HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-08-01, Page 1GOSSIP OF THE STREET'
Picked up here - and there by,.
an active reporter.
About The husb- and of one of thol
butter best butter makers in thi$:s;
county was complaining tlz,
other day because of the unsatisfectoi'+ `;
way of buying butter. Said he "there;
is no encouragement for a person tri
make good butter, for if it takeh ti
the store we get no more for it than
it were poor. I can't understand whyS,
they don't make some distinction', but,
I suppose that they would lose trade}i
they told some people their butter 'ova;'
not fit to use. No, I'm not makiti
batter this year, we send our milk t4.
the creamery and dobetter."
Window "I'll bet a cent I cal
breaking shrike that window,' earl
a boy and he suited thi
action to the word by sending a atoi•.iiu;
through a pane of glass. The wind0t%i
of an unoccupied house seems to'be.,pi
strong temptation for the average b4
to withstand, and lose and annoyance
is often cansed property holders by the
depredations of youths who should
"tanned" for their mischievous tendon,
Weigh "Why' don't farmersraise,bet'
Eggs ter hens, eh 7 Well I'll tell
you the reason, a email heti
takes lees feed than a large one, ,will
likely lay more eggs, and they count `
much as larger ones. if eggs were sold
by weight as they should be, instead of
by the dozen, then there would be souk
use in raising larger poultry."
Credit "Something will have to �b
System done to diminish the oredit'.i
system," said a businessk:'.'
man. The amount we lose is growing
larger every year, and 1 don't wonder
that occasionally some fellow goes to the
wall. It's enough to sicken a man Of
business entirely, and people should be`
educated up to the cash system; credit
places a premium on dishonesty, per.
haps unintentional, and is a source iif.
a good many business evils."
More "Say, seo here, you can't:
Trade talk Commercial Union ill',
Wanted your paper, too strongly," .I
was the suggestive remark'f,
of a prominent business man, "tiro +,
with you for it every hour of the day,;
and every day of the week, anti ant i,
holding up both hands for it. I've been
over on the other side, and I've heen ih,
business on this side, and T kp.OW -•
for a fact that Commercial Union would
help business like a black snake Will
help a lazy horse. Taint loyal, belt,
That's all rot, I'm as loyal as anybed , •
and can sing"God save the Q11001'174. tt
the next one. It makes me tired
have fellows talk about loyalty-,
don't care a cuss for the Queen,
you I want business and I dote,
Ya i! an
from a oke o
ea 0
an haat t11 0
African. If a Yankee c c 8
1to get u
of my eye teethp
fore I rlo, and I'm not afraid•to t5ffkl8r
him. Jost give us a chance, and it 1.
can't do business with him theta lay mos
over for a fool."
esic '-, , %fir
the Whole Number 2158. 5
Our Weekly Budget
From all parts of the County—by wide-awake
and lively Correspondents
The will be no service in the Pres-
byterian church next Sabbath.
Mr J. M. Brown, late teacher of
Hi11e Green, but now of Waebing-
ton Territory, mac visiting old fellow
students here last week.
Mr John Budge, of Clintcn, spent
Sunday at his home here.
There was a heavy hail storm pass-
ed over the village Friday last. it
lasted but for a few moments, and
therefore, did no damage.
Mies Mary Carson has returned
' from Buffalo, to behold the busy life
of our burgh.
The rain put a stop to the baying,
and harveating has engaged the at-
tention of farmers instead.
Two nephews of Rev Mr Law, Mr
G. and J. Watson from Aberdeen,
Scotland, are at present in this
• country prospecting ; they wish to
engage in farming.
There is •a young lady. a Mies
Loutitt, who has gone slightly out of
her mind, who has been quite an
annoyance and a danger to several
of our villagers for some time back.
We have refrained from making any
public note of her actions, thinking
that her parents would soon put her
under proper care, where her own
condition would be kept safe, as well
as the public. But up to the present
writing, we are not aware that such
has been done. She was a fine young
lady and endeavored hard to rise in
life, but disappointment has tempor-
ily, at least, upset her mind.
NoTEs.—Mise Etta Rutledge, of
the Huron road, Goderich township,
is visiting at the residence of Mr M.
Diehl. Mrs Thompson, of Chicago,
is visiting at the residence ot her
sister, Mre Andrew Keys, being at-
companied by her daughter. What
might have been an accident, hap-
pened to Mr James McClymont, on
Sunday morning; be was driving to
church, himself and three others in
the buggy, when the tug broke, and
the horse commenced to kick, be-
coming almost unmanageable, but
he was controled before doing any
damage. Mrs John Clark, of the 7th
con., of Goderich township, is visit-
ing her daughter, Mrs W. Keys.
