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The Clinton New Era, 1890-10-24, Page 3
. �,.r.-,-�-••.. i;v, ,;.� .P- «. ..:�r-r� r,:,.,.�r.. . - .:, ..... •.,. .r --.-a,._- -- . _..�.— - � .. _ _ _ __ - _ _ 1i� - — Jobbing ���artment is not surpassed in the �uoun �y n i n �r abeenee spirits were sold to Jacob. the gRT OF LETTER WRITING "rine," save: •'I am, madain, your most TOLD 8Y THE ENVELOPE. PLUCKY JOHN THORBURN. native driver, with the result that lie I obliged llusbaud, and i tubt obedient, Cl.�11f'1 OM r hanged himself with the lash of Ili; w'llip. I huml)Ie servant, Richard Stet' e." Character DISelo,ced in the wily YOU write ItA1LI RAD TI f4E TAjJLE { .-w •it- Yuur Friend'b Addr-ibb. I The steamer had now to be r,paired THE EPISTOLARY SALUTATION AND Over and over a„ pin have It•ttel I Issued May lkt. AN }NTERESTING ADVENTURE WITH again, and Mr. Thorbum manuf.u•tured ADIEU• ers made ih(,ir total de.criplion of thein• Some persons claim that character did- Thecdeparture of trains at the several A STEAMER IN AFRICA• his own w•cwden mallets. lie left the selves to w dolly -t }cart ,:f their last sen- closes itself to the observing from the stations named, is according to the ship in gout} keeping, went. house, and, The Commencement of a Letter May Le tense that the former c•iamot be dis,uci- I outside of an envelope, and although the last official time card: - every one will be sorry to hear, found Easy but tt is Hard w I•'inish_5tyte of ated }'roil the latter. '•I have not roo•'t assertion seenis decidedly far fetched, CLINTON A Trip over Mountain and Valley, River that his little buy had died during tl ex- the Ulden Times Marc Mancieul Chun tutell you any inure,' wrote Sl1 Pht,u there is owls tliau a grain of truth in it Grand Tru,lk1)ivision and Swamp.Sixteen Hundred Miles in peditiun. '1 shuwed them the toys and 1q Ow. Duck t,) JoSrph Spence ill 17,:,1. •'than after• all. It all depeida, however, oil Going East Going Vest Length -A Steamer Citrted Across sweets I hud bought for them (the chil- Out I ails, deur air, your most affection- that little clause "til the Observing.'• If 7.48 a.m. 11.20 a.m. k Cotwtry-Powceeu Months Hardship. ([ren) which caused the salt water to Nobody ever yet found very great dit- ate." "These," said her royal Mistress oiestops au instant to think, a Nurre(1 L•'d.5 p.nn. 1.30 p.m. ficulty in starting a letter. Yuung 1uVers 4.55 p.m, 6.55 P•M. John Thornburn has had an interest• overflow down my cheeks. Then Mr, to Mrs Delany in 1ii7,5, ••art- the true sen- or blotted address suggests; that the may have hesitated frotu time to time b(,_ 9.37 p.m. ingadventure with a Steamer in t;w'azi- Thorburn sold his farm, nut guessing tween such modes of address as "Dear," tiuieuts of toy deur 'lt e. Delxiy's very writer uittst have a good deal of ' dull t London, Iluron end Bruce Division land, South Africa. Mr. Thorburn took that it was, as it proved 1,_tter, a rich "Dearest," •'cu•'weetest," "Darliu ail( `ffectionate t}uctall, CII,trlutte." flood care" in leis make : if the contrary were '% a steamer across country for 1,000 miles, gold field, and started for Deiagua Bay. g' unci, finished a charu,ing epistle to it the case uud au accidental blotting ,f his (loin. North Going South to Dela oa Ba ,and hu ills till, entirely the like; but only for a uiuulent. l Snat_ a.m. 7.45 a.m. .40 %. g y "adveuhues befell him un tine return ells([ ill this \saV ! "Dive u1y luxe to enye•lopa had uitured, it \\cull solve 1Vin.ham ..11.11 7.95 6.51 3.41 1 the overburdened heart hits at ante by his own energy and courage. itis route to the Loboulbo, where the ste:uuer u vu the exact w lir([ lir ([slaw \\'lliclt everyhudy, flow yuut�Ulf down to \Nilly bt(u destroyed and a c'cuu UnU lakon its Belgrave ..11.43 7.37 7.Uo 4.OU lain narrative hu., been },ublislled in a \vas, but lie was hardened to adventures' P 1' • •lits 1ud with \which and u kiss 1 r(•utain, up hill place. , !f letters conte lad,ittl:dly I.Iiii B1yth......10.28 7.1'1. 7.18 4.1.5 P beet t L lebsid itl, ec:•sta is fee b Londesboro 11.10 7.18 7.30 4.`15 pamphlet, "StrUg,,Ies in Africa,:' at the The vessel wits brought to the Tenibe r , r i a11S1 4> w t-4. V, . 0 alfectiunuta lover, ed Luid ;lac(:illy ill theiralhlrc,,. Ic :nr.nc, ` `: o f h S\v zilaud l'oncessiunaire, drift, w'hic'h is tidal, anti was launched sU with ledstnlPasstuued nutter,. Thele 1 .d Clinton ....10.01 5.1:, 7.i,:, 4.43 ,. ffice o t e a Thomas l)u . a cer;uiu slovUnliu(,ss in cluua,t. r. and h LUudon Dail Ke\\h is of a )itiiun kith relit rr uiciu;r', 'the uwnkc e Lb- 'is a well-recognized gradation in till) \Inst ,t•u dr renu'ullu•r the Stili cerre- if tilt• )enwallsIi is a ( nick ,'a1,1, -gip• E3rucelicld.. 11.•1'! 