HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-07-11, Page 5COME- TO r UM ALL & CO'S Watch & Jewelry p, / STOP.. On July 12th, :EC!R THE GREATEST SNAPS EVER GIVEN IN OUR LINE Per et cash Discount (tiRing become agent for the celebrated B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES and OYE;GLASSE S. and procured the Lawrence test, all those with failing eyesight, ygung or old, weak or strong, can be perfeotly fitted here. Call and examine llaills, Grocery, Crockery, Hardware, Je1 I&'y, 441. a11 Other lines are complete, and as cheap as the cheapest place in the coup- 4$ .." Ihave at few of those first-class PRUNES left, at 5o per lb, and a GREEN EA you should try, at 40c. per single lb, $1.75 for 5 ib. Caddy, worth at least Q'oexaa per lb. 5 per cent discount for cash on all purchases of $1 and upward } GEO. NEWTON LONDESBORO ,i FOR:SALE OR TO RENT. HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT—ON _ Albert Street, lMise Trewartba's) suit- able for small family and is in good repair; prdinary conveniences. Also good second Bland Cook Stove for sale cheap. For parti- culars apply to JOHN BEAN. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. — SUB- _ BOMBER offers for sale the new house Ogoupted by himself, on Mill Street, Clinton. it: is a story -and -a -half, frame, with stone 1e ation, cellar, and bard and soft water, t e, (lto., on the lot, which is a quarter- s, R e, Terms Reasonable. JOS. CLARE. FOR SALE OR TO RENT—HOUSE AND Lot for sale or to rent, on Townsend Bt., °1'he,house, which is new, contains fourteen Wens, and is heated with hot air. There is also a good stone cellar, good lawn, hard and sett water in abundance. The lot contains es of an acre. Terms reasonable. Apply on ln f theepremisetsor to MRS C. CARTER, i Sale by Tender. Tenders will be received up to Saturday, HTu1y 13th, at three o'clock p.m., by the un- ,derafgned, for the purchase of the east half of Town Lot No. fly, on the south side of ?;Diary Street. The highest tender will not 4te0essarily be accepted. MANNING & SCOTT Solicitors for Estate of H. R. Walker 'Commodious House to Rent. .( The commodious and convenient house on ,Attenbury Street east, occupied by Mrs tj,Vantaseel, is to rent. it contains four large )rooms downstairs, and five bedrooms, with :Closets, upstairs. Front and back stairs.— :Bent reasonable. MISS ALICE FOXTON To Rent. ,Two fine stores in Perrin's block. 1. Also, will be vacant by the lit of May, the 'commodious rooms used by Mr Shearer. ;Apply. to J.1'. TISDALL. Agent for Canada Xeite Insurance Co. W MILL FOR SALE. One of the best steam sawmiile iu Huron County, oapasity 10,000 per day, in first class panning order and furnished with shingle :And heading machinery. Also about 5 acres d'f land and house, plenty of timber near. ;Zest year's custom sawing was over 400,000 <and over 15,000 sill heading,) Near ship ?.ping point and thriving t ,e i. A first-class ;..pusmees cheap. For pat Afars address, '"-SEW ERA OFFICE, Clit `11 Immediate ;'possession if required. Farm For Sale, On the 6th con. of Goderich township, lot al; "over 80 acres, nearly all cleared, good `'i l&y loam; one of the beat farms in that sifotnity. A good large orchard, a good piece idol wood land. A frame house, and beauti- )fully laid out, with fir trees and privett hedge ;.;surrounding it. Terms very reasonable. ;;,,MARGARET COLLINS, Goderich P. O. ;(a•o d House & Lot & Planing ' Mill for Sale. ";.