HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-08-22, Page 5Fitted by the only
` 'Oiat+i VOZ ,4! aka
goregosiev9rT 4hulr 9 inornogU,
! hur4i1Iy,Mg. %„ ;lass.
Wheat, fall. standardp 35 404.0 0
Barley 0 37 4 0.40
Peas 9.55 1 0 65
Flour per bol 5 70 1 5 70
Butter 0 12 a 0 13
Eggs 0 13 a 9 14
Wool 0 20 a° 20
• Pork 5 00a 5 50
Hay $ 5011509
Hides 325ab25
Sheep Skins 0 50 a 0 72
We notice that The STEEL BROS., 00.
Seedamen, Toronto, are offering the follow-
ing new varieties : Canadian Velvet Chaff,
Golden Gross, Early Red Clawson, Jones'
Winter Fyte, and American Bronze. Send
for a copy of their circular, it will pay you.
FALL BULBS should now be se-
0 PTO ME TER i looted 10 ,mplatted
h soso a handsomesbede ofOTuUps,ht the ye so much
in sGroupring. Send fort e atcopy of The STEELE
BROS. CO., Toronto, Autumn Catalog.
prope system in
An a k>preutice boy to learn Sheep Skin faun
M. MAEDEL, Benmiller. 3
Albert Street, (Miss Trewartba. e) euht- I --
able for small family and 1s iu good repair; 1 Executors' Notice to
nnA nacnnd
ordinary conveniences. Also g
hand Cook Stove for sale cheap. For parti-
culars apply to JOHN BEAN.
1' Lot for sale or to rent, on Townsend St.,
The house, which is new, Contains fourteen
rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is
also a good stone cellar, good lawn, hard and
soft ntains
1 o ane acre. Termsr in creasoe. eiablelot �oApply
on the premises or to MRS C. CARTER,
Clinton. tf
Faun for Sale
A splendid farm of 50 acres, beiug the east
halt of Lot 28, Con. 5, Hullett, about three
miles from Clinton. On the premises is a
frame dwelling house, good barn 36 x 60,
stables, &e. Orchard of one acre, two never
failing springs, well fenced, good soil, and in
good state of cultivation. Reasonable terms
Apply on the premises to 1'',T. FARQUHAR
Clinton post office.
To Rent.
Two fine stores in Perriu's block.
Also, will be vaeent by the 1st of May, the
commodious rooms used by Mr Shearer.
Apply to J. I'. TISDALL, Agent for Canada
Life Insurance Co.
The creel' .rs of the late Charles Carter,
ate the ywn , deceased, who died on the il
of Huron, yeoman
or about the twenty-ninth day of May, A.D.,
1890, are hereby notified to send by post,
prepaid, on or before the thirtieth day of
August next. to RICHARD RANBFORD, Clinton
P.O., one of the executors of the said Charles
Carter, their Christian names and surnames
addresses and descriptions, the full particu-
lars of their claims, a statement of their ac-
counts, and the nature of the securities (hf
any) held by them; and that immediately
after the said thirtieth day of August next,
the assets of the said Charles Carter will be
distributed among the parties entitled
thereto, having reference only to the claims
of which notice ehall have been furnished
as above required; and the executors will
not be responsible for the assets, or any part
to any matte
hall not lavebeeu received by thenotice
time of such distribution.
Dated the 28th day of June, 1890
Western Fair.
The Best of Canadian Fairs,
House to Rent.
[t good a and location, plenty hed. of room' good SEPT 18th TO 27th 18
water, stable and woodshed. Rent low. Ap•
ply at NEW ERA Office.
House to Let. I Large increase in prizes.
Machinery in Motion in Main Building
Manufacturing goods in view of public. Best
speed prog.ramme ever offered. Grand and
attractive SPECIAL EXHIBIT of the South-
ern States—cotton, figs, rine, peanuts and
wild carpetsts each as tmade from the leavin
esofthe pine
and other woods of the South. Products of
the turpentine stills of Georgia. Minerals,
herbs, plants. barks, &c. &c., and alive alli-
gator of Florida. Famous Wild West Show,
Balloon Races & Parachute Descents, Fire-
works, Bands, etc
For prize list and information address
post card to
President. Secretary.
a has teen opened out and you sham :d
Our Fall � Stook `of Children's Clothing p o
Huron Central Clinton
Western,London, Sept. 18-27
The Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 8-20
Southern,Brantford, Sept. 9.11 -
Northwestern,Goderich Sept. 15.17
Southern St. Thomas, Sept. 16-18
Great Central Hamiltion, Sept. 22-26
Central Canada Ottawa, Sept. 22-27
Center Bruce Paisley, Sept. 24-26
Central Guelph, Sept. 25-26
Northern,Walkerton, Sept. 30, Oct. 3
North Perth, Stratford, Oct. 2-3
East Wawanosh Belgrave, Oct. 7-8
Tuckersmitb, Seaforth, Sept 30, Oct 1.
