The Clinton New Era, 1890-08-22, Page 6Fact I r T aasesH knowing is which all therzrewedies t blood as. it Care, yield to Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Fresh con.ein s. • tion of LIN - wt•nt eels, hand o,;i( r,n such: nuc t,••i and a• gf'r 1►1 ra=. �lr7i Dods . •t tiv c:', .1 t. e ly era,.' ; the use. l ,,, dertul PROHIBITION VERSOS EIIGH LICENSE. Old farmer Brown came home from town, Stirred up and quite excited ; Said he, 1 tell you Sar h I'm just downright delighted ; e. We wdry. hipped the "Prollibe'' high and In yeterdays election. The Old Bay state elands firm and square For License and Protection. he fight is done, the battle won, We're free from the delusion patchin' up and tinkerin', Our grand old Constitution. • eed! said Sarah Jane! 1 thought ou went for the adoption Prohibition in the towns. Of Ind Of B y so-called local option. 1 „ 1 ,,•I a ,I .• sw coil• , what alit' n want Pe it s Prohibition, egtxieort,having' Y c' i'1` i;"'tt Why let them have it straight, say 1, and t r'e, ` Mrnedies,it'd rate it' But, only on condition. inclu+liz,; mineral gator. Without relief, cut u a Chicago n. S er folks in other towns paper t1u,.• a m, IafnL, alts • n•s c i.a,,•:,,iug con,- We wan • right ° inaere ' r, y to nue is ever 's trialSars of this medicine, addecided to Full half the taxesainithe town ; Ssit••Tegirlariy for eight months. andlttan I call that local option. �,,',F,leased to say that it sheered a corn- And when it th t ,fete cure, and that I have since had no oodo tiothat, of course ;return of the disease." I vote for its adoption, Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. if., But Samuel, I'd like to 'writes: t a. "One year ago I was takeu it Now haven'tknow. with rheumatism being confined to my That no saloon you a notion, "house six months. I carne out of the 1 For this good town of Go •) ;i, s1 very all is beat sickness much debilitated, with no Think •:Iiippetite, and my system disordered in of our boys Shen. every way. I commenced to use Ayer's James, y there's Dick and !Sarsaparilla and began to improve at And Tom +ance, gaining in strength and soon re_ and en's Art Covering my usual health. I cannot say And brother Nathan's Arthur, too, too much in praise of this well-ituown And Jack and they start 0 ; Medicine." What if when start off to school, "I have taken a great deal of meal• A They pass a s at every corner, shine, but nothing has done me so place e t byusedrto have, Much good as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 P Tobias Warner ? Ash its beneficial effects before 1 had quite finished one bottle, and I can Oh,as to that, I guess o reel testify that it is the best blood_ I really have your right, uteeiccine I know of." --L. W. Ward, That Prohibition straight is best 'Woodland, Texas. Sr'' For this good town of Goshen, l then, saidSrahJe ntall ow don'L ".About two yers a t,two year Wel] so I do th ' h la ,c if m u u fo! 1 1, ksui l ' io I saw• hr an ud, err..' That oth i¢een rnlieved o 11 1 in hul hall have the r ht f saving r lona suffer,» t t high Licenser s Sarsaariil lin, Therevs Y Lime. Ayer's Sarsaparjfla,BY Mitt Dr. -"J.- C. Ayer & Co., Low .Pride 31; sir bottles, $5. Wonb •Reliable information "that a crop of 17,000,000 off• wheat will be secured Worth -west this year, an 1lantity the amount will probably reach 12 p D he bushels- , 000, 000 Not Ifiti 'us Jane, just Pea reation t what is good for this one town Ain't best for State and Nation ? ell, Mass. And as for paying taxes, why, S, a bottle. Right over there in Stoughton, Inthat High License town you know, shows 1r. Beck'sheymurdered Billy Houghton, Oh Isaloon. It cost a pile, bushelsy'es. I heard you say it, i❑ the To try that murder case, you said The town would have to pay it, d of this Besides eight paupers added to ex orted T poor Jist all from drinking. D°" license pay the taxes there ? much -and I've