HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-08-01, Page 5toed hy the:, only rope, system in town, KING"S 0 PTU METE' AT RU MBALL & C O' S In *OR SALK OR TO RENT. 0178EF64I;i SALE OR TO RENT —ON Alb0rtfatreet, (Miss Trewartha's) suit - for email family and is in good repair; y eonvenionoes. Also good second itid'fJoekateve tor sale cheap. For parti- INteatfpllyto JOHN BEAN. I>; SALE OR TO RENT—HOUSE AND Lot for�,eale or to xent, on Townsend St., "P.ti},dse voliTelSle new, contaiiie fourteen` ,and':!Sheeted with het air. There to geed stone cellar, good lawn, bard and Witter in abundance. The lot contains „ea dors, Terms reasonable. Applyo, promisee or to MRS 'C...CARTER, Geo tf Farm fur Sale A,' pleniiidfaiim of S0 acres, being the east lf.gfLot 28, Con. 5, Hullett, about three ee from Clinton. On the premises is a rime, elwelling house, good barn 56 r 60, ble},;kFc, Orchard of one acre, two never ing,springs, well fenced, good soil, and in etatte of cultivation. Reasonable terms lily: off the promisee to W. T. FARQUHAR intpnqoet office. To Rent. .... W6 fine stores in Perrin'[ block. 41.49, ill be vacent by the let of May, the SOMMpdioue rooms need by Mr Shearer. 1y to J. P. TIBDALL, Agent for Canada I) 4.11e8urance Co. AW MILL FOR SALE. fir•ofe beet steam sawmills in Huron ((entity, tb y eapasity 10,000 per day,in first clam(running orderr and furniahed ith shingle -,' .&nd heading machinery. Also about 5 acres of land and house, plenty of timber near. Laetpa'ar's custom sawing was over 400,000 'i, ijf>nd, over 15,000 sill heading 1 Near ship pingpgint and thriving t A i .A first-class uuameae cheap For pat • t bars address, ed'1 MEW ERA OFFICE. Clit - Immediate VOf)se8sion if required. Wanted An apprentice boy to learn Sheep Skin tann Mg. WM• MAEDEL, Benmiller. 5 Farre For Sale, .0n. view' con, of Ooderich township, lot ,01`,over 80 aorea, nearly all cleared, good a$ loam; one of the best farms in that 1f ninny. A good large orchard, a good piece 02•-vfeed land. A frame house, and beauti- 31111yI4id out, with fir trees and privett hedge -surrounding it. Terms very reasonable. 5 MA iGARET COLLINS, Goderich P. O. Blacksmith Shop and land • for sale. Dressmaking. The subscriber, while thanking the people for their patronage In the past, deeirea to in- timate that she has recommenced the Dress and mantle making business, in the rooms over Twitohell's store. All orders will re- ceive prompt attention. MRS J. TAYLOR, Clinton. Teacher Wanted. -Services to commence at close of summer vagation. Must have recommendation from Coe Inspeotor of the .county in which last_ teaching, also from Trustees of Schools pre- viously engaged in. Either second or third class certificate. Services to continue one year. Apply, stating salary, to R. E. LANE, P. M. Lanes, Ont. _- 1$ubsoriber offers for sale the property ,epnedbyhim at Gowrie, in the county of ygerth. It consists of a blacksmith shop de .ing agood business, with dwelling house, sta :bre and half -acre of land attached. Is in a i6plendid farming section, with no opposition alba sold with or without tools. Satis- fa4tory reason for selling. For particulars d;Ziplvto THOS. LOBB, Holmesville, or JOS R[iORB. Howie. t f Butchering Outfit for sale { T e horse, cart, slaughter house, and all ot necessaries for running aButcher Sri p, including 7 store rpigs, eoffbelongeredforisng ale on to the '7eetato of H. Teasl `reUtionable terms. This is a splendid op- pp:tunfty for ally one wanting to go into Parti s. b Parties indebted tothe estate of Henry evfsley, are hereby notified that accounts , Peet positively be paid to the undersigned, ithout belay, who alone is authorized to Soilect the same. ROBERT FITZSIMONS, • Administrator. ,4iiinton, May9, 1890 Caution Notice is hereby given that the undersign- ed will not be responsible for any debts con- tracted in connection with the estate of the late Henry Tewsley, except upon his written order. Also, persons purchasing from any one articles belonging to the estate, will be held responsible to the undersigned, for the price thereof. ROBERT FITZSIMONS, Ad- ministrator. 