Stanley branch, Bayfield, Oct 8-9
Wingham, Sept 30, Oct 1.
East Huron, Brussles, Oot. 2.3
Stephen, Exeter, Sept. 29.30
The elegant and comfortrblo brick cottage
on Victoria street, near the manse, adjoin-
ing the residence of J. L. Doherty.,/Large
garden,&e. H. HALE.
For Sale or to Let.
Frame house, recently occupied by Dr.
Williams, situated on corner of Albert and
Mill Streets. It has a good cellar, bard and
socont tains ssl'ofaaneace awn, re. Terms gureasonableof
Farm for Sale.
Subscriber offers:for sale his farm of 100
acres, being lot 35, 5th con. of Hullett. 90
acres cleared, well fenced with cedar, and in
good state of cultivation. France house,
with stone cellar, frame barn ; cattle shed to
accommodate 33 head, and horse stable for -
10 head. Good liowingg well, bearing orch-
ard. A capital farm Will be sold on reason-
able terms. Apply on the premises or to
GILBERT MAI11,Clinton Post Otlice.
Onoof the best steam sawmills in Huron
County, capasity 10,000 per day, in first class
running order and furnished with shingle
and heading machinery. Also about 5 acres
of laud and house, plenty of timber near.
Last year's custom sawing was over 400,000
(and over 13,000 sill heading. ) Near ship
ping point and thriving t',v 1 A lirst•class
.)usitless cheap. For )vial 1 '1 :+are address,
NEW ERA OFFICE, (,lit • Immediate
possession if required.
Farm For Sale.
On the 6th con. of Goderich township, lot
11, over 80 acres, nearly all cleared, good
clay loam ; one of the best farms in that
vicinity. A good large orchnrd, agood piece
of wood land. A frame house, and beauti-
fully laid out, with fir trees and privett hedge
surrounding it. 'forme very reasonable.
For ,school by purchasing one of our Nobby Suits.
It is cheapest to' buy Clothing ready made, and we show this season a nicer assort,.
nt of these odds than ever before,and offer them at prices that will astonish
me g
See our. SUITS at $2, $2.50, $3, $3.75, &c. They are wonderful
Odds and Ends of Summer Stock away down to clear them out,. tot
make room for Fall Goods.
, p
There was a large movement of cat-
tle 'during the week, the shipments
being the largest of the season. Up to
date they aggregate 57,000 head of
cattle and 24,230 sheep, an increase of
18,990 head of cattle and a decrease of
5,100 sheep compared with the ship-
ment for the same period last year.
With regard to trade in general there
is little that can be said. Advices are
to the effect that there is a suffic-
iency of cattle in the country and that
prices are somewhat lower. Fat cattle
are coming in for more attention,
shippers being sick of stockers, which
however, still go forward pretty well.
Two boats cleared for Aberdeen last
week, and three more will follow this
week. As this means about 2,000 head,
it certainly looks as if this Aberdeen
business was to be over done like the
rest, and if past experience elsewhere
goes for anything some shippers will
realize this fact when they receive their
account of sales. News from Liverpool
reports that the market is fiat as ever,
6d being the top for choic e steers and
Gid for sheep. It is claimed by some,
however, that while half -finished cattle
are selling at a loss, shippers are clear -
Mg on good choice stock. Sheep how -
e ver, according to some are losing 75c
to 51 per head; in some instances
freights are slightly easier, the Brazil-
ian going to London at 62s Gd
insured, and the Alcides at 57e Gd.
