HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-08-08, Page 5r. etqiles PECTACLE S Spectacles s1 Fitted by the only prope system in town, KING'S WANTON i►I AIRF - _ Oerreefodovery Thursday aftoraoita. Thursday, Any. 7, 4890. Wheat, fall, standard95 e, 0 95 O 37a)88 o 45a045 O 55x055 $lour per ba[ 5 70 a 5 70 Batter 11 a 0 12 Eggs 0 13 a 0 14 Wool 0 20 a 0 20 Pork 5 004 5 50 Ray 450.505 Hides 3 25 a 3 26 Sheep Skies 0 60 a 0 72 NEW FALL WHEATS. We notice that The STEEL BROS., CO. Seedsmeu, Toronto, are offering the follows ing new varieties : Canadian Velvet Chaff, Golden Cross, Early Red Clawson, Jones' Winter Fyfe, and American Bronze. Send oats Barley Peas for a copy of their circular, it will pay you. 0 PTO ME TER r FALL BULBS shotoued ld now loand planted during September and October to produce those handsome beds of Tulips, Hyacinths, Grouses, &c. that delight the eye eo much in spring tend for a copy of The STEELE BROS. CO., Toronto, Autumn Catalog. AT Br RUMBALL & CO's FOR SALE OR TO RENT. jE'0>7SE FOR SALE 011 TO ItENT — ON 1 Albert Street, (Mins Trewartha's) suit- aapbiotbFsmall family and is in good repair; Yl and Cook Stove for sale chea'cony eniences. A180p o d For seconpartid eiders apply to, JOHN BEAN. FOR SALE OR TO RENT—HOUSE AND iLos for sale or to rent, on Towusend St., • Tite4iolg3e, which is new, contains fourteeu • roon39, and'isheated with hot air. There is *SO a good atone cellar, good lawn, hard and 'soft water in abundance. The lot contaippns ' .1 onthe premisesf an acre. ortoMRSC. reasonable. Apply Clinton. tf Farm for Sale n A splendid farm of 50 - acres. being the east half of Lot 28, Con. G, Hullett, about three miles. from Clinton. Ou the premises is a frame dwelling house, good barn 36 r 60, stables, &c. Orchard of one acre, two never ng springs, well fenced, good soil, and in el daReasonable terms pply ou the premises to W. T. FARQIUHAR Clinton post office. To Rent. Two flue stores iu Perrin's block, Also, will be vacent by the 1st of May, the commodious rooms used by Mr Shearer. Apply to J. P. TISDALL, Agent for Canada Life Insurance Co. SAW MILL FOR SALE. One of the best steam sawniile in Huron County, capacity 10,000 per day, in first class : running order and furnished with shingle and heading machinery. Also about 5 aores of land and house, plenty of timber near. Last year's custom sawing was over 400,000 (and over 15,003 sill heading ) Near ship ping point and thriving t' a i A first-class oaslness cheap For pat s stars address, NEW ERA OFFICE. Chi . Immediate possession if required, Wanted An a pFrentice boy to learn Sheep Skin tants i1 'M. MAEDEL, Benmiller. 3 Dressmaking. The subscriber, while thanking the people for their patronage in the past, desires to in- timate that she has recommenced the Dress and mantle waking business, in the rooms over Twitchell's store. All orders will re- ceive prompt attention. MRS J. TAYLOR. Clinton_ — — Farm For Sale, On the Gth con. of OOd frith township, lot h, over 80 acres, rearl / all cleared, good clay loam; one of the best farms in that Vicinity. A good large orchard, a good piece of wood land. A frame house, and beauti- fully laid out, with fir trees and privett hedge surrounding it. Terms very, reasonable. MARGARET COLLINS, Ooderioh P. 0. Blacksmith Shop and land for sale. Teacher Wanted. Services to commence at close of suniuser vacation. Must have recommendation from the Inspector of the county in which last teaching, also from Trustees of Schools pre- viously engaged in. Either second or third class certificate. Services to continue one year. Apply, stating salary, to 11. E. LANE, P. N. Lanes, Ont. Caution Notice is hereby given that the undersign- ed will not be responsible for any debts con- tracted in connection with the estate of the late Henry Tewsley, except upon his written order. Also, persons purchasing from any one articles belonging to the estate, will be held responsible to the undersigned, for the price thereof. ROBERT FITZSII.IONS, Ad- ministrator. _ _ i,abscriber offers for sale the property o ned by him' at Gowrie, its