70 0; 5 70 134.1110r.,.. e“, ro 11 U 7 41:11tF FR..kFR1.4,,..F .0R.An.y�..1:VAAL •. .4. V.1{44 F, .R 11 9Q X ,5:004 $Y til'` 'Hi ea . r a., e. res , a RA.1-1.,,14, 20 a 8 25; Shee.P $kind s s . t ..., ... F •Q 60 0 7Z '- Mf?NT$E4 LIVE STOOK 14R, 2' The improvement noted in the Brit- 18h markets leet week continuep, ant whiletbe advimeelo very small, it gives shippers here corm hope for the future, but it ie doubtful if the improvement will be eulolent to recoup past losses. Cattle are conning forward very freely and were it not for the heavy purchases that are being made by shippers there would be a big glut and farmers would lose lots of money. This does not only apply to Montreal ; iu foot it is =reap. plicable to Toronto, from which place a large proportion of the cattle offered on this market comes, and the cattle are generally in very poor condition, being only about half fatted, and are being picked up for stockers. Of course there are some very fair fat cattle coming forward, but they were almost all bought in the country months ago and were more than half fatted in the stables. A fairly brisk trade is report- ed at Point St Charles yards for the week in export and butchers' cattle. The first showed no change in price,but the market for butchers cattle opened dull owing to the large supply during the previous week, but showed some improvement towards the close. ' Ex. port 'sheep moved briskly, but the hog market showed no improvement. Only 160 cattle and 15 sheep were left on hand. The following are fair values : Good to choice export, 5c to Sic ; stook- ers, 4 to 4 -to; good butchers,' 44 to 50, medium, 4 to 40 ; culls, 2i to 30 ; ex- port sheep, 4 to 40 ; butchers.' $4.50 to $5.50 per head ; hogs, 5 to 5to ; calves, $4 to 39. Executors' Notice to Creditors The oreditors of the late Charles Carter, ate of the Town of Clinton, in the County of .Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-ninth day of May, A.D., 1890, are hereby notified to send by post, prepaid, on or before the thirtieth day of August next. to RICHARD RANsrbnn,Clinton P.O., one of tb e executors of the said Charles Carter, their christian names and surnames addresses and desorirtiona, the full particu- lars of their claims, a statement of their ac- counts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them ; and that immediately after the said thirtieth day of August next, the assets Of the said Charles Carter will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the claims of whicn notice shall have been furnished as above required ; and the executors will not be responsible for the assets, or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim notice hall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated the 28th day of June, 1890 RICHARD RANSFORD, ' DAVID P. GILLESPIE. UMBER AND SAWING.—SUBSCRIBER .now has his saw mill thoroughly equip - fled and in first-class running order, and is reppered to do custom sawing of all kinds, I1aving engaged Mr W. Dodds, a practical a&wyer, to take charge of the same. Will buy good sound hemlock logs. Orders re- 't;-$peotfully solicited. Good Cedar Poets for ,,sale. We are paying $S per 1000 for logs, THOS. TRICK, Goderich township, Deo 89. tf Pasturage to Pent. $avingleased the W. Laithwaite farm on the Maitland Concession, Goderich Town- ship, whidh has 60 acres o1 splendid pastur- age, with good spring creek running through %y.iit, the subscriber is prepared to pasture a 'limited number of cattle for the summer. Rates reasonable. Also, he keeps for ser - ';'vice, at his own farm, 16th con., Goderich Township; a first-class thoro-bred Durham u11. Terms, $1 at time of 'service, with privilege ffig1111PHY,Goderich Townsh.freturning ipftEN:tY NEW MUSIC BOOK TRIUMPHANT SONGS No 2 Just what is needed for Choirs and Gospel Meetings. Price 35c. Per doz. $3M0 A Reward Of $20w111 be paid by the