HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-08-15, Page 5M '> 4,eft; a*lt $. 'Of PEOTAOLE.S Spectacles° .°4 :a Fitted by the only prope system in to\VII, KING'S '''cl,T4NTQZ41 it AJWX' TS Ogreptodpvory'•lwhti✓ti4ltay a1taraelf}. TbU Id$y, Aug. 44, 189.0. Wheat, fall, standard—. . 95 a 0 95 20:430.i.r Barley 00 4375 a 00 40 5s 055 a 055 Flour per bah 5 70 a 5 70 Butter 0 11 a 0 12 Eg6o 013x014 Wool 0 20 a 0 20 Porta 5 00 a 5 60 Say 4 50 a 5 00 Hides 3 25 a 3 26 Sheep Skins 0 50 a 0 72 NEW FALL WHEATS. We notice that The STEEL BROS., CO. Seedemen, Toronto, are offering the follow. ing new varieties: Canadian Velvet Chaff. Golden Croe6, Early Bed Clawson, Jaime' Winter Fyfe, and American Bronze. Send for a copy of their circular, it will pay you. O PTO ME TER, PALL BULBS leoted now anted be se - during and planted during September and October to produce those handsome beds of Tulips, Hyacinthe, Crouses, &c., that delight the eye so much in suriug. Send for a copy of The STEELE AT BROS. CO., Toronto, Autumn Catalog. J. B. RUMBALL & CO'S FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 'HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT — ON A n 'HOUSE Street (Miss Trewartha'e) suit- able for small family and iriu good repair; _. ordinary conveniences. Also good second l 1 1 e a lea ,. For rani - hand Cook Stove for sa1 milers apply. to JOHN BEAN. IQ101t SALE OR TO RENT—HOUSE AND 1` Lot for sale or to rete, on Townsend St., The house, whLeh le new, contains fourteen rooms, and isheatec.with hot air. There is also a good stone cellar, good lawu, hard and soft water in abuudauce. The lot contains } of au acre. Terata reasonable. Apply on the premises ur to r,illS C. CARTER, Clinton. tf F iris for Sale A splendid tarn[ of 50 acres, being the east half of Lot 28, Con. 5, Hullett, about three miles from Cliuton. On the promises is a frame dwelliug house, good barn 36 x 60, stables, &c. Orchard of one acre, two never Mailing springs, well fenced, good soil, and in good state of cultivation. Reasonable terms Apply on the premises to W. T. FARQUHAR Clinton poste Ole. To Rent. Two fine stores in Perrin's block. Also, will be vaceut by the 1st of May, the commodious rooms used by Dlr Shearer. Apply to J. P. TISDALL, Ageut for Canada Life Insurance Co. SAW MILL FOR SALE. One of the best steam sawmills in Huron County, capasity 10,000 per day, in first class 'wagging order and 6 uruished with shingle and heading inachiuer '. Also about 5 acres of land and house, plenty of timber near. Last year's custom sawing Was over 400,000 Cand over 15,000 sill beading) Near ship ' ping point and thriving t 4iv i. A first-class ausiness cheap. For pat '. i liars address, NEW ERA OFFICE, Clit In Immediate posseseiou if required. Farrel For Sale, Ou the 6th con. of Goderich township, lot 11, over 80 acres, nearly all cleared, good clay loam; one of the best farms in that vicinity. A good large orchard, a good piece of wood land. A frame house, and beauti- fully laid out, with fir trees and privetthedge surrounding it. Terms very reasonable. MARGARET COLLINS, Goderich P. 0. Blacksmith Shop and land for sale.• Subscriber offers for sale the property owned by him at Gowrie, in the county of Perth. It consists of a blacksmith shop do• ing a good business, with dwelling house, ata hie and half -acre of land attached, Is in a splendid farming section, with no opposition Will be sold with or without tools, Satis- y factory reason for selling. For particulars * apply to THOS. LOBS, Holmesvtlle, or JOS LOBE, Gowrie. t f :,?v--cf�' c. .r • Wanted apprentice boy to learn Sheep Skin tans VM. MAEDEL, Benutiller. 3 1)ressmaking.. The subscriber, while thanking the people for their patronage in the past, desires to fu timate that she has recommenced the Dress and mantle Making business, in the rooms over Twitobell's store. All orders will re- ceive prompt attention. MRS J. TAYLOR, Clinton. Butchering (>jtl'ttlt-for sale The horse, cart, s1au,;hter house, and all other necessaries for running a Butcher Shop, including 7 store pigs, belonging to the estate of H. Teweley, are offered for sale on reasonable terms. This is a splendid op- portunity for any one wanting to go into business. Parties ifldebted to the estate of Henry Tewsley, ire he:eby notieed that accounts must posit.vcly he paid to the undersigned, without delay. who alone is authorized to collect the same. ROBERT