The Methodist minister at Varna,
who has already become very popular
with hie people, will bold his first
quarterly service on Sunday next, at
at Varna, delivering an address to
the children of the Sabbath School
in the •afternoon. Mr Peter Camp-
bell, of New Zealand, paid a short
visit to his cousin, Mr Peter Camp-
bell, of Stanley, he left last week for
Winnipeg. Mr Donald Campbell
from Grand Bend is now visiting in
Stanley. Mr Thomas R. Butchard,
of Fingal, Elgin connty, is spending
a week of his honeymoon at home
with hie parents. Mr James Gil-
mour, now over ninety five years old,
has been alightly indisposed for the
last two weeks but is somewhat better.
Mr John Scott, son of Mr Wm H.
Scott, has been confined to the house
for some days with pains in his feet
and lege.
Will the writer of a letter to the
NEw ERs office please send his name
u a guarantee of good faith not for
publication. Then hie communica-
tion may be inierted.---ED. Naw
NOTlt,a.--Mr J. W. Snell, of tlar-
ieton, arrived here with about twenty
five stook steers and as he intends to
dispose of them here it is hoped be
may do eo as they area fine lot. MrJ.
T. Scboale, ot Toronto, is the guest
of his brother-in-law, Mr J. F.Stap-
lee. Miss Mary J. Snell is at present
violating friends in Atwood. Dame
Rumor Bays that one of our prosper-
ous young farmers, who moved north
to his farm last spring. intends to re-
turn soon and will take a step in the
matrimonial direction.
]Eiullett. widen party, at the parsonage this Toronto and Mrs Latimer, of Seaforth,
Ac,—The other day while Friday) evening. are visiting at Mr A. W. Webster's
Mr James , he ineond was helping Would our Reeve kindlytake no
at a raising, he met with a bad acci- Mr and Mrs Chas. Schmidt, of
dent. A falling rafter struck him on tice to the luxuriant growth of weeds Hamilton, formerly of this town,were
round town, especially on the public renewing acquaintances in town last
Mr Geo. Blackwell, teacher at No.
5 school Morris and sister, Mrs Geo.
Barrett, of Brussels, are visiting their
parents here. •
Mrs E. Kent, her two children and
Master Roy Inglis, returned:last week
after a two months visit with friends
in Manitoba.
The Brussels and Wingham lac -
rem clubs played a match here on
Thursday aftern000, last resulting in
a victory for the W iugham team.
The Misses Jessie and Christie Ross
are holidaying atthe residence of
their parents at Ripley. They are
accompanied by Mss Sadie Mc•
A sister of Mies Jameison is mak-
ing her a visit at present.
Uowmnnion Servicer were held in
Trinity Church last f3abbath.
Mrs Thomas King, who has been
away for some time, has returned.
Miss Libbie Cruickshank. of Clin-
ton, is visiting at Mr AlexGrainger'a,
Dr. Duncan, of Toronto, with his
wife and family, is the guest of bid
sister Mise Duncan.
Dr. W. T. Stewart, of Toronto,
spent a few days laat week, as the
guest of Dr. Stanbury. •
Mies Card bee gone on a trip to
Mr Jas. Jerome, of Blytb, was in
town over Sunday.
Mr A. Bigby, of Blyth, spent Sun-
day with his parents in town.
Mise Jenet Clendeuning is visiting
friends in Manchester.
Mr John McMannis returned on
Tuesday evening from Manitoba.
Mre J H Hiscocks and children are
visiting friends in Chatham.
Mies Priest, of Chatham, is visiting
her brother, Rev Mr Priest of this
Mr John Hardinge and wife of, Eng-
land are, visiting in town the guests
England, with Mr Wm. Stinson of Mr W. Snell.
and others, who are shipping cattle Mies Fannie Briars, daughter of
!Rev. Mr Briars, of Kinksville, is visit -
The members and adherents of ing in town the guest of Mr C. Lloyd.
Trinity Church intend holding a Mre John Eadee and children, of
the forehead, knocking him over,
and he fell acrose another rafter,
breaking a couple of ribs.
FARM SOLD.—The "Walter Hay-
nes" farm, being lot 18, 4th con., and
consisting of 100 acres, has been sold
by Mr Richard VanEgmond to Mr
Thos. Tremier, of the township of
Biddulph, who takes possession on
the let of October.
