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The Clinton New Era, 1890-09-26, Page 4
• ,eMwtrnh'"`t"`. .rte W*$ Qu IQr Elle. -J. 1Pearer. iltpoa'-1,'ettoher \Vented. -W. Waite. Wanted. -airs J W Irwiu. Wane room opening --J Itoberteon. a b0W room oposing- W Beesley de Co. Show room opening -Estate J Hodgins Clothing --W L Oulinette. --Clothing-.Jackson Bros. They 1 ave Come -=-W Cooper & Co. Ruron Central --W Jackson. Exhibition Jubilee -prof. Trever. Insurance -C. W. Burley Announc est-Plumsteel dr Gibbings tzantivtxa FRIDAY, SEPT. 26, 1890. The editor of the Hamilton Timed Was no doubt speaking from experience when he referred to the increased price on liquors as "e tax on one of the uec. eesaries of life-" A significant admis- sion, especially for a Methodist. The Quebec Telegraph, au influential Conservative journal, has come out bluntly in favor of annexation. The Empire and other papers will now have an opportunity of showing that it is "a vile traitor and rebel," and that no language is too strong to denounce villainy. But they won't do it all same. The lilifeieilton Utica proapouude lit lath tax on /and value,thtt;t is wanted query to those papers that ere urging tact a tax, on laaut1. If the laud wer Canadians to dispose of their produotu J ip,ula, d fall in the old country, that has not 1 it would fall uulustly on the farmer, Bann yet ' but when we outsider that sometime answered- It is Chia•:- ,.How a foot of landin a city equals in value the beat hundred scree of agriculture, land, the relation of the city landowue to the country landowner, ander the single tax, will be evident. The Panne would be required to pay taxes on th rental value of his bare land, exclusive of improvements- That value would General Conference Notes. vary with quantity of soil and accessi- bility to market, The farms adjacent The salary of the to Clinton, other things being equal, Pertandem will be 52,500.general superin- would of course pay a greater las than same The General Conference has decided lamthat rmakes ther ta buom siness lown. tinhe not to increase the length of a pastorate, centre of Clinton more valuable then a and three years will still be the limit- lot on the outskirts oP the oommanit v It is understood that the Committee prevails in the case of farming land. It is a value entirely due to population, in the last analysis, and quite diatia- guiahable from value added by buildings and other improvements. There ie such a thing as land in un- settled countries that has no rental value. Its quality for stook or grain raisinRev J. J. Rice presented the report pause of imatsbd e stancethe s bestand civilized d of the committee on the suatentation society and lack of transportation ad - fund, which contained aome sad foots, vantages could not be made to yield a viz,, that there was a de&cit of 8110,717 living. On the other hand there is in ministers' salaries, the great bulk of swamp land which in its natural state which is endured by brethern who re- 1 is absolutely unfit for farming pur- ceive less than $700 per year. One , poses but on areola of its nearness to a hundred and sixty six ordained minis. ! town or centre of population has a fere received less than $500 per year and i certain value. Swamps in and about 80 received leas than $600 per year. ! Chicago are made a subject of specula - he committee recommend that each ' ration although wholly unimproved. nnual conference shall estatlieh a sus- farming land therefore would be enation fund, and that the effort shall required to pay precisely as it took on h0 put forth to brine up married min- this este value. The holder of a farm sters' salaries to 8750; Single ordained one utile from market would be willing en to $-100, and probationers 5300- - -. I to pay more to the community than on OUR LETTER - one of equal fertility two alike distant, i Wewieh it distinctly understoodthatI othertee he words: No faford to do it. Iti rrmer would have to a are not, directly or indirectly, re- pay a cent more than the use of he ponsible, for any opinions expressed bare land would be worth to him, and tut this head.] this would be as oast' ascertained as to- -- Exception Deer 'out, -I notice to only would Itis direct taxes togovern- 12th. Not 0 inst., an item your reof meat be less and relatively mre just, mets smarter than matt?' from the bat all other taxes direct and indirect ()ago Tribune, in which the writer would be banished. The great farmer tes, that women give more aawrite- tutpoverislter all over the world to -day as type -writers than men. In or. is the indirect tax. The amount that that the true status of the case may he pays to his township or county ofli- ally set before your readers, I shall cera is the veriest fraction of the bilged if