HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-08-01, Page 2e ,w7mr: j:7-'41-77""tr' tted to.be otte of the best-J(0)6k apers in Ontario, *ill be 'soot to a�w pbs,ctit)ers, for the balance' of the.. year, .- for _50 _cents • cash. 0131i MINISTER'S SHRMON. Miter said last night, said he IVIttlil lufgraid Of givire ; your life ain't worth nothing to other JOUPOr Why, WhAve the use of livire 7" *awl t41/401 What 1 said to my wife, said I. "Tlanralt Brown, the mie'rable sinner. WA iikooner a beggar would starve than • owe A oat toward buying a dinner." I tell you our minister's prime, he is, Brit,,I couldn't quite determine. VirharkI heard him a -given it right and , .1.0t, • juat who wee bit by bis sermon. There couldn't be no mistake When he. talked about long-winded ' Prayin' , tor Peters and Johnson, they sot and eeowled [ . , As every woi d he was sayin'. • AAA the minister he went on to say, "There's various kinds of °heath'', AO religion's as good for every day Ae it is to bring to meetin'. r Tdoil't think much of the man that gives The loud amen at preachin' i :4,i'll spends his time the followin' week offieatin' and over reachin'." Riess that dose was bitter enough „ • „For a man like Jones to swallow, Bit I noticed that he didn't open his mouth . 1 ,ut onoe after that to holler, .4,1furrah," said 1, "for the minister"- ' Of course I said it quiet "Give ns some more of this open talk, It's very refreshin' diet." . . .q..he minister hit 'em every time, And when be exike of fashion, ,,s.And rigging's out in bows and things, As women's ruling fashion, And come to church to see the styles, I couldn't help a-winkin' And a-nndgin' my wife, and says I, "That's yon." And I guess it sot her a-thinkin'. pays I to rnyself, "That sermons pat, :Ent man's a queer creation. •;:.And I'm much afraid the most of folks ,Won't take the application." Taw, if he'd a said a word about ,,,,, My personal mode of sinin' ..4,4 have gone to work to right myself, -W, And not sot there agfinnin'. i'7.,..L• list then the minister, says he, :"And now I've come to the fellers 1Mbo've lost this shower by usin' their ',,,•'.: friends .,,..'• AB a sort 'o moral umbrellas; relo home," says he,"and find the faults, Instead of huntin' your brothers'. ?;;Illo home," says:he, "And wear the coats Yon tried to fit for others." n.' ic,, • Iy wife she nudged, and Brown he winked, And there was lots of smilin' i;:',•And lots 'o looking at our pew, It sot my blood a boffin' ; !illilays I to myself, "Our minister '1' Is gittin' a little better, 4•:11'11 tell him when the meetin's out ',)• that I Am not that kind of a critter." ,4,. • iN yk, ODDS AND ENDS. : ,f':•• A Mormon with two 'wives and fourteen children was recently .found living in a hut with one room at Pure, Utah. .l'i • Since the great fire at Seattle „last June permits have been gran- ted for 1,845 new buildings that iiitrill cost $6,693,000. It is stated that there are 40,- :;221 physicians in the Empire of ,.Japan. The population of the ;County is put down at about forty hillion. .ft The total population of Green- land at the end of 1888 was 10.- , 1;101, There had been 1C2 deaths luring the previous year,of which 1 bad been by drowning from 413e native canoes and other at - idents. .,.A London philanthropist is en- gaged in improving the appear- .•gtice of flower girls so that they ahoy be as attractive as the pretty 4ittle Parisian soubrette in her trim costume and jaunty white *P. ,.. ,i.),•,• A usurer at Aschersleben, Ger- .many, has been sentenced to six nonths' imprisonment, 2,000 rks fine and five years' police ihurveilance for charging an army ..Offieer 180 per cent interest on Jhoney loaned. • .A. man named Oscar Harden,of Vike County, Georgia, some time go killed his bride of a few ;Months by a pistol -shot. Ho Jas made a confession that he shot .ht her three times because 'ho did- h't think he could hit her.' .',A piece of pink coral thirty feet 'tlting and nine inches in diameter 4.0 one end, with branches project - pig bout four feet on all sides, *its recently obtained on the coast ,Of japan. Its value in a prepar- o4 State would be about $15,000. •A needle,one and one-half inches 'Iong, was recently • removed froth the side of Mrs Counselor (101e, of Fredericksburg, Va. Mrs Polo Bays that she swallowed the hbedle forty years ago and has heVer felt any inconvenience from IL , . 