NOTES.—Harvesting and berry
picking are the principal occupations
of the people in the vicinity at pres-
ent; the greater part of the early
grain is cut and promises a good
yield. Mr Robt Carter, of the 8th
con., says he has already sold over
$10 worth of berries picked from au
unused piece of land, ou the back of
his farm; who saps berries don't pay.
Miss Jennie Westacott is visiting
her sister, Mrs Farquhar. The
p'eaeant face of a certain Clintonian
is Fean on the 8th con. occasional-
ly, we wonder what brings him here.
Mr S. Woodman constantly has
farmere coming for the celebrated
Maxwell binder.
Mr Thos. Lyons of the gravel road,
comes out with a large smite on his
face now, no wonder when its a boy.
Mr Jos. ,Lyon, who resides near
here and Who has been sick for so
long a time, does not seem to recover
very fast.
Mise Mattie Brogden has returned
from Toronto, where she has been
spending a few weeks seeing her
Mr Jaa.Braithwaite and wife, after
spending several weeks among their
friends at Welland,have returned and
they both look as if they had enjoyed
themselves immensely.
The crops around are most beauti-
ful, the bay is turning off about three
tons to the acre, and fall wheat aver-
age about 30 bushels to the acre and
oats and peas are in proportion.
4Ir Rsbt. Bowcock has treated his
house to a new white dress and black
bonnet, which looks very nice, but,
wonld look more beautiful, if he
would not neglect the bridal altar so
Miss Bessie Dern -it returned home
last week from lfaoit••ba, abe says
hat the cs ot,s are very good as far
As LAND Or CHERRIES.—The town-
ship of Colborne might aptly be call-
ed the land of cherries fbr vett' many
farmers have ornamented their farms
by planting these trees along the
road. Not the common sour t Ings
one finds insomelocalitiee,but ch' rrie,
of eastern quality. Pframer says a
farmer came into his office and said
he bad a cherry colored cat at hjme,
and w.ben told to bring it in as a
curiosity he did so. It was cherry
colored, it is true, but it was a black
NOTES.—The farmere are very busy
cutting their grain at present. The
measles have not left here ; a few of
our young folk are very sick with
them. Berry -picking is all the go.
The two Misses Stevens, from Clintob
are visiting friends at Benmiller. Mr
Robt McConnell and his sister, were
visiting Mr A. Heddle on Sunday
last. Mr. Geo Gledhill, son of Mr
Jae. Gledhill, who was formerly of
Colborne, is visiting bis uncle. The
atone. work of Mi Pframer'a grist
mill,is now completed, and the frame
is in course of erection ;. it promises
to be a good mill, and be will push
tbe business and turn out good work.
squre and act as his conscience may
NOTES.—The hay crop' is an ex-
ceedingly good one and the greater
part has been housed in good style.
The fall wheat in this vicinity is of
firet quality and beet we have had
for years; farmers are now busy cut-
ting. The recent rains have greatly
improved the spring and root crops
and there is every appearance of
plenty for man and beast. Last
Friday morning a heavy thunder
storm passed over the western part of
this township, Huron and Kinloss,
'and the lightning set fire to several
ing persons have been gazetted as a
Joint Stock Company:—Donald T.
McKenzie, Duncan McRae, John E.
S. Murdock, James McKay and Don-
ald McLean, of the Township of
Ashfield, County of Huron; George
S. Robertsou, Township Kinloss, and
John Ballantye, Township of Huron,
County of Bruce, farmers, to carry
on a grihting and milling business by
the name of The Hemlock City Grist-
ing and Milling Company (Limite.).
with a capital stock of $[0,000.
Hill's Green.
NOTES.—Mr Wm Hill bas gone on
'6 so
o seek
n visit to California,,
who is in poor health, he purposes on
• bis wav there to call on his son-in-
law, R. Hotham, who lives in Mani-
toba. Mr Wm Gram has rented the
Line. belonging to
the Par
farm, on 6 g
H. Happle, for a term of years. The
weekly prayer meeting was hold this
week at the house of Mr Wm Logan.
Mr George Henderson has for some
time been laid up with rheumatism.