the county of Perth. It consists of a blacksmith shop do ' ing a good business, with dwelling house, sta ble and half -acre of land attached. Is in a splendid farming section. with no opposition Will be sold with; or without tools. Satis- factory reason for selling. For particulars apply to THOS. LOBB, Holmesville, or JOS LOBB, Gowrie. tf Butchering Outfit for fele s The horse, cart, slaughter house, ani all other necessaries for runniug a Butcher Shop, inoluding 7 store pigs, belonging to the estate of 11. Tewsley, are offered for sale on reasonable terme. This is a splendid op- portunity for any ode wautiug to go into business. Parties indebted to the estate of Henry Tewsley, sire he:eby notified that accounts t ` must posit.vely be paid to the undersigned, without delay, who alone is authorized to collect the same. ROBERT FITZSIMONS, Administrator. Cliaton, May9, 1890 Executors' Notice to Creditors The creditors of the late Charles Carter, ate of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-ninth day of May, A.D., 1890, are hereby notified to send by post prepaid, on or before the thirtieth day oi? August next. to RICHARD RANSFORD,Vlinton P.O., one of the executors of the said Charles Carter, their christian names and surnames addresses and deserirtions, the full particu- lars of their claims, a statement of their ac- counts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them; and that immediately after the said thirtieth day of August next, the assets of the said Charles Carter will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the claims of whicn notice shall have been furnished as above required; and the executors will not be responsible for the assets, or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim notice hall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated the 28th day Of June, 1890 RICHARD RANSFORD, DAVID P. GILLESPIE. 7 UMBER AND SAWING.—SUBSCR1BER AA now has his saw mill thoroughly equip- ped and in first-class running order, and is prepared to do custom sawing of all kinds, having engaged Mr W. Dodds, a practical sawyer, to take charge of the same. Will buy good sound hemlock logs. Orders re• spectfully solicited. (.nod Cedar Pbsts for sale. We are paying $i per 1000 for logs, 1 -THOS. TRICK, Goderich township, Dec. 89. tf Pasturage to _tent. Having leased the W. Ls.ithwaite farm on the Maitland Concession, Oodorich Town- ' ship, which has 80 acres of splendid pastur- age, with good spring creek running through it, the subscriber is prepared to pasture a limited number of cattle for the summer. Rates reasonable. Mso. he keeps for ser- vice, at his own farm, lGth con., Goderich Township, a first-class thoro-bred Durham bull. Terns, $1 at time of service, with privilege of returning if necessary. HENRY MURPHY, Goderich Township. Farm For Salle. The Executors of the late Hobert Bober MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET The improvement noted two week ago in the English markets appears to have been of shortjduration,tbe market being in a very bad state judging from the tone of the cables received. One pri- vate cable from Liverpool says:—'Mar- ket very bad ; best Canadiar- 6d : best sheep 6 d,' which tallies very well with Jur own advices. The receipts,however co tinue large, stockers forming the bulk of the receipts. As stated on Thursday last the market was glutted with butchers' stock, which had a dis- astrous effect on the pockets of the drovers and speculators, but Monday was, if anything,worse, and "another shingle was taken off the shanty." About 50per cent.of the offerings at the east end remained unsold it being impossible to move them at any price. It was with- out doubt the slowest market day of the season. The shippers, of course, reap more or less benefit owing to this state of affairs in being able to pick up any stock they wanted at low figures. The following are fair values for the week: Choice export, 4 to 4}c ; stockers, 3Ic to. 3c ; good butchers', i to 4c ; inferior to medium, 21 to 2xc. Sheep, 4 to 4ic for export ; $4 to $6.50 for