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The Clinton New Era, 1890-07-18, Page 7
r t r• A.• • :ain and speed care for Cold us the Head and Catarrh In all its stages. SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. r l" MOS , . least+s aro simply symptoms of v.Tts11 tp I.au a hesdacbe, partial des ness, losing sante tyt .IIte1I' f ul breath hawking and spitting, tiausea, general kn ing of debility, etc. If you are ir0uph with any of these or kindred symptoms, you if?,vo C3iarrh and e, .•:Id lose no time in procuring 711,ottlu of Nese,. tiel.u. Bo warned fti time neglerteddeold in I i results in Catarrh, followed pAnsUmph lu an I _.iih. NASAL BALM is sold by dlldruggist..i, f.r wnl Le sunt, post paid, on receipt of pr1ce (so Gents ani $ t.J0) by addressing FULFORD & CO., Osser ILLR, ONT. ram, acware of imitations similar in name. "OR Sore Eyes 'catarrh Lameness (Female Complaints Sunburn ,t o uraness Sprains Chafing Bruises SSE Scalds Piles PONS 'Burns IW/'f..inds E�TCT >•. Bites Stings Sore Feet INFLAMMATIONS and HEMORRHAGES A LL Ai N AVOID ALL IMITA- TIONS. THEY MAY BE DANGEROUS. FAC -SIMILE OF BOTTLE WITH BUFF WRAPPER. rrA.OgiiU'Thh SA .l . SIE, Tuouo,i2T .Qk' Kori4Elt mu) III, Lai) n 1t013BE11. One day`theaBanit,' a3 we called it, reached Grizzly Slide. It was a SanFrancisco broker,escorted by do to feed and clothe them decent - four men. Ile had bags of gold coin ly and allow them a terra of with him,and be took up our nug- schooling in die winter time. One gets and dust and paid us in yellow 1 was ow son of a shoemaker urea," eoUtineed •tbelr teaPh "1 JXnow you ar`e ou »prisoci, bat, you can do it as well as I. fro barna, think it over talk it over, and come to me again." The three boys were poor.— Their parents Bled all they could boys. I suppose be made a pretty acether came from a large family, good thing out of it, but as it was and the farm that supported them a great accommodation to us we was small and unproductive. had no complaint to make. Only The boys stood still for a mom - two or three days provionsly one ent in pure amazement. They of our mon, known to us as Peace- looked at:each other and• around ful Sam, had made a find of a ; the schotl-house. The fire was going out in the box stove. The frost was settling thick upon the window panes. As the teacher took out his watch the ticking sounded distinct through the still- neas of the room. Nothing mol e was said, the four waltzed out together. The third night after this con- versation, the boys asked the '.int titer to mi." Again the three stood at the desk : one spoke for all,—"We've thought it over, sir, and we've talked it over; andwe've decided to go." "Good !" said the teacher. "A , boy can:du anything that he sets I out to do, if it is right and he can ask God's blessing upon it. You shall begin to study this winter with college in view." Twenty years later two of these boys boys shook hands together in the State capitol. One was clerk for the house for eight years,after- wards its 'pecker. The other was president of the Senate The other boy a'hflssed a large fortune in business. The shoemaker's son, who be- came Speaker of the House, made his own shoe, that he wore in college, and was particularly proud of the shoes in which he graduated,—his own handiwork -A. better pair of French calf," be declares, "you never saw." He learned the trade from his father, and followed it up through vaca- tions. The other boys found work to do outside of tet m time, and none of the three were helped by their parents durin1r their college course. Tho teacher who gave the first impulse to their intellectual life that winter became a, judge in one of our New England cities, and died a few years ago.—Christian Registar. DEMAND POND'S EX- TRACT. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE FOR IT thumping big nugget, and this,ad- ded to his wash, gave him over $6,000 in handsome coin. He was a man of 45, humble and peaoe- lovi❑g; and he had a wife back in Illinois. He had never said any- thing about going home, although he was waiting, like the rest of us, for luck,but no sooner was the coin passed over to him than his bones ached to take the road for home. He must go over to John- son's camp, a distance of sixteen miles, alone, and from there go down the valley by a stage line. Tho chances were that he would be held up at the trail, and we argued and coaxed for him to stay Next morning, however, he was off, having $300 in bis blanket on his back. He never carried a weapon of any sort and be started on this trip without one. We never expected to sea him again, but lie was back at night and had a story to tell. He had got about three miles front camp when a stranger joined him, conking in on the .Deep Rivet trail,Peac•etul Sam was nv chicken, and be wasn't long in sizing the stranger up as bad. 