The storm of hail and wind which
passed through here on Friday last,
did considerable injury to theStanding
crops. •
• Flats.—About 1 o'clock on Sun-
day morning a fire broke out in the
Halliday Block, in Miss Montgom-
ery's furniture store, which resulted
in the complete destruction of the
entire block. The buildings being
composed of wood and the fire hav-
ing gained great headway before any
alarm was given, all hope of saving
the block was abandoned and the ef-
forts of the firemen were directed
successfully in confining to its orig-
inal source and in saving the ad-
joining buildings. The town fire
engine, which is a Ronald, did noble
service, working steadily and throw-
ing two powerful streams for over
three hours, when the fire was got
under control, and but for its effici-
ency it is safe to predict that the ad-
joining buildings would have been
destroyed. 'The losses, so far as can
at present be ascertained, are as
follows:—Mies Mo'htgomery, furni-
ture partly, destroyed, $500; insur-
ance unknowns. Thomas Ferguson,
stoves and tinware, $1,500; insured
for $800. William Roddick, lose on
building, $800; insured for $350.
John Halliday, loss on building
$1,500; insured for $1,600. The
Misses Barnette, less on clothing and
contents, $500- no insurance. The
fire is suppoied to have been the
work of an incendiary.
Mr Dalley, of Seaforth, with his
wife and family and sister, has rent-
ed for the summer months the store
on Main street, belonging to Mr
Mr J. King, of Goderich, who has
been visiting at home for some time
will leave shortly on a trip to Man-
itoba. His wife and family remain
Mr Lambert and wife, who have
been traveling in British Columbia,
and who are on their wedding tour,
paid Mr Thos. Jewett a visit last
The membership of St. Andrew's
Church wag at the last communion
increased from fifty six to eighty two,
eighteen by profession of faith, and
eight by certificate.
The case of Thompson vs Council
was held before Judge Toms, on
Saturday, when his Honor reserved
his decision for a few days, till he
would have time to consider the
HOME.—Captain Jas Bogie took a
Short rest from the bounding waves
and spent last Sunday with his family
BACK As; AIN -We are pleased to see
that Miss Mary'McQuarrie has els:,
returned from Bay City to spend the
Left e
Si c
last fall she bas suffered a aeyere ill-
ness, but we are pleased to see has
recovered,though still looks weak.
NoTEs.—Mia A Thompson, of
Bay City, left by boat Sunday, after
spending a few days with her sister,
Mrs D. Lawson ; Miss Annie Lawson
has gone with her for a few weeks'
holidays in Bay City. The Misses
McQuarrie, of Brussels, are the guests
of Mrs Lawson this week. Mrs A
McDonald, of Aehfleld,was the guest
of her daughter Mrs D. Thurlow last
week, Mrs A. Horton and Mrs A.
McLeod paid a short visit to friends
at Benmiller last week. Mrs Mc-
Lean, of Goderich, is the guest of
her sister, Mrs McManus.
East '�C1Tawanosh.
NOTES.—Mia S. Wilson and family
of Clinton,arif at present rusticating
at Mr J.CWIistln's of the 3rd. Berry
picking is all the rage now, the only
trouble being top many picker% for
the quantity of berries. Miss Lily
Dey is spending this week with her
many old friends in Auburn. Mr
Jim Wilson, of tbe 3rd, had the mis-
fortune to break his new road•catt
last week. This will make him
more direful when he drives out
about calculating the avoirdupois of
girl. is beat iii itc f and d h a!
1n 1
Show will be e
Vltaivanosh Fell
fleltirOt Tuesday mill Wednesday,
fbr 7 Ana '8.
back as Deloraine, that being as far
as she went and that the people are
all well and iv
good spIri
Ca and as
happy as kings. '
TEINIPLARs.—At the regular meet-
ing of "North Star" Lodge I. 0. G. T.
on Tuesday evening, July 20th, the
following officers were elected for the
ensuing quarter:—C T—Jos. Stevens;
r e un -
V T—Maria Riley; S Walt
ningham; F S—Jas. Woodman; T—
Clara Hageit; M—Jas. Fairservice;
C—Jas Hill; G—Mary Longman;
S—fj„nd Lawrason; S J T—Chas.
t1anniug This Lodge is prospering
having a membership of 84 and a
good attendance at all its meetings.—
Next Tuesday evening the members
intend having refreshments in their
Lodge room when a good time may be
expected, members are all requested
to be present.