been thin s A clergyman says :••-I once " married a To k young couple, and as I by fl y 'took the bride's hand at the close Why W:afthe ceremony and gave her My You armest congratulations, she tots- L3.. ed s° s wf 11e r to the bridegroom, said: _pointing you to die itthe one to be congratulated."' think d"' AndIfyo sc There is more fun in a sheet of sticky sc ' paper than in the average negro And 1 Watch the kitten YTo wh ;with it on the new caret; playing I hold h tined for ever; t p the latter it= flit and thew he kitten goes into a Witbi Ant of the house in terroren and ehii f rush to rid your house of flies, b If you want y Poison pads and buy Wilson's , we're t them home da good for Goshen boys eeom tation of for boyfree rs throughout the State? not ? womenfolks are just so sot botheration! ul contumacious think yon know it all, and then ]k and talk -.Good gracious, u'd just mind the house and cook, rub, and do the mendin' eave the men to talk and vote, ulkn't be attendin' at you can't no way see through. women keehin' n their sphere. -- reit Well, so do I. pretty good at sweepin', Y we'll take our brooms, and tion such a cleanin' elks haven't dreamed abou uel, I've been meaning ou of an awful thing ur Dick, he's lying bedroom stupid drunk er he were dying. king othing elgew'll clear use directed ughly. Sold at 10 c, by out thor. give nard'8Linintent cures arget indrugco s. Tie na Asmen f ..European papers are making a. Totellyam reat fuss over what the the extraordinaryy eel- About o rapbing betweeSte:Petersburf g In yonder nd Boulonge, a distance of 2465 I d cath Iles.' We, on the American �Vhat ! D tient, think very litte ouuch a Why ! ,r at, as messages have long 'Twas over en exchanged since 1r. Heck en e, and gedPortbet en Portland l know, on over They o big out 4000 miles of wire, and now I1is clothes legrams can be sent direct from alifax to British Columbia, over 00 miles, a far greater feat than ending ofa message from St, tersburg to Boulonge. The official report of the -Johns - n Flood Relief Commission rots that the total contributions the fund amounted to $.5,742,. .78, of which all but , 98 was sent, from places United States, Pennsylvania o $1,183,403.84 and New York ,761.05, As showine. how p: people Ur about ick ! Our Dick ? Vhen ? Bow ! Where ? there in Stoughton, 's saloon ,just where, v ered Billy Boughton. policemen broughthim hon all torn and m - t. U0 le 1 A gash across uddy, I els so His face be r' hi s forehead too. i healthy al g immed and Woody. e All winter, I bare feared for DickfYhleh gee And lately I've been thinking health Be goes too mach w 3 F 1 feared they'dnt}ilCharleySmith, ever ' take to drinking. ,just by�been crease the vi cid'theyesr, for 50 cents cash. lfahing an Pian this painsal principle trade e&alttelaG bwt de- termined t go • we aro d be it so. But le into the belief t will champion o pose her own vas States to any ri orallIel peace b �j on AIRY FFABRICS., arra 7f nle>asslne of 'RI' f reciprocity to for commercial war. ""^- t usnotdmme ci THE VERY LATEST FASHIONS FOIL hat free- (Lselvee trade Britain ! SUMMER WEAR. ur protectionism or ex. t intercourse with the tie on our behalf. HEALTH ND HOME. • 't QUEEN ('IIINEBE AN.EaTIlETte. A curious ana,ithetic used by the Cbiaese has cently been made known. It is obtained btaed by placing a frog in a barrel of flour and irritating it by prodding it. Under these ClfCnrnBtAheey it ex- udes a liquid which forms a paste dissolved olv' ' t.d ,lr water, has well mark- ed anaesthetic pl•opet•ties. the finger bas been immersed the liquid for a few mutes iti in Can be cut to the bone without[ any pain being felt. BALDNE56 Lt E TO 1NDIOEbT1oN. Ot'all the causer of premature baldness none is so common as in- digestion. Dyspepsia and weak and1' falling 11 nr= »air go hand in hand. As the one affection has increased so has thd"other, and not all the oil of Macassar, the