you will kindly insert the amount that is extorted from him in wing in your valuable paper. everything he consumes and uses, for have ha' river which h c. five years experience eh he exchanges his produce. The type•writit., and its inseparable effect of the single tax should be con - ['anion shorthand and know where- sidered not only with respect to my speak, town, my county,or my farm but, prin- oth in Canada and the united cipally as to how it shall affect my Stat in this branch, teen are iuvari- facilities for exchange and the prices of superior to women,, Men receive commodities that I buy. The single ries canaille from $:,0, to $1:),5, per tax in operation iu Toronto or Mon- th, while women receive from $40, treat will affect the fanners of Huron ;0; an 1 there are four times as manycounty as surely as if in force nearer e operators as female; in fact, home. Unjust taxation in these ale labor, in this branch, is on the cities must diffuse its effects led decline. throughout the country with which here merely routine work is con- they conte into elite ren al con- ed, such as copying, etc. our sisters tact' To estimate the result 'of a 0, and, in some cases, excel, but general application of such a reform is e originality and business tactics the only true method of endeavoring squired men,and exceptionable ones to arrive at a ) conclusion in the at,are required to havenot merely a matter. When we trade with a ledge of type -writing and short- country or a city where monopoly ln'e- , but a thorough knowledge of the veils, the goods received by me inevi- isli language (to say nothing of tably include in their • price, monopoly gn; accompanied by business value, and to drat extent t ant rubbed iples. • of a part of sty- produce, 01011, in their Divinely appointed It is calculated that the value of e, arc among God's choicest gifts bare land in agricultural rl' • nkind, but %viten they endeavor trp the place of man, ;then, only incompetency to do so is maul- . Very respectfully, L. HARTT. 1 ?llauager's ()dice Wabash hail• St. Louis, Sept. 18th 1890, A ME1)DLl?l , Patten: of the C";,,tuu Si t- , ---t a© ThA BiTC 1alj g to Be area then vlettrty eau we espeeot to sell produce to tee old estuary. when we will -not in return buy their goods, except under high cus- tom restrictions " s Tnis tr.,t( commenced Trial, at tock, o:, 'lunday, and is still in pro- s vest*. Mr 0.1er opened the case for r i the ._4.ruw:,,rrgiewing all.thaL`lliefcft t:umatut(ees that are so far kuown. r I R. I) Yelly, gave hie evidence in a e clear, thoughtful rnuuuer, and seemed to have a vivid recollection of the ,estate which occurred before and atter leavingEitgland, while iu com- pany with Birchall and the deceased. Be was listened to with attentive eageraeee, and when the counsel for the Crown drew from uuder a table the large bundle Supposed to contain the clothes that had been worn by Benwell when he was so horribly as- aaesinated in the swamp, every person in the large hall bent for cranned necks to catch a on Annual Conferences will report in favor of a consolidation of the three western conferences, Guleph, Niagara and London, into two, and also of the divieiou of the Bay of Quints Confer• ewoe between the Toronto and Montreal Conferences. T a its t t the E •i m w s To th wo Chi eta tion der be f be o folk 1 in coin of I ably sale Ilton to Its loaf fent decit cern suftic wher are r at th know hand Engl forei prior Wo splrer to ma 00 est their fasted Caen way, To tl, The Empire was indiscreet when it sneeringly alluded to the fact that the Ontario Government had only one farmer in its Ministry, for it gave the Globe an opportui.ity to retaliate that out of fifteen ministers in the Donau - ion Cabinet, not 01,6 of them was a farmer. Sir John and hie organs are not play- ing in tune just now, The latter have been asserting all along that the passage of the McKinley bill would not make an atom of difference to Canada, and it was not worth worrying about. Sir John, on the other hand, speaking at Morrisburg, was frank enough to ad- mit that the bill would affect our inter-' eats, and it was no use shutting our eyes to the fact, and he then went on to urge nn extention of our trade with England. Both Premier au.I Lis organs cannot be right. New • York State has passed a law making it illegal to sell tobacco in any shape to persons under a certain age. If the arguments of some people are sound, this is a monstrous injustice, an interference with personal liberty, an infringement of individual rights. The law looks reasonable and just, but as some people who claim that they only are right, assert that the individual is jus- tified in eating, drinking, and doing whatever he pleases so far as his own pleasure is concerned, why