CLEVER.—The Atwood Bee says:—
The Methodist pulpit was accept
ably filled by J. H. McBain 1
Sunday evening. His discourseb
led with orignal thought, f
and practical truths, and h'
ery was excellent. We en
brilliant future for our you
in the noblest of all work
tain ministry. The f
ing a congregation
not appear to dis
him but rather ins
er earnestness in
searchable rich
clever young
to supply for
of Rev J. Fer
ES. HOLES. PublisherI *1.60a year in advaaeee•
NOTES. —Little Ida Dundas, of
whom mention was made come weeks
ago as being seriously i11, has suc-
cumbed to her afflictions and passed
over to the great majority. She will
be greatly miasod at home and among
her school -mates, as she was an ex-
ceptionally bright, intelligent and
cheerful little girl. The Misses
Bethune, of Seaforth, are spending a
few days with friends in Winthrop..
Mr Richard Sparling, Con 12, has
solp his farm to Mr Archibald who
lives beside him.
Last Friday a heavy hail storm
swept over the country south of here,
and would have done considerably
more damage to grain had it not
lasted but a few nimutes.
CAMP MEETING.—The Salvation
Army intend to bold a camp meet-
ing, on the lake shore at Bayfield,
commencing on the 9th of August
and continuing until the 17th. • The
meeting will be under control of Mrs
Philpott, wife of Mayor Philpott, and
Ensigns Michael and McGee, and
other officers from surrounding
Mise Bella Elliott, of Windsor, and
Misses Lizzie Pearson and Annie
Mitchell, of Detroit, are spending
holidays with friends in town and
Mr Gue Sperling, who bas been
visiting in town for some time, return-
ed to his home in Seaforth last week.
It is bard for Gue to stay away from
Mrs W T Bickle left town this
week. She wile join her husband at
Newry and together they will proceed
to England tor the beuefit of Mr
13ickle'a health.
Rev: John Kelly, of Boston, Ont.,
has been very ill lately, and is at pres-
ent visiting relatives in town. It will
be some time before he will be able
to preach again. Mrs Kelly is visit-
ing her parents in Toronto.
Rev. J, W. Bell, superintendent of
the Royal Templets, delivered •a very
interesting and highly instructive lec-
tnte in the Methodist church here on
Tuesday evening, under the auspices
of the RoyalTemplars of Temperance.
most estimable young ladies in the
person of Miee Agnes Lockhart, left
home on Friday morning last, about
nine o'clock for the purpose of pick-
ing berries, and before one she was
a corpse, having been instantly killed
by a stroke of lightning. It ap-
pears that she, in company with her
sister and another young lady, had
remained in the berry -patch on the
rear of Mr A. Robinson's farm until
the thunder storm came up when
they started for home; but the rain
overtaking them before they reached
a place ofshelter, they sought refuge
uuder a tree. The tree was struck
by lightning just as the unfortunate
girl, who was a little in advance of
the others, reached it. The other
two young ladies were stunned for a
short time, but on recovering carried
the sad intelligence to some neigh-
bors, who immediately proceeded to
the scene of the accident and took
the body home. The sudden death
of so useful and exemplary a young
lady is a very severe trial to her
parents and friend,e who have the
sympathy of the entire community.
The remains were carried to Maitland
Bank cemetery on Saturday after-
noon followed by a very large funeral
Mise Winne ;Morehouse enter=
twined a large number of friends and
acquaintances last Friday evening,
when everything was done fur the
amusement of the guests. Several
strangers were oreseut, among whom
were the following,—The Misses
Austin and Misa Flinn, of Detroit,
and Mr and Mrs Caldwell, of Pin -
coming, Mich. The latter who have
been visiting at the paternal resi-
dence for a couple of weeks. returned
home thia week.
NOTES.—Miss Gerrie Thompson
has had a very severe attack of
erysipelis during the past past few
days, but we are pleased to state that
she is convalescing as rapidly as can
bo expected. Mr 13 Grainger's horse
while in the field a few daysago,
got entangled in a rope and had its
jaw badly cut ; it required thirteen
stitches to fix it up again. Mr T.
Wallace has had hie barn re shingled
Mr Wm McBrien did the work. Rev
W. Craig, of Clinton, preached in
St Peter's Church here on Sunday
last. Miss M. Crosby, of Belfast,
who was visiting at G. M.'Kilty's
during the past few weeks, returned
home on Saturday last. Mr Thos.
Robinson, of Clinton, is spending a
few days 'with his friend Mr H.
McBrien. Rev Mr. Deihl conducts
a bible class in the church here every
Monday evening at 8 o'clock; all are
welcome to attend. Messrs A.
Adams and A. Lowery, of Wentworth
county, are visiting their uncle, Mr
Lowery., The fall wheat harvest is
in full blast and a good crop is
anticipated. Mr Smith Kelty and
Miss Sophia Kelty are visiting their
brother, Mr 0. M. Kelly, this week.