6. �G H.15 5.01 t o Y 1 g J ) Ji 1 1 [ y I h t Stir\' Lorin' at d arrots,l ueakilig.' The yes- methods of k "tolary hullitwtiui• The s olideucelwmeetl Footealld hi, luuther: dn,li% L;oul, it sLLg�t•,ti that til,• w rit(•r Ia Kippen .. U.a4 6.17 H.34 5.1, 1,_�!r ;,l that fly Ellgtishulan cilli Sealy tilt }, l [ l „ I lleasall.... tt.3H 6.011 H.i3 5.111 ; ,,,z i t »vide will pleasure and encottr- ,(,1 ran a,hore hill '(t. l horhtu'Ii lord to stranger is addrUs ed aa' Sir,' the porS"ll ••Deur haat-1 ata ill In-koi for del[ of M ctuick, nelson; tenitroru111c1,1, «bile Exeter .. , 9.1(i . ,, w tl out } 1 of \vLoul sotuelllii • is known u, 'Dear S..',7 H..}1 3.aa •'' , a ren Blit. Ali.. nil,rburn loft the ilia- rivet o11 the fUlIncl With the end of a ? ruwu soil assi,i your luVin •luuther, h.. il' till• wrdin;� it olC i, -!uu rioll u. ,:11\, n- Luuuuu.... , - .?5 ), 1U. 1,5 6.4.5 �. ''i! utoud lit,lds ill l,�tt uud kl• .t a ,lure oft Spade wU hall on Lo:u d." Finally they Su', •'•11y 1)eat Si act-oitpanit:,a rather Fl)ute." '•Dear rnlother—till mi 1 ; which lillv,s it ,li -lo;e'l lack of ,\;ton, :;n iloli- - - ____ ._ . _._. . H U' 1 , .:e,I the \'sill lticer. 11oro ht \\:Is I ttinc d by :n 'rUuclied Loreuro ',larlhtc. \: here \!r. Le UUt ac,htuiu[iu,ce: "\)eat Dir. ltto\\ a I,revUnts hi; duty boin� llaill to hi; lac- villtutl :Illvucs ill a httrrc.' \ t .uu,ln_ T T, j �T i bit !a• rctlt,cletl tl::at till rivt•r 1'liurburn 1'Vi-Vived :t cortil!cate a; rap_ ul:ti ks un al,pro:u It 1l) iutiiva•y; \while }ng mother by Lor aff(,(,tionato sun, ti 1111 lou„!. ,IIudl ail f knivi,e, Le;p,'al., div ot!- 1.� I V R 1 •^. 1 uud, t r'' `'.. Illight h,• cavi •atvd, anti thr Upper Vital titin frons tilt• Yoru,'.;n,se, anti •stood ill) •'hear Brim 11" sigiliflo, til(, acute of 1•'uote." Kut occrybOdy, Low•t•cer, can logiltt.•. ;iuctl,tlnnUlt to takin:; 1,14tei lit IeC- `T,-1 tLtr bro(,'•Lt ileo c.,auntwit;ttion \cilli the deck, of Iii; eau \,•,,,els. IL i, pleas- friendship and lit' caillaraderie. Here, will([ till a letter• so neatly' u, that. A till,, : a UOUIld, I'ill lumd, a pill sic s::ll(Iol — ugain, there may be it tent urar )ause '1!"'1 1 1 •v b • tilt• \Va s• -way. Ile Sent :tilt t„ utbl that Iii; otttel'pt'i;U ha, LUUu' p Y 1' " certain cuiullercial house abroad, was o,ln, 1tti,yt witlt ,,','nceri:itt tt'ac-'.Iill ill Tile nrldvrsiv-i, I;;.'\e Ironght ont the Liv- .. Kiutxt (. y Ll before rising flout "lir 1l) "Dear Sir, S col s sal i launt'li ill' thirty- ,rUGtithle, 'w•itlwul.:till lir livatu•iul ussis- 1 perhaps. oyer-ingeuiotts in it, tutu of \\'citing : ;t gory an�ulur ill,-ions-c'.uwn ery fru tut bio i, ',.\,1' 11 Ly it. lseatt a and humt• fur it [ t t 1 „ \ The „ u • oto•.' •Thou ii he iict Io and so futtll, but ill general tlw transifiuia phra,(, \\•hon w citing to art En rlish curt•(,• liar l hint; at LL(, \VriLer, rt•at inutativU desire (u n!uro of Il isle sic that they will ��'r`.;t; -t•cei fit : otos ill' six-LuuSl } , \ u. suit's I t nl .t ) R � g tarry vu tilt: came l» tha old premises, '`.'- ti • ,• r: usvaal (;uyt•niuu•uts line> :11111 folll;ht 11l) datives, he overeatite :u'e stttlicieltlly \sell emphasized to bC lib spondelit, and desiring to be very civil po\\ ct•.s, for that i, 11eVer Iaturul ; a Very i'rec uat- ail l T t yiuua to the ares(( lntellirtucO. \'•}sins le:nc to rUinnU iSl:uuL, ions diftictlltit', %VIIiclt u111yte,tt!tl Lis extra- g' ge to Lint, it said: ••Sugars are falling Uad,dashingstyh• argu('s iidivillau!ity, text CO)I'II:IivC[AL Hotel. t,a t Very ditrorent it is with the other en([ obstru' ,: :,-, aild fv r iluee 1un•r yo: llil urdinnr\ resowces, courage and Perse• more an(1 nu,rt, every dtty :nut sl) the and a prculi:u Laud urigivalftV w illi several new and good drivinghorses,andcho of the It,ttor. There We ilnd opportun- lea Sect uud c,teeni \\ ifh which w•e are," aUeu •til of eL.,racter, e.; l,ci:tl!y if tilt the bti8ine ll calcul t) have teen added to 3?I;'� he was 11ulk,ug a water \\-uy out of a ri- yer:uu•U. sic i, clearly- u loan w•hu could } R I its fur the widest diver enc©, ItUNaI Or ,ecultarAy fit the chit'o;,ra by Is not the business, and will bn hired at reasi)uatle "'1=1 ver. The riyUr beat hili; he could nut go anywhere uud du anything'. The g etc., etc, -1V. DaVcuputt Adalna in 1 t - prices, Satisfaction guaranteed, 3 (sear it, and he (leterluiued ll) curry ilia blood of the 1'ikin rs is uitt dU venerate otticial, })outpuua or irate, people have ile•asin r. It. REYNOLDS & SiN } b Jester. i f ' s' sessol to Delagua Bay, over 1,600 miles ill hien, and this Thurburu in peace 1s a been known to finish an epistle abruptly lt' it iso labored linos it Int.uls nue of _ ___ _ _ - _ "sill the slur lea endix of their name; of veldt, mountains, aat[ road, resenibl Ill rh furans Thurburu of lis auc?,tty P PP' A ROMANCE OF MILLIONS• two things, either lack ill' practice -Per- ' `"'t' but thele are the exception which prove hil )s in (,ars education --ora Very curl'- ' v;''<i ing those of the llighlautls "befuro they til ar."