the law must be an unjust one. The Waeltington cortespuudet:tof the Boston Journal (Republican) says that the proposal to adtnit Caaadlatt pro- s ducts free into the United States cit condition that Canada abolishes all duties upon American products, iJ so strongly supported in the Tariff Con, ference committee that it remains for chairman McKinley alone to determine whether it shall be incorporated in his bill or not. And yet the organs of the s_ •Canadian combines try to -delude their it readers with the idea that the Ameri• ".".span legislators and people are solidly „ against reciprocity. In' any case the ki'4..mericans have as touch right to ask ee 'Cour parliament to propose a definite `soheme of reciprocity- as our ntinieters i have to wait until congrtss has stated ..bow far it is willing to Persons c lel cttd to questionable practises, excuse themselves, w'ten re- monstrated with los saying, "It cannot be wrong, as the Scr;ptnres don't con- demn it." Reduce this to practice and see how it works. The Scriptures do Act specifically c)ndemn wife beating, therefore wife -beating must be permis- fible. The Scriptures do not specifically condemn prize-liglitittg, consequently Inch an affair is quite harmless. The ideriptures do not specifically condemn Corse -races, and horse -races are accord- .gly proper. The Scriptures do not peoffically condemn betting, and so \letting is morally right, and the list of uestionable practices not specifically Borated and denounced in the 'oible, might be extended art ;,see etc„, het, some one will say, it is absurd to ippose that these things are right aim- ly because the Bible does not say they " e; wrong. Quite true, but no more tsitrd than the illogical and unsound found taken by those who offer like celtaaa, li the speeches of some elf the Do- tinion Cabinet Ministers, and the edi- , Oriels of most of the Conservative papers are correct, the produce dealers this country have been a lot of sap- eads and simpletons, without brains rlfiough to carry on their business pro- perly. Here they have been for years ending produce to the Staten, at good prices, when, according to the authori- aid'a quoted, they uliould have been flooding them to (Jrcat llritain. It allattets not that experience line proven .;the United States to have been the best `3ifiarket for certain of tier produce. It t attere not that kee i,w ale -awake hn.-i- :ness ,mien Lave ninth more menet/ Iw l staling .with cttt; tt ners in the Stati's 1 hen with Britain, ('rtservativc lieek- aetti and writer; av(r•t1 that t.ln•v have b'eerf daiug bitslne,, wrong. in prac •tile the nosiness ire !nay know a good ?x%otfl mare bora It th:trt his n,lvisere, hitt in theory t!,' 1,t ter keels, ea help the y selling price of the bare land is But stark the great gain to eke Editor of the Clinton New Era. farmer in another direction : S10, -Alt article appeared in the News -Record, a few weeks ago, said to be by the editor, on a paraeraph given by a gentleman, cut from your paper. The paragraph is said to be an order by General Booth of the, Sal- vation Army, to his officers, against ! the ode of tobacco, it being a rule of the Army. The writer undertook to lecture the General on his unscriptu- ral views against tobacco, setting up his theology as a standard, that Christiane may use tobacco to the honor and glory of God. What righ� had the writer and gentleman to in- terfere with General Booth's order to his otlicert and soldiers, they volun • tarily entered his orgauizatior, and could have left it at any time; it ef- fected no one else. Had a master of any lodge told its members they must obey its rules, or leave, nothing would have been said about it, but any dirt that is likely to soil the 1�putation of General R 1Car#tadii u justice (Nee not riKbten bite its the teeet. However black the facts given out by Police deseotivea for their own vaieginry, they are not a feather's weight. He can prove an alibi, he altye, which will confound the press and minioue of the law. He winds up with this. 'You may look for me to arrive iu England within two weeks carter the trial. I shall certainly pr,,ve my innocence and be acquitted A great deal or curio-ity is evinced as to what the Hoe of defense will be. We hear that there will be surprises on both sided, but the biggest aur. _ prise of all will be when the evi- dence of some of the witaesees for the defense are produced. It need not surprise anyone if the counsel far Birchall attempts to prove that the ward with accused had a double -that a man gimp+e of resemblin him was ' ..if ■ _. ney . ave . . Corne. the memorable garments. Pelly seemed to twitch almost imperceptib- near him said they caw a tear, and some of the atr seryto his eye as he told the court, that at the