Mr Charles Lovett, sr., had a cow
attack by lightning g
during the germ,
on Friday last, it was not killed however. Mr E. D. Eidt, of Waterloo
county, visited his friend, J. W.
Lowery, on Tuesday. He is a neph
to Mr J. L. Eidt, of Londesb
Roller mills.
r *41-11.-
unusnally interesting bud
of Dewe from this point Was staid; it,
ally oaarlooked until too rl r'�i'.
Foos BA
village pia
the Invi
last Sat
the ga
ly one,
in fav
ertain a
ng citizen
--the Chris-
ct of address -
associates did
rb or embarass
ired him to great-
roclaiming the un -
of Christ. [This
an has been engaged
few weeks the pulpit
held in Ontario Street Me, tiliodiat
Church. on Sunday yiorninr nest,
commencing at 10 o'clock, Eervl►t
Casson, of Seaforth will preach and .
assist in the administration o;f't,he
The following persona were sleeted'
as representatives to the Quarterly
Board of Rattenbury Street Cbarehr
on Wednesday evening, --Meat i
Lough, Beesley, Taylor, Searle, Beaty
and Deltor.
The sultry weather, which we have
been having of late, has greatly in-
creased our population. We can al-
most hear our friends in Clinton and
other inland towns dolefully saying,
"Oh what it must be to be there.”
The following have registered during
the past week at the different hotels;
—River House,—Mrs Hamilton and
two daughters, London; Mrs Brod
and Messrs 'Nichol Stanbury nd
H. Webber, of Detroit. Mi Brien
ly, St. Thomas. Mrs W: M. Mc.
Gee Clinton. Mr Gr fill, Toronto.
Commercial hotel,
Miss Lottie an
daughter, of
W. G. Mur
and Judg
L. --The Rovers of this
ed the return match with
cibles, of Tuckersmith,
rday evening here. The
ce of spectators was large,
e a very excellent and friend•
resultingg in eight to nothing
r of the Revers; after a sum -
repast at Dixon's hotel, the
ibles went home with the
kindly feelings towards their
nents. The Stars, a juvenile
, played the return match with
Juveniles, of Varna, on the
nds of the latter, on Tuesday
ping;last, resulting in a victory
the Stars, of three to nothing,
et' nor the victors, an older juvenile
stn, huge yet to meet their fir
et de-
at, though they have played several
atehets, .
P1ttnneatat.—Mrs WinON'eil and
children, of Clinton, are visiting
friends here, we are glad to see them
again in our midst. Mr Andrew
rs Austin and
Mrs Flinn and
etroit. Albion hotel,
ock, Q. C., of Toronto,
Gordon, of Midland City,
oth ot these last named
men are old Bayfield boys,
well know here. A great many
sitors rent rooms in cottages round
town and take their meals at a hotel,
which they seem to think very agree-
Mr John Kerr of the "Eclipse" has
put up a handsome wire window guard
in front of the windows of his store.
They keep the small boy from mak-
ing too free with the fruit &c., and
also improve the appearance of the
The parties who were here about
two weeks ago taking the pictures of
the different business houses in town,
were in town again on Wednesday
selling the pictures, which were -nice-
ly finished, at $1.25 per half dozen.
Mr W. J. Fluety, eon of the pro-
prietor of the"Adv ce" arrived home
on Saturday veiling from British
Columbia ' ill is looking well and
is wel , eased with the country. He
w' return in a few weeks.
Friday last was "Floral Decoration
The Wanderers Cricket Club,of t71ig•.,
ton, defeated the Goderich Juniors 04
Tuesday, July 22nd, by 88 runs, Viet
following ie the score :
P. Baker,c McKay b Creasman, `F 5r
E. Cantelon, b Creasman . . , 8
A. Moore, o Lawrance, b Reid . .
J. Wilson, hit wkt, b Creasman .
H. Read, b Cressman . . . 15 -'-
R. Coats, b Cressman . . 6';;:
F. Upshall, b Cressman . . ,
C. Robertson, o McKay, b Creasman 0
W. Coats, b Reid .
H. Whitt, b Nicholson .
R. Menzies, not out .
Extras .
Goderich Township.
NoTEs.—Mr William Falconer, of
Goderich is visiting at Mr Ben
Switzer's Mr Alf Goodwin, who has
been very poorly, is somewhat im-
proving. Mr H. Thompson spent
part of last week, visiting his friends
in Bayfield. Mr Geo. Rathwell, who
recently bad hie leg broken, has im-
proved enough to be able to get out
of bed. Mr John Middleton intends
to run two binders, having purchased
another Paterson Binder from the
Clinton agent.
