The Clinton New Era, 1890-08-22, Page 8y4F6 , 10106wi . l .4 Ff• Minton ra " TMATs..AVT U$T 2?, 180(4 I,QQAb lvoTICES. Try CAR E for hoot* ,find bkaoes. too toik* 5 per cent off for cash. That Brick Hath on Rattonbury Street'r* for sale or rent; apply to Jab �xritchell. Buy your Shorts, Grains, Flour,,. "Qatn?eak,Farina, Eto., cheap at Evans Bros,, Cash Feed Store. 2,0$0 barrels of Early and Winter apples wanted. I am prepared to handle tall. kinds of Apples and good price paid 3. AS. Clark, Clinton. Fine large assortment of Trunks and Valises of the best quality at JOHNS - TON and ARMOUR'S. They are very cheap. Wanted. — Cherries, Black Cur. rants, Plums, Pears, Harvest Apples and Fall and Winter Apples. CANTE. LON BROS. HOUSE TO RENT—CcOmmodi0us house in good part of the town, with every convenience. Nine rooms. Manning & Scott. If you intend going to Manitoba on any of the harvest excursions, call on O. Pattison, and getfull information tu,d your baggage checked through. The C. P. R. advertise three more Excursions to the Northwest, on Aug. 12th, 19th, and Sept. 5th. As usual quite a number will avail themselves of this opportunity to see a western harvest. Coopers Book Store, are agents. Change of Business.—Mr W. H. Simpson has purchased the book and stationery stock from Dr.tWorthington. The business will be continued, for the present in the same stand. Orders have already been placed for a large addition- al stock of school books and supplies, which will be on hand this week. Excursion to Niagara Falls and Grimsby Park.— The G. T.R. will issue excursion tickets to these points on Saturday, Aug. 23, at $2 for the round trip, from Clinton, Holmes - villa and Goderich. Sunday services at the Park by the Rev. E. A. Stafford, Toronto, Dr. Dr McIntyre, of Chicago, and Dr Clarke, of Connecticut. Tickets for sale at Jackson's agency. Don't fail to attend the grand concert in the Town Hall, on Friday, Aug. 22, when the celebrated Cosgrove Family Concert Company, will appear tinder the interests of the Sheffield Lodge, No. 83, "Sons of England, B. S." Read what the Berlin Telegraph Bays about them, 1889. "The Cosgrove Family are simply immense in their musical specialties and appear able to extract music out of almost anything. 1v1r Cosgrove's playing of several instru- ments at one time is somethingimarvel- ons, and shows him to be a musical genies in his particular line." See pos- ters and programs] (EMI *vino. TRAVELLERS—W. Jackson, ticked agent, reports the following travel- Itre:—Mrs James Smith, for Flint, Mich.; Mr and Mrs John Johnson, for Harbor Springs, Mich ; Mr. and Mrs Jno. Gibbings, for Alpena, Mich , and T. Wiseman, for New York. QUICK WORK.—An employee of the NEW ERA office last week worked off, on a No. 2 Gordon press (treadle power) 2,000 envelopes in one hour and forty-three minutes, besides stop- ping 'several times. This is consid- ered pretty fast work, and if it has been beaten in any printing office we would like to hear of it. SHOOTING. --At the matches of the Western Rifle District, held in Lon- don last week, Huron riflemen were among the prize winners, as they usually are :—Mr J. A. Wilson and Major Wilson, of Seaforth, captured several prizes, es did alio Messrs N. Robson and .). Anderson, of Clinton. In one match Mr Robson took the 'first prize, valued at $25. HURON CENTRAL FAIR. — Active preparations are now under way 'for holding of our great fair, and in a few weeks everything will be in readi- ness. Mr S. J. Plummer, the chair - Man of the Ground and Building Committee, is overhauling the fences and buildings, and will have a new office erected for the Secretary. A p- i plications for prize lists are corning in from all over the county. BOARD MI:ETINGa,—At a meeting of the Motel School Board, on Mon- ' day evening, :1li,s Hrlmes was en - ',gaged for the junior room (in place of Mise Taylor, resigned) at a salary of $2b0. The accounts of the News- tecord, :15.50; and Davis & Rowland, $18.85, were ordered to be paid. At ► meeting of the Collegiate Institute Board• it was decided to issue circu- lars setting forth the advantages of -:rhe Institute and its high standing. !rl'his has been done. and the informa- tion scattered broadcast. IS currently reported :that Dr. Amos, -of Crediton, bas pur- 'e}iased the practice of Dr. Cowan, of Eseter,.and willtake charge of the Same at an early date. It is also ;Mated that Dr. Cowan will go to Nia• are Falls and locate.