HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-10-24, Page 6i
'�alaBohy-%a Sick, we gave herCaatorls 'tilt ADVANTAUE t,b' PREISENCEOF 011A, �.
Sulvatot• Lit one tints half ring'When she vraa a Child, she cried for Caetoria, bUDe that 1'eSldiO l -treatment. VIAL IN AN E91Elto LrACY.
When she became Miss, she clung to Cabtoria, lie wall then a yeal'l}Dg, and be, CASTORIA fn*4 shs' W Children, she gave them CastoLU bad was his case conntdered that i►ul trig ih,' tuts t.tcilcu oil the BINDER `.'WINE, HARVEST TOOLS, BARBED'
he coulp have been bought fur a \ew 10 k C,ou•ul Itallroad, the
aM1' song. The Aug bone got better, tllllitiu was ordvied Luhe in readi- WIRE, BLACK FENCE WIRE, PARIS GREEN
however, and Salvator was saved net,3 i0 case Lit' a riot, but they
- - to be the chum )ion ul' Li., day. \wer0 not culled oat.
In the New Yolk SliolL„notii In an iolerview, Gov. Hill said
; li lE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY the 11-oolm were not to be called
attention is culled to the aatiut"l' a run ex,•e )t in cube of un emer- for Infants and Children. STOVE COAL f ® CARS
ifig aceuunt of trunked curl; ('a The emergent had not 10 CARS J NO. 4 COAL
the rnnniD turf which to, of L•Itc
THE ENGLISH PEOPLE FOR arl,0o, therefore they would not socasterlsis®owca&dsptedf;ocbndmntbat QEsto"s ewes Cotte, QoOtalpation,
OVER YEARS, Is become so baretuced It. to Le ills [reoom,aondiiss SourStomatch, Di=Th Eructation,
120 l,0 ut'dored Lint. He remarked superiorwwypLr'eripaon ee+,
subject of general remark amour; that fh s was the first great t3trike �O1atOmo" H. a e .H D•. �°�ew�to ' eL`� s►o°p' and pr°°'otos d!' Qllallty the best and prices the lowest. Order early
turfinen who have the wellaere of «•ith which he held had experi- ILU5MOxtudBt,Btvoklyn,N.Y. With %wuionsmedwisu�,
' racing at heart. It rcent:, that encu, and he dill riot propose to a Tins CdNBLOa, ComPANY, 77 Murray Street, N- Y. H A R L A Ill D BROS.
the executive bandb of the (litters lege hl. head; the only point at s
enbience y clubs are tied thruu• 1t ,• hicL 11'er0 had Leen herious Iron and Hardware Merchants Clinton
abs0nce of any actual )n'u(,t Lit I mble was ut Syracti6,i,and there
criminal l•ollueion between ecrtaill ;1 de],uty .hCl iti Lad lint his head - -- --- _ __--• `-� - - -
�0>CtPOVN7) owned+, Uuiuer�, jtx'lu)s tu,tl filo
8N1't8IIlI0>?3 ,, betting ring. But,by the way, and prccillit:l1vd tilt encounter. t ��" Firm ��w �� ,�
{ has the runnluir turf a rnuuul,r,!ti
'1'1.0 strlko �oll;illucd coverul
OIiiIE AND TAKE ®®DS, New Prices
«eCk�:unl tllc:v was Iiutous aC-
Thlttae 1'llla consist of a careful and peculiar admit- I
tare of the heat and mildest vegetable aperients and Of 1110 C1'OOlied work, :un i.; e% ,'t'\-
gg P :o: tall,, 1, iv:l Is along lith ®®�
• the pareoxtractofFlowers ofCbamomSle. They will t111IIg Itt till' I1utlli�:{ t'irr�,• "`�I- //�� '�T 7 Present /j/)
Dei IamoatelRcae[ouetemedyforderaugeweuta )„ :u:,d,. i,tll lfr 'It'll a!1Lh',I'Illl'� Ti�Z2�1, V ly��/ab(Je �L / et7e/f/ J
I <' of'. •,tireorgnna,and furobstruetia)eand tor. Ilton ],ill's IER & Lu"" GAN
t\el,• :,l,ie a„ 1.„]n) With It Withutll !!77 a �JL/
", of the liver and bowels which produce
1 °nY d, •�- a;: ad the Several varieties of bilious and liver A , t(,(•k l'ol lterui I ce tt�: t.�ivvva l,) c.d 11 Jit( oll tilt• lu,ll.la. t:
Sold by all Chemists. GROCERS, are in the field with
y held in JIelLuurue, Au,tlnli�, ,,, 'I'll! lc,! 1.a a lust(, teal ::Lilt!}• Away .