-London Doily Kew s• The Heir to the Tichborne nlilltons Fuuu,I I Y �� D j') the rule. And the rule is c ertautlp to pre fol, miustakin r individual. if it is, ;i;.i: were made. -- lent„ : ; the Wheelh gu Li a Demented Australian, i N '''•"" round swill coutinu(, to go," he said, A �moking Tree. face the name by some exPressiunof feel- hu\wev(-r, a particulal•ly careful, round, rt.�,,: J. lienniken Heaton, will) goes to A good pushing `;aleR,nan here. First - '(C• r and hu \vent. The ',oriel occupied Ke\t ton, a vigorous mountain town ing, however brief and prefunctory, The Carlsbad on account of ill health, brought e\'en, 1,e:utnful Lund, it argues sanity, class pay guaranteed weekly. Comtnis- least yott can do is to ,1t s.1 ibe ourself fur tit(, writer has evidentl Leen praised cion or Salary F."Ea fourteen mouths, ilial i, Una of the nlira- west of Charlotte, V. L,, has it curiosity 1 Y on b overwork, has given further de- Y I t2u,ok sent,, new Fruits "' a uiiuch- ,luduciu(c euuniry that beats b •• a lurgt: majority rho rain us ' Yours," \\'U final Sterne thus ilea- ifs concerin the letter received from for hi, an nuulslli ,and likes outs(,. If and Speciaiies. ,el, 14- Iles Of that I } a, , I l FARMERS eau get ,good paying jot Por ti `,.; Africa tree w'hic'h gained such notoriety ill Char• cribing hiilself to Garrick; while, by to g itis it•'.,t, 1 b.a.sing address, believe in the the winter. Write for 1 ull terms and par - ,,.1 Australia about tho new Tichborne ticulare. ,14y. 1n lltay, 1631, lir. Thurburu started, lUtte in 11380. It is a smoking tree, anti \way of slight variety, l :owper, writing claimant. He says it is his belief that Pt"ecu„ g"oil opinion of y <m. lir he FRED. E. YOUNG, Nurseryman, :, :; r. iV,e. His company was of three white men- Ladles al} efforts at explanation. It is a J eoseph lull, rth e with a "\'ours deaf the Tichborne family -that is, the present doe's sus b u ill writing you. v( it on y RocaFsrlsls, N. Y. 0i7l ilia own son Jack, Bi1lDaviesandUeorge white mulberry tree, and stands on the Joe.'' Still further variety is secured please, you because it is concentioual, holders of the titles and esGite- almost ''y' llua rener- +^... Ura . The hist deserted the enterprise. sidewalk in front of the residence of Levi \when, as m the case of Lord Eglinton, neat od bread fg fin belie t ti b otton hoot Compound y ( })refer nut going mor, deeply intU the Calapanaded ar CI-tma wool, Tang uud ,� F! There were also three natives, one of Yoder, addressing his countess in 1619, the hack- ill gaud breeding and educutial, fur Lis y '1,, , subject, its of course, the trial would cost is Ise royyal SFUL r«J ri nu dO uhrainfa y _, w' 1 m deserted there were eighteen oxen It w'as brought from Illinois a year �: neved '•1 remain yours' take the form N`r'ting i, 11kP tie smile Ori the face of 8 to Lsands of .o is .and bus bee t by t:r « [ o , a large sum of TIUTIey and 111(' }sat trial Lha sands or xulnrn, anJ Lad hewn prr• 'a�;' for the lar a wagon wli}ch held the boat, tlwo ago, and is now about twvelve feet of 'I rest, souls" -a phrase w}tich is not \well nigh ruined thele. sucicty \wuulan. Again, if the chiru-• ). scribed in a praettre of 9a ears. Price, s 1 ^�'Q'' g for the small wa on. hi rho with :t bushy top and many lateral however, likely to be often used. And gratphy he uhnost illegible never u ld win hr maUrd u. am .rs, 9 t, I l calla([. sad t', .,. ,:;a,x and fourteen g f, ZIe also says that e\•en supposing the Laewr's men Create hours, 9 toll and I to ul bfsea9- branches, Last Sunday one of the fail- let it not be supposed that plenty of n(,\v Australian rluiniant should rehtrn ilie write,- to (lo you a favor; Ile would rs of 6olLa es Onl aalr. Brat«li particulars, ilio 3f,'... Till' EARLY PART OF TIIE JOURNEI' slxmox« Ladfrs uuiv. aildreas POND LILY C0.M- ,,,:ry,. IIs 11UtleCtl a puts' of snicks proceed from ]llt•allilig CarinUt be t}trOwll lllt0 isle tU England Ile would have absolutely' no IIUt 1N,(her hllllat']f tU bl! IIIC't! tU ally UlP' I•ANY, No. J Fisher.hack. lilt waadward areuue,I)e. '_Vivi:` ,wits a mere holiday to Mr. Thorburl`' one of the limbs, :old, by w'atc'hing it "yours" alone. Take fur instance, the Alt for lite envelo ,e itself, i& a plain, root..Michigan. - Jl,ae za r with plenty of sport, both large game < laim to rho tits( and tstatt,s, h(,cuuge I ,p:;, closely, pu'fTs identical in appearance to reply inado by "Macdonald, when (,len• the present holder,, Sir Ileltry ural his• ordintuy af"itir, it ut(,an;, nut a» aright �,� "", and small. 