HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-09-26, Page 3Won
p'RI »AY, SE PT. 2% 1S90.
'Vise Ea r Market.
Vle;,tso t.afue a me through
Oar coluil. ori if a market can be w e1l-to-do old farmer.
'Is that written down, master?'
'Yes,' replied the lawyer; 'but
she is not so old—she may marry
again. Won't you maka any
change in that ease? Moet people
'Ay, do they,' said the farmer.
'Well, write again, and say ii my
wife marries again 1 will give and
what form l' would theylimed) have
or fresh? hu m d ed' pounds a year.That'll
ueath to her the sum of two
sent, pickled,, (limed)
5. In- what part is the demand do, won't it, matter ?'
tbe beet? BETHEBDA. Why, it's just doubling the sum
This question was submitted to sae wonld'have if she remained
unmarried,' said the.lawyer. 'It
is generally the other way—the
legacy is lessened if the widow
marries again.'
'Ay,' said the farmer, 'but him
as gets her'll deserve it.'
Time aro not .chat they used to
be—then, one ,bud a heart to feel
for another.
'I give and bequeath to
Lucy, my wile, t:., sum u' one
hundred pounds a year,' said a
ad in England for Canadian eggs
tj#' shut. salt of the Unitea States
by the fivo.cent duty they pro-
pPee 1t vying on foreign eggs?
2., About how much per dozen
would it est to ship to England,
Including freights, insurance and
Commissions? 8. What is the
• present price in London? 4. In
Mr D D. Wilson, Seaforth, whole-
sale dealer in eggs and an author
ity on the subject, to whom we
fro indebted for the following
answer:—"Eggs can be sold in
England but at much lower prices
than in the United States, and as
the distance is much greater and
they are a considerable time on
the ocean, the depreciation in
quality is very much greater, and
the risk materially increased.
The present selling price in Lon-
don is about sixteen cents per
dozen for fresh eggs, and it is
doubtful if ordinary Canadian
fresh eggs would at present bring
tilt price on that market. The
cost of transportation is more
than double the freight to New
York or Boston. Either limed or
fresh may be sent. I cannot say
in what part the demand is the
best. I notice newspaper para-
graphs stating that a trial ship-
ment has been made to England
which resulted profitably to the
shipper, but from my knowledge
of the business I will not accept
any such general statement as of
any valve, as I tried a shipment
there and it did not result profit-
bly. So I must have the ship-
per's name, quantity shipped,
and price realized before I can ac-
cept it as genuine."
This should be sufficient to
show that we cannot find a pro-
fitable market for eggs in the old
country, statements by those op-
posed to Commerical Union to
the contrary notwithstanding.
Experience is always the best
teacher, and Mr Wilson has found
out by experience that our eggs
cannot be sent to the old country,
�i►and sold at a profit. When the
� new American tariff gets to
work, Canadian farmers will find
out that what the Liberal Press
has said about it, :t very near
tbe truth.
the a partieuiarki the rofiult . aro
eaid'to b erose sheat fi. Bays ere
declared to be about an avenge as
to longevity and (fin':ui viae, whip
crcumcolored horses at .1 discount-
ed as lacking staying ability e,)ee-
ially in the hut weather, litack
hoofed bores ule pt:mastitis-ti
tougher and stronger thee thurt'
with lighter euluted teat. Ac-
cording to this showing a good
horse can be a bad color despite
the common saying to the con-
trary. We are not just prepared
to believe that there is any great
difference in the wearing
qualities of horses of different
colors in this climate, although
this is not the first time these
points have been brought for-
One summer evening an old
farmer sat on his door step smok-
ing a pipe before going to bed.
Presently u tramp approached
and said :
'Good evening sir.'
'Good evening,' answered the
'I have been walking a long
distance.' said the tramp, 'and if
you will permit me, I'll sit a few
minutes on yo.:r doorstep.'
'All right,' was the answer.
The two men fell into conver-
sation, and as the farmer discover-
ed his guest to be an intelligent
man their talk was continued un-
til a late hour.
'Would you mind giving me a
mug of cider?' asked the tramp
at length.
'Not at all,' said the farmer, 'I
will do it with pleasure.'
The cider was produced and
disposed of in a summary fashion,
and then came the next -request :
'I've traveled a good distance
today, and I should like very
much to lodge with you, if you
have no objection.
'All right,' answered the farmer,
'I can accommodate you.
