HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-10-24, Page 5cLDCKS • 1 - CLOCKS bgge just opened two cases of rine American Walnut Clocks in one and eight day time. rn‘tXrestolaies I Watches 1 y stock of Watches is now complete and cannot be beat in prices. SILVERWARE dc Jewellery eautiful designs in Silverware and Jewellery. The very latest pat - 'terns and beet quality made. We compute for quality, not quantity X X X . J. B. RUMBALL & CO. CRTJICKSIIA N SOOTS and SHOES Full linea of everything in foot wear, as cheap as the cheapest. A few job lines at less than halt' cost. (kali early and secure bargains. 0ITON .M.IAY.RT'F dTS Qagrectcdavery Thtunduy afternoon. Thurilday, Oot. 28, 1890. Wheat, fall 0 as a 0 91 Oats 034a034 Barley 0 40 a 0 45 Peas 0 55 a 0 55 Flour perbal 5 00 a 6 00 Butter 0 14 a 0 15 Eggs 0 16 a 0 16 Wool 0 20 a 0 20 Pork 6 00 A 6 OU Hay 5 60 a 6 03 Hides 6 00 a 6 00 Sheep Skins 0 50 a 0 50 C. CRUICKSHANK, Clin ton WE ARE THE ONLY Agts. in Clinton Non THE %urneyFurnace ANn CELEBRATED Original Cook Store MENS .-' LINENIS We are showing an immense stock of the latest designs in all classes of Linen Goods, We are the largest dealers in Linen in the County, and are in. a position to give you the best value in the trade. BRITISH CATTLE MARKETS. As we expected prices for cattle have experienced a decline, a fall of one ,}c per lb having taken plaoe, and beat beeves are now quoted at 11,10 for the top. The decline is due partially to large supplies from outside markets, and also to a falling off in the enquiry, the demand to -day being weak in al- most all classes, middling quality cattle suffering the most. These are bringing much low prices, and are very slow of sale. It would seem as if dealers want only the best stock, and arrivals from Canada of late have not been of such a quality as would encourage sales The quantity of low grade cattle that have been offered lately from Canada have much to do with the prices that were paid to -day, as they succeeded in affecting a decline in even the better class of stook that was on sale. The prices paid in Liverpool to day are just exactly the same as they were a year ago, 1l. c per Ib being the top price for choice steers this time last year. At the Stanley market 400 Canadian cat- tle were on sale. The following were the quotations, being calculated at $4.80 to the £ (sinking the offal) : Finest steers $0 111 $0 00 Good to choice 0 11 0 00 Poor to medium 0 10 0 00 Inferior and bulls0 07.} 0 09 Best sheep 0 14 0 00 THE Completest and Best Construction of Wood Burning FURNACES ',MADE Our stock of HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, LAMPS, CUTLERY, &c., is now template. able Cloths, Plain or Colored, NAPKINS, DOYLES, SIDEBOARD SCARFS, TRAY CLOTHS, TOWELS, &c. See our Window full of them - 5 per c. off for cash. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK SIARKET About 500 head of cattle changed hands here to -day one shipper picking up 200 head about the different yards and paying 3 to 3}c per lb for them. On the whole the export business has been obut inbuying wayof late rather brisk a y e the stock dealt in and corning forward is pocr. Buyers for distillers are also doing considerable business about 100 head being purchased for the Prescott distillery this morning, 1.4 to 2c being paid for bulls, and 3 to 3}c for steers. Good butchers' cattle are scarce and in good enquiry. DAVIS & ROWLAND, MAMMOTH HARDWARE & STOVE HOUSE, CLINTON The LATEST STYLES IN English and American Hard and Son, Hits ,'please everybody. Call and see all Cie latest shapes. We are constantly offering bargains. We are showing a stock that is wonderful in quantity, quality and style. We also keep on hand a magnificent assortment of FINE STRAW HATS SUMMER TOP SHIRTS, TIES, LINEN and Rubbereen Collars and Cuffs Oar stock is complete and well assorted. We invite your inspection. • REMEMBER TTHE HE DRY GO SNE DOOR NORTH PALACE 0--30O. GL ASCI -OW SALE REGISTER. ESTATE JOHN I3013CENS, BULBS for PLANTING Hyacinths, Tulips. Crocuses, Narcisis, Dah- lias, Gladiolus and others, cheap. Also Strawberry Plants at,252. Rasp- berry Planlt hundred.er yI' ts very cheap.W. C. SEARLE Tax Collector's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Tax Col- lector starts ou his rounds on Monday, Oct., e that promptpayn p, and ayment of parties of Taxes srespecially desir- able. W. COATS, Towu Clerk. nut Farm stock, &c, of Mrs E. Fergusou, lot 21, con. 6, Hay, on Friday, October 31st. E. Bossenburry, Auct. Farm stock, c$c., of Mr Andrew Reid, lot, 14, con., 7, Hullett, on Monday, Oct. 30. Thos. Brown, auct. Chattel Mortgage {sale of farm stock, on the Market square, Clinton, Tues- day, Oct. 28. D. Dickinson. Auct. -4111 Teacher Wanted. Male, bolding second ur third class certifi- cate. Salary not to exceed three hundred and seventy five dollars. Duties to com- mence first January. 