HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-08-08, Page 7• ; . Ilr tonBwlby was sick, will gave her Casteris, MISS aka ww a Child, she Dried for Castoris, >Wl}►iallhs became Mian, she clung to Ca`torta, RIME IhS had Childress, she gave them Caatoria 4$E GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY -Or 'MELT- VEGETABLE INGREDIENTS +10, ,AWE WITHOUT MERCURY, USED BY TUE ENGLISH PEOPLE FOR OVER 120 YEARS, I8 'These Pills consist of a careful and peculiar admix- tlire 9 Abe heat and mildest vegetable aperients and tl%q' pure extractof Flowers of Chamomile. They will be ourid a'most efficacious remedy for derangements *Li digestive organs, and for obstructions and tor- lpemi IOWA of the liver and bowels whirl produce in- digeotioTl and the several varieties of bilious and liver 21GgtliOaat3. $old by all Chemists. WHOLESALE AGENTS *VANS AND SONS, LIMITED, MONTREAL. • 'HE BEST GARTH O r'SIIKIN�ZPDIi�DER FACTORY sUPPL ES -4.1s 4 -- Valves, Iron & Lead Pipe Loose Pulley Wars, Steam let Pumps, Farm Pumps, Wind M'lli, Cream Separators, Dairy and Laundry Utensils. 536 CRAIG STREET, MONTREAL. VcLAAEN'S 6ENDINE o('s Frield No Alum. !lathing Injurious. P,ETAiLID EVEflYWNENE D.A.McCA' KI —r — MANUFACTURER OF; fIyE CARRIAGE VARNISHES&? 4SILVER MEDALS AWARDED MONTREAL ,' ''P: HE GOT iO THE CIROUS. Au old fellow that very much resembled the type of country- man found in comic pictures of they irreverent illustrated week- lies, stumbled about on the stair- way leading to a dentist's office and finally discovered the door, knocked upon it until the dentist invited him,in a tone by no means gentle, to enter without going to the trouble of knocking down the house. 'Wall, you air about the hardest man to get at I ever did see,' the visitor remarked as he entered the been looking for these many years. That sailor was my broth- er—my big brother --the Daly brothe& I ever had !' 'No l' 'Yes, he was. Some of those who got away in another boat saw him go off with you, and told tiie of it. Stranger, the man who drinks my brother's blood has got to die l' 'But you must he mistaken. I —I hardly think his naine was Foster. `Oh, yes it was. Name was Foster,—ship got afire—off the island of Borneo—drifted about room, 'Been a strlkirt' round in a boat. It's all straight, and hero for a good bit. now I want satisfaction. Have 'You have found me, and now what can I do for you ?' 'You pull teeth, l reckon.' you got a bowie knife about your Look here, boys, said the Syra- cuse man, as he caught his breath 'Yes, that is part of my buri- 1 urn in a box, and have got to ness.' make a confession. I was lying 'All right. I have been bother- about that ;adventure from start ed a good deal lately with a fet- ched-taked snag of a thing, an' I thought if we could come sort of I an uuderstandin', I mout have it snatched o I never go to ex- pense if I can - help it—economy is my motto in all things. I'm fn ore liner myself—vote for the tariff an' save all I can. What air you holding teeth at now ?' '1 don't understand you.' 'What air you holding teeth at —what is it worth to pull 'em ? 'Fifty cents apiece." 'That is for a •whole tooth, I reckon. This here one'—and he opened his mouth with an awful grin—'aint more than half a one, you see. I reckon you will lift her out for about half price.' `No, full price. I'd rather pull a whole one than a snag." 'Look here,aut on my place I've got a blacksmith shop an' tinker a good deal, fust and last, an' I sharpen a plow for twenty-five cents, an' it sometimes takes me more than an hour. Yc,u can sartinly afford to do something for a quarter that won't take you two minutes.' 'Oh, yes, could afford it, but I won't. I won't underbid my neighbors, you know.' 'Wall, then, I reckon we'll have to call this trade off. Good day.' He blundered duwn stairs and half an hour later, while the rubbing his inet CHADWICK'S SPOOLk COTTO14 For Hand and _Machine Use. IAS MO SUPERIOR. ASK FOR IT. LEATI EROID STEEL -LINED TRUNKS In Sample, Ladies' and all other kinds. Lt¢htest and Strongest TRUNKS In the World. J. EYELEIGH & ZO MONTREAL, Solon& for the Dolan HOTEL BALMORAL. MONTREAL. No o Dame St., one of the most central d elegantly fw-nlehed Hotels 1n the ty Accommodation for 400 guests. Kates sWOODRUFF, 12 to $3 per day, S. 7j -i Tr Manager PEA,Sa 3018 Ait'ts i0I Canada, 4.PALMER&SON wholesale Imp'tre of • )UGGISTS' SUNDRIES 1143 NOTBE DAME ST., MONTREAL SOAP. DOMINION LEATHER BOARD COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD Stearn, rookies, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, This iva Perjeerrietion RECJ(ITT'S BLUE THE EST FOR `LAUNDRY USE. PAPERS 'Wrapping, ~3,iailla, TENS, ' 44 ke ALL see SIZES C1 ANO 1 ty WEIGHTS A. TO ORDER 21Deresoles3t s:-Portaodl.9 fk OHNSLONS FLUIDLIEEF T'HE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER PERFECT FOOD _�,,,A� FOR THE SICK "k WARMING & Nt1TRITIOUSeEVERAGE 1'J A POWERFUL �I<NVIGORATOR us SINO/. M3N-3Ab 111J I1 9/ 'ANVdW0313VHiX3 S,ONOd As_XlI0 D3a(LL.IvinNVIN 0 SIH1TDInr.pio01 ZJ3ddV l[1O HiIM 31i.L0 S; $3 s�lnxl.issnsi3snf3a 10 rut{ BIep y u,l�'Bu3 sseUa:iOs .Ja ti laa;d iaac�S 9 aao''s U \ ` ssif SGA °, M to finish. 