HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-08-29, Page 7r ".enemas. '4 Roan lfaby was Melt, w. gave her Castorla, W'b10s !ho was a Child, she cried for Castorls, YRiea she became sties, she clung to Caotorie, Whoa stn hed Children, eh. gave them Castorie . •IE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY OF PURELY VEGETABLE 1NOREDIENTS o AND WITHOUT MERCURY, USED BY THE ENGLISH PEOPLE FOR OVER 120 YEARS, IS tl os• ckie's OOMPOVND S•rz azo>7s '%/IS These Pills consist of a careful and peculiar admix- ture of the hest and mildest vegetable aperients and the pure extract of Flowers of Chamomile. They will be founds most efficacious remedy for demugementa of the digestive Kserfs e orane and for obstructions and to - Tici action of the liver and bowels which produce M. digestionand the several varieties of bilious and liver .4omplaints. Sold by all Chemists. WHOLESALE AGENTS MVANS AND SONS, LIMITED, MONTREAL. FOR Esie:t\ tSt i=r_n gs kote) Eyes Emotions Feet 0,97iteness- Ch-afin Cata �$i^u ry frit _ --`411-1 ALL -- 'i'I l'Yl at'1 o n REF_ SEISUAS71TUTES BE UR A :OTf.L ratiffL, LDO-KS:LI KEITH IE • MANUFACTURED ONLYgy 4NO'S EXTRACT Ci1MPAI 16 FItTHAYE..NEWYORK. rHE BEST AKING POWDER -a•IS+- T�t18E9'3 6ENOINE Gavle Fried 14 Alum. Noah,; t:,furious. GARTH&CO. FACTORY SUPPLIES Valve', Iron it Load Pipe Loose Pcliey Mara, Steam Jet Pumps, Farr.i Pumps, Vial Cream Seoarat'- . ).try and Laundry C:,nul 538 CRAIG S I'1" T, MONTREAL. CHADWICK'S SPOOL COTTON 17oh• 7fa,t1 and 19Ta•'I ; ne Use. LEATH II}..B STEEL -LINO 'f riUNii i In Sample, Lii&p,' ani all other kinds, Ll;htNt and 3:r�; st T R Li i. . In the World. EVELEiCH t�AS "i^ SUPERIOR. MONTat a, w _ 1 AX FOR iT. S i lin, NE.1;. HOTEL BALMORAL. MONTREAL. N o:rss !frame St.., one of the moo: central And elegantly furnished riolehs 1n the CIt. Accommodation for 400 guests. Ksttes3par S Y WOODRUFF, 1j2 401;3 perday S. t Manager PEARS' T J'►�TT►Tr r� Sale An for Canada, ,a.PALMEA&SON 'lfholesale Imp'trs of )UGGISTS' SUNDRIES 1743 NOTDE DARE ST., MONTREAL. DOMINION LEATHER BOARD COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD Steam Packing, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, Th is is Perj.e1Fiction RECKITT'S BLUE THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. PAPERS. Wrapping, '[snips, OS. O �—A LL SIZES :per AND (v wEIGHre To ORDER *.r 21 DeBresoles SI, lulls .4OTlnonf, • vouNSRS flUIDtiEEF. FCHE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER Al PERFECT F000 VADn THE SICK ARMING 1 NUTRITIOUSBEVERAGE A POWERFUL y INVIGORATOR WHAT A MAN EATS. A curious calculation of the amount of food consumed in P. lift - time of seventy years has recently been made by M. Soyer, a French savant, now chef of the Reform Club of London. Among other things M. Soyer says that the average epicure of threescore and ten will have consumed 30 oxen, '200 sbeep, 100 calves, 200 Iambs, 50 pigs, 2,200 fowls, 1,000 fish of different kinds, 30,000 oysters, 5,- 475 you -ids of vegetables 243 pounds of butter, '21,000 eggs, and tour tons of bread, besides several hogsheads of wine, tea, coffee,etc. This enormous amount of food will weigh but little short of forty tons.—St. Louis Republic. LI I1t ED WOMEN BATH E-l.S. 1 learned this week of a new device on the part ofa hotelkeeper to draw trade. Noti.•ing a large crowd collected about a bathing place on which were ale situated the I bathhouses and pavilion of a very ordinary hotel, I journeyed thi- therto'satisfy a not unreasonable curiosity. The crowd was engag- ed in looking at three young wo— men who had just emerged from the water. The women were fairly handsome, and owned fine forms, which were somewhat fully exhibited, One had afull bathing costume of crimson, the second was pale blue and the other wore white. They displayed no embar- rassment as they walked along with a multitude of eyes resting upon them. The young women, I was told, were employed by the hotelkeeper for the purpose of at- tracting a c.rowd to his bathing— houses and pavilion. They serve their purpose successfully and their employer must be more in- genious than they are modest.— Long Branch Letter. English Spayin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by J. H. Combe, Druggist. June 27, 1 yr TIIE INFIDEL'S SHEF1'. Away among the hills of nor- thern Now England were two in- fidel neighbors, who had grown up to man'' estate, sinning and blaspheming against God. One of them heard the gospel message, and hearing believed un- to eternal life. A short time af- terward the converted man went to the hous3 of his infidel neigh- bor, and said to him :—'I have been converted.' 