Shippers say that cattle are cheap
enough In the country, but complain
about freights, which they hold are
still too high. At the east end abattoir
there was 350 cattle, 650 sheep and
lambs and 15 calves: Drovers undoub-
tedly had a bad time of it, for the sup•
ply was too high and the stock offering
was off of inferior quality. The cool
weather, no doubt, induced somewhat
freer buying, but we heard of no sales
above 31c which was the outside figure,
running down to 21c. In spite of the
fair enquiry, however, a large number
were left unsold. Shippers were buy-
ing some of offerings for stockers at 21
to 3c, as a number of sheep and lambs
were also held over. Sheep suitable for
export brought 3'1 to 41c, but those
handled on local acccunt moved slowly
at 53.50 to 85.50 for sheep and 82.75 to
54,50 for lambs. Calces sold freely at
83 to 512 as to quality-.
Men to take orders for Nursery Stock, on Salary
or Commission. I can make a seccessful
of any one who will work and follow my instruc-
tions. \\'ill furnish handsome outfit free, and
pay your sa)ay' or C00tnilssion every week.
write for terms at once. E. 0. GRAHAM
Nurseryman, Torocte, Ont.
Executors' Notiee to
5 per c. off for cash.
The creditors of the late Elizabeth Fitz-
simons, late of the Town of Clinton, in the
County of Huron, deceased, who died on or
about the sixteenth day of May, A. D., 18!10,
are hereby notified to send by post, prepaid,
on or.before the first day of September next,
tothe undersi;;ued, executors 0f the said
Elizabeth Fitzsimons, their ehristian names
and surnames addresses and descriptions,the
full particulars of their claims. a statement
MARGARET . - O. of their accounts, and the nature of t110 se-
_ -- -- - curitieslifenv, held Gy'them; and that home-
I31aC1..' 11I ill Shop and laud diately after the said first day of September
for sale. next, the assets of the said Elizabeth Fitz.-
-_ I ,simots will 11r distributed among the parties
entitled thereto. having reference only to
Subscriber offers for kale the property I the claims of which notice shall have been
owned by 11011 Kt ( 10101.0•, Ill 1111' county of I fnrnlsl'od ns nLovc r"luu•ed alul t)lc c .51 1
Perth.11,. It ceisisis of a 1,1m l:smith slu, (11 utirrs will nut hr rrsponsiblo fur the nsotti, + MR W• 11 OTT. M.�..9
in;; a guns busiura, with llw•'lli"g n)us', uta 1 nr lull part thereof, to tiny Person of whoa' I ,
bre and llt.lf-Here of land attached. 1s in a rfninl node(' biutll not have been receive I IT TI' ICIII:H O1" 3)1; 511'.
Rpleudid farming section, with no01pusitiou then' at the time of such di;trihutirn)' Slnsc•Ic
\\'ill be sold with or 11,111 It tools. Fn.ti<- � Dated ILe 1'(111 day of .fuly, IH]II. 1'inl;n, Orf;;w ni:'1 Trcl11110 1 1r
factory ron.tnn t„1• s, -lath;, ['01- 1,at'ttt•tl lat-s I .(t))1N- STo(;Alt V.\ 1. l:yo( u:<n', d'c.•L'prr, for a of P11,iis, y,no'• ut
apply to THOS. L01ilt, Ilo1,, Ville, or JOS I D. 11. [ilsSN1 D 1 5I•. S. Earn's, Rstt. 1Jnn'y Street, Clinton
LOINS, Gowrie. tt _ -
-. - - - -- ----- ! 1)isso1 itioll Notice, (Nikka..\.110\0SUN \l-TEIiI5.\1t] Sl lt-
1,tttellerills„Otrtfit for style vJnl'os..lFluor (iradnattOntario \(•nrnLai,
— '1'h,• ru ..).,Li L, r,'„f I . ,,,,,n,. i„.. I all, g , Treats ail ,user!' R of dnnu•ste'nt',t
I P animal- on tl' 141x1 mod n' prieeipak, Ot•
The l+ n's ra.rl, Rl1111 11tet• Imo -iv, and n.11 I t•i 1l`il !In• 1111,1, rst0nrd y 1. (hikes (b1 1
het' u'r,,,,,r1es for rnuning a But rLrr ('.nt„ nn\ Ile: Ibis sac I•" di. snlc:"i L1 lice nhrn' Lu lisou. I•ut,hrr Shop. Anlean.
1+1 .' A 1: e'tV A E(l
01 ,.,,iia he poi 11,y tLr under^, ,.,"1. for
1ncll '\idrlrt as will ira.l t„ the eu:.\ 1')i„l.
ot 41111 ,'rani 1110(1)1:l4 ill Sharpe., Creek.
