HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-08-01, Page 7BALM. S. (Titan and:reds cure for ;in all its stages. d SOOTNINO, CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. amts! et1 diseases are simply symptoms of • loch as, headache, partial deafness, losing of swell foul breath hawking and spitting, enerai feeling of debility, etc. If you are 'With any of these or kindred symptoms, zee Cain:> and should lose no time in procuruig e."of�NASAL BALM. 8a warned in gime 4dtold in bead results iat,Catarrb, followed Sglnpppnand death. NAssa BALM is sold by tS, er will be sent, post paid, on receipt of ?antenna Bi.00) by addressing LFORB & CO.. BROCKVILLE, ONT. of imitations similar in name Cold },n the He an Catarrh r Y r Sunday Reading • ItLEAt6ED FROM t11N. artin Luther tells how Satan Came to him bringing a long ll roll of his sins, long enough ake a swaddleing band for ound world. Luther said to aeh-enemy: les, I must own to them all va you any more?' he. accuser being expert at the oess, soon supplied him with urther length of charges, till re seemed to be no end to it. tin waited till no more were ltcoming, and then he cried, ; ;Have you any more ?' L 'Ate not these enough ?' !Aye that there are,' said Martin E Tither, 'write on the bottom of ,`thewhole account, 'The blood of Csus•Christ cleanseth us from all This was a receipt in full, 'stamped in.sucha manner that ven..Satan could not question it. a:; %PARENTS AND CHILDREN. A parent loses an opportunity 1.0r good to his child, tt he fails to 'have sympathy with his child in ;that child's weakness and follies ;and misdoing. It is in every child's nature to long or sympathy at the point where he needs it 'Theist; and when he has done ;wrong, or has endulged evil :';thoughts, or is feeling the force of „t mptatiosr, he is glad to turn to ; me one stronger and better than ..'Himself, and make confession of faults and failures. If as he eoames °to his parents at such a 'itinm", be is met with manifest sympathy., he is drawn to his par - !Tents with .a new confidence and "'rust. But if he is met unsym- k iatheticelly, and simply told how -wrong he is, or how strange it 41Ceems that he ehould be so far 'astray, he is turned upon himself lend a new , barrier is reared 'be- tween hien and his parents that no parental love can remove, •sect thatal�o ;parental- watchfulness or bare crave make a blessing to either ;3ohild \er paeent. It is a great ttihi.ng dor a parent to have such ,taympatby with his child that his l�- 60hild can tell him freely of his ,'"W,or'st thought and failures 'with - 'nest any fear of seeming to -shock That parent to have such hym- w iathetic thoughts of hie child ;when that'child has unintention- 'rally broken same fragile keepsake jpeculiarly dear to has parent, as ;:to be more moved by regret for '=t+he child'e sorrow over the mis- liap than for the loss of the pre - ?cions relic. There is ,no such ,power over children ns comes from such sympathy with chile ° odren. ^&']RITUAL Ql'LUstoiass. • Vl. :An astronomer was one night *+faking.an observation through his '>,teleacepe, when he noticed that a ptar of the firet Magnitude was r'•entirelyobscured, He investigated '.;and found that a tiny silk fiber on 'j,theglaes shut off so moth of the s'ilieavens as to make it seem that i'the star had gone out in darkness is there a danger that the fibres and •filims of earth will obscure ,our vision and shit off heavenly ',;glories, and make Ue dull to spit -- ',Actual truths. St. Augustine tells ' flow he was approached by a hea- ?tben, who pointed to the sun and ;«objects in nature, saying, 'These :are Inygods. Where is thy godv' ;'St Augustine says, 'ii did not show thione my God, not because I had !`inclieone to show him, but because be had not eyes to see him:' ' EAT YOUTH HAS DONE. ;; • It was the young :David who ';stood forth as the champion of Israel. Alexander when not ''twenty -ane changed the destinies of the world by his conquest of ,;Persia. Napoleon was the recog- elnized military leader of his age :'And conqueror of Italy at twenty - `seven. Gtdetapus Adolphus died "at thirty-eight and Frederick the *refit was conqueror of Silesia find the most conspicuous figure , in Europe at the age of thirty- three. The same fact appears in ;literature. Ruskin says that the • neest beautiful works of art are tlolie ;n youth.. Pitt was Prime Ifinister of England, and Fox the ',lord of Parliament before they Were thirty-one. Newton made his greatest discoveries before he Was twenty-five and ;Mr Franklin laid the foundation of his renown :before he was thirty-two. Byron ,dsed at thirty-seven, and Shelly at 'twenty-seven. Nor is this less Y t1i'tie in religion. Luther was 4)1313, thirty-five when ho won 31 -emery for the Reformation. '•Joni! Calvin was twenty-six when diep'tiblished his famous 'Institu- tta,! irhkkh shaped the theology of the Refer ree4: + h11'rolL John Wesley was only a student