HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-09-05, Page 5U MAL '& Vt PECTACLES T ELEPHONE OFFICE p LATED W ARES AND T RIPI.L PLATED CHAINS H ANDSOME NGRAVED S MYER WARE FOR T H E POPULAR 1)R1' GOODS OUSE LON DESBORO The following, linos of FALL GOODS to band and added in stock: !Complete line of BLACK HOSIERY, 4'i to 9 inch. Black and Colored CASHMERE GLOVES BLACK VELVET RIBBONS, No. 60 to 200 Fifteen (15) pieces DRESS GOODS. Ten (10) pieces GREY FLANNELS SHIRTS and DRAWERS—Ribbed and plain TOP SHIRTS, from 60c. to $1.75 4 We have still a few ends of SUMMER GOODS that are offered at very low prices to clear. W L. OUIM ETTE, LON DESBORO THE WILD WEST QTAINJQ1 ¥4R.8 Oar actad•vaey Thuradity .lttalraoo Thursday, Sept. 4, 1890. Wheat, fall, old 0 95 a 0 95 Oats old 0 .88 a II 40 Oats new 0 84 a 0 84 Barley 0 40 a 0 45 Peas 0 60 a 0 60 Flour per bal 5 70 a 5 70 Butter 0 12 e 0 13 Eggs 0 14 a 0 15 Wool 020a020 Pork 5 OO a 5 50 Hay 4 50 a 5 09 Hideo 3 25 a 3 25 Sheep Skins 0 50 a 0 72 NEW FALL WHEATS. We notice that The STEEL BROS., CO. Seedawen, Toronto, are offering the follow• ing new varieties : Canadian Velvet Chad, Golden Cross, Early Red Clawson, Jones' Winter Fyfe, and Amerioan Bronze. Send for a copy of their circular, it will pay you. FALL BULBS should now be se- lected and planted during September and October to produce those handsome beds of Tulips, Hyacinthe, Grouses, &c., that delight the eye so much in spring. Send for a copy of The STEELE BROS. CO., Toronto, Autumn Catalog. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET Since our last we have to report weak and discouraging advices from abroad generally, which are no doubt due to the large arrivals of cattle on 1 the other side and the falling off in the demand. Cables from Liverpool were weaker, and actual sales reported show• ed a loss to shippers of considerable money. A private cable from London reporting sales shows that cattle "only" lost it per head. At the East End abattoir market the offerings of live stock were 790 cat• tle, 500 sheep and lambs and 29 calves. Owing to the fine, cool weather there was a large attendance of butchers, consequently the demand was and an active trade was transacted.good Choice fat cattle were very scarce, for which the demand was good and buy- ers in ntany cases could not fill their wants. There was some demand from shippers for stockers and about 30 head were bought at3Ac. Good butch- ers' stock sold at 4.tc, fair at 31c to 4c, common at 31-c to 31c. and inferior at 21c to 3c per lb live weight. The de- mand for sheep and lambs was slow, on account of the over supply last Thurs- day and the fact that buyers bought freely, and in consequence they did not require much atock of this kind to -day. The feeling was steady and prices showed little change. Sheep eold at 31c to 4c per lb, live weight, and Iambs brought from $2 to $4,50 each as to size and quality. Calves were very scarce and dear, and sold at from $5.50 to $12 each as to quality. One of the special features of the Great North-Western Exhibition to be held in Goderieh, Sept. 15-1 7, will be the performances by Bronco John's Wild West Show. These consist of everything that could be imagined in connection with a "Wild West" 'Show—lasso throwing, fancy shooting, Indian fighting, exciting rescues, etc., and from the names of Bronco John, Wyoming Bill, Oregon Jim, and others, this promises to equal the great Buffalo Bill's show itself. In the regular line the corning fair will be the best the society has ever held, as very expensive additions and improvements have been made in the prize lists, which have been distributed pretty well all over the riding. Those who fail to attend this exhibition will mise one of the events of the season, as the direct• ors have spared neither time or money to make the GREAT NORTHWESTERN one of the most successful fairs of Western Ontario. Caution Any person found destroying or injuring property belonging to the Gynasium of the Collegiate Institute, will be prosecuted. By order of the Board. W. H. HINE, Secy. Voters' List for 1890. ifW(tCIPALITY or Tar, •rnwN nt, , t,l V'I'nt. r'ou NTS OF At'R0' . Notice IS hereby given, that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections fi and 13 of The untario Voter.' List Act, 1889, the copies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of tha live, made pursuant to said Art, of all persons ap- pearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality et Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections ; and that said List was drat posted up at my office, at Clititon, on the 4th day of August. 