The Clinton New Era, 1890-07-25, Page 5• ties 7,7.07"..-•1,,.r.T-9•'i '.tri' • a.-- r,rc: e._ l aalwa' or muetat' Spectacles Plano, Organ and Tool uleOn, or Muscle developer, for use of pupils. Booms at Mr. 8. R rtt s, Rattenbury Street, Clinton Q Tiii No$t9U8 WEED8.-,48 usual tic country iw overrun with Canada thistles, rag weed, ox -eye - daisy, burdock and other noxious weeds. Theye pests are not only spreading Npountry places—on farms on every 'other i e and concesson—, but many other places are rank with them. What are the authorities do- ing inthe matter ? and what are the 1 Ind owner 11 about. Chap' er 202 of the R S 0 distinctly states that it shall be the duty of every owner of land or occupant to cut down or dee- troy all the Canada thistles, ox -eye daisies, wird oats, rag weed and bur- dock growing on his land. It is the bounden duty ofail municipal officials to at least keep the streets and roads clear of noxious weeds, if they do not enforce the penalty against pri• AT vate property. But until the law with regard to both publicand private is enforced the country. will assured- ly continue to be overrun by weeds. There is very little use in one man's B. RUMBALL & CO's trying to down these s, whilst thekeep public highwaysweed, vacapestnt Fitted by the only proper system in town, KING'S 0 PTO ME TER, Y OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. McMurray & Wiltse Return thanks for the patronage accorded them since starting business, and an- .- pounce that they will lontinue to give satisfaction to all who may favor them with their orders. They will keep a full stock of the very best roods in their line. nd as they buy exclusively for cash, will give as good value as any in the trade e refuse to give one line at cost or under, and make the profits out of some other line you may want, but for general family supplies we will not be undersold Patronage respectfully solicited. Remember the place—Walker's old stand. MCMURRAY & WILTSE, - . CLINTON FOR SALE OR TO RENT. HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT - ON Albert Street, (Mise Trewartha's) suit- able for small family and is in good repair; hand ordinary k Stove for sale heaconveniences. Alsogood o For parti- culars art culars apply to JOHN BEAN. F ORLottANDALE OR TO RENT -HOUSE or sae or to rent, on Townsend St., The house, which is new, contains fourteen .rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is also a good stone cellar, good lawn, hard and soft water in abundance. The lot contains of an acre. Terms reasonable. Apply .on the premises or to MRS C. CAETER, Clinton. tf Farm for Sale A splendid farm of 50 acres, being the east half of Lot 28, Con. 5, Hullett, about three .miles from Clinton. On the premises is a .frame dwelling house, good barn 36 x 60, abler, &e. Orchard.of one acre, two never cling springs, well fenced. good soil, and in ood stater of cultivation. Reasonable terms Apply on the premises to W.T. FARQUHAR •Clinton poet office. To Rent. Two fine stores in Perrin's block. Also, will be vacant by the 1st of May, the _commodious rooms used by Mr Shearer. .Apply to J. P. TISDALL, Agent for Canada (Life Insurance Co. SAW MILL FOR SALE. One of the best steam sawmiils in Huron (County, capaslty 10,000 per day, in first class [running order and furnished with shingle -and heading machinery. Also about 5 acres of land and house, plenty of timber near. Last year's custom sawing was over 400,000 t(and over 15,000 sill heading) Near ship ping point and thriving t +s t. A first-class ..iusiness cheap. For pat Gars addrees, NEW ERA OFFICE, Clit . Immediate possession if required. Farm For Sale, On the 6th con. of Goderich township, lot 11, over 80 acres, nearly all clearer', good clay loam; one of the best farms in that vicinity. A good large orchard, agood piece of wood land. A frame house, and beauti- fully laid out, with fir trees and privett hedge surrounding it. Terms very reasonable. �. MARGARET COLLINS, Goderich 1'. O. Blacksmith Sliop and land fors_lle. Wanted An apprentice boy to learn Sheep Skin farm ing, WM. MAEDEL, Benmiller. 