HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-08-15, Page 7, P • OTUR .7 NDi�a1k FItQM. WISFa WORDS. A►,1les !)}Shay PTr" e19k w* gate het Op■torla, __ .. ... ........ .. .. ... ...... . . .._ ..- .... _ ,WAIA44e Raw %chtia, she cried t9kcwtorla, 1 The general election for the I beg you to take courage; the Prince Edward Wland lative brava soul can mend even dlstas- Wli� sh11 became uta, she *lung to Oa•torla, legislative g lei'. y- I W►*h�haacl<1►area,shos .the■,,castwria council, on Wednesday, resulted - . . in a substantial victory for the Before great victories can be i n Liberals. Of the seven members enjoyed great battles must! be of the council returned only two fought- , �has6msufroaivUkrar uiertlwnoyPidk, tvdBiltiDA81 D�e.fClfiP](,l + I' d'ii2T�(TiYCIi`i4Uit01'tIBII�D�alm hucRellcatafii lf7�COpItD81 are Conservatipos. The leader of It is not so much what a man ANDAl%llAgt&WS=pRE, the Conservative or ministerial, does as what he loves that de- pal ty in that body was defeated tides his destiny. _ 09 R�RE,AT ENRLISN REMEDY prp�� and six holdover members are all Avarice is like a churchyard; chyard; it tt Infants and, CithOdtMen. , '"Orf y t/;W YY VEGETABLE INGREDIENTS Liberals, the new council will be takes all that it can get and gives 10 1UHUEQ'DA 0nBM TS. ..AND WITHOUT 3MOURY, USED BY compored of seven Liberals and WE ENGLISH PEOPLE FOR nothing back, •POrNteelsissowep f'arji89l,rAellaed mde,IR�Lbtugtlrin fres dbmkliwmtlrlrmimtitiieeo two Conservatives. This election 'd"�OdtO°�at Qlislsrll►emvr, Siren tura e � � �•"' '' OVER 120 YEA ,.m Gratitude flows free! for thins Is■amendtter'■rpWWrtaao,Tpreen prloo sour Stoanacb, 1�wtat en n�u h>zlax�l�Bltitlaisain�ve,ou,geolalrmtibotalde eine too has a special significance from the y g imy,,,lpm.,. ILA. �, i� D, was worms. 61, 1'!';!@SWAM �����4OtObdt�,0 received. It is harder to the �_� oa fact that at last cession of the pro- g llil 9w Oztosd t31:. Rmukli , N. Y witi►ollt ,m � 'tie wbro vl tEii t �s�er�r > xa ,est ��t 19�T 01;'r ' - vincial legislature the legislative thanks for that withheld. 1! AQ T� CENTena Oore�t;k■lc,StFebE .,� ; q � raA1WR� ■IFM26tG��tQB u � council passed resolutions favor- Strong minds, like hardy ever- 119 '•a��" in g unrestricted reciprocity and greens, are more verdant in win- 9 B��Q�i2(, '. Condemning the government for ter, when feeble ones, like tender refusing to take part in the Inter- summer' plants, are leafless. Goo Cmd p�� 1' QbAlvioedil�o pilttdaeftokmtovaive GM,& ashy call.provincial conference held in Quo• He who is truly at peace with - -7JII?av�pIIgpio S bee in Iia M The great mass of himself never suspects others. THOUMU a the legislative council voters are But be who is ill at ease and disCURE FIT I GIVEN � IMRLY. UNNOMAIAH juif These Pills consist otacareful and peculiar admix- fArmela• AL elections for the Sa contented la disturbed by snspi- When l ��s, glsls toAotatBD can '����■it': 'tun- of the best and mildest vegetable aperients and I merely to sEeR �ltesdioees acrd t Jlepunextractof Flowers of Chamomile. They will sembly every man Over twenty- cions• have them return again. 