butchers. NEW NOTES. Sunday afternoon Charles Mc- Caffrey, the Canadian bridge jum- per, jumped from the Shears at the Atlantic works, East Boston, a distance of 150 feet. He was killed. At St, Catharines racing bicy- clists upset a perambulator con- taining the infant of John Will- iamson, a couple of days ago, and the child's head struck the side- walk. Inflammation of the brain set in and the child died on Sat. urday. Manitoba farmers are now in the midst of wheat cutting. One farmer at Wapella, named Mc- Donald, o-Donald, in his hurry fell off his waggon and broke his neck on Saturday. Lightning struck the Canadian Pacific depot at Winnipeg, and • about $20,000 damage.3 was sus- tained before the flames were sub- dued. More damage, however, The Beet of Canadian fair's, was done by water than by fire. astern Fair, 4P-4 SAV!'• YOU EVER I'+ vcvF ast STAINLES " BLACK COTTON HOSIERY. If not try a pair, and you will appreciate the luxury of beng:abl+ to get Brack cotton or Lisle Thread Hose that WILL NOT STAIN P the feet or turn grey or brown, but that is ABSOLUTELY STAINLESS ane PERFECTLY FAST IN COLOR, for they will not fade, but retain their pure bl %ck until worn out. Children's All sizes Ladles 8z in stock 5P er c. oil for cash. ESTATE JOHN IIO1DaENB. B. LAURANCE'S Spectacles. These celebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B. L:Iu- rance's test, and a certainty of' being suited is guaranteed. You can depend on getting the GENUINE B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES by calling and examining the stock at COOI='lER'S 13001[4:_S CO rt J. CLINTON. LONDON, ONTARIO. heavy rain last Tuesday night SEPT. 18111 TO 27[h, 1890. Large increase in prizes. Machinery in Motion in Main Building Manufacturing gaols in view of public. Best speed programme ever offered. Grand and attractive SPECIAL EXHIBIT of the South- ern States --cotton, figs, rice, peanuts and wild nuts each as they grow in the South, carpets made from the leaves of the pine and other woods of the South. Products of the turpentine stills of Georgia. Minerals, herbs, plants. barks, &c. &c., and a live alli- gator of Florida. Famous Wild West Show, Balloon Races & Parachute Descents, Fire- works, Bands, etc. For prize list and information address past card to CA PT. A. W. PORTE, THOS. A. 1tROWNE, President. Secretary. I YOU DO IT ONCE YOU'LL DO IT AGAIN. DO WHAT? G° 'i'° CARSLAK E'S d VICTORIA ST.. CLINTON. When you are in need of your Clothes being cleaned or repaired. Being a practical Tai- lor of large experience, I am able to turn out first-class work at shortest notice. --- Charges moderate. A call solicited. Victoria ..-t , Clinton c®IR) v STEEP'S Seed Store. — ton have instructed Mr C. Hamilton to pub- subs uiber has on trail a licly offer for Salo, lot No 40, on the 13th concession of Hullett. on the premises, on 23rd DAY OF AUGUST, 1890. at. 2 o'clock, p. m. The lot contains about 117 acres. 1 to acres in a good state of cultivation, balance • ..-well 'wooded. Frame house, kitchen with stone collar. frame barn and outbuilding:, well watered and fenced, good orchard, ne t.r to school ani church. Sold subject to a :e Vivo, a fist{ e quantity of servo bid. Terms made known on day sale. For further particulars apply to T c..11AMiLTOV, JOHN WIL$ONfF.x o..t r (, EI I'I'I: .15H l3 CTET1: rhl'li$ Acct. 3f..JACLSON S quantity of i VW.: COIIN. Iih:U ('018. awl MAMMOTiI SW I :ET Voters' List for 1890. At lowest prices. JAS. STEEP Pork Packer, Seed and Feed dealer, nton. MONIC1PALIT -lair OF OP ni Rost or HI's COUNTY .L: Notice is hereby given, that I have trans- mitted or dell vered to the persons mentioned Reith'a ()Id Stand, Albert St., (Ili in soctionf The Ontario Voters' 1889n he cd 6 ot pies required by said — a deluged Mr Edward McKeown's drygooda store, Torcnto. It over- flowed the troughs and came through the roof, damaging about $8,000 worth of dress goods. It was nearly two feet deep on the floor when Mr McKeown came along and cut a couple of holes in the floor, allowing it to escape. RTJICKSII.A SOOTS and SHOES Full lines of everything in foot wear, as cheap as the cheapest. A. few job lines at less than half cost. Call early and secure bargains. GREAT BARGAINS TIN' Dress I. MUSLINS at 2 price. THIS 18 A GENUINE SALE Goma and Test it. TSDETLOR The Popular Dry Goods C. CRUICKSHANK, Clinton House, Londesboro.. Now is Your Time -It is hard times and we feel it, and are willing to meet it bravely. We are going to sell i.