3 Dressmaking. The subscriber, while thanking the people for their patronage in the past, desires to ul- timate that she has recommenced the Dress and mantle making business, in the rooms over Twitehell's store. All orders will re- ceive prompt attention. MRS J. TAYLOR, Clinton. lots and railways are a lowed to be a breeding ground for them. For the 1 public good strict measures should be imposed to chrck the dissemination of this destructive army of weeds.— The injury to the crops of Ontario every year is inestimable, and every year finds the thistle, ox -eye daisy and wild oat pests on the inerease,and soon every other farm will have to be laid down to pasture or summer fol- lowed in order to check the spread of these pests. Let every municpaliy— town,village and township—enforce the statutes relative to those noxious weeds, and such action will confer a lasting benefit on the country. Teacher Wanted. Services to commence at close of summer vacation. Must have recommendation from the Inspector of the county in which last teaching; also from Trustees of Schools pre- viously engaged in. Either second or third class certificate. Services to continue one year. Apply, stating salary, to It. E. LANE, P. M. Lanes, Ont. Caution Notice is hereby given that the undersign- ed will not be responsible for any debts con- tracted in connection with the estate of the late Henry Tewsley, except upon his written order. Also, persons purchasing from any one articles belonging to the estate, will be held responsible to the undersigned, for the price thereof. ROBERT FITZSIMONS, Ad- ministrator. Subscriber offers for sale the property .owned by hitn at Gowrie, in the county of Perth. It consists of a blacksmith shop do• ing a good business; with dwelling house. sta ble and half -acre of land attached. 1s In a splendid farming section, with no o1position Will be sold with or without tools. Satis• factory reason for selling: For particulars apply to THOS. LOBS, Holmesville, orf JOS LOBS, Gowrie.f Butchering Outfit for sale The horse, cart, slaughter house, and all other neoessaries for running a Butcher Shop, including 7 store pigs,°belonging to the estate of H. Tewsley, are offered for sale on reasonable terms. This is a splendid op- portunity for any one wanting to go into business. Parties indebted to the estate of Fleury Tewsley, are hereby notified that accounts must positively he paid to the undersigned, without delay. who alone is authorized to collect the same. ItOBEI.T FiTZSIMONS, Administrator. Clinton, May9, 1890 LUMBER AND SAWING. -SUBSCRIBER now has his saw mill thoroughly equip- ped and in first-class running order, and is prepared to do custom sawing of all kinds, having engaged Mr W. Dodds, a practical assabuy good Round take hemlock loge. e of the same. OrdersWill re- • buyg Cedar solicited. Good Poste for THOS. We (l deroh 3 towner ship, logs, Deo. 89. tf Pasturage to Rent. Having leased the W. Laithwaite farm on the Maitland Concession, Goderich Town- ship, which has 60 acres of splendid pastor. .age, with good spring creek running through it, the subscriber is prepared to pasture a (limited number of cattle for the summer. Rates he keeps for ser- oe, at his reasonable. Also, 000., Goderich Township, a first -plass thoro-bred Durham bull. Terme, 81 at time of service, with privilege of returning if necessary. MURPHY, Roderioh Township. NEW MUSIC BOOK TRIUMPHANT SONGS No 2 Executors' Notice to Creditors NEWS NOTES ..v " T.T EVER WORN erg est BLACK 0O11"i'01\T HOSIERY. If not try a pair, and you will appreciate the luxury of bein able .. to get Black cotton or Lisle Thread Hose that WILL NOT STAIN the feet or turn grey or brown, but that is ABSOLUTELY STAINLESS as PERFECTLY FAST IN COLOR, for they will not fade, but retain their pure, bi i,ck until worn out. All sizes Ladies & Children's in stock 5 per c. off for cash. ESTATE JOE= I-IODCEN$. B. LAURANCE'S Spectacles. Messrs Fairbanks, pork packers of Chicago, intend opening exten- sive lard works in Montreal. A little girl named Barrill was burned to death in Montreal, while playing with matches. Freeman Cooper. an attorney, of Komoko, Ind., is said to have forged for $20,000, and skipped. Mr A B. Ingram, ex•M.P,P., has been nominated by the East Elgin Conservatives for the next Dominion elections. Unknown parties went to the house of a Mexican, named Milena, in Williamson county, Texas, and shot and killed Milena, his wife and their five children. As the result of the drouth