extinguished she was bably burned. °Mx Pipers' hands were badly burned iu trying to free her from her terrible 'predicament. Hill's Green. NOTES.—Mr John Cochrane, sr., bits been prostrated by a severe cold but is, we are told, slowly improving. The Panorama in the hall on Mon- lay'evening was very well patroniz- ed, frap r meeting was held this week at Mr. Cooper Forrest's house. James Houlden has gone to Manito- ba to try his fortune. The Fanville Eppworth League had their meeting this week on Thursday evening in- iitead of Friday evening aa is venal. clival • services are being held in the getjibdist church here. The G. '1`: Co,lrave bought a large tract . of timber land, part of the big ViVitnap, Attd have men employed Making roads that they may be ready for perch its soon at "the snow domes, Varna. Mr Hugh Cunningham, of this place, is fast corning to the front as a cellery grower, he has stalks which measure over four feet, if any one in this county can beat this let us hear from him. Mr John Sparrow has just moved into his beautiful residence. This is indeed alovely edifice, being of the latest architectural design, the build- ing is built of brick with a elate roof and presents a stately appearance. We hope that he and his estimable lady may be long spared to enjoy its comforts.. Messrs McConnell and Foster babe also moved into their new bouses. A very interesting and instructive debate took place in the R. S. of Temperance on Tuesday evening of last week, the subject of debate was "Resolved that wood is more useful than iron." The affirmative was captained by Mise Addie Armstrong and the negative by Mr Edward Wanless. After a number of brilliant and weighty speeches were delivered by the supporters of both sides the decision was given in favor of the affirmative. Special meetings are being con- ducted on the Goshen line in the Methodist church just now by the Misses Hall; they purpose remain- ing in that vicinity a few weeks, after which they intend holding similar meetings in Varna. These ladye evangelists are doing good work in awakening a deep sense of religious conviction in those who are fortunate enough to bear them. Truth from their lips prevail with double sway, and fools who come to scoff remain to pray. East Wawanosh. -NoTEe.—Mrs G. S. Shipley, of Carlisle, who has been vielting at her father's, returned home list week. Mies Gregory, the present teacher in S. S. No 10 has resigned her situation and her sister has been engaged as her scccessor at a salary of $300 per annum. Mies A. Rose has been en- gaged as teacher in the Stewart school next year for $275 per annum. Mr H. Ross sold his flock ot Shrop- shire down sheep to a buyer from Chicago, for which he received a handsome figure. Mr T. Ross de- livered seven head of beef cattle to Mr E. Watson, of Blyth, last week, including a pair of two year old steers, for which he received the handsome sum of $120. Mr Walter McGowan,- who purchased A ditch- ing machine, from a firm in St. Thomas, has started to drain his farm in an extensive manner. Mr Alexander Dey, who spent the lent summer in Calgary, returned home last week. The school house in S. S. No 10 was closed Tuesday afternoon, on account of the teacher, Miss Gre- gory, being ill. William Mason, the veteran well digger, is having an unusual amount of work this fall, on account of the dry weather and the lowness of water in the wells. Wal- ter Scott, sr., left for Milton, on Monday, to vee his on Peter M., who is lying sick there, having been tasen suddenly ill while visiting nit: Hs there; we hope he may speed- ily recover. While going to Wing - ham, one day last week, Mr Geo, VanCamp, of this place, had the misfortune to have his horse run away, it being frightened at a thresh- ing engine standing on the road side, the buggy was upset and the top and, gear considerablf damaged, but the horse and driver escaped unhurt. Mise Emma Cookley was the guest of Mrs M. Harrison, on Sunday. Jas. Dey is visiting with Mr John E. Fells. This week Mies Lenie A. Morton has been engaged as teacher in Cur- ries school, on con. 12. Miss Sillars, of Walton, will wield tee birch in S. S. No 13 for 1891. • IIolrnesville. NoTEs.—A big time is expected at the shooting rnatch in the village, on Thanksgiving Day, when turkeys, geese and ducks will be shot for.