last time he caw the deceased alive be wee dressed in the clothing" that was now shown him. There was not much in his evidence further than what appeared at toe time of the first investigation. Air Blackstock,c)unsel for defecee, treated the young man with evident regard lur hey evident desire to tell what be knew le the case. Mr Black- stock did not browoeat the witness or cast doubt on any of his statetneu!e, but accepted all that he had to say and made him say as many possible in favor of the pies CIieneas BENWELL Or: TH Charles Benwell, brother ed, detailed the personal character- istics and history of his brother and identified the clothes that were found upon him. \Vitnesa identified lully the outfit found 00 deceased even the dental plate iu the mouth, the only exception being the cuff studs and shirt nuttons, which he had never seen before. He identified ala the pen and pencil case found chall when arrested, and "conney," being shore for Cor a pet and family name of de As the witneaa handled the he was much affected by mem his brother which it called u could with difficulty control h so as to proceed intelligibly. A SIGNIFICANT LETTER. Woodstock at a time wh known to be elsewhere on witnesses will be produced swear tbat they saw B Woodstock at a tlx whs. under the eurveilance of after the discovery of th If this evidence is tenders given by usually reliable me ory sought to be established that there was about the rim der was commftted,some per neighborhood who at least ly resembled the prisoner t those who had previously kn The inference would. of cou necessarily that the "double deed b eo around en he was e or more who will enwell iu n he wan Which we spoke of last week. the police I e murder. d. and is u,tbe the. would be e the mur- eon inthe i sufcient- o mislead own him. I rse, be not did the 1 been�mistakentinstheone identity of the bad i things as j over, accused, so others mig•,t have been, : THE sraNn, a d th were rnietakea when I ofdeceas• they believed b r.he perm n accom- 1 ng well on the fatal forenoon ,1 ber than , ought to, ngeuicusi We and Young Tite marked ahead, lives eavtngly, and lays by nwallie, money for future industrial or cont- 1 ceased, mercial use, is not 80 coalition as the 1 pencil one who searches out how to get the 1 most le as ur or' pleasure out is e of of ' rte 1 on the aeain d expenditurer' p, and P g ay. Still there are I is voice not a few who stave conscientious I views of what should be done with their savings. We know of one young man who, while will under age and in the getting eight dollars a week, devoted r from twenty odd sulfas a year to paying of the premium on an insurance on his own Exeel)tfutt Taken. n at they t a r panvi Ben of Februa�e, 17th was no nt Birchall. :Phe theory thus e be established is at least as i one. - Life Assurance for Men. an Bir- hThe type of young men who look ! One of the most telling points address of Mr Oster was a Tette Birchall to Col. Benwell,father murdered man, which was held the jury as showing Birchall's city and his scheme to get m making it appear that the y lienwell and he were partnere. letter did not have any date b maiied two days after Benwe tuurdered, and was as follows: Please address Messrs. Birchall and Benwell, I'. O. box 313, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, up to dupli- I friA-1 .,.. v;And ` ' had be- I we have heard , / 1 ■ ones by ounger The ut was 11 was +cr orae . . And make I • your select- ' ht . . ion whsle - --; the stock is Way complete. . have most of the different kinds in two lengths -6 7 feet, which are uitable for upper and lower roorns. widest we keep in' tock is 37 inches, but an width, up to 108 inches, can be procured. Y dth' orFall DI here Sea wise amounts to less than a third of the ( from value of the remaining portion of sot farming property. The single tax, arra more than two j arra thirds of his goods and levying on less therefore, in untaxing (to pe than a third, cannot possibly' be more 1 sugg burdensome to the fa:'nr-, • unless the r cours tax be increased on the one third of i Conan lane{ to more than offset the exception tario, of the two thirds. But there is every. sal isf w'her'e more or less laud held out of ! rides use for speculation and a great deal of 1 that 1 naturally saleable soil not put t; Its think full use, un wltich•t.axes would be ht- ' bumf',creased• under the proposed change. I it is plain that the exception of all a very farm implements, stock, building.; etc., think even to ditches, would not correspond- money ingly increase the tax on the bare land. to the This, however, is a narrow and unfair way of viewing the subject. The farmer under such a change in taxation must look fo'•lthe greatest results in the freedom of exchange and production the world over. and his exception from indirect taxes, all of which the single tax necessarily involves and will posi- tively secure to him. 