HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-08-01, Page 37 Trn7'-' ' , Ise owe *i1' fillip* sit sulfa Assfe Via, fret *ft *OW" elle IllewilleeletOta*Wie tCt tpvki,etlt. fr aTnteo UIIGRMIEDY *. ttri ottT aKEIWI IM USER AT TWA pER1414+y'�ZO>t?,t7 FpDtf graa 120 IMAM u These. ]'ills condst of a careful and peculiar admix- •tRFe of nut heat end mildest vegetable aperients and the pure extract of .Flowers of Chamomile. They will be found a most eifxcacioue remedy for derangements of the digeative organs, and for obstructiooa and tor- Idd action or the liver and bowels which produce in- dlgeatlon and the several ppnntietles of bilious and liver mmplafnts. Sold by all Chemtste. WHOLESALE AGENTS EVANS AND SONS, LIMITED, MONTREAL. THE BEST 11KING POWDER cIIIREY'S GROW Co01'8_F1iil No Alum, Nothing Ilii uricase f.EiAILEI) E'YERYNlUERE, GARTH&CO. FACTORY SUPPLIES Valves, Iron & Lead P:2i, Loose Pulley Oilers, Steam Jet Pumps, Fern Pumps, Wind M'IIs, Cream Separatsrs, Dairy and Laundry U tenni Ie - 536 CRAIG S T aEET, MONTREAL. D:Q}MAGA KIL AYUFACTUR CARRIAGE VAYfSFE� 4SILVER MEDALS MONTREAL AVOW) CHADW CWS SPOOLk COTTO]4 For Rand and Il'%'achine Use. OA: 9O SUPERIOR. ASK FOR IT. 1.I.EVELEIGH&Z3 MONTREAL 513 Mfrs• for Ma Domia'n LEATIIEROTD STEEL -LINED TRUNKS In Sample, Lashes' and all other kinds. I:fohtest and Straag,st TRUNKS In the World. HOTEL BALMORAL. MONTREAL. Notre Dame 81...one of the intent central and elegantly. furnished Hotels LI the •Cltr Acoommodatlun fur 400 guests, tnates:�1 4T WOODRUFF, $2 to $3 per day. J, V a Y V Manner PEARS' Solo AE'ts for Canals, I.PALMER&SON 'Tholesale Imp'tre of )IGGISTS' SUNDRIES 1743 NOTRE DANE ST., MONTREAL. SOAP, DOMINION LEATI ER BOARD COMPANY. Menuficturors of ASBESTOSSILLBOARD Steam. Packing, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, This i, a P.►fo,tFrjceion RECKITT'S BLUE THE BEST FOR LAUN9RY USE. PAPERS Wrapping, Tannin, METS. vo' �O ALL . SIZES ,••,7 AND 4, WEIGHTS To ORDER 21 DeBrosoles3t• s:-Porluoiti. t1 FOR Sore, Eyes Catarrh Lameness Female Complaints Sunburn Soreness Sprains Chafing USE Bruises Scalds Piles ruin' Burns�r Wounds E11 Insect Bites Stings Sore Feet INFLAMMATIONS aHEMORRHAGES ALL FAIN OHf4S ON.S fLU!o&EF 4TH E GREAT STRENGTH GIVER P PERFECT FOOD DR THE SICK ARMING & ' UTRITIOUSBEVERAGE A POWERFUL INVIGORATOR AVOID ALL i TA - TIONS. THEY MAY BE DANGEROUS. FAC -SIMILE OF BOTTLE WITH BUFF WRAPPER. CT DEMAND POND'S EX- TRACT. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE FOR IT THIS IS THE ONLY RIGHT KIND. DONOT TAKE ANY OTHER. JAa t atoms 101PI At'eet, on temps] Hebei :iia London, In whish she pictures the misery occasioned by strong drink in .the Whitechapel dfattiet, wherole there, Jive, beep. the pant year ,ad many m sterines and shock tl►g: mutdore ol women, new on 1 pelt beforo you the On add misery ,of that scene? To fee. the, children flocking out of these dens of sin 1 state no ex- aggerative, x-aggerati e, no over drawn picture you have only to t'onii pol.lce re. porta, Tom year youwill decd in` London alone 500 children under 10 tom's old were taken up dead drunk, and there were 1,500 under 14,and 2,000 ender 21.' it 'a also stated regarding Ladv Henry Somerset that she has re- cently struck a blow financially at the liquor trade, she owns a good deal Of property let on lease, and several of the leases are about to fall in, Some of these are of publiabouses. Her lady ship has announced that she will renew no lease of a present public -house un- less the tenant will agree to change his business. .aLat. Ltd utters a alllxitt. The men look Al The airy Ie olier, and 'there are lion signs of In iat#s *boot. They. make light of the warning and tat down, but i( ,rno# ent ietos half a dozen horses aro pulling at 'their' lariats,, there it a tierce, uninie. ta:keable:,tremble_.of the earth .and a man whose face is paler that* death suddenly leap up to shout: `4 buffalo stampede! Take, to the wagons!' There is room for all, but as tite mon look to the east and see that great living wave, two or three miles long,and a milebroad, bearing down in its might upon the camp, they shouted in dis- may and cried out, they know not what, in wild despair. Nearer -- nearer — coming straight on—maddened by their thirst and terrified by their own conduct, and there is a chorus of shrieks and shouts—the reports of two or three rifles—a series of crashes which blend into one, and the camp has been blotted out. As the great wave itself hurls into the bed of the Loup and beyond, there is no sign c' the camp, no sight of the wagons—nothiug to THE BUFFALO STAMPEDE. tell of the thirty human beings --- alive and well and full of hope Cyclones and hurricanes con- I