— Mrs-Thos. Potter, sr., is visiting her daughter, Mrs Joe. Cook, of Leeburn. Miss Jackson, who has been visiting friends here for a couple of weeks, returned to her home in Blyth on Friday. Special services are being held in the Methodist church here, and will no doubt be continued next week as well. Messrs Arthur Fowler, James Phipps and Hackett left on Monday, for the purpose of packing apples at Walkerton. The annual missionary services were held in the Methodist church here, on Sabbath rast, Rev Mr Casson, of Seaforth,gave the preparatory sermons in the morn • ing, and the- missionary address in the evening; Mr Casson was heartily appreciated, and we will be pleased to bear from him again, Quarterly services will be held next Sabbath morning, in the Methodist church, commencing at 10 o'clock. Mr John Proctor is still very low. The apples 'are pretty well packed now, and the farmers are getting up roots; the fall of snow Tuesday night s'arted them We are informed that Mr W. Stanley entertained his gang of apple packers to an oyster supper, on Saturday evening last. While Mr Thos. Wal- ter, of the Huron road, was attending the special services one evening last week, some miscreant stole his whip, and supplied him with one almost useless; it is hoped such characters will be detected and punished; the trustees are already on the lookout. Rev W. Ayers preached in Seaforth on Sabbath last. Mr Thos. Moore, of Brussels, who has been visiting his Meter, Mrs T. Murch, has returned. NerE.—We have a letter taking exception to a couple of items that appeared under this heading last week. We can understand the writer feeling offended at what was intended as a joke, and which would perhaps have been as well omitted, but we withhold the letter, for the simple reason that we think, on refection, the writer would not care to see it in print, for, instead of filling a breach, it would only widen a gap, where good feeling should .always prevail. Of course, if the writer in- sists on it being published, we will insert it, but we think he will agree with us, that it is more prudent not to do so.—ED. Naw ERA. Dungannon NOTES.—Mise Fannie Anderson has gone to Kingston to be the guest of her cousin, Miss Rose. Miss A. Treleaven is at present visiting friends in St. Thomas, the gueet of her brother, Rev R. J. Treleaven. Rev A. Potter was to have delivered a lecture on "Reminiscences of the American War," at Crozier's school house, in the interest of the Sabbath school, but owing to the rain, it was post-poned until Wednesday evening, October 29t1.. Miss S. J. Williams, the evangelist, is expected to open a series of revival meetings on this circuit on Monday, Nov. 3rd. Miss Matilda Bowers has • gone to St Thomas. Mr W. Bickle, of Toronto, paid a short visit to friends here. The Dungannon merchants, includ- ing the baker, have agreed to close their shops at eight o'clock -p.m., we think this a good idea, but would sgggest post -lamps instead of the electric light, to light up the town; Dungannon is going ahead, the new act to come into force the let of November. Brum efield; NOTES—The friends of Mr V Diehl are glad to see him once more in their midst. Thanksgiving service will be held in Union church, on Thursday, Nov. 6, at 2 p.m.; addresses will be given by Rev. Dr Moffat, of Toronto, and the pastor. The annual meeting of the Upper Canada Tract Society will be held in the Presbyterian Church, on Thursday, Nov. 6, at half past seven o'clock; the Rev Dr Mof- fatt, Permanent Secretary, will ad- drese the meeting. A good market is now open here for all kinds of grain, Mr Dancy is the buyer, and already considerable has been brought in. -.Colborne. NOTES.—The wife of Mr John Stevens is on the sick list, we hone soon to hear of her recovery. Mr Albert Allin ie recovering from a severe attack of quinsy. Threshing in this section is about wound up. W. f3. Baer and wife spent last Sunday with the latter's parents. Blyth. Fmeu.—John Mason, of the Cen- tral hotel, was fined last week for selling liquor on Sunday. We trust that this:will be the means of at least stopping Sunday drinking. NEW DRESS MAKING SHOP. --The Misses Kelly have moved into town, and opened out a dress mak ing shop on Dineley street. They are experi- enced dreesmakers,and we wish them every success. AND STILL THEY COME. --Mr J. Henry, of Hallett, having purchased that desirable property on Dinsley street, lately occupied by Mr E. Sher- ritt and family, moved into his new home this week. Welcome, Mr Hen • ry, hope you will like Blyth. CHANGED HANDS.—Mr Beattie, of Brussels, bas made a good purchase here, in procuring the livery business of L. H. Shane. The late proprietor has not been in good health, and therefore could not attend to the business as it should be done. With Rolley as manager here, we have no doubt but he will make it boom. NOTES.—Mr George Rowell is in Toronto this week. Mr Geo. King was in Winghan on Wednesday.— Mr Will Kelly was in Manchester on Tuesday. Dr Sloan is away in Mas- koka, on a hunting expedition. Mr J. Freeman returned from Buffalo this week. Considerable snow fell here on Tuesday. Conductor Snider will preach in the Methodist church here, on Sunday 'text, no doubt to large congregations. Division Court was held here on Monday, the docket being very light. Mre Ashbury le visiting relations in London this week. Thursday next will be ob- served as a public holiday hero, it being Thanksgiving Day. Quite a number of Clinton sports came over here on Tuesday, to attend the shoot- ing match. Mre Thompson, who has veen visiting at Mre Tanner's, left for her home in the States this week.