HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-10-17, Page 5OIOCK- : • : -CLOIKS Bravo jAst opeeed two cased of flue American Walnut Clocks in opo :Ind eight day time. . "' atohes I Watches stQeli of Watches is now complete and cannot be beat is prices. $UIVERWARB & Jewellery OLDITON . ms 01)1TA.09(14verYThflcdtlay afternoon. Thursday, Oct. 16, 1890. Wheat, fan Oats' Barley Peas. 'lour per hal Butter Eggs Wool Pork Say Hides Sheep Skins 0' 88 a 091 034 a 034 o 40 a 0 45 055 a 055 570a570' O 13 a 015 O 16 a 016 020 a 020 6 00 a 600 560 a603 600 a600 060 a 050 We are showing an immense stock of the latest designs in all classes of Lin,ex, . Goods. We are the largest dealers in Linen in the County, and are in a position to; give you the best value in the trade. MONTREAL LIVE MARKET P@.0utiful designs in Silverware and Jewellery. The very latest pat At the Montreal stook arde, Point Ql'ilil and hest quality made. We compete for quality, not quantity St. Charles, the reoeipts how a large X X x 1 falling off during the week. There but little was done, the bulk of the ar• rivals being through shipments. Good STOCK T r • was a little :enquiry for export cattle, ' • B. RUMBALL & •butcher's stook was in short supply, 1 and prices were stronger towards the end of the week. Receipts since Sat- urday were :-1,400 cattle, 700 sheep and lambs and 380 hogs. We quote: Export cattle, 4 to 4ic; good butcher's, 34 to 4&c; medium, 3f to 3/c; culls, 2 to 5 per c. off for cash. 3c: sheep, 3i to 4*c; hogs, 5 to 5 fc, and 1 calves 86 to 912 each. CRUICKSHA NK SOOTS and SHOES Full lines of' everything in foot wear, as cheap as the cheapest. A. few job lines at lees than half cost. Call early and secure bargains. C, CRUICKSHANK, Clinton WE ARE TIIE ONLY Agy}ts. in Clinton Non TELE OurneyFurnace AND CELEBRATED Original Cook Stove able Cloths, Plain or Colored, NAPKINS, DOYLES, SIDEBOAIIP SCARFS, TRAY CLOTHS, TOWELS, &c. See our Winnow full of them - THE Completest and Best Construction of Wood Burning FURNACES MADE BRITISH CATTLE MARKETS. Thi week we note an advance of ic per lb. in the price of Canadian cattle, best beeves now selling at 12c per lb. There is a steady demand, but the ad- vance is probably due to a shorter sup- ply of all kinds of cattle, and there were only 300 stead of Canadian cattle offered at the Stanley market. The present high values for cattle are main- tained only on a short supply, and the re -action will come with increased re• ceipts of Irish cattle. Sheep have de- clined lc per lb. this week, 14c being the top price for best. General supplies of sheep are fair, and there were 300 Canadians on sale at the Stanley mar- ket to -day. Tha following were to -day's quotation, being calculated at 34.80 to the k (sinking the offal) : Finest steers 30 12 to 30 00 Good to choice 0 Ili 0 00 Poor to medium .. 0 10.i 0 00 Inferior and bulls 0 08 0 0 09i Best sheep 0 14 00 Secondry 0 19 0 13 Merinos 0 111 0 12..i Inferior and rams 0 09 0 10i -SALE REGISTER. Our stock of HARDWARE; STOVES, TINWARE, LAMPS, 'CUTLERY, &e., is now cemplete. DAVIS & ROWLAND MAMMOTH -HARDWARE & STOVE HOUSE CLINTON l Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dak- d i ESTATE JOHN I30aCE1�T�3. County Notes Mr A.Tiffin has been engaged to teach in 6 S. No. 3, Hay, at a good salary, and Mr Alex. Denomy, who will teach in D rysdale's school, Stanley township. It is our duty to chronicle the death of a young lady of Seaforth, in the per• Asset 4. 337,730,000 son of Miss Mary Sparling, daughter Life Assurance ill force 02,030,000 of Mrs Ed. Latimer, at the early age of twenty-one years and 10 months. E. W. BURLEY, CLINTON, The young lady had been in robust health until about two weeks ago when General Agent for counties of Perth and she took typhoid fever. I Huron. Ageuts wanted. 