bear's grease of Siberia, nor the canthar'jdes of Spain will prevent a roan's hair from shortening and thinning whose stomaelr is badly out of order. Indeed, anything which debilitates the nervous system has a weakening effect on the scalp tissues, which shows tbat loss of hair may proceed from general as well as local causes. THE WAcIIJNtf OP SANDS A SANITARY MEASURE. A6 ' L !t E. Clean hands are praiseworthy, both literally and in business tran- sactions metaphorically. The Sanitary Era adds another pow- erful incentive to keeping that part of the human body clean; 'Cases of infection that could be accounted for in no other Way have been explained by the fingers as a vehicle. In handling money, especially of paper, door -knobs, banisters, oar -straps and 100 othes things, that every one must fre- quently touch, there are chances innumerable of picking up germs of typhoid, scarletina, smallpox, etc. Yet some persons actually put such things in their•mouthe,if notouching too large! Before eating, or that which is to be eaten the hands should be immediately and scrupulously washed. We hear much about general cleanli- ness as'next to godliness.' It may be added that here, in particular, it is also ahead of health and safety. The Jews made no mis- take in that 'except they wased they ate not.' It was a sanitary ordinance as well as an ordinance of decency.' D008 HEALTHY AS CHILDREN'S PETB. Cats have long enjoyed the re- putation of taking threatened or actual diseases from a child but a medical authority, quoted by the Chicago Journal, claims that dogs perform a service : 'I don't similar the dog shall actually mean that the child, but be with t continual- ly -be played and romped with. Ther mething n the mere linialism Iof the dog ti to make the child F. a dog can catch se from a child, and g about can often de- olence of an attack__ e of the disease, you ourse the dog should lilted to the infant. by should not be with vigorous young dog. healty and hearty o small a companion ar't'y out this prin- banefit in a her, ado; is great Forn consumptive's room. that disea50 the constant prothe early se of ee of dog is the best thingprknow of.'1 know And now I'd rather Dick were dead I'd rather sec him lying take off Som Besides the grave of little Nell. know. What is the use of trying be , Of c To keep our boys from going tCCOmm< I think my heart is beaking wrong? A delicate ba While you, their father, a rough and Rum holes and athero drunkard making. to kee > 1 Nor shoved a Extended Tr chid have to tae', puppy' To c ciple still fut't , a reference to the i The Globe concludes an article wi 'jIIJtltjOnB from foreignI better trade relations `8hows. coon- i with the United that fro States, by the foil ion of Canada"• , the •'1)0 Manitoba with8,$50.25 was z h* Columbia with 81._, and as not in the 41in are i8nd headed the list of foreign bt01•8 with •42,`00 89, and sot the smallest mite_-.,�;9. Sidon servant girls pay I3i•i- oldies from 75 cents to +1 Zing to rank, to walk out 'them for Sunday, drinks in - 1 This is perfectly true. are hundreds of poor little f ye in the London boarding- o =, inns and hotels who are u fl content to n t to �'to the hone week their Ysan only eek after• week y manage to save b.Ao pay their pet soldier for tday out and march him the,common in Hyde Park, Ylii;i'ittion and envy of num_ 0.tither little 'slaveys' who tot been so fortunate. The d down in shoals in tile Wellington BAr't•n(•Ics on When the soldiers come parade, select their men range with them tbr• a, day's 1; -;On a purely commercial i As tt,1rule ibis means »eth- rtt'ta rail. The servant girl 'Itires the emart-looking With his cane to parade 4t the dark from 2 in iha er. till 0 at night and see ii, to her 'mists-,es,3' (lour. Iowing "The moral is that it is unwise for the two countries to attempt to impede I the free movement of trade and merce. Nature is bound