WHOLESALE AOE Ji t � w i t li 'Y o Ll
` l'UllbldW' IIlC:1�U1'e, fu1. ,I't•\-et.l:1,� t'uLR', tl a('u :UI t l:lt•I',;t'IH' Ul*lSt•� p j pp �j
RVANS AND SONS, LIMITED, .the il,t['oductiun ill li,t:t„ I :.,,a.;, , ,t ,.:,�:�' roti tin L:, Bariains in new Black, Green alld Jajlall Teas. CMOs. Suers. &�
MONTREAL, tLu intpurluliun e,1' bur C l Jil I,111VII a1„1 (li,Cr.ti•ior. •'1't slli)tiL1'lhCl' UtICI's OI1C Of 1)ti.. `rty ,\ (t)'s Jllstl)' Cl'lE'-
P.. t'CnU{llt}ull t\'a, :.dU}lle.l :!�!:;I _ 1 Ile 'i ,• +II,, II «i;u 1 r(ai!:, hilt 1,rCaCtict• ! 1, :tell ORGANS free, �titil tint` I'it Clal:;l! t)f .lalues 'Pty aur 11:,1 ; 1:(.TA R untl tih:C l.l:'1` BLEND '1'1:.1 �; they cannot
res],eCtitc. CuLnliul .t'+t'c ::1 ; 1.n:., lit :'d. ur,ul,t:•ins Li. ctllJI)o1 ••,
CHARM BAKING' POWDER, I,t: l-`:ceu,,t in ],rite (,I quality.
` to 1,rocido that all Lar I', „ - r', ,I ,'Xrlt r e..rrul } tli,crc:,.,i +n :ti Watson tt L'O' s
1 , 1 (I 1 ;; C��®�Ii1l���)�.\\'c La•:C a t;ne assortment in Dinner, Tea alld
n -arcs ie, 111turc sLupld ht' -ul i,•t l ,t:, n il,:u ,.tort trl� i� to be )t'i ',' .)11('('lltti. 1.j 1115 l,'(b till (l) )U1'tlllllt}' Of til'l'lll'lll r1T1 1
1 Chamber S,t;, it, Jill the latest designs and colorings,
to a(1tt:unitIitiC of Ioil rtt',u t1::\ ,,', .,. 1.'t A. Ill L'• },lit to the 01 --ill \vol-th til96, Cor fifty culitti and at prices to suit everybody. ('nine andinspcet theniandbt:convinced. we
1 The buvel nnient, u[ S-l'il _\r,•- also ltuve u line ansertment of GLASN\1I_\RE., cud clleuper tllau thu cheapest .'
ti! , rialto au,! 'I:aunt:,Win Itn,'e ' �t'ct,l �iCu tvilL i, tel LCa,I, have (Lt' 'Ill(' U1"',tit will i)l' t)ll t \iltl)1t1U11 ill Ulll' �11'UC'el'j 10110 Oil
U"U : \Vit iuu•o securetl altother Isetvitl:; 'I ach;n(', �t'hich ate will
gy t h .► to c:ulyuut the t'CC'UI11Rllntlallno. !;,}In:, t1n:,, tit «Lich tlu nut atill'tlil�' next, A Call solicited frolll visitors t0 till' ;;it( -I%%-. - with 111),Illlkill 1'utcder. Cance cud Illlt'(t
tI '-v_,1.•., Ilse othel eidor,ICs have I under t:titor ill tho f:lt•t` nl thlllt:er. Utes it, CIliLIlCQOhet'UFIt It :i f.0o liLtl;
a� a R ;a s.l Y coudidcl•ation. .�, Cule, of liI - an, U., Jutic 10, t it Cltt 1 ] lll'Oil Central E\illl)1t1U11 g >,ciul attcntiuu , tvuu to P'umil Made. Good; runt t;' derive ul. lle;d with
THE DES �' CyA➢1 � �'� r) (, -" 1�!1U, \writes: lit tLe lull Lit' ltir, 1 " y"
It will be luund that, thore wilt) us Lind It the netwest, cheapest al„1 fresh( •t goods.
�AKIN�IPOWDER F R I' „•r (tit( Wel nu rood in a Certain c{u. ; l was 1CCIiu r'el'y ill. I consult. N.
�5® ���� ����, COOPERts-,- . af;TQ:'V S'' l..e'' " ' ctl a llnc•tur and be st!d I had �sa,of horses, hate failed to take into,RM& LOGAN - Clinton
1' Valves, Iron&.Leac, Bright's diseu-o Lit' the kidneys _ _
��tADE,1S GENUINE conslderuticu that there is a ccr- I c J'•' _. - - ----- -- --- - NEXT '-1'O C'UCC'II'S.