'Bound for Johnson's?' asked the man as they walked along. 'For Johnson's and home.' 'Made your pile and going back to the womtin, eh ?' 'Made three hundred and have concluded to Tight out while it lasts. Hanner has been writing for me to come, and if I can even lay a hundred in her lap it will be more'n she ever saw before. Lands I but when I think of home and Hasner I can't walk fast 'nt,ff 1' The stranger didn't show his hand until afternoon. Theu,when they reached a particularly lone- some place, he suddenly halted, pulled a gun and said : 'Give me them $300 or I'll fill you with lead ?' . 'What? Gwine to rob me?' replied Peaceful, looking as inno- cent as an old eat. 'Como down ?' 'But think o' Hanner 1 She's been waitin' and waitin,' and now if you take my money l may never see her.' 'D—n Hanner. Shell out or I'll pop you.' 'Hain't you no soul• ?' 'Nary soul' 'And I've got to shell out ?' 'You have.' Peaceful passed 'him out the $300 and then sat down on a stone and pretended to cry. The strang- er counted the coins,dropped them into bis pocket and started oft saying : 'You sot right there for an hour and then take any road you want to. If you follow me I'll pop'you.' He was no sooner around the bend than Peaceful beganecrambl- ing up the mountain -side. By making a short cut he struck the trail again,and was just in time' to heave a rock which struck the stranger's head and killed him stone dead on the trail, then Peaceful descended, took $750 off the body, and started back for our camp. Next morning half a dozen of us went to the spot with him, and there lay the body. When we asked Peaceful why he had owned up to having $300 with him he replied ; `Law, mel but if I hadn't he'd have suspected I had a heap more and shot me without warning. .That's what I calkerlated on when I put that sum in my pock- et.' 'But what possessed you to fol- low on and kill him ? You never even .track a man in all your life.' •I dunno, gentleman—I dunno,' Ile pleaded, his lips trembling and his chin quivering with emotion: "I just remembe.t that I thought of Hanner, and how them $300 would put new shingles on the old barn and buy rag carpets for all over the house, and fust thing t knew he was laying dead. Lem - me git alone and wrassle with the Lord and see if he won't kinder excuse it off on Hanner's aoount.' THIS IS THE ONLY RIGHT KIND. DONOT TAKE ANY OTHER. OI:a NEW MISS Solid F E Gold Watch Worth 8100.0 . Best watch In the world. Perfect timekeeper. Wamnted heavy, SOLID GOLD btmtlnq case.. Both ladles' and gent s sizes, with works and oases of ekUal value. ON0 PE0500 i0 each locality can 500010 one free, together with our large and valuable line of Household Saraples. These samples, as well RRJeiteo as the watch see flee. All the work you need do is to show what we send you to those who call—your Mends and neighbors and those about you—thatalwaya results in valuable trade for us which holds for years when once started, licd thus we are repaid. We pal 18 engross, height, etc. After 0 know all if you would like to go fo work for us. you can Stinson Jr Co.- neat,. S. Portland, Sistine. rain ham Sino to 800 er week end apwar dr. Address THE BEST "AKING POWDER ;KcIAR[l'S CE10INE Cook'S 1111161111 No Alum. Nothing injurious. -- MAILED EVENYCI ERE. GARTH ACO. FACTORY S'.IPPLIES Valves, Iron & Lead Ptpe Loose Pulley Wars, Steam Jet Pumps, Farm Pumps, Wind NRIs, Croam Separators, Dalry and Laundry Utensil:. 536 CRAIG ST^:cT, MONTREAL. CHADWICK'S SPO®li COTTON For Hand and Maclaine Ilse, lids NO SUPERIOR. LSAT}IEB.CID STEEL -LINED 1 SLINKS In Sample, Lndi os' and all other kinds. Tiniest anQ Strongest TRUNKS In the World. J. EVELEIGH & v0 MONTREAL ASK FOR IT. • ISni9Mrs. for tlllDoetin'n • • , 4 CASTOR IA *Hr infants and Children. "OMtetls is an wpf adapted to chfidren that aMRsrta outs Colic. Oototitl$ion, I I resmaraenditmsmmiortoaoypresctiption Soar Stomach, Manatee,, Rreelation, �A Oo me. ]& A. Assess, M.D., ]Ii3111 Worms, sive* .loop. sod Daly w O motes dib 111 ON Osootd BR. &rooky., N. Y. W aliofojtuiotts medication. Tim CZN•rA1m COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. HOTEL BALMORAL MONTREAL. Notre Dame Bt., one of the moat eon.tral and elegantly furnished Hotels in the • Cit.• Accommodation for 400 guests. states: OODRUFF, t2 to $8 per day. Si IT. IN' Manage DOMINION PEARS' Sole M'ts for Canada, a.PALIRER&SON 'Tholeoale Imp'tre of AIGGISTS' SUNDRIES 1743 ETRE DIL E ST., MONTREAL. SOAP. LEATHER BOARD CURE FIT I THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. gg When I say Cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them return again. 