Null linea of everything in foot wear, as cheep as the
cheapest. A few job lines at less than half cost. Call
early and secure bargains.
Now is Your Time
It is hard times and we feel it, and are willing
to meet it bravely. We are going to sell if prices will
induce you to buy. We have marked our
BLACK SUITS down to $23, and some to $20. - We are
here for the purpose of doing a first-class trade, and here
it goes:—SCOTCH TWEED SUITS, $1G, $17 and $18, PANTS
from $4.50 up to $8, and then away back to $3. A
very fine BLACK WORSTED COAT AND VEST for $16, $17,
g18, $15. Now is your time, as this is
for Auogust
Give us a trial. Fit and work
N t
Reny' Cor the ; SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON Opposite
)ptoCooper's store
Walton : cC : Morrison,
The leading Tailors of Clinton
We make a specialty of
Try our Blended Black,
We can give good Japan
Also choiceYoungHyson
not to be deceived with peddlers, and a number have
gives goad satisfaction,
and you'll use no other.
at'-' all prices to suit,
that gives satisfaction.. _
We told our customers
taken our advice and quit them. They find that they can do as well at the Hub'
OUR COFFEE is the best we can buy time.n Canada. We guarantee satisfac-
B. LAURANCE'S Spectacles.
Bargains in Prints
5II01'. i11. 1” 11u; i store. 1' ',tit' bel"1,,'.inl-( 1ir1.:r I:Inttull enusent. All ol:'.11,. ,.;;shut s,ll,
Istat_ of 1f. Tt wstoy, are offered,„r sn1.• „ , , ,ynIt+uat Orr 10 hr. .ern tet \\ . t, hwalllrld,
rcasolla'olc terms. This is a splen'li,t e l'- 1 „.1,,,'„ ill seu1' l lir '.0 loo, ru,1 1,, 77
hon' a,l
po•tur,lty for any 011e \venting t0 go 1111„ , , Ir1,ts ,1110 '•n id Comii•:tiy are to i"' lnti,l.
b usiuesy, The Lasmo -c will he r•nutinn„I under the
l'arties indebt)(1 1„ 11Lo estate of 111'11rc • 1111111e,,fThe (tAd:es Organ t', a,lp•,np a, here.
Tt'wsl, v, i ro he'l'l') 11.11'i"1 1.11.1t Ile•t 111 Inti „i„....Il ticeFd 111 I \', 1` ,.
sous: Pn.rt.vely br,au1 Ln Int un i,n'. t ad
`, , � O (1,1,5.
w•itlt0,lt delay, wuo alon(• 10 Henri n' 1 1 '\P S.5\\ \I PIRI,f1.
collect the Oahu`. 11 \1.I or - A. IL \I.\N`:1Ne. _
11OISEriT l.'ITZS151ONS' -
,t,h,inistrat or -•r (Ire, li1(telifor,l, et AAo',I .H.rt:. . 1:,s Qlo�iu^:( li.oa(1.
Ciiuton...% il.o. 1N'In 11.- O:'I,ee' place n1 the (('h,• rho:„u' 1':o tori.
13), Rh,' •I,lor,l has hero in 11„ or•.n1/11/11,i11,41,si11R : `',]tire 1, Lill,. 1,'. 0rn
]Athat 1h' llu,1e1l+: 'l
h5111011 AND �.1A61NG. Sl'I:S('11lRh:f1 1 for fee 10,1 uccl,tyy'ar.;. 1h,• last four Nears ('x11110 , o1 11„- 1'.wnship of afoul•V in the
�J new Las Lis naw mi11 titOl'01110 y "Inil'- of w.o' I: Ill Lrl.1Ibopn'itfou of foreman i:1 Comity 1d Iluron. intend 10 11asi a 11y -law
,c1.. and in 111'st-class running order, end 4,.4 `tl... ,•l,nt; (1rf,nrllnr1,1 in 11. 17. 1„1.1,,,
1'u'c 111,11 11 111511:'•..,,1 of 11, road nll0tvnneo
:fi�arcd Lo do custom sawleg 01 all 1:i1 ,1'• ,' 1 tor\' at. 1Vfeelstnt I, 11r 111nteliford 11'twrt n Lets No. 1 niel 5. Lake road west, in
IratunR engaged kir \\'. l5tI.I , it )',i'1:'t,l i. 1„ r ^Liv con\,r.,,lit wPPh'tcry la:ineh the said tow !Ishii, of Staulei, I'artu•, Ill. 1
sawyer. to Carte C1. trRo of LLc same. A III e,: ori:,•, huddling fuel is Hie patentee of 11,4, t ,rested are required to talo. notice awl
buy Rand snood bru,lnc•I: Inas. Orelrr r.• -fiat ',ford 1'nn41,41:4•11 1t4 so1 1111 ('Lan, Lr r '; n,,erl thl 141'-r11 eti accordingly. By ()r,1 I.