I,ITZSIDIONS, Administrator. Clinton, May 9, 1890 Teacher Wanted. Services to commence at close of summer vacation. llIust have recommendation from the inspector of the county in which last teaching, also from Trustees of Schools pre- viously engaged iu. Either second orthird class certificate. Services to continue one year. Apply, stating salary, to It. E. LANE, P. M. Lanes, Ont. Executors' Notice to Creditors The creditors of the late Charles Carter, ate of the Town of Clinton, fu the County of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-ninth day of May, A,D., 1890, are hereby notified to send by post, prepaid, on or before the thirtieth day of August next. to RICHARD RA-Nst••ottD,Clinton P.O., one of the executors of the said Charles Carter, theirchrlstian names and surnames addresses and desoriptions, the full particu- lars of their claims, a statement of their ac- counts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them; and that immediately after the said thirtieth day of August next, the assets of the said Charles Carter will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the claims of wbicn notice shall have been furnished as above required; and the executors will not be responsible for the assets, or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim notice hall not have been received by then[ at the time of such distribution. Dated the 28th day of Juno, 1890 RICHARD RANSF'ORD, DAVID P GILLESPIE. LUMBER AND SAWING.—SUBSCRIBER now has his saw mill thoroughly equip- ped and in first-class running order, and is prepared to do custom sawing of all kinds, having engaged Mr W. Dodds, a practical sawyer, to take charge of the sante. Will buy good sound hemlock logs. Orders re- speotfullysolicitod. (food Cedar Pests for sale. We are paying $5 per 1000 for logs, THOS. TRICK, Goderich township, Dec. 89. tf Pasturage to ltent. Having leased the R'. Laithwaite farm on the Maitland Concession, Goderich Town- ship, which has 60 acres of splendid pastur- age, with good spring creek running through it, the subscriber is prepared to pasture a ' limited number of cattle for the summer. Rates reasonable. Also, hu keeps for ser- vice, at his own farm, pith con., Goderich Township, a first-class thoro-bred Durham bull. Terms, 81 at time of service, with privilege of returning if necessary. HENRY MURPHY, Goderich Township. Western Fair. Farrel For Sale. The Executors of the late Robert Bober ton have instructed Mr C. Hamilton to pub- licly offer for sale lot No. 40, on the Inti concession of Huliett, on the premises, on 23rd DAY OF AUGUST, 1890, at 2 o'clock, p. ut. The lot contains about 147 acres, 110 acres in a good state of cultivation, balance well wooded. Frame house, kitchen with stone cellar. frame barn and outbuildings, well watered and fenced, good orchard, near to school and church. Sold subject to a re- serve hid. Terms made known on do, of Sale. For further particulars apply to C. lIAM1L'rON, JOHN \V[LSON i ExecuL r Aust. WM. JACKSON S Voters' List for 1890. The Best of Canadian Fairs, LONDON, ONTARIO, SEPT. 18th TO 27111, 1890. Large increase in prizes, MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET There has been no special feature of live stock trade during the week, which on the whole has been rather quiet. Cable advices are very discouraging and both fat cattle and stockers are losing money, Glasgow being:particularly bad The ueceipts and shipments are some. what lighter, which is due no doubt to the ordinary course ofievents or perhaps the shippers are beginning to realize that they are overdoing the stocker trade, as they are undoubtedly doing recent sales in Glasgow being at a lose of £1 a head, owing to the over supply. Stockers werd picked up right and left at very good prices and sent across in the hope thatthey would do better than fat cattle, but it would appear the trade has been overdone. At the east end abattoir business was fairly active,there being a good den -and from butchers and rather light offerings. There were on offer about 300 cattle, 300 sheep and lambs and 100 calves. Outside of about 7, which could be called good butchers', the quality of the cattle was only mid- dling good, a great number being very inferior animals. A few shippers' agents were present, bnt did no busi- ness. The cattle suitable for stockers being worth more to butcbera than they could afford to pay, owing, no doubt, to the continued