'ill T110I'blll'Ii llae(1 t0 wall Uigarette suulke N ere seen starting ewers Barry claimed the c hieftanship of the lie sl) , )used, n )y,rt y of purse, but either I G MON S y'" inadcanee, removing stones till Ilia lin- now a11(} ilei i'roui all user the tree, clan. -"Aa soon," said the former, "tt 1'iuuily, arc' proteetwl by au act lit } arlia. I i i 1 t,i4, relent w•Lich waspassed in ordortoenohle poverty of cultiv:ttion or the filling lit' sl) 1 a,,n gets blc(l ions blistclul, sill sic hall tU , hnes from the leaves solnctinlee you cat} prose yttul'self ply chief, I shall choice a need, uud the 1(•tter itself will FUit A(a'i.NTS throw the obstacles away }'roto the palm fromtthe�bloum, atpuetinu•s frl)rn the bark be ready tt, acl;ftow'1(,di e you a such but the a(huiuishuhir, of the estate to 1. ', nit reveld that it is borrow•(,([ article• Mud its �,�• 1 the nuulydebts rt:,ultiig ft•nni tiu•,gteat :iO li itiiC. tin CAPI'T'AL of his hand. Then lie nnet lois first ail- of Lite linitis lir trunk of tlu• tree. The in the nicantinle i :til yours,'Macdonald,' n,o a vas(, lit; it or uonU at �lh if the ' , ' venture. The veldt N as Ou tire, the uscl litigation, IK1:(,�lI G]) .-I :, pull's are lit irregular intervals: sUltie_ There, for Once in :t w ay, the •'yours" 'FlIVIT is vcry littlo doubt that tilt, A11-:- ,1)c,l,)pc be pictured lir tinted Volt may _-_ "� ran away, the Item v\ it}I them, •':aid tll(' meant suumthi11g, .fount t ho owner s good tanto, while if it An llonornbli, and praiseworthy busines9 4:; tion s tw o or slurs at once i'ruui variott•. traliau i. illi real Sir 1%okt•r. -1 cunolla withOnt ally posIlible chance of loss; steady ¢t fire roaring and keeping pa(r 1\•ith the \\•Leu w•e go fiu•tllel• than the Inert r parts of the trey, :old sl)nu•tinu•; tL(,y arc fact i, that the matt mooed as' -tile claill,- IlavUa nunlonrrttill lit• crest. NULL ('tui ,t' elopl(lyuu•utaudeoutml of Lerritl,ry Havo kit `' wagons." lint the fire pas,ec},thenn, after sey(,cal secunda or ahalf-minute a ,art. "yuurti' till' Po"ilI - variations are, of N Is well ac( naintod lcitlt th(t Aua_ aur(, it iudicut(,s prif`10 lir self-VStc(•nt, ([colo tusloess u, Canada 'A yenta. Literal p; 1 Mit 1 illy to right man to sell our unexcelled f;"", a rttn of a utile and a hal!', ions left thein '1'lloy 'tilt set nt t)t coni• at h❑ ,luno([ Course, (,olds•<. '1'ht,tr i; Nota, truly" It' it b(, suulethin r unit u(, and uuct,l ill 1 ( tralian and had heed tunny year, ill his R 1 Nnrsory Stock. Send for terms. 'r ; ste:tt•ly clJok-ed with tilt: smoke. At.la,t frolttan' tart of the tree, and as they' perhaps tilt, til"., widely itself of all cult• deli ri, us v(,r sun r and slender, or -verc '+'`': of vl o\ct1 and adyance(l alw;tcs y 1 so< let. uud'[ .. l leaton does not ([cult ) Y f, < <'IIAHh: itHOTHERS CODII'ANY, {,� they c )I( d ascend in the air look exactly like tine binatiun,: but t:.1 :'r• :pro pers,nly w•ho lr l»oad :old s( uarU, look out fur the gush �ursoryn,en, Colhoruc, Olrt ;�cirudhl strut lilt fur the ri,in sou. :1t 1•rl a ^.bust it, scr:,nny, tool silo will that it was from hits that` th(,claimant' t ,, , b b R Smoke froin a cigarette. R ul,toibed itis loarvelous knowledge of the 1119 maid -at this season Of the year i :,, L'roukhurstSpruit they sit\%- tLe gran(:; tiinceTuesdas, Nhen thectufositV first Haling pl'Igltlall[y' ,llhit.• the heart- thesnniiner irl." !�1 'k'f.. of theKinety-fourth. Isere they had to h(,c:uu(,, (inorally known, lar re crowds ler an(l les co!n:•nt.,»ltd 'eery truly,' l'icllhorn(,., lie had even guile au far a` g ♦ he Clinton New Era r., R to stndV and h(, able to produce the real Uf course the sunutit•r 9iri is exri•olll('• �,,, la a bridge, alit] it i, to Le understood ,v r•. l Y' LOtL of town soil country pcople,c;ul b( "nulst truly lir 'right truly." S(,(uti'1 uu\tis h:lndw•riting. It is also probable, Iy p;uticLlLu about h(,r stationery :old Ispublished cva,y Triday ALornin. by $-, thin'ir. 'Churhurn waw nuticiu9 his own ween there at wu timO uF ihU ilii:, :111 ou]V to yours a illy luno•.; y utlra n t y lhvltou says, that, "phi' elaiuuult" r(,pro_ take, \\•itll het• the very latt'tit fad; lir the proprietor, H(,nr. ]Iulnit:s, at his a?ac ,' roads f• -t the best p:u•t of the war. :\'ow• douLtillg Thunlases are saN,n cunVilic•ed thithfully" alld "Fours sincor(,I. \with ! It 1 I 'htc(vl •m Isis uw n Person the Lirtli nits nothing at all: she is prone to fancy' Printing eatal)lishnlent, lsa(w St., Clii- iz° The baltlle•h, of tine r6ads drove thenton on thetirst. visit that the tree •'dosnioke.