1 MEAN A RA D I OA L C iJ R E. 1 have made the disease of Fits, Epilepsy or Falling Sickness a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to Cur© the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Rcnoody. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it win cure you. Address 1—H. G. ROOT, M.C., Branch Office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD Steam Packing, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, Thi,isa PerfeotFrfefion RECKITT'S BLUE Tit$ REST FOR LAUNDRY USE. PAPERS Wrapping, f SanMa EEWS,/ SIZES Cq AND WEIGHT* To OiiDE11 DeStesoIoSSt alp Donnest, OHMS olds ! � rLUIOLSEEE erHE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER 9PERFECT F000 OR THfi SICK ARMING le 1UTRITIOUS i EVERAGE J POWERFUL INVIGORATOR TOLTON Pea llarvester. The most perfect and durable Pea Harvester ()t' the day WILSON'S FLY PADS. Slaughters House Flies in millions They are safe, cleanly and effectual. GEMS OF THOUGHT. When M ind enjoyed • He who believes the truth should himself be true. The best doctors are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, and Dr. Merryman. Beware of a man who seems to doubt your married happiness. No man who is wretched in his own heart and feeble in his own work, can help others. Every man should bear his own rather ather than detractm from the comforts of others. Most of our misfortunes are more supportable than the com- ments of our friends upon them. ee Serving riches, instead of mak- ing riches serve you, is the most 1 piteous of al poverty. It is slav- ery. you doubt, do not unemployed is mi act. nd un - Guaranteed? to give Satisfaction or no sale Persons requiring this article, will please place their orders at once, as late orders cannot be filled. Already four times the number sold this year that were fast. All orders left with THOS. TIPLING, Chnloo Will be attended fol People who boast that they never did any harm are generally those who haven't done much good. teach more by our ex - by our adyice, or else poor pleaders for the an feels instinctively beautiful sentiments d weigh less than a action. Frugality, diligence, punctual- ity, veracity—those are the grand fountains from which money, and all real values and valors, spring for men. Harmless mirth is the best cor- dial against the consumption of the spirits: wherefore, jesting is not unlawful if it trespassoth not in quantity, quality, or reason. We are none of us fully aware of our happiness while it is with us, and youth is as unconscious of it as a flower of its blossom. It is age alone which admires—and re- grets. Let us take care how we speak of those who have fallen on life's field. Help them up—don't heap scorn upon them. We did not see the conflict; we do not know the scars. We must ample than we shall be righ t. Every m that all the in the wort single lovely A WISE DECISION Years ago, a young man, work - 'inn. his own way through, took charge of a district school in Mas- sachusetts during the winter term. Three boys especially engaged his attention and interest. They were bright, wide-awake lads, They kept together in their class and were never tardy. One night he asked them to re- main after school was dismissed. They came up to the desk and stood in a row, with some anxiety to know why they had been kept. "Boys" said the teacher, "I want you to po to college, all three of you." "Go to college !" If he had asked them to go to Central Afri- ca they could not have been more astonished. The idea had never entered their minds. Children Cry for T. BROWN, Agt, Seaforth, • A.; L ., ,, To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dee. 1st. GIVE TEN PEI CENT DISCOUNT FOR GASB: on our large stook of CRQCIIa1RX, MIN* AND GLASSWARE,• DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS 1Q PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity o se- curing chew bargains, s sWearebon tor bound educe our t k. ,u a oc P g We Offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth 0 • We Offer NEW SEASON GLACE TEA at 25 cants, worth 40. We Offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 2 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap, 2 BROOMS' for 25ct: FRESH PINAN HADDIE, SISCOS, HERRING, BLOATERS, &e. Goode promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give us a call. , BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. DO YOU DO YOU DO YOU IF YOU desire to be considered a well dressed Man? N. RDBSONU CHINA.HALL1 JUST RECEIVED { A Fine Assortment of PLAIN and STAMPED GOODS, TRAY CLOTHS SIDEBOARD DRAPES, TOILET SETS, SPLASHERS, STAND COVERS c., Also a large stock of RUBBER BALLS, BASE BALLS, SKIPPING ROPES, HAMMOCKS, EXPRESS WAGGONS. Call and see our stook bar -, fore buying, as we want to clear out