cool weather, butchers bought more freely and bad to pay higher prices, the best cattle bringing 4}c, several being sold on the scales at this figure and others by the head .at prices equivalent thereto, one lot of 6 head, averaging 1,150 pounds, being bought by a local butcher at 052 per head. Medium to good cattle were worth about 4c, while sales of inferior were made as low as `lie per lb. Sheep lambs and calves were worth 4c on the scale and butchers sheep $4 to $5.50 apiece, while lambs sold at 52.75 to $4 apiece, one nice lot of 32 changing hand at $3.50. Calves were worth all the way from $3 to $14. Machinery in Motion in Main Building Manufacturing goods in view of public. Best speed programme ever offered. Grand and attractive SPECIAL EXHIBIT of the South- ern States—cotton, figs, rice, peanuts and wild nuts each as they grow in the South, carpets made from the leaves of the pine and other woods of the South. ' l'roducts of the turpentine stills of Georgia. Minerals, herbs, plants. barks, &c. &c., and a live alli- gator of Florida. Famous Wild West Show, Balloon Races & Parachute Descents, Fire- works, Bands, etc. For prize list and information address post card to CAPT. A. W. PORTE, THOS. A. BROWNE, I'resident. Secretary. MUNI( ICAI.ITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF Hl t.t.l'rT COUNTY OF HURON. Notice is thereby given, that I he.ve trans - milted or delivered to the personem en tionerl in sections 5 and 8 of Tho Ontario Voters' List Act, 1889, the espies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised As- sessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative As- sembly and at Municipal Elections; and that said list was first posted hp atmyoffice, at Londosboro, on the SIst day of July, 1890, and remains there for inspection. Eleotore are called upon to examine the said list, and, it any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors correct- ed according to law. Dated this 21st day of July, 1890. JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk of ilallett. Executors' Notice to Creditors. The creditors of the late Elizabeth Fitz- elmone, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the sixteenth day of May, A. D.. 1590, are hereby notified to send by post, prepaid, on or before the first day of September next to the undersigned. executors of the sai(i Elizabeth Fitzsimons, tbeir christian names and surnames addresses and descript ions,the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the 80- ourities (if anyy) held by theta; and that imme- diately after the said first day of September next, the assets of the said Elizabeth Fitz- sim ons will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the claims of which notice shall have boon furnished as above required ; and the exec- utors will not be responsible for the assote, or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been reserved hy- them at the time of suehdistribution. Dated the 15th day of July, 1890. JOHN MOGARVA) Rxecutors. D. B. KENNEDY f Go IF YOU DO IT ONCE YOU'LL DO IT AGAIN. 1)0 WHAT:' FALL FAiRS. Huron Central Clinton Oct 1-2-3 Western,London, Sept. 18.2 The Industrial,Toronto, Sept. 8-20 Southern,Brantford, Sept. 9-11 Northwestern,Goderich Sept. 15-17 Southern St. Thomas, Sept. 16-18 Great Central Hamiltion, Sept. 22-94 Central Canada Ottawa, Sept. 22-97 Center Bruce Paisley, Sept. 2.4.26 Central Guelph, Sept. 25.26 Northern,Walkerton,.Sept.:30, Oct. 3 North Perth, Stratford, Oct. 2.3 East wawanosh Belgrave, Oct. 7-8 ' Tnckersmith, Seaforth, Sept 30, Oct 1. Stanley branch, Bayfield, Oct 8-9 Wingham, Sept 30, Oct 1. It is estimated that the pack of sal- mon on the Fraser river, B. C., last week was 100,000 cases. Mr Fred Rounds, son of Mr O. H. Rounds, one of Welland's oldest and best known citizens, lost his life on Fri- day, in a very peculiar manner. The last seen of Mr Rounds was by Mr J. Phelps, who was talking to him at 11 o'clock. ' At that tilpe he was engaged to cutting oats with a self -binder.