`Ile subscriber offers for sale his house and s':)eligibly situated. ets on Albert The houeet. This ses find a half, frame, with all conveniences, ;'aylid contains 11 rooms. '1 he lot is one-half s'n acre, but will be sold with or without the rear quarter. KIM the back part is a planing mill, with 15 a e -power engine, with 1 surface Pouey �er, 1 first-class double Cape Tenenting ; Maobine, 1 Moulding Machine, 1 .lig and Rip gaW, with shafting, belting, &c. This will ibe sold entire or to suit purchaser. Terms ;reasonable, D. BUCHANAN, Clinton ;;;J:Ilacksniith Shop and land for sale. Caution Notice is hereby veu that the undersign- ed will not be responsible for any debts con- tracted in connection with the estate of the late Henry Tewsley, except upon his written order. Also, persons purchasing from any one articles belonging to the estate, will he held responsible to the undersigned, for the price thereof, ROBERT FITZSIMONS, Ad- ministrator. Executors' Notice to Creditors The creditors of the late Charles Carter, ate of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-ninth day of May, A.D., 1890, are hereby notified to send by post, prepaid, on or before the thirtieth day of August next. to RICHARD RAN/WORD, Clinton P.O., one of the eacecutorsof the said Charles Carter, their christian names and surnames addresses and descriptions, the full particu- lars of their claims, a statement of their ac- counts, and the nature of the securities of any) held by them; and that immediately after the said thirtieth day of August next, the assets of the said Charles Carter will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the clams of whicn notice shall have been furnished as above required; and the executors will not be responsible for the assets, or any part thereof, to any person'of whose claim notice hall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated the28th day of June, 1890 RICHARD BANSFORD, DAVID P. GILLESPIE. A Reward . Of $20 will be paid by the undersigned, for such evidence as will lead to the conviction of any person poaching in Sharpe's Creek, Colborne. M. C. CAMERON, .1. N. SHANNON, 111, D., Goderich bubscriber offers for sale the property 'Y6Wnedbyhim at Gowrie, in the county of l Ferth, It consists of a blacksmith shop do- t�g a good business, with dwelling house, eta ;; ble and half -acre of land attached. Is in a spplendid farming section, with no opposition ": Will be sold with or without tools. Satis- factory reason for selling. For particulars ?'itipply to THOS. LOBS, Holmesville, or .JOS T"LOBB, Gowrie. t f '','• . Butchering Outfit for sale 'elle horse, cart, slaughter house, and all VOther necessaries for running a Butcher ;,.:ryit0p, including store pigs, belonging to the :'.ieatate of H. Tewsley, are offered for sale on e.,reasonable terms. This is a splendid op - unity for any one wanting to go into *moss. Parties indebted to the estate of Henry Tewsley, are hereby notified that accounts .roust positively be paid to the undersigned, Without delay. who alone is authorized to '"Collect the same. ROBERT FITZSIMONS, Administrator. Clinton, May 9, 1890 11 UMBER AND SAWING.—SUBSCRIBER now has his saw mill thoroughly equip- ped and in drat -class running order and is prepared to do custom sawing of all kinds, haying engaged Mr W. Dodds, a practical sawyer, to take charge of the same. Will )Sttq good sound hemlock logs. Orders re- lipeotfut ysolicited. Good Cedar Poets for sale. Weare paying $5 per 1000 for logs, .IROS. TRICK, Goderich township, 11(19.89. Pasturage to Rent. G° IF YOU DO IT ONCE YOU'LL DO IT AGAIN. DO WHAT? T° CARSLAKE'S VICTORIA ST., CLINTON, When you are in need of your Clothes being cleaned or repaired. Being a practical Tai- lor of large experience, I am able to turn out tirst-class work at shortest notice. -- Charges moderate. A call solicited. Victoria St. Cliatoo COR 1‘1 - STEEP'S STEEP'S Seed Store. Subscriber has on hand a quantity of ENSILAGE CORN• RED COB. and ' MAMMOTH SWEET Also, a Targe quantity of WHITE ASH BUTET11 TURS At lowest prices. JAS. STEEP, Pork Packer. Seed and Feed 'dealer, Reith's Old Stand, Albert St., Clinton. WOOL, WANTED. \\'o"l, WANTEI, A1• THE Cr.I1 ION \\'oef.KN MILL STORE. 