Meanwhile the wife, who had
long before retired, and was lis-
tening to the conversation from
her bedroom, called out:
'No you won't; I won't have
him here. Come, husband. it's
time for you to come in and lock
np'Madam,' said the tramp, ser-
iously, turning in the direction of
the voice, 'you should not speak
so abruptly to a stranger. You
might be entertaining an angel
ain't a mite afraid,' returned
the old lady calmly, 'angels don't
come around begging cider after
dark.'—Mifflinburgh Times.
The last issue of postal cards
are not as stiff as the former ones,
•,,*and are objected to by some on
the ground of being so easily
creased in the mails. The govern-
ment should make the contractor
supply a firmer quantity of card-
A traveller in France writes :
One is especially struck with the
fine roads of France of which the
people are justly proud. The
Government keeps up a perfect
system of care and inspection,and
wherever one goes be may be sure
of finding the routes in excellent
order. They are often bordered
with trees for miles. Another
thing that one notices is that all
the underbrush, small twigs and
even the lower branches of the
trees have been cut for firewood.
I do not believe' a twig of wood is
wasted. All are gathered and
tied up in bundles, ready for use.
Every foot of ground;is cultivated,
or so it seems to strangers. There
are mountains and barren places
where nothing will grow, but
every bit of ground that ca pro-
duce anything is made to III so.
The winter is so mild south of the
Loire that vegetables are growing
in the gardens all the time.
There are of course certain sea-
sons for the different ones, except
the string beans and the radishes.
These are always in season, and
the quantities eaten in France
must be enormous. The fields
are not generally separated by
fences or hedges. The di'riding
line is, however,clearly shown by
the sort of grain growing in
them. As most of the farmers
keep sheep, the absence of fences
necessitates the shepherd or
shepherdess. Wherever one sees
a small number of sheep, there is
also to be seen a guardian with
them. Alas ! it is not the beauti-
ful shepherdess of the poets and
painters. I suspect she never
existed except in the fertile brain
of these artists. In reality, the
shepherdess is an old woman
who leads her flock from one spot
to another, tranquilly knitting a
stocking while her sheep nibble
the grass. Often a girl or a boy
about twelve years of age per-
forms this duty, but if the flock is
large a man is.the shepherd, as he
only is considered capable of car-
ing fora large number.
A good deal has been said about
the C. P. R. being a purely Cana-
dian line, and the "patriotic"
spirit is worked in politics for all
it is worth. We have nothing to
say against the C. P. R., for it is
certainly managed with ability
and push; but Canadians will
doubtless be surprised to know
that every executive office in the
company. from that of President
down,!is filled by an American,
and that a majority of the Board
ti of Directors are also citizens of
the United States. It is, there-
fore, American citizens, American
capitalists, American lawmakers
who control this road, who con-
trol its steamships both upon the
Atlantic and Pacific, who control
its telegraph and cable lines.
A shocking case of inhuman
treatment of the insane has been
unearthed in Richland township,
Pennsylvania. The victim is
Margaret Orr, and she has been
kept by her brother on a farm
near Ellenton station, on the Al-
legheny Valley Railroad. She is
about 40 years of age and has been
confined in chains in a smoke
house for over fifteen Fears. It
was with difficulty that the bro-
ther was induced to allow her re-
moval to the Warren Asylum for
the Insane, where she now is.
An old physican, retired from prac-
1:ce, having had placed in his hands by
an East India .miseionar.y the forumla
of a simple vegetable remedy for t e
speedy and permanentcure of coneu
tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma
all throat and Lung Affections, al
positive and radical cure for Ne
Debility and Nervoua Complaints,
having tested its wonderful cur
powers in thousands of eases, has
it hie duty to make it known to his
fering fellows. Actuated by this 7mot-
ive and a desire to relieve human suf-
fering, I will send free of charge, to all
who desire it, this receipt, in German,
French or English, with full directions
for preparing and using. S^nt by mail
by addressing with stamp, naming this
paper, W. A. Novrs, 1420 Power's Block,
Rochester, N. Y. 13012-y.e.o.w.
o a
Good horses still bring good
Draught horses clo not go down
in value, and are not likely to.
If a horse is running down try
the effect of better food, grooming
and general care.