when he inaugurated one of the great- est religious movements of mod- ern times. Al1,last and most significant of at, i 1, c woi we, Et- deomer was a .,ung man, enter- ing upon His ceree; at the age of thirty. But I need not weary you with names and dates. The fact remains beyond dispute that young men have been the world's leaders in its best progress. Welcome, then, young soldiers of the cross, fair as the morning and glorious as the dew of youth ! as yon come with stirring songs and banners uplifted in the name of King Jesus ? Hosanna! Bless-, ed be ye that come in the name of the Lord ? WHERE WILL HEAVEN BE ? How about the location of the permanent heaven, the resting place of the saved? Where will it be located, on this earth or in the skies above? We read,I.Thess. iv., 16-17, that the Lord will des- cend from heaven and resurrect the righteous, and also catch up the living holy ones, and that al- together they will meet the Lord in then air. The readingRev.xx., 5.6, we also learn that will be the first resurrection, and that they (the righteous)will live and reign with Christ 1,000 years. Accord- ing to the Bible this 1,000 years is all the time the saints will oc- cupy the realms of the air When this 1,000 years expires, however, the 'City of God,' with the saints, comes down upon the earth and the second resurrection, that of the wicked, will take place. As these demons -elect come forth from their graves they will see the beloved city, and go up and encompass, it; and (Rev. xx, 7) fire will pour down upon and ut- terly.destroy them. The same fire which destroys the wicked purifies and renovates the earth, and this globe in its redeemed state, if the accounts above cited are to be taken as conclusive, will become the home of the saved throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity.—St Louis Republic. A BOY OF HIS OWN. One day as I sat in the Union depot at Cleveland, waiting to go east, a big, bluff, farmer -looking man took a seat beside me, and we were talking about this and that when a mite of a boy, ragged and dirty, and looking as if half starved, came along and asked for alms. He know it was against orders,and he kept one eye on the policeman as be moved around. Each of us gave him something, and he went over .to a mast who was reading a paper. He received no response to his request and re- peated it, when the brute lowered hie paper and gave the lav] a cruel box on the •ear. . The boy cried out and came running back to us; and next •moment the big man crossed the space between the banchee.and loomed up before the man with the paper like a moon-' twin. His face was white with ; anger and he trembled all over as he demanded : • ']Did you strike that child?' 'The little beggar inuoyed me,' was the reply. 'Look.there 1' thundered the Gig' mars as be turl,ed and pointed to' the lad. 'You've struck a poor,: wee child, raged, hungry and heartsick ! S3e his tears! I came, over here calculating to pick you up and break you in two over the bench, but I'm going to leave you to that•ciod who watches over the poor and helpless and down trod- den. For every tear that child Las shed Heaven will demand a drop o:'your blood ! You are ai thing, not a man—a creeping,. mewling, contemptible thing ?' • The ether rose up, eyes flash- ing and lips compressed, and it was•eviaient that he meant to re- sent the words. Just then, how- ever, the lad, still digging the tears oat of his eves with his fats came forward and took the lig man by the hand and said : 'Don't fight. Come away. Mo• ther is awful sick:' The big man returned to his seat, too full to say a word fora moment, and during this interval the stranger sat down, got up again, lifted ap hie grip and ire- pla. ed it and finally walked aver and stood before us. and said : 'To .say that I am ashamed and humiliated does not half express it. Here, child, take this.' And he left a$20 bit in the lad'•s hand and walked from the aepot; with hurried step, while the. big man drew a long breath and said : 'I guess 1 was too hard on him, after all. J guess he believes in God and has got a boy of his own. Come, sonny. ]'ll go with you to see about that sick mother.' That detention of the stomach which many people feel after eat - may be due to improper• masti- cation of the food ; but, in most cases, it indicates a weakness of the digestive organs, the best remedy foe which is one of•Aver's Pills to he taken after dinner. The Canadian Pacific Railway company have placed five million dollars worth of a new issue of bonds on the London market for the purposeof raising money with which to improve the steamship service on the Pacific ocean and provide new rolling stock for the main line. Minard's,tiniment cures Dandruff• A GREAT WASTE OF EN. ERGX, Mr Ellie Kittridge, of this city, the ebampion microscopic postal - card writer of the world, has just finished writing President Harri- son's last lei:et:age, containing 10,- 000 