7m.1'' Mr Robinson, teacher of S. S. No. 3, NOTIC1:. Turnberr was tried before Messrs. i E.STA'1'I: of rtie LATE JADIES 11 LOGIEN. The STANDARD Life Assurance Co. otEdinburgh ESTAIILI.HED 162.5 THE POPULAR RY O°'S HOUSE LON DESBORO Annual Income, 94,750,000. Farm stock, &c, of Mrs E. Ferguson, lot 91, con. 0, Hay, on Friday, October 31st. E. Bossenburry, .Act. Household furniture, &c., oil the Market Square, on Saturday, Oct. 18th, Jas Howson, auctioneer. Farm Stock, &c., of Mr L. Manning, (Summerhill) Base Line, Goderich Township, on Tuesday, Oct. 21st. Jas. Howson, auctioneer. Farm stock, &c., of Mr Andrew Reid, lot, 14, con., 7, Hullett, on Monday, Oct. 27. Thos. Brown, auct. Homeseeker's Excursions. Will leave Chicago and Milwaukee via f the Chic ago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, for points in Northern Iowa, Miller and Edgar, J. P's., for punishing a son of Mr Marshall of that section. The case was clearly proven that the punishment was not too severe and that it was in keeping with the offence and the case was consequently dismissed. If parents would use a little common sense and settle such petty disputes privately, it would be more satisfactory to all concerned Notwithstanding the approach of the trial Mr Robinson was engaged for another year at an increase of salary. Last Sunday morning W. II. McCut• , eta, (including the great Sioux Reser- vation) Montana, Colorado, Kansas an Nebraska, on September 9th, and 23, and October 14, 1890. Rates fdr these excursions will be about one fare for the round trip, and • tickets will be good for return within thirty days from date of sale. For further information, apply to any Coupon Ticket Agent in the United States and Canada. A. J. Taylor, Tray. Pass. Agt., Toronto. The LATEST STYLES IN English and American *Hard and Sott Hats To please everybody. Call and see all the latest shapes. We are constantly offering bargains. We are showing a stock that is wonderful in quantity, .quality and style. We also keep on hand a magnificent assortment of FINE STRAW HATS SUMMERand Rubbereen Collars and TIES, Oar stock is complete and well assorted. We invite your inspection. REMEMBEROF THE DRY GOODS PALACEOR NORTH CI -3110. G -T_., All overdue Accounts, Notes, Mortgages, &c., not paid to the uudersigued on or be- fore the 19tH day of October 1890. will after that date be left with Messrs Manning & Scutt, So{ieitors for Executors, Out. ,1. S. BIGGINS, 1 F:xecuto>s. \V. J. IIIUUINS, f Clinton, Sept. 1890. 2i Suffolk Boar for Service. Subscriber keeps for service, at his premis- es, lot 11, 203 con. of Mullett, a thoro-bred Suffolk boar of first-class pedigree. Teruo Si at time 01 service, with privilege of re. turning if necessary. II. FREEMAN. tui eheon, of Morrie, hitched up a span of x h double buggy to drive colts tot a SHORTHAND. church at Brussels and thefivepasseng- ers were soon seated in the rig. Unfor- tunately one of the bits broke an d the team was soon unmangeable. The oc• cupants were thrown out and Mrs Frank McCutcheon and Mrs W. H. McCut- cheon seriously injured, the former hav- ing her shoulder blade broken. It was a miracle some of the number was Lot killed. News Hates Around The County The Choicest Stealings from Our County Exchanges. On Thursday morning a telegram was received by Mr John Dorsey, of Seaforth, that his brother Mathew was lying at the point of death in Bouldre, Col, A Dollars worthtora Last week a peculiar runaway accident occurred near Holmesville, A. horse driven by Miss Jacques, of Goderich townehip,bolted and ran into a rig driven by Dr J. R. Shannon, of Goderich, and the front wheel of the buggy which was attached caught in the hind wheel of the vehicle driven by the doctor. After some plunging Mies Jacques horse and buggy finally got free, but the buggy was turned completely over, resting on the hood and the dash -board. In a miraculous manner Miss Jacques and a child with her were thrown out and without sustain- ing any injury. The horse freed itself fromthe