'Professor Thomson, who was a leacher in Philadelphia when he ' ' ' de the discoveries which have , ill be solved of getting electrical do him a millionaire, predicts' 4t aboner or later the problem N' ;Wer from fuel direct, without tlieitid of steam. • IlObt. Hay, ex -M. P. for Centre Totonto, died on Thursday. Ile rig Dr his 83rd year. :I tqLSON'f, FLY PADS. tiglrfers House Flies in millions hey are eafe, cleanly and effectual. L , at . . ' . THIS AND THAT. • Ix a man can laugh at no othe tirne,be can generally laugh whe the joke ie on some one who one laughed at him. It is an awful strain on a wo man's patience to have a tinsband who thinks be knows how to cook. 'I always keep my boys on the right track.' 'How do you man- age to do it?' Ohl by lots of *witching.' She Recovered. -Wife (who is always ailing) -You will bury me by the side of my first husband, won't you,John? Husband -With pleasure, my dear. Judge -Have you ever seen the prisoner at the bar? Witness - Never, you honor, but I've seen him when I strongly suspected he'd been at it. -Binghamton Leader. Stranger (entering) --Can I get a bite at this hotel? Stranger (de- parting) -1 guess you can. I stayed there last night and I got several' of thern.-Yonkers States- man. Wanted to be an Angel. -'I wish I was an angel,' said Willie. 'Why?' It must be bully this weather to be nothin' but a head with a pair of feather fans behind your ears.' A learned writer declares that butter was unknown to the an- cients. This markes it harder than ever to account for the flavor of some we have tasted: Johnny Gets It. -'Johnny may tell me why Lot's wife did not continue the journey with hus- band."Please, mum,' responded Johnny, 'she was arrested for as- sault.' A woman is never so badly in love that she does not try to find out thecost of her engagement ring. Teacher -Bobby, what does lazy mean? Bobby -Lazy means always to want your little sister to got it for you. She- It will be a p:easure for me to share your troubles and an- xieties. Ile -But I haven't any She -Oh, you will have when we are married. Clerk -How did that moth mixture go that I sold you the other day, sir? Customer -Like hot cakes. The moths won't eat anything else. age of the African wilds does when the temperature change- r having no clothes, of course he n e Police justice(to tramp) -'Take off your hat n court.' Tramp - 'What's the use in being cere- monious, judge? We have both been here before many'a time.' Minard's Liniment is the best. Marks of Civilization -Tele- graph poles are getting to be- .so close together in cities that there is no longer much excuse for a drunken man falling down. You occasionally meet a rich man who says that the greatest happiness is found in poverty; and you occasionally remember that all men are liars, too. James -Is Miss Knowlton a graduate of Vassar 2 William - She is. thought she was. I heard her ask if the muzzle of a gun was to prevent it going off.' Miss Honeycomb -‘.1 have made a vow that I will never kiss a man that has the taste of whisky upon his lips.' Peggy MacQuiskie -'Then, my hinny, ye'll miss a trate.' A Sight for Gods and Men. - Judge -And so be called you a ltar ? Prisoner -He did, sor. Judge -And did you attempt to defend yourself? Prisoner -Did I? You ought to see Duffy. Mr Dashley-'Here's an adver- tisement of Novelties in Pocket- books,' I wonder what they are like.' Mrs _Dashley-'A pleasing novelty in my pocketbook would be a $20 bill.' A man's capacity for endurance in some respects changes after marriage. The lover that never grumbled at holding a 130 pound girl for hours grumbles if he has to hold a ten pound body two minutes. Houston(of Texas) -'I've finally settled that $500 I've owed Hank Jones for so long.' Mrs Houston - 'I'm so glad. But where did you get the money?' Houston -'Didn't have no money. I just shot Jones.' All Must Yield tp Her. ---'Ma- dam,' said the doctor, fear your husband will not live through to - moi -row.' 'Beggin' yer pardon,' broke in Bridget, 'but yo'd better not let anythin' like 04 happen to morrer. It's mo day Oat.' One day T., age 3 years and 9 months, said to Jack, ago 2 years, 'Jack, do you know what know- ledge is ?"No, indeed,'said Jack. 