— Lawyer Campion was in town this week. Mi C. Henderson, of Strath- roy, was in town this week. Mr M. Campbell, of London, was here on Wednesday. Belgrave NOTES.—They say say that our hard- ware man is an excellent drummer be�nnd an expert hand with the whip. Warty Stevens has completed the contract of Mr Tuffte dwelling, and Mrs Taffts is busy moving to the newly finished house. D. Cantelon, of Clinton, shipped a couple of car loads of apples from ;this station on Thursday. A special sermon will be preached to the Orangemen, in the Methodist church, on Sunday neat, at six thirty in the evening. Mr James Stewart has sold hie black- smith shop and residence to Mr John Geddes, John is a pushing young man, and will take possession on the first of the new year, we wish him every success and hope it will not be long till we can wish him much joy. John Clegg has shipped several car loads of grain from this station this week. The open lodge and en- tertainment given by the I. O. G. T., on Mouday last was a grand success. Miss Mary Brandon hue returned to her home from Detroit. Mrs Tuff's has returued home after an extended visit to Manitoba and Bellefontaine, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs Hele. Sociable suppers and pleas- ant evenings spent around Marnock. Mrs M. Brandon moved into her new dwelling on Berwash ave. Mr James Henry, Robert Cowan and G. Mc - Kelson left Wednesday morning for Muskoka, on a sporting exploit. It is rumored that Jim, the butcher, has started work at the tin-emithing. Joseph Stonehouse has purchased a house and lot from R. Sterling, late- ly occupied' by Mrs Nixon. It would be well if authorities of thin place would have a constable and see if it would not put a atop to the quarrelling and disturbance on the streets. It would be much more con- venient for the Bluevale merchant to take the cars on his way here so much driving on ;such bad roads; they say he will before long, too. Summerhill. NoTEe.—Mr T. Wallace has been for the Iaet few days on the sick list, we hope to see him all right again soon. A shooting match will be held here on Saturday, November lst, under the management of W. Lowery, we understand be bas precured a large number of excellent fowl for which the contest will be; come and prove your markmanship. The time has been changed for the service in St. Peter's church here, commencing with next Sunday, Nov. tad there will be morning service at 10.80 a.m. On Tuesday evening of last week a prayer meeting was held at the resi• donee of C. Lovett sr., the Rev Mr Deihl conducting the meeting. We notice several local sports abroad with guns but they do not seem to be much edcumbered with game, what about.a squirrel hunt this year? or a 1 sparrow hunt? Mr Win Murphy left on Tuesday, on a visit to friends near Lake Superior. Beware of the 1 me N,nw Eon gives more home news boys on Hollowe'en. than any other papa. in the county. Bayfield. Mrs Symons spent part of this week in visiting friends in Clinton. M r John Morgan is preparing ``dor winter, by having the roof of bis House re -shingled. Mr John Pollock, our village clerk, and Ur John Faulcolner have re- turned from up the lakes, where they have been engaged during the sutra- mer. Prof.Wilde'e "great" magic lantern entertainment, which was held in Marks' Hall, last Thursday evening, was very poorly attended. Evidently Bayfield people are not to be led away by such frivolous peep shows._ Rev Mr McMillan, of Manchester, and Rev R. Henderson exchanged pulpits last Sabbath. Mr McMillan preached very able eermona, both morning and evening, to large con- gregations. A brother of Rev A. Thibadeau filled the pulpit of the Methodist church, last Sabbath, as the reverend gentleman is suffering from an attack of inflammation of the lunge. We are pleased to state that he is rapidly recovering. Mr Dan Wilson has moved. into the house belonging to Dr Stanbnry, and lately occupied by Mre John Pollock, who has taken the cottage vacated by Mr David Hays. Dan is becoming an active citizen, and will probably yet aepire to the office of chief magistrate. .