two minutes before. All have Untie to devastate; prairie fires and cloud bursts desolate and de- stroy; the rivers rise from their beds and carry death on the muddy water's; but the Tragedy of the buffalo stampede is never to be enacted again. It was a mighty terror of the plains, more to be feared than the war party of Apaches—more to be dreaded than the billows of flame licking up the long, dry grass. It is high noon on the great sun -baked, sun-dried plains of Central 1V ebraska. An emigrant party, composed of a dozen wagons and as many families, bas haltenl on the Loup Fork of the Platte River to cock dinner and seat their animals, It is midsummer and the creek has almost disappeared. Here and there a few barrels of water are left in a deep hole, and again the bed of the creek is dry and steam- ing with heat for a hundred rods. There is water here for the em- igrants, such as it is, but the quantity is reduced one-half be- fore the thirsty horses have had their fill. They look up and down the bed of the creek, but as far as the eye can see in either direc- tion there is no more water. Last May this Loup Fork would have floated a ship in its channel, but the mountain snows have melted and no rain has fallen in that whole country for many weeks. As the camp fires are lighted and the dinner made ready let us fly north a dozen miles. A hun- dred miles away as the Niobrara River rising in the mountains far to the west; flowing in the same eccentric manner, and its bed also just as dry at this season of the year. Five or six days ago a herd of buffaloes numbering thousands drank their till at the Niobrara as they crossed it, working to the south in fear of the Indian buffalo hunters, .who were abroad on the Dakota line, and in hopes to find richer pas- turage along the forks of the Platte. Here and there as they have progressed, water has been found in small quantities, but for thirty hours past not an animal has had a drop. The grass is scotched and dead, the ground hot to their feet, and the almost solid mass, coveting acre after acre, are al- most quiet at this noonday hour. Here and there one tosses his head in anger as thirst tot' nts , him,and the others give utterance to their terrible sufferings by long -drawn sighs and moans. Every animal has a listless look, and you wuuld say that it would require something beyond the ordinary to cause a single ono • of them to'break into a run. The stirring of so many feet has filled the air with fine ,hist to add still ”other torment to this situation. The 'ox or the horse would long ago have fallen to the earth to. die. See I Near the centre ;)f the herd a great bull suddenly throws up his head, scents the air. :Ho is a magnificent specimen—one of the hard. Drees his keen scent bring the presence of water over the dozen miles of scorched plain. Is there something to make him afraid 1 Ile wheels around and around—be utters hoarse bellows which excite the animals around him, and in two minutes half of that grest herd is in a state of wild agitatton. Ot asudden, with massive head held low as if to attack, with eyes blazing, with clots Of foam flying from the corners of bis mouth, with a fierceness of demeanor which clears a path for him, he heads to the west and charges through the herd. He his follow- ed by ten, thirty, a hundred, a thousand,by every animal which can move, and now begins a stam- pede. A mighty living mass rolls overthe plain, a }rods more to be dreaded than the tidal wave sweeping in from the sea. Move- ment incites to new energy, a rivalry to roach the ft-ont,a sort of madness which knows no fear or obstruction. The emigrants are at their din- ner, and their horses are feeding about them, when an alarm i been wiped out—blotted out the face of the earth.—From the Detroit Free Press. Minard's Liniment cures diphtheria. A MOST REMARKABLE RACE Quite a novel and exciting race was given Friday last between Charles R. Dayton, a Stockton guest, and Ellwood Carter, a Col- umbia Avenue cottager. The race was brought about by both looking at several boys flying kites on the beach. The idea oc- curred to Dayton that he could have a very large kite construct- ed, raise it high in the air and when it had, got up a sufficient distance, enter the surf, lay on his back and have the kite pull him along on the surface of the water. The novelty of such an experience delighted Carter also and a wager was at once made as to which could cover a distance of half a mile straightway along the outer the line of the surf in the shortest time. The bet was /made and taken nearly a week ago, and the kites, which were to bo their only means of propulsion, were at once made. Since Saturday the pair have