undersigned, for such evidence as will lead to the conviction of any person poaching in Sharpe's Creek, Colborne. M. C. CAMERON, J. N. SHANNON, M. D., Goderich IF YOU DO IT ONCE YOU'LL DO IT AGAIN. NEW FALL WHEATS. L nil, MN fir• jBLAO Apt try a p 14a 'eu iU ap axecia' -O- I to ,gets; oee•Tbxead; .Hose that bye tibio . OT tthe:, t teor twill • :ser or b� r nx, .but that, ie 5C.4lVTE ' spun PEIt ECTI4 par T ' cook', c r'the ' r l Wet, but rppt a • until worn out. All sizes Ladies Ohiidren's in s,ar c.oft for a,au. ESTATE JOHN IiODCE�7i�:, B. LAURANCE'S Spectacles. We notice that The STEEL BROS., CO., Seedsmen, Toronto, are offering the follow- ing new varieties : Canadian Velvet Chaff. Golden Cross, Early Red Clawson, Jones' Winter Fyfe, and American Bronze. Si id for a copy of their circular, it will pay you. PO WHAT? '1'° CARSLAK E'S VICTORIA ST., CLINTON, When you are in need of your Clothes being cleaned or repaired. Being a practical Tai- lor of large experience, I am able to turn out first-class work at shortest notice. — Charges moderate. • A call solicited. VictoriaSt., Clinton FALL BULBS should now be se- lected and pla nted during September and October to produce those handsome beds of Tulips, Hyacinths, Creases, &o., that delight the eye so much in spring. fend for a copy of The STEELE BROS. CO., Toronto, Autumn Catalog. COR r STEEP'S Seed Store. MltS. WHITT. M.C.S.M TEACHER OF MUSIC. Piano, Organ and Teohnioon, or Muscle developer. for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. S. Hartt's, Rattenhury Street, Clinton Subscriber has on hand a quantity of ENSILAGE CORN, RED COB, and MAMMOTH SWEET Also, a large quantity of WHITE ASH BUTETII TUBS At lowest prices. JAS. STEEP, Pork Packer, Seed and Feed dealer, Reith's Old Stand, Albert St., Clinton. WOOL -WANTED. Wool, WANTED AT THE CLINTON N'.00LEN MILL STORE. Flour and Feed Business for Sale. The business at present carried on by the undersigned, at Huron Street, Clinton, is of- fered for sale on very reasonable terms. A good business has been done for the past 7 years. Having decided to leave town, all outstanding accounts must be paid forth- with, otherwise they will be placed in court for collection. THOMAS WATSON,Clinton. I lI ive a, large and varied stock of all kinds COOPECOOPER & CO,S BOOK STORE 1 0, Woolen Goods from the best mills in On - Y/ R tit io. co/misting of Tweeds, Coarse and Fine CLI ?TON Flannels, Blankets, Yarns, etc., to exchange for wool. Farmers, give me a call before ------------ disposing of your Wool. I know I can give Voters' List for 1890. You satisfaction. Butter and eggs taken In exchange for goody MUNICIPALITY OF THE TO WNBHIP OF HIILLCTT COUNTY OP HIIRON., Myrwti , Notice is hereby given, that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned r ' t n sections 5 and 6 of The Ontario Voters' v'y T�iat 11.ot, 1889, the copies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of ' the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all 4lpr$gns appearing by • the last revised As- ae isment Roll of the said Munlofpellty to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at . Elections for Members of the Legislative As- sembly and at Municipal Elections ; and that Said list was first posted np at my office, ;t LOndeaboro on the 21st dayof July, 1890, 1. Elon� oere for to aterserecalled upon examine the said lisp; and, if any omission or any other erxors are gffeoeund thereih, too take immed.iyate 'primeedindhe said errors correct- odolltid 0. Jding AMES to have tCAMPBELL, Clerk f HAW. Executors' I xecutors' Notice to Creditors.' Tho Creditors of the late Elizabeth Fitz- altnens, late of the Town of Clinton, in the .congty of Huron, deceased, who died on or tbodt the sixteenth day of May, A. D., I890, verve thereby notified to send by post, prepaid, ion tot before the first day of September next the undersigned, executors of tbo Bald lisaleth Fitzsimons, their ohristian names send*uttames addresses and descriptlons,the full liar idulare of their eiaims, a statement gf,thoir accounts, and the natne of the se- geiritie0 (if any) held by them; and thatimme- 1.1tely after the said first day of September Broom) STATEMENT—WO earl fin every page tett, the assets Of the said Elizabeth Fitz- of this paper with the most poattive and m- itten* will be distributed among the parties thusiastfo testimonials ever written by the nutted thereto, Having reference only to pen of than in support of all that is stated the Maims Of which notice shall have been above, but it would cost too much gmoney.