` their colllp;tratiVe ..very faithfully" ,t c olhor loin hs w hick apprar un the roM, sunu•thfn9 a trifle Tl,•w'er thcln the (.,»t- ton, Ont rI'' to til( veldt, snow tLo.sol'tI(,ssof til(, veldt .Ir::. Ani nig the w•llite People it is looked a}son cup(,rlatice "uioSl Sincerely : and Wooly Maris i,udy. Vcntlonal cre;un w IIitU heaVN or lint u TKP,)ta.—X1..;0 per annum, paid in ;ui- N,. drove them a rain to the boulder-incum- as a curiosity, and many-, lit' ccnu'se, • leo dear(, \yell content to ke(,, tvitltiu tiir R l I 1 I leutun nuu,}Irs fol• the respectability paper, I'erhal„ tit(' very latest tlliitg vaucc , . ; here([ ttxuk. 1 I Saf,• hordt'r> lit' t{I,,s,• wholly itniocent I of the people Who have connnuuicated she call get i; the ,1 )er in dro) helio- `Y': uuiv U;lyekd a mile make ex llanations of the )lienuul(erlun, 1 1 [ J®� ��� � (�Y fill; "Soutetinuis tl ey \\Lich, r'rh:t ,a are ,luniahlU enough to ions un' ',utprnnn,iug 1'ornts. On the I ai in tlurc or ftiurducs, The naticc elliyerS I 1 } I t,) hint the I -markable infurinatiou tvu- tripe ;t�d blue tort(,; utniPcd w•itll a cin- in every style and UL rv.•,•v description, their authors, but Nhichcarry very little ',tilt V hind, Io„ i11•!ill',•r(»It trityl wd. taint.( in t1i(, ieh, r:nn and letter oil: ver Icat in one (urner, with a liui,l, executed with to racy-'., .ad !:spntch, wave nuriinuus quid cue of them \Ir' in cumictinit ll) the nliltds of othory, g.)farili'r aliel-1 for their Itualifyin, , I g anditt rcasuuulh: rate s• trd. Then ti Sloe, \cry rur(1i• j-\nsttalill, and while he hilliself dt,sil that iv(= to the (.1-wer tilt, glisten of sit- NI:'\'SYAl'1:It ll1a'ISIt)\�. ""' Thorburu heat: finally he dt a lint the migroe., don't like tilt, thin r al V(•rb, alld s;ty. \vitt, t •s )' .,l ,r ^ \l: iho\v ! to keep ant lit' the matter porsunall\'. Ile tin. .\cc,nnp:uly'ing this ale fund luso,+ „?' (lec»ge tool: ll) driving into all the hub ...ly 14,111,;,' or. with I':Itl . t all. (lie It,9ro tvunian after inn IU Iy La, littlr d,mLt of tLe trlttL lit' Ihr ,,L\ny aSwoet gru„bue to hold tin• jlap,r, find 1. Any person or pr,-"l:c'XIll) t.ti(r n -114- turd he also wvas allow-eI! to deP,U1. Un s • few• iIIinLIL,s. start- \'nprs ,b'c,,i,d!..' :lull so nn, WIlt-wol' I h h • nr-vitt Allsindi;ut 1•lailll- a d1 ar littlr Pen-\%iprr ill 111".11:11w of a Pal)(',' rc ulnrly fr.nn n p, ,t efiiro, ',•,1.,. w:dchingthe [Sill a us told y t c 1 whether directed in ;tis 1),::o(` ,r an ;,.k• htuulsythey al\ta\s t(st(,d, shut:uultiSb- oil oli' un a run, saying: "I wolnld1)'1, !ill I-I:(•,I nuc:• f,I)- Ili, at1JOA).,tpll, sign,d s.- ant, \,hu 1'or In:Uly ye'll's hud ln`III U enf- c :I,u,r Ivaf ;tnd llia,ie of llaillel:0,• \Vholc ['•f; Ud. At enc place rho \\ a9uu ,sill: to the t d b(,ilor ` u ll) Juin' Linl>elf 'you\- ..Ittu.�rupliiridly, and u! otlt•ir'y, lir y;hetlu•r l: ` has subsl ribeti a, I:u' I'tu• nolhin': pets ( (d as the lunatic luuthl•t lit' Iii; ,jailer. tLit' ,(ranehuw nil to to ung,` tu...y_ I or iiot, i.; re-pollsil ll) 1 r pm.)'rtot.t. 1; axles, and the steamer st-ei t -d shoal ,»1 in tUv 'Lout alis tut\n. ' -1 m•;;'ro nl:nt Ssu1t dl•cia±inlL-ter,• lir:• ;lhunllant ox- „ ! It now tr:ul.pir(,s that til(, ell',-ct of till toot n bin inti Uf intturctl<'c'• 2. If a person ,'.!'i , ,J, paps r di,. tai;. dry ground. SL>ne had to hU bruu911t s: ill: •'lin rw•ine stav a\v::c Irolrl ,lilt, an.p.. ,, ni,<Ily \\Ion ,t tl n sill) t t I(I Ion, c,)nfiu(,nlent J,ls leen in r,:dit\- t, if ole 1s siulpty si,giling fur tint ' ! 1- t s I'' nntinned la' 111n,t p11v itil nl -Sirs, rr ';:' t frUnt adisla.uce lit' 7,10 yards, and a kind tliplont. ) , nr, ,v(,r," Byron d(,clared .• u v .. ,• n:r- t n 1 11 thing, I can r'aut,ll d(, Lt iul.;tonr rle:u' (14-prive Lint of hi, sanity. \\'hI•thl•r he pt•r rho ih:ale:; of Pale gray and e II \ the publisher uta t 1 a' of :t sl(,d•r(, Ila:([ to he Make oil( of it Uro +. ) 11'nl; II' to ,lulus \lnrr;tc: "Nota>: t,cet ;old s . ,. •11 hMlaln e of nos will) tlur addro;s ,t;uupI! itt Silvol• :a,• until pa.; nn-nt l; :a:t.1, . 1LIA t:'.."1 sol -t. clow n to til, h.)L, \ S.,tl,b . I„ loll ,., , '' for h•:nt,purt.. 'Til•' di:,tante w-hcuce the Las recd\ - a (t ll). I.1 nt, i1« (•(.1,11 IX'.' \cr\r.,• l'uwper to :t h1vi,d tlu' lutist dI'SirtLle slain} ; to b( a=t•.I, Ilut set the wilts, a:n"ant \.'".•I:1 i t!:r pa- �ct` Tint(,,. - .--.—_.- .---- i; nut I(nu\cn. W tive iL-,If hall to he i'clohrd wa, int- w hill, tile, l in a L list' to bis wit'(,„ pro• er i, taken lir nit. ,.i. ,\t. nnV rate. it c a, loin\\ n that h(, las- . a uud s1 n;iLlt,,tirkini; to M gi, )I s,n.ih:(• :1. Thr Cor,rts ha,y! ,l', ;.l. -1 t1lat r ` , lliellse. , lit• \\'11('t,lsllad to LI• llitt,ll \villl 1'n.loou. alnd CI„imllI of art• ]),,I-;. 0ill- t,?