1891. Applications re- ceived until 1st November. JOHN RORER - TON, Sec.-Treas., S. S., No. 8, Wawaoosh Belgrave, P.0. Notice to Pig Breeders. The undersigned will koel' for service at his residence, lot 28, con. a. Last Wawanosh, near Maucbester, a first-class regiterea Berkshire Boar, Auburn Prince, bred by •1 0. Snell & Bros., Edwontoe, ipnt.. from im- ported stock. Also a pure bred Ohio Chester White Boar, from imported stock and bred by E. D. George, Putnam, Ont. Terws-1 at time of service, with privilege of return• ing ft necessary.. Five per cent per month will be charged 0 booked. JOHN HOARE, Elul Grove Farm, Auburn. 2.i Homeseeker's Excursions. Will leave Chicago and Milwaukee via the Chic ago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, for points in Northern Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dak- ota, (including the great Sioux Reser- vation) Montana, Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska, on September 9th, and 23, and October 14, 1800. Rates for these excursions will be about one fare for the round trip, and tickets will be good for return within thirty days from ate of sale. For further information, apply to any Coupon Ticket Agent in the United States and Canada. A. J. Taylor, Tray. Pass. Agt., Toronto. A DoHars worthtora FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 'ro Hent. Good trick store, with splru.iid cellar, suitable for any busi,,eel Situate o11"sitc the market. Clinton. hent moderate \\ C. SEARLE. House to Hent. [u good location, plenty of room, good water, stable and woodshed. hent low. Ap- ply at NEW ERA OMee. The STANDARD Life Assurance Co. otEdinburgh ESTABLISHED 1525 Annual Income, $4,750,000. Assets, $37,730,000 Life Assurance in force $103630,000 E. W. BURLEY, CLINTON, General Agent for counties of Perth and Huron. Agents wanted. dw.pe Stallion. blr J. 1'. F'isher's Clyde Stallion, "Pride of the Manor." will' stand for the service of mares for the fall season at Mr Otter Wil- son's, Huron Road, Ooderich Towuship. Oct. 4 1890 HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT—ON Albert Street, (Miss Trewartua'el suit• able for small family and is in good repair; ordinary conveniences. Also good second hand Cook Stove for sale cheap. For parti- culars apply to JOHN BEAN, FCR SALE OR TO RENT—HOUSE AND Lot for sale or to rent, on Townsend St., The house, which is new, contains fourteen rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is also a good stone cellar, good lawn, hard and soft 4w} of ane acre. Term sc contains reasonable Apply on the premises or to MRS C. CASTER, Clinton tf ---- - ' Is all we have to offer; nobody gives you more, many not so much. Examine our Goods and Prices (MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES) and decide for yourself where it is best to deal. Our last two weeks have been so good We deeply regret to chronicle thesud• den and unexpected death of Mrs David Sproat, at the age of 52 years and 6 months. Deceased was a native of Scot- land and at the time of her death resided in Egmondvilte. About two years ago deceased had an operation performed on her and ever since that time has been subject to fainting spells which weakened her considerably and always kept her in delicate health, but she was able to be about even to the day previous to her death. On Sunday last John Armstrong,who resides on the 6th con. of Howick, met with one of the most fearful accidents 1 that has ever occurred in this section; he was engaged in moving the horse -power of the threshing machine, and for the purpose swung it under the hind axle of the wagon by chains. The horses took fright at something and Mr Armstrong ran to their heads to hold them but the horses knocked him dovtn, ran over him and trailed the heavy horse -power over his body, rolling him over and over un- til it had passed clear over the body He was picked up unconscious and for dead. Medical aid was procured at once,when it was found that his collar bone was broken, one arm broken in two places and six ribs knocked off the back bone, besides his whole body being black and blue from the fearful crushing. He passed away on Tuesday morning., MRS. WHITT. M.C.S.M TEACHER OF MUSIC. House and Lot for Sale. A good comfortable house conveniently situated on William street, adjoining the Collegiate Institute grounds, containing eight rooms and large kitchen, with all con- veniences. A lot of bearing fruit trees. Terns Easy: Apply to MRS C. DICKSON, or to MANNING & SCOTT, Solicitors, Clinton. School Teacher Wanted. Wautud, Male Teacher holdiug a' Second Class Certificate, for S. S. No. 9, Hullett.