HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-10-17, Page 6Ilrlteg BOY. vwla rick vro gave mer C viiolir ,, Wiat O9 w 4 �$11!l' the cried for Caatori9, Ot +l4wborARS;a,(1,,i she thing to Coterie, s had Childrexa, $110Qaca them Castor4 l� $E-INEAT ENGLISH REMEDY ,tlIntfir;A, VEGETABLE INGREDIENTS #tlk�#xf6 WITBOU 'HERCURY, USED BY TUE ENGLISH PEOPLE FOR • OVER 120 YEARS, la These Pills consist of a careful and peculiar admix - 'twee! the +rest and mildest vegetable aperients and the pure extract of Flowers of Chamomile. They will be Tennd a most efficacious remedy for derangements of the. : , • estive organa, and for obstructions and tor- rid :.<' • n ..f the liver and powele which produce in - digt,; .Ind the several varieties of bilioua and liver *,•n l �.. •til 6old by all Cheadata. ,T waot.aast•s minus EVANS AND SONS, LIMITED, MONTREAL 'M"H E E'y ILS T -I JNG}OYER ':.3t S CfR!'inf Cook's l r!on 1Vo Alurn. Doth.ngInjurious. 1r.flpi;ED El'ffi'4liilEfrE, 1 GA Rt G H &: Cf , FACT1:^.Y s:'r :!F3 Vas/es, iron & Lose Pe"ev Steam let P. ,r<;. . •rn ?arrrn. N' ... Cream: +.'; ry and 536G,i:';: , C,F AD ICK'S SPOOLt COTTON 2119r Hand and Machine Use. EAS No Si1PFRIOR. i ASK FOR IT. . �`.F?... ;fr the M11% LEATH 1'ROID STEEL -LIKED TRUNKS In Sample, Ladies' and all ether k ends. i!"aN..tfsl aid G:r.Ilgeft TRUNKS In the World. 3. EVELEIGH& O A: NTr EAL HOTEL BALM RAL. MONTREAL. L. 1tekre Dame St., one of the most central and elegantly furnished I1ot.-M In the City Accommodation for 4.00 guests. states:1T OODRUFF, 12 to $3 per day. a T Manager '..PEARS' Sols, A¢'is Lor !made, LPALMER&SON ^Paoleta% Imp'tre of li$8GISTS' SUNDRIES .743 NOTRE DANE ST., MONTREAL. SOR.P. DOMINION LEATHER BOARD COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MILLBOARO Steam Peeking, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, This is Perfeal'i-iclion RECKITT'S BLUE, THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. .D • ALL ! SIZES • AND 44,r WEIGHTS TO ORDER 31 DeBresoles St is:-Port>2est. tr �OHOST�(I.I. is TLUIDDEEF THE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER /PERFECT FOOD 7IFOR THE SIGH. WARMING es rUTRIT10uS('SEVERAGE A POWERFUL IRwIGORATOR 1 Fop. tpsect, tings tore Eyes gnuptions SpreFeet Soreness 011 -4 -fin Lata tits iles 3,p 71 j�%Ix1ts4 -sub `O bites b_urn AN ita-m,-at'i tno n pErusEISUBST1TUTES $EMTi T OTTLE F -.fl I B,UF r *PPER DMTki UKE,THIS!1" 'POND'S EXTRACT COMPAf g nuaimanster el& 6Y .4 11.! ie FIFTHAVE,NEWyORK_ OVE' Iii AND QVgit A. IN. Over and over again, No matter whzah. way I turn, I always 1 nd in the hook of life Some impanel have to learn. I must take any turn at the ]Hill, I must gripd out the golden grain, I must work at my task with a reeolute will, Over and over again. We oannot measure the need Of even the tiniest flower, Nor check the flow of the golden eands That run through the single hour ; But the morning dews must fall, And the sun and the summer rain Must do their part, and perform it all Over and over again. Over and over again The brook through the meadow flows And over and over again The ponderous mill wheel goes ; Once doing will not suffice, Though doing be not in vain; And a blessing failing us once or twice May come if we try again. The path that has once been trod Is never so rough to the feet, And the lesson we once have learned Is never so hard to repeat. Though sorrowful tears must fall, And the heart to its depth be driven With storm and tempest, we need then! all To render ne meet for heaven. ANCIENT EGGS. Since Wendell Phillips treated to a dose of decotnp egg's in Pike's opera hous 1860 for making an abol speech to an angry audie which had been duly prepare him, to within a few weeks no use had been found for t bombs highly charged with ceutrated eulphurated hydro says the Cincinnati Times -S For years they have been qui dumped into the river and alto to speed their weary way. H ing that a man was gatherin