: 1 SteamJct uPum s�Farc, tain kind of'twork fur whitth tile)' ;curl! lLlat 110 tvoultf aur statin ie,
Coos I I Ullll ) nl) shoos fur tLe state of Uhio. . iin
Pumos, V71gd l•i L, al's exACll stilted. Othel'«'lse U; No Alum.Cream undry ten Dally a bt'eed ouch horses would nal I giv ip did Lint 1 sa the tc Ol•Bargain Prints
Nothing Injurious. and Laundry litenslla' have existed at all. A very heavy 'live up; 110 salill, '1 yaw Lh0 i0�ti- HUB Gn"'OCERY +.
536 CRAIG STREET, horse may be almost useles; till I Illoniul of :IIF• John Coleman, 10''
Df1AflED EVEDYWHENE MONTREAL. Gro-oi- St., flew Haven, Con., 15 c. PRINTS for 121 c. 12..k c. PRINTS for 10e.
the fiu•rn, and }-et be the ritiLt )'
horse in the right place when and 1 wrote to him. In duo time tiorne of these are very handsome. r
hitched to a beau wagon hauling 1 received an answer, statin the a We make a specialty of ) (r
Y t Y g g FINE PRI/.E BAKING POWDER in `35 cent ane. 210 blanks. I) Y gives good satisfaction,
freight for the G. T. Ii,, the C. 1'. testimonial that he gave was ben. r✓ Try our Blended Black, a11(1 you'll use no other
x' nine. and not overdrawn in art WEM TER'S ENCYCLOI .EDIA given act's free. time and see about Y
4:; ► a r } 1 It., or the :11. c . l�. S' y We can give hood Japan at all rices to suit.
+. ► , s particular. t 1 tuck a good many NEW GOODS FOR T HL FALL Z AD11, � y r p
rt ►� ,
Also li
CQ c- ki
!• .. rhe editor of til+. Cumin, Fetal bottler of 1'v arnur � Safi; Gurrh:Lt'e C O1cey0lln H 5011 that gloss" satisfaction.
Gazetto pays the f',,Ilowing tribttt0 nut token any f'ur ono year. Coming i sad opening out fine. If you want to get the beat. vuluefor your We told our customers not to be deceived with peddlers, and a number have
a to the trotter: 'There is poetry in Gov. Hill i� accounted a very money and produce, THIS IS THE I LACI: taken our advice and quit them. They find that they'can do as well at the Hub
, motion, and the Let -t form of its successful man; lie is cool and OClt COI`1'Ia: is the best we can be, `
CHADWICK S LEATI�EROID 3xnl'esr'ion in the trotting horse. t calculating and belongsto the clay Any quantity of GOOD T1J8 BUTTER and FRESH EGGS wanted yin Canada. Sys guarantee sotMae-
' at highest market price. tion every time.
�P0011 STEEL -LINED TRUNKS The swift pace of a trotting horse that dc, not lose their heads when ,
In Sample,Lndies'and is the perfelt'on ofrbythmiciction clnel,7encies arisen �` Your patronage respectfully solicited, at ADA11ti' I: )iPOItiILIbI, Ems. ►9j� 1--T- ►�1�� ��I[1W
all other kinds +
and the I•onorous eb a')t .tit' ace \ �, .
-� C®'T'I'®� TiehteslaIl1lsueIlgsat horbe's hoofs On the beaten tract: ADAM > -- - - -- - -- - --
t: 1.v,' bra)z(� C)lcl TRUNKS is as regular as the t cat of a clock. $ LONDESBORO
In the world. The action of the home is as er-
�lPacle,e)ae L:�s. per -
� � r � � j,11 _
3. EIIELEIGH&00- feet as a chronometer, and when _1 Leamington widow of 70 - - - - ,ii::JJ -
x, (SAS SO SUPERIOR. MONTREALa half a dozen trotters swing in tile, yealsrecently cut three nctttcetb. '� .. THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES E ASK FrJRi i_ s1IC1GtIS.IOrtIISDCm12'R home stretch, every nervo in their A strange surgical caro is 1.ot lUR CIVEN AWAY YEARLY. CLI1�1 TON L� 1J �RA
f; sleek -coated Ilodies strainc,l to ported at the 1lludical C011eg0 at ® When I say Cure I do not mean ®�
M 16 LN1 t,9 the utmost, :1Rd 1•11sil past the Keokuk, Iowa. A prominent .. merely to stop them for a time, and then ®�
1 have t,.c n retro n again '1' A R A D I C A L C U R E. I have made the disease of Fits,
Wire It is dlfilcnit to "efl•fli n i"O"li • gl?$',�, life -lung study, I warrant my remedy to Cure the '
10; X111; A ;... lolly of that city was tapped for EpitgpsY or Gallia
CbCel'itt'r' worst cases. Because q��ha ailed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at '�T t�� �1 Publisher
Noire Damp,, Ft., ou»pf ilr3 MA'tt oPin, ;,t abdominal dropsy- for the 0[10 once for a treatise and a.• r tittle of my Infaillible Remedy. Give Express and Ra HOLME S -
`' and elegantly turntshed Sat in the ',
be -
City .Accorutnorltttlnufor4t)U cote" --+ems-- hundred and forty lifth time be- Post Office. �^s vnu tiQQ ink .`or a trial and it will cure yyou. Address: -H. Q. ROOTa 7
1 Hates: S Y� "[]S'(00DRL1FF, ��UI;TII TI;N 1)OLLr1I:S ;1 fultu a class. It is said that no CLINTON - - t)\T.
j �tEto
per d i , .' iv %larager human being bas ever withstood
I3 6TTL E.