'I don't either,' was the reply ; then, after a few minutes: 'Jack you will never amount to any- thing if you don't know what knowledge is.' 44 am very curious to know, Mr Stanley,'said the interested young pereon, 'what the unclothed say - cannot change them ?' •No, dame,' replied the intiepid trave'- ler, 'but he changes his mind. ThaCis ull he bus to change.' Father Sinith-'Now then, here we are iii Europe, and we want to see just as much as possible duriag the two month1 can spare from business. Therefore you, lira S., will go to all the churches and cathedrals ; you, Emily dear, will take in the museurn,i and picture galleries, and I will investigate the restaurants and cafes. SAVE YOUR CARPETS. A sheet of sticky fly paper will do more damage to carpet and furniture than anything ever invented. No careful housewife would have one about. Wil- son's Fly Poison Pads will clear the house of flies more quickly and r surely than any other means. If placed near the light where the flies are the thickest Wilson's Pads will kill pints every day, and clear the house in short order. Sold by all druggists. HISTORY AND MYSTERY OF THE COMB. It would be curious to kilo,. what mystic meaning our fore- fathers attached to the simple act of combing the hair. We learn from old church history that the hair of the priest or bishop was combed several times during ser- vices by one of the inferior clergy. The comb is mentioned as one of the essentials for use during a high mass when sung by a bishop; mass combs of precious metals are reckoned among the wetly possessions of most European cathedrals. Besides those made of gold and silver, the poorer churches have them of ivory,while in some the more common kind are used. Among those especial- ly known to history are those of St. Noet, St. Dunstan and Mal- achias. That belonging to St. Thomas, the martyr of Canter - bury, is still kept in the Church of St. Sepulcher, Thetford; that of St, Cuthbert, 'the woman hater,' at Durham Cathedral. From sundry references in old legends to the use of the comb in divina- tions, and from its appearance in combination with pagan emblems on rudely sculptured stones in various parts of Scotland, it seems probable that this was one of the objects of pagan veneration which early Christain teachers deemed prudent to'adopt, investing it with some new significanee.-St. Louis' Republic. Minard's Liniment cures colds, etc. NEWS NOTES. Mr Baker, the Wesleyan mis- sionary, wh J was Premier of Ton- ga, had to.leave that island under threats of being killed by the natives. Rey. Dr Cochrane,of 13rantfbrd, has serif, out circulars to members of the Home Mission Committee of the Piesbyt-erian Church stat- ing that the amoiltrt,required for home missions in the tern sec- tion of the church for 189 *1 is $55,000. Of this amount $50,0 has been allocated to the different presbyteries, in the hope that $5,000 may be received from other sources. The amount re- quired for augmentation is $30- 000. A few days ago a young man named Carrier was killed by a flying splinter from a login a saw- mill at Scott's Junction, Beauce, Q. Ino usual inquest was held, the jury being composed chiefly of the othe' workman ;n the mill, and at its close another man nam- ed Bilodean was ordered to the same work as the deceased, Car- rier. He undertook it very un- willingly, and had hardly been engaged in it two hours when a lever broke, and striking him in the breast, killed him instantly. THE POLITICAL SITUATION Has not materially changed within he last year, but Wilson's Wild Cheri y e becoming better known every week as a cute for Coughs, Cold, Whooping Cough, Croup, Loss of Voice .nd other affections of the throat, chest and lungs. For twenty years this rt. 'iable medicine has been used in scores -if families with the greatest success. Sold by all druggists. Get the genuine in white wrappers only. • -.- James Melvin,of Concord,Mass., has for twelve years lain upon a bed without changing his position. The osseous portions of his body have united into one piece, and from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet there is not a joint responsive to his will. According to the statistical year hook for 1889, just issued by the Department of Agriculture, the population of the Dominion is 5,075,855,ascompared with 4,345,- 809 in 1881, when tho last census was taken, The vicissitudes of climate ate trying to most constitutions, es- pecially to people having impure blood. For all such (and they constitute the majority), the safe- guard is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the