— 66 HAVE YOU EVElt WQR3 TI1R. very -Fast STAX; 1 BLACK , COTTON HOSIERY. If not try a pair, and you will appreciate the luxury of being able to get Black cotton or Lisle Thread Hose that WILL NOT straw the feet or turn grey or brown, but that is ABSOLUTELY STAINLESS . az y PERFECTLY FAST IN COLOR, for they will not fade, but retain'theirpe bi a►ck until worn out. All sizes Ladies & Children's in stock 5 per c. off for cash. ESTATE JOHN HOD GENS• B. LAURANCE'S Spectacles. These celebrated Spectacles are fitted- in every instance with B. Lau• rance's (est, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. You can depend on getting the GENUINE B. L AU ANCE SPECTACLES by calling and examining the stock at COO E 1 t'S BOOLi_ s'r OII E. CLINTON. rICo ARSLAK E'S 1 After the dinner hour his wife, becom- V ing uneasy, went out to the field, and to her horror, found the crashed body of her husband inextricably fixed in the binder. It is supposed the unfortunate victim was thrown backwards by the breaking of the seat and retained his hold on the lines. The horses then backed the large wheel over him, killing him instantly. The deceased was well- known and universally liked in the vi- Linity. He leaves a widow, but no children. VICTORIA ST., CLINTON, When you are in need of your Clothes being cleaned or repaired. Being a practical Tai- lor of Targe experience, I aro able to tuns out first-class work at shortest notice. -- Charges moderate. A call solicited, Victoria , Clinton Dissolution Notice, The partnership heretofore existing be- tween the undersigned as The Oakes Organ Company has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All claims against said Company aro to be sent to W. S. Swatfeld, who will settle tho same, and to whom all debts due said Company are to be paid. The business will be continued under the name of The Oakes Organ Company at. here tofot•e. Dated 7th July, 1890. (1. t.1KES. \V. S. S\VAFFIELD. Witness—A. 11. MANNING. lir Geo. Blatcltforrl, of Woodstock. takes Mr Oakes' place in the OskesOrgan Fee tory . Mr Blatchford has been in the organ business for the -past twenty years, the lust four years of which he held the position of foreman in the tuning department in D. W. ((ant's organ factory at Woodstock. Mr Itlntcliford is thoroughly conversant will, every branch of organ building and is the pretentee of the "Blatchford Combined Resonant Chamber" actio[[. It has always been our aim to keep a thoroughly efficient staff of workmen and we were never in abetter position to produce a hiel, grade instrnotent than at the present time spanking the public for past favors nod :CI till;.; a continuance of your conned sass. We ore, yours truly, THE OA1YI.S ORGAN 4'O. MRS. W Hl I T T. M. C. S. M TEACHER OF MUSIC. Plano, Organ and Technicon, or Muscle developer. for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. S. Hartt e, Ratteuhury Street, Clinton A Revelation ! AND % 'REVOLUTION CREATED BY A. WILFORD HALL, Ph.D., LL.D. What Do You Think of it? FIRST STATEMENT—This is a new treatment of disease never before published. It there- fore has nothing to do with drugs,eleetrleity, magnetism, or any system of dletf41ce. IT 1e A SIMPLE, THOUGH PECULIAR HOME TREAT• MEET, discovered by a close student of na- ture, and is possessed of such marvellous remedial power that IT TARES RIGHT HOLD OF AND CURES the went cases Of dyspepsia, constipation, liver complaint. chills and fe- ver bronchitis kidney complaints, even diabetes and bright's disease; heart disease, with its resulting "cold feet," incipient con- sumption, internal inflammations, rheums• [ism, piles, cholera morbus, headaches, and all blood and skin diseases, indicated by pimples, blotches and yellow spots, and any other disease arising from impurities which clog the system. SECOND STATEMENT— We can fill every page of this paper with the most positive and en- thusiastic testimonials ever written by the pon of man in support of all that is stated above, but It would cont too much money.— TAE MICROCOSM EXTRA containing 18 pages of explanatory matter, testimonials from doctors, tninistors and others, will be Ronk to any address on receipt of 2 cents in stamps Address, 011. HALL'S DOMINION AorNcY 7 SHANNON STREET, Toronto. r12- wnnteA. 1RUICKSHA N CHAS. A. HOWSON, VETERINARY SUR- m;oN,Honor Graduate On tario Veterntary College. Treats all diseases of domesticated Animals on the most modern principals. Of - tree above Jackson's Butcher Shop, Auburn. A Reward Of rr,J0wi11 be paid by the undersigned, for such evidence as will lead to the conviction of any person poaching in Sharpe's Creek. Colborne. 11, 4'. CAMERON, .1. N. SHANNON, DI. D., 0oderich OOTS and SHOES Full linea of everything iu foot wear, as cheap a3 the cheapest. A few job lines at leve than half cont. Call early and secure bargains. C. CRUICKSHANK, Clinton Now is Your Time Boase to Rent. In good location, plenty of roots, good o a ter,staole and woodshed. hent low. Ap- ply ret NEW E1 -IA (hires. 