these unsalable specimen of fruit, a reporter wandered in search of him. He was s found. and the reporter iutrodu himself and explained •pkist•ho appened that he had called, ere. "Yes," said William Smith r such was his name, "I a ad -egg dealer, the only one w f the Alleghanies. I go to ommission houses in this very day, and get all the spo ggs they have, and then I t em to Cumminsville and ma cruse a solution that I ship ew York as soon as I get a 1 fall." Here the stale egg dealer p a bottle from his hip poc d the reporter edged carefa p a little closer, while ho c nued. "Now smell this so on." The reporter did so. "Y e, I have completely deodori and it is well that I have, is yellow fluid is the very st ed by all fine leather tanners aking kid glove leathers. K oves must be manufactured, a at cannot be done without t e of very bad eggs. I coll e eggs in the morning and th home and break them into b Is.. The white of a bad e rns to water, while the yell 11 coagulate and settle in t ttom. I skim ;off the wateruch as I can. and then pourt How into a sieve and what ins of the water runs throng ving only the yellow. This en mixed with chemicals, a e result is as you see. The o is pleasant, and if you did ow the constituents this flu ght serve as a palatable a •mless sauce for the table. 'I get eight cents a pound w York for the stuff, but th s not pay me here. I cam m Chicago five weeks ag nking that Cincinnati was a market, I am going back cago, where my wife is co ting the egg business in m ence. Chicago is the greate market in the United State re are more bad eggs throw y in Chicago than there al d ones used in this city. M e there is the best. I hav e double teams that collec e loads a day. Each load ba ubs of 30 dozens each. Tha es 16,200 dozens. Then th single waggons collect fou 8 of 38 tubs each or 140 tubs ing 280 tubs for both or8, dozens, in all one day's collet amounting to 24,600 dozens e in this city I have collects 200 dozens a day. I have i bout 80 men and girls em ed in breaking eggs in Chica— They have suits that wil ect them from the explosive and in a day or two are so stomed to the odorthat it is oticcd. The hot weatheris we ply our trade the hard• We make then fioin six to barrels of fluid per day, and the rush is over from six to barrels per week. keep one waggon hauling to the dump all the time. e lost quite a sum of Money g to establish a trade here. summer I dropped $400 in ui8 and gave up there. It is nor a place as Cincinnati. run me out of St Louis was Crystaline Egg Company. had the trade and I could •eak into it. This company up all the eggs as I do an:.' Teaks them into barrels and hito and all into a revoly- buckot, which is whirled and round until the eggs oroughly mixed. Then the ro is dried by steam and ^zed and packed into bar- d shipped east. It brings -five cents a pound and is by bakers and confectioners manufacture of pastry." was osed e in ition nee, d for ago hese eon - gen, tar. etly wed ear - g U ben forth 0013 ced w it as it son, Ill est 40 city iled ake au- to bar- ull- ket, Ily on- lu- ou zed for uff in id nd he ect en ar- gg ow he a8 he re- s, is nd d- n't id nd in at a e o, n to n- 3- st s. n •u y e 8 e d n b w fo b 0 C e e th fa re ed an U ti ti 80 it, th U8 m gl th US th go re to wi bo m ye ma lea th th or kn mi hat Ne doe fro th egg Chi due abs The AWA goo trad thre thre 60 t mak two load mak 400 tion whil only all a ploy go. prot ones, accu not n when est. eight when eight <1 shells I hav tr3 in Last St Lo as p What the They not hi buys then 1 puts w Ing round are th mixtu pulvot rots an n i n ety used in the ▪ 'r T! IN TUB. 0 E' VAI iii'. WW1 may we take unto the vast For- ever ? That warble door Admits no fruit of all our long endeavor No faun -wreathed crown we wore, No garw rad lore. What can we bear beyond the unknown portal? No gold, no gains Of all our toiling; in the life immortal No hoarded wealth remains. Nor