to com- puni in- terference with her decrees.sh which Canadian r t The cr is that the Dominion would soon tionists be ab- sorbed politically if it ceased be 181 them ; in other words, to resist pendent existence as that our inde- pendent a row a people depends upon difficulty in the waycusof houses. One view lies in the fact way of exaccepting this demonstrated its falsity. No les has authority than Sir Joh;, Macdonald an as declared that the free exchange ld has natu- ral products between the two col rom I854 to 1,8Cf L 3 onntri not t n t to hea demand ei t17 P ofa nd Canada »ion, but actuall h for political f an 10 Y to the dissipation if I could banter that airection. And ley for a bale of Southern cornay of withinteout bar- risk to British connections, w' why should British connections Pray why instead of obtaining be imperiled of were to procure the raw material article in the shape manufactured Su The Dominion as the weaker community, omm 7" The much more likely to suffer m -oro the heat and ill temper evoke front the 17a 11 d ho b police legislation which ex- istingtthensay that I:nglanddemawill alwt is s Strand by us. No sensible person cab belie ed t the Ilriti5h artisan, v. ho has been injur- ed by the `;h'. or, Ole Ilritish people at large, surplus ) h 1 ,A a [ Por capital are being, transferred Ieanti ed States rather than to to the Cult- ed to back us it , Canada, are complications I' tnresve art' in the whichwhich may which have arinnn or as of arise either from the aggres. Amerie11n restrictinnists or from commercially attempt of our to sever us which rcially fr tin the continent to ws belong. if instead of estnb Minard's Linimenitlumberman's friend A brother. of Day, who is char- ged with the murder of his wife by pushing her over 1Niagara FelIs,is in the Central Prison. The man, who assumed the name of .John 13eadell,was recently serving a term at Syracuse for safe crack- ing, but made his escape disguised in a complete suit of clothes which tie stole from the prison. Ile got safel 3 a;• • (I Oh e tl lC' 1 a lne but nabbed by the provincial police at Welland on a charge of bringing stolen property into Canada. He was convicted by the county judge and was committed to the Central for one year from Aug. 8. Itch, ,flange and scratches Of every kind, on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. DrnThis never fails. Sold by J. II. Combe, ggI' ., At. June 27- 3m. The Atehison (KaniChampion, one of' the oldest and most influ- ential Republic•ian papers in Kan- sas, came out Saturday with a free trade flag at lis masthead. It says that protection has 80 impoverish• ed he farmers of the Wes[ and enriched the manufaelt».erti (tithe East that nothin�rcan bi nga cure! exvcptfree trade. Two unknown men aro report -i ed to 1 ave gone over 1110 Canadian side '0 the tiisrrlra falls Thnrs-I (lay. 0 CAarue,trg Commutes, baiuty J1t4 earn ou ir�' creel (,iu ltttuay .rackets aa1 1''rt:,nen Maid tee., Pretty Parasol, 41043 t1,•,ifnl Burrueta_5uuttut•r Styles le, t • . 'aria and New )urk. j ) kr c 1, co ,l is n study, y � J n;t ,rich 3:rusa !fust! ler Weal'. coasts ,,.o•hru,• • •1 -up ut u w iib peoln s of ;saII,, I+�u and,h•• lightest t la N'n and stiaughat als.ve, a a u 11 111.115 a V101131121 a u Me nineties •a „ en- c ,�19 durable abI to r ) be shade. ,11 the new ideas In dress 010 airy as ble. The figured l udia anti Prench silks are made with plain gather,. ti skirts, trim- med with two broad 11 sertions of black ,nee above the wide m. Or the new Prem.'") fashion is adopted of six oreight r hr are -lush ribbons in contrast to the dress front and rile, carried clown the and ta quarter of a yard apart, knotted in a square bow with four short loop., and two long ones, known as the mand- olin bow', l,ec.w+c it recalls the rosette effect of flyers and sail,. Ribbon gowns are very airy, et t,.11e black lace insertion, with ovals through