RE-ENGAGED.—We are very much
pleased to bear that our popular
teacher, Mr J. R. Balfour bas been
re-ingaged at an advance of salary.
This move by the Trustees is highly
commendable to the section.
FooT BALL —On Tuesday even-
ing last quite an exciting game of
foot ball took place on Mr Wanlesa's
park between the Juveniles of Bruce -
field and Varna club, which resulted
in a victory fir Brucefield boys,
score Brucefield 2 goals, Varna none.
NOTES.—Mrs Thos Johnston is at
present 'visiting Mende at Seaforth.
The farmers are 'busy harvesting; the
fall wheat is a magnificent crop best
we have had for years; sample and
quantity, a good price is only needed
to make things as of yore.
P. Baker, b Nicholson .
E. Cantelon, c Reid, b Allan . d` 12',`.
A. Moore, c Allen, b Nicholson . 12"',';
J. Wilson, run out 0`�rj�j•.
H. Reid, b Nicholson . .
R. Coats, bit wkt, b Cressman
F. Upahall, c McKay, b Nicholso
C. Robertson, b Nicholson .
W. Coate, run out
H. Whitt, not out .
R. Menzies, b Nicholson
Extras .
FIRE. —A severe thunderstorm
passed over this section on Thursday
evening last. Tboe Huston'e barn,
on lot 4, con. 3, Stephen, was struck
by lightning and burned down.
Luckily it wss empty at the time.
John Hawkshaw's barn, one mile
south of Exeter, was also struck and
slightly damaged, but not set on fire.
day in town. The I 0 0 F, C 0 F
and Orangemen of the town, headed
by the town band, went out to the
cemetery in the afternoon and decor-
ated the graves of deceased brethern,
with cut flowers and plants. Con-
sidering the unfavorable weather the
turnout was good.
NOTES.—Miss Dane, of Gorrie, is
spending a few days with ber friend
Miss Mamie Ayers. Annie and
Bertha Duff, of Goderich,are visiting
friends in the village. Mrs Ownes,
of Oshawa, was the guest of Mr
and Mrs Scott, laet week. Mre
Benjamin Yeo, of Goderich, is
spending a short while with her
uncle, Richard Docking. Mies Rusk
of Goderich, is visiting her sister Mrs
Ed Swarts. Miss M. J. Yeo, of
Bayfield, is visiting here again. Mr
Ed Swarts now driv, s a fine span of
ponies; he also parted with his pacer
one day this week. Miss Ida Murch
who has been teaching school at
Porter's Hill for the last six months,
has secured a school a short distance
from the ISault, she leaves for her
position by the boat in three or four
weeks time. Mr Alf Williams, of
Seaforth,called upon some old friends
on Sunday evening. Mr Tom, of
Pickering has been visiting old ac-
quaintances in the village and
vicinity for a few days. The quarter-
ly service will be held in the Metho-
dist church next Sabbath morning.
The Epworth League will meet on
Monday evening, to which all are
invited. Mr J. W. Hill and family
of Clinton, spent Sunday with Mr Ed
Levis. The other day while reap-
ing Mr Marquis killed a wild hare,
which was quite an unusual eight for
these parts, The rain on Wednesday
caught a large quantity of wheat and
barley out which was just ready for
drawing. Thrashing has commenced
Mr Chas Cole having thrashed for
some this week; Mr Cole has a new
machine and hopes to do better work
than ever this season. The football
club intend bolding a meeting as soon
as possible for the consideration of
some challenges already received.
C. Cressman, c Moore, b Coats
G. Allan, c Upshal, b Moore
A. Reid, c Wilson, b Coats
F. Lawrance, b Moore .
M. Nicholson, c and b Moore
A. Nicholson, b Coats .
G. Nicholson, c Baker, b Mocre
W. Reid, not out .
J. Reid, b Coats
A. McKay, hit wkt b Moore .
R. McKay, c and b Moore .
C. Creasman, b Read
G. Allen, b Coats .
A. Reid, b Coats .
F. Lawrance, b Coats .
M. Nicholson, b Read
A. Nicholson, c Upshal b Read
G. Nicholson, c Wilson b Coats
W. Reid, -b Coats .
J. Reid not out
A. McKay, b Read
R. McKay, b Coats
Extras .