Jr a C(� ; so mat) operations. The first
DOMINION person who has used Pol- y p E
r pror
�•ATKER BOARD son's Nervilino, g• ]u ta],ping occurerd niuo years ago,Thi'�, NTRAL �' -the Ica( )'in Y
5018 A¢0 euro would not be without it it' and the operation has to be repeat
' COMPANY. ' ed once a month. Dnricg the in -
J ALM R&S --- it cost ten denary a bottle. A OPFOSINTE THE POST OFFICE. v
�larrufaeutzere of (CI'vfll the 11'lllnalll 'Foci :1L)llt }11'1' a X '1711L
. T
F rr00d thlll(r is worth its (weight in .Jvorlt ars ll IIL•' N i-nv El,A is published ever Friday ; it
'�iaoleaale Imp'tr of r, ,
.` 3116C1STS' SUNUR �. bold and \crvililie is the Lest
stearin. I TcklaaE, ) There is more fun to a sheet ofstirky 1 1 11 wives about T11irty-two Colllinns of Fresh Readln
I743HDTflE'DA1NE$T, __ rented • in the world f'or all kinds flit n 'MONTREAL. FRICTION) Of pain. It eines ul`urfllgiat in fly Asper than in rile avers;+e iegro �a��lU� 5�; i g
a.-�.�. __qr'�_ PULLEY go1�RQ IiCC nllnil(Cit; tUOIhflCLC ill one
minstrel. Watch the kitten playing of
SOAP. � I \with it oil the nett• cnr tet• the latter is v 1fatter Every Week; Col'l'ect iiN1arket Reports* mjnute; lane Lack at elle a) lira- F , X
� 77, i.isaPer-lrrrFrierinn 1 p rained for ever; the kitten goes into a P,eun•n floral:, for rile patr»nagc ;t,x;or(!otl th:•m since �:r,rtl;l;; be,;tnrs7, :c:, 1 tut -
riot`; headache in :t feta nlomcr)(�; tit arld the wome» and Children rash nounce that til, y will _,mtinne to •,ive sati4acrit,» to all •,vita stay fawn• tl:coil from Toronto and in this nei-Ilborhoo(1 ; 11i1S $
and all pains illnt as spirt],'• nut of the. house in terror. if you «•ant v: ith their ortler,.
Why nut try it le, -day Y Largo to rid yunr house of flies, buy WilsoR%, I X s
,- ���� BLUEr o- illy Poison Pada, turd use as dirrrtc,d Large CirC111at1011 aIl(1 1S U11St11'paSSCll as an r1C1
hurtles �., cents. buts I,y all drag-
1�:o"Illy. Pl;ew;it clear y all out thol- TGrey rl� eek fill stock of the X
+• Ixts :nNl rounil'y dealer". ort,;hl Sold Lit ]U (, b 11 (irn ,ri;t.;.
THE BEST, FOR LAUNDRY USI:, ] olM+n'n Ilel'Ce ])toll ('ltl'.'.-Nrl'Ci- . 1� (� ,,/� (� p « vertlsln� Afedizini. Will be. Selit to oily tL(i(lf'ess
Y' _ line. I'Lr �u:ria ('analli:le, nutter a veal belt good) C'? their 1lie. � '
a' `'AfEltia). �+ nl: ild, •lhC TilnnCl (.'Cle!,r:ttiou �Y ft)1' '�.:)1� t�yf'(ll', Irl FLrlLtillC(
,tis '';
('uulnli'.lcc, :dlrr •cwaral iutu1.laal 11
v a., � _ _[oHDisLory� (il;'T1i\(� 1.«'O 1.,., a\r I\ ;
Wrapping, � ^ E C'In1i•1'enre', have :It'rocd 111) 1)11 tl 0 Alit a they lin•: rxcln;iwrly fat' va;h, «ill ,ice n, _,r,rnl valve a•! any ie, the trade 1
pP �, FLUID EF UALI� AN lint I
� untliner,l'::Int,ti)',tnl 1it1'lhC:uts_ 1C t' rl�fn�l• bt :�ive ,,:u, line utru.<turtnult•r, a.ncltt!;tla'tf:r'l,rotit-untnl'tinter.
