HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-07-18, Page 5., • 1 **ties SPECTACLES SPeetnele$ • : Fitted by the .opty proper system in town, KING'S 0 PTO ME TER, AT J. B. RUMBALL & CO'S BORN. * WRIGIIT.—In Seaforth, on the 7th inat., the wife of Mr Jas. R. Wright, of ; a TiOn. Bautan.—In Winglaam, on .the 4th inst„ the wife of Mr Archibald Barber ; • kion. • hacEwsx.—In Bluevale, on the 27th slit., the wife of Mr Alex McEwen, ,tfeackher a daughter. ,Warcurr.—In Turnherry, on the 7th Artst.,the wife of Mr Wm Wright; a son. Coos.—At Bonsai!, on the 14th inst., thewife of Rev J.S. Cook,of a daughter, born. MARRIED BIJTCHART—Flocae.—At the residenoe of the bride's father, on July 9, by Rev • J. 11. Sowerby, Mr Thomas Buchart, of Fingal, (formerly of Stanley) to Miss , • 'Eugenie House, of New Sarum. TOTED • KLINKHAMMER.—In St. Paul,Minn., on e 19th ult., the wife of Mr Joseph 'nke,mmer, and daughter of Mr Thos. McBride, f)rmerly of Seaforth, aged 28 years. ,ALZXANDER.—At Ladners Landing British Columbia, Margaret, on June 12th. wife of Robert Alexander, aged 38 „." years. Deceased was the second eldest " • daughter of Wm. Sterling sixth con., Goderich township. NOTICE •. Ali persons indebted to me will oblige by :settling at once. R. W. WILLIAMS, M.D. FOR,SALE OR TO RENT. „•! -pErOUSE FOR SALE OR TO EENT—ON .1.-L Albert Street, (Miss Trewartha'a) able for small family and is in good repair; ••,•, ordinary conveniences. Also good second hand Cook Stove for sale cheap. For parti- • culars apply to JOHN BEAN. t.” Farm for Sale A splendid farm of 50 acres, being the east '11f of Lot 28, Con. 5, Hullett, about three Wiles from Clinton. On the.premises is a frame dwelling house, good barn 36 x 60, Y. stables, &e. Orchard of one acre, two never failing springs, well fenced, good soil, and in 1, • good state of cultivation. Reasonable terms • Apply on the premises to W. T. FARQUHAR Clinton post office. Sale by Tender. Tenders will be received up to Saturday July.12th, at three o'clock p.m., by the un- , dereigned, for the purchase of the east half of Town Lot No. 53, on the south side of Mary Street. The highest tender will not necessarily be accepted. MANNING & SCOTT Solicitors for Estate of H. R. Walker Commodious House to Rent. The commodious and convenient house on Rattenbury. Street east, occupied by Mrs Vantassel, is to rent. It contains four large rooms downstaire, and five bedrooms, with •closets, upstairs. Front and back stairs,— Rent reasonable. MISS ALICE FOXTON 1WIOR SALE OR TO RENT—HOUSE AND .12 Lot for sale or to rent, on Townsend St., The house, which is new, contains fourteen 'rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is • also a good stone cellar, good lawn, hard and soft water in abundance. The lot contains of an acre. Terms reasonable. Apply 'on the premises or to MRS C. CARTER, Clinton. tf Wanted Au apprentice boy to learn Sheep Skin teen ing. WM. MAEDEL, Bennailler. 3 Dressmaking. The subscriber, while thanking the people for their patronage in the past, desires to in. timate that she has recommenced the Dress and mantle making business, in the rooms over Twitchell'a store. All orders will re- ceive prompt attention. MRS J. TAYLOR, Clinton. Teacher Wanted. Services to commence at close of summer vacation. Must have recommendation from the Inspector of the county in which last teaching, also from Trustees of Schools pre- viously engaged in. Either second or third class certificate. Services to continue one year. Apply, stating salary, to R. E. LANE, P. M. Lanes, Ont. Caution Notice is hereby given that the undersign- ed will not be responsible for any debts con- tracted in connection with the estate of the late Henry Tewsley, except upon his written order. Also, persona purohasing from any one articles belonging to the estate, will be held responsible to the undersigned, for the Price thereof. ROBERT FiTzsimONS, Ad- ministrator. To Rent. Two fine stores in Perrin's block. Also, will be vaceut by the lot of May, the commodious rooms used by Mr Shearer. Apply to J. P. TISDALL, Agent for Canada Life Insurance Co. • SAW MILL FOR SALE. • One of the best steam - sawiniile in Huron -County, capasity 10,000 per day, in first class • sunning order and furnished with shingle .and heading machinery. Also about 5 aerei of land and house, plenty of tiinbcr near. Last year's custom sawing was over 400,000 (and over 15,000 sill heading, I Near ship ping point and thriving t )w a A first-class ousmess cheap. For pal a liars address, NEW ERA OFFICE, Clit v. Immediate possession if required. Executors' Notice to Creditors The creditors of the late