—Exeter.Times, tThe unmarried ladies of Exeter will, do . doubt, get "struck" on Bo good- lOoking a bachelor as Dr. Amos, but they may save their smiles, for he bas already made arrangements to t'in'e a very popular Toronto lady Well known in Clinton) into partner. ship with ham, and will complete the tm ere long. , WOlirt ALL THE TIME.—Very few eople have any idea at all of the labor hat is sometimes expended in getting atter ready for publication, and to bow that a considerable time is occa- tiffany required, we cite a circum - afore. Two weeks ago we published t "article showing the amounts of oney raised for church purposes by he;v1Jetbodist churches of this coon - Tie article was about six inches Ong, but it took nearly four hours 'me to hunt up the particulars em - *bed therein. Our newspaper 'ji tidb,evidently thought the article goon one, for they are all publish- fguit.. , t14001(En HARD.—On Monday af- rnoon a waggon loaded with mis- llancona ,traps, and accompanied yfotfr young men, approached town Ittt' the west. In the distance it ked, for all the world like a com• riy of gypsies or tramps, and even it, drew closer the unshaven facea 4 'general air of uncouthness was Chi 88 to give rise to the thought t they were suspicious characters. t°close examination of the several revealed the fact that they were M stir most respectable young $i't town, who had simply been from the centre of civilization side of Albert street. at Rattetnbury. is enjoying a few weeks' camp While Mr James Anderson was pick. n the lake shore. ing apples the other day a branch W4 XX 1/P..—W4) used to haves, rill pretty lively correspondent* Porter'stlill, filyth, Seaforthnp Rarlor+kt but_ .leave .net luserd fr then for some time, We obeli glad to hear from any or all of the persona again. vs- etab"e ee 5 Fwg .,DDIt.,ESS The 1 People's Society of Qhristiau'Ende vor a the Rattenbury Street Chun was addre$sed on Monday evening the Rev Mr. Seldon, psstor of t Baptist Church, upon the subject "How to win souls for Christ.' T speaker dealt exhaustively with h subject, stating clearly and forcibl the qualifications required by t Ohristian who would do well his w ter's work. The imperative need tberough consecration to his Saviou and his work, and for familiarity wit the word of God, were espe3ially e forced. After describing the spirit earnest love that must necessari actuate the true Christian worke Mr Seldon mentioned in detail man requisites to be possesaed by th skilled worker, and suggested helpfu plans for individual effort. Th President,Mr Booth, certainly uttere the sentiment of the meeting, whe be predicted a barvtst of good result from the thorough, practical remark of the earnest speaker. His EXPERIENCE PUT IN RHYME —On Tuesday morn, at early dawn. before the rise of sun, said Will to Joe "I'll fishing go, I know a splendid run. There i3 a stream where fine fish teem—it's not so far away—and as the town is quieting down, I'll go off for a day. To make a haul, both great and small, you bet I'll catch a string; so you just wait, (I may be late) and see what all I bring." His pole and line he shouldered fine and struck a steady gait;. sandwich and cake did also take and basket with some "bait." The stream was reached,hisoutfit beached, and he began to fish, but long before the day was o'er, himself in town he wished. Fish did not bite, try how he might, with bait both good and strong; there did not seem, in that fine stream, a fish six inches long.— Still fishing In vain, it started to rain, and poured in torrents not thin, that he vows to the last it came down so last, he was drenched through and through to the skin. It rained all the day, but be still fished away, with no better luck at all ; nar' a trout did he get, (but annoyingly wet) and the few fish he bad wereso small. Now what was his name, who thus earned this fame? We know, but prefer not to note ; ask the clerk of the town, he has jotted it down every time he has signed William Coats. g a- h, obye f he is he aa - for r, b of ly r, y 1 e d a a NorEs.