been waiting for a wind favorable for the enterprise, and it was not un- til Friday that their wishes were gratified. About 10 o'clock both men were on the beach with their kite monsters, which were fully eight feet long and nearly six wide. With the assistance of half a dozen men each, they managed to raise them, using about 600 feet of clothes line to each kite. Layton and Carter,as well as their assistants, were in bathing cos- tume, and they all entered the water just above the Stockton Hotel. the two principals with the ropes attached to their respec- tive kites tied well up under their arrns. Both bad double cords to the main rope, so that they could 'not be drawn under water by the impetus the kites would surely give. Each was provided with a sharp knife, in case they should become entangled in the ropes. When deep water was reached the slack was played out carefully and the two started off on one of the, most remarkable races on record. By the time all arrangements had been made fully athousand people had gathered on the beach to witness the unusual spectacle. The two started off nearly side by side,the strongbt•eezecarried them along the surface of the water as though drawn by a rapidly mov- ing boat. Just off the end of the pier, when the excitement of the onlookers was at it§ height one of the guide ropes on Carter's kite broke, turning nim completely around, •c•.arryir z him sideways and severely straining his right arm. Carter at once reached for his knife, cut the remaining rope arrd'swam to the steps at end of the pier. Dayton continued on, ho ever, without any mishap reached the finish just below Windsor in seven minutes, CONSUMPTION C An old physican, retir t:ce, having had placed an East India miesio of a simple vegetab speedy and perman ti8n. Bronchitis, all throat and Lu positive and rad' cal cure for Nervous Debility and Ne eons Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in tho ands of cases, has felt it his duty to .- ake it known to his suf- fering fellow: . Actuated by this mot. ive and a deire to relieve human suf- fering, I wi - send free of charge, to all who desire 't, this receipt, in German, French or nglish, with full directions for prepa ing and using. Sent by mail by addre : sing with stamp, naming this paper, ' . A. Norse, 820 Power's Block, Rocheat :r, N. Y. 18012-y,e.o.w. An ttempt was made on Thurs- day t, burn thelGrandUnion hotel in N York. There were 500 gues s in the building. DE % ARTMENT OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS. r L D Dion, a prominent ofli- ei 1 of the above department, ttawa, writes : I am very glad give you to -day the testimony bat Nasal Balm has completely cured my catarrh, from which I suffered for nearly three years. ED. the from prac- his hands by ary the forumla remedy for the ntcure of consump- atarrh, Asthma and g Affections, also a Children Cry fo Pitcher's Castorla. C,4 TOR IA • for Infanta *nd Childrens "NOW s1110. ur a461410liltOndr tat µ; ei eonsOwMinseea, treoegueecolt{ ttpororroiskymacciptkpa fsoar'a cnonieh, Ant a; Assaf en. kaAwatvfie.'i` A 4, Aitm11.14D„ , P WOrauep , ONO sle, and promeise.al. Uft3q,rAlerAet.,ea,>thT, gra'____oa. Tas Corranit Comm, i7 liiurray Street, N. T. URE Fi a THOUSANDR OF ROULES LYEN AWAY YEAR. When I ray Cure 1 do not mean i GIyr have them return attain. 1 M KAN A RADICA O. RE. to have made for disease and Pits, Epilepsy or Falling Sickness a life-long study. 1 warrant my remedy to Coro the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Fres Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and It will cure ydu. Address:—H. O. ROOT, M.Q., Branch Office, 188 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. TOLTON Pea Harvester. The most perfect and durable Pea. Harvester of the day Guaranteed to give Satisfaction or no sale Persons requiring this article, will please place their orders at once, as late orders cannot be filled. Already four times the number Bold this year that were last. All orders left with THOSI TLPLING, Clinton, Will be attended tot T. BROWN, Agt, Seaforth. L. BEATTY, Agent, Varna. DO YOU DO YOU DO YOU desire to be considered a well dressed Man ? desire to be considered an economi- cally dressed Man? desire to wear clothes good enough for any one and yet suitable to'the depth of your pocket? IF YOU DO we solicit a share of your trade, and can guarantee satisfaction. Walton&Morrison,Tailors SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON New Firm NFW GOODS, New Prices COOPER & LOGAN GROCERS, are in the field with 'brans is new Black, Green and Jaiaii Teas. Caffees.,£irars. &c Try our TEA NECTAR and SECRET BLEND n;S; they cannot be excelled in price or quOi-t'. CROCKERY --We have a fine --assortment in Dinner, Tea and Chamber Set , in all the latest designs and colorings, and at prices to suit everybody. Cortte'and inspect them and be convinced. We also have a fine assortment of 2LASSWARE, and cheaper than the cheapest We have secured anther Sewing Machine, which we will give away with lb. Baking Powder. Conte and leave a krflance before it is too late ven to Family Trade. Goods promptly delivered. Deal with and get the newest, cheapest and freshest goods. Spacial attention C ER & LOGAN, — Clinton NEXT TO COUCH'S. It 1 Best and Lneapest I`encL .