1 have a large and varied o, Woolen Goods from the tarie, consisting of Tweeds Flannels, Blankets, Yarns, for wool. Farmers, give 1 disposing of your wool. I yon satisfaction. Mutter and eggs taken goods. Farmers leaving their wool with me can have it carded into rolls; g?'Stand—Smith's Block,opposite the Post Office, Clinton. JOHN SCOTT. stock of all kinds best mills in On- , Coarse and Fine etc., to exchange ne a call before know I can gip e in exchange for il:41VXO,41 Oi`,i IMMIQN 1104 tint agtltertally ch!tu at4 with .41414..Y0.4; slut Wi11op'4'W44 Cherry toae>Ix19�ift better' kaova every week aI a, 'Om tor Cougho, 0o14e, W11o4pping QQogb, Group, .Loss of Yoioo .nd othu p af'eatiOo of the threat, cheat and lungs. 1?'or twenty years this re- 'fable medicine has been used in scores of families with the greatest success. Sold -by all druggists. Get the gse qt,e -in white •wrapperu only "-. weals awaits i#1to11i4enc.. Ueelsare, as they always have been, MU - cations of the intelligence of the mare*. women who know that health means beauty do not jeopardize necks and ankles, but cause nervous disease and other serious ail- ments. Heels easy, comfortable and safe and moderately low are in favor with sensible femininity, even from the fashionable slipper, and since in slippers the support given to the ankle by the boot is withdrawn it is uu,st im- portant that the heel should be -of prop r c'is structiou. Many object to low shoes ou tb: rl that they are the prolific cause of col I. amt kindred evils, and that they d,, nut gi. a the ankle the support necessary ; but if w.,rn in the proper plate they need not prove un- healthy, and an ankle which require, av i r- ance needs to be strengthened beyond the ne- cessity of artificial aid. Constant wetrI:I of boots only leaves certain muscles, vriti,9, need to be developed, powerless sod inert.--)>ress. The French Woman's Purse. French women seem to cling to gaits de Suede, and a wonderful novelty has been brought out, viz., a purse inserted in the palm of the hand. A semicircular incision is made in the palet, to which is then attached a metal rim ; this opens, showing a white 1::• lining forming a complete white purse. better purse could hardly be invented. This is certainly turning to a clever account a somewhat vulgar plan of carrying money in a glove. These particular gloves are tuouS- quetairus, eight button length, but fastened with a couple of buttons at the wrist. They are greatly in demand. The leather cases for watches, hitherto attached to bracelets, are now adapted to hang at the side as chate- laines, not so safe as the wrist, but nicer look- ing. If you are so minded, you may carry your money or your watch in the top of your stick or umbrella ; indeed, ornaments are now turned to a useful account, and useful arti- cles convenes! into ornaments.—Ca,.ull's Magazine. Now is the Time to Get your Game of Shadow Buff. The game of shadow buff differs very ma- terially from blind man's buff, but it is equal- ly as amusing. A large piece of white linen should be fastened neatly up at one end of a room, so that it hangs smoothly. Buff (not blinded) seats himself on a low stool, with his face to the linen, and a table, on which is a lighted candle, should be placed about four or five feet behind him, and the rest of the lights extinguished. Butfy's playfellows next pass in succession between the candle and him, distorting their features in as grotesque a manner as possible—hopping, limping and performing various odd antics, so as to make their shadow very unlike their usual looks. Buffy must than try and guess to whom the shadows belong, and if he guesses correctly, the player whose shadow he recognizes takes his place. Buff is allowed only one guess for each persou, and must not turn his head either to the right or left to see who passes.— Montreal Star. ou Purpose On Saturday, 12th of. July, You should scall at the DRY GOODS PALACE, ,and see the, mense display we are making on that day in all our departments,. We will olrer several lines of SUMMER GOODS at exceptionally low prices to clear them out. 1 Case of PRINTS at 7c, should be lOc. A line of Ladies and Misses BLACK ' COTTON HOSE, at 25 per cent below regular prices. PARASOLS at greatly reduced prices. ESTATE- JOEN I—IO]DGENS. a B. LA URANCE'S Spectacles. 