guilt, nor stains. Naked from the far abyss behind us We enter here ; No word came with our coming, to re- mind ns. What wondrous world was near. No hope, no fear. Tato the silent, starless night before us, Naked we glide; No hand has mapped the constellation o'er us No chart, no guide. No comrade at our side. Yet fearless towards that midnight blank and hollow Our footsteps fare ; The beckoning of Father's hand we follow— His love alone is there ; No cure, no care. Minard's Liniment cures distemper. j WOMEN WHO MAKE ➢LONA: r (1ASTOR IA for Infants and Children. sowelladaptedtoopgdlenthat recommend has superior tom), p> onee � D"41-' use oD. known W mO • 8,. amaze, 31 D.. Ma Worms, gives al � OSP. and probates di. 111 Ba Oxford D., Brooklyn, N. Y. WI= injurious mediation. Taw Ocrrraotl OotirPANi, 77 MrrrTay Street, N. Y. COME AND TAKE This Valuable Present Away with Y ou 1. I Th.- subscriber offers one of Do'.ierty & Co's justly cele- br;:ted ORGANS free, with one Package of James Watson & Co's CHARM BAKING POWDER, pri;:o 5Ocents. This gives an opportunity of securing an Organ worth $196, for fifty cents The orga,l will be on exhibition at our Grocery Store on Saturday next. A call solicited from visitors to the Great Huron Central Exhibition In a very quiet way two Ne Yolk women have set up a pa nership in business that pronlis to grow into handsome prop tions before another'twelve mont shall elapse. They are Zhou, cleaning coutractors,and, al thou the firm has neither advertic nor been in existence quite o year, yet their orders are steadi increasing. They have engag ments ahead until the last week November. The idea was tin started through hearing the cc start complaints of household et who leave town for the summe and after the tiresome process swathing their establishment i camphor and linen are called u on to spend the pleasantest autumn days in unbandagin again and airing their belong ings. This spring and fall cleaning i as much dreaded by the lift avenue resident as by occupant of Harlem cottages. The moa' expensive and valuable their pos sessions the greater the necessit for personal supervision. So from the demand for exemption fro this duty has risen the supply o two clever, capable, and entirel reliable women, who for a consid enation offer to relieve the burden ed ehatelain. Their qualification are given in the shape of high re ferenees and enthusiastic indorse ments from those they served Tbcy prefer to have a house turn td over to them in the summel',i order to get a clear idea of th mistrees':taste before bric-a-brac draperies, and so on have been re moved. Fortified with this know- ledge, the contractors begin at the garret and guarantee to put every- thing in apple-pie order to the last load of coal in the cellar.. Under them work a corps of care- fully picked.and trained paint and window cleaners, with others whose sole business it is to wile frescoed ceilings and walls, brush and polish furniture, wax floors, turn mattings freshen of l cloths,and put pictures, mirrors, and orna— ments under cover during the hot weather. They are personally re- sponsible not only for the quality of their work, but the honesty of those they employ and breakages that may cccur. Fver•y•sbade in the house is taken down, cleaned, and rebung; draperies dusted and returned to their respective places chimneys are swept, beds under- go a thorough;inquisition, carpets aro laid, and every piece of brass in the place reflects the integrity of the workers. Those who gave the partners a trial last spring, and were satisfied of their ability, are having them put z,tfuirs in order against their return from Europe or country cottages. Indeed, do well were they liked that one of the young women has visited Newport with several of her assistants and closed two of the great houses there. They represent a luxury, fit is tragi, where ladies have high-priced and trainer! servants, but when the wear