> + LEL RODE—IRON F04JNDATIO nuI LDERS' IRON 1-VORIS, ',.,y. 11 '.ai 1•:. i, 11 }'.l. �. !'t't'1 Fu r!l;t.r •a AND E.T't.;. .DOR ss t,1 3i� s i! J it ,.1 •t'. =�atx=ter_ wAtKERVtL.. 7;:n!., IATALOOUEB RENT ON APPLICATION. The CENTRAL GROGERY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. McMurray & Wiltse Return thanks for the patronage accorded them since starting business, and an- nounce that they will sontinud to give satisfaction to all who may favor them with their orders. They wily keep a full stock of the very best 2-oods in their line. And as they buy exclusively for cash, will give as good value as any in the trade We refuse to give one line at cost or under, and make the profits out of dome other line you may want, but for general family supplies we will not bo undersold Patronage respectfully solioited. Remember the place—Walker's old stand. MCMURRAY & WILTSE, - CLINTON • 114 • To, mike room far Now Irx,,ponation,, we will, until Dee. lst. GIV,IA (NT 1)ISCAi7NT I~ OR CASA on.ogr large .stock of 0110CIFSAY. AND (*IASsW4RE. OOItATED DrigNExt AND E . SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties ill 404 of anything in, this :line should neat' Anil: t '" r. lin . ltd Apps tpuitr .snag cheep bargains, as we ere bound to ?reduce our seek. We Offer STEW • SsSON JAPAN at 10:iOelt.11{141ip1'�'1. :0 We. Offer NEW SEASON BLACK' TRA,:et'26'efgei We Offer NEW •SEASON GREEN TEA at 20'Gents,. worth 25 Rte�.,�,� NEW CT RANTS and RAISINS, clleap, 2`: BROOM$ .for, , FESS PINAN 8ADEIE, SISCQS,, 'E R, G, RLOATER$,f , Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town, give Gla a` mall. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH.. No ROBSON. CHINA JUST RECEIVE A. Fine Assortment of PLAIN and STAMPED GOODS, TBAX 9 i0 SIDEBOARD DRAPES, TOILET SETS, SPLASHERS, STAND -pcnivto &o., Also a large" stock of RUBBER BALLS, BASE HALLS, SRIPPlit ROPES, 'HAMMOCKS, EXPRESS WAGGONS. Call and see our 10104 fore buying, as we want to clear out our present stook of WALL, PAPER CEILING- DECORATIONS, &o. We offer them oheap, call' and.'eee fore 't yourselves. WORTtLINGTON'S BOOK and DRUG Arum The LATEST STYLES IN English and American Hard and Soft Hats To please everybody. Call and see all the latest shapes. We are constantly offering. bargains. We are showing a stock that is 4vonderful in quantity, quality and style. We also keep on hand a magnificent assortment of FINE STRAW HATS SUM1VItER TOP SHIRTS, TIES, LINEN and Rubbereen Collars and Cuffs Our stook is complete and well assorted. We invite your inspection. REMEMBER THE STAND—ONE DOOR NORTH OF THE DRY GOODS PALACE i 0-33:10. Q-L.A.SG-ow THE — CLINTON NEW F R R. HOLM'VIE S, - - Publisher, CLINTON, - - ON T. THE NEW ERA is published every Friday gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh yeading,, Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Re po from Toronto and in this neighborbiood; has., Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an AC, vertising Medium. Will be sent to any addrb for $1.50 a year, in advance. JOB DEPARTMEN We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74. CLINTON' Per Ct cash Discount Having become agent for the celebrated B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES .Mt4t EYE -GLASSES, and procured the Lawrence teat, all those with failing eyyes** young or old, weak or strong, can be perfectly fitted here. Call and ezelmiita ';: Harness, Grocey, Crocker, lldti, Jewell And all other lines are complete, and as cheap at the cheapest plane in the OEM, ty. I have a few of those first-class PRUNES left, at 5o per lb, and te GREEN TEA yon should try, at 40e. per single ib, $1.75 for 5 16. Caddy, worth At toting 50 cents per lb. 5 per cent discount for oaA'h on all purchases of 81 and apikra GEO. NEWTON LONDESBORO , f'r McColl Bros. & Co., Toronto Manufacturers of and wholesale dealers in the following speoialfi.",: GYLIN:NE {OILS I wCOL CYLINDER EUREKA Avb RED ENGINE BOLT CUTTING Try our Lardine Machine; and you will use no. othsr, Manufacturers, McCOOL BROS & CO., Toronto., For sale by all dealers throughout the Dominion.. ,