5 per c. off for cash. SPECIAL - YALVE ! Offered this week Those celebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B. Lau- rance'a test, and a certainty of beim' suited is guaranteed. You can depend on getting the GENUINE B. LAURA.NCE SPECTACLES by calling and examining the stock at COCAEI+IE 's 33OCO40 . E.:I CLIN-TO1N. )RTIICKSIIA\ K UaSeSMEN's Strawllats AT COST BOOTs and SHOES Full lines of everything in foot wear, as cheap as the cheapest. A few job lines at less than half cost. Call early and,secure bargains. T.DETLOR What Women Should Wear Greek Gowns. Certain women should wear ou alt possible occasions Greek gowns—women of statuesque build and classical mold; it is a travesty on nature for such to array themselves in tailor made wraps and Redfern suits; but there are others who would look like Titania in Boadi- cea's armor if they dared so depart from pre- vailing precepts, says a writer in Dress. No woman should ask her dressmaker what she ought to wear. From her she must seek ideas, but they should be modified by self to indi- vidual needs. If one does not know what her individual requirements are, let her hunt the art galleries, study there the nearest ap- proach to personal idiosyncra,es the por- traits reveal and evolve suggestion. Protection for Della Richard Watson Gilders chihlren fur all of the most creative order. Little Dorothea, who owns to nine summers in the most in- nocent manner, has just invented a plan for protecting a favorite doll from the destruc- tive assaults of mischief loving George. "What is that you have around your doll's neck, pet (' asked her mother a few days ago. "That, mamma," said the little girl, com- ing up close to her par eil'f with a confidential air, "is a bell. . Yen see your baby can cry if Georgie bothers her when you are not look- ing, but my baby can't cry, so I've nut this bell on her so that L can hear if Georgie takes her up when I'm down stairs."—Bostou Jour- nal. RHO ICI{ Like silk, One shrewd Mame dressmaker has hit upon a lucky idea, and is thriving on it. When ladies come to her with the goods to make up an ordinary worsted dress, she asks: "Will you have it made to feel like silk or wool ?" The owner of the dress naturally inquires into the meaning of the question. "It is all iu the lining. 1 can give you a lining that will rustle like silk and that will make you think whenever you touch it that it 13 silk, and it will only cost you thirty cents a yard." The fancy of the patron is caught by the alluring prospect of having her woolen dress rustle like sills, and she leaves an order for this cloud with n silver lining.—Exchange. Raving leased the W. Laithwaite farm on the Maitland Concession, Goderich Town - which has 60 acres of splendid pastor. age with good spring creek running through it, tile'subscriber is prepared to pasture a lipaited number of cattle for the summer. Bates reasonable. Also he keeps for ser - t, at bis own farm, loth con., Goderich +1copnsbip, a first-class tboro-bred Durham btt11. Terms, $1 at time of sem ice with 11fivilega of returning if necessary. HENRY yyRRPHY, Goderloh Township. Dressmaking. The subscriber, while thanking the people for their o in - the to that she bas in the recom mencst, dedsthe lresDrees alai ntdntle making business, in the rooms over Twitehell's stere. All orders will ro- t Siveprompt attention. MRS J. TAYLOR, `011dton. pp Wanted , boy pn ApWM.,tMAToOEL, TIonmlillor•Slctn tan 3 itig. Reaper & Mower Koife Sharpener ADDRESS P. STRAiTH, CLINTON, Ont And they will be sent to any station on the Railway dorlce. A few slightly damaged, but perfeotlyworkable, will he sold at cost. And a few slightly damaged stones, without frames, below oast