weieh narrow• ribbon is threaded, and Lt3 se ler,tbs are set together by wider ribbon of the same or contrasting color, the whole mounted on a foundation of silk. Very pretty Jackets and lace skirts are made of this insertion striped with line rib- bon, and are inexpensive; the lace five inches wide, of firm quality and selling at 25 cents a yard, with eyelets for Nye and seven linear of the narrowest ribbon, The e bandies of at• as P of s are ar she parasols themselves increasertsiz and the effort to introduce the taran ,n size. Theo far proved unsuccessful! covers has so they will be much used exceptt'withh specibtful al dresses. Very pretty full dress sunshades are trimmed down the ribs with frilled chiffon and decorated with huge bows of ribbon at the top. Mouseltne de sole sunshades are edged with lace and vanclyked toward the top. Crepe de chine parasols, with a cascade of transparent material or lace down every seam, look more like huge flowers than any. thing else, and are extremely dainty and dressy, Hut the greatest novelty, is the " I'edestrieune^ sunshade, which will be eager. ly appropriated by ladies. Everyone knows down - turned s trick cf transforming her bn le into a basket for the recep- tau3 of !lowers, weed+ grasses on her vomitry rambles, though she suffe,• much dia. comfort UI G1 meanwhile . , ht le from m th upon her uu a rays of the sun genius has conceived the fo original idea of pro- ducingace. Some a sort of double headed sunshade, which, contrary, to the axiom, can do two things at. t1,o same time very successfully. The upper part re,embles the ordinary sun- shade, but .,1 the handle is inserted a minia- ture paras ,1 in a reverse position which, opening outward, forms a convenient recep- tacle for the freshly gathered flow Lady gathering nosegays Si hero ers. - a dered garden on a sunny own well -or - tion would be acceptable, m pile) the inven- tion itis i i while t3 the pedes. indeed a delight mid joy. All tones of yellow Iva considered 1)ost chis and correct in costumes for both simple and elaborate occasions, and black and white is a favorite combination for young people. One ofthe mrvtdistinguished dresses lately evolv- ed, which would grace an empress and trans- form an ordinary woman into a queen, is s pale primrose satin brocade, with trails of full-blown tipple blossom., half in soft gray shadow and half in strong relief. Its decors, tion consists of flounces of ('hantilly la and about the hem is one of the new ruching] that add so much to the dressy and becomitry effect of the severe skirts. l'Aa3N Rf0SRHT AND Nt'A RN'. (,alters of finest black cloth, or of colors tf match 1 the gown, satin, are to b much wornd lithis sost eason Witt wearing over walking shoes. They ai•e enol, er and easier than hoots and answer the same ur n P sP P foie town t) w T ear The be especial/y. +t oner, are most carefully made and fitted and button up like a bout. Among novelties in millinery are the flower toques, which prn'niso to he popular thit season for youthful heads, one in corn -flowers and yellow croons on a rolled band of blue velvet, and another cowslips, with two large black lace butterflies, being especially pretty. A faney black crinoline hat, much hent up and almost hidden by a 33)1154 of shaded corn- flowers, is finished off at. the back „'its 0 band of the field d ,. 