our present stock of WALL PAPER CEILING DECORATIONS, 8c. We offer them cheap, call !and see fo yourselves. desire to be considered :tn economi- cally dressed Man'. desire to wear clothes good enough fcr any one and yet suitable to the depth of your pocket? DO we solicit a stare of your trade, and can gualantee satisfaction. Walton& Morrison, Tailors SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON WORTriINGTON'S BOOK and DRUG STORE New Firm NM GOODS, New Prices COOPER & LOGAN GROCERS, are in the field with The LATEST STYLES IN English and American Hard and Soft Hats To please everybody. Call and see all the latest shapes. We ark' constantly offering bargains. We are showing a stock that is wonderful in quantity, quality and style._We also keep on hand a magnificent assortment of Bargains In new Black, Green and Jatian T. Coffees. Suggs. &c FINE STRAW RATS SUMMER TOP SHIRTS, TIES, LINEN and Rubbereen Collars and Cuffs Our stock is complete and well assorted. We invite your inspection. REMEMBER THE STAND—ONE. DOOR NORTH OF THE DRY GOODS PALACE G311O. G -IJ A.SGOW Try our TEA. NECTAR and SECRET BLEND TEAS; they cannot be excelled in price or quality. CROCKERY --We have a fine assortment in Dinner, Tea and Chamber Sets, in all the latest designs and colorings, and at prices to snit everybody. Come and inspect them and be convinced. We also have a fine assortment of GLASSWARE, and cheaper than the .cheapest We have secured another Sewing Machine, which we will give away with 1 lb. Baking Powder. Conhe and have a chance before it is too late Special attention given to Family Trade. Goods promptly delivers.:. Deal with us and get the newest, cheapest and freshest goo ty. THE OPINION OF AN INSUR- ANCEMAN. W. A. Doyle, manager and se- cretary:of the Minisota Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co., Beulah, Man., says;—My wife and myself have commenced the use of Nasal Balm and the benefit and comfort derived from it warrants a contin- uance of its use. Saginaw, Mich., has a family which lives in a shed twelve feet by sixteen feet in area.• The fam- ily consists of father, mother, three children, three horses, two cows, two goats, six dogs. a flock of pigeons and six cages of sing- ing birds. A bale of hay separ- ates, the so called brute portion of the family from the rest. Pitcher's Castorla. COOPER & LOGAN, — Clinton NEXT TO COUCH'S. 3est and Lfleapest Fence ori?EL POOR IRON FO0MIDATIi7 ,. BUILDERS' IRON NORK, Dice Railings, lawn Furniturf ANO FOUNTAINS: ETC. A 00Rra1 Sarum Win 8c Irol Works =THE_ CLINTON NEW RA R. HOLMES, - - Publisher, CLINTON, - - ONT. tx,rn¢x¢'Ea>. WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO. CATALOGUES SENT ON APPLICATiON. h ho CENTRAL GROCERY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE.' Business Change. x THE NEW ERA is published every Friday ; it X gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ;. has a X Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad IX vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address X for $1.50 a year, in advance. • JOB D F PARTM ENT The undersigned having bought the stock of H. R. Walker, at a low rate on the dollar, are prepared to offer the same at very close prices for each. The stock consiats of GROCERIES, Crockery, Glassware, &c., And is in first-class order. They are also adding new etock in every depart- ment, and will be prepared to snpply the public with anything in the grocery line, at the very lowest prices. Specially low prices will be offered in CROCEIERY - and - TEAS Patronage respectfully solicited. Remember the place—Walker's old stand. MCMURRAY & WILTSE, - CLINTON It We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, '314; Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74, CLINTON. Per Ct cash Discount '' Having become agent for the celebrated B. LALURANCE SPECTACLES and .., EYE -GLASSES, and procured the Lawrence teat, all those with failingeyesight, young or old, weak or strong, can be perfectly fitted here. Call and eaamihs llaflss, Grocery, Crociory, Hardware, Je8IIY, And all other lines are complete, and as cheap as the cheapest plane in the Donn✓ ty. I have a few of those first-class PRUNES left, at 5o per Ib, and a GREEN' ,:.'. TEA you should try, at 40o. per Bingle Ib, 91.75 for 51b. Caddy, worth at tease' 50 cents per lb. 5 per cent discount for cash on all purchases of 91 and upward': GEO. NEWTON - - LONDESBORO McColl Bros. & Co., Torozi.tQ'' Manufacturers of and wholesale dealers in the following spe014164, WCOL EKA 0� BOLURTECUTTING Try our Lardine Machine, find you will use no others - LAPD INE CYLINDER RED ENGINI': bus Manufacturers, McCOOL BROS & CO., Toronto For sale by all dealers throughout the Dominion, ( L-0 hl