'When he and others perceive the far-reaching; effect of this simple change in taxation, the one ground rent will not be regarded as more sacred than the ten dollars note taken front industry by monopoly for private enrichment. Those who are trying to make the single tax appear a bugbear to the farmer are simply telling him that it will pay Trim better y Dear Sir, -We arrived safely after a very pleasant journey,the being rather rough than other- . We came up by sleeping car New York and had a very pleas - trip indeed. Your son has In - ted all my books and my business ngements, and 1 introduced him ople who know me well. He ested taking other advice, ao I,of e, was perfectly willing, and he Iced a teamater in London, On - concerning tate business, with actory results, and he has de - to juju me, as he has found all le wished to be satisfactory. I we shall stake a very good ese together. The books show good profit for last year. 1 the beat way is to place the in our joint names in the bank credit ot ourr eserve fund. We shall take the additional piece of land I mentioned to you, as we *hall now -require it for produce. The best way to send money out is by banker's darft, and drafts for us should be drawn on the f3ank of Montreal, New York. They have a branch in Lon- don, and I think the London -West- minster also do business for them. Letters r t this kind should be insur- ed and large salearly registered. areWe \ in b arch and your son was somewhat anxious to share in the proceeds of the sale, which I am quite willing that be should do, and so we have signed our deed of partnership, and shall, I am sure, never regret doing so. Your son is, I writing you by this poet. excuie bads writing on my ut I am rather in a burry to e mail, My lettere are gen- ritten by typewriter, as they uch more legible and clear of bt as to words. We are bav- r printed properly, and this ready in a few days. I think be pleased that your son has ings satisfactory, and I ee that he did much the best coming out to see the busi- - 1 shall send you weekly es of all business done, eo can see for yourself how on. This will be satisfac- you. I think. O- course regard to the money any bank in ' k would do for a draft. We ned a business account in names at the American bank to be taxed ten ly and ooth le thrown at him I not know where to goes to, llars thantto pay by a certain class of newspapers, to one dollar directly and see where it is binder his work of doing good to his applied. Money that is thus extorted fell Tl otaman, ley say that the use of tobacco is not spoken against in the Scriptures. True, for it was not in use in olden times, but the Bible principles are against all wrong do- ing. There is nothing said in words in the Bible against a man thrashing his wife, or his staying out in the, smoking rooms of the drinking places j till after his wife and children are gone to bed, but the Bible does say 'Husband loye your wives,' and that is a great way of showing it. In an article that appeared in this week's Record, on the vote in the Methodist Conference, at Montreal, ou the use of tobacco by the Methodists, his account of the speeches, and bis re- marks thereon remind me of the Dutchman's sign, 'All manner o turning and twisting done here.' EI states that half of the Methodists are users of tobacco. Will he please tel where he got his information from It ii a base slander on the mother and daughters and non-users of to- bacco in the Methodist church, Such writers remind me of the words use by 6t. Paul in the 13th chapter o Acts, and the 9th and 10th verses. 1 never came across a Methodist who would recommend any one to use tobacco. Yours, A McTnan1er. f He e 1 e d f "aritiees and the etingrle 'l';ua Ir, lxl\til, t; 11:1,4 Of the Hoary objections that have been urged against the- single tax, the one that it would ruin the farmer is perhaps tit. most common. Since this objection ie not peculiar to any one locality but loss arisen whereon the change in taxation has been agitated it is evident that the fear of working injuvtieeitn flu• fanner i- an hem:stow. It is not n (slit het! er in flit ordinary emee. '!'here i' nn ;getting mono front the feet that n vert lar,,r• number of candid people really lad ir•yt that if all other taxes wore nbnl1,hi- 1 sa%t '0e , n ground rent the ft amine c:;tntnuity wonlri bear the hnr,lett and the urban enmmneitiet wnn1,1 e rrretp,n ieei%• es(np,�. Ale! vet the+ widespread ecru; is entirely ,hoe t' 5 mi.i onc•eplint n terms. Ti e 5,15-- (It eq of II hr, t•1r 81'' :11 l i% : i,lr'tL• •lar t .1• (i:,i "' I!