1 MEAN A RADICALC.Ue.. I ha cm, y ip[ betoand a most efficacious remedy for derangements Epilepsy Or Falling; Sickness a lite-long study- I warrcta*aop Vz%: C=_ 11Chp the 01 the digestive ani, and f robstructions and tor- IN 1111 One V@Al'BOfagO I6 entitled t0 yore, worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not hots[ ¢tW tavdl ctivad ate d at ae v Bent, ph sic the tongue of a J tinTRPREN D itiactionot the ver and bowels which produce in- but OnlyOW01'80F real CBLA(e worth p P b once fora treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible. Rens p t2 jQ�cgyrp,,i�H,�i, and 1p4tionandtheseveralvarietiesof bilious and liver AtI@nt, physielans find OUt the PostOtfice. it costs ou nothin for a trial, and it will cure YYou,; reyr�dr8lt�MMQATi L)P, 4plpplaints. Sold by all Chemists. $32^ Ol' upwards can vote at legis- disease of the bods; and philoso- M-C-s Branch Office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, •TDR�NT®o W80LEBALE AGENTS: lative council elections. Hence phers the disease of the mind and--------=�--»�-_'-�--- - I�irae ld�saor��,ntumBnYb�Ai�i.t>:tiP�1ffE'lPFr17013gr7D8¢Ti> 'TANS AND SONS, LIMITED; it may fairly be claimed that the heart. _ MONTRBAI-. farmers of Prince Edward Island, SIIXsBp�BA HBISP'Fl�lI1 I 2,115 ,Ats$>��13gk 9871A Labor is life; successful labor it bPECIALT 8� by their votes on Wednesday, en life and gladness; and successful IAlaq.4eldbarselokatoEkRB13LtH>.BSiJ�8J�18IiI - - - - domed the resolution of the legis labor with high aims and just ob- RO>P�iE1gf��,pRgg��soltdoeue otaclfs p�,r lative council in favor of unrea- s tricted reciprocity with the Unit- happicts happiest l the fullest, truest and BINDER, TWINE HARK EST' ' e��l}moi � lltnuJcir►elyAeowadwevntvxp„drys! 1� �m pbe F ' Ied States. As the blcLord gov- I happiest life that can be lived , .: 113I� fi3° puese eta¢1afckVK1lI1,T�'A>i'81:1'l, ernment have only a majority of upon the earth. r , , � E SII r9 CUR6�IZJ�QBfJ �We Wer o&tmtitdmea dlee mid'aaodipaa io ' rirA y e y Precepts are usefdl but rac- W IRE' BUCK FENCE WIRE, ' 1-';a Ii Ni I}�; EtINE � � RES one in the assembly, the return P p , yoursptvsrs�lves. of Such a large hostile majority to tics and imitation goes fel beyond A them; hence the im rtance of JUST COMING' IN, the legislatve council makes their w , watching po W ��d 8��'`.` • tenure of office exceedingly pre- atchinb early habits, that they 1 , l 1',� E 6 ES T �' q R� CD carious. The Liberals of Prince may be free from what is objet- S'CO V E C (➢.k o, j - -m - -- .•.__ .- AMMu Edward Island, however, do not tionable, and of keeping before NUT COAi� l ER FACTORY SJ°;' TES seem vary anxious to assume the our minds ss much as possible 1 CARS) NO.4- C®A1, In U0 !S responsibly of managing the af- the necessity of imitating the good �}`�1,,� I feLUHEI'S GEi�O�IC Valves, Iron &Load Pipe failof thprovince uneerexist- and the wise. Quality the best and prices the lu�+'c stl ;;fl)rtl(t��9trliylri�- Loose Pulley O;lars, Cook's P in r conditions. They are quite ^`� p pp Steam Jet Pum s, Farm � l IN 1\ fru Tl�Ult Pumps,c 1lJlnd mills, willing that the Tories shall go the WHAT AMMONIA I� GOOD H A R L A N D B R., Sk$ w E Cream separatorsa Dairy full length of their tether, but 41AWs la1 Lariftfuln . No Alum. and Laundry Utensils. I " " NothinglnJurioua. Y take care to place a strong check Iron and Hardware Merehax� 91i>ti^ ;Hti> ddt�ldl a Ii'� fF 536 CRAIG STREET, upon extravagance and mat-ad- A little ammonia in tepid water ,Pf.TiIILED E'JEfllr9NEfl„ MONTREAL. will soften and cleanse the skin. - ministration.. _- Spirits of ammonia will relieve tlni�ap�� o a cgp,3 ant 1 majority of Liberals to the legis P o e1ingehpr� Wise aifllte a�sliasv"An a iY i • tive :ouncil. a severe head ache. 111 rr r u g ' g 't BEOC 3e1N7•"4 YH trltltr, ,;, lIl I � I -' � • 06vQlldwtffl�eti4nlQildn _{ . , --.•.� Door-plates should be cleansed TOLTON ! 1 qua i R w: 1 tpa >Aft atltleatJf>�e & lip IdAht ou STRANGE USE OF PAPER. by rubbing with a cloth wet in , h ndiflafltAggifltgJPfEig®gp�•kt6m6,nt of e ammonia And Water. FINEPL97i$AATRffATFVATS Pa er is now mad@ to Serve for Pea Harvester,' r' I t ► t1 P If the color it been taken out l SU # pig [til � Nl I1C aflt I ' steel and iron. When strong of silks by fruit stains, ammonia itrrd.,kitlfr�tr�1Cf�»4gal�sla�taiffa �`�''� - ;,�� ' ■ fibre is used it can be made into a will usually restore the color. u� substance so hard that it can To brighten carpets, Wipe them �,Our•¢ks>cotap3 g P P tela!t a dr4adort a itw mnv' C�i�DV�IICK S scarcely be scratched. Railroad with warm water in which has The most perfect and your LEATHEROID p i�isctioli. car-wheels are made of it more been poured a few drops of am- STEEL-LINED TRUNKS i P durable Pea Harvester ���®Ii durable than iron. A store in (I OF'METMy, ��t •$Stil�ACE: In Sample,Ladiea'and mOmla, p I. ilk allochorkinds. Atlanta, Ga., has been built ell- • y One OL' two aa I n r..�,r, tablespoonfuls of of the U t� i"I 1 y >�'®��� IghtBSiflltd5,� 6.3t tiraly of paper. The rafters, ammonia added to a pail of water Far Hand and g R U N KS weather boards, root and flooring will clean windows better than Use. In the World- are all made of thick compressed p, Guaranteed ; � �QcJcine Lse• P seat O give ' a er i bOardB I p p , impervious to water �g J. EgELEIGH � L,J P A few drops in a cupful of warm i' �1 :1�A� -SO SUPERIOR. MONTREAL, On account of the surface of the water appliedlcarefuly,willremove Satisfaction or ' - -�- ASK FOR IT. �Solo Mfrs. for th9Dom1n,1 paper being smooth and it spots from paintings and chromos no sale ' i'll j pp cannot catch on fire so easily as Grease 'spots may be taken p{l'I"' I} I "4 T�� �A��RAL p y ,'�, ,N iAmim a• wooden building. It is found out with weak ammonia with Persons requiring this article, will lease P l warm in cold and cool in hot laying soft white paper over and Place their orders at once, as late o dere PION 3lEA1L. 3 g cannot be filled. Alread four times the p " weather. The Breslau fire- Y +Notre Demo at., one of the meet central iron with a hot iron. number sold this year that were last. and ele;antl,y furnished Irotels In tl�e pl'00£ chimney has - d@m0n- Iy } Cl:;- Aocommodatlonforh0ogue.t `vee❑ Acid Of any kind eta On _ l strated that cooking and beating r scats.: (� •� q�7oeDRuFir b g .clothing, spirits of ammonia will All orders left with � Il R. '.