Charles Carter, ate of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-ninth day of May, A.D., 1880, are hereby notified to send by post, prepaid, on or before the thirtieth day of August next. to RICHAED R&NSFORD, Clinton P.O., one of the executors of the said Charles Carter, their ohristian names and surnames addresses and descriptions, the full particu- lars of their claims, a statement of their ac- counts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them; and that immediately after the said thirtieth day of August next, the assets of the said Charles Carter will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the claims of wbicn notice shall have been furnished as above required; and the executors will not be responsible for the assets, or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim notice hall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated the 28th day of June, 1880 RICHARD RANSFORD, DAVID P. GILLESPIE. VX4INTQA 11,41114, PTO. (lAkliettttlevyry Vtitot.yorp094. Thurgl*Y., 4*. 13, low SiNAt4411,444440......... ea Oitte Barley Fess Flour per bal Butter Ens Wool O 40 i 0 40 O 55 a 0 65 570 s 6 70 0 121 01.2 a- 0112 0 20 a 0720 Pork 5 00 5 50 Hay 6 00 a 6 25 Hides 3 25 a 3 25 Sheep Skins 0 50 a 0 72 MRS. WHITT. M,C.S.M; TEACHER OF HUBIC. Plano. Organ and Technicon, or Muscle developer. for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. 3.Hartt's, Rattenbnry Street, Clinton MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET There is very little new or startling that can be said about the live stock markets. While the receipts show a slight falling off, they still continue large and the shipment for the past week show an increase over those of the pre- vious week. Perhapathe feature of the week was the arrival of several loads of cattle from the North-west, which met with ready sale owing to the scarcity of good stock on the market. The meat company bought one car and shippers bought three or four loads for stockers, the average price being about 4ic per pound. The oattleare said to be in very fair conidtion, and it is expected the re- ceipts and shipments will run very large from now till the close of navigation, three train loads being expected from Maple Creek this week. A few odd iota of distiller -fed cattle continue to come forward, but the receipts of export stook are made up almost wholly of stockers, the boats which sailed during the past week being loaded almost wholly with them. There is an apparent difference of opinion concerning the number of cattle feeding in the country ; but there is no doubt an ample supply for all re- quirements, the only question being the price. The cattle are looking very well, but the farmers are talking very high, and shippers say they will leave the cattle in the county rather than pay the prices asked. Sheep are coming for- ward quite freely, the receipts being largely made up of stock bought in the country for export. Anything offering here suitable for shipping were held for higher prices, shippers in view of the state of the English market not caring to pay over 44c per pound. We quote the following as fair values for the week Cattle, export, 5 to 54c; do butcher,good 44 to 41c ; do medium, 4 to 44c; culls, 3f to 31c ; sheep, 4f to 44c; hogs, $5.20 to 85.25, and calves, $4 to SH A Reward Of $20will be paid by the undersigned, for such evidence as will lead to the conviction of any person poaching in Sharpe's Creek, Colborne. M. C. CAMERON, J. N. SHANNON, M, D., Goderich GO IF YOU DO IT ONCE YOU'LL DO IT AGAIN. DO WHAT? T° CARSLAKE'S VICTORIA ST., CLINTON, When you are in need of your Clothes being cleaned or repaired. Being a practical Tai- lor of large experience. I am able to turn Out first-class work at shortest notice. — Charges moderate. A call solicited, Victoria St.,Clinton Farm For Sale. On the 6th con. of Goderich township, lot 11, over 80 acres, nearly all olearea, good clay loam; one of the best farms in that vicinity . A good large orchard, a good piece of wood land. A frame house, and beauti- fully laid out, with fir trees and privett hedge surrounding It. Terms very reasonable. MARGARET COLLINS, Goderieh P. 0. Blacksmith Shop and- land for sale. Subscriber offers for sale the property owned bv him at Gowrie, in the county of Perth. It consists of a blacksmith shop do• ing a good bueiness, with dwelling house, sta ble and halt -acre of land attached. fa in a splendidtarming section, with no opposition Will be sold with or without tools. Satis- factory reason for selling. For particulars apply to THOS. LOBS, Holmesville, or JOS LOBE, Gowrie. t t 001R) l‘T STEEP'S Seed Store. Subscriber has on hand a quantity of ENSILAGE COBN, RED COB, and MAMMOTH SWEET Butchering Outfit for sale The horse, cart, slau- ghter house, and all .other necessaries tor running a Butcher /Elhop, including 7 store pigs, belonging to the .estate of FL Tewsley, are offered for sale on 'reasonable terms. This is a splendid op- portunity for any one wanting to go into business. Parties indebted to the estate of Henry Tewsley, are hereby notified that aecounts must positively be paid to the undersigned, without delay, who alone is authorized to collect the same. ROBERT FITZSIMONS, Administrator. . Clinton, May 9, 1890 LUMBER RAND SAWING.