4r. m4 resting st. ing on the hair. Amon,. bonnets is oneemnpos,.d of bands of rode:! red velvet, with large half beads of cut ,let pineed in between, town red silk rosettes and n large butterfly of black }ace. Another of e1•Pa1n Tuscan, edged with tinted lilac, 11nd !heaven space above laced across with gold 1 rm d s which emerged at the bark and formnc! strings. Velvet ribbon is beginning k) be worn about the neck again, and the advent of aro►_ tarots of velvet will be hailed with delight by thin women. The collaret is nada of piece , eIvet shaped In fit the neck, and is fringed with pearls 1171,1 headed with n single row of diamonds. Jet coronets., Iong in d1A- faynr, are now seen gleaming in fluffy hair, and anything fanciful fn the way of hair rameni, that is not too high ie en wah3P, not only In the coiffure, but on a part of the bonnet or dreg hat. i RAILROAD TIME TIME TArsLE The de a Issued May Iit. stations p rture of trains at the sever$l last official is according to t $inial time card: he CLINTON • Grand Trunk Division Going .East 7.43 a.m. Going West 2.25 p.m. 10.05 a.m. 4.55 p.m. 1.20 p.m. 6.55 p,in- 9.27 m. London, Huron and Bruce Dv ision Going North Going South M. W, p.m 11.131. Belgravem . .10 4 2 745 6.50 3.40 Blyth ...... 10.28 7.7 7.18 4.15 Londesboro 10.1 J 7.120 7.6 4:25 7.03 Clinton to n 7.26 ..10.00 6.45 4:25 Brucefield.. 9.42 0.26 7.55 4.45 Kippen .... 9.34 6.17 8. 4 5.2 ilensall..•. 9.28 6.09 5.12 Exeter .. 9.16 5 k•32 533 London, S u7 8.50 5.33 London.... ' 25 20.15 6.45 ers, or the balm A gentleman in Lo is in a position to k friend in Halifax that per" was arrested son. is a medics/ dies! student, a made on information ister. The authoritie act of the "Ripper's" ecret for certain re nti] the chain of evid he "Ripper" is said t A man recently wrote to the London ewapapers about an 18 -year-old lad ving at Bristol, who, being without ms, paints pictures by bolding a brush his mouth. It has since been dis- vered that there is an armless man at »twerp who has for years worked at cep ging pictures in the public gallery Ile uses his toes instead of bis fin1 gers, and can put his foot into the pocket of his coat, pull out his »dkerchief, and wipe his head, which aid, all 7 the while hi le balanced on a High HE POLITICAL SITUATION Has not materially changed within last year, but Wilson's Wild Cherry week am;nga cubetter known every eping Cough, Coughs, Colds, other affections of Croup, throat Loss of Voice lungs, For twenty,hest e medicine has Weare this res mikes been used in scores b with the greatest success. Yawrappers druggists. Get the genuine Tito pp rsonl . »don, Eng., who now, writes to a "Jack the Rip- e time ago. He nd the arrest was furnished by his s have kept the arrest a profound aeons, probably ence is complete. o be insane. e f s u T n if ar in co A th tai ha is b stoo T he 4 wee Who .nd and 'iabl ')f fa Sold in wl The following y corded byg strange history is re - Hiram a Pennsylvaeia p lawyer o atop, Northwestern being alrib pg Pe nn sylvaniaand a man of themost flattering politi- cal prospects,suddenly abandoned iprofessin and because a recluslmosteaolueive kind,died the in his hut near Waterville, Pa., on May 30, aged 83 years. He had lived the life of a her- mit in a miserable hovel for over 50 years. No reason for his singular re- tirement and wretched seclusion was ran district in the ever known. Ile represented the War - would have been sent to heleSenat the autumn he took up the life of hermizt and was also to have been married to a daughter of Judge Lapham, Alias Lapham is still living, aged having never gone into society 80 Weare, strange abandonment b Y since her to ver. Y her affianced SAVE YOUR CARPETS. A sheet of sticky fly paper will damage to car do more anything, pot and furniture than e, ever invented. lou careful housewife would son's Flyhave one; about. Wit - house of ies Poison morPads will clear the than any other means quickly and surely tWilson's Pads will he light where the flies are he thinear ckest and clear the house itnl l short oints rder. day, by all druggists. Sold • The Clinton New Era Ispublished every Friday Morning b the proprietor, ROOT. HOL,15s, at his printing establishment, Isaac ton, Ont St., Clin- TER378. 11..;0 per annum, paid in ad. vanes . in eveJOBe .i,PRINTING executed withe evera neatness and dispatch, and at reasonable rates. NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. 