` •S2 to $$per day. S. V r YY binaagar stoves, bath-tube,gnd pots, when annealed by a process that render kill it. Apply cblaroform to re- i „ l I CL`1'; - ON WN I . , DOMINION Store the co Or. I is , .ri. EA�5 it fireproof, become more lasting ' I p ... ��� LUTHER BURID than iron, and will not burn out. Keep nickel, silver ornaments il� II X d l f n I Ss1sI ts111ICualla, Cracks in floors around the skirt- a❑ mounts bright by rubbing TO, TIPLING��II�U,J� �'�: COMF•ANY. 1 with woollen cloth saturated in l a.PALMER&SON -- ing board or-other arts of the Manufacturxra of ' P Will be attended to ; spirits of ammonia. II _ Yhoteeale].mp'trsof room, may be neat! filled b P ASBESTOSMILL°BARD y y y Old brass may be cleanod to 743NOTRED) SUNDRIES thoroughly soaking a newspaper y r 1 ,,tl f . I TH�N�F,) l �,�a Ly Steam raeking, look like new b pouring T. BRO N Ao't Sea,forth, I; 1 � ��1� L' t i • ' 1743 NOT11E DJUIE ST., _ in pante made as thick as putty y p g Strong b I� , I Iii MONTREAL. '� FRICTION and forced into the cracks with a ammonia on it and scrubbing: L. BEATTY, Agent, Varna. 1. I'i•'y j i iv s: t t>�$ 9t( �1 I 1 ` ` PULLEY BOARD, paste knife. It will soon hirden with a scrub brush; rinse in clear (P � �5 ' • S O A �t,,,ap,rjeotFriee{on and can be painted. water. _ _ Black walnut picture frames A tablespoonful of ammonia in a`t'e' i2re�']fg6'9realjfil''e:.` New Firm NFW GOODS,'�`� I�el Pritc X are made of.papeir and so colored a gallon of warm water will often : t ro�l-oTi0MtgnMdaAd that no one can toll them from restore colorrS in carpets; ; it will RECKITTS BLUE. the original wood, says the St. also remove witewash from them, Louis Stationer. A a e," iano ar t 't3 THE BEST FOR LAUIs:JRY USE. P P Tallow stains left by Sewing 000PER&LOGUM,' has lately been exhibits in Paris machine oil on while may be re- The entire case is made of com- er�i;tg;efiIlywil}1��►eLxtty�ldacel►�; pressed paper, to which is moved by rubbing the spot with a GROCERS, are iu the fiald yA41 with �. PAPERS. given a hard surface, a cream wet cloth with ammonia before OHNS ON washing with soap. or `•!�'BA�P�blk'.�Ivt1C�nCe, Wrapping, moo• N ) white brilliant polish. The leas Bariams til now Black Grcell and man TurvAiN ORAS• pp BP ct;� ' FLUID EEF P Equal and itit entine k and sides aro ornamented with q P 4anilla, �Qr �HE GREAT arabesques and floral designs. will take paint out of clothing, Try our TEA I ECTAR and SI�;CRET IiLF,?lI)a�lj:1��`A+l�y�,la?ntk�; ALL STRENGTH GIVER The exterior, and as much of the even if it be hard and dry. Sat- be excelled in price nor qualilgiklity. PERFECT FOOD urate the spot as often as necess- -� vQ SIZES �A RF THE SICK interrior as Can be seen when P F 3 P CROCKERY- Y--We have a fine assort,t�ywtmi &t Ili{,nII'uu Aa > I ARIT.� s V AND V/ARMING !k the instrument is open, are cover- ar • and wash out in son suds, l D�� i3fk'- X91 deR9,1 ti &oJ-08ID-HIP 9 IP Chamber Sets, in aU theI"'�' d 4r o ORDE.Ci IUTRITICOSBEYERAGE ed with wreaths and medallions Put a teaspoonful of Ammonia and at prices to snit everybody. Come and inspect,tl}rtmt8►sfli�fftilpO9tJittP4$•ned�fife �. TO ORDER 1, in a quart of water, wash our ll>*1� sir •PlbDti al ,,,a.;, APONERFUL painted in a miniature. " An Ital- q y also have a fine assortment of GLASSWARE, and aj > .