9t 11tII111&, ,0. NE C�ftEAT -- I l,il tun.; tier ;Ixunl. ) ; Las Leen de- other I;no ynn :Ira• wallf, brit fur "em-ral family =ni,,,liow w" •.(ill »Jit be tnt•.Ir'rsoltt I -
2 _ A llaillo Imt, who 1, this u ,
TEW Ali"' STRE146TH o1VER - eit!e,l MC, 1111det'.tal,d, to hold 1bb` 1',tt�„na;t� !',•:Itrrtdu!1}�;uli,:itrtL I:'�tn,•nlb��r t!;•l,;a,.:r--��alkcr';utd �tau,l. i _
11 S, \ ` t 4)g Pr FW 1^,T F000 l,ruli'�rol' Itt on(' Jit' Hitt 1�Ctt' I:n1C- I I --'------- �"t '� 1' t r- , a
S-A S r.!:, I hcinl uct ie, the Lnt)ncl iI PIL }l-( 1[[ F+
j V 1 , rJR THE SICK l:un.l CuLcres ttretl to lc:uh tti\t'h _ T
Arae ` s"•l wJ,aRttl�c tk I TIAti lidde i; :I, j r, l,(JJ0 it el. lot) t V t 1 1�� _L �1 ht,
{'� �r, school.; tw11lll'. tllllll t1. 1,1111 �l•If .f 1.l' ' Ch1(''MURRAY & ILTSE � CLINTON
I 1 J.., Y -RASE :Uel I„( ;Ire ! .. • 1,� 60 .00 !CCL Lill ! .�...M.. ,„. ,,.. >� •-•.,...•- - - ---- --- ' '
To ORI Int + �"" his :llli.vor�It)• (•nal',(•, 011e ht 1':ti,- .a
r�. ��tr rrnP^,:',,ff Jt• ,`P•RFUL x111!' (,1 111+' Irl tl'1'110.1i<!Il::l 1 -..---_------'--4--
21DeBT,.�..G�„!.1.; 1, )Ill�r +rl'C.1t II'l, a w;linlall :.,rl'o\\'I!, I I •1'�, nvu,,I t';l!' !in}; Cold, ltln,l!i }tl:Ul;
f• , -"J.", ;`• AT^,R 1 r, t' � 1"Milthlry. The cllah-111.111 IN 1,, l,1. 1 i,t^ a „r°' IX til11 l''lrl't`1'-+ Ilnri• t, Id. Probablv if one
I il't t't: bee91 �IIC"
ills:Faah,,,, �� eau e(1 hint cnn,i,ltrul,IC trunl, it• •I t t: Iilw. On lul,ltr. 't, r,(, „!'ll,:nil iu%)nt:u in t r wvlltatt:,v :,refit n»cthilig out
Lec•ause of lie illdill'(•rr::r • in 1!,1 :t t, .I t >';,rt u I u ,v,
t• 1r.0 !'.:'I:rl: a i -i It• ,;f hint tt•iil I,1. ant! ( r :Intl I ,:'.t.ul ;I t the It,n:Il rrnl:; n• „f til,'. tilts tvuuld W. liiLf'e illi tl1C 1(ltGSt styll'S U1 VVI)o for Circulars, ,-.a 2
• - _._ L('allllCs of, (tlu(•;Iliolt' IU !,'curr.,l , t.1., I,cf)•r,• frnrn tl( tt,.n,� silnu•nt; Hutt t•
•lilt t,l: I'1.' •, ;silt of 1'Ic' l'n(tvi:,!::( 1 )•1 ., this. i•�. u„ .+Inti, i111d tiny 1Cind Uf prilltin h, )(1 (1CS11'fli. .
to ant,:. t Lf 0171 I c
his II n t• Lnt
'I. 1'.� .1Llt.•1It::II 1.,l+{I. 6l i11•.,1 '1'„p, „' „•'' ,t'•' '1 '!•t• 1lctory i'llioo `f the nr:,ti, L'rices , r 1- i
I ' t'"' , tllc 1'ilwst and atis-
Whicll nec;l,:ct he c::n;•ta1,A LCI :t, + 't 11'ICI.S ill(. 1,:)iVGS 11' (11',. ' s
FOf� ihPf: ,nI !;rur"nl uf' 1',11.. 11' t,al t',ulr, it „: .•n." ! 1'I int Il.tt('I, ttionan(l'n,lutntrnt
nil. in ruusiller:ll,,C i' 1„ :1.r til ' I " 1 1.r 1 , a
fi cti(m ll:lrantcc'ci, (. iter Lrial i5 ec'l+rain
1 ;.,'.lull-•trl.,nt SlaI :till,, i,1., l l;, Iil Ilul,utl, \i• „1 n'lfrc',i'uutivl•a;rhrnlllinthrpnr:;nits ,
] y� Chou Irl ln;li:ie, Ili). ) (i l t II' th, Jit. \\'il,'ul'- 11;1( ('hrrry will
1AlIel�iings 1 1 1 )!•:t1.,- t
«'Ili 1,;' Inrlit nr,l It ,I. 1'I'li:il:Ila, Ile+ tv l• ,.1'!ain: i'r;i 1 tO bTlll'' LlllOtil(`T'.
r ell (lie tt'a(•iicr s ear; w,t. 11:,)' til,: i' l Farr n , "u'„h Lir „ Ll in til(• rar.'