Sometimes a horse's mouth be-
comes sore. A rubber inclosed
bit is the proper thing, but lack-
ing that, wrap cloths around the
ordinary bit, securing them with
strings wound around the bit
and passing through the rings
Forty-four mares were bred to
Axtell this season, among them
being full sisters t:) Maud S. and
Mambrino King. Four of the lot
had records of '2:30 or better,three
others were sisters to fast perfor-
mers and seven more were out of
producing dans, making fourteen
thus bred. Five others were
mares whose second:dams were
Every person in Russia who
has a horse is obliged to have a
certificate of ownership. If a
horse is sold this certificate must
bo pro;tuced and transferred to the
name of the purchaser. The one
who sells a horse is to be held
responsible for its good condition
and lie must return the purchase
money and pay a fine if be de-
ceives the buyer in his represen•
tations of its age or health. If a
diseased animal is sold and it in-
fects the purchaser's cattle the
seller must pay all damages
and be tl ied before a criminal
Plso's Remedy for Catarrh Is tho
Best, Easiest to tree and Cheapest.
Bold by druggists or sent by mnl1, tee.
E. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa., I. B, A.
'Will absolutely and per-
manently cure the moat
aggravated ease of
Hay Fever or Catarrhal Deafness.
This is not a anus or ointment, both of
which are discarded by reputable physi-
cians as wholly worthless andenerally
injuriona. Ask for Hospital Remedy
for Catarrh.
N.B.—This b the nly Catarrh Inum
Remedy an the market which
emanates fromadenti5o sources. . oO.
N9 *
Tl]!s le an !Momper-
able remedy for
eraaittte 1WI
troubles of the
Mid permanently cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, tion•
atipation, Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, Catarrh
of the Stomach and Bladder. This is a marvellous
medicine. It rapidly makes
AND THEREIN lel LIFE. Therm is not a blood Medi.
cine in the market as good as this. pia Peerle$M
It 'Bused in the Hospitals o! Europa, and Pre,
scribed by the most eminent Physicians in
the world. Suitable for old or young.
VIII General & Nervous Debility
It is truly ate itself. Daa it ant ave again. Auk fur
PRICE $1.00.
this extract from the scientific papers of Great Britain and mope
The four greatest medical centres of the world are London, Paris. Berlin and Vienna. These sties hada 11311Aef»e
hospitals teeming with suffering humanity. , Crowds of students throng the wards studying finder the Professors in
charye. The most renowned ph sioian8 of the world teach and practice here, and the institutions are storehouses of
medical knowledge and experience. With a view of making this experience available
to hepublic thed Hospital
p tal
Remedy Co. at great expense secured the prescriptions of these hospitals, prepared thespecifics, lio
would cost from $26 to $100 to secure the attention of their distinguished originators, yet in this way their pre-
pared specifics are offered at the price of the quack patent medicines that flood the market and absurdly claim to cure
every ill from a single bottle.
certain, other things being equal,
to rise to reputation, and to be
richly rewarded with success.—
Youth'c Companion.
young, old, or middle-aged, who find
themselves nervous,weak and exhausted
who are broken down from excess or
overwork, resulting in many of the fol-
lowing symptoms ; Mental depression,
premature old age, lose of vitality, loss
of memory, bad dreams, dimness of
sight, palpitation of the heart, emis-
sions, lack of energy, pain in the kid-
neys, headache, pimples on the face or
body,itching or peculiar sensation about
the scrotum, wasting of the organs, diz-
ziness, specks before the eyes, twitching
of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere,
bashfulness, deposits in the urine, lose
of will power, tenderness of the scalp
and spine, weak and flabby muscles,de-
sire to sleep, failure to be rented by
sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing,
loss of voice, desire for solitude, excit-
ability of temper,sunken eyes surround-
ed with Leaden Circle,oily looking skin,
etc., are all symptoms of nervous de-
bility that lead to insanity and death
unless cnred. The spring or vital force
having lost its tention every function
wanes in consequence. Those who
through abuse committed in ignorance
may be permanently cured. Send
your address for book on all diseases
peculiar to man. Address M. V.
LU BON, 50 Front St. E., Toronto,Ont.
Books sent free sealed. Heart disease,
the symptoms of which are faint spells,
purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip
beats, hot flnshes, rush of blood to the
bead, du' pain in the heart with beats
strong, rapid and irregular, the second
heart beat quicker than the first, pain
about the breast bone, etc., can positive-
ly be cured. No cure no pay. Send for
book. Address M. V. LIMON, 50
Front Street East, Toronto, Ont.
June 20, 1890.
About sixty years ago a lame
boy, named Erastus, left a humble
home in New England, and enter-
ed a hardware store in Troy,N.Y.