there are fears of a water famine at Amsterdam, New York. The water commissioners havejordered that sprinkling of streets and lawns be discontinued. Last Saturday, as a young lady was going down a ladder, suE- pended on the side of the wharf at Murray Bay, near Quebec, into a boatlat the foot of the ladder, her feet slipped and she fell into the4vater. The son of Judge Bosse,who witnessed the accident, dived from the wharf after her. He swam to the surface a minute after with the young lady in his arms. Boats hastened to the res- cue and both the young lady and her rescuer were brought ashore insensible. Tho creditors of the late Charles Carter, ate of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-ninth day of May, A.D., 1890, are hereby notified to send by poet, prepaid, on or before the thirtieth day of August next. 50 RICHARD RANSFORD,Clinton P.O., one of the executors of the said Charles Carter, their christian names and surnames addresses and descrirtions, the full particu- lars of their claims, a statement of their ac- counts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them ; and that immediately after the said thirtieth day of August next, the assets of the said Charles Carter will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the claims of which notice shall have been furnished as above required; and the executors will not be responsible for the assets, or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim notice hall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated-the28thday of June, 1890 RICHARD RANSFORD, DAVID P. GILLESPIE. Just whatis needed eetlr Choirs and Gospel Price 35k. Per doz. $3.60 COOPER & CO'S BOOK STORE CLINTON NOTIC1: All persona Indebted to mo will oblige by Bottling at once. R. W. WILLIAMS, M.D. A Iteward Of $20will be paid by the undersigned, for such evidence as will lead to the conviction of any person poaching in Sharpe's Creek, Colborne. 5I. C. CAMERON, .f. N. SHANNON, M. D., Goderich 1F Y01 DO IT ONCE Yo1" LL DO IT AGAIN. DO WHAT? G° T° CAI>;,SLAK E'S VICTORIA ST., CLINTON, N1'Len you are in need of your Clothes being cleaned or repaired. Being a practical Tai- lor of large experience, J am able to turn out lust -class work at shortest Notice. -- Charges moderate. A call solicited. Victoria St , Clinton CORN STEEP'S Seed Store. Subscriber has on hand a quantity of ENSILAGE CORN, RED COB. and MAMMOTH SWEET Also, a large quantity of WHITE ASH BUTETR TUBS At lowest prices. JAS. STEEP Pork Packer, Seed and Feed dealer, Keith's Old Stand, Albert St., Clinton. WOOL WANTED. Woor. WANTED AT THE CLINTON WOOLEN Mint. STORE. These celebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B. Lan- rance's *est, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. You can depend on getting the GENUINE B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES by calling and examining the stock at COOYv..R'S BO0T STORE, CLAINTON. The Chicago Farmer's Review says:—The prophecies of a short- age in the winter wheat crop are confirmed by the late reports of private correspondents relative to the yield and condition of the grain. Winter killing and the ravages of insects reduced the crop in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri and Mississippi. In Kansas drought prevented the prefect development of the berry, while the wheat fields of the Pacific coast, as also those of the Southern and Eastern States, were drowned out by the excessive rainfall experienced during the early spring months. It may safely be said that the average condition of the entire crop when harvesting commenced was 20 per cent. below the average. The Review estimates a total of 272,- 344,40)3 bushels as the entire wheat crop of the United States, but adds that, considering the low condition of wheat at harvest- ing time, the merchantable pro- duct will be considerably less than f 1 at figure. A special from Jamestown, N. D., says it will be a startling piece of news to the wheat growers of North Dakota to find out on the eve of harvest that no elevator in the state will store grain this year. This radical change in handling of the crop has been kept as secret as possible. It was determined upon, it is said, soon after the law was passed this year which makes all pub- lic elevators and warehouses