CII. inr`l'icit:,p,-1 will Lr h!iii:':1':-; tall•• ;1.`I,, :1:1,1 «'lli I,' Iltl) \',:Ir; ::ib„ brie, nn,t b; ia; t,ni'' ell,:rt;, y F^
Sore Ips this maid h,,A dec'larcd t•t :In .,
J✓ I,' 1, I, ,,l !,, tl,r!t1,'it)' I , 1 i !, :; t,•,, <rt,tl,tlt tl,., „',Lt„ the• ,,, n r,,- HO�t-TJES, PDX 4. CLINTON'.
a lllitiu r c,ir\v(1 1!1'11 Ir a.nu+le, t +..,.
.�- e � I ^ �� -1. i' • Ir(' a;! `, 1 till"ti.l:ll+• tilll; i .-I ', ,:Ii 11 1 ,
IYLIVli f , , tial -l' Lt 1' !l.. ,It (II ll, ': u'.l 1- ,n , I ! 1, iI u• '1 h u il.t 1;1 t•. i:!f.• ,:I 1, r
I •.i,l if Ib( Icacht'] I ,t. Lcr :&(. I l,rt .,i r.tj,t• , �+ �m
! SOrb N'�eeL I' , ,1 � .r. .- .'ti'. ,I ll,1. 1.t'rir!a ' , ., I Ir-m�a,ucn:veau¢'ncvmre ,sun-�r.,rs�,rres ,
I ,rLn1,l LI «'r,tll'I L:,w t I.,• 1,t 1, .1 I t•I' .ill t 1 in '
rh II•,l;r nl .illi;(: n1) 1't 1, i, i; !tt twl t'1 1, 'I;::�. Vii, r ,tn'i ll:,,', h:;• h"cl. C }, rirn,'' ti, !Iri�iumt t
SO.!"ene Y 'Ler.,, ,nl i:th, LC!,,;, il' nn''lIron'(' p
n'. 1'1 Il,lil. ) „' { • 1 1 , 't
tl:ri!i, t 1, 1. I• ;f;ll 11 ,. I I .,I(` 1 i II"1 , ,t", I'1' I1 '\- l�, r•.It,l ( I' 1:. 1 ,t :111„• , r, •! `I' I f. \ I• (e ,� •1.i.
C6 D�Cr IE ` ;J,• :Il:rt,l Ii;.t, 11. t';(ilt'Ltel l „Idyl n,,rl lnn,c-n ll,r.n lrnul M.
A. •tl^l l'a l'I- I •j ? i O JLa p
)«�r� •a�'� ,�.r> i '' a ,'i: t u •t •P tl 1 :1.c rr;t•{• vl 1 (,. .. rr,nl,:u•!, I „• r, ti, i I 't it• I ,•I,rl' ,i, ;tI••; ;?, v' t,, In .I� n
P1G+L k, r � : ,.r 1 II � t II I - t _ I' r, I t: -t t:nn ,1• 'tl, 't,il Ir , , , � „ . , ,
� ': I (u,'nio}':I tt'a( LCr 1.,i t1. 111 i1i:'ll +pr,t utanrruld ', I'• 'f tit•I!lt h - u•, � 1 ,I. •, r r
tt 1.l !,+, C- I ilncm•! I„•. -„up a n,,•Iltrrrl, 'rnn•d !: 1..11 i;.\\('!' sl'(;(;'I'A( LITH s»d
11.111 II I,.l' 111:1 rL,l, ti 111Ef 1,, -nl'� hlLl d„ •, •. ,L 1,'. „ , ` 'I ,l, I: 1I
Q - •, i, , , `t': ,n� '.t :1.11 rit•lr t- l: t'I:-(iL.1sSl;ti, anti 1» -or ttr„! til, i.nwr,'n,r, t,'++,sll th',;r tt'ifh fi,ilin;;pyoslgltt,
Bn ,`llor 1,111)1,. IIII;;P I'(•1 ..1 r' li 'll �i 1 ! lll'twl1 f tri, 1! .tit .(,: I , 1\II'1, I: i. t•'+,1 li, I„•, "1' i 'o I1;!rtrr •11", rill 6, M � r! ,.