'Yes, I heard that you had been down there and had gone forward for prayers,' said the skeptie,with a sneer ; 'and I was surprised, for I had thought you were about as sensible a man as there was in town.' 'Well.' said the Ch.listrain, 'I have a duty to do to you, and I want you tJ atop talking and hear me. I haven't slept much for two nights for thinking of it. I have got four sheep in my flock that belong to you. They came into my fold six years auro,and I knew they had your mark on them, but Itook them and marked them with my mark; and ;you inquired all aroundandcould notihear anything ofjthem. But they are in my field with the increase of them. And now I want to settle this matter. I have lain awake nights and groaned over it, and I have come to get rid of it. And now I am at your option. I will do just what you say. If it is a few years in state prison, I will suffer that. If it. is money or property you want, say the word. I have a good farm and money at interest, and you can have all you ask. 1 want to settle this !natter and get rid of it.' The infidel was ainazcil. Ile be- gan to tremble. 'If you have got them sheep you are welcome to thein. I don't want nothing of you if you will go away-; a man who will come to me as you have—something must have, got hold of you that. I don't 1110I(staud. You may keep the sli ceu if you will only go away.' 'No,' said the Christian, 'I must s t.this matter up, and pay for the .sineep: I shall! not be satisfied without. And yon must te'l me how much.' 'Nell,' said the skeptic, 'if you must pay for there, you may give me what the sheep were worth when they got into your field,and pay me six per cent interest, and lot me alone.' The man counted out the value of the sheep and the interest on the amount, and laid it down, and then doubled the dose, and laid as much more down beside it, and went his way, leaving a load on his neighbor's heart almost as heavy as that which he himself had borne. The full result of that scene is only known to God. One thing is certain, the infidel was seen to frequent the house of prayer, and we may be sure that he afterward belived there was some power in the gospel, and that all Christians were not hypo- crites.—The Christian. A MODERN CHARM. Mr John Fostor,Itaymond,Ont., writes :—Nasal Balm acts like a charm for my catarrh. I have only used it a short time and feel better than at any period during the lastseven years. In fact I am time of a cure and at very small expense. Erepare for the Census. (Rustious in Montreal Witness The decennial census of the Do- minion of Canada will be taken on the first of next April, or 'rather the enumerators will on that day start on their rounas collecting at all the homes in their district the various items of informatio re- quired in the census schedules, but it may take three or four weeks to complete their task.— The information sought by these enumerators ]'elates entirely to conditions and events during the year commencing April lst, 1890, and ending April 1st, 1891, and should the enumerator find in his rounds that somo one has died after the latter date, he has still to enter the name, age, occupation etc., of the deceased person jnst the same as if he or she were still alive and well, • I need not t ere enlarge on the importance to the farmers of Canada of a correct 3ensus being taken next spring us it will help to open the eves of many who are politically blind to t' -e very depressing effect which the National Policy has on the agricultural interests of the Do• minion. As I was one of the enumerators when the census of 1871 was taken, I know some of the difficulties attending the com- pilation of correct information on farming topics, even when the enumerator and his constituents are both willing to do the fair thing, which is not always the case, as is seen by recent develop- ments about the operations of "wadding" enumerators in many of the towns and citiosiin theUnit- ed States. With a view to a cor- rect enumeration of the farm pro- ducts of the present year,, each farmer should make careful note of all his farming oporations,espec- ially of the average and product of his various crops,while harvest- ing and threshing aro going on. Most farmers have a pretty cor- rect idea of the avcrag,o and pro; ducts of their crops, but still there are many others whose knowledge on this head is wonderfully defi- cient. I had myself when acting as enumerator to give material aid to not a few farmers when they were vainly striying to make an estimate of their previous year's operations. On one or two occasions I had to go out and view the stubble ground in order