(ed lll;il Ir' : :lit {If; \%ilnb` hl`:II't. UII\I-IltR,1laliIy of llap,'r 1, 111;111\ n, loft f;tirly \yell oil' Ly tilt. do,'e:iSt,d ;tiler, s:ltis- 1rse•row ,t:u•k�;, :old the atuu(,i ic,ertrd un- tineni, •I - fnsai:; to take ncc; yv(t , , »• 1,. riu,li::11= Tr,., I:l a' -f,»•,•\'-•t` \%!II, it ;11:1\- hr t.l'ulll,ilice. derthein. Six ,lays welespout ill over• 'filer, i -:c Sad nielido11\I in on- Yuan. - :11111 ocerl'arippo,in_ he slnndlt moil, t1 f;n•tor\. 'f L,ad(Itc-, is the r»Ile t ua t'rolll tlu' lin-a of`." -n• `',;ra alit �Iw. 11; L,„I „ t,I• !I': l:ngl:nil to (•1,6111 ihr I'n-perly and In;c that i. r.,.\ ••iantped u! -,It ono'- l;t;l( 1' 1'y Irn•:ill:: till nn tmc,tll, .I :.„• I: 1'.11 i.i.'i. a prall trillions. \•;con the so-callo,l chats• n,) !, 1,n11 lit tier• \enl'l(L Il. 1;,, calling silo tL'IhculUrs nt till, nue SUck- !Sul 1.', r,. i• • , 1 • , o lh,,;L•,,, lir' \y,rll n"i lo• in ❑ runditiln• till:„• v.:tn slndy •11".l Iw•ut ill oc. ry- sols. I ,• of into•,pu ..1 , ;;:r fait,' I'he rutin down front il,, .toigltt, i,(,sare (.stet) I'n,nes oil M ,Uiy!nl lit- n1,, v fl, ir,nl.l ,Ii,Ig t flu f < of n\ I I } :. ,i.l \I,hr1r'' 1.\tl I' I, I I' p( rt\ ;,\ 'Inc uu' ill; 11. V oVr" it ttlin': u••: n`: i . ! wa, n pnl„ J to .0 \rly I): ,1, I .u',•'II,'-1 In- tlt:nl\ rli,t;ni-I'•I nriati,w4 .,I..l 1 ,::r ' ,n „ :;n• or nl difil-nt11 n. I 1 I`7.a. ” ; I I• n , .'I ,'�\t"1 ', Jf , .n L !:.. , :. f...r t:.; Cni:l,t.u, Ill , I,. r .1 t:x,: �i u, 111,1„a,t;wl'. i,,lrfw .111:1I: .JI I I. 1 lIwl-na;Irl lo,..•. ltit\ialili'” „t , •:l ,,II I (.1 t t I:r w,hu 111 r if i t11'r 1 "lli,rl ,t It{ f, uitill! I ;I';rr` nit(:. ". : n the -r, of: r• t. J F: I II ill' 1,'ui1 , 1 \ '.Ins i wl Y,yr,' 'nit•\•. lw: I caul a!`\: '. I'i'0.tlr I I,v •', (..,::tails ,:n,. , :it;,l livrl\ , :1,•n I I ;m. iI , . :.Ia-n.' \ltd sl) ,. w t r ..,::I \\; l l(I -.0 I,. v;:. 1 I roils is lIu• ucl.t,r, In„ 1 . I,r- i.lr,_ l • ! I s Illi• 1' • t 1 I. I 1naL, - 'r, i. 'i 11 y now .who• i N\\a. i' i , ill , title dohs, ;(.u:t- , t t'(• itI.:11 to\ 11 .1 lu,...r,, .1,•11 , writ,'; I"TV, tc !,;,1 I'\Ilplw I iI i it, r 1:1•, ,I, 1, :u ". r" inn :1 a -,1 `.a i • I I r. rl e si'lalii •' lu\r• - \'\ •ill I! wit Ince. :n -.l thl,<L I it till :11”."1.1!„ r. I dc.: n"I , . I ; I. i t C.t. lat;d. • 1'il: \ TII J', t) i it••r of:ty 11 -, 1 I i.e3 • ! '' . ,I L I'n,'I'u;li.»rs'„'.lirii11r- 'u: nut \\;iJ. L'rt •tal„It, u\tl,ui•; I1, til jt.;,, :I \oro Ir,11!Iful. (l,oi_:itt :t:`.1 ,iu,t urs::.' tie,, 1-, --id,'•- t.1�• ,r, 1111 ,,,-,asci•;:t:e _ .,•, , t l\ .. .. .t,U n'.' \\.I'r;ic ill( ; rniati ,n. •I -illy s:, !,1 a,!'1, 'to•;c!rl:l rl , ,,:11:;c t' r ('11, i .•11;• 1. (.,l' , 'll t;: r„ ui' t'I it Ir ad -d r'•-,- :\', ili,h, h"w 'c• r, 1',::1,1 !, Inc „I,11t1 II -1, tilt I - t, dui nl!m'•: - '\!:: :1 • . •ill I I:.: �„ n: nt , , 11. u�-, 1••'I\r lV., \\• `;.. � t r. ti„'y l.• -,I t1u u'h,rit', foil: hi: Il: -pry '1' 1 fol'• I.: l,.i:•,;ly 1,.:1' I!ir.• -n' III,—'\col„ 11111 and r,'. ,11:1 'i” .:•1 ,I p:: , I'I.r, i, tie! .. ,'. . 1 t,u (tie -lin ,,,,!1' l: ,:i 1,:`,,::,i I, a ro.l\' fall..:Ins I.cl,n'Ird t11'l,lheli,\,•t�n i:t•li,1'lna„t\. I'I_. ns\ 11,.!' ? „ 1-, '„t1: 1 (,n(t 1. - n,,.1,:�U.nf'I:•-1 f't I, '1 I Ill V' rII sn '.+r alit of Sic: , I „1 1 !.I,,1,, .h. I: 1,;'' „111 c, tl' •:e h it i, !;l'.u\\r Ih:1: I'I , Ila\'( ;r slur: .I , L:n' ” ” il•nt ,r , I :,I.. 1 ;•' 1 II. pill,II .I, ti, Hti„Is o r,\v\.:Ir •.io„• Ly ,, .: 1\ .I' 1 I \:, It vol, \coir at tri; ('I,ir.. 1.'Id. ,;mi! u' ” ray,. \V, rt, rl:u op(,a, I:..' too i•\ , \• 1.: ,l .. - (•tit n � i;rl nn•s,, n.; r' , .\•1�;'•'Jc� I. ri_,l't II, -1 I ,; ` , .I +tf wood ihr 1:(rn L Mahe:ol \.;I, (i `11! l,..I 1• ! \, \\ ,,_I :r!, .:II,! whi,•1I I:,;i)' \•4 :t': .I ill.' v, 1' I'ili',;I Fr.uu-Is'1, I ,;I( Ilw will:• r. 'filo\ 'y tlu.t it illi _ , w5- lk,• w t:1:my \ u!.•;iec 1', r ,r 1 • :Ili ('1', Un!ihlr, v 1:,.,. • ,r,,i 'L(•r. c( .1 1 •.1, h ' I„ n ,. -11 \\•:r: no\\ I 1'. It .11ur,' 1.:l 'I, 1, l,, 1 ,I 1• . :Is wr .\n •trali:.11 l.ru\e,: hi: till• Sir if• nr; •'I.I• l; " til:•, 1;, �\.1 '1'I - I .\.I c, I.:I,r I 1 '\. : t { i -t: stn•, -;' Illi n,V, t , of the 1 : ','? SMV, ',Ir.'I'h(•r�nn'n, but th:1l V. :1 a 1'1 -- ”'"'i \rill nil :,! 1' Inm, h!:I th(•y •Ir• n••,' r „ , ! ,. " , rt:, \\:I, .h,\ wl:u• h,..I- l ,.:d,. 'l;L•r111ol'• r ! i1: !II•• Ir !, t' 1 tl..•\ hall ' t" Ila 1'1' tic• • . , _ tic. I ' I ' I!;, in a alilm, lie ill:nta,d \\i h . n;lt a I\ nn; ','.\,•' 1: III 1: l.in,,l ,l' : I prr ;'•!' ! j, lu.t , 1 i L1~I I .•"Illi• t ,r,; illJili, olio'}Iu,111 ;+nlr Lr,If til Llthlit p -) - ,!, t:! JI ,)11,111.1') Lnl ulr r.', . litiictil:y to .. ir,\e silo ir.,n , ..,.t !„ ,• \,.,It• , •• ,-io llanit 1 1,,.!i,. 