} tt hl. ttrnk or ctrl t i rG'ctic lit herr. (';ill sad :mninr-
pwq• il` :I'1' ul t'xluv'tat,1 t' r 1 ',1.n , I I'-11 , t ., 1 I . t - : ' ,.
tela, i ( " I t r
V�),�:i,g° I+''j � � rut(,,nt^nll.t:Itl(•t i, ,I„ ', 1I,(ni,,�•,n,,tl 'a. I � si
] 1 Tho 1(aclier ], {, , ! ;ia . t "'' •, ,• t ,, , (,f ll„ : ; , 111, I.I!,t: r . l I t 1, ;I ! t , 1.'f
`r1ILrrl (tilt of 11'e. I'f1r,ll: t 1, .i ,'kfan t h.:f toe+�Clachc! �L������•1.6��� t �I 4
^P f til( » I , r ti 1, a'rl` r l 't• a ., I.l• n L f,'fim II lt. l !,:n'in. 1
®I , ;old III(•11 Wcnf in awl 9
:,n�llhthn Jit li•,. irp !,,.. 1 11 L) I: 1 ,n•, c,ril slillr : 1111: (,t
door. Thea r at 1ir0 d:;u cl «, 'I 1 ?, s ,1 ,ul. e ;u, 1 tin„11 1 'l l'rnat, to
t•, "f t• ill t of t l r I1, r 1 f» Ili( ' (iat "f 11ttr,t )11�i if i; :i p,1 h,'f t
, 1 Lrl' ll'ltld dCLa111I t,,ldc'I :Litt, I;t't ntt,l n t. rill, nri l a:thhy JIM, 1, ,,,t1. 1'otti, •. , t.. Nair ' '1.n h, n of fine \,l't all "ilii lin(: an. c )1ph•tr; mrd a� (hra,t)iv the , lwrtpv::t plaer in the emill.
,1.L I ) 1 n,l,•t•hd to hrnr nnm„th,ngthnt can brei" n•nrl- tv. I have a few of thrive t;r;t.-cln;; I'RUN 1,N left. Jit .L: ter Ib, and a MIA-,-
C lA ra.� : n'I 1.• . I, r , frtilnrr 1n bp,, rr,..t,'.I b L„Itl,'. 11-arrnt�tt'I 1L•r In„ 1 «, I t 1
r.iI:rn'lt r{u;ed cu 1 LP Or -I: LP(.,:'c Ler. 1 y' c(( npint. \ill -,Jit Wild ('hrin•y h:t•:c
nrrt r" it v 1.:l tic}+. r,n,'.up;tti,u,. Ilnilnr•va of heart',,, larnti 't t'•ue ('t' r I<rnncn. H•tl,l ;'y . her tr,: e' l a : a r, (l 1'I:.\ con hhould 11.}. at to(,.. 1,(-i- Singh• lh, 1.. Gu J ih. (:adds, «orth sit least :
���e�ILP a 1.1 1 I il,l It 1 tI I n 1 n ly f , the (( ?a
l� 1 , I,,,:; 1.,t c•,irr. Ilr;ir,' f")• 4'.,liludr. r,., ,I .I. lt. (' ,:n:,l•. I .t,ln _r, I �'r ';o rrnta }ter lb. :, pet' rent di,ru:tnt f: -r r�n h an all t,urrha,r; 1.•f 51and upward t
w her to open LCr L,n,k anti lw'ill f e sill di;l•nr:r. of til(, Throat 1'f1c,11 Hud A
wt. nI ;lit(' fi tr•m}u•r.vnnkrn rcry :.m'rnn"'I l.nngs fin' tw('utt trrtrv, «ith snrh 4n••-
erl�ale i,pCtetitih:,Lnt1Li, L:1,1 I'rrf (,{tv;ihi,c:uhnlptor.n;lwluukin ,kn,r ILIrc t; :r r, .11 (iIlet Lrssttstoonrliforltwifthelitleof, the GEO. NEWTON - L.�'2951DE SSORO
' «'halCvcr, rt,., )urnll r)nn},tom� of nrrvun dr t«,.,. I ILr +tout•^u , u, ' I ;r; -in:.^, Uhl ll,�liixWv ('n;•v for ('ting 1'
} ' I 11.-. ('nld•+,
try I ( Lility dart lend to tri -•snit) and death
bpr�r� y'�p y�'�"c ,111 In,,hl ",n id In•, lakin}; +'tt' Lr:tlll, oli'I ttv:Ilil,, \',oulth it ('rnnp.. A:-tlnr•,. I;rfinr'blfiv alts nlhrr �,,,.�a�i„�,_4,,,e.1.,-„v',a><-�a�,"n•,,,.m,m,��•
101ai ` ,-` s his -watch, "I'll give n•, t.t : nnlr;~ r;nr(l; I't,r vpring ;m vital fora• nffe•rti(,a.: „f t`• 1.c•; til^tin
'r: ) I' In+r•I ('n','1. -,i, I,I!t !r:!,' ,•i.i't'ed, I rv•tvtrtn.