IMO of which cleanses the blood and etrenthens and invigorstes the system. A BILLY UNCLE. •••••••M•••=• " What oi ties bring you down t'.e yhimney uu Christmas ." asked Uncle \,Iliaui of his little nephew Tommy. " Uncle, 1 am surprised that a 'person of .ur age should still believe in such childish things," was the reply of the little fellow, ho will be five years old on his next birth - Gay. MAKiNG MINCE PIES. A Christmas dinner is not a success with- out good mince pies. This is the way the dames of Old New England used to make their mince meat: Get six pounds of juicy beef, boil and chop fine, It must be borne in mind that the meat in boiling loses about half its weight, so for three pounds after it is shopped fine and cleared of gristle double the quantity must be boiled, the liquor making good stock. Chop fine two pounds of beef seA'', six pounds of tart apples, peeled and cor, seed two pounds of raisins and wash thoroughly two pounds of currants, cut one-half pound of citron in thin strips and mix all these ingredients to gether with one tablespoonful of salt, ground cloves, allspice and cinnamon each one ounce, and mace and nutmeg each one -half -ounce. Put three quarts of cider over the fire with three pounds of C sugar; skim and pour boiling hot through a fine strainer over the mixed materia]; add one large cup of New Orleans molasses and the juice and grated rind of one lemon. Stir well and pack in air -tight jars." This is an Irish recipe: "Keep a beef's tongue in water four or five days; boil till tender, when cold chop fine, add two pounds of finely -chopped suet, two pounds of raisins, two pounds of currants, twelve large apples minced fine, four pounds of sugar, the juice and pulp of two large oranges and the grated rind of one; a cupful of raspberry or straw- berry jam, three-fourths of a pound of citron shaved fine, one cupful of quince preserve, two tablespoonfuls of cinnamon and one of nutmeg. Mix the mince meat with the syrup from the sweet pickle jar, add a little brandy, if desired, and the juice and grated rind of four lemons." A PECULIAR INDUSTRY. ChriA,nes trees ought to be cheap in New York this 3 tar unless a trust is organized to control the evergreen market. In the town of Orland, at the mouth of the Penobscot, a Rockland firm have a large crew of men em- ployed in cutting fir trees, and expect to ship 400,000 to the metropolis between now and the middle of December. The firm pay about half a cent a tree 14 r the privilege of cutting the firs, an all the expenses, except for freighting e. small. The trees range from five to thirty feet in height, but the greatest demand is for those measuring between five and eight feet. The bushiest and most sym- metrical trees bring the best prices, and these are found in abundance along the edges of the woods. There are enough young fir trees along the Penobscot River to supply the world with Christmas evergreen for cen- turies. SOME YULE T IDE DON'TS. Don't put R.S.V.P. on your present to your rich uncle. Don't misspell the word "presence" in your invitations to your Christmas parsy. Don't eat two mince pies, a plum pudding, lobster salad and ice cream, and then com- plain that the climate doesn't agree with you. Don't impersonate Santa Claus in a seal- skin sacque, rubber boots and auburn side whiskers. Don't decline a present simply because the expressage or postage hasn't been prepaid. Don't attribute your headache to the drum our enemy sent your son. ON 'CHANGE. "Ca 'ou lend me twenty-five dollars this morning, Williamson 1" asked a needy friend enterin the bziaockonest "Sorry, Barro William- sonr wentiashenoutthtookisnarning to buy a surprise me, he money I had." A YULE -TIDE R ANCE, ng; The Christmas carols had been s The guests had turned to go; Down from the chandelier there hun A spray of miseltoe. Beneath; along the polished floor, A clean mark line there ran; No face was peering at the door; I was alone with Nan. Her hair in ripples ringed, her brow, An aureole divine; Then courage canie-I know not how - 1 dared her toe the line. She smiled a rougish smile and fleet She gave a dainty trip - And oh, the honey, sugar sweet, I tasted from her lip. A few months more and I opine {Perhaps you'd like to knowl T'will be the matrimonial line This charmi,, nisl1 too. -BISSEL CLINTON. THE CEASELESS ROUND OF TH IS JAR- RING WORLD. To the human kind