`' prices wilt induce you to buy. We have marked our ' BLACK SUITS down to $23, and some to $20. We are here for the purpose of doing a first-class trade, and here it goes:—ScoTCH TWEED Suirs, $16, $17 and $18, PANTS from $4.50 up to $8, and then away back to $3. A very fine BLACK WORSTED COAT AND VEST for $16, $17,' x18, $15. Now is your time, as this is for August only. Give us a trial. Fit and work guaranteed, or no sale. Friday night's hailstorm did a good deal of damage to crops about Boissevain and Deloraine, especially along the Internation- al boundary. The Ryan Ilouse, Boissevain, was unroofed, and glass in that town was badly smashed. At Roland, Jas. Lane, of i:osebank, was killed by light- ning, with one of his horses. He leaves a wife and seven children. At Hagarsvillo on Fridu ven- ing as Mrs D. J. Lynch. . e of one of our leading merchants, to- gether with her four little girls and her two sisters, the Misses Murphy, of Cayuga, were driving into town the horse became fright- ened and shied quickly, tipping the carriage over into a deepditch. The horse, unable to rise, began to kick, and Mrs Lynch and two of' the little girls received several marks about the head. One of the little girls, Seita, aged three years, ret-eiveil a blow lust over the lett e'ce and diets in a few minutes. M 1 S. WHITT. M.C.S .M TEACHER OF DIUSIC. Piano, Organ and Technicon, or Muscle developer. for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. 8. Hartts, Rattenbury Street, Clinton List Aot, sections made transmitted delivered to said Act of all persons appearing by the last revised As- sessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at As- sembly anodrateMunicipal Elections s of the 1Ven d that my that said list was on the 21st day of July, office,890, at dremains Londesboro, and romaine shore for inspection. Electors id list, a ard, if any called miealo s or on to aanyle the other erre s and, errors are foun g tliorein, to take immediate proceedings din t1 lftW the Datedlerrors th s 218t dayofcorrect- ed according 666111 July, 1890• JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk of Hullett. 'Executors' Notice to Creditor's. "Chelatetof the Fitz - Oolong, Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or • about the eb eixteenth notified to osen d by pot, preps d, 00 herebylin toor before rsisnexd, executors oft the sbitc{ to the undersigned, Elizabeth Fit2sltpous, their christian names sand surnames addresses and deesriptions,the fthplaccouhte, and their he natureofstatement t t of theire se- curitieyys (11 any) held by them; sand thathatimme- ternher • rdeeXt imme- diately assthe ets otatne first daElizabetb Fite- entitiewill thereto. havintcgreference only ito the claims of which nottce shaallll h v nd the ASoen fur,yis)idd as Odle rctlltited xec- ar e t xWitl.(lt tber rf, ttoranyt pfor b, of assets, ho e 0 I otic thtfieaf,. Main ittthetlm® fMI6dist lutioilitledby Mitt* 1f b-Itil•I DX*, slily[( Revelation ! AND A REVOLUTION CREATED BY A. WILFORD HALL, Ph.D., LL.D. Rem P' Car the s SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON ,°pRoo storeer's Walton : & : Morrison, The leading Tailors of Clinton HUB A Reward Of 8.30 will be paid by the undersigned, for such evidence- as will lead bo the conviction of any person poaching in Sharpe's Creek. Colborne. What Do You Think of it? FIRST STATEMENT—This is a new treatment of disease never before published. It there- fore bas nothing to do with drugs electricity, magnetism, or any system of dietetics. IT TS A SIMPLE, THOUGH PECULIAR NOME TREAT- MENT, discovered by a close student of na- ture, and is possessed of such marvellous remedial power that IT TARES RIGHT HOLD or