Besides being lame, he was slend-
er and his prospects in life seem-
ed anything but promising. Ho
knew little of the sports and pas-
times that his companions enjoy-
ed in their childhood; his face,
even in the freshest years of life,
bore the marks of suffering and
care, and hist friends pitied him,
and said that he was very unfortu-
But he had a quick, active
mind, full of right aspirations,and
a heart full of generous impulses.
Ills mind was at work, preparing
for usefulness in the future, and
fondly dreaming of bright days to
come, even in the solitary hours
of sickness and suffering.
Ile did the hest he could,though
his lot was so circumscribed, end
God had a life -work, full of honor
for the poor little lame boy.
When he first applied for work
in a store, be was so small that
the proprietor looked into his
earnest face with some surprise
and said :
'Why, my boy, what rail you
do ?'
I can do what I tun
the many answer.
There was the right ring in
this reply, and the proprietor re-
cognized it.
'Well, my little fe'low,' said he,
'that is the kind of a boy we want
you can have the place.'
That boy was Lrastus Corning,
the millionaire. The neglected,
solitary lame boy made himself so
useful to hiss nployera,byihis:will-
ingness to do 'what he was bid,'
as to secure for himself the
highest positions of resp.)nsibility
and trust.
Ile became a bank president, a
railroad president, canal company
president, was three times elected
Mayor of Albany, was a member
of the State Legislatut e, and for
three terns a member of Congress.
In 1863 he retired from business,
with a fortune estimated at Live
The Bible says that 'IIe that
humbleth himself shall he exalt -
Very few farmers are able t3
tell what it costs them to raise to
maturity a horse or cow, and
When they sell an animal they do
not know whether they have
pained or lost in the deal. In
England more attention is paid to
keeping accounts with stock than
in this country. An Engish horse
raiser can tell to a (rent what
every 3 -year-old hot se he has
raised cost, him and can put a sell-
ing price on the animal with the
Removes all kinds of Hard and Soft
Corns, Warts, &c., without Pain or
It is a Safe, Sure and Effectual
and there ie no Corn existing it will not
cure destroying every root and
bid;' was
assurance that he is not selling ed,' and the hoy who would he -
without a profit. It is said that. come successful in life must, like
the average cost of raising a 3- this man, begin by showing a
year•old horse in England is E(l.
T1IE ('01.08 (,II'ESTI('.
The statement is on 'the rounds
I that the experience in the horse -
car s'ables of Paris and New York
is to the eflect that gray horses
live longest and give greatest
amount of service, alth(,ugh in
willingness to do anything that he
is bid. A conceited, iicsitating,
overnice clerk comes to noshing :
but the lad who is earnest and re-
t 111 1..
fl 1 P i
tvo.S e aims i.
aro his motive power, who is not
to be turned aside from an objl ct
in life by firlse pride, in short,wlto
in any honorable calling;, 'is will-
ing 10 do us 110 is bid,' is almost
Once Used will Never
be Regretted.
Refuse all substitutes. Full Directions
with each bottle.
Chemist and Druggist, 50 Ring street
West, Hamilton, Ont.
tO1SVflO\4 SU11F1t1
Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named
disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall
be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any ofour readers who have con.
sumption if they will send me their Express and Post Off your
Address. Respectfully,
T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 186 West Adelaide 8t.. TORONTO, ONTARIO.���
The People's Grocery
Business Change.
The undersigned desires to intimate to his former patrons andtfrindl
that he has repurchased his former business, and will continue jik
the old stand,
Corner of Albert and Ontario Street6
Ile intends. to go out of the Crockery and Glassware line entirely,
balance of which will be sold cheap, and will devote himself exclu-
sively to
GROCERIES; Fine Fruits, Confectionary &c.
Of which he will keep nothing but first-class goods. The business
will be conducted on a strictly cash basis, and prices will be fixed ac-
cordingly. By giving close personal attention to the business he
hopes to merit and receive the same liberal patronage that be enjoyed
Minard'eLiniment cures garget in cows.
At Cobourg on Thursday Magi-
strate Dumble sentenced the lad
Smith, who stabbed young Ilan -
sen with a pocket knife some
weeks ago, to 24 lashes with a
birch gad on the bare back, the
father of the boy to administer
the punishmment. The sentence
was carried out in the police cells
in the presence of the chief con-
Mr Robert Young, V. S., of
Bowmanville, has a Jersey heifer,
'2 years old, that has been giving
from fiye to six quarts of milk a
day since May last,and has never
had a calf. This is said to be a
most remarkable occurrence.