- 4itorI*111l noabove be respponsible for the assets, of explanatory matter testimonials pfrom • • :op any part thereof, to any person of whose doetcrs, ministers and others, wilt be sent e1M,im notice shall not have been received hy to any address on receipt of 2 Dente in stamps theta 'atthe tithe ofeuohdistribution. Address, DE. HALL'SbDOMINION AnENOY . Dated the lS HN y of ,luly,1 9 S 7 SHANNON TREET, Toronto. D B AIlVA KENNEDY Executors. rw.Loaal agents wanted. farmers leaving their wool with me can have it carded into rolls, L"Stand—Smith's Block,opposite the Post Office; Clinton JOHN SCOTT. A Revelation ! AND ,1 REVOLUTION CREATED BY These celebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B. Laa• rance's test, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. You can depend on getting the GENUINE B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES by calling and examining the stock at BORN. Lvoies.—In Hullett, on the 21st July the wife of Thos Lyons, of a son. DooERTy.—In Clinton, on the 30th July, the wife of Mr T. t. Doherty of a son. SCOTT.—At Inglewood, on the 24th July, the wife of Jos. M. Scott, former- ly of Clinton, of a son. OLDYIELD.—In Tuckersmith on the 18th of July, the wife of Mr John Old- field, of a daughter. MARRIED PHOENIX—FORSYTHE.—At Greensboro, North Carolina, on the 28th of June,by Rev W. S. Cox, Mr John J. Phoenix, of Greensboro, to Mies Christina, second daughter of Mr John Forsythe,of Guild. fordcounty,North Carolina, formerly of Huron county, Ontario. STRAITON—WATSON.—At Goderich, on the 24th July, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev Dr Ure, Mr John Straition to Mary, daughter of Mr James Watson. HERN—TROTT.—In Seaforth, on the 23rd July, by the Rev W. Casson, Mr John Hern,ofTilsonburg,to Miss Emily Trott, of Seaforth. BALCAM—NEIBEBOALL.--At the Palmer House, Chicago, on the 20th July, Mr A. B. Balsam to Mrs B. Neibergall, formerly of Goderich. SPINDLER—GRUMMETT.—In Harpur- hey, on the 23rd July by the Rev W. Casson, Mr Geo Wm. Spindler, of Clinton, to Miss Frances E. Grummett, of Seaforth. PATTERBON—PEACOCK.—In Morris, on the 15th of July, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev I. B. Wallwin, Mr John I. Patterson, of Virden, Man., to Miss Isabella, eldest daughter of Geo Peacock of Morris township. A. WILFORD HALL, Ph.D., LL.D. What Do You Think of it? Enna ST ATsMENT—Thio is a new treatment of disease never before published. It there - foo has nothing to do with drugs eleotrioftyy magnetism, or any • system of dietetic.. IT 78 A BIN PLR, THOUGH P00110I00 HOME TREAT- MENT, discovered by a close student of na- ture, and is possessed of such marvelloua remedial power that IT TAXES RIGHT HOLD OX AND mans the worst cases of dyspepsia, constipation liver complaint, chills and fe- ver bronchitis kidney complaints, even diabetes and brlght's disease, heart disease, with its resulting "cold feet,” incipient con- sumption, internal inflammations, rheuma- tism, piles, cholera morbus, headaches, and all blood and skin diseases, indicated by pimples, blotches and yellow [pots, and any other disease arising from impurities which oltg the system. Co r'FR,'S 33001 -,;.STORE. ' CLINTO�T. 'GREAT BARGAIN IN Dress MUSLIN� at 2 price. 'THIS is A GENUINE SALE Gore and Test it. RUICKSHA NKt BOOTS and SHOES HIED SioPsoN.—In Clinton,on the 26th July, Elizabeth Simpson, relict of the late Geo Simpson, formerly of St. Marys, aged 69 years and 2 months. WATT.