�. ZIDB11rBSOl JSL \" INVIGORATOR ' 115; Pnrro :,',q inn monk has succeeded in con- brushes and combs in this, and t; d8rin?�}r tIkti�L+14iifori, l all the lea jVe Ir five secured anotlier gewiu Iliac! r t r strutting a organ where the pikes grease and dirt will dis- give r%Way Witctl1 11). laking lit wdere are mode of paper pulp. It has appear. Rinse, shake and dry in UMelat,e -- 1,400 pipes are of various sires. the sun of by the file. p Special attention given to Family Trade. Goode prey!! >tYnyt l' ,jrl�j alig gl ;,�', `� � r✓��1��L � Ype a, The American Cotton-seed Oil If those who perspire freely us and get the newest, cheapest and frgg img & #. oode ill w f i111�d��Y�4•ig>Flgl�lflljl�al� �slce OIt trust is now running a mill for would use a little ammonia in the Pricfeo.4 0t16m;WeW0 otkegU�OlLlatd i-#a,tns- •' '■"�' making paper from the hulls re- water they bathe in every day it COOPER & LOGAN -Cl. n_sect 15t_� n ��rr ,�• 1 tis maining after• all the oil has been would keep their flesh clean and ' ,a " `��Q faC a tk>�tifeeliQn�a>lrisl aesY tairz NEXT TO CUUCIi'S ' to 461 ifiU00AR ler• ' .SOl"CJ E�'pp�• squeezed out of the cottonseed. sweet, doing away with any rias- _ "�°'• s 4 1' is contemplating the erection agreeable odor. q Best --a-=- %iAption-s r.t':t I00-inn mill for :he sumo Flannels and blankets ma • be Best and > 7 ( pu: pose. These hulls have here- 3 ' soaked in a til of water contain- STEEL ROD$,�i ai tqs �< l}•,•. y,� u t„t: re been considered worthless. p` BUILDER Sore. Feet iing one tablespoonful of ammonia �F1 a, i t 1 hay so far proved so successful f p that the trust Pur oses erectingand a little suds. Rub as little as, k Office Rasl�l��>ll�~n�il�c _ _ _- _ eYless P I- r- _+►•� /� mills at different points in the Possible, and they will be white �? i, i � AND FQU1!�r .` ' cotton-raising county. Of towns, find clean and will not shrink. ADD 4 �hafira � ,. g 3•' One tablespoonful of ammonia Bun < I this will trade. tovt.latiorlize P 9JarllU ulm I ,. �t� the paper trade. to a teacupful of water will clean +alt . f ' - -•.. - gold and silver jewellery; a few " �•"w ^_ illi, z=��z•.. ` t WALK EI00&4A 9#T(W<k-R IQ_ Ila ip�GAq •dyfl th @151t1)AlcBlfllJ @f�l�tmal Til t it i J�1Rt'� and, Bru' ' ,�aJ ' I. A LONG STANllING CASK: drops of clear aqua ammonia rub- -'" -'-'` $�3 Zr j SETTLED AT LAST. bed on the wider sidoofdiamonds cATA1.ofu�R Rlt�rr ov APPIt.p LY q,��r�gttatetGlet>i9bBaaJtn�iyei;, Ai�r9€}�> ®rs y nn� R1riVKR�!LvP15a1@@i�.�41t1)OAt�cKrtti�d.hci4' 11 tilEdlRRm:,ne p p ' T. W. Hunt, Port Hope,writea : Fill clear them immediately,mak- '(1 , -I was a sufferer from a long ing them very brilliant. { standing case of catarrh and being O well np in years (72) hardly ex- English Spayin Liniment removes Wfo P y gall hard, soft m calloused Lum a and Tho CENTRAL GROOER-M hoop ' acted to ever obtain an thin P Blemiehoe from horses, Blood Spavin, t A �S•, that would give me material of.Curbs, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, v? • 