— Duties to commence 1st of January, 1891,— Applicants to state salary. Applications re- ceived up to the evening of Oct. 2.3, and to be forwarded to the Secretary of the Board, W. \WAITE, Louie -sip -0 m Jaes Armstrou�') \\'..1, Mclirieu Trustees W. \\-aitii ) 4_p Suffolk. Boar for Service. subscriber keeps for service, at his premis- es, lot 18, and con. of Hullett, a thero-bred Suffolk boar of first-class pedigree. Terms -1 at time o1 service. with privilege of re. turning if necessary. H. FREEMAN. lin. Mcliillop Mutual Fire insurance Company You HayeThiogst Buy You must have them. You or the children can 't go hungry or naked, and 3 ou will have to provide these necessary things of life. The problem confrontin g you is how to get the necessaries you must have, with a few of the luxuries to make you feel glad that you are living, and still keep enough money to add to the reserve fund. FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED °FFICISRs. Thos. E, Hays, President, Seaforth P.O.; W. 1. Shannon, Secy -Trees., Seaforth P. 0.; ,J no. Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P.O. DIRECTORS, .las. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Donald Ross, Clinton: Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; Geo. Watt, Harlock;.Joseph Evans, Beechwood; J. Shan- non, Walton; Thos. Garber(, Clinton, AGENTS. Thos. Neilans, Harlock; Robt. McMillan. Seaforth; S. Carnochan, Seaforth; John O' Sullivan and Geo. Murdie, auditory. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or transact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any all the above officers, addressed to their respective post offices. Farmfor Sale A splendid farm of 50 acres, being the east half of Lot 2,8, Con. 5, Hullett, about three miles from Clinton. On the premises is a frame dwelling house, good barn 30 x 60, stables, &c. Orchard of one acre, two never tailing springs, well fenced, good soil, and in good state of cultivation. Reasonable terms Apply on the•premisesto W. T. FARQUHAR Cliuton post office. we have decided to cut our Scotch Tweed Suits down Piano, Organ and Tecbnicon, or Muscl developer. for uSe e0f pupils. Rooms at further than ever. $17 is our price for the next two Mr. S. Sara's, Rttenhury Street, Cti❑ton . weeks. We guarantee to fit yon or no sale. Goods pur- T11oro1►red Cotstroids for Sale chased from us cut free of' charge. Walton : & : Morrison Remember the SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON °''hook toreer's place ADAMS' EMPORIUN! 10 per ct. Discount Having a large stock of Mens and Boys LONG BOOTS, both coarse and fine, and wishing to dispose of them, will give a discount of 10 per cent until further notice. Now is your time to buy, as leather has advanced and likely to go high- er. Have also a full stock of Ladies and Childrens BOOTS, SHOES and SLIPPERS. All sires of RUBBERS. Have some good Fur and Cloth OVER- COATS that are worth seeing and buying. Best value in Flannels. Some fine Crosscut SAWS cheap. You ought to see our PANTS made to order at $3, that others charge a great deal more for. il respectfully solicited so as to be convinca R. ADAMS. N.qt, LONDESB ORO Farm for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 100 acres, being lot 23, 5th con. of Hullett. 90 acres cleared. well fenced with cedar, and In good state of cultivation. Frame house, t __..--- with stone cellar, frame'barn ; cattle shed to l accommodate 35 head, and horse stable for MANTLE MAKING 10' head, Good flowing web, bearing orcb- 1 ard. A capital farm Will be sold on reason- 1 MISS S. MOORE, able tering. Apply on the premises or to t who has been doing Mantle Making over the GILBERT MAIR, Clinton Post Office, premises lately occupied by Plumsteet Sc _ _ Gibbiugs, for a year past, desires to return House to Rent ( thanks for the patronage accorded her, and at the same time intimate that she will con- tinue to execute, in the most satisfactor spanner, all orders entrusted to her, t her rooms sante place as before. Orders respect- fully solicited. 