to make a just estimate of the number of acres of the various crops, and not unfrequentlyl had to arrive at the estirnated yield by getting the farmer to compare his crop with similar crops be- longing to some of his neighbors whose estimated crop yield I had already ascertained; such esti- mates were subject to verifica- tion by somo of the more obser- ving farmers in the vicinity. In 1871 we went around the district some time before the first of April leaving schedules at each house to be filled up by the owner or occu- pant, but in scarcely five per cent of these schedules had there been any attempt made to fill them tip as required by law, and even where an attempt was made at schedule -filling by the householder very few of them had performed the work correctly or in a busi- ness like manner. If every farmer in the Dominion would carefully take note of all his farm- ing operations, including the number of hogs, sheep or cattle that have been sold or slaughtered for home use, as each events oc- cur throughout the season, it would be an easy job for the en- umerators to make a correct cen- sus next spring. I am not aware that it is the intention of the au- thorities to include in the next census an account of the poultry and their products, which on a great many farms aro about the most important department; at least such is the opinion of the women folk, and they aro not far wrong in their estimate, for in a good many farmer's homes, the feathered bipeds aid very ma- terially in furnishing the necces- saries as well as the comforts of life. It might be best to keep track of the doings of the farmer's feathered friends this year and perhaps before next spring the Government folk may conclude to make note of it in the next census. Minard's Liniment cures distemper. As the t ime approaches for the trial of J Rex Birchall for themur. der of F. C. Bonwell, the prisoner is well in body and calm, !f not cheerful in mind. IIe eats and sleeps well and takes a lively in- terest in all that reaches him within the resti•icted circle of his daily life. Ile takes delight in exercising a talent he has for pen and ink drawing, and he has his room literally decorated with the products of his art. The line of defense is a subject of general spe- culation. Those who favor Bir - challis side seem to feel confident of the result of the trial, basing their confidence apparently upon the tone of the people engaged in the defense. One thing is pretty clear, however, there will be no attempt to prove an alibi and the case will go upon the merits of the evidence collected by the two sides. C. C. 1(1 HARIs tf Co. Gents --I have used your MiN• ARD'S LINIMENT is my family for some years and believe it the best medi- cine in the market as it does all it is recommended to do. Canaan Forks, N. B, DkNirr, X1ERRTFen John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs Mt that beams cured of a very severe atta k of rheumatism by using MIN- ARID'S LINIMENT. .•- .v,.,.-,- - - CP CASTORIA for Infants and Children. u QastarlslssoweAylaptedtochadtentbst cares Oo1F Conatlpattoo, , Irecommend itassuperior toany prescription BowStomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation.known tome. ' . e. Asoma, 8 D-, EIEs Worms, gives steep, and promotes di. 111 Bo. Oxford Bk. Bra:Wm N. T.on lnjorloss medication. Tug Ces•rAOH COMRADE, Murray Street, N. Y. URE FIT THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. IIII When I say Cure 1 do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and than have them return again. 1 MEAN A R A D I C A L C U R E. I have made the disease of Fite, Epilepsy Or Falling Sickness a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to Cure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. See'. at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express Post QSce. 1t costs you nothing far a trial, and it wil! cure you. Adiresa:—H. C. ROOT, M.C., Branch Offfco, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. - SPECIALTIES Nu BINDER TWINE, HARVEST » `' 1, 11;I�ED WIRE, BLACK FENCE WIRE. I'.