C. CRUICKSHANK, Clinton - SPECIALTIES o BINDER TWINE, HARVEST TOOLS, BARBED WIRE, BLACK FENCE WIRE, PARIS GREEN JUST COMING IN, 10 CARS } NO. 4 COAL '10 CARS Quality the best and prices the lowest. Order early HARLAND BROS., Iron and Hardware Merchants, Clinton An Lntrue story. Gentleman—Some are was telling me, Sambo, that you never went to a political caucus without a seven -shooter. Sambo—lint's whar de getnuran am wrong, sal'. Gentleman—Then there is no truth in the story Sambo--Nota wud, sah. Dis chile down Webber go to a kaukus widout a nine-sbootah. --Jetge. Two's Company. "Say, old man, will you come to the thea- tre with me to -night 1" "To -night 1 Why, I thought you were go- ing to take Miss Barlow." "So I am, but her mother has to go along as well ; so if you will come with us I prom- ise you plenty of opportunity to win mam- ma's good graces_"—Judge. A Terrible Threat. Customer --Have you any two cent postage stamps? Drug Clerk—Yes, ma'am, but we only sell them with a dollar's worth of goods. Customer—All right. young fellow; I'll guy my two cont stanps somewhere else in futu,•e. When I get mad, I'm mad.—Epoch. HUB GROCERY We make a specialty of Try our Blended Black, We can give good Japan Also choiceYoungHyson gives good satisfaction, and you'll use no other. at all prices to suit, that gives satisfaction. Wo told our customers not to be deceived with peddlers, and a number have taken our advice and quit them. They find that they can do as well at the Hub OUR COFFEE is the best we can buy in Canada. We guarantee satisfac• tion every time. GEO, ►..4'W L€ W. Ci.IT�TTCOIN THE POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE LON DESBORO Customers often say "Where in the world do all the Ready -Made Suits go to? Nearly every time I am in the shop you are opening up new arrivals of Men's or Children's Suits." .1 • Well, the world is wide, and people from all parts of it are welcome Isere to buy their Clothing. But take the Township of Hullett alone—a great many suits are re- quired every year to clothe its people. We do not sell all of them, but we sell very many of them, and would no doubt sell more if the people would take the trouble to examine our stock and compare prices. We have always on nand an immense stock of MEN'S SUITS, in Serges, Tweeds and Worsteds. We lead the trade in BOY'S and CHILD'S CLOTHING. The best dressed boys in the township are those whose parents - have found out that this is the place to buy Nobby Suits The styles lire excellent, the cut first-class, and you can find no fault with the making. Prices are where you can easily reach thein, SPECIAL. OFFER FOR TEN DAYS. FOR $5 NET CASH WE WILL GIVE 1 Man's Blue Serge Suit—Coat, Vest and Pants. 1 Linen Collar, 4 ply, any size. 1 Gent's Tie, good shape and quality. 1. White Shirt, Linen front and Cuffs. 1 pair Cotton Socks. • All the above for $5 net cash, no discount_ W. L. OU I M ETTE, LONDESBORO - Can't 'Revolve. " Why do you suppose that they never have ny revolution in a principality like Monaco, fqr instance?" hey can't do it. Monaco is very small, and there isn't enough of it to go round."— New York Sun. Old Jones' Philosophy. Modesty is a good rudder, but a had engine. Lickin' may teach a bny to dance, but not to do sums. You may get learnin' at school, but sense comes nat'ral or not at all. You just bring a couple of little quar- rels into your, family an' they'll breed like sparrows. Don't go back on your friends when you're in luck, nor give away your um- berel just because the sun shines. You can't always judge a man by the blood he's got. Corn bread an' whisky dome from the same family. We will give the New Era from now to the end of the year, to new sub- scribers, for 60 cents cash td O TO gr° w 0 CD 1890 SPRING 1890 FIRST-CLASS GOODS, LOWEST PRICES and LARGE STOCK of NEW GOODS to Select from. Eggs Taken in Exchange 5 per c. off for Cash W. Taylor & Sons CLINTON AND BLYTH a