000 I Have Things to Sell It is my business to cater to the needs of the public. My profits are my wages for giving the public my time and the use of my capital. I am not going to work for no- thing unless it is necessary, but I will work for less than many a young fellow. I know your needs. I have made this community a study for years. I have goods which I know will satisfy you peifectly. WANTED beEN, local cr tra- velling, to sell my guaranteed NURSERY STOCK. Salary and commission, paid weekly, Outfit tree. Spe cial attention given to beginners. Workers uever fail to make good weekly wages. Write me at once for particulars. E. 0. GRAHAM Nurseryman, Torouto. (This house is reli- able.) Spt. 12-10 United States Consular Aenc➢ CLINTON, ONT ThePRIOES are all RIGHT There will be no great increase in my wages this fall, but what I have is for sale at a low price and I will have to Stand the consequences without kicking. This agency has been established at Clin- ton for the convenience of shippers and oth- ers having business transactions with the United States, or for parties going there. All information will be cheerfully given and every facility furnished by A 0.yPATTISON G. T. R., whose has charge of the Clinton Agency. The subvdriber offers for sale a Shearling flan,, a few Ram. Lambs, a few Shearling Elves and Ewe Lamb, Also Durham Heifers and Cows, registered pedigree. Will be sold on reasonable terms. .JOHN CCMINO, Londe+burn. lml Stray Steer. Strayed from lot 14, con 2, Hullett, about the 1st October, a small Steer coming :3 -yrs. old, nearly all red, with small horns tending a little downwards. Any information re- garding the same will be thankfully receiv- ed by the subscriber. ROBT. PEACOCK L)ressmalting The undersigned, who has had consider- able experience at Port Huron, desires to intimate to the people of Clinton and vici- nity, that she has commenced Dressmaking at Mrs Gautey's, Huron Streetwhere she will be pleased to fill in the most prompt 1 e and erisfatora ala neer a l to her and at reasonablordrse entrusted he rates. MISS FRASEtR. • We will give the New Era from now to the • end of the year, to new sub- scribers, for 25 ceps cash HOUSE TO RENT. The frame cottage ou Huron Street lately ccupied by Mr H. LeR. Hartt, is offered to ut. It contains every accommodation for ❑ ordinary family, and will be let on rea- onable terms. Apply to JENN 5E E. 1011- NSON,Goderich Road, or the New Era office re SUITABLE FOR ANY FAMILY Cellar, Hard and Soft Water, and all conveniences. Rent $ii per month. W. COOPER. APPLES : WANTED —AT T'HE— House to Rent or for Sale Subscriber offers either for Bale or to r?nt, that very comfortable Brick House at pre- sent occupied by himself, on the corner of Princess and Orange Ste, Splendid cellar, furnace, hard and soft water, itc. Terms reasonable. E. E. HAYWARD. EVAPORATING FACTORY Farm for S:ale- Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 125 acres, being lot 14, con., 14, Hullett, About 95 cleared and under cultivation; balance gond hardwood. Veneer brick house, story t and a half, frame barn and stable; P Y water, bearing orchard. Forty rods from school, 5 churches inside 171 miles, gravel reas- onableroads in terms, ADAMdirectione. Will be ILAUTENSCHLAGEIO, Auburn, lin Flour Feed. and Seed Business for Sale, Subscriber ofiers'for sale his well establish- ed Flour, Feed and Seed business, on reason- able terms- A profitable trade has been done, that can be materially' increased, and it has been established on a cash Finals. Sat- isfactory reasons given for selling out. Also, subscriber will sell his present resi- dence, which is a comfortable brick dwelin., 12 rooms, two stories, in splendid repair, with trnthfuny orchard, hard and soft water, &c. 11 sold meat had cured me of rheumatism, kidney div - soon will sell at a bargain. In one of the ease, catarrh sed other complications of disease, SIMONfI. se best localities of the town. ROBT. F[T'!,- that from crutches and helplessness, 1 am now We are [paying from 40 to ;,0 cents per cwt. for apples, and will take any quantity so long as they are sound. Cash on delivery. COLE & TOWN, - Clinton, cell: WILtooitl) HALL R EVOL UTIO N You at Least Ought to Look At Ouimette's prices before you buy anywhere. You are welcome to go out without leaving a cent if you feel that way. But you won't. They never do. My prices will surely fetch you. They are the magnets which at- tract the coin of the Dominion. Important Testimony. The REV. COVERDALE WATSON, for the last three years the popular pastor of the Central butlnolwtlofdist Church,\ictoria, li;C.,00r writes Tunder date of Aug. 5th, 1•s90, as follows:— "Dear Mr. Simpson; Yours of the 210th Julrespect tdwas uly received. 