1. Any person or persons who take a paper regularly from a post office, whether directed in his name other's, or whether he has or an- ll or not, is responsible for sub»cribed 2. If a person orders payment. ells- -tont/titled he must pay all paper dis. the publisher may arrears, or it until payment is made, continue to send It ect the whole amount w1 etherlthe pri- er is taken or not. 3. The Courts have decided that re- fusing to take newspapers or periodicals from the post office or removing and leaving them uncalled for prima facie evidence of intentional fraud ADVERTISING ltA'11;ti. Loc•,(r, NOTure-At head of local column, 10 cents per line or portion thereof, each insertion. Articles lost or found, girls tt-anted, R'c., not exceeding three lines, 25 cents each' , n sertnn• Five lines, 50 cents for one insertion. and 25 cents for each sub- segment insertion. Acuses to let or for sale, farms to rent t or for sale, e stray a similar c m Y a uta tt 1 r advert' a and all eight lues SI foroneadvertisementsnot 51) exceeding cents for each subsequentand .)0 Advertisements witmonth. atructions, inserted tilllforbid. specific Special contract arra gei ents with business men. General advertising rate for unclassi- fied advertisements and legal adver- tising, 10 cents per line for Bret inser- tion, and :l cents per line for each sub- sequent insertion. Changes n e» g f ments must lerhandedahi advertise - the week as possible to insure ea in that week. a change 03.1034 Foot 0011 Hhti I Cmnpo,mded of Cotton Root, •Tuna Y• en n p N 81'etFti8NPULLSed !'V an old� pp q and [hot Ronda Uand MONTH[. l'h arrn>ed Inn of women, and 111,3 h q will be mnllyd to any PraM(ee of 3e reara. Pure pre. W137 I'e aro lied t 10 y addrena in Cnnnda n en of women n ours, 9to ,I and 1 to one is s. en of men tt475(,3 only. Reeled '1 D(R„nn- 0t ,p ,y Lnd, A only, Aac(,e,R nrtlt1 ora two No. a POND n her LILY r rmf. Mirhi Mork. 13) woodwan, LY 1',011. lrA 1. Aeenlle »e. .Ione YA' S. WILSON, GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE. SURON SI BEET, CLINTON. Re pairing of nil kfnda promptly attended to reaaonnb,e rltoa. A trialonlielted. rscifiI7' LEiuLsl�i/ DOES CURE 1 J /llMPTION 1 In its First Stages. Palatable as Milk. color Be sure you get the genuine in Salmon 50c and wr$foo sold by all Druggists, at SCOTT & BOWNE, Bellevlye, THE WONDER OF THE AGE ! ��•,.- cure - - -_ r �,'.p i; ,,,, moi^ -o:3 1 ' t . .p `.jjdt'llfl dull i`' 3�i� '�� )i a�,,,,, A NEW IMPROVED Dy FOR HOME DYEING. � Only Water required in Using. 10C a package. For Sale everywhere. it your dealer does not keep them, send direct to the manufacturers, COTTINGHAM, ROBERTSON at c0. MONTREAL. 0 MACKINAC SUMMER TOURS. PAIACt STCAMLSII ]bit! TM Law RATFB eek Between DETROIT, Trips ISLAND BeteakeLake qhsHuron Pogoo, Marqurta,ette, and DETROIT ream ANDEveni Between 8mlday Trip duaCLEVELAND 4 Jonn. Jolt', Augur and 81pt.manr Oarq. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS, Rates and Ezonrafoa Tloketa will be rurnishoe by your Tiaket Agent, or address E. B. WHITCOMB, o. P. A., DETROIT, M,tri. THE DETROIT & CLEVELAND STEAM NAV. CO O Zv 4 tonlac LIVERY. The oink :I held have bought on t the Liv- ery business desire to Worm the by 1t, }3 #attic and carry o public Y n th o .that Oft they sante in the old Oreo! iseRy will Next CO,IIJII;HCIAI, Hotel. 8everar new and 00031 'driving hoc A A A R tl d thmOAtotvtt9hCAIr . Ah (e17 Rdded tothP 1 CAA. Ewa be hired at Satisfaction 'O1 guaranteed . H. REYNOLDS 1 Y Ol, D. S d S ,v FALL GOODS Just Arrived cAi..r® HL`, ar,�S, Silverware. J. BIDDLE:0 >11 .H IG �.moo N.E P011 AGENTS l• .N T. No IIISW NO CAPiTAL IlEQUIRED In honorable and praiseworthy I+uaine,q ithut any Ponallde chance of loss; steady employment and control of territory (done bnsinaaR in Canada 10 hn•Y to right man Have ivuser to nett 011E unexcened Y Stock. Send for terns. CRASF, BROTHERS COMPANY, Nurser}mrt), COlionn, (int, 0