` The friends and acquaintances of Mise Nellie Morrison, who was well known in ibis neighborhood, will learn with deep regret of her death on Friday last, at her home in Hen- sall. She 'was bprn and lived here most of her life, having first attended and then taught in the village school. Although her death was not entirely unexpected, still it came as a severe blow to all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. She was held in high esteem, either as pupil, teacher or companion. Mr Morrison, with his wife and the remainder of the family, will return here early in the spring, when he will resume store- keeping in the old stand. Last Thursday morning, at about half -past eight, our citizens were alarmed by the call of "fire," and soon :discovered that the old factory belonging to Mr Thos. Cameron, was the scene of the excitement. As the factory was quite close to Mr Came- ron's dwelling, it was with some diffi- culty that the fiery tongues were kept from extending their ravages. The wind carried the live cinders over the barn and stacks belonging to Mr King, which at one time took fire, but were saved by one of the many willing helpers who were on hand. The lois of the old building is nothing in comparison with loss by Mr Came- ron, to a considerable extent, of the food and fodder for the coming win- ter. It was the storehouse, where all the vegetables and grain was kept. The origin of the fire is unknown, though it is supposed to have been accidental. Paramount. NOTES.—Mr John Davis left for the Michigan lumber woods last week. Mr and Mrs John Cook, of Wiarton, are at present visiting in this section. Dewdrop temprance lodge was favor ed by a visit from a sister lodge off the 6th con., Huron, on Friday even- ing and a very pleasant time was spent; Paramount contemplates re- turning the visit in the near future. On Wednesday tbe 22nd inet. at the resident of Mr A. C. McKenzie, Loc- halsb, a large gathering assembled to witness the marriage of bis daughter Mary to Mr A. McDiarmid, of Para- mount; the bride was attired in white luster trimmed with pink silk, and was attended by her sister Bella, the groom being supported by Arch Mc- Kenzie; Rev. Mr McDonald, of Ash• field, performed the ceremony, and 'after partaking of a plentiful repast the evening was spent in dancing; we wish them all joy on their journey through life. We regret being call- ed upon to record the death of John L. Carr, who who died at his home in Huron County Mich., after a short illness of three weeks; deceased was a resident of this place up to last spring when he moved to Michigan; he was well known and highly respected, and his death caused much regret; the be- reaved widow and family have our most sincere sympathy. On Monday the 12th inst in Plumfleld, 'Mich., Mrs Jane Richards, relect of the late Jacob 'Richards, died alter a short illness ot a few days from inflamation of the lungs; deceased had lived in this neighborhood for years until very lately, and was much beloved by her intimate friend and highly re- spected by all her acquaintances; her remains were brought to the Hope eemete y where she. was Iain by the side of her husband. Seaforth Mr Win. Hammill, we are sorry to say, is very ill at his home here. The members of his family have all been summoned home. Rev Wesley Casson, of the Metho- diet church here, preached mission- ary sermons at Holmesville, on Sun- day last. Rev W. Ayers of that place, taking the work here. Dr. R. Evans, of La Crosse, Wis., is paying a visit to hie old home in Irishtown, near here. Rob is enjoy- ing a successful practice in uncle Sam's domains. His friends and old acquaintances here are all glad to see him looking well. The Huron foot ball boys went to Berlin, on Saturday, to play the Rangers. This was the nal match of the western association series, which was won by the Rangers, thus taking away from our boys the mpionship they have held since ason. accident, which was evidently the immediate cause of death. She was a daughter of the late Thos Wiggin- ton. NoTEe:—Mics Izzard, eldest Baugh. ter cf Mr Joseph Izzard, who has been ailing for some time, ie stili quite sick. On Tueaday Mr W. Per• due threshed for Mr J. Stewart, on tbe Stanebouae farm, the product of 60 acres of oats in 7i hours. CHANGE.—In the published prize list of the Huron Central, Me James Southcombe was credited with lst prize for 2 year old registered general purpose stallion. Mr James Laith- waite was the one who should have been credited with it. This colt was. sired by Gallant Graeme, grand sire, the famous Topeman. It was 2 years old last May, and weighs 1630. A SCARE—On Wednesday evening, as Mr T Wigginton was going along the road opposite the bush on his fa- ther's farm, he heard what he sup- posed to be the screech of a wild cat. Not caring to tackle it alone, be pro- cured a rifle and the assistance of the neighbors. It was dusk, but seeing in the tree what they took to be the cat, a fire was lighted, and after con- siderable speculation, fear and anxie- ty, they found that the object they were watching was a knot. The cat, meantime, escaped. TEA MEETING. — The tea meeting which took place on the 27th inet., at Cole's appointment, was a grand suc- cess, although the weather proved very unfavorable. After the good things had passed round the chair was taken by Mr J. Beacom. The choir was in attendance and rendered some fine music. Speeches were giv- en by the Rev. Mr Walker and sev eral others. On the following even- ing a social was given in which Mr Cook