1 can only say A. Wilford Hall's Hygienic treatment, that I regard it as a wonderful discovery , and if perseveringly used it cannot fail to be of great service I would advise any one to get the pamphlet, begin the use of the treat- ment and throw medicin' to the dogs. A very clever t hvsiclan said to Inc the other day. "let medicine alone and get rid of the waste materials, and the organs will perform their functions." THIS IS PRECISELY WHAT Tots TiteATSntNT nota. Sincerely yours, C WATSON. REV, 8S. P. HALL. of Point Peninsula, N.Y., Writes: "Di . Hall, Dear Sir,—I hate just an- swered a letter from Utah Territory. A friendw wished to know if my testimonial was given cor- rectly in the Mimmense ? I anvered yes; that it was true to the letter, and that my indorse- ment was nowhere near as strong as I could now - make itf told him that sour treat - MORTGAGE SALE. sale of e power of Under and b virtueo p U Y contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at time of sale, there will be sold by public auction, hy David Dickinson auctioneer, at the RATTENRURY HOUSE, CLINTON, on SATURDAY, the 15th day of NOVEMBER, 1890, the following valuable town property: Namely, all that certain porcel or tractlof land and premises. situate, lyingand being in the Town of Clinton, in the ounty of Huron, eontaining by admeas- urement one rood and 11 perches of land, he the same more or less, and which is compos- ed of, compriees, and may be known as fol- lows, that is to say: Lot number 271, of the said Town of Clinton, on the north side of Princess Street, according to a plan made by A. Bay, Provincial Land Sur- veyeey'Oe&Qc7 the 19th day of Januar 15113 and entit Rattenhury, duly registered said County of day of July In 1) land thele la ere'• ton Curling an building is a lar( feetc andsA, be and for Fti Ian of the estate of Wtlliani the Village of Clinton, and in the Registry Office of the Iron 011 or about the 10th same year. On the said d the building ofthr ('lin- -Minting Rink Co. This frame vtru'-tu re 150 by n0 used ns a Skating Rink t3 purnoA,s, TERMS -$100 down on day of sale and I nl n., re in 31 Java. The purchaser will be te- lutrerl to sign an agreement for the comply - on of his purchaeeiin the day of Pale. Fur- ther terms and conditions made known on day of solo MANNING &lS('OSolVonMiters as well and free from disease as fifty years age. • Some have accused me of ben1,� a re and of trying to favor you. This is not true,ex- rept so many generations hack that it can not be traced. And further,1 have no financial inter- est in tiripusmes v and only desire to make the I treatment known to benefit suffering humanity. I have already received and answered more than sixty letters front all parts of the country, re af- firming the truth o1 my testimonial, and 1 will gladly answer a hundred times sir ty If t , re by a' I can induce sufferers to try y 1 both from myre Gn exper enale andgobservcation in numerous cases, that your discovery, if pro- perly used and persevered in, will cure any form of curable illness flesh is heir to. --1 amyyready now that your treatment asroclaim e setall forth unreservedly dl th inyour Health Pamphlet and without drugs of any kind iv the healing halm for the afflicted that is capable of supplying health to every suffering sou aril daughter of Adam_ Let me know how f can serve von, and command me freely. Your friend gratefully, "W. P. (fall." We ran fill every page of the Nvw FRA With juyt anripeeaett� howBthatMR lany of the em ernd e defy any. re nottgenuine. Send Your address at once and We will. send you Trie. Mlcnoc18rt,110 pages of particulars, testimonials, y return stall, free. Everyyope fu the whole country should know what tI,is wonderful t EALiit RraTonN.n and 1150 PRESERVER really in. Address, DR.HALL' STn,Toronto. D°Anrvry Or OI .f. Wr• ,SL v SIM1' Oy , 00 ADELAIDE ST native of yours W L. OUIMETTE. LONDESBORO TF ADC MARK. rklaM E 1tai�JT �EA IiTEEDAaSOLUnt lftE PSIINIUFACtuRCOONTNE GARDEIIS III INDIA. We aro Sole Agents'for Ram Lal's Pure Indian Teas. We beg to ask you to give them a trial, because they aro absolutely pure; at'e grown and prepared on the estate by the most skilled labor and improved machinery that money can buy, whereas China Teas aro picked and carried by natives long distances before being mado ready for the market. Ram Lal's is a blend of Throe Leas grown and prepared especially for this brand. Will always be the same flavor, to -day to ten years hence. 'Tis cheap ; only Fifty Cents for a pound package which will go as fan' as two pounds of China or Japan Toas. J. W. IRWIN. The Times Tea Warehouse Cooper's Old Stand, Cor. Searle's Block, CLINTON FALL & WINTER ,I, Our stock was never so large or complete o sae as for the present season, and as in the past so in the future, we shall do our abest to meet the wants of our customers ggs Taken in Exchange » W• iese 4001, 11110216 sal i per c. disc't for cash W. Saylor & Sons CLINTON AND BLXTt! 0