sport! ully solicited. (;nus Ceder l'o•i.• 1..1. ,',.ti„n 1i ,,a,,,lwnt-Leen 4,111. aim to hoop of t1.' coca,.^.I. 1,1,41,51E\\'.\RT. Clerk.
nlr. \\ r arc 1.0.‘ mg ` per I.1•11t for I,,: . ;, thorn!' '1,1y, lien—tit,d, 11 of 1\or!.tu'n and I 5;,'.i• r.. dui v 2.,.. I,. I.]n.
T1105. 'I'ItICK. (;,.,L•rich tu,e4i5(i1'. \, , sere n\'r le n Lett, r,n-i1ion to )'•nine•'
Dor, SI. tf - a ogl, 1,0,')- ,t.-tr'u,o 141 11,1E at the )'resent
\-Otero' List i'ol• ISIN l. 1,ep'I'h:1l,i'l,.;I! t• 30 forl'1'.t ,',nr
i liei'lil, a c ;,•1n, 't n, ,111.'1' iI lilt,
'11 NIe ,I'VAIy (.1' Ill'. 9„11. ,
l „t ,(( (O.' bt'n,..' ,l r.l'l ..( / \I,1 1)1;1;.1.`: 1'0,
TI,ese celebrated Spectacles aro fitted in every instance with B. Lau-
ranco's test, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. You can
depend on getting the GENUINE B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES
by calling and examining the stock at
15 c. PRINTS for 121 c. 12.4 c. PRINTS for 10c.
Some of these are very handsome.
FINE PRIZE BAKING POWDER in 25 cent cane. No blanks.
WEBSTER'S ENCYCLOPJEDIA given away free. Come and see about it
Coming in and opening
and produce,THIS IS
out fiwant
THELACE value for you'
1 Any quantity of GOO Dtmarket
Your patronage respectfully solicited, at ADAMS' EMPORIUM.
51, 1'. (' \5IE1:ON.
.1. N. ell.\NNON, 51. D.
(,.. let i': 1.
Notice is Ltrrliy '. i\rl,, that f (hirer nr.,•r..
mitle,l orrl, lic'rr'1 1.+ the po l•hnl ".,rl,I it•ur'I
111 Rection.:, nu,] G e.l flu' (tntario l "01' I,Ist
Art, 11,'+7, - rt l Hi red Ly "i') -, rli ,n.
to Lr tt'nnsu'it t, d or dl I;verr'I „1 0'•
made pin' -cent to s41 id Act, of all p, :',0nsap-
prRrit,, by the last re'ise(1 \Ra,
nl' the .aid aluuiel polity to he rut itded in coir
in the said 5L n'iripall17 nt 11101ml4 1,11'
firm nrr- 111 the I,egtsln.tive ,\-seeila\ and 111
11tinefl'n11;1,0 inns; and that ouid list ens
11rt lasted u)' at nn noise, at ('1„IL10, of he
Ith,lat of ,\ut:ust.:'311, 111.1 11 nntni,s item
for 11.1, 1'11 ion.
harriers nrr mile, 11(0(1 to "5 ,,, iir Ih'
r:ai,l li.t, nd, if nuy olnlssiot 1: ,n' nm\ oih'r
•s nrr Pound Lhrrrin, to tale iInLie'dint'
A Revelation
t inn'oH,E TOON
1 \'r 1 1' I11
A. tlflLFORD FIAl.l., Ph.D., I.L.D.
orrut\\'hat I ) o foil '!'ilial( of it'.