111• it I: a11on `!Sohl:•: L UL ; -n \\ lih t ,I .r .,., I 1! ILr \\L. fru11l ill, \Ir :w I n .l I y- :I 1. w!' vI k. u; til ( ,I t :, Iii Ic pp• ill :, Il .I , the' 1: l: :r nr�n. r• i'T1J' IN !1 l:�'':;•'_Y� � 1 i .i ,i ` pliloo 11.1 :1\le \\ ithorll til'• w II . : 11 I .I, \, ,, .I! %,'I 1:11 1, r ,' ! 1 .�, I t .l ,, t „ v I, II, II .! t Ih:II i ., I i\\.) \:unplr•- I Ii ! l0 11 I' n A;; ally. \cilli till• aid of the K I" :I I `; Irv.;ch. ! tit ..n tit, I;..,I, 1t, e,• , iJ II•I It . 't I r I 1 '1 'I. t',Ii it ih :1 •1\o I 1 '' tn' I w-a;;on \ca, I•i;4I0A1, but Lh, n Ill . , I I r i' i .I Ir, t 1 I , , e I I' I hl n r(:al 1cI- h\ c'„f'y (; I t ltadj.)h, f,1,•,,le,!. \Ir.T!u,ri,lt:l , I'aa.•1' lit,,, c I,' 1 .1, i.. 1:.., I. ,I, .. I, ( , . I I. 1 1 :1 `.. • I :\ ' t li ( ll .1” I 1' . I .l I. f: j., •.I :ill :n I1 r it :1 n sill 1 . , I I , ,..r IhI-.,.I... is t1•( 1 ,., 1 t .0 - i ,1 ., ,,. , 1 't :, ., �l. '�'a 1,1,1(. .!I i , (•.1 .Ili' 1! 'I ...I t .I.. '.11: l 111 1, I I ' 1 \\nl'•; I- hlr loll I.1 I 1 t, , \\ '\ '.1, i I , I', 1 11• \ I , , , - 1 :n I......, cit :lit- I 1 0w 1'.1"I,.,!. La,ly , :rill \' t- ". r . 1 I . I I1• , I, d 1: til • I':Ili_ I{' I r . I I I , d I'I 1 h.. ,.I..1. I I . 1 -1.1.1 : :nil 11 (!,, ant I '' , , ,•.' I r.l\' 1 II . ' 1 \lir I ' I ... I`.1: ,\.. ' I a1..1 \, Ili h i • %;Ilio I II o I u S' .11' �1 '.\ I \\ I, '17 1• I - .i rl ly 9,111111, ,. !1• d.Ill;;r f:I '. I IJ • : , -I c'II , I . :nTn i'll x 1 • ? } \\"I,. .rt I h ui(. i I 1, r. H;t!! ••y„In• frig old.' in tin •1 1 I ” ,.,-I I,I!i \, ,I nl ,. .l, :I, . n" I.,, ' ; ,ills: ) i;:,u\” bl"'l! t, l ,.. i l I , , I1. I ,, .\ \ia,•It,III .r tri limn,' 1 I: r I' ., 1 a lr i. I1; ,I ( l' 1' Ttry urn a D ( i 1: „ .., - ., .. I .:r:. o ..1:1. I. ! 1\.'11'111 t., I -I-I• .Irl' Iinn. ;i.'(`n 1:1 lr.hl'!' �+ .•1_ 1 ,I .- !t :,'. a ('•'Il:'f I .Ili :'h'r•arl\ Ia I•"I. •t -i, ! ,. -r I - I t.., 1, , ..: I .'1'I ! .; ( .( .' ',\ ..,' I I. r ,. I ' - ,'1 1 ,"1A;l• _ 11'. I,. ' ,11.:111 ! 1 \". :11 • , 1, .I 1-rl, Irl. 1 .I i I 1111' tl I I ,j.jt t tr a'I 1.11"I U(t oil• 111,\.. d i1, • ,:1 ;1 '. 1 ...' I.'r I .1" i i'.., 1, ..1!1 h .,1 ' II •1, i:l :1 II• !1:1 i I.,.\, I .'Ir, ;e.1.1 „I ! 1 I`, r •. .. , I„ v'lI III" 1 !t 1` t HII Ii,I\ rll a rnI1.I C1191`rl .' y� ,: �` ','; .. , .. .. .., 1' '.1 I i' III �. I .,f III'., I I,1 'I. , I 1'1,1 I Ir t, ,I t :I I. Ill ;III , "I 1, ,I \\, '11 i w �?$} rl I sub9tnnrl'. ilia I t•C'Ily l lrrdt(l.tn.li• 11 I 1, - ,\ I. 1 I .. I. -Id ' J. .11. - I lilts ,1. M. h 111 d \ i •II„ ..! , .. , ( I .'It tl" ., Ion . I , ,\ I: ,I 1 1' I ;{ In ISI' ,I!'1 , 111. !• _r I.II•I:' t .I':-:11 x' :I i ,.. . 'I'l l'1• I til„ , I' II :I II ills I 1 w, rt.i t I.) q rl .-,Ilii I (.I • 1•.r`7 r, nl,ln. If,l LI'.1 .1 I!.' , I I. I (" !• :solii , .. f 1., II' i 1"\ 11,.. �, ' , , , ! ,. ,11,1 .li! I !" I!1�11 til" !1 ;tor ' rl. ;111 , , •:I) 1, \' ` t , I" III-' \\ I 'I'.•1 "(, 1`r 1!1 I I ,.- '1 •.1 t'.,'it and WA, ,° Illl"1 . . r . ' .-I..I 1 I I 1 ,1 .I ill I: 1;1 .'•Irl ,`,lei\ •,I '!cl 111,1 slit , 1•.:L1"• •I, ( i, l,. I1. t-• .1� 1" I, Ili 1,.,11'1'. !,.:\"' I,. 1 ;,t 11 .1 )^:I of r.l`.11 'l 1 1 ',!;j1 • 1'11 oI''. Inl`n Nt i,4 ill -' I n IIL SIOI(H iv, t. f' ;;w:. lI I ''11 ,':1 L 1.;. ill , \l.i•'ll I inial ,.,, 1 il,r, t 1 1111. '.r Sul sun, ill..r II' `.• II •1 '1 t hrnitif'd l a: 1 I. !.I :. . i I. 1 ,1:' J1' 1 ,,.I : .. ' "•I a1n11I1C11Ln ,t '1 ; !r' '1 , ... I r e soli, I; a t 1 ,�I•,.I:I . ,, 1, 11':.I nl•I,I,' : Lir . , til,' r. . i , ' .tr ,.r.. .. „ i... ,.I. i \11;1 Ir 1' :',11'11;1.1, II I'!Id( I.1 .n i r I., -, 11• - 1(. 1:,• !,r I\\' ;111'If rV 11111•• I l\. „II- •,I1„lllindro, :1111 1 i ' U•', 11 '.,._ !' i „ nl • ., I ,.1 a ,ISI' a d :.Ill'. -,-I••r, 1%114 .!1 r - .I;i, , ! " ^t, .1 ,,n •- I f ,I I , \.'oft !: t 11., n. d nl i,nndnn, an I ..,t : IJl'), I Ili' ,'IUn ! 1,. .. \1. twcu brokrn ' s i I r II ,`, rI"r II 1 !•\ Ili'. -•�u c :I n: 1 I r ±•, I, 'h(` i"Ins .•r' �I in f' :r!.•rut Illi,•, 'I'bc til, ,1 l;' , 1 - I :,n' t n,a •t' r li.tfl \\ ,r!I I n v ovrrwork. 1 �., / I.t•4, I,onLb- Il:•re ll) I,!.i.l,dor;, .. Iri•.i•.I i, -`11,'1 I , , I I rn' 1'he old :cul 11, ,1 ,. e�' ,. w,rr.v.iti_onrn. I :I, Ind n' I 1• u' .. Ic ct.\ne• till r,U„.III Oil, l"III. it buri;ll - „• l;n•.l', '-w , .i 1.111 .. 1., , „I. i,;i\at.,,,-!!,•. firs ;•;Irl, ill Ill" '\o(1. ,: . 1:. ..- I. :,hI.I,I'I I:l, I .., ,»I lnv ill r� ll) I I I „ . 11):1'.111!.•,• ilius.elf i_ le.rl I \lnl I1,.n, .i) 'r 111 r..\\ Ili \1 r. (' ••old `I ' ') ww"II -,I . I Tt,y hnvo a Iris AI'TTO'l Ott r F fa"' . i II,• b::l.., I lull• I.all i \ „ ,, I I ,1-.; nl f, .I' I: Il Ii I : I- a -illi ill's -1 I ,h d - It 1, ddlir •llt I , 1n11'+11(• Illy 'll..ol.'I, , 11.1:1, -!,til, .I, t'1 , '('1"I M - 'I.l - 1 1111111• •,w , \l 'I-IIi, r Light %`I,lnl. r,,,,I %it I• ,, 1 . oil, O I) ,hr til 1, A l.ill'witill", 11111-.