—SUBSCRIBER now has hie saw mill thoroughly equip- ped and in first-class running order, and is prepared to do custom sawing of all kinds, having engaged Mr W. Dodds, a practical sawyer, to take charge of the same. Will buy good sound hemlock logs. Orders re- 8peettully solicited. Good Cedar Posts for sale. We are paying 15 per 1000 for logs, THOS. TRICK, Goderieli township, •Dec. 89. tf Pasturage to Rent. Having leased the W. Laithwaite farm on the Maftland Concession, Goderieh Town- • ship, which has 60 acres of splendid pastur- age, with good spring creek running through it, the subscriber is prepared to pasture a limited number of cattle for the summer. Rates reasonable. Also, he keeps for ser - 'vice, at his own form, lath con., Goderich TOWnShip, a first-elass thoro•bred Durham Will. Terms, $1 at time of service, with ITIVilege of returning if necessary. HENRY AdlOkPIIY, Goderieh Township. Also, a large quantity of WHITE ASH BUTETII TUBS At lowest priccs. verarast (AT EVER WORN BLACK COTTON HOSIERY. If not try a pair, and you will appreciate the luxury of being able to get Black cotton or Lisle Thread Hose that WILL NOT EIT the feet or turn grey or brown, but that is ABSOLUTELY STAINLESS • PERFECTLY FAST IN COLOR, for they will not fade, but retaintheir pure bl Rick until worn out, All sizes Ladies & Children's in stock 5 per c. off for cash. • ESTATE JOHN HO:MIENS. - B. LAURANCE'S Spectacles. GREAT BARGAINS. irsr These celebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B. Lau- rance's test, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. You can Dress ▪ MUSLIDTS depend on getting the GENUINE B. LA.URANCE SPECTACLES by calling and examining the stock at CO4t..)1ziEJIEL'S 13 C0K S rJUCCEt CLINTON. There are only eight unmarried mambers of Parliament. Mrs Hugh Morrow, Draper township, suicided on Friday at Bracebridge, by drowning. A severe hail and wind storm in a partion of Minnesota on Sunday night did much damage to crops. The township of Oxford county shows a decline of over $1,000,000 in assess- ment and nearly 1,000 decrease in pop- ulation,compared with ten years ago. Advices received at Constantinople, say a number of Armenian peasants at Alakiles, who failed to pay their taxes, were burned alive by Turkish seaptichs. Rev. Dr Samuel Rose, one of the leading figures in the Methodist Church for the last half century, died at Toron- to, on Wednesday morning at the age of 84 years, after a long illness. The Petrolia Advertiser tells of a family named O'Dell in that vicinity who allowed their mother at the age of 94 years, to be sent to jail as a vagrant because they refused to contribute to her support. Two of 'the sons are said to be in prosperous circumstances. A telegram from Evansville, Ind., says :—The drought in this section is be- coming serious. Vegetables are wither- ing, potatoes are shriveling in the ground, grass is dried up and tobacco and corn are threatened with failure. Unless rains come soon there will be great distress. JAS. STEEP, Pork Packer, Seed and Feed dealer, Reith's Old Stand, Albert St., Clinton. WOOL WANTED. Woos, WAN•rio AT THE CLINTON WOOLEN MILL STORE. I have a large and qtried stock of all kinds o, Woolen Goods from the best mills in On- tario, consisting of Tweeds, Coarse and Fine Flannels, Blankets, Yarns, etc., to exchang for wool. Farmers, give me a call befor disposing of your wool. I know I can giv you satisfaction. Butter and eggs taken iu exchange to goods. Farmers leaving their wool with me ea have it carded into rolls; ErStand—Sm ith's Block ,opposite the POB Office, Clinton. JOHN SCOTT. r Now is the Time to RI your The Winnipeg Free Press, speaking of the crop outlook, says : "Tse good prosprcts are not confined to wheat. Not only are other grains includen, but the hay crop, one of much importance to the province, has improved so great- ly as a result of recent showers that it will be more than an ordinary good crop. Native fruits of which there