buggy, which remained intact, but, the harness waabadly damaged. The animal was afterwards caught about one hundred yards from the scene of -the catastrophe. StalliO 1. Mr J. 1'. Fisher's Clyde Stallion, "Pride of the Manor," will stand for the service of mares for the fall season at Mr Otter Wil- son's, Huron Road, Goderich Township. Oct. 4 1890 FOR SALE OR TO RENT While Sam. Carter, of Westfield, was riding a fractious horse from the field last week, without a bridle, he was thrown off on a stone pile, breaking his arm. Two new teachers will be engaged for Ethel school for next year. Principal McTaggart intends pursuing his studies at the University and Miss McNeil's certificate will expire. Mr S. Y. Taylor has been re-engaged as princical of Wroxeter public school at an increased salary. Miss Elda Hazel- wood has been engaged as teacher for the junior department. The Wroxeter proprietor of the Com- mercial Hotel was fined 942 and costs Is all we have to offer; nobody gives ` for violating iol ti, of �g,� the ter, Crook,s also t, reed you more, many not so much. with a similar offence but his trial has been postponed. Examine our Goods and Prices (MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES) and decide for yourself where it is best to deal. Our last two weeks have been so good we have decided to cut our Scotch Tweed Suits down further than ever. $17 is our price for the next two weeks: We guarantee to fit you or no sale. Goods pur- chased from us out free of charge. • Walton : & : Morrison temple or the s SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON ; Boos Cooper's ✓ ci ti CD co Z O 4CD PI O (18 CU a-' O •r-ir Gil an 0 rt; .w d cji ) 4-4 W • - r"'I MRS. WHITT. M.C.S.M TEACHER OF MUSIC. Piano, Organ and Technicon, or Musci developer. for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. S. Hartt's, Rattenhury Street, Clinton Stray heifer. Came into subscriber's premises, lot 30 and con. of Stanley, about a month since, a two year old dark colored Heifer. Tho own- er ls hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and take her away. M. McF,WAN, Clinton P.O. '4i 11 Mr. John Sweet, of Stephen, has rent- ed his farni to his son Robert, and has purchased the residence of Mr. W. J. Clarke, in Exeter, for $700, and in- tends going there to li-.e. Mr. Clarke removes to London. x Tho uudersigued is prepared to give les- sons in the above art. Evening classes will open at au early date. Those who are desir- ous of taking up this most interesting and useful study, which will be thoroughly taught. please communicate with MRS, EDITH E. COLEMAN, Clinton, To Rent. Good brick store, with splendid cellar, suitable for any business. Situate opposite the market, Clinton. Rent moderate. W C SEARLE McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company FARM &and tLY ake N TOWN PROPERTY RED 0I•E [CRIts. Thos. E, Hays, President, Seaforth P.O.: W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. O.; Jno. Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P, 0. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Donald Ross, Clinton: Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; Geo, Watt, Matlock; Joseph Evans, Beechwood: J. Shan- non, Walton; Thos. Gerhart, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Neilans, Harlock: Robt. McMillan, Seaforth; S. Sullivan and Geo.n Murtha,auditorrforth; Jollu O'- Parties desirous to effect Insurances or transact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any oflthe above officers, addressed to their respective post offices. WANT E®MEN, localet tra- velling, to selllmy guaranteed Nunsxav STOCK. Salary and commission, paid weekly, Outfit free. Spe cial attention given to beginners. Workers never fail to make good weekly wages. Write me at once for particulars. 1;. 