�' 1�•.(- vq'r•0. tint -I!,;; 1„-t. it; h•ntion evpry fnnetion -
s I bre that },m _,r , to(: gf-Ilu;np, in tt'hilr -
i' ti mint) e; to ;•;et that le ---iii:, «•nnr:- in r'nnsr•' LrnIIL i- (lel urntlt- ru�nvr,l, hat.
nrmv•. 1'ltch" t 1'n l.
O� CI1t�5 �1��� 1 y 1,1 , t ! t•,.
m w,o alt+ i(' it. i I'll ren(1 :Il tLC (`it( , niny ,: t nhtl-.r rrnnntifh,l in i,nur,nu'(• 1Lu Iran rucu 11; au,l the rttltrl'iut .- �__ FAR E 1" AN� 'T �ESH�'� l S
iLa1 tin1P I'll laky. tu!t antis:'• 1n\-' may he }u�rul:utentlt• 1.m -,"I. s(t,ll - a«a+
AND iti t. tl I,Illrr i. ,till nt'Irr t,l,
1.1 n urn ! )aur n,l,lrc~•; f'.1- i, r, k nil nil di•('u -r; 1
lance tart :�iwe ,,1.•n nnP. u1'tht' t•n ns that !Lr ,I"„1st clan «'nnirl
%1 �E]'t` urnllnr to mat). \d,h-1,4 \i. \. I CI;�i:----.--
nlffj r�Tm m � 1. i ®� mn.t r omprellonsivo, nn:tLrill rCll 1 ' n„i ,tu 1. tcilh Lts lir:titlt for utul,t,t, '' �� � L `�v 01�'�
1G.1 1. I,l Ito\,',u front f 1:.,'Caro,t,+.(hit. j ('Y1,]N1)1':11 ANi) '
:uu1 aLIC-Lad}ptl s1)ttthings that llnoke Prnt fret• �r"t)(,t. fl,'m-t di,en-, hitt ILr rrr•hrst v,-ould 1;!:1111\ 1rlrl 1 d tic ('Oi.i, 1tltON,
REFU•SUSUBSTITUTES - hate u(rnr1.rd sillrc .lnlin, (':u' nl flip Aytnpt,n»a of «I,,, It are fit) lit ,.pelf, «•iti) Ili,; Inrtnr}• for health• dust Arrive(]
r ltnrlde lips, nnmbur-,, pftlpitnlinn, -hip A N l)- BBI I'ER--
�was an inf:lnt. LAR®I iN E OI
BE:SUREFTHAT^BOT.7LE , hrntq. tint. nnvhr�, I„�h fir I,lnnd t1., t!Ie -_---
/ _thea he Ir Olt a chair with LI` 1.(AflArt }m;n ie, rho heltrt with hpnt. W"(tlr 011"" PVNIC11,A)
man's nemrvly forCnlnrrh Is thn
WITH D F` W �=ER 7
1b.'I'vic to his cnOmy. iurpri.'rI gti-mfg, rapid iiml 1rrugidar. il,r �cc,,ml I)Pet, F.neinat to IIBenndChra et. r 1� <I'N. 'I'll t'1' IIII; I: lit:l'i.N .Alit: alt \\Itl'it
1)101'l1h('atloll, tefll'H aTttl Nui)N Cn- hvnrt hrnl gviirlirr tl,nn flip, li'+f, pain ��� ffi. ���$'�-" '
WoKs'LIKE,TH19 nbont the breast br,nr.rtr.,nan' ,o,itite 1 s s� i
Fu^d, but at (Jia of 1.110 half 110111.
1 ® d r ly hr ( ined. No r,rrr no ,ny. svii,1 far • 'L�`//'�r TZ %�
MANurnClilnro oN,v W ;;�,i0p 11tC Ier+ann 11x(1 },OOH 1(tal'It 0(i-tWo !book. r\d, 1r, a9 1f. V,11,1*11U`., :dl Gold by drngglots or cent by mal 1, li0o. P1.4iI C'A �.dr.iis'��Q �" McCOLL BROS.,
POND'S EXTRACT COMPANY, rnnc C left olR probably- Lowi;ton hitt l Front Strr( i l,nat, Tomato, Ont. R T. nazertino, Wnnen. Pa., U, S. A. a ` T �7
78FIFfItAVE.,NEWYUFiK. nal. June 20, 18110. , J. I }311) I) 11h.L01113E 1i_.l xz I- �ti�-`OR®1, r_1. .
� r