words, on a postal -card, being about twenty days doing the work. In writing he uses nothitfg but a pair of common spectacles. It would seem almost incredible that anything done with a common pen could be deciphered after be- ing crowded into such a small space,ibut with the aid of a micro- scope every letter and word stands out in bold relief and is very dis- tinct. The last 1,000 words of message were written on a space of one-fourth of an inch in depth to three inches in length, or six - lines to one -sixteenth of an inch. Mr Kittridge, who is nearly 79 years old, showed the writer the Lord's Prayer, distinctly to be seen, written eight times on the size of a silver 5 -cent pieee. He also has -the same written on the size of a three -sixteenth -inch circle, being equal to more than 85,000 words to a postal-card.— Augusta (Me.) Journal. A FEW FLY REMARKS CON- CERNING THE FLY. The fly is here. Likewise all his relatives on both sides of the house and on the ceiling. The fly seems to think that a North American summer would be a delusion and a snare without him. That is why he comes The fly is a social beast, loving the habitations of man. He also loves man himself, and especially tl-e baldheaded variety thereof. The fly ranks second among the promoters of profanity—the tele- phone standing first and the foun- tain pen a good third. Happy is the man who has no use for either. Natural history sharps have named the fly musca domestica, but I think he is really more than that. At least I have heard more forcible language applied to him. These gentleman, after bestow- ing that designation on the fly, proceeded to take an inventory of his personal effects. They say that he carries a long spear,a buzz saw, a pair of sharp sciesors, a stomach pump and a pint (or less) bottle of poison; also a whetstone or some such apparatus, with which he keeps his tools in a high state of efficiency. The fly has 143 toenails to each foot, and as it has six feet you can figure up the total number ref toe- naiie yourself, or estimate them, when the fly is promenading on your cranial reservation, heedless of the sigh 'Keep off the .geese.' 'then their are fly -wheels, fly - screens, fly young; men, out on -a - fly, fly -leaves, and fly ,paper. 'Fly -paper enjoys its largest circulation in the sutjtertime. In the winter its readers are 'few and it editors take a vaca- tion. Besides the flies enumerated alcove, we must not forget time flies. !HOW TO MAKE PEOPLE 'GOOD. Before the Prison :Reform Com- mission held at Kingston on July. .17, Sheriff Ferguson, of the coun-' ty of Frontenac, was examined., .Ise said he considered the treat meat of prieonea•s in the Central Prison was hard and the discipline -too severe. Dr. Levelle, warden of the pen- itentiary, did not think a prison 1 ould be Trade self-supporting and do justice to the convicts. He was in favor of the labor system, as it was beneficial to the prison- ers. He only set the men to breaking atones when there was nothing elee to do. He was op- posed to the contract system, as it interfered with discipline. He favored the application of the in- determinate system of sentences. To succeed it must only be applied to selected prisoners. The sys- tem at Ponetanguishene was, in his estimation, satisfactory. He considered that a large number of prisoners came from England when boys. He was strongly j, favor of solitary confinement. Chief Horsey, of Kin speaking of the reformator boys, said that youths sen learned more crime wi,,hin its walls than they possiI y could learn outside. He did/not think it was a fit place fogeys. They should be sent to industrial school, in which thiey could be educated to make a living for themselves. 'aton, for to it A Lake Erie & Western train coming into P -oris, I11., was struck by a cjyclone at Bridge Junction Thursday, and one car f the train and ces. A coach con - dozen passengers d and hurled down nt, several people wbi Aped out smashed to pi taining about was overturn an enbankm being injure It was ru iorod that the town of Green Valley, on the line of the Peoria, Decatur & Evansville line, and were sw communi is shut o demorallized by the storm. The travelled 'toward Pekin, kSages- from there Bays it bed the outskirts of the Orton, on the Santa Fe, pt away. Telegraphic .sties with those places , the wires being badly cyclone and mea appt on city 8ici sudddenly rose to the cloilatS, disappearing from view. 4z - THE THREE STARS HEALTH ° W171 absolutely and per- manently cure the moat O I aggravated case of N' • CATARRH, Hay Fever or Catarrhal Deatuess. This is not a snuff or ointment, both of which are discarded by reputable physi. clans as wholly worthless and generally injurious. Ask for Hospital Remedy for Catarrh. N.B.