i ” to 11:1 to 1111' Fal . l "rt. slut's[.- 1n10.' ``T\'r idltl. NT This i; 0 new I rent went
eel according to in w. Bated I1,i•- 1111 day of of disono,` never before published. It there -
August, ln'rl. 1111. ('O.1'1•s, ('Ierk of U1' 1 fore bnnnothing to do vit.hdruus,'leetriritt
Tna•n01('lintol. I magnetism, or env syotrinof dieletlrg. it
_ - 1`` A x1117•LF Tltnt.(II I•I.t 1'1,1%11. HOME '1.111.:'.'
t:NT, 1Lsrovrrod 1 y n close Rtndvnt of nn-
t OtM'S' fiat 1.111' 1 i`i1)t) • nl
I I nrr, nnul is po. se saes of Ruch marvellous
remedial power' that. el' TAKES Ittoirr 1101.11111'''1( II'AI 1l' Or Tnt Tnw'.'lr11' o' Ill '
l 1.1.1 er t -it l rnF- the worst moos of drspep'la,
fntR ever
(v)t-N•ry of n1 ani. constipation, liver complaint, chills and fe-
ver, bronchitis, ki(I1ry romp1s. ,
Notiee is hereby given, that f 1111\'' f l'a11R- diabetes 011(11t1'igllt's diaet00, heart disease,
I1l1LLed 0t delivered to the p0t1t00a„lent .inllP,l with its resulting"cold feet," incipient con -
in sections 3 and 6 of T11' Ontario Voters' aumltion, internal inflammations, rhounnt-
List Act, 1880, the copies required by said Gm piles, cholera, n,nrhts, headaches, and
sections to be transmuted ordelitered of all blood and akin diseases, indicated by
the list, made pursuant to said Act, of n.11 pimples blotches and yellowspots,a11 any
persons s. ipearing by the Inst revise(. As- other disease arising from impurities which
RefitmentRoll of the said Municipalityy to be clog the ayatem.
entitled to vote in the said Munioppallty at, soothe STtelfl. NT We ran till every age
F.iectioM for Members of the Legislative Asand en-
d at Munletpal Elootlone; and th usllias6 cptestimonlials ever written by the
in Rn port of all that isstated
that said
that said ifat was Hest posted op army office,
and remainsrthere for inspectionon the 2Ist day . July, 1890,
Electors are called upon to examine the
said Hat, and, if any omissions o' any other
• errors are found therein, tp
proceedings to have the said errors correct-
ed according to law. Dated this 21st day of Address, DR. HALL'S DOMINION AnRNCT
July, 1890. JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk of 7 SHANNON STner•.T, Toronto.
Hallen. 1:,ta wtete 1.
pen of man
THE Micnoreatt EXTRA d cost tcontaining 1800 much npages
of explanatory matter, testimonlaie from
dootors'miniaters and others, will be sent
ddress on receipt of 2 cents in stamps
We will give
11,01llD \ 1. ,\1. H(tlli.IY Ery,
SEPT 811t TO 20th' 1890.
The hest and rarest Exlihftion in the Do-
minion of Caliede, and attended annually
by over
250,000 VISITORS
The gree test entertainment of the- year,
$50,000 FORaPRIZES
and educational, inetructive and onio}-elite
special featln'ns. The newest and hest at-
tractions attainable. (:rand Internatio.lal
dog show, etc.
eACheap t time t sions and lte oi
is of On-
trates on
all railways. Entries positively close on
For all information, drop a post card to
President. Manager, Toren to
of the
Avoidthe stores that sell 'below cost all the..:,
year round. The man who promises
something for nothing is a fraud.
'4- is known as a dull month in the dry
goods trade—between seasons as it
f were—too early for fall goods and rather late for the
sale of summer fabrics.
Dollar's worth ou Pur-
chase of
us helps swell our sales and gives us the use of your
nluney--with which we can make money. We gain by
is said to improve with ago—Dry Goods;;
Wine certainly do not We do not Intend cat.;°J
rying to next season goods that should be sold this on, ”
are here, and the dollar.
The Bargains and cents we cut off thy
regular prices are clear gain to you—if you have use ffi
the goods.
lines ot Dre
.Goods at pric
now to the
year, to sub -
that will pay )ou t buy for next season's wear.
iters for 50 cents cash
ser ,
30 DAYS ;'-!
FOR NEX`S cial
counts off for the balance of our
Summer Stock ot Boots and Shoe►
Eggs Taken in Exchange
W. Taylor & qtr
Aug MO