Christmas is a season of feasting and rejoicing. But to turkeys, geese and other fowl, fat bullocks and sleek heif- ers, to massive rolling hogs, it is a season of terrible slaughter. The butcher with his knife, the farmer with his axe, spill the blood of countless victims. Though the meat be savory it cometh all through the one channel, that of life -taking, and yet man moat live. Those food furnishing animals have been having a good time - noth- ing to do but eat and grow fat. Now man's turn conies awl he proposes to make the best of it. But all the same the noise- less worm is malting for Is turn. Every- thing comes his way at last.. The action, therefore, lies against the worm, and not the man, who sate the bird and the beast. The butcher is really in the employ of the worm Therefore must the bird and the beast exoner- ate us of all blood -guiltiness. We are in for the beast of fat things. And yet all is not lost-t,here is yet a chance for the bird, the early bird, to enteli the word. JUST LIKE THEM BO "I never saw the like rif you men for get- ting into a crowd," said Mrs. John Jones, as she pulled Jones out of a municipal political meeting. Then they went to buy Christmas presents, when Jones remarked: "You wo- men appear to have an insane desire to get into the biggest crawd you eta" • • CLINTON RAILROAD TIME TABLE 011•11•1 Issued May lst. The departure of trains at the several stations named, is according to the last official time card: CLINTON Grand Trunk Division Going East Going West 7.43 a.m. 10.05 a.m. 2.25 p.m. 4.55 p.m. 1.20 p.m. 6.55 p.m. 9.27 p.m. London, Huron and Druce Division Going North a.m. p.m Wingham ..11.00 7.45 Belgrave ..10.42 7.27 Blyth 10.28 7.12 Londesboro 10.19 7.03 Clinton 10.00 6.45 Brncefield9.42 6.26 Kippen 9.34 6.17 Hensall9.28 6.09 Exeter 9.16 5.57 London8.05 4.25 Going South a.m. p.m. 6.50 3.40 7.05 4.00 7.18 4.15 7.26 4.25 7.55 4.45 8.15 5.04 8.24 5.12 8.32 5.19 8.50 5.33 10.15 6.45 Catharine Wood, who has cros- sed the Atlantic twenty-five times, stealing money, jewellery etc.,on each trip,bas at last been convict- ed in Liyerpool. Some interesting information about the penitentiary is given by the Kingston Whig. There is a library of 2,250 volumes, which are eagerly read by the prisoners. The prison will now be lighted by electricity. Con- victs are allowed to decorate their cells, and some are arranged with a good deal of taste. The truth of a familiar proverb is supported by the statement that stealing from the sells is regarded as a shameful offence, and "a sneak - thief is generally abhorred by all the prison inmates." A remark- able change has been made in the system of prison labor. In the carpentry shop every thing is done by hand. The machinery formerly used stands idle. can employ more men,' said Warden Lovell, 'by making everything we need by band. Besides, young fellows can learn more than if they had only to attend to ma- chines. WHY COUGH, WHEN a few doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will relieve you? Try it. Keep it in the house. You are liable to have a cough at any time, and no other remedy is so effective as this world- renowned prepara- tion. No household, with young children, should be without it. Scores of lives are saved every year by its timely use. Amanda B. Jenner, Northampton, Mass., writes : " Common gratitude im- pels me to acknowledge the great bene- fits I have derived for my children from the use of Ayer's most excellent Cherry Pectoral. I had lost two dear children from croup and consuinption, and had the greatest fear of losing my only re- maining daughter and son, as they were delicate. Happily, I find that by giving them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on the first symptoms of throat or lung trouble, they are relieved from danger. and are be- coming robust, healthy children." "In the winter of 1885 I took a bad cold which, in spite of every known remedy, grew worse, so that the family physician considered me incurable, sup- posing me to be in consumption. As a last resort I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto- ral, and, in a short time, the cure was complete. Since then I have never been without this medicine. I am fifty years of age, weigh over 180 pounds, and at- Whet- eoy good health to the use of Ayer', Cherry Pectoral."