0. GRAHAM Nurseryman, Toronto. (This house is reli- able.) Spt:12.10 _ -IN OUR -- Ready - Made CLOTHING BEPARTM'T We note a steady increase of sales, a marked, 'growth in this pal i,icuiar line of business. The quantliye?. of goods we buy and sell in this department every season, is im- me-Ise. How have we secured such a lead in this branch? There must be a reason why people pass other stores and other towns to buy these goods from us. We th;Ilk our marked success in this line is due to the fol- lowing facts:- The acts:-The goods are from the hands of first-class cutters, and we have no trouble in giving a customer proper fit. The linings are A 1, and the workmanship will stand the closest inspection. The style of garment and the pat- tern of material are kept doge up to the demands of fashion. The stock is always kept fully assorted in sizes and styles, so that a customer will always find what he wants. Our prices are always low, and we offer special inducements to those who pay cash.- We can fit a child of five years old as well as a full grown man. ' We in- tend to keep up the reputation of being the best house in the county for Ready Made Clothing, and our stock for this season- is complete. Mod States Consular Mug 1 (LIN TON, ONT Th enc has been This agency established at Clin- ton for the convenience of shippers and oth- ers having business transactions with 80 r leg s oin g i United States, or for pat there information will be cheerfully given and every facility furnished by A O. PATTISON In good location, plenty of room, g,od 0.e 1 ncy ., whose has charge of the Clinton water, stable and woodshed. Rent low. Ap- 1 „ __ ply at NEW ERA Office. _ 1 - jN ANTLE DIAICiNU HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT -ON l MISS S. MOORE, Albert Street, (Miss Trewarttla's) suit- i wlin has boon doing Mantle Making over the d repair; Pluutsteei & House to Rent. It is our painful duty to announce tlic death of one of Morris' well-known and highly respected pioneers, in the person of Alexander Machan Smith, who departed this life on Sunday, 'at his residence on the 8th con. Mr Fred Wright, of Victoria, formerly of Wingham, had the misfortune to get his face and arm severely burned by a lamp exploding which he was holding in his hand. His house was also slightly damaged by fire from the same cause. Tax Collector's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Tax Col- lector starts on his rounds on Monday, Oct., 13th, and all parties are notified that prompt payymentof Taxes is especially desir- able. W. COATS, Town Clerk, Ins Teacher Wanted. wan Amp Male, holding second or third class certifi- cate, Salary not to exceed three hundred v Ditties te 0011)- aud seventy flue rlo}lar ilii mence firet.lanuary, 1891. Applications re- ceived until 1st November, JOHN ROBF,R TON, Sec.-Treas., 5. S., No. 8, Wawanosh- lielgravc. P. 0. School Teacher Wanted. Mal.Second Teacher boldin a Wanted, Mal Class Certificate, for 8. S. No. 9, Mullett. 9 - .i January, 18.1. - o commence 1st Of a 1 r Duties t Y, Applicants to nate salary. Applications re- ceived up to the evening of Oct. 25, and to ho forwarded to the Secretary of the Board, W. \VA1TE . Londeshoro James Armstrong') W. J. McBrion Trustees W. Waite 1•p able for small family and ordinary conveniences. Also good second hand Cook Stove for sale cheap. For parti- culars apply to JOHN BEAN. FOR SALI: OR TO RENT -HOUSE AND Lot for sale or to rent, on Townsend St., The house, which is new, contains fourteen rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is also a good stone cellar, good lawn, hard and soft water in abundance. The lot contains } of an acre. Terms reasonable. Apply on the promisee or to MRS C. CARTER, Clinton. tf Farms for Sale A splendid farm of 50 acres, being the east half of Lot 28, Con. 5, Mullett, about three miles from Clinton. On the premises is a frame od stables, &c. Orchard ng of one acre,onearn p two never failing springs, well fenced, good soil, and in good state of