1 permanent relief. At the time of Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, DD�jjjjC M p �•�j� Qa And Q� 1Q Rr �4 @� ®k� 1f� 4&@laflDld U�b#@IKlatn bd0ep1Q16�lQt.A08,o m- I • ► receiving Nasal halm I was very Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one OPr"�� t C ��� PUST: - ©f�CE, IE bSRavreiFi FirbtrJdj'sb1lxl�46ff-Qdas'or ari��8kd ti bad with catarrb, but take bottle. Warranted the most wonderful r RTd l iWp @ill$I�il$� R�> k ad>1l�flivsittl lllielb groat pleasure i❑ stating that blemish Cure ever known. Sold by i 0 c �9a arVbPeri00@Qo&tclRAtc4�ls @IIOH�li�1{Atlttitl(jitslitp, J. H. Combe, Druggist. June 27, 1 yr MCMurrav � f,� on the second aplication I obtain- �,,.• p CONSUMPTION CURED. DE E ro LO,IOppfg ;, • t� ed wonderful relief and its effect was pleasant, soothing and bear- An old physican, retired from prat- Cce, having had placed in his hands by Return thanks for the patronage accorded them since t 'worth It acted like magic and is an East India missionary the forumla P g 4,qr iiJi$C44 v9 " aR" ' stdtworth ten times its Coat for tea of a simple vegetable remedy for the nounce that the will ontiliue to ave eatiefactiop, r -- - - --- O iter Y t3 H 4i #Lq flit rem with t sir orders. Alrp immediate relief it g en. I fuel Bion. and permanentcnre ofconsnmp- F/ �p • s l� 'ALL ConSdent the seegn tittle will tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and 1•t effect a permanwirt cure. I have all throat and Lang Affections, also s_r�j�h y� A - -j-1 1 m, MOA-14 {�•� n positive and radical cure for Nervous They will keep a full,stadc�fofk,er@Commended asAl 13A1m foretlld Debility and Nervous Complaints, after YiJVP;i�. )I l-ANIkNj)- . `REF.U'ST S,U83-117 YES in the head and in every case it having test®d its wonderful curative kefivAne- feringl!ellows. McC*Jd0"lt�(s'�• Mos. t' ' oworc� in thousands of cases, has felt very best roods in . f0iA N �,- nets Iiko a charm. - II t Oif 'fF>�'C ��•1'L� _ it his duty to make it known to his sof-� Actuated by this mot- 0a7 •.' A t spot t from the City O£ ,12ex- ivo and a desire to relieve human suf- And as they buy exclusively for cash, will give as goq� �{� asig q}Bipg •a,i 3 0`` OOUA6I 1,`� P [i �fI'I 3elI T,?. • . ;t:.` • • iC0 states that the castle of Cha- fering, I will send free of charge, to all We refuse to Rive one line at cost or under, and IVRK g Eg yi gQ me err �€it?I'rifilif� i €i kltrARis #tlfr�l(itrnFn wtf s L1�El . who desire it, this receipt, in GFerman r' pult city, one of the grandest and , other line you may want• but for general family auppl{g1,Wigdg Fai sold Freno or English, with full direotions MiWUPR8t6Ri6611LYbV ,o most imposing atruCtures in the for re grin and nein gent b mail Patronage res eotfnll solicited. Remember the 1 '. P' g a Y B P Y P9Fpilte$81kW�11�tlidita d. M 1+7t2KoMCyf�., �00'S EXIRACTCOM{AIyY,macre world, is about to he sold to Jay by add easing with stamp, naming this 78 FIFTIiANE.HEVYyORH, Gould for $6,000,000 fbr a winter Paper, W A. No4ns, 820 Power' Brook, residence. Rochol�tor, N. Y. 13012-y.e.D.w. 1V eMURRAY & WILTSEJI:; ,, 4 Cil fit► ' r►, 9 ;,. � ' - 4 c e 4