gave a very able speech on the opposite sex, and the choir furnished the music. Readings and recitations were given by the Sunday school scholars. The proceeds, which amounted to about $30 are to aid in the Sunday School work, c ast Mies this town, deuce, in last. Her nnie Pringle, formerly of died at her father's resi• Stratford, on Saturday emaine were brought here on Tu::day, and interred in the Maitland Bank cemetery. Miss Pringle was a sister of Mrs Chas Wilson, of this place. We notice per the American Tyler, a Masonic publicaticn of Detroit, that an old E mondville boy, in the person of Mr James Collie, has been honored by the members of the Masonic craft of the community in which he now lives, a town in the north of Michigan, presenting him with a magnificent master's jewel ac- compained by a very flattering ad- dress. Mr Collie is a very active and esteemed member of the mystic order. Mr Wm. Carnochan, teamster for Mr D. D. Wilson, met with a very painful accident on Friday last. Se far as we can learn the following are the particulars. He, with others, were loading egg boxes on the dray at the station, about the time a train from the west was due,which frighten- ed the horses attached to the dray, when they started to run away, in making a sudden turn ,upset the dray with its load, Mr Carnochan being in some way mixed up, the load had the misfortune to fall on him, and he received a very severe fracture of one of his legs below the knee, which will lay him up for some time. Goderich Township: FARM SALE. --Mr James Laith- waite has bought lot 47, Maitland con., Goderich township, which con- tains 150 acres, immediately adjoin- ing hie own property, for the sum of $4,600 cash. DEATH. -Rather unexpectedly Mies S. A. Wigginton, of the Bayfield line, passed away on Tuesday. Some time ago she sustained injury by a fall, and although shOwas able to go out, she neverfully recovered from the 'to our Correspondf nt>i! . Our paper is always printed Thom day afternoon, and es next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day, it will be prinli4d. one day earlier. Correspondents will, therefore, greatly oblige by sending la their copy for next week, one day earl- ier. And, by -the -way, there are sem. rat of our esteemed correspondentswhoue we have not heard from lately, that we would be glad to hear from. Hullett. LEG BROKEN—On Wednesday Mr Dominick Reynolds, ar, had the mis- fortune, to get his leg broken. He was hauling a log by a chain and team, when he was caught between the log and a stump, with the result stated. Hensall TEMPERANCE—Mr and Mrs Boma are holding Gospel temperance meet- ings nightly, and are having good audiences. Mrs Beman is an excel lent singer. The object is to form council of the Royal Templars o Temperance. DEATH.—The grim monster, death in the form of consumption, ha claimed another victim from our vil lage. On Friday night last, Nellie daughter of Mr R. Morrison, genera merchant, at the age of twenty years died, after a sickness of over a year Her remains were taken to Florenc for interment.. The family have th sympathy of the village in their be reavement. WEDDING BELLS. — Considerabl stir and excitement was manifesto in our village, on Tuesday, 28th inst when it was known that two of ou young men were that day going t lead to the altar the girls of the' choice. In the forenoon Mr Thomas Coon and Mise Magdalena Colosk were united in the holy bonds of ma trimony, by Rev J. S. Cook, in th presence of a few friends of the par ties. In the afternoon, Mr W. Ball of the firm of McArthur & Ball, wa married at the residence of the bride' father, to Miss Allie, eldest daughte of Mr George Dobson, of the town ship of Tuckersmith. The happ couple took the evening train at thi depot, for Goderich, where they will spend a few days. The NEW ER extends its congratulations to bot parties. HARVEST HorE. — The harves dinner, in connection with the Metho dist church, was held on Thursday 23rd inst. The weather was very u favorable, but notwithstanding th• it was fairly successful. At 3 o'cloc Rev S. J. Allin, of Centralia, preache a very instructive sermon in th church, after which dinner was serve in Mr Colwell's carriage repository The dinner was all that could b wished by the greatest epicure, was proven by the manner in whit the choice viands disappeared. Atte doing ample justice to this part the program, all repaired to th church, where excellent speeches an music were provided. On Frida evening a concert was held, anothe excellent repast was served, and an other good entertainment provide' The proceeds amounted to about $7 What other papers say. OF COURSE IT I5 The theory that the American people desire to injure Canada is pure fiction —Canada Presbyterian. How IT WOULD AFFECT WINNIPEG We are fully convinced that free trade with the United States would double all land values in this city and throughout the Province in two years.