'Sure of it ? demanded the Mis- sissippian, while ev,rrybody else laughed, I know I was. Did no1'kill my drink his blood? Certainly not. Well, then, that is all right and I'm glad to hear it. I'm as hum- ble as a lamb on ordinary matters, but when it comes to killing my brother—the only brother- I ever had—why, who would not fight. We asked the Syracuse man to give us something else, but he would not do it. He went off to - bis stateroom and tied his bead up with a towel. dentist was b up r•u- ments of torture, there came another thump at the door. The 'old liner' had returned. 'Look hely,,' he said, 'I thought I'd talk to yon a little furder about this tooth. I went around to the lot what- I lid my hose tied, thinkin' I'd go oV home and worry the thing out, but it got to hurting mo so that I couldn't stand it. Now, tell me, what is the very best you will do ? 'Fifty cents.' • 'Fifty cents is a good deal of money to a man that sweats between the corn rows. Never plowed none, I reckon ?' `No.' 'Wall if you had you'd know that fifty cents is a good deal. Suppose we say thirty cents.' 'You may say it if you went to but I won't.' 'Humph ! you are a hanger on if ever I did see one. HA would forty strike you !' 'Won't strike me at all.' 'Must have fifty, I reckon ?' "That's what I said: 'This tooth is about to kill ane, man.' $'All right ; give me fifty cents and I will snatch it out' brother and Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. HEROIC LIVES AT HOME. ASTOR IA for Infants and Children. oesat.dstswwelIadapledto hildrentta$ Onatorbsettres Golfe, Docmmipatlon, 1 recommend it as superior to any prescription Soar Stomach. Diarrheas. Eructation. (mown to me." IL A. Arcane, AL D., tint Worms. Stve1 sleep. and promotes di. queen. 1118u Orford 6t.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Without ttt$ mous medlcrtiru. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. URE F! ITHOUSANDS OF BOTTLES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. 1111 When 1 say Curo 1 do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them return again. 1 MEAN A RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease of Fits, Epilepsy or Palling Sickness a life-long study. 1 warrant my remedy Lo Curo the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a curt. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Doottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Expresi and Post Office. It costs you nothing fir a trial, and It will cure you. Address;—N. G. ROOT, M.C., Branch office, 18a WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. The heroism of private life; the slow unclu•onicled martyrdoms of the heart, who shall remember ? Greater than knightly dragon slayers of old is tho man who overcomes an unholy passion, sets his foot upon it and stands sereno and strong in virtue. Grander than Zenobia is the woman who struggles with the love that would wrong another or degrade her own soul, and conquers. The young man, ardent and tender,whoturns from the dear love of woman, and buries deep in his heart the sweet instincts of paternity, to devote himself to the caro and support of aged parents or an unfortunate sister, and whose life is long sacri- fice in manly cheerfulness and majestic spirit, is the hero of the rarest type. The young woman who re- solutely stays with father and mother in the old home, while brothers and sisters go forth to happy homes of their own, wba cheerfully lays on the altar of filial duty that costliest of humap sacrifices, the joy of loving and being loved—she is a heroine. I have known many such. The husband who goes home from every -day routine and the perplexing cares of business with a cheerful smile and a loving word for an invalid wife;who brings not against her the grievous sin of a long sickness, and reproaches her not for the cost and discomfort thereof; who sees in her languid eyes something