11011,,e to Let. The 1' egrvnt and comfortrble brick cottage on Victoria street, near the manse, adjoin- ing the residence of .1. L. Doherty. Large garden.,@n. II. HALE. tiflaW1 1'otlnd. Pound, in Clinton. a ('lath Shavvl. Tho owner can have same on 1'r.wing property and paying for this a.lverti.eutent. NNW ERA Office. For Sale or to Let. Frame house, recently occupied by Dr. Williams, situated on corner of Albert and Mill Streets. It has a good cellar, hard and sof water, large lawn. and good barn. Lot contains d of an acre. Terme reasonable. Closing a Road. Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Counchi, of the township of Stanleyin the County of Huron, intend to pass e, by-law authorizing the sale of the road allowance between Lots No, 4 and 5, Lake road west,in the said township of Stanley. Parties in- tarested aro required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. By Order of the Council. GEO. STEWART, Clerk. Stanley, July 29th, 1890. It is hard times and we feel it, and are willing to meet it bravely. We are going to sell i!' prices wilt induce you to buy. We have marked our BLACK SUITS down to $23, and some to $20. We are here for the purpose of doing a first-class trade, and here it goes:—SCOTCH TWEED SUITS, $16, $17 and $18, PANTS from $4.50 up to $8, and then -away back to $3. A very fine BLACK WORSTED COAT AND VEST for $16, $17, 818, $15. Now is your time, as this is for August only. Give us a trial. Fit and work guaranteed, or no sale. Rempl Certhe s SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON Opposite store Walton : & : Morrison, The leading Tailors of Clinton r h GREAT BARGAINS: ILT V Dress Mi MUSLINS- at price. THIS is A GENUINE SALE Goma and Test it. T,DETIAOR About one roan in tell Does Not Trade With 'Us We're After that Man About one man in ten does not know that the other' nine of his fellow mortals have come to the conclusion that it's always best to trade at the Pori L Drs GOODS - HOUSE. We're Atter that Man About one man in ten does not know that his neighbors are saving money on every deal, because they trade at: - THE POPULAR DRY GOODS ROUSE HUB GROCERY We're After that Man Voters' List for 1890. MUN ICI 0AI.ITY OF Tna '[OWN OF CLINTON, COUNTY OF HURON. Notice is hereby given, that i have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned In sections 5 and 6 of The Ontario Voters' List Act, 1889, the copies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persona ap- pearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled tovoto in the said Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections ; and that said list was first posted up at my office, at Clinton, on the 4th day of August, 1890, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and, if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take Immediate raid errors correct- ed accordio ng to law. roceedins to havet Dated this 4th day of August, 1890. WM. COATS, Cleric of too Totvn of Clinton We make a specialty of Try our Blended Black, We can give good Japan Also choiceYoungllysoil gives• good satisfaction About one man in ten can't Le expected, to' know that nd yo'll use no other, we are headquarters for Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & at all pricestosuit J Shoes, and Choice Family Groceries, because he has'nt suit, i that gives satisfaction. entered our store. We told our customers not to be deceived with peddlers, and a number have taken our advice and quit them. They find that they can do as well at the Hub OUR COFFEE is the best wo can buy in Canada. We guarantee satisfac• tion every time. - EO .414, AiIL. LOW, CLIDia'0.N We will give the New Era from now to the end of the year, to new sub- scribers, for 50 cents cash 111111.1111111111111111111111111111111 We're After that Man With a big stock, with big bargains, with low prices* with fair dealing, and we expect to get his trade. Are you the tenth male? We're after You, . L. Ouimette, THE POPGIA,R Corner Queen and Dinslry Sts. Ell1rttt1111. DRY GOODS HOUSE, Londesboro. iseamisie seotg 2R sg oog 1890 SPRING 1890 FIRST-CLASS GOODS, LOWEST PRICES and LARGE STOCK of NEW GOODS to Select from. Eggs Taken in Exchange 5 per c. off for Cash W. Saylor & Soni� CLINTON AND BLXTH r„ •