—Winnipeg Tribune. BEST FOR THE FARMERS It is certain that with free trade the farmers would be a great deal more prosperous than under a tariff which compels them to pay heavy subeidles for the support of the manu- facturers, and for maintaining itt power the Conservative Government, which is dependent upon the money subscribed by the manufacturers to carry the elections against the farm- ers' votes.—Montreal Witness. Londesboro. NoTEe.—Rev J. Ferguson was i Godericb on Monday, arranging wit Miss Williams about commencmen of meetings here, she will commenc the first week in December, a four daya' meeting being held the wee before. Quart-eily., services will b held in Londesboro Methodist church on Sabbath next, when th Rev J. S. Cook, of Hensall, will 00 cupy the pulpit. Charlie Meyers was in the village on Monday, as jolly and fat as ever; no time for croquet in Hensall he says. J. J. Walker, our popular Vet. bas left for Folney, Ill., to carry on bis profes- sion among the yankee. Rev Mr Dyke is visiting at the parsonage. at present. We are sorry to mention the death of Mrs Cade, which occurr- ed last week. I;Li ppen. NOTES—As the quarterly religious service in connection with the Metho dist churches of this circuit will be held at Hills Green on Sabbath next, the usual service in the Methodis church, here, will be withdrawn. O Sunday evening the Excelsior duet, Mr and Mrs Bemen, will commence a series of' Royal Templar gospel tem- perance meetings, the opening meet- ing to be held in the 1 resbyterin. church,, comnien, rug at 7 p.m. The New tee gives more home new• than any ether paper in the county. Worth pondering over. Mr Ritchie. a Belleville dry goods dealer, gives utterance to the follow, ing sentiments that at least merit consideration:— I believe that the great mistake with our people is that they have allowed their eyes to be blinded to the moral principles involved in this question of protection or free trade. The Government has no right to pass laws to benefit me at the expense of others, any more than I would have a right to take directly what is not mine. It was by insisting upon moral principle that Cobden reached the heart of the British people and caused them to rise and demand the repeal of the Corn Laws. The new McKinley tariff is defended on grounds of expediency, but it is a grossly immoral act and is simply a legal measure for wholesale robbery of the people. That is the beat rea- son against it, but there must be this reason also, that the new tariff cannot benefit the people of the United States; on the contrary, it must do them a great deal•of harm. The fact; that it injures Canadians does r}ct prove by any means that it will belie - fit Americans. It will undoubtedly do our people very serious narm, and by reducing the purchasing power of the people, it will, indirectly, iujure our business. The only remedy is free trade. I AM FOR FREE TRADE AND DIRECT TAXATION. When the abolition of customs duties is advocated, the cry at once goes up, 'that will lead to direct taxation,' as though that were an evil tote dread- ed. The great advantage of free trade Is that properly understood and thoroughly carried out there can be no other means whereby to raise the necessary revenue except by direct taxation. This system in force, the people would know exactly what they were paying for government, and if extravagance or mtsappropri• ation of the public funds were carried on, the outcry against it would be more prompt and more decided than it is now, when the producing claee- es are humbugged into believing that by some fiscal legerdemain the taxes are taken out of some other fund than the wealth brought forth by labor." A Free Home. A cottage worth $750 will be erect or its equivalent in cash will be g' to the person detecting the greatest, number of typographical errors in the• December issue of our monthly journal \ untitled "OUR HOMES." Threehun• , dred and fifty additional cash prizes,,, amounting to $2,300, will also be award- ed in the order mentioned in rales gov- . erning competition. Prizes payable. at par ii1 a ;part of Canada or'the u nited States. bei 15c in stamps, for complete r��l&s orad gltti7lp to dopy of "Our Noomes," which Will (Pe issued . about dv. 20th. - RAddress, Oun Hotris PrintsnINU Co., Y nocRvILLE, CANADA. Mr Wm Wobstor, one of the oldest residents of Exeter, who resided in 'Exeter north, died on Sunday evening °. He was aged 70 years. The deceased was in apparently good Health until Tuesday of last week, when he con- e traoted a cold, which resulted' its his death. Mr Daniel Near, ex -M. P. P., died at his residence, Humberston, Monday morning, aged 65 years, He represented the countyof Well- and in the Lower House for ono term. His opponent whom be de,' fenced was Hon. J. G. Currin, o#` St Catharines Ilo had boot' township clerk for nearly thirty years.