-x--Miss Murney, Goderich, who has been the guest of Mrs W. S. Harland, for several days, went home Friday evening. Councillor Searle and wife, have been visiting friends in the Niagara district. We notice that a good many people in town are allowing caterpillars' nests to accu- mulate on the trees in their lawns and gardens; they should destroy them at once, as they not only injure the trees, but will increase the worm crop next year. Mr F. Bartley, who had charge of the NEW ERA last week, has gone to Detroit, and will follow journalism there, if he likes it. Mr J. T. Harland made a trip to Port Huron, on Saturday, combining busi- ness with pleasure. Miss McManus, of Toronto, is visiting her old friends in Clinton. Mr B: Cole has rented Mrs Mowbray's house on Albert St. Mrs Weatherston, of Detroit, is on a visit to relatives and friends here. Mr George Stanbury, of the London road, is putting a large addition to his house, and improving also the other part. Mrs Powell, of Detroit, is here on a visit. Miss Lizzie Bees- ley has returned from her trip to the Northwest; she enjoyed it very much, and looks better therefor, but thinks that Ontario is plenty good enough for her, as a place of residence. Mr T. C. Bruce, who had been unwell, and became well enough to go out last week, suffered a relapse, and is still confined to his room; under fa- vorable circumstances it will be a week yet before he is out again; in the meantime his office is closed, Rev Joseph Edge left on a holiday trip on Monday morning last; his pulpit will be supplied next Sunday by Rev H. Irvine, of Kippen Miss Mattie 1, umbalizas one of the singers at an entertainment in Bright, on Friday evening. Rev J. Butt, of Glencoe, assisted at the evening service in Rattenbury street church, on Sunday. Miss Cora Williams, late of town, has been engaged for one of the depart- ments of the Brampton public school. Miss Jennie Matheson. of the NEw ERA staff, is away for a holiday. Mr Thomas Detlor is leaving town, with the intention of going into the Nipis- sing district. There has been quite a number of changes in town thio year, people going and others coming s in their places, and so the world moves along. Master Will Jackson t (son of Mr 1. Jackson) who has been P with the NEW ERA for three years, n left on Monday for Toronto, where he nI lakes a position in the office of Jas. T Murray & Co., publishers. About twenty-five tickets were sold here for s ,,jl tagara Falls, last Saturday. There f` '}s another excursion to the same place to -morrow (Saturday). To lake le the advertisement out of a newspaper ti during the so called dull season, says ti an experienced advertiser, is about H as bad as to stop feeding the horse G because- the weather is unsuitable for using him. By -the -way, how does o your subscription to the NEW ERA fi stand? Mr W. S. Lawrence and wife, It after an enjoyable trip through Mus. b kokn, have returned to town. Mr n Squires, for sante time past an em- at ployee at the Doherty Organ Factory, M has taken the foremanship of the P Wingbam Times; though he bas not been actively engaged in printing for to some time,' he is nevertheless a good ni practical printer. Reeve McMurchie p and wife were last week on a visit to to friends in Smithville. Miss Denni- an be son, of Mitchell, is visiting here.— Flax, which is a good crop, is being Sc hauled in to Forrester's mill here. m Mr Alex.W. it intends to open a fancy Se goods business at Hensall. Mr J.W. •1° Irwin and daughter have been on 'a ro trip around Lakes Buron and Erie. M Mr Th( mas Wiseman, who bas been vt spending his holidays here, returned A to New York, on Saturday. Mr A. riv th M. Todd, of the News -Record, left on Saturday for St. Johns, N.B., where on he goes in connection with Orange So business. Mr W. Jackson is away ha on a trip to Montreal, combining business with pleasure. A new stone et crossing is being laid aerof s the west Co n Mr the browsed he fell from the tr�e,epraitt- ins his wrist so badly that be flu .ta etlrryt it ill a sling. The thermometer tools a -sudden drop. on: Sundernight,. but did net touch freezingpoint, al- though, not fir from, it' ¥r George -Hanley -bas been confined to the; house for several