1090, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the Mild lint, and,. if any om iaslona or any ether errors are tounrl therein, to take Immediate proceedings t.0 hove the Fal 1 errors eorrcrt- ed according to mow Dated this 4th day of August, 1090. v.. NI ID‘TS. Clerk of the TOPIf of Clinton Western Fair, The Rest of Cauldinn Fairs, LONDON, ON'T'ARIO, SEPT. 18th TO 27th, 1890. Large increase in prizes. Machinery in Motion in Main Qailding Manufacturing goods in view of public. nest speed programme ever offered. ((rand and attractive SPECIAL EXHIBIT of the South- ern Staten cotton, figs, rice, peanuts and wild nuts each as they grow in the South, carpets made from the leaven of the pine and other woods of the Soutft. Products of the turpentine stills of Georgia. Minerals, herbs, ple.nta. barks, &e. 8•.c., and a live alli- gator of Florida. Famous Wild West Show, Balloon Races R• Parachute Doae,t5 ts, Fire- works, Battda, Cte For prize list and interma''nt nddrrss post card to CAPT. A W. PORTE, THOS A.ROWNE, ['resident, ,.nerotary BRITISH CATTLE MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 1.—Larger offerings appear to have contributed to the de- cline that has taken place in the mar- ket this week, but it is also probable that the quality of the stuff on sale, which is not of the best, may have had something to do with the lower range of values. The demand is steady; but 775 Canadian cattle were offered at the Stanley market to -day, and this supply appeared to ' be too much for the market to bear, and prices declined 1c per Ib all round, best beeves selling at 121c. General supplies were also fair, Although gen- eral supplies of sheep were rather heavy, prices were maintained, best selling at 14c. At the Stanley market 950 Canadian sheep were offered. The following were to -day's quota- tions, being calculated at $4.80 to the £ (sinning the offal): Finest steers $0 121 to $0 00 Good to choice 0 12 b 00 Poor to medium 0 11 0 00 Inferior and bulls 0 084 .0 10 Beet sheep 0 00 0 14 Secondery 0 12 0 13 Merinos 0 111 0 121 Inferior and rams.. 0 09 0 101 TORONTO LIVE STOCK MAR- KETS. There was no activity about the mar- ket, the supply of last week being such as to meet demands in advance and at reasonable prices. There was more de- mand for butchers' cattle than any other class. The general tone of the market was dull. Export stock sold at from }c to 1c off last week's quotations, and even at these figures the market was dull. Nor was the quality very good. Prices ranged from 4c to 41c, a few choice animals bringing 41c per Ib, Stockers were (also easier, selling at from 3c to 3/c. Choice lots fetched 53 60 per 100 lbs. Butchers' Cattle sold fairly well, prices ranging from Sc„to 3„c per lb. Choice lots brought $3 90 per cwt, while inferiors changed hands at from 3c to 31c per Ib. Ex- port Sheep were not in good demand, the demand in the old country not be- ing very brisk. The top prices paid for ewes and wethers was 4c per lb. for bucks 31c. Bulls averaged $4 75 each. Lambs were in fair demand,the highest price paid was 1$4 40 each, but the general figure ranged from $3 50 to $3 40. i'-\ LL FA IRS. EILREN.'S -- Clothiug.,-. Our Fall Stock of Children's Clothing has been opened out and- you should PREPARE YOUR ECM'S' For school by purchasing one of our Nobby Suits. It is cheapest to buy Clothing ready made, and we show this season a nicer assort- ment of these goods than ever before,and offer them at prices that will astonish you See our SUITS at $2, $2.50, $3, $3.75, &c. They are wonderful value, Odds and Ends of Summer Stock away down to clear them out to make room for Fall Goods. 5 per c. off for cash. Huron Central Clinton Oct 1-2-3 Western, London, Sept. 19-27 The Industrial,Toronto; Sept. 4.20 Morris at Blyth. Oct, 9-10. Southern,I3rantford, Sept. 9-11 Northwestern,Goderich Sept. 15-17 Southern St. Thomas, Sept. 16-18 Great Central Ilamiltion, Sept. 22-26 Central Canada Ottawa, Sept. 22.27 Center Bruce Paisley, Sept. 24.26 Central Guelph, Sept. 25-26 Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 30, Oct. 3 North Perth, Stratford, Oct. 2-3 East Wawanosh Belgrave, Oct. 7.8 Tuckersmith, Seaforth, Sept 30, Oct 1. Stanley branch, Bayfield, Oct 8.0 Wingham, Sept 30, Oct 1. East Huron, Brussles, Oct. 2.3 Stephen, Exeter, Sept. 29.30 --- - �....