AND Cones the worst cases of dyspepsia, constipation liver complaint, chills and fe- ver, bronchitis kidney complaints, even diabetes and bright's disease, heart disease, with its resulting 'cold feet," incipient cou- tism piles, cholera morbus, beadl echeeuma- 1 s,and all blood and akin diseases, indicated by pimples, blotches and yellow spots, and any other disease arising from Impurities which clog the system. *femur) 8TATI.ME'eT'-We can fill every page of this paper with the most positive and eu- I thusiastic testimonials ever written by the pen of man in support of all that is stated above, halt it would cost too mach money. -- of explanatory • lano matter, testimoniag ls mem of ministers doctcrs, minieCArs and others, will he sent • atisi addroslt on receipt of 9 conte in stamps AMMO., ,DIU MOWS DOMINION Ammar 811ASt7O11 St JtffP5f, Toronto. ,r L iii 'h ttNiowittAit, s GROCERY' We make a specialty of Try our Blended Black, We can give good Japan Also choiceYoungHy son We told our customers not to be deceived with peddlers, and a number have CAMERON, .I. N. SHANNON. M. D., Goderich Rouse to Rent. In good location, plenty water, stable and woodshed. ply at NEW ERA Office.. Nouse to Let. The elegant and comfortrble brick cottage on Victoria street, near the mase. adjoin- ing the residence of 1. L. Doherty. Large garden, &c. H. HALE. Shawl Found. Found. in Clinton, a Cloth Shawl. The owner can have same on proving property and paying for this advertisement. NEW ERA Office. of room, good Rent low. Ap- gives good satisfaction, i and you'll use no other. at all prices to suit, that gives satisfaction. taken our advice and quit them. They find that they can do as well at the Hub 01.TH COFFEE is the beat we can buy in Canada.. We guarantee satisfac- tion every time. For Sale or to Let. GEC, .14 NV.t 11A CLIT FOIN Frame house, recently occupied by Dr. Williams, situated on corner of Alpert. and Mill Streets. it has a good cellar, hard and soft water, large lawn, and good baro. Lot contains ) of an acre. Terme reasonable. Closing a Road. Notice la hereby given that the Municipal Council, of the township of Stanley in the County of Huron, intend to pass a by-law authorizing the sale of the road allowance between Lots No. 4 and b, Lake road west, in the said township of Stanley. Parties in - tooted aro required to take nottoo and often Coueinail. (1lO. ST)' WAi T,aay i Maar litbttlejrt .Tu1'0thel,.St,IS, • We will g1Ve the New Era from now to the end of the year, to new sub- scribers, for 50 cents cash Stock—taking Shrewd buyers know well what that implies. No matter how carefully selected and well bought a stock may have been, there are sure to be some lines that have not. sold' as readily as was anticipated. Nothing wrong with either quality, color or pattern, but tleey just failed to catch the• popular fancy, and now they must be cleared. When tits' whole stook is being overhauled, weighed and measured, and put into shipshape, a great many odds and ends are brought to our notice. Short ends of Cashmeres, Dress Good:, Prints, Tweedy, e('c. Perhaps just the length you want. ire would rather sell them at « reduced price than put then through the inventory, so they are brought to the front and the huge'' secures a bargain. - llre promise ,/ole many lines at close -cut prices during, the next two weeks. We are trying to cultivate and establish a Cash. Trade, erne' with this end in view We are sharing nt,r profits with cash buyer's'. Come and see what liberal inducements nye are offering ,for this class of trade. JVi' attend .not only to the requirements of your wardrobe, but to those of your table also, and have just received a consignment of Canned Meats, Long clear Bacon and Laird. Ifre import Stone aol China, I'., -,•a direct from, the pot- irs it England, and vete will sate money by buying these lines froth . - L . Ouimette, Londesboro. bd 1890 SPR1NG 1890 O °- tA FIRST-CLASS GOODS, LOWEST PRICES and LARGE STOCK of NEW GOODS to Select from. V2 OEggs Taken in Exchange CD 5 per c. off for Cash rn Taylor & Sons CLINTON AND BLYTH 14: