HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-10-03, Page 5- TELEPHONIC. . PUJ3LIO—hello, Central. TL—Yey what do you want? PUBLIC—Give us J. B. Rumball & Co., Jewellers. ii1JMBALL & CO—Hello, who is is that wants to speak to us? PUBLIC -The people of Huron. RUMBALL & CO—That's all right, but just tell us what you want. PUBLIC—We want one of those cheap watches of yours. RUMBALL & CO—All right, just come to my store. PUBLIC—Certainly we will, on the let, 2nd and 3r41 of Oct., Clinton's Fair days RUMBALL & CO—Thank you, public, for your favor. Good bye- J. B. RUMBALL & CO. MRS. WHITT. M.C.S.M ,.p' TEACHER OF MUSIC. Plano, Organ and Technicon, or Musci developer. for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. S. Hartt's, Rattenbury Street, Clinton, s HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT—ON Albert Street, (Miss Trewartha's) suit - .able tor small family and is in good repair; ordinary conveniences. Also good second hand Cook Stove for sale cheap. For parti- culars apply to JOHN BEAN. To lteut. Good brick store, with splendid cellar, suitable for any business. Situate opposite the market. Clinton. Rent moderate W C. SEARLE. House to Rent. In good location, plenty of room. good water, stable and woodshed. Rent low. Ap- ply at NEW ERA Ot ee. Waggon for Sale A good strong Democrat, been in use four years. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to JOSHUA PEAREN, Clinton P2 House to Rent The frame cottage on Huron Street lately ocoupled by Mr H. LeB. Hartt, is offered to rent. It contains every accommodation for an ordinary family, and will be,let on rea- sonable terms. Apply to JENh.E E. 110B• INSON, Goderich Road, or the New Era office House to Rent or for Sale Subscriber offers either for sale or to rout, that very comfortable Brick House at pre- rsent occupied by himself, on the corner of Princess and Orange Sts. Splendid cellar, furnace, hard and soft water, &c. Terms 'reasonable. E. E. HAYWARD. -- Farm for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 100 acres, being lot 23, 5th con. of Hullett. 90 acres cleared. well fenced with cedar, and in good state of cultivation. Frame house, with stone cellar, frame barn ; cattle shed to accommodate 35 head, and horse stable for 10 head. Good flowing well, bearing orch- ard. A capital farm Will be soldon reason- able terms. Apply on the premises or to GILBERT MAIR, Clinton Poet Office, FOR SALE OR TO RENT—HOUSE AND Lot for sale or to rent, on Townseud St., The house, which is new, contains fourteen rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is also a good stone cellar, good lawn, bard and soft water in abundance. The lot contains } of an acre. Terms reasonable. Apply on the premises or to MRS C. CARTER, Clinton. tf Farm. for Sale A spleudid farm of 50 acres, being the east half of Lot 28, Con. 5, Hullett, about three miles from Clinton. On the premises is a frame dwelling house, good barn 36 x 60, stables, &c. Orchard of one acre, two never failing springs, well fenced, good soil, and in AReasonable terms pply on the prem seood ette of cucs to W. T. FARQUHAR Clinton post office. WANTED MveEllinN, g, localtosell or tra- my ruaranteed NURSERY STock. Salary and oommisalon, paid weekly, putftt tree. Spe Dial attention given to beginners. Workers never fail to make good weekly wages. Write me at once for particulars. E. 0. GRAHAM Nurseryman, Toronto. (This house is reli- able.) - Spt. 12-10 - - `'The STAN1>A.RD Life Assurance Co. otEdinbuigb ESTAIbLISHED Annual Income, $4,750,000. Assets, 537,730,000 Life Assurance in force $102,1130,000 E. W. BURLEY, CLINTON, General Agent for counties of Perth and • Huron. Agents wanted. 141.1," NEWS NOTES. UIlited States CoDsular fancy CLINTON, ()NT This a Bucy has been established at Clin- ton for the couveuience of shippers and oth- ers having business transactions with the United States, or for parties goiug there. All information will be cheerfully given and every facility furnished by A 0. PATT[SON G. T. R., whose has charge of the Clinton Agency. MANTLE MAKIN(: M1SS S. MOORE, who has been doing Mantle Making over the premises lately occupied by Plumsteel & Oibbings, for a year past, desires to return thanks for the patronage accorded her, and at the same time intimate that she will con- tinue to execute, in the most satisfactor manner, all orders entrusted to her, at her rooms saute place as before. Orders respect- fully solicited. lu' School Teacher Wanted. Wanted, Male Teacher holding a Second Class Certificate, for S. S. No. 9, Hullett.-- Duties to commence let of January, 1891.— Applicants to state salary. Applications re- ceived up to the evening of Oct. 25, and to be forwarded to the Secretary of the Board, W. \\AITE, Londosboro James Armstrong) W. J. Meltrieu Trusters W. Waite ) 4.p Mekillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFTCRRS. Thos. E. Hays, President, Seaforth P 0.; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seatorth 1'. O.; J no. Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Donald Ross, Clinton: Gabriel Elliott, Cliuton; Geo. Watt, Harlock; Joseph Evans, Beechwood; J. Shan- non, Walton; Thos. Oarbert, Cliuton. AGENTS. Thos. N@@clans, Harlock; Robt. 11IcMillan, Seaforth; S'. Carnochan, Seaforth: John O'- Sullivan and Geo. Murdie, auditorr. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or transact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any oflthe above officers, addressed to their respeotive post offices. Mr J. R. Adams, of Egmondville, who for the past sixteen years has been in the employ of the Messrs Jackson, of Egmondville, as traveller, has secured a similar situation with Mr John Helin, of Toronto, and will tra- vel through Western Ontario. It will be remembered that some few months ago Robert Rumfoid and -1,k George Houghton were clearing upsome land in Logan, when an altercation arose between them, and Runford struck Houghton over the head with a handspike, killing him almost instant- ly. The coroner's jury returned a ver- dict of •'wilful murder," and the pris- onerwas committed to Stratford jail to await his trial at the fall assizes. The court was in session last week, Judge Ross presiding. The case went to the grand jury on Tuesday, when a bill for manslaughter was returned. Prisoner was sentenced to 5 years in penitentiary. Friday evening the limited train left Mansfield, northbound, 27 minutes late, five minutes this side of that station While running nearly 60 miles an hour an immense herd of deer dashed across the track at the entrance to a cut. it was too late to stop and the train struok the herd, killing a great number. The train passed through the herd, throwing them right and left, but did not stop. When the train arrived at Duluth a magnificent specimen of a buck deer was found dead on the en- gine's pilot. The engineer estimates the herd at over 100. When Hiram M. Miltenberger led hie blushing fiance, Miss Nora M. Coulter, out on the race track of the Elkhart oounty Agricultural Society on Satur- day, and was married to her in the presence of I4,000 people, he was the hero of the biggest wedding, so far as attendance is concerned, that ever oc• curred in Northern Indiana. The happy couple were the recipients of presents valued at $400, donated by the merchants of Goshen, Ind., city. The Solicitor of the Eastern Dairy. men's Association of Ontario is prose- cuting some 40 patrons of cheese fac- tories for Belling watered or skimmed milk. Some of the excuses given by the defendants, and published in The Peter- boro Examiner, are amusing:— One man avows his sincere honesty, and! ac- counts for the deterioration of his milk by suggesting that perhaps he forgot to empty out the can after he was washing it and the milk was put in on top of the water. Another thinks it likely that *hen the pails were being rinsed nut .viith water they may have accidentally been emptied into the milk can. Still another whispers in confidence that he took 'just a little bit' of cream off the milk for his tea at breakfast.' REDUCE (Oxl'e.NTON 11,I+cE S rr Oorrogtedpvery Thursday afternoon. Tltttreday, Oot. 2, 1890. Wheat, fall 0 90 a 0 95 Oats old 0 88 a 0 40 Oats new 0 84 a 0 85 Barley 0 40 a 0 50 Peas 0 58 a 0 58 Flour per bal 5 70 a 5 70 Butter 0 12 a 0 14 Eggs 0 16 a 0 16 Wool 0 20 a 0 20 Pork 6 00 a 6 OU Hay 5 50 a 6 00 Hides 6 00 a 6 00 Sheep Skins 0 60 a 0 50 Homeseeker's Excursions. Will leave Chicago and Milwaukee via the Chic ago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, for points in Northern Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dak- ota, (including the great Sioux Reser- vation) Montana, Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska, on September 9th, and 23, and October 14, 1890. Rates for these excursions will be BONS!: IB 1 We have just opened out a large purchase of Ribbons comprising over One Hundred and Twenty -Five Piece Or about %4 300 yards, which we are selling at 5c., 7c„ 10c., 12c., and 15c. a yard, according to width. These are without doubt the greatest BARGAINS - IN - RIBBONS about one fare for the roundtrip, and Ever offered in Clinton, Come and see them. Prices 50 -per c, less than elsewhere. °�� ' tickets will be good for return within thirty days from date of sale,Our Fall Stock is complete in every department with new and desirable goods. 1'or further information, apply to any Coupon Ticket Agent in the United Values right. States and Canada. A. J. Taylor, Tray. Pass. Agt., Toronto. • BRITISH CATTLE MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 29.—Last week's decline is held to, and best beeves do not bring more than 114 to 12o. The quality of the cattle landed is not first class, and this has a great effect in de- pressing prices. At the Stanley mar- ket to -day 800 cattle were offered and 550 sheep, the latter selling at previous figures. The following were to -day's quotations, being calculated at $4.80 to the £ (sinking the offal): Finest steers $0 111 to $0 12 Good to choice 0 11 0 114 Poor to medium 0 10 0 104 Inferior and bulls 0 071 0 094 Best sheep 0 00 0 15 Secondary 013 014 Merinos 0 1.14 0 13.4 Inferior andrams 0 10 0 111 TORONTO LIVE STOCK MAlt• KETS. Last week's receipts at the western stock yards were 3,424 cattle, 1,018 sheep and lambs, and 1,933 hogs. About 511 loads came in including about 400 sheep and lambs, 500 'hogs and 50 calves. The feeling was, if anything, slightly' better for fine than on Friday Last, but prices show little or no altera- tion. The demand, however, was suffi- ciently active to absorb all that came in and at the close of the market every- thing was picked up. The export de- mand was rather quiet, and prices wore weak at last week's decline. Choice export stock went as high as 44c per ib., but the range of values was from 4c to 4.Ic. Stockers sold at around previous figures, or from 3c to 3i1c per lb for medium stock, really good bringing 310 per Ib. Stock bulls are quoted at 24c to :5c per lb. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET Mo--rREAL.—There has been no im- portant change in the cattle trade since our last review. There is no improve- ment noticeable in the British markets, and while rumors ,,were heard about the exchange that attle were unsale- able in Liverpool, they could not be traced to any reliable source. Any cable shown us quoted 6d as the top price, which is interpreted to mean D that the market is in about the same position as a week ago. The northern markets continue very bad, a private cable from Edinburgh saying that at the first special sale of home store cattle held to -day trade was very bad and prices £5 lower than at the first sale held last season. At the East End abattoir there were about 500 head of butcher's cattle, 550 sheep and lambs and 25 calves. There was an improv• ed feeling all round in the cattle trade, and the best animals were bought up speedily at from a quarter to one half cent per pound over last week's prices. The highest price paid was about 4.4c per lb,lbut some of the butchers would only give 41c per lb for really good animals. The leanish stock and slab -sided bulls were not quite so saleable as the bet- ter stock and the prices of these kinds were from 2c to 24c per Ib. One lot of 29 head weighing 23,920 Ibs, sold for 3c less $I0, and another lot of 24 head, weighing 19,165 lbs, brought 3c straight. There was an insufficient supply of sheep and lambs. Butchers' sheep sold from $4 to115. 