and tear on one's temper, the accidents and delays attend- ing the opening and closing of a house aro taken into consideration i the firm stands a chance of liberal partronage. w rt- es Or- e - bb ed ne l3. D- in st n- .8 1•, of n • ,f g s h H u y m f v 8 n e THE OLD RELIABLE • In these days of Humbug it is a relief to hear of something thatcan be depend ed upon. Wilson's Wild Cherry has been tested as a remedy for the cure of all diseases of the Throat Chest and Lungs for twenty years, with such suc- cess as to earn for itself the title of the Old Reliable cure for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis and other affections of the respiratory system. See that yon get the genuine, in,white wrapper. Sold by all druggists. A town in England, Skiddaw, Cumberland, stands unique as a township of one house and one solitary male adult inhabitant. This man is deprived of his vote because of the tact that there are no overseers to make out a voter's list. and no church or public bu 1 ling on which to publish one,if made. Minard's Linimentlumberman's friend It has boen computed, as an illustration of the great cheapen— ing of ocean freights which has taken platen in recent years, that half a,hoot of note paper st ill ie— velopsuflcient power, lvlenhhlIbFr,s saparl. 6ia, ed in .:onneclinn with the triple N. CHINA HALL. Bargains in Prints 15 c. PRINTS for 12.1 c. 121 c. PRINTS' t,r 10!. Some of chege are very handsome FINE PRIZE BAKING POWDER in 25 cent so.. N, bint,k. WEBSTER'S ENCYCLOP-1•:DIA given away free n„ ar.d •rr about NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL 1RLDE Coming in and opening out fine. If you want ro get the best valuef„r your money and produce, THIS IS THE PLACE *Any quantity of GOOD TUB BUTTER and FItE•ii3 EGGS w toted at highest market price. Your patronage re■pectfully solicited, at ADAMS' EMiPORIUMI. R. ADAMS. LONDESBORO FCIJ'E FI THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES CWEN AWAY YEARLY. When I say Cure I do not mean ® merely to stop them for a time, and thy: have them F.( .urn again. 1 MEAN A R A D I C A L C U R E. I have made the disease of Fite, worstEceases. Because or otthecrs have fais a led isno reason ,n for not now recarrant eivingremedy a cure to Send once for a treatise and a Free Dottie of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express and Post Office. I- 'osts you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address ;—H. O. ROOT, M.C., Bran( 0f' .-. 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. Tho CENTRAL GROCERY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. McMuriay & Wiltse Return thanks for the patronage accorded them since starting business, and an- nounce that they will ;ontinue to give satisfaction to all who may favor with their orders. They will keep a full stock of the very best R-oods i� their line. And as they buy exclusively for cash, will give as good valve as any in the trade We refuse to give one line at cost or under, and make the profits out of some other line you may want, but for general family supplies we will not be undersold Patronage respectfully solicited. Remember the place --Walker's old stand. :MeMURRAY & WILTSE - CLINTON Out of nearly 300 railroad ac - The Safest Statess recorded in the United States since January 1, the Rail - AND moat powerful alterative is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Young and of them were directly due to gross old are alike benefited by its UPC. For carelessness ori the parI of ern - road Gazette finds that four-fifths the ernptivo In over forth easels children nothing cid en ts. else is so effective as this medicine, To avoid catching cold, many plans while its acreca- have been suggested. Probably if one ble ila,vor makes never went away or did anything out It easy to admin.. of the usual routine of life, they would r. be free from tbe many ailments that Nry little boy flesh is heir to, but this is not a satis- had large scram- factory solution of the question. Peo- Ions ',leers on his ple must have recreation and enjoyment nee.