• I , I I.:!„1 It i Illy I'll II t. , - I 1 + I lrlal., Ill'•,In,ln{h 1 : ,r)gi(:ll 11, I.,. • r ,r I! „ .•I l x111 .' \\ h:l” i\'11'11 'III" I : '_I I ill"1'u!.r II! Ill^ \\ •H'1r 11 :•11 :1 dn,,'ll JI• „ll) ' '• both Iry ❑ ntld WO711(N,, r,v,Ul lf:; i(„T VIOUIr i...• rill. I 1 nl alll 1):die I '.tl' 111111/'1' ''1 l r. ,.,•'r ll, It \\Ill Ix• -I,.11. f l,ell•Ili,- gl•.II-, t.,I i!' ..1\\ , 1 ,:l in' 1 I Ili•- of wI i"'ll, 11,)1.11-:, a'III I, ill fill• ('111!,\\'''r, dli-I'll-. • !). . , and r„rl-Veling all - '• 1'li !l I:'•• V ' ,.I :: ;I V.F1. ,I .i ,',n ''.1 , •I ,.\ „Ill• (;)-;I-.,.*- I llul r '1' I i:.n! ! 1' I'. i.11'_1•iI i;ll , . \. •I \ i. na.I. Thr I , , the l:n:;li r i ill ll.l i'.^1 rV fUTIRB afit) •. hest([„ Il, I , tv.,•r I ,I ,loo , 11 1 • 1 ,nal uu, III I ll:,'i '.111 /'t' t it :l•,In_ : asst \\. I,niJ1-'1 .'I-rwhl•r,, (11:1, till-I'I• IM 11111, II 1" Il,h •I', -I ;!Ir` t,!!\,I I1'I11\ - 1.11.. 'I ,'I• I ..1' 1'.'!'Ill . \ •111111:11 I it il.t II Ili. .l .,C' ".., 111 11.., N\or Ill i' •` , w -In 11 I)r I . t' k's. \' (�}e] -t'l 1111 IV:Y a. EVERY M�7v \\ r),I' ili.mental fir 1•clad«;ly 11111^ I........, ,if I.be ., l L lir. 1'. dill 1 1 l i, r 1. ill a Rolla• "! I Ii iala :t ;111 nr, n\\nI II i \ J \i .! I:; 11, u. ( "\Intl. t\hr fay!. Irrl' I.!1•11:1) '. .� Ir,l , rp1,, r,l' tnilinf•. „r Hptce hos Neots I:nn .nl-1 I:I al ll. kJ1 , lit. r l m slid :Il,fll:' .i• { I : `J ' .,i, I nt dn', i! Linr • 1,'..:J til' 1,11111-,, ,rn'7 t•,a ! Ihnlil I • ,!! 1-' , big T nl lw ill I� I' ••II- nLl Inkn flow r tv:r` tiir h, al a'(i !. n'. •11L1..•L!, gel 1 1'::.ha's di:n'y 1, a Ilan'• .rl .l. , Intl io- cert.l,•I I.1, ••,. rill .. L;,.! I,•• i I n!, li'nn,'.I I. 111' I,.i'= h(,ot' , ...,,-. .. i, l 1, t n i.R. , i'll sic Thr} will ,. • I t. rue)'(;its, b,>a4 sill n,ent I : chief nd\I-. r r III, S'\:Irl K!'I.•. \, ilr,t :l u,fi\e re'1'ling ,nl Iht,' nt, j,11. , 1•:Inin H.•h. rt I'• •'I II. e tLI 1..1'1. a rl h.ot do' t.. . I ph ysiral than ,1• nl.l 111 duck\' ,;ill\ :un) Ra: ronri rin, soli ilei I I'a,bn in t',•nllnl \Viral iltltl-!1 \1 •,Jilin Or. h!, 1)I ,-. ll 1:. I I.n' . :,. , It „r,l :. !.:. ,1 . Il i,.r i. i I I•;n',!1 •!1 ;',n'..,I1l,c' -,r I,,1: - .1 . " I 't A EVERY WOMAN 'I I r'v r•I r„ ill a.t , 'I'\\n R,1', :1!P Jnll l'n,,!, f )o, 1 I' . ,1 t .i lfr I' I.I (iN l) I t r !. ') „ II II f 1, :.,I, ,;Ir !. 111 nl I:n "1' . 1 . , I i' I:1. '1\ +1 f`7'4RRI(li,fl and II tr ; .1 � 1 � R;II(;1] IllUvl(a t)ly kindly. t\'ll lir M•i111-1'i kindl.nl,l I .:1111. ` 2.1111 III.. 1 . -1 :111-1 1,111,If,I) I' I I' , t • 11, I I ! i l .l ill, 111 ,1" L,:, 'u l I 1,11,• 1 e11tallRlrl(111`C,;x,1�11l�,q+lpp1 I ,.,1. A, Itnt Illlw' lll,` (1x111 1\1'1'1• \r1`d Pd lie 11,1 •ItIG. ell' 1:\, !\ 1 \` Ip 'I ,,Ids' - „I I I P • •1 III . .. I , . 1 I '1 ..t-.'1 i •.1, I I r :.ill•. ., r ' •. ' , 1••l Pt.P ,hrcn i'r T.TC Y®UNG Inll('h (list I'(,ssod nil([ fill:lll, tit `•-1 --t' 11will 1 '1111, pia t"�oly7 II,\t•\„I etirn till, re . . •'til -.Ili, 'Ill er. i'll t he' 1 1111:•11"'.i ! ,) li, 1 , •I • •\ I.'t''11,1 i !..I.. I, 1' I 1 1 - .•I .I•'!i\ ! ,. , I', ill R,lltR of youthful I.od 1::.1,.: ,d IIrt:llgthell Lht - rl I('l1, f nl'lllll:l1. ,!\ . (.( 11. 1'- 1t I ;.I' . •.l c"s tit n w of 111.• ' 111 i ,: • Uld,,I 11111.171• )` 1:111! !, I'• . i,I.,. 11 ! I •' , • . , i . ,,11 :Ir•1- system. from Iwo sltnatt,r., a `r• l i;I 1'I I'1,.1 ly file r",)lo is Ili,.n1:111 :Ind Ill- I .1•,nnt 1• I I Irl• ,:I• illI-.\, IL. I' - , • ` ,--, ,, , 1 I, �p �I rho' tailn 1,)1nit YOUNG W®i�E�B •1'1p9e mall. At I:l'•t ilwv r"oull,Il .1 I1 i.Il 1."'1'' . 1 I' • I .•- •' ' I " 1;, 1'ILI•g w11 -•i '. ilii ill: \,HI'1 •, •: ,' • hr. I....h., r„it::' `it Iol,,:I'I I I• It I! unlike thong regular. fordi-0 Iht, 1:111;:,r„It, .'\\:VIII., P 111i!,d "i Iliink he uu:h1 fol lilt it r.ol: it I n;l,r inl,!I ..:1,;, I.: I:.dy I„\r 1. ., r, .',t.• u . 1 i ti ,r' For salt,hvalldrllglflpl.a,nrwill tillRr»t "Pon, I..; Lhi-1-u1-n 111:1'(}11,4, Ilnd liltI :1 Ill•r�l \'. rl would cnrtninIv sound beficl• W0,id,:M111 I ,r,1 , il,hl.I' c\ 1:11 "\'urlr 111.11.,', 1 '..nil, jll,t 1)T' i ,, YCCOI tOt rlCn 50e. for hna),b addrnRRlnG IleYrr' P p ' (• 1 Y come dr;ilk of h„r. '1'111-1' 11:1.1 droit!: 1),. it world do it full fO ef, til(' air."-- g 6' cslnt, and that t!n, 'iltor`r hl toil, ,,. - m^;o•. II, »o, 11114? 1 i, TIIEDR. i�ILLIAMS' ]IfFA, CO. Zirncleriftc. 0771. Y apirils*on thn ronfe, Uloll h the\ ra mod g 1'hilnd(,Ipfaia Times. a r,)undin;; ofT a Ile'li(}ltory letlor t ,Iii, ,• _ r: •1.'..r••:t' o il ('.,•:per. I , o . nc a ll. I., , I some( in cage of UPCident. lint in Iheir' .r .:1 y :' , I , . .' •y .. < 1 71: Y .1 M ,f '. t• W Ak ” *tl?'di r. .c: �ho" t�y.