► — ESTATE JOHN I30aCENS. Honteseeker's Excursions. Will leave Chicago and Milwaukee via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, for points in Northern Iowa Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dak- ota, (including the great Sioux Reser- vation) Montana, Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska, on September 9th, and 23, and October 14, 1890. Rates for these excursions will be about one fare for the round trip, and tickets will be good for return .within thirty days from date of'sale. For further information, apply any Coupon Ticket Agent in the United States and Canada. A. J. Taylor, Tray. Pass. Agt., Toronto. Wanted A n apprentice boy to learn Sheep Skin tann WM. MAEI)EL, Renmiller. 3 MRS. WHITT. M.C.SAM TEACHER OF MUSIC. Plano, Organ and Teehnicon, or Mnaele developer. for nae of pupils. Rooms a, Mr. A. Rant s, Itattonhnry Street, Clinton OAKES ORGANS AND PIANOS SEVEN QIIESTI01vS FOR THE MASSES. 1. Do you purpose buying an Organ or Piano! 2. Do you wish to rent a Piano or Organ ? 3. Do you want a reliable Tuner to take care of your Pi- ano by the year ? 4. Have you a Piano to move% 5. Have you seen our beau. tiful Six -Octave Piano -Cased Organ. ti. Do you know that G. F. OAKES is the only man in the county of Huron of whom you can purchase the splendid Or- gans built by the Oakes Organ Company. T. Do you know that by writ- ing a card and directing it to G. F. Oakes, Box 11, Clinton, you can procure a splendid il- lustrated catalogue of Organs and Pianos. 'trI?taR9if4lait,Sii SN,7i;d. rtA ;�„yus��vtuYp4enep114��+u�u\iuuulty,� til?{rrorl''iifil1fd81C1';'i;y' GEORGE F_ RELIABLE ORGAN Organs or Pianos at prices that will suit purchasers Second-hand Pia- nos to rent A reliable 'Piano tuner sent to any part of the county Pianos moved un- damaged Six -Octave Piano cases, handsomest in Canada. Music furnished for church open- ings & entertain- , ments, &c. Write for c a,talogue to DEALER, I30 C 11, cDi:r T 0i r , o:N- r- 1RUIOKSII9 N BOOTS and SH0Es VII ll lines cheapest. of everything i u foot wear, as rhe.,p as the A few job lines at less than half c,.st Call early and secure bargains. C. CRUICKSHA-NK, Clinton Bargains in Prints 15 c. PRINTS for 12i c. 12', c. PRINTS for 10.: Some of these are very handsome. FINE PRIZE BAKING POWDER in 25 cent ane. No blanks. WEBSTER'S ENCYCLOP/FDIA given away free. Come and see about NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, Corning in and opening out fine: If you want to get the beat valuefor your money and produce, THIS IS THE PLACE ,iAny quantity of 000D TUB BUTTER and FRESH EGGS wanted at highest market price. Your patronage respectfully solicited, at ADAMS' EMPORIUM. R. ADAMS. LONDESBORO HITS GROCERY We make a specialty of Try our Blended Black, We can give good Japan Also choiceYoungHyson gives good satisfaction, and you'll use no other. at all prices to suit, that gives satisfaction. We told our customers not to b• deceived with peddlers, and a number have taken our advice and quit them, They find that theylcan do as well at the Hub OUR COFFEE is the hest we can buy in Canada. We guarantee satisfac- tion every time. CI-F.C),')SW A.I,L..40hW, CILAINIPC,N a O011S'w Ne« (goods Goods New Goods are coaling in every week, and our Fall Stock will soon be complete. See:our SCOTCH TWEED SUITS at $18. See our CANADIAN at $IG. See our BLACK SUITS at 823, 824, 825, 826. If you are in need of a PAIR OF PANTS to wear around in the evening, we have them at prices to suit you. 84.50, $5, $5.50, 86, 86.50. See our SPECIAL LINE OF PANTS at $•i. Drop in before ordering, and look at our stock. No trouble to show goods, We guatantee a fit or no sale. - t 'inure:,,,^ Ala. •r SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON r Opposite Con,wr's 1 Rook store Walton : & : Morrison, The leading Tailors of Clinton SPEUIAL DISCOUNT SALE FOR NEXT 30 DAYS we will give special dis- counts off for the balance of our Summer Stock of Boots and Shoes Eggs Taken in Exchange W. Taylor & Sons M—r- Anr; 14q0 CLINTON AND BLYTH We will give the New Era from now to the end of the year, to new sub- scribers, for 35 cents cash