—This is the only Catarrh Remedy on the market which emanates from 'Mamma sources. $i.00. HOPE N'IV troubles of the HA Pp, will eradieat0 all LIVER AND KIDNEYS, ally permanently Cnre Dyspepsia, Indigestion, eon. stipation, Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, Catarrh of the Stomach and Bladder. This is a marvellous medicine. It rapidly makes GOOD BLOOD AND LOTS OF,IT AND TUEUEIH IS LITE. There isnot not a blood Imedi. orae in the market as good as this. It is peerless. It lensed in the 8ospitals of Europe, and pre• scribed by the most eminent Physicians in the world. Suitable for old or young. ASS Fors HOSPITAL EMBODY rob LIVER AND KIDNEYS. No able remedy for VIII General & Nervous Debility This ie an ineompay- rt 15 truly Ina Itself. Ma 11 and ay. &g�a.l1an.. Ask for HosPimi. REMEDY for GENERAL 0E111uTY. f O I.00i PRICE $1.00. Ms extract from the scientific papers of Great Britain and Europe • - - The four greatest medical centres of the world are London, Paris. Berlin and Vienna. These cities bade M MHte hospltals teeming with suffering humanity. • Crowds of students throng the wards studying under the Professors in charge. The most renowned physicians of the world teach and practice here, and the institutions are storehouses of medical knowledge and experience. With a view of making this experience available to the public the Hospital Remedy Co. at great expense secured the prescriptions of these hospitals, prepared the specifics, and although it would cost from $25 to $100 to secure the attention of their distinguished originators, yet in this way their pre. pared specifics are offered at the price of the quack patent medicines that flood the market and absurdly claim to cure every ill from a single bottle. ONE DOLLAR EACH. TO BE HAD OF ALL DRUGIGIISTS OR OF THE HOSPITAL REMEDY COMPANY, Sole Proprietors, - • TORONTO, CANADA. cmcvLAns DESCRIBING THESE EMBODIES BEIrT ON APPLICATIOlf. t:: ALL MEN. young, old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nervons,weak and exhausted who ere broken down from exoees or overwork, resulting in many of the fol- lowing symptoms ; Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emis- sions, lack of energy, pain in the kid- neys, headache, pimples on the face or body,itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, diz- ziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby musclee,de- sire to -sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss df voice, desire for solitude, excit- ability of temper,sunken eyes surround- ed with Leaden Circle,oily looking skin. etc., are all symptoms of nervous del bility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tention every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for r000k on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. Lit.J130N, 50 Fro, St. E., Toronto,Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, ynrple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot finshea, rush of blood to the bead, dull pain in -the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second Icerort beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast •bone, etc., can positive- ly be cured. No care no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LIIBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont. June 20, 1890. CORNS i CORNS ? 1 CAE3MTS CORN CURE Removes all kinds of Hard and Soft Cornc•, Warts, &c., without Pain or Annoyance. it t is a Safe, Sure anti Ett'ectnal Remedy, and tbe.e is no Corn existing it will not cure destroying every root and branch. Once Used will Never be Regretted: Refuse all substitutes. Full Directions with each bottle. PRICE 25 CENTS PREPARED ONLY BY at. SPENCER CASE. Chemist and Druggist, 50 Ring street West, Hamilton, Ont. CHOICE ENGLISH LAN- GUAGE. MANY WAYS OP TELLIN0 A w0\iAX HER HUSBAND Is nRt;NK,„../- Soaker had been at caucus, and after it of course, had to to package or two Consequently in a hack, ar,1 spoke to 'I'm s mum, in die nding a s over he, e an original �6ith "the boys.' ey took him home one of them thus rs Soaker :— ry ter have ter tell yer, t yer husband's out here ack.' gtood gracious t What's the m er with him ?' 'He's in der soup.' 'What ?' 'Paralyzed 1' 'I don't understand.' 'He's set up.' 'Explain yoifeclf.' 'Wul, he's razzle-dazzled, den.' 'But—?' 'Oh, he's in it, way ,in. See?' 'No, I do not.' ' Wul—he's—he's—' `Oh, what ? Relieve my an- xiety.' 'He's full 1' 'Is that all ?' And she shut the door. --Law- rence American. Toronto hotelkeepers promise to advance the price of whiskey from 5 to I0 cents per glass. The Siberian cattle plague is ravaging the province of Riazan. Cattle are dying by thousands.— A number of peasants have also contracted the disease, but no fatal Cases have been reported. C. C. Ru•IIARD & Co, Gents.