Hen sal l
NOTES.—We 'are pleased to state
that Mrs J. S. Cook is now convales-'
cent. Mr and Mre J. C. Stoneman
have returned home on Tuesday.
The recent rains while being a detrin-
ment to the harvest will do much
good to pasture, roots and gardens.
Mr John Steacy, painter,has material
on his lot, Richmond street, for a
residence. Mr H Arnold and wife
and Mr J I Wren and wife,, are rusti-
cating on the shores of Lake Huron
at Bayfield. We hope the rest and
the lake breezes may be beneficial to
them. Mrs A Weseloh is spending a
few days in Dashwood, Mies Lewis,
of London, is the guest of Mrs .James
NoTEs.—The fagmere in this vicin-
ity are cutting down the grain, which
promisee a heavy yield. Mrs Slater,
of Blyth, is at present, visiting at her
fathers, Mr Wm Carrtsr. Mise Shoe -
felt. of Kincardine, Is on a visit to
her aunt,! Mrs Wm. He {pa. There
will be no service in Westfield proper
on Sunday,l0th inst.,owing to absence
of the minister. Mies Mottle John-
ston, of Newbridge, is the guest of
Mise Alfie Hoover, his week., We
hear that those nasty little animals,
(the name -sake of the village) have
been out again, we think nine lives
belong to them as well as to the cats.
Mrs Montier, of Chatham, after
Scott is spending his holidays among spending a few weeks with her eis-
friends in London and Watford,yhope ter, Mrs Wm Carr,hae returned home
you will bare a good time Andrew. There is a new species of animal,
Mimi Bella McDonald, milliner, in arrived in the vicinity, called the
Clinton, and Mies Bella Jameson, Kerometer although small of statue,
tri►iltitter in Park hill, are home for a itis p y when it Vatlftackle a
slltlarintitne enjoying wog! earned boll- camel, the hope it will be captured
ilistos4we lire glad 'to gee thein again. thereto anyone iia 'seriously hurt,
Total ,
• • `,
Nome —Mr Will sunt, who has
spent tbe past four years in St. Lou-
is, Mo., is home on a vieit. Mr Noble
who has been taking a holiday trip
returned this week. Mrs N.S. Suth-
erland, of Glenallan, is visiting her
sister, Mrs Robt Mellis. Miss An-
nie Mellis, of Listowel, and Mies Mina
Elulton, of Forest, are the guests of
their cousins, the Messes Mellis.
Miss Mary McClymont is here from
London, on a visit to her parents.
Master Blunet Wilson, of Bright, is
visiting friends in this neighborhood.
Mrs Penny and son, of Toronto, are
at the manse, the guests ofMrs Ache-
son. Mr Wm Cudmore is away to
Montreal with a load of cattle. Mrs
MoNevin, of Dungsnon, who has been
visiting her eon, Mr John McNevin,
left on Thursday A. M. We are
pleased to learn that Mr McNevin's
little boy, who received such severe
injuries in falling from a sulky about
two weeks ago, is rapidly recovering.
Mr John Wisemiller is enjoying a
well earned holiday. The regular
quarterly sacramental service in con-
nection with Kippen Circuit will be
held in the Methodist church bare,
on Sabbath next at 10.30 a.m. The
board will met
at in the
same place the following Monday at
2 p.m.
A match between the Clippers of
Clinton, and Westerns, of Goderich,
was played here on Wednesday, result-
ing in favor of Clinton, by 9 runs and
an innings. The following was the
score :
J. Budge 0 0
B. Kerr 0 0
3. Mude 0 0
A. Stoneham 0 1
J. Murray 0 1
B. Gibbings 1 1
P. Baker 0 1
W. Robestson 1 1
G. McRae 0 0
4 5
Sheean 1 1 0 1
Sanders 0 1 0 0
McLeod 1 0 0 0
Mclver 0 0 0 0
Burns 0 0 1 0
Nicholson 0 0 0 0
MeLearen 0 0 0 0
lJalley 0 0 0 0
Allen 0 1 0 0
Church Chi Hies
The quarterly services of Ratten-
bury Street Church will be held on
Sunday next, commencing at 10 rum.
Sacrament will be administered at
v n'n
service, v
n of the
set ,
1 Ae
the close %
Me Edge aseiating.
quarterly meeting cervices Will be
y t!
The (t.nvro4 Nan' nes, wtiiCit
more 7,0e1e ,, nan 6tht? i<
Will be Wont ew eubeCtlbbrP! for
halat,eo of tt ; ear, fbr G4 hank gill*