pay an annual license of 02.50 per 1,000 bushels capacity. Nine -tenths of the orop of the state has heretofore been bought by the elevator companies upon the Dul- uth and Minneapolis quotations. A farmer could store his grain in these elevators for fifeeen days for nothing, and keep it in store as long as desired if he pay a small fee therefor. Now the elevators will refuse this on the ground that they are not public eleva- tors, and the farmer who is mortgaged to the ears this year will be compelled to sell his crop at whatever Arise the company chooses to allow him. In most cases this will leave him penni- less for the winter. On Tuesday a wealthy Montreal man attempted to board a train at Old Orchard after it had start- ed. He ran to the rear end of the baggage car and caught the railing, but lost his footing. As he was hanging to the raring he swung between the care anis was losing his grip when Frank E. Belly, of South Berwick, a boy pedlar, saw him and managed to pull him on board the train. When he had recovered he asked the boy's name, and said he had saved his life, and promised to sent him a cheque for $5,000 when he reached home. I have a large and varied stock of all kinds o, Woolen Goods from the beet mills in On- tario• ooneisting of Tweeds, Coarse and Fine Flannels, Blankets, Yarns, etc., to etobange for wool. Farmers, give the a call before disposing of your wool. I know I can give you satisfaction. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods. Farmers leaving their wool with me can have it carded into rolls, itarStand 1 th'a Bl oak ,opposite the Poit Olice, Cllnton JoRN SCOTT TRUIOKSIIA NK SOOTS and SHOES Full lines of everything in foot wear, as cheap as the cheapest. A few job lines at less than half cost. Call early and secure bargains. C. CRUICKSHANK, Clinton - SPECIALTIES .0 BINDER TWINE, HARVEST TOOLS, BARBED WIRE, BLACK FENCE WIRE, PARIS GREEN JUST COMING IN, 10 CARS} NO.4 GOAL' 10 CARS Quality the best and prices the lowest. Order early HARLAND BROS., Iron and Hardware Merchants, Clinton GREAT BARGAINS 2N Dress MUSLINS at 2 price.. THIS is A GENUINE SALE Come and Test it. T.DETLOR 7he Popular Dry Goods House, Londesboro. HUB GROCERY''. We make a specialty of Try our Blended Black,,, We can give good Japan Also choiceYoungHyson gives good satisfaction, and you'll use no other. at all prices to suit, that gives satisfaction. We told our customers not ,to be deceived with peddlers, and a number have taken our advice and quit them. They find that they,can do as well at the Hub OUR COFFEE is the best we can buy in Canada. We guarantee satisfac- tion every time. , GEC).ALL € W. CL.ITV'TON We will give the New Era from now to the end of the year, to new sub- scribers, for 50 cents cash Stock—taking Shrewd buyers know well what that implies. No matter how carefully selected and well bought a stock may have been, there are sure to be some lines that have not sold as readily as was anticipated. Nothing wrong with either quality, color or pattern, but tleey just failed to catch the popular fancy, and now they must be cleared. When the whole stock is being overhauled, weighed and measured, and put into ship.hape; a great many odds and ends are brought to our notice. Short ends of Cashmeres, Dress Goods, Prints, Tweeds, d•c. Perhaps just the length you want. We would rather sell then at a reduced price 'than put then through the inventory, so they are brought to the front and the buyer secures a bargain. IVe promise you. many lines at close -cut prices during the nest two weeks. We are trying to cultivate and establish a Cash. Trade, and with this end in view we are sharing our profits with cash buyers. Come and see what liberal inducements we are offering for this class of trade. We attend not only to the requirements of your wardrobe, but to those of your table also, and have just received a consignment of Canned Meats, Long clear Bacon and Lard. ii'e import Stone and China Ware direct from the pot- teries in England, and you will save money by burring these lines from ?'S. L . Ouimette, Londesboro. td 0 0 w O V< 1890 SPRING 1890 FIRST-CLASS GOODS, LOWEST PRICES and LARGE STOCK of NEW GOODS to Select from. Eggs Taken in Exchange 5 per c. off for Cash sesTreAv Eattme I, W. Tailor & CLINTON AND BLXTH ii 4.4