dearer than gar- lish laughter, in the sad face and faded cheeks that blossom into smiles .and even bushes at his coming, something lovelier than the old-time spring roses—he is He studied a few moments and a hero. Think I know one such. then shaking his head, replied: The wife who bears her part in 'No, blame if I do. I can go to the burden of life—even though it the circus for fifty cents—can't be thelargest part—bravely, stay to the concert, but I can see cheerfully, never dreaming that the monkeys, an' hear the clown sing, an' see the fellers jump, an' see the beautiful gal ride the boss an' will have something to talk about till fodder p1(llin' time. Fall, good day, Reckon I'll go to the show."-Arkansaw Trav- eler. 11E TOOK IT BACK, «'hen five or six men get to- gether and begin to tell stories there is always more or less lying done, espically if they are only ca usual acquaintances. Going down on the boat from Natchez there were three or four 'rings' which hung together, and each of us told some pretty tall stories. There was a man from Syracuse who laid himself out for a whoper and when the rust of us was through he settled back and said . 'Gontlemen,the ship which was carrying mo to India was burned off the island of Borneo, and I got away in a boat with a single sailor.' 'When was this ?' asked a na- tive Mississippian,who was taking a lot of mules down the river. 'In 1858.' 'Exactly—go ahead.' 'We had neither water nor pro- visions in the boat,' said the man, 'and after drifting for three days I wanted to draw lots to see who should die. The sailor refused.' 'His name ?' asked the Missis- sippian. 'Foster, 1 believe.' 'You are right ; go ahead. 'I suffered one day more, and then, as he slept,'I killed him with my knife and drank his bood It saved my life. Next day I was picked up by a ship. 'And you killed the man, did - you ?' 'I did.' 'And drank his blood 'Yes.' 'fell, you are the man I've TOLTON Pea Harvester. she is a herione, much less a martyr: who bears with the faults of a husband not altogether con- genial, with loving patience and a Targe charity', with noble decision hiding them from the world; who makes !confidants and asks no confidence ; who refrains from seeking perilous 'affinities'; who does not build high tragedy sor- row on the inevitable. nor fuel an earthquake in,, every family jar ; who secs her husband united with herself indissolubly and eternal ly in their children—sho, tho wife in very truth, in the inward as in the outward, is a heroine, though of rather an unfashionable t.ype.—(Trace ( rereinwood. The most perfect and durable Pea Harvester of the day I.nglish Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by J. H. Combe, Druggist. June 27, 1 yr George Francis Train, has ar- ranged to make an attempt to beat the record for a trip around the world. He will leave Ta- coma, Wash., Aug 7, and calcul- ulates he can make a circuit of the globe in 57 days, He has been around once. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old phyeican, retired from prse- t:ce, having had placed in his hands by en East India missionary the forumla of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanentcure of consump- tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and Nervous Complainte, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this mot- ive and a desire to relieve human suf- fering, I w}ll send free of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt, in German, F ':nab or English, with Lull directions fo preparing and using. Sant by mail by : ddressing With stamp, naming this pa . :r, W. A. Norsk820 Power's 13loek, it 'tester, %I, 'SC. 18012.y.e.o.w. Guaranteed -to give Satisfaction or no sale Persons requiring this article, will please place their orders at once, as late orders cannot be filled. Already four times the number sold this year that were last. All orders left with THOSW TIPL1G, Cliofou, Will be attended to] T. BROWN, Agt, Seaforth. L. BEATTY, Agent, Varna. DO YOU DO YOU DO YOU IF YOU DO desire to be considered a well dressed Man? desire to be considered an economi- cally dressed Man? desire to wear clothes good enough fur any one and yet suitable to:the depth of your pocket? we solicit a share of your trade, and can guarantee satisfaction. Walton& lllorri son,Tailors 'SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON New Finn NFW GOODS, New Prices 000PER & LOGAN GROCERS, are in the field with CHINA To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dee. lat. GIVE TEWPOR CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on our large stook of CROCKERY, ORINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunitycif f18s curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our Wok. We Offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth 0 We Offer NEW SEASON BLACK TEA at 25 cents, worth 40. . We Offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap, 2 BROOMS for 25c. FRESH PINAN HADDIE, }SISCOS, HERRING, BLOATERS, &c. Goode promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give us a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. Bailin ill new Bract, Green and Jam Teas. Coffees. Sugars. &c Try our TEA NECTAR and SECRET BLEND TEAS; they cannot be excelled in price or quality. CROCKERY --we have a fine assortment iu Dinner, Tea and Chamber Sets, in all the latest designs and colorings, and at prices to suit everybody. Come and inspect them and be convinced. We also have a lino assortment of GLASSWARE, and cheaper than the cheapest We have secured another Sewing Machine, which we will give Away with 1 lb. Baking Powder. Colne and hate a chance before it is too late Special attention given to Family Trade. Goods promptly delivered. Deal with us and get the newest, cheapest and frostiest goods. COOPER & LOGAN, — Clinton NEXT TO COUCH'S. �.. — • - .r _._. Laam'=�- Bestand Lneapest I•e v STEEL RODS IRON FOUNDATIO BUILDERS' 1RON''IOR4t Office Railings, 1alr1 Fllrri:5.1.: AND FOUNTAINS, ETC. ADDRESS Barash Wlr0 & (zxaxx'rEa,, WALKERVILLE. O14TAir't). CATALOGUES BENT ON APPLICATION. The CENTRAL GROCERY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. McMurray & Wiltse Return thanks for the patronage accorded them since starting business, and al'1- nounce that they will continue to give satisfaction to all. who may favor them with their orders. They wilt keep a full stock of the very best goods in their line. And as they buy exclusively for cash, will give as good value as any in the trade We refuse to give one line at cost or under, and make the profits out of some other lind you may want, but for general family supplies we will not be undersold Patronage respectfully solicited. Remember the place—Walker's old stand. McMURRAY & WILTSE, - CLINTON N. ROBSON. CH1NA HALL. JUST RECEIVED A Fine Assortment of PLAIN and STAMPED' GOODS, TRAYI CLOTHS SIDEBOARD DRAPES, TOILET SETS, SPLASHERS, STAND COVERS 3:c., Also a large stock of RUBBER BALLS, BASE BALLS, SHIPPING ROPES, HAMMOCKS, EXPRESS WAGGONS. Call and see aur stook bei fore buying, as we want to clear out our present stock of WALL PAPER CEILING DECORATIONS, ,gc. We offer them cheap, call and see fo yourselves. WORTiiINGTON'S BOOK and DRUG STORE The LATEST STYLES IN English and American Hard and Soft Hats To please everybody. Call and see all the latest shapes. We are constantly offering bargains. We are showing a stock that is wonderful in quantity, quality and style. We also keep, on hand a magnificent assortment of FINE STRAW HATS S1 RIMER TOP SHIRTS,. TIES, LINEN and Rubbereelr Collars. and Cuffs Our stock is complete and well assorted. We invite your inspeotion. REMEMBER THE STAND—ONE DOOR NORTH OF THE DRY GOODS PALACE C -=3O. GLASGOW TH E= CLINTON NEW ERA R. HOLMES, - - Publisher, CLINTON, - - ON T. THE NEW ERA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as. an Ad- vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance. JOB DEPARTMENT We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, male Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired.. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74. CLINTON. Per Ct cash Discount Having become agent for the celebrated B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES and EYE -GLASSES, and procured the Lawrence teat, all those with failingeyesight, young or old, weak or strong, can be perfectly, fitted here. Call and exafnino lllless, Grocery, Crocker, Hardware, Jewellery, And all other lines are complete, and as cheap as the cheapest place in the coun- ty. I have a few of those first-olass PRUNES left, at 6o per Ib, and a GREEN TEA you should try, at 40e. per single Ib, $1.75 for 5 lb. Caddy, worth at lead 50 cents per lb. 5 per Dent discount for cash on all purchases of 51 and upward GEO. NEWTON LONDESBORO McColl Bros. & Co., Toronto Manufacturers of and whoieiale dealers in the following specials: LAP,DINE CYLINDER RED ENGINE {OILS WCOL EUREKA BOLT CUTTING OIL Try our Lardine Machine, and you will use no other, S Manufacturers, McCOOL BROS & CO., Toronto,' Tor sale by all dealers throughout the Dominion. '1