—I sprained my leg so badly that I had to be driven home in a car- riage. I immediately applied MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT freely and in 4a • hours could neo my leg again as well as ever. Bridgewater, N, JORRVA WYNACGBT Fuld by J. H. COMBE & F. JORDAN REFUSE ALL - SUBSTITUTES. John Roddy, a twelve -year -pH son of Samuel Roddy, of Fein's Mills, was kicked to ,t.Yeath on Thursday, by a !horse which he wes leading ft:Dit pasture. The ,drltre of depositing the thouil dollars necessary to xc pm ce valid an election protest has ired in the eat -e of that lodged against Spragge (Reformer), Prince Edward County, and the money not being deposited the petition 1s invalid. MANY A LIFE' HAS been saved by the prompt use of Ayer's Pills. Travelers by land or sea are liable to constipation M other derangements of the stomach and bowels which, if neglected, lead to serious and often fatal consequences. The most sure means of correcting these evils is the use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills. The pru- dent sailing -master would as soon go to sea without his chronometer as without a supply of these Pills. Though prompt and eenergetic in operation, Ayer's Pills leave no ill effects ; they are purely vegetable and sugar-coated ; the safest medicine for old and young, at home or abroad. "For eight years I was afflicted with constipation, which at last became so bad that the doctors could do no more for me. Then I began to take Ayer's Pills, and soon the bowels recovered their natural and regular action, so that now I am in Excellent health."—Mrs. C. E. Clark, Tewksbury, Massachusetts. "I regard Ayer's Pills as one of the most reliable general remedies of our times. They have been in use in my family for affections requiring a purga- tive, and have given unvarying satisfac- tion. We have found them an excellent remedy for colds and light fevers."— W. R. Woodson, Fort Worth, Texas. " For several years I have relied more upon Ayer's Pills than upon anything else in the medicine chest, to regulate en bowels andthose of the ship's crew. These Pills are not severe In their ac- tion, but do their work thoroughly. I have used them with good effect for the cnre of rheumatism, kidney trou- hies, and dyspepsia." — Capt. Mueller, Steamship Felicia, New York City. " I have founts Ayer's Cathartic Pills to be a better family medicine for com- mon nae than any other pills within my knowledge. They aro not only very effective, but safe and pleasant to take —qualities which must make them vaiued by the public." — Jules Hanel, Perfumer, Philadelphia, Pa. Ayer's Pills, PREPARED alt Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masa, . soul by an Dolga* fit Medlekaee. i totimitonoli "Rtla CURED% TO THE EDITOR: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have con. sumption if they will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 188 West Adelaide At.. TORONTO, ONTARIO. The People's 'Grocery Basiness Change. The undersigned desires to intimate to his former patrons and Minds that he has repurchased his former business, and will continue it the old stand, Corner 'of Albert and Ontario Streeth He intends to go nut of the Crockery and Glassware line entirely, balance of which will be sold cheap, and will devote himself exclu- sively to GROCERIES, Fine Fruits, Confectionary &c. Of which he will keep nothing but first-class goods. The business w -i l be conducted on a strictly cash basis, and prices will be fixed ac- cordingly. By giving close personal attention to the business he hopes to merit and receive the same liberal patronage that he enjoyed hi therto. JOHN CUNINGHAIIIE. - CLINTON PIC - NICS 73RITISH COLUMBIA SALMON, 122 cts, per can. CANNED FRUITS AND MEATS — CHICKEN, DUCK, TURKEY, &c. CONFECTIONERY FOR HOLIDAY OUTINGS SPECIAL DRIVES IN PRESERVING SUGARS SEE OUR PRICES J. W. IRWIN, The Times Tea Warehouse Cooper's Old Stand, Cor. Searle's Blo.;k, CLINTON ADAMS' EMPORIUP. SPRING c -CTQODS Last week we received and opened up a large quantity of new goods for the spring trade. Lovely PRINTS, Fine DRESS GOODS, Extra Good TWEEDS, and cheap. CARPETS in Tapestry, Hemp and Oil. TICKINGS, SHIRTINGS and BUTCHERS LINEN, KENTUCKY JEAN, something new in dress lining. Pull supply of small wares. MILLINERY, as usual the very best. GROCERIES of best quality. WALL PAPER &c. Field and Garden SEEDS. All are cordially in- vited to see the goods and bo convinced that this is the right place. R.ADAMS. LONDESBORO D'A vignon's Cream of Witch -Hazel, THE NEW TOILET LOTION. Softens the skin, removes roughness, eruptions and irritation fromthe face and hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion. t bis on imtnlnable npplicaticn after shoving. Don't mistake thiesuperior-fpre- aaaticn for nny taints, ennmels or injnrioue eosmetics or inferior complexion otions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, ronghnese, redness, chapping, col - sores, and pain resnitmg to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and oold. In eohort D'AVteNON'n CAVAN! OP WITCII•HABFLie ntonce a remedy and apreventfor very fou m ofeurface inflammation or irritation. Price 25 cents per bottltai Manufactured by JA.MFS EL. 40O111113E, CHEMIST AND DIUJGQIST, CLINTON, ONT. •b 1