days by illness but le on: the mend. As fine a field of corn,, Bo far es, height. is concerned/ ea can be found in the county. i� to be seen on the arm of Mr I. Etklyd, $olmesville; froth the road it looks to stand from 7 to 10 feet high. F. G. Sperling, of Wingbam, was a transient visitor to town. on Tuesday, 114 e - pe eraitor cif ,. he Brtme1F -haat h withdrawn his advertisement of "s cond-baud baby carriage for sal and as he makes no announceme that it has been Bold, we presume has concluded to keep it for emerge cies. We would be greatly pleased a large number of our corresponden would get a good big hustle on, an let us have the latest news. T "Sons of Rest" society has got as f as Brussels, and the editor of t Poet is in ecataoies over it; he ne not join it, for he never works unlee he has to, and precious little eve then. The Mitchell cricket clu came here on Tuesday to play a gam but the rain came on just about t time they should have commence and prevented it; this was unfort nate, as a good game was looked fo The Public School and the Collegia Institute will re -open on Monda next; every scholar should be in th place, so that there will be no unne essary disturbance of classes afte wards. On Tuesday Messrs Centelo Bros. made their first shipment plums for this season; they we from theorchardsof ex -Mayor Whit head and Mr John Bean, and were fairly good sample. Miss M. Lyon of Hullett has been visiting friend in town, Mr John McClacherty ba a geranium plant ou which there a 85 bunches of flowers. Several b cyclists passed through here, on Mon day, to Seaforth; they belonged the London club, which had been o a visit to Goderich, and a few Strang ere in the county town is such a nov elty, that the people thereof fair] went wild, but they have relapse into their customary monotony. Re Mr Gunn (brother-in-law of Dr Gunn left fur home on Tuesday. The tow bas another painter; his card will b found under the birth heading. A horse belonging to Reynolds & Son's livery dropped dead while coming from Bayfield, on Sunday evening; it is said that its death is due to bard driving. The lake shore campers have about all returned to town; they claim to have had a good time; judg- ing by the appetites they brought back with them, they must have been living on short allowances while away. Miss Rose Vodden, of Clinton, is this week visiting friends around her old home, ou the 8th con. of Hullett. Miss Calder, of Brussels, is now as- sistant teacher, with Mr Jas. Grant, of Clinton, in the management of No, 10, Stanley. Mr Hurlburt, of Mitch- ell, was the guest of Mr Wm. Robb. over Sunday. Messrs Plumsteel & Gibbings have rented the store lately occupied by Mr Detlor, and will oc- cupy it as soon as some improve- ments have been made. At the last meeting of the Order of Canadian Home Circles, Dr Turnbull was ap- pointed medical examiner, in place of Dr Williams, Who has left town. Messrs W. and J. Jewett, of Goderich township, were ticketed through to Deloraine, Man., on Wednesday, by W. Cooper, C.P.R. agent; Dr Steep was ticketed 'to Winnipeg, by the same. Lucknow Caledonian games will be held on September 10th. In- spector Robb now rides a fine Safety bicycle, procured through Cooper & Co.; Mr Wilmot has also purchased one, and Albert Cooper has one for his own use. Mr Thos. Rumball bas returned from his trip to the "Soo." Mr Fred. Alcock represented Clinton Oddfellows at the recent meeting of the Grand Lodge, in Toronto. The wife of Rev W. W. Sperling, of Tees - water, who has been visiting in town, returned home on Wednesday. Con- ductor Crawford has been unwell for several days, and his duties are being performed by Conductor McKenzie. Messrs Cantelon & Steep made their first shipment of apples on Wednes- day, one car going to the Northwest and two cars to Montreal. Miss Cur- rell, of Robertson's store, is visiting friends in St. Catharines. A con- siderable quantity of new wheat has already been delivered at Fair's mill. Miss H. M. Hill, accompanied by Miss Cowan, of Princeton, are the guests of Mrs John Ransford. Mr W. Hale, of the Western Electri- cal Company, Chicago, is home for his holidays. Miss L. Patterson, of Woodstock, is visiting friends here. inspector Robb left on Tuesday