English Spayin Liniment removes
all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and
Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin,
Curbs, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat,
Couhs, etc. Save 9150 by use of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonderful
Flemish Cure ever known. Sold by
.1. II. Combe, Druggist. June 27, 1 yr
At tet water, on Thursday
morning, th, tw(-year-old daugh-
ter of Mr W.R. Thom1son,ltnmber
merchant, while', playing around
fell head first into :t tub of water
at the back door. • The mother
missing the child for a few min-
utes, and going to fool:, discover-
ed it with its head under the
water and its feet up. ';rJife was
quite extinct.
Tho salary of Presider t Mc-
Leod, of the Reading ;ailroad,
has been increased to $40,000.
The salary of Chauncey M.Ilepew
AR president of the New Yo'fs
Central is $50,000, which is the
the largest paid to any railroad
president in the world.
Wm Fr.izier, of illinr;o, went
hone drunk and abused his wife
The woman threw a shovelful of
hot mortar in her husband's face
and completely destroyed his eye
For nearly twenty years this valuable
medicine has been largely used for the
cure of Coughs, ('olds, Iironrhilia,
Croup, 'Whooping Cough, Loss of Voice
and lungs, Those who know its value
always recommend it to their friend.,
knowing that Wilson's Will Cherry
never disappoints. The genuine is sold
by all druggists in white wreppets only
"LikeMIagic 53 ,BRITISH COLUMBIA SALMON, Ili etas per can
TIIE effect produced by Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. ('olds, Coughs, Croup,
and Sore Throat are, in 1u)et cases, im-
mediately relieved
by the use of this
wonderful remedy.
It strengthens the
vocal organs, allays
irritation, and pre-
vents the inroads of
Consumption; in
every stage of that
dread disease,
Ayer's Cherry Pee -
relieves cough-
ing and induces
refreshing rest.
"I have used Ayer's (`berry Pectoral
in my family for thirty year's and have
always found it the hest remedy for
croup, to whiel, complaint toy rl:ildren
)nave hien suieet.'•—('apt. U. Parley.
Itrooklyn, N. hY.
"From an experience of over thirty
years in the sale of proprietary meat -
eines, 1 feel justified m reeommend1ng
Ayer's Cherry 1",, toral. One of the
hest recommendations of the Pectoral is
the enduring quality of its popularity, it
being more salable now than it was
twenty-five years ago, when its great
success was eoesidered marvelous,"—
R. S. Drake, M. I)-, Beliot, Rails.
"My little sister, four years of age,
was so ill from bronchitis that we had
almost given up hope of her recovery.
Our family physician, a skilful man and
of large experience, prmiotnced it, use-
less to give her any more medicine ;
Saying that he had done all it was pos-
slhle to do, and we must prepare for the
wtrrst. As a last resort, we determined
to try Ayer's Cherry l'rctoral, and i rat
truly say, with the most happy results.
Aftt r taking a few doses sh(fbeented Io
hrea'he easier, ajnd, within a week, was
onf n; danger. We continued giving 1he
Peen:ral until satisfied she was entirely
well. ; Phis has given 1)1')) nhounded faith
in tht, preparation, and i recommend it
conliiMntly 10 niy enctotners." C. O.
l,cpper� 11ruggist, FCa
Mat \rne. 1
F..r (l1,1(1, ❑ud Covert., L•:k,.
J. W. IRWIN, The Times Tea Warehouse
Cooper's Old Stand, Co'. Searle's Blo,±k, CLINTON
B. L A U R AN C E' S Spectacles.
nese celebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B. Lau-
rance's test, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. You ea
depend on getting the GENUINE B. LAURA.NCE SI I:CTAOLE.
by calling and examining the stock at
ClOt)J�I.7.TeS BObK T0)R,F,
Ayer's Cherry Pastoral,
,ttsrARRn ItV
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Pries 11 ; e.f 1,01)) , W. tit $', n bottle.
D'Avignon's Cream of Witch -Hazel,
Softens the skin, removes lroughneee, eruptions and irritation fromthe face and
hands, and gives freshness and tone to the en nplexion.
1' is an invaluable npplicaticn after shaving. Don't mistake thissuperiorl•pre-
naation for any paints, enamels or injurious cosmetics or inferior complexion
otions. It !prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, cob,
sores, and pain 1 -es -tilting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and cold. In
sehort D'Avlc,NON's ('r,FAt1 or Wert It IIA'/Fi.is at once a remedy and apreventfoi''
very form ofsulface inflammation or irritation. Price 25 cents per bottltai
Mann fact tired by
J ALM J : 11. fi`400I%1 I3 F ,