has been almost a dearth of recent years, are plentiful, and will add materially to the comfort of the prairie households Altogether the harvest will be a good one, not enough to justify the reckless- ness or extravagance into which Mani- tabians are prone to rush on the slight- est provocation, but sufficient tb diffuse throughout the province a degree of general prosperity it has not known for the past year or so. A great storm in Galicia, last- ing 48 hours, has devastated the crops over an area of 2,000 square miles. Robert Pratt was killed while felling timber on the Misener farm, between Wellend and, Port Robinson, on Tuesday morning. Miles Robinson, whoelman of the Steamer S. L. Tilley, of Chica- go, fell off the deck of the vessel at Port Dalhousie on Tuesday night. A tire which started in a junk shop at Fall River, Mass, Wednes- day, rendered thirty families homeless. They were mostly working people. Mr Ed 'Saunders, of the bank- ing firm of Porteous & Saunders at Paisley, Ont., was banquetted by hie friends last Wednesday night,'" prior to his removal to West Toronto. James Morrison, of Orillia, Ont was confidenced out of $60 by the old bogus cheque game in Montreal Wednesday. Mr Mot- rison was on hie way to the Old Country. Lizzie Simpson, a young girl about 15 years of age, became in- sane and left her home, about four miles from Owen Sound, on Tues- day. She was captured in the woods Wednesday evening. Arthur Businger, a farmer, at Springfield, 0., went into a hay field Tuesday evening to got the hay in before it got wot. A bolt of lightning struck Basinger, kil- ling him instantly. His skull was crushed, a livid cross was marked on his back and both his arms were blackened. The strangest work of the lightning was the excavation of it hole like a grave immediately behind Bas- in* into which he fell. RUICKSTIA NK' BOOTS and SHOES Reaper & blower Knife Sinner ADDRESS o• I= P. STRAITH, CLINTON, Ont And they will be sent to anyistation on the Railway at onoe. A few slightly damaged, but perfectly workable, will bo sold at cost. And a tow slightly damaged stones, without frames, below cost, Full lines of everything in foot wear, as cheap as the cheapest. A few job lines at less than half cost. Call early and secure bargains. C. CRUICKSHANK, Clinton - SPECIALTIES On BINDER TWINE, HARVEST TOOLS, BARBED WIRE, BLACK FENCE WIRE, PARIS GREEN 10 CARS} JUST COMING IN, STOVE COAL NUT COAL NO. 4 COAL {10 CARS Quality the best and prices the lowest. Order early HARLAND BROS., Iron and Hardware Merchants, Clinton HUB GROCERY We make a specialty of Try our Blended Black, We can give good Japan Also choiceYoungHyson at 12 price. THIS IS A GENUINE SALE Come and Test it. T DETLOR gives good satisfaction, and you'll use no other. at all prices to suit, that gives satisfaction. We told our customers not to be deceived with peddlers, and a number have taken our advice and quit them. They find that theycan do as well at the Hub OUR COFFEE is the best we can buy in Canada. We guarantee satisfac- tion every time. 1€ NV A..1jLAIIWqC1_,I1V9r Co N THE POPULAR DRY GOODS LONDESBORO Customers often say "Where in the world do all the Ready -Made Suits go to'? Nearly every time I am in the shop you are opening up new arrivals of Men's or Children's Suits." Well, the world is wide, and people from all parts of it are welcome here to buy their Clothing. But take the Township of Hullett alone—a great many suits are re- quired every year to clothe its people. We do not sell all of them, but we sell very many of them, and would. no doubt sell more if the people would take the trouble to examine our stock and compare prices. We have always on hand an immense stock of MEN'S SUITS, in Serges, Tweeds and Worsteds. We lead the trade in BOY'S and CHILD'S CLOTHING. The best dressed boys in tne township are those whose parents have found out that this is the place to buy Nobby Suits The styles 'ere excellent, the cut first-class, and you can find no fault with the making. Prices. are where you can easily reach them, SPECIAL OFFER FOR TEN DAYS. FOR $5 NET CASH WE WILL GIVE 1 Man's Blue Serge Suit—Coat, Vest and Pants. 1 Linen Collar, 4 ply, any size. 1 Gent's Tie, good shape and quality. 1 White Shirt, Linen front and Cuffs. 1 pair Cotton Socks. All the above for $5 net cash, no discount. We will give the New Era from now to the end of the year, to new sub- scribers, for 50 cents cash W. L. OUIMETTE. LON DEsBORO w ca (4) 0 CD 1890 SPRING 1890 FIRST-CLASS GOODS, LOWEST PRICES and LARGE STOCK of NEW GOODS to Select from. Eggs Taken in Exchange 5 per c. off for Cash W. Taylor & CLINTON AND BLYTH • •