for Walton, to make his first official in- pection. The regular monthly meet - ng of the Women's Christian Tem- erance Union will be held Thursday ext, at 3 o'clock p.m., in the base- ent of Ontario street church. Miss M. L. Taylor (daughter of Mr Wm sylor) who had been engaged for a chool at Madoc, was also engaged it a Methodist mission school at lorley, N W T, at a salary of 8400 a ear, and will go west, if Medoc re- ases her. The officers of the Salva - on Army here, are in attendance at le Bayfield camp meeting; Mr S. ill has a tent there also. Mrs S. ammell, of California, Miss Bouke, f Iona, and Mrs Whittier. of Bay- eld, are visiting Mrs W. Rumball. was expected that Mr Thos. Gib- ings would be home last (Thursda} ) ight , his whereabouts was located Alpena, Mich., through the medi- co of a subscription to the NEwEea. ise Plummer has taken a school at arry Sound. Miss Cruickshank has ken a school at Picton. Mise Je- ime Helyar has returned, after a easant visit east. Miss Wilson, acher, has been visiting at Blyth d Seaforth. A gas pipe fence is ing put up in front of the Public hoot; this will be quite an improve- ent. Council meets on Monday pt.:1st. The:recent rains have been st what were wanted, and will help ots and pasturage wondetfully.— rs G E Pay, of St Catharines, is siting her old friends in Clinton,— ngus McPhail, of the northwest, ar- ed home on Wednesday, owing to e death of his father, one of the pi- eers of Gedorich township. Mr mpson has purchased the stationery ek of Dr Worthipgton. Mrs Ora- m, of Toronto, is en a visit to her ster-in•law, Mrs Hodgens. Chief Ms. of the Fire department, ac- owledges a donation of $ i from Biggins, for services rendered at fire. Other locals on first page. sale he of is d he sr he ed B n b e he d, u - r. to the Cashmere Hose 25c, worth 35 r - re Cashmere Gloves 25c, worth 35 e- a Corsets 25c, worth 40 ie Handkerchiefs (iob) 5e, worth 8 to Prints (job) 5c, worth 8 Y Cotton 5c, worth 7 n e AT BERTSON'S. dtwiga -Big Bargain Day MEDICAL.—It NEW DRESS GOODS NEW FLANNELS NEW PRINTS NEW +GINGR AMS NEW COTTONS Every department filled with new goods.' We extend a hearty welcome to all our old friends, and also to new ones, to visit us on Saturday, as we have many special lines to show ROBERTSON'S kilt Cash storg We are offering special value in Black Lace Grenadines, Nun's Veiling s., Cream Lustres, Linen and Victoria Lawns, Embroideries, &c. GLO V E S_A large assortment of Silk & Taffeta G1oN es aid Lace Mks Parasols -AT A GREAT BARGAIN TO CLEAR JOHN tiVISEMAN THE LOW PRICED STORE, CLINTON BARCAINSIPI. .a, As the season for Summer Goods is advancing, and we are overstocked, we have decided to cut down prices to the very lowest possible point, We would like to reduce our stock about $5000 in the next 30 days. Come and see us, and don't forget to bring the cash. We will give you bargains. We have not space to mention all the different lines we carry, or to quote prices, but will guarantee the best value that can be had for the money. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD by any one in the trade. Wo intend to take the lead for good goods and low prices. 14 lbs. Granulated Sugar for Si. Plumsteel - & - Gibbings Searle's Two Stores O I rpON Albert Street. Saturday, Aub, 23rd A -BARGAIN -DAY. Loot at Our Windows Special line of Handkerchiefs, 5c Ypur choice of Boy's Straw Hats, regular price runs up to $1, - - - - - 25c Any Straw Hat, men's shape, regular price runs to $2 - 25c A line of 25, 35 and 50c Ties, 25c The above are wonderful bargains, and there will be a few shrewd people who will take advantage of this chance. x BE E8I.EYCo CD E-1 ARE NOW SHOWING Early... Fall- Styles In LADIES BLACK STRAW HATS, Those of our customers who may be wanting anything in the way of a nice new hat, can depend upon having the same trimmed up at once, in the most artistic manner possible. Doing Over Department MISS BEESLEY having returned from her holidays,. is now prepared to do over Hats and Bonnets in the leading styles' We are opening up New Goods every week, but have still some bargains let in Summer Goods. Come and get some LeLesdl�oesy's Great Milliieiy Emporium. Brothers'j11101ti1VEsihlilipalltHATTERS and FURNISHERS CLINTON