cultivation. Reasonable terms Apply on the premises to W.T. FARQUHAR Cliuton post office. premises lately occupied by Gibbings, for a year past, desires to return thanks for the patronage accorded her, and at the saute time itltimatO that she will con- tinue to execute, in the most satisfactor manner, all orders entrusted to her, at her rooms saute place as before. Orders respect- fully solicited. A vote was taken Sunday in the Belgrave Presbyterian church to decide whether the organ that has been on trial for the past three months should be used hereafter in the church or not. The result was over 5 to I in favor of the organ, and it is to stay. Mrs. Richard McKee has rented one of her farms, being lot 9 on the 10th concession of Mokillop, to Mr. Wm. Hackwell for five years at an annual rental of 3250. Mrs McKee retains the privilege of selling the farm at any time if an opportunity offers. It contains 100 acres. Farm for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 100 acres, being lot 21, 5th con. of Mullett.. 90 acres cleared, well fenced with cedar, and in good state of cultivation. Frame. house, with stone cellar, fraine barn ; cattle shed to accommodate 35 head, and horse stable for 10 head. Good flowing well, bearing orch- ard. A capital farm Wtll be sold on reason- able terms, MAIClinton IApply ion the l'ospremises t Office. or to GILBEIR Nouse to Rent The frame cottage on Huron Street lately occupied by Mr H. LeB. Hartt, is offered to rent. It contains every accommodation for an ordinary fampiily, and will be lot on rea- sonable INSON,GOderlCh Road, or he New Era office 11011140 to Rent or for Salo Subscriber offers either for sale or to rant, that very comfortable Brick Hcuae at pre - Rent occupied by himself, on the corner of and Orange Sts. Splendid cella One evening recently Alex. Robert- son, who resides near Molesworth, turned his team into the orchard, and in the morning he went ont and one was missing. Going over to the well near the house he saw the mare stand• in in the bottom of it, and, with the help of some neighbors, they got her out none the worse. One day last week an unmarried wo- man, from Seaforth, made an nttempt to drown herself in the lake at Goderich, ns Rhe was fortunately noticed but was wading into the water by50)11e 1persons who frustrated her attept, It is Raid been nub nlanct d that her mind had bo by the loss of some money out of which she had been swindled by a young lawyer of the section fr mwhich she came, which loss was aggravatedby physical troubles Tj111; WILFORD IIAL1. CHILDS SUITS in several patterns. CHILDS OVERCOATS with or without capes YOUTHS SUITS and OVERCOATS. MENS SUITS in Tweed or Worsted MENS OVERCOATS, Tweed or Worsted If you have not yet bought any clothing from us, give us a trial order ; we can please you. ^- W L. OUIMETTE, LON DESBORO R EVOL UTIO N "MARC, i F _;s-: MARK. P a staL ARE /MORA Important Testimony. Tho REV. CO\ ERDALE WATSON, for the Inst three years the popular pastor of the Central Methodist Church, Moor St.,Toron• to, but now of Victoria, B.C., writes under date of Aug. 511), 1890, ns follows: -"Dear Mr. Simpson: Yours of tbo 20th July was duly received. 1 can only say with respect to Dr A. Wilford Mali's Hygienic treatment, that I regard it MS a wonderful discovery, and if perseveringly used it cannot fail to be of groat service I would advise any ono to get the pamphlet, begin the Ilse of the treat- ment 0113 throw medicimto the dogs. A very clever t.hysiciau said to 111e the other day, 'let medicine alone and got rid of the waste materials, and the organs will perform their functions." THIS IS PRECISELY WHAT THIS TREATMENT DORS. Sincerely yours, C WATSON. REV. W. P. HALL, of Point Peninsula, N.Y., wiltes: "Dl . Hall, Dear Sir, -1 hove just an - savored a letter from Ptah 'Territory. A friend wished to know ll my testimonial was given cor- rectly in the MICRocoSti 1 I answered