•ay. i aiming hi: irwili -n% I(t;iuht ha- tht•r•atcur',l him long letter I peadlt i• I I,.- ,,,ia iee'1 11''.,t.:, '1 r• ant note roundabout way mostly goes to the coffers of the privileged, while the money taken openly and above board is used for common purposes. In one case the people are digging a ditch for their own destruction ; h1 the other they are contributing to the legitimate expense of government. Such is but a part of the advantage that must accrue from honest taxation. The single tax is just ane because it is just it is the most practicable. The exis- ting system is flagrantly unjust -is legal robbery -and is continually proven impracticable, farmers are its greatest and most patient victims. Should they not be willing to consider intelli- gently any proposed change? JAHE9 I!f .4r.4.01.1i New Yor think, Kingly part -b catch th erally w are so m any dou ing pape will be you will found th quite agr thing in nese first particula that you things go tory to tursday. November 1;, hart been decided ttpotl as Canada's Thanksgiving day. James Matthew, aged 111. died Fri- day at Hoboken, from the effects of cigarette smohinrt. ihave tape our,joint here. Y our son will doubtless ex- plain his views in his letter. With regards, believe ate, dear sir, sincere- ly yours, J. R. BIM:HALL. Ii . cut.•( J. G. Kolfage, ex•Mavor of Amherst- 1 (7heltet burg, died suddenly in that town on • N Saturday. William Cousins, treasurer of the tows.. died the same day. Detecti Joseph Stewart, of Westbrook. is the witneaa, owner of a remarkable cow. She is !) were all years old and has given birth to 17 'Murray d calves in the following rotation. When ; Et ery o 2 years old she had one calf, ata twins, • one, is a f at 1 triblets, at :, twins, at 1; triblets. a g' ntlern at 7, A and 9 twins each time. David Lucas, of l'ttlermn, Oen, was While driving a teats of spirited ltnrees in : hundreds that village on iint.ttrday awning;. where ' of the hou the animals ran away. lir Lucile sv, ' down COM r thrown from th • rig anti inst5ntly 1 windows o killed. 11eceased was •, hoot her of Its : or era files Ito, 1)• V. Luras, of Termite. 511(1 Wtl much rests -geed by ell wee' icnc•w- 1140. The pri Joseph Irwin, nt Leamington. On Inns fellow ol• Banwell, Iseu!Idene, ihalri, England. . OTns OF THE TRIAL. ve Murray is' not to be a When the crown witnesses ordered out of court Mr id not go. ne of the jurymen, except armer. Ile is described as an, -and lives in Ingersoll. the trial has been going on of people covered the roofs ses and filled all the win- lthe Town Hall and used goner Birchen is a marvel - to Ray the least. He sat k all (lay in the most stolid cerned faehion. After the ent several of his old Wood- laintancee greeted him with linke of the hand, while the the awful charge hanging end met them with e. hroad 1114. hart., hein ci Ow Birdsall pri•kon }inure by writing We a assort- - ouse. . , ment of Wall Papers ,, nothing �. vav111u•and gave him more eatisfac;ion -than to a Decorations feel that by denying himself some-, - v ations thing he'was makingproviaion for this -- _ female relative. In another case to -- - which we have knowledge, a young man of 22, who insured his life in ' favor of his sister while on a salary of $360 a year, and who died early, levy- ing a sum of $1,200, the proceeds of - - that policy, enabled his then widowed sister to begin a business which sup• re of hem• ported her family until they we an age to become wage-earners t selves. We find in the in.urance It some remark] by an English cl man on life assurance in the cou a sermon to young men ; "If som you will act upon the advice gning to give yon, you will than for it some day. ' Whilst you ar hope and prepare for a long life, are to contemplate the possibilit being suddenly callyd away, and are to make provision, even in world, against such a continge It is meanly selfish for a man, d in the prime of lite, and professin Christian hope, to be perfectly ha whilst be knows that as be steps heaven his wife and children will into the workhouse. I say i abominable! If you have the fain prospect of having any dependent on you, you have no business to ep, on gratification all your wee wages or your yearly salary. I not yours to spend. The first shillings, or the first few pounds, be- long to them, and should go to p the premium on a policy that at le will keep them from beggary. Exc me for mentioning this, but I really provoked to nee men, throuytt sheer thoughtlessness, laying up for their families trouble that might easi- only assured thehave eir lives n rin sd o a souad nd and respectable office. Now, next year is not the time to do it, it you can do it to -morrow, for you don't 'need me to tell you that the sooner you take the step the lighter the burden will be.' Monetary