< and throat and frequently catch cold in the pursuit f rom which he of them. Wilson's Wild Cherry will s"1:".(41 terriblY• cure a cough or cold in the short t eases peculiar to iquor was respensible for the IIC- hysimans es poe- sibe time, and by tonic effects, trengths and invigorate the system at he same time. Sold by all druggists n white wrappers. The laigest sailing ship in the °rid is said to be owntd by ranee, and on accoutit of this distinction in size is named the France. She is a vessel with five masts, is 344 feet• long, with a beam of 49 feet, and will carry no less than 61,000 tons of cargo. V':,.!,. '• t' (rr ,arc, :VII! everybody 8 h!,t, TIrly youngest child, plied various simple remedies xs ithout nil. 'rho sores increased in number v. as 11,1, 1)11! 11.0 sores ronrinued to 4 11212112•21y moil in a few 1,01Iths they 1 • thc 12 tter wits manifest. The ••i. • ,.• Stirttell :t ittttret healthy condition, 4' 4,44:;e disease -4 (If fiiI11(04 mi.e in an Atlantie steamer • P1(2APARLIP Int Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowell Mass a bottle. PiSO'S CURE FOR nt. BOLD BY DBOCIOIOTB EVBITWBB111. CONSUMPTION Y7 FALL GOODS Just Arrived BINDER TWINE, HARVEST TOOLS,' BARBED WIRE, BLACK FENCE WIRE, PARIS GREEN. , JUST COMING IN, 10 CARS STOVE COAL NUT COAL NO. 4 COAL 110 CARS Quality the best and prices the lowest. Order early %,f, HARLAND BRps., Iron and Hardware Merchants, Clinton • New Firm WNW GOODS, New Prices COOPER & LOGAN* 2 GROCERS, are in the lield with Bargains in new Blaci, Green and Japan Teas. Coffees. &gars. .8cg Try our TEA NECT.AR and SECRET BLEND TEAS; they cannot be excelled in price (n. quality. CROCKiERY.....We have a tine assortment in Dinner, Tea and Chamber Sets, in all the latest designs and coloringe, and at prices to suit everybody, Come and inspect them azid be convinced. We also have a fine assortment of GLASSWARE, and cheaper than the cheapest AVe have secured another Sewing Machine, which we will give away with 1 lb. Baking Powder. Conte and have a chance before it i.-; too late Special attention given to Family Trade. Goods promptly delivered. Deal with us and get the newest, cheapest and treshe,: goods. COOPER & LOGAN, — Clinton HUB GROCERY We make a specialty of gives good satisfaction, Try our Blended Black, and you'll use no other. We can give good Japan at all prices to suit, Also choiceYoungllyson that gives satisfaction. We told our customers not to be deceived with peddlers, and a number have. taken our advice and quit them. They find that they:can do as well at the Hub OUR COFFEE is the best we can buy in Canada. We guarantee satisfac- tion every time. CLINTON NEW ERA THE NEW ERA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Cohunns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an'Ad vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance. JOB DEPARTM ENT We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, dale Bills, and any isind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES. BOX 74. CLINTON. Per Ct cash Discount Having become agent for the celebrated B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES and EYE -GLASSES, and procured the Lawrence test, all those with failing eyesight, young or old, weak or strong, can be perfectly fitted here. Call and examine • Hums, Grocery, Cocky, 'Wham, Jowellory, And all other lines are complete, and as cheap as the cheapest place in the coml. ty. I have a few of those first-class PRUNES left, at 5c per lb, and a GREEN TEA you should try, at 40c. per single lb, $1.75 for 5 lb. Caddy, worth at least 50 cents per lb. 5 per cent discount for cash on all purchases of $1 and upward FARMERSAND THRESHERS WOOL OILS SEE THAT THE BARRELS ARE BRANDED — SHOULD USE McCOLL BROS. LARDINE OIL, McCOLL BROS., PURGIER