—In Saltford, on Friday, July 18th Mrs William Watt, reliet of the late Wm, Watt, aged 69 years. MuRRAY.—In Turnberry, on the 20th July, David Murray, aged 83 years and 10 months. KINSMAN.—In Wingham, on the 20th July, Thomas H. Kinsman, aged 29 years, 2 months and 3 days. SPERAIN.—In Grey, on the 21st July Ann, beloved wife of Luke Sperain,a 49 years. BARRIE.—In Morris, on the 20th William infant son of Wm. Barri 10 months and 15 days. WELLS.—In 8altford,on th 29thJuly, Henry E. Wells, aged 75 ye, re, Ald. Hogarth has res , ned his seat in the Stratford City Ctuncil, and has left for Dakota where , e assumes the position of general ma, ager of the flax and fibre works of Messrs Stuart, Wyeth d Co.,of Philadelphi, , His headquart- ers will be at Mario , , South Dakota, but his family wil not remove there -until next year. The Marqui entered Parliament. He has been offered the Li ination in on seats, which to an ole membar. w the end of returned 1886. L a mombe years -- aright, nor Cie brillia was a and h's experience at home and abro' d during the past ten year's well fits him for parliamentary du Full lines of everything in foot wear, as cheap as the cheapest. A. few job lines at less than half cost. Call early and secure bargains. C. CRUICKSHANK, Clinton niy , aged SPECIALTIES . BINDER TWINE, HARVEST TOOLS, BARBED WIRE, BLACK FENCE. WIRE, PARIS GREEN of Lorne may re- eral-Unioniect nom - of the Staffordshire is almost equivalent tion, as the sitting o intends to retire at he present term, was ithout opposition in rd Lorne has not been of parliament for some t since, if we remember e was appointed Govor- eral. Although not a t man in the House, ho exceedingly useful one, JUST COMING IN, 10 CARS } NO. 4 C ALAL B io cARs Quality the best and prices the lowest. Order early HARLAND BROS., Iron • and Hardware Merchants, Clinton T.DETIJO The Popular Dry Goods House, Londesboro. HUB GROCERY' We make a specialty of Try our Blended Black, We can give good Japan Also choiceYoungllyson We told our customers not to be deceived taken our advice and quit them. They fin OUR COFFEE is the best we can yi1y in Canada. We guarantee satisfac- tion .erytime. gives good satisfaction, and you'll use no --other. at all prier �to suit, that §i.-Y6Ssatisfaction. wfj,,ht peddlers, and a number have at they can do as well at the flab GEO, .SW 1L4C*W. CLITVTON We will give the:New Era from now to the' end of the year, to new sub- scribers; for 50 cents cash Stock -taking Shrewd buyers know well what that implies. No matter how carefully selected and well bought a stock may have been, there are sure to be some linea that have not sold as readily as was anticipated. Nothing wrong with either quality, color or pattern, but they just failed to catch the popular fancy, and now they must be cleared. When lite whole stock is being -overhauled, weighed and measured, and put into shipshape, a great many odds and ends are brought to our notice. Short ends of Cashmeres, Dress Goo;.I's, Prints, Tweeds; ec. Perhaps just the length you want.' We would rather sell them at a reduced price than put them through the inventory, so they are brought to the front and the buyer secures a bargain. TVe promise you many lines at close -cut prices during the next two weeks. We are trying to cultivate and establish a Cash Trade, and with this end in view we are sharing our profits with cash buyers. Come and see what liberal inducements we are o$ering for this class of trade. We attend not only to the requirements gf your wardrobe, but to those of your table also, and have just received a consignment of Canned Meats, Long clear Bacon and Lard. We import Stone and China Ware direct from the pot- teries in, England, and you will save money by buying these lines from us. T! . L . Ouimette, Londesboro. seorn 2E1 sgoog 1880 SPRIN.0 1890 FIRST-CLASS GOODS, LOWEST PRICES and LARGE STOCK of NEW GOODS to Select from. Eggs Taken in Exchange 6 per c. off for Cash W. Tay1r & Sons CLINTON NTCN AND BLYTH