-G.W.Youker, Salcue, N. J. "Lest winter I contracted a severe cold, which by repeated exposure, be - eater quite; obstinate. I was much tre hoarseness and bronchial irri;•titiii. After trying various medi. w it Lout relief, I at last purchased a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. On taking this medicine, my cough ceased almost immediately, and I have been well ever since." -Rev. Thos. B. Russell, Secretary Holston Conference and P. E. of the Greenville District, M. E. C., Jonesboro, Tenn. er's Cherry Pectoral, Dr. J. Bold by al PREPARED BY Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. ruggiete. Price $1; six bottles,Es S. GENERAL DE HURON STR Re pairing of all kinds reasonable rates. 114SON, ER IN TINWARE. 1', CLINTON. rornptly attended to trial solicited. LIVE Y. The nndersigned have bought out the Liv- ery business lately owned by . Beattie and desire to nform the public t at they will carry On the same in the old p Next COMMERCIAL Several new and good driving hor most stylish carrages have been the business, and will be hired at r prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. R. REYNOLDS Hotel. s, and the added to aeonable SJN otton Root Comp Compounded of Cotton Root, '1' Pennyroyal -prepared by an old p TS SUCCESSFULLY USED MON thotaands of women, and bus 500 Pre- scribed in a practice of 30 yearn. P leer $1 Will be mailed to any address 111 Canada an U.8. Doctor's consolation boors, 9 to 11 and 1 to 4, ism'. es of women treated only. Sealed particulars two standis. Ladies only, address POND LILY OM PA NY, No. 3 Fisber Elork, 131 Woodward avenn •.De• rent. 311 chi can, June 28 und. nay and yslrian. HLY by ANTED Men to take orders for Nursery Stock, on Salary or Commission. I can make n successful ALESMA °Carly one who will work and follow my Instruc- tions. Will furnish handsome onset free, and pay your salary or commission every week, Write for terms at, once, E. 0. GRAHAM. gurseryman, Toronto, Ont. Bermuda Bottled. Intuit id to: Bermuda. If you de not I will not be responsi•„ ddistor, eon aurora neither the time nor the lamser." "WVI e. ble. for the, empietiMenees." " vital that Is naposelble, try SCOTT'S ULSION OF PURE NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL. I sometimes call it Bermuda Bot- tled, and raany eases of CONSUMPTION, Bronchitis, Cough or Severe Cold I have CURED with It; and the advantage is that the most sensi- tive stomach can take it. Another thing which commends it Is the stimulating properties of the By. pophosphites which It contains. You willfind it for sale at your Druggist's, in Salmon wrapper. Ile sure you get the genuine." SCOTT At BOWNE, Belleville 57••0izionimai\11,1\t, 1/1Z1177Erir A NEW IMPROVED DYE FOR HOME DYEING. Only Me required in Using. 10C ;01Ur'ckgterFodroeasieneoraterttelf send direct to the manufacturers, COTTINGHAM, ROBERTSON & CO. MONTREAL TO MACKINAC SUMMER TOURS. PALACE STEAMERS. LOW RATES Four Tripe per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND PetooketaTheeSoo, Marquette. end Boron Porte. ver' Iftenlag Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND . Sunday Tripe during Jane. July. August and September Only. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS, news and Zzeurelon TiOkete will be farmlebert • by your Ticket Agent, or address E. B. WHITCOMB, G. P. A., DITTROIT, THE DETROIT & CLEVELAND STEAM NAV. CO FALL GOODS Just Arrived W A_TCIALES, Silverwa,re. J. BIDDLECOMBE IG MONE BFOR AGENTS Y NO RISK. NO CAPITAL REQUIRED An honorable and praiseworthy business without any possible chance of loss; steady employment and control of territory Have done business in Canada 30 years. Liberal pay to right man to sell our unexcelled Nursery Stock. Send for terms. CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY, Nurserymen, Colborne, Ont, BUSINESS CHANGE. Enda Bakery and Restaurant, Subscriber desires to intimate to the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has bought out the Baking and Restaurant business of Mr Ring and will continue the same 8 t the old stand, OPPOSITE THE PCST OFFICE Being a practical man his customers may , rely on getting a good article. BREAD, BUNS, CAKES, &e: always on hand. Oysters, Ice Cream, &c. itn season. Socitt,n supplied on shortest notice. WED- DING CARES a specialty, W. H. BOYD. 00 . 00 wet 00 va '00 0 0 00 0 00 00 COI 0 •,a 00 eir• 111$ CO) 00 7.1 CO CIO 00 1=0 0 00 tes 00 0 0 4 Wawasesteteriesiesierasesesesesimmummoggsamme,