yes; that it was true to the letter, and that my indorse- ment was nowhere near as strong as I could now truthfully make it. I told him that your treat- ment had cured me of rheumatism, kidney dis- ease, catarrh mei other complications of disease, so that from crotches and helplessness, f am now 05 well and free from disease as fifty years ago. Seine haveaccused me of being reyative oftryours rid of trying to favor you. This cept (0 malty generations hack that It can not bo traced. And further, 1 have no financial Inter- est in the business, and only desire to make the treatment known to' benefit suffering humanity. f rinfurnaces 1 have already receive.( ant .•----- reasone, hard and soft water, &c. Torras sixty letters from all parts of the country, re af- easonable. E. E. HAY\VARD• firming the truth of my testimonial, and I will gladly answer a hundred times sixty 11 0,oreby Farrel for Sale. i can induce sufferers to try yolr treatment, as before Ood my unfaltering conviction, Sabacriber offers for sato his farm of 125 acres, being lot 14, con., 14, Mullett. bAb et, 95 cleared and under cultivation; goodce hardwood. Veneer brick house story 11(1a half, frame barn and stable; plenty of water, bearing orchard. Forty rods frons School, 5 chureheR inside 1h miles, gravel e sold on reas- onableterms. ADAM LA TEads in all directions. • Will INSCHIA(iElt, Auburn, 1m Flour Feed and Seed Business for Sale. Subscriber offer9 for sale 1119 well est n 1,1 fish- ed Flour, Feel and Sed 1,115111ee9, oil reason- able Fl trade has been terms- A pro(1 to 1 ab 1Fl t increased, and done, that can be materially it has brei eat.ab{iahod on a cash basis. Sat- isfactory reasons given for selling out. a{- Sell his present subscriber will a P Also, which real - donee, which is a comfortable brick (wenn 13 rooms, two stories, in splendid repair, with orchard, hard and Soft water, &o. if sold soon will sell at a bargain. in one of the best localities of the town. ROBT. FITZ- SIMONS. I declare both from my own experience and observation in ro- perly use used and in, will M re anfany of curable Illness flesh is heir to- 1 am ready now to proclaim to all men unreservedly the your treatment es set forth In your Health Pamphlet and without drugs of any kind is the healing 1001111 for the afflicted that is e 9lnable f oof supplying health to every suffering daughter of Adam. Let me know clow l can servo you, and command Inc freely, Your friend gratefully, "W. P. Hall." \Ve can f111 every page of the NEw Ens with just such testimonials as the nbove,and we defy any one 10 show that any of then( are ce end genuine. y'y o TTHE MICROC ISMr address t, , 10 iT paten tes t imon ials , &ct return mail, -free. EVFlI yone in tho Whole OlVn country should know what this wonderfni Rt Ea ETd P R1:Rr+. and LI RESTORER F.R n ItI:nLTu RF.9 really 15. Address, 7 SHANNONNrnDT, Toronto. Or Or J. J. WRSLRV S1MP5ON, 110 ADELAIDE. ST FART, TORONTO, �y ASSOWTQYPURE (SMA NSfACf1 DOIMiE CARDERS IS 111014' We are Solo Agents for Ram Lal's Pure Indian TeaE. Wo,bog to ask you to give them a trial, because they aro absolutely pure; aro grown and prepared on the estate by the most skilled labor•and improved' machinery that money can buy, whereas China Teas aro picked and carried by datives long distances before being made n ready a d pf or the market. Ram Lal's is a blend of Three leas b' ed especially for this brand. Will always bo the same flavor, to -day to ton years hence. 'Tis cheap ; only Fifty Cents for a pound package which will go as far as two pounds of China or Japan Teas. J. W. IRWIN, The Times Tea Warehousee Cooper's Old Stand, Cor. Searle's B o , FALL & WINTER orie Eggs Taken in Exchange Our stock was never so large or complete as for the present season, and as in the past so in the future, we shall do our hest to meet the wants of our customers s M SOOl 1041 AMIN W. Taylor & Sons CLINTON AND BLYTH