50 each and about 40 suitable for shipping at 4c on the scale. Lambs sold freely at $2.50 to $3.75 and there was an active demand for calves, good veal bringing fancy prices, $3 to $5 being the range. We offer our entire stock of Waggons, Carts & Express waggons, at very low prices to clear. COOPER & co. THE %VILFOR D HALL R. EVOL UTIO N important Testimony. The REV. COVERDALE WATSON. for the last three years the popular pastor of the Central Methodist Church, Bloor St.,Toron • to, but now .of Victoria, B.C., writes under date of Aug. 5th, 1890, as follows:—"Dear Mr. Simpson: Yours of the 20th July was duly received. 1 can only say with respect to Dr A. Wilford Hall's Hygienic treatment, that I regard it as a wonderful discovery, and if perseveringly used it cannot tail to be of great service [ would advise any one to get the pamphlet, begin the use of the treat- ment and throw medicine to the dogs. A very clever yhysician said to me the other day, "let medicine alone and get rid of the waste materials, and the organs will perform their functione." THrs IS PRECISST.V WHAT THIS TREATMENT DOES. Sincerely yours, C WATSON. REV. W. P. HALL, of Point Peninsula, Writes: "Di . Hall, Dear Sir, -1 have just an- swered a letter from Utah Territory. A friend wished to know if my testimonial was given cor- rectly in the Mrcreocose 1 i answered yee; that it was true to the letter, and that my indorse- ment was nowhere near as strong as I could now truthfully make it. I told him that your treat- ment had cured me of rheumatism, kidney dis- ease, catarrh and other complications of disease, so that from crutches and helplessness, I am now as well and free from disease as fifty years ago. Some have accused me of being a relative of yours and of trying to favor you. This is not true,ex• rept so many7ggeneratlons hack that it can not be traced. And further, have no financial inter- est in the business, and only desire to make the treatment known to benefit suffering humanity. 1 have already received and answered more than slaty letters from all parts of the country, re af- firming the truth of my testimonial, and 1 will gladly answer a hundred times sixty If t:,erehy I can induce sufferers to try your treatment, as 1 declare before God my unfaltering conviction, ( both from my own experience and observation { in nutnerous eases, that your discovery, if pro- perly used and persevered in, will cure any form of curable illness flesh is heir 1n,- I am ready now to proclaim to all men unreservedly that your treatment as set forth in your Health Pamphlet and without drugs of an} kind iv the healing balm for the afflicted that is capable of .applying health to every sniTer no 9011 ni d daughter of Adatn. Let me know how 1 can terve you, sad command me frecl} . Vour friend gratefully, "W. P. flail." We ran fill every page of the Ni w ERA With jest much testimonials as the ahove,and we defy any one to show that any of them are not genuine. Send yoQur addreae at once and we will send von THE MICROCOSM, 1R pages of particulars, testimonials, Nie., by return mail, free. Everyone in the whole country should know what t,hls wonderful HEALTH RysrnnTcn and Lrva PneRFRt'Fa really 5. Address, DR. HALL'S DOMINION Aneyev 7 SHANNON STRRR-T', Toronto. Or .i..1. WReT.Ev SIMPRON, 00 Anar.Alnn fT FAST, TOR0Nl0. 5 per c. off for cash. ESTATE JOHN I3013CENS. BORN. GtNN.—In Clinton, on the 251h Sept. the wife of Dr. Gunn, of a daughter. STIVEN,--At the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Goderich, on Sept. 25th,the wife of George Stiven, of a daughter. Senoar.—In Tuckeramith,on the 19th Sept. the wife of Councillor Jas. Sproat, of a eon. Sa1ALE.—In Egmondville, on the 23rd Sept. the wife of Mr Wm. Smale, of a son. ALr.EN,—In Tuckersmith, on the 5th of Sept„ the wife of Mr John Allen, of a daughter. COME AND TAKE This Valuable Present Away with You The subscriber offers one of Doherty & Co's justly cele- brated ORGANS free, with one Package of James Watson & Co's CHARM BAKING POWDER, price 5Ocents. This gives an opportunity of securing an Organ worth $196, for fifty cents The organ will be on exhibition at our Grocery Store on Saturday next. A call solicited from visitors to the Great Huron Central Exhibition MARRIED `ALTERS--STEWART .