\i-tt JUST CUMIN“ i 10 CARS)) s-rovE cARs NUT COAL NO. 4 CO I, i Quality the best and prices tltl' !0\€-t. ! )l•,'t r (—air HARLAND BROS., Iron and Hardware Merchants, Clinton TOLTON Pea Harvester, The most perfect and durable Pea Harvester of the day Guaranteed to give Satisfaction or no sale Persons requiring this article. will please place their orders at once, as late orders cannot be filled. Already four times the number soli this year that were last. All orders left <vitli THOS. TIPLING, CJinloo, Rill be attended tc T. BROWN, Agt, Seafortli. L. I;EATTY, Agent, I"arum. Neu Firm NFU' GOODS, '0 ell- Prices COOPER& OGN GROCERS. are in the field witl Bargains in new Black, Green and Juan Teas, Coffees, Sugars. &c Try our TEA NECTAR and SEC'I.E'I BLENID TEAS: they cannot be excelled in price or duality. CROCKERY -..We have a tine assortment in Dinner, Tea and Chamber Sets, in all the latest designs and colorings, and at prices to suit everybody, Come and inspect them and ue convinced. \1'e also have a tine assortment of GLASSWARE. and cheaper than the cheapest We have secured another Sewing Machine, vvhiclt xve will give ait'11y with 1 1b. Baking Powder. Come and ha%e 11 (•bailee before it is too late Special attention given to Family Trade. Goods promptly delivered. i )cal with us and get the newest, cheapest and freshest good;. COOPER & LOGAN, — Clinton NEXT TO COUCH'S. CAT Al. OGITES Bestand Lneapest -enco STEEL RODS -IRON FOUNDATIO�i BUILDERS' IRON WORK, Office Railings, Lam Furniturf AND FOUNTAINS, ETC. Barn Wire ADDp&aIroli Works WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO. SENT ON APPLICATION Th OENTItAL GROCERY OPPOSiTE THE POST OFFICE. McMurray & Wiltse Return thanks for the patronage accorded them since starting business, and an nounce that they will lontinue to give satisfaction to all who may favor them with their orders. They will keep a full stock of the very best foods in their line. And as they buy exclusively for cash, will give as good value as any in the trade We refuse to give one line at cost or under, and make the profits out of Some other line you may want, but for general family supplies we will not be undersold Patronage respectfully solicited. Remember the place—Walker's old stand. MCMURRAY & WILTSE, - CLINTON CHINA HALL To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dee. let. GIVE T$N Pulls CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASK on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties an need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity otaer curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stook. We Offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth 0 We Offer NEW SEASON BLACK TEA at 25 cents, worth 40. We Offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, worth 36. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap, 2 BROOMS for 26o. - FRESH FINAN HADDIE, SISCOS, HERRING, BLOATERS, &c. Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give us a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. N. ROBSON, CHINA HALLI JUST RECEIVED A. Fine Assortment of PLAIN and STAMPED GOODS, TRAY CLOTHS SIDEBOARD DRAPES, TOILET SETS, SPLASHERS, STAND COVERS &c., Also a large stock of RUBBER BALLS, BASE BALLS, SKIPPING ROPES, HAMMOCKS, EXPRESS WAGGONS. Call and see our stock bed fore buying, as we want to clear out our present stock of WALL PAPER CEILING DECORATIONS, &c. We offer them cheap, call 'and see fa yourselves. WORTHINGTON'S BOOK and DRUG STORE The LATEST STYLES IN English and.American Hard and Solt Hats To please everybody. Call and see all the latest shapes. We are constantly offering bargains. We are showing a stock that is wonderful in quantity, quality and style. We also keep on hand a magnificent assortment of LINE STRAW HATS SUMMER TOP SHIRTS, TIES, LINEN and Rubbereeu Collars and Cuffs Our stock is complete and well assorted. We invite your inspection. REMEMBER THE STAND—ONE DOOR NORTII OF THE DRY GOODS PALACE G1-1.1ASCxOW THE (�LI�TTON NEW ERA R. HOLMES, - - Publisher, . CLINTON, - - O\T. THE N EIV ERA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every 'reel: ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance. JO H DEPAP.T.M ENT We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, mals Bills; and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74. CLINTON. Per Ct cash Discount Having become agent for the celebrated 11. LAI'RANCE SPECTACLES and EYE -GLASSES, and procured the Lawrence test, all those with failing eyesight, young or old, weak or strong, can be perfectly fitted here. Call and examine Harness, Grocery, Crockery, ffd Jeweller, And all other lines are complete, and as cheap as the cheapest plane in the coun- ty. I have a few of those Bret -class PRUNES left, at So per 1b, and a GREEN TEA you should try, at 40o. per single Ib, $1.75 for 5 lb. Caddy, worth at least 50 cents per ib. 5 per cent discount for cash on alt purchases of 51 and upward GEO. NEWTON LON DESBORO FARMERS AND THRESHERS CYLiNi EIi -ANt/— WOOL 0111,5 SEE THAT T111: IARI1P1,5 ARF: RRAN111•:n s1101' LI) ITSE '1eCOLL BROS. LARDINE OIL, ----ANI -TIM Ll';I:— I'1'i,(;ER McCOLL BROS., LA. I flh] Tie;, . - TORt)INT),