Times. ecord errse of o of ,. I am k nee e tr, you y o t' yeti this n cy. ying g a; PPP into AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN AT PAR. In. Cooper & Co HOOKS, STATTO.NERY and FANCY GOODS, COME AND TAKE This Valuable Present Away wrth You • Watson & Co's CHARM BAKING POWDER, !mated ORGANS free, with one Package of James o is kly price 50cents. This gives an opportunity of securing an. few Organ -worth $196, for fifty cents ay use .f Saturday next. A call solicited from visitors to the AfIl (heat Huron Central Mr J. L. Pickard, teacher of School Section No. I, Grey, has received the offer of a achool in Peel County for 1891. which he has accepted. Geo Dixo , a painter, of Winnipeg, was killed at, Manitou Saturday. He was driven home with a party of hunters, whe the back seat of the democrrt fell out, throwing Dixan to the ground. and lie sustained fatal in• An ingenious Yankee was at Wood• stock on Saturday, peddling through the streets svalking sticks said to be manufactured out of wood front the dismal swamp where Benweil was found murdered. It is said that hun- dreds have been sold. '1130 nominations for Monck and South Ontario, eoneequent on the en- trance of Hon Richard Harcourt and Hon John Dryden into the Ontario Cabinet, will take place on Tuesday, Sept.:30, and polling on Tuesday, Oct. 7, should the new Ministers be opposed. On '1 uesday last a negro, his wife, n pair of twins:1 months old, and a boy from Hamitton to Owen Sound, draw- ing their family and household effects on cart made out of the hind wheels of a wagon. The negro took the place of the horse while his wife pushed behind. It WW1 rather a hard sight to witness in a land of religioin education and plenty.- .11arriston Tribune. An unusual incident happened at the Poetize Court in Woodstoek. When the grand jnry were railed the whole 24 eitniprising file panel answereil to their 111111'1es as being in attendance. Didy person called Wil.4 0X(.11F10(1. Mr Osier Afi,ftl he oily remembered 0110 other assi 411.ring the whole of his ()ramjet, when fin whol• reeei was reads for I Hamlet. sae left Toronto in Fchrunry, 1410 freittol Exhibition N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL. M- r Peter Mcqueen, when driving anong the Eramosa road, a few miles out of Guelph, on a load of wood fell to the ground upon his head, dislocating his neck and causing almost instant death. The unfortunate man was in the act of leaning 1over the side 'of the /tied to ascertain if anything was wrong with the shaft of his one horse vehicle when the seat gave way and he wastrecipitated headlong on the hard road. He was 80 years of age and leaves a widow, but no children. He iwoearsguas. brother of the postmaster at Rent Ntrertiogniento. WANTED --EENERAL SERVANT. n DICKINSON, Till,: 00,1) ,t RELIABLE Auctioneer still ill the hal, aud willing to coaduct any sali•s entrusted to hini. and takes this opportunity of thanking his patrons for past favors. Also Chattel Mortgages closed and rents collected. Char- ges moderate. D. DirsiNSON, Licensed Atte- tioneer for the Colinty of 'Laren. Residence Albert Street, Clinton. 31.A NTL.E MISS S. MOORE, who lots been doing Mantle Making over the premises lately occupied by Plutnsteet Oilibings for thanks for the patronage accorded her, and rooms same place as before. Orders respect• manner, all orders entimsted to her, at her fully solicited. - i TEACHER OF MUSIC. Piano, Organ and Technicon, or &fusel developer. for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr, S. Harttk, Rattenbury Street, Clinton , T_TOUSE l'Olt SALM OR TO RENT -ON -1 L Albert Street, (Miss Trevvartha's) suit- ( able for small fainily and is in good repatr: ' ordinary conveniences. Also good mecond hand Conk Stove for sale cheap. For parti- culars apply to JOHN DEAN. CIIRL WANTED. FOR GENERAL HOUSE X..4 work. Apply to MRS McitEE, liatten• Miry Street. general servant wanted in once.- AVaggon for Sale A good strong Democrat, been it) usii tour years. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to JOSHUA PEAHEN, Clinton School Teacher *Wants.ml- Wanted, Male Teacher holding a Second CUSS Certificate. for S. No. 9, Hullett. ntnetto• 1st of January, NW. - Allot teams te state satars. ape/teeth-ma re- ceived up to the evening of Oct. 2(1, and to he forwarded to the secretary of the Ream, James Armstront W..1. Meltriei• Trustee, MeKillop Fire 1 Hsu ranee coutpatly Poe Sale or to Lot. Emile house. recently occupied:by Dr. situated on corner of Albert and Mill Streets. ft has a geed eettar, hard and soft WatP1'. large lawn, aml good barn. I (ot. enntains ., of an aere. Terms reationalde. To !tent snits ble for any IntAine,m Situate the n.arket Clinton Rent mrplorn.te 11011tiP to Item. .1 Sunfortl 1%11 • 'ke:11`" 41*