—By Rev. Ias. Harris, Benmiller, at the house of the bride's parents near Nile, on the 24 ult., Mr Charles Walters, son of the late Wm. Walters,and Miss Maggie Stewart, daughter of Mr Wm. Stewart, all of Colborne. MARSHALL—TEwsLEI—On Sept. 24th, at the house of Mr Joseph Tewseley, Colborne, by the Rev Alex MacMillan, of Auburn, assisted by the Rev Norman Fraser, B.D., Geo Marahall, of Auburn to Maggie, eldest daughter of Mr Joseph Tewsley. CORCORAN—KriLORAN,—At Seaforth, on the 24th Sept. by Rev Father Cook, Mr L. H. Corcoran, barrister, of Cairo, Michigan, to Miss Mollie !Killoran, daughter of John Killoran, Esq., of Seaforth. N. ROBSON, CHINA HALL. Bargains in Prints DIED MILLER.- in Clinton, on the 2ndOct. , John Miller, aged 32 years. MtLFAN.—In Goderich, on Sept. 2:3, Roy Chamberlain, youngest son of Capt. Wm. McLean, aged 11 months, 3 days. KAY.—In Goderich, on Sept. 25th, Euphemia C. Kay, daughter of Wm. Kay, aged 35 years. VANATTER—in Goderich, on the 21st Sept. Ethel Gertrude Vanatter, aged 7 months and 18 days. FOSTER- In Toronto, on Sunday, 28th Sept., Marie Zerelda, daughter of Mr W. Foster, formerly of Clinton, aged 7 years and 7 months. OARFR. -In Goderich township, on the let inst., George Oakes, aged 79 years. f Funeral from the residence, Maitland concession, G oderich township, on Fri day, October 3, at 1 p.m•, to Goderich cemetery.1 15 c. -PRINTS for 121 c. 121i c. PRINTS for 10c. Some of these are very handsome. FINE PRIZE BAKING POWDER in 25 cent ans. No blanks. WEBSTER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA given away free. Come and see about NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADI; Coming in and opening out fine. If you want to get the best val'iefor your money and produce, THIS IS THE PLACE WIT -Any quantity of GOOD TUB BUTTER and FRESH EGG;~ wanted at highest market price. Your patronage respectfully solicited, at ADAMS' EMPORIUM. R. A DA M S. LONDESBORO ADITARo`s ROAD CARTS OUR ROAD CARTS aro admitted to be the very best that are manufactured. They are built on scientific principles, the springs being so adjusted as to lessen to the greatest possible extent any vibration or jar. We guarantee them to be satisfactory in all re- spects. Prices are as low as they can bo placed. Persons wishing to try them aro at liberty to hitch on and see how easy they ride.— Carry either one or two persons. They will be on exhibition at the Iluron Central Fair. In the meantime if you want one call at Factory Other vehicles such as Buggies, Wagons, Cutters, &c. built to order and kept in stock REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. HAYWARD'S CARRIAGE FACTORY, CLI( F€ N WE — QUCHT To Come Together YOU WANT 4f7 4 RTJICKSIIA NJ. GOTS and SHOES Full lines of everything in foot wear, as cheap as the cheapest. A few job lines at less than half cost. Call early and secure bargains. C, CRUICKSHANK, Clin THIS SPACE IS FOR DAVIS & RO\&TLAa DS, HARDWARE MERCHANTS, Who will have something of special interest to say next week. WE WANT A. grat g1 do //yyamy) Mtee LOW PRICES. Here we are Together at the POPULAR DY 60005 EA L:r1 We now make a spe cialty of handling all that is newest and best in Readymade Suits and Overcoats. Come in and examine the stock. W L. OUIMETTE, LON DEsBORO - NOW OR N'ZYft IS T1: WOO ! Do you appreciate good work, good fitting Suits, good fitting Over— coats vercoats at the Right Prices? We will sell for the next two weeks, Scotch Tweed Suits from $18 to 522. Don't let the opportunity slip. Don't be stuffed that ready made clothing is economical, because the reverse is the case. We use nothing but the best of D. Silk to sew our goods with, and none but the best of skilled hands to make them up. We have everything that will be found in New Fall Patterns. Note we guarantee to fit everybody that gives us a trial. Anyone wishing to make their own will have the privilege of having their goods cut free of charge by buying the same from us. Don't forget to give us a trial. Walton : c : Morrison, Remember the place # SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON 1°p Bok stop SPEUIAL DISCOUNT SALE FOR NEXT 30 DAYS we will, give special dis- counts off for the balance of our Summer Stock of Boots and Shoes Eggs Taken in Exchange W. Saylor & Sons Aug CLINTON AND BLYTH 0