HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-07-11, Page 4,,41' !grX, ta1,$, + +ire our Tft(je IN., l �i�i>�e ��'�"'���; +� x xet3r (tell � 1'i ga. • .
rdi g to ties Bibu, I xmws :�TOTJ':w.
Ytxll.� drtekr tits liras. + ''hQ fgllalw.apg :lsr(1 fallen frog ilia ` , 3T(�wia itdl00uotiy-ut�dr,retQo�tliat platy `�lqt not our le 4aud lK►)o�+ylrbr►t r N :•
tett.- Jnumsl�o iii uo,. wo Are not •',.direptlY Pr a,nd};rc0't)y. ro< Quik right Uftinl (Atgt4,11 I gtxem WQ,4 or' i r
1? tlted at.4s trade zoturne,' I, OWL' �r>"41z o 'siert' . ..•
fw; sale.,p„ V.T. Ittrqube'r. tkt(x # grt4ttion o a oporMblo, . #tor ^any 0.0ii ona p2 xoosed # 11Ct93'� thio church l* ,ill tally; w4tlt S' �3r,a;3l u ��31i cit � ittyp,.
P i"rtJaay.daan farkri px(t- nrdfrtlue:lagad,a (dad baolPF,t�coo,.antofitltolal �refiO4.(ltaxstce i .ro.>xtle
luny- 4. pa sea. ducts into that count durin,, that larJ(, 14'3, A doubt nisi lb!aE 3vgao uaxnea t3�wt �' �dzq�lugai�..
clot Alm *-C . i ,l�s • y • ".14SUld][41! f�Ol�.,340,4:J N heed the ilei hero wAlt ifg blgtted[ out Q#' Troland aponde 525,000,000 m ygax an
"awiubOr' avfll4ttr4-4, 0, f,ana. :040 41 year: � ! , wlt>alcoy. - . -
Attii3snt4t gg4ds,- Bste'to d'. audgens Barley.. ... �^ ^ hq b a book of life While, some l
t1?i�u dew �� ............ .- . 01 , I I
$7 721000 t Lark ,
3,273,000 TO the Clinton of tJt� L'tlitur A'exi ,t, t humble"follower al$ Uhriat, v++3to was too ' the sun yleida 800,400 rim a thelight
4.%y -09P or Qo. Floraes. . ..... . .......poor to ba patios . will there have hie. of the move.
fir+ �Mx lagoa J. 'J'wltoholl. Bg g$ . .......... . ..... . .... `1,346600 DEO Saes -1 notice to the issue of 3 th f J�91'1;
rhea Your paper of the 29t4 Inst„ a report of uaule blazoned in $Mining' capltale, sad London consumes. over 100,000,000 aft
P ............... • .... 1,188,000 the terrible oa,tegatign administered Opposite his name tots teatkoonY.from i pouuds of butter a year, - p
__, -_. Ha}: ...................... 1,OlIL,411Q 141• ff
by Jelin•-Mo1M#ilian, 44, P.rxoa certain
the Great Searcher of hearts,'$rer-ily 1 , The genuine Sir Roger Tiobborne .
Beane and Peas............ 663,000 � ain --�
Cattle ............. . ....... 556,000 Young medico of Belgxave, who had the say 4tnto you "elle hath given,,more a ill,au have been d4acovered in Aus•
. i audacity to arose swords with the Pam- than they all." Auctlier ltindranoe is tralia.
Tlax... Leaf 421,000 establishing so many new Jangled sq. Nia BE SiTkE A]�1.D SEE OUR BAI GAINS
1rlax.. . .............. . .... 330,000 one 1' during the recent campaign. oietiea. The Clirietian church was the gars river fruit growers report
Wool ... • The report is untrue in almost every only society that Christ instituted that apples, pears and peaches promige
Potatoes ....... ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' 215,000 partiodlar. I was present at the meet -
1d6,000 when Ile was on the earth, and there, light crops 4
Meats jug referred to and have no hesitation fore, we believe it is the only y g pay PLATED CHAINS at 25c. KNIVES at I.5c. anal. 6c.
162,000 Hastings farmers tied the
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' • • • ' - i n ea in that four fifths of the elect. y societ Y must a
.. �"�"� •�- Wheat .................... 162,000 Y g the notes they gave for huliees oats, ,
Malt• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... 100,000 ora in attendance were under the fm- that he will owe and bless in the ad- and ar looking for the seductive agent worth 25c and 15c. PURSES away down. DOT,�-LS
#�i, Fooipreparat'o.a.......... G4,OOB pressiott that Lite caitegation was aI. vancegiont of His cause and kingdom. for almost nothing- Man other together the otnex way. Your infor- If people want to work for Christ, why why sod them. g y er articles at about hall
Other vegetables.......... 52,000 cant the work as Christians, as well The Methodist Church at S
, f,
Oats and oatmeal... • • . , . , , 38 00Q Mani wisely omitted costate that, when Y Pring ordinal' rices.
f•$IDAY, JULY 11, 1890. Mr DIoAlillan, in violation of hie agree- as Epworth Leagues, Christian En- field was struck by lightning and dam- y lJ
fruit............ '31,000 ment at the o enin oP the meeting, deavor Societies, Hopeful Gleaners, aged to the extent of $300. The loss is
Hemp , , . , ... • , . • ........ • 25,000 endeavored to take the platform ng, Guilds or whatever name they may call fully covered by insurance.
1 judietons Stibge,ltIOUS. Butter" " • • • - • • • • • • • • • • • . 16,000 themselves, but that would be God's , The Fort William Journal says the WATCH OUR BARGAIN TABLE.
()that awmals...... , ..... > 11,000 second time, the audience positively way of doing things and they want 'minae, individually and collectively,
refused to listen to him and be was , j
!1 i1 IJxpbsitor nominates btr Thos. - compelled to subside. their own, then if you wish to Advance I were never doin so well or gave prom
Total ........... . .... $18 593,000 Mr Godfrey the the cause of God, give u our Dan g
y ( Young gentleman g P Y ise of such results as they do this year W l lie pleased to welcome visitors Oil that day.
Cirtl}1Gilttahl. P. Y., for the Vacant OtLgr miner items not enumerated referred to) is not a Medico but a tad- way of doing things and adopt his. ••I ' y
would iucreaee the luta( to over $20,000,- oats (in arta and law) of Toronto tiui• have called thee by my name, thou art ReP°rta from nl1 parts of the State
Qfiuieter of Agriculture in the Un- mine." Raise up the church of Christ of South Dakota indicate a crop that
000. So that, leaving barley out of the' versify and is too clever and well post- romisea results greater than ever e -
taxip Gwltit a i, s sting that he has been t; Y P
ed in the Provincial politics to be ill "o that all nations may !!ow into it.
question, we have an export trade with I I shall Probably continue this subject fore known in the State. The saute •%
' ttleptgd.:On six successive occasions, ie any danger at the hands of Mr Me. P Y J
the United States iu farm products of Milian or men of hie calibre. D1r at some future time. Hoping that I c%n ba said of many localities in North I Will
WO fitted for the position, and would over $12,000,000, which the agriculture Godfrey made no such opening remarks will not be treapassiug on your vela- Dakota,
&ices tiloruughly good representative schedule of thCOOPER & COO�
e McKinley bill is design- as are attributed to him, his addresses able,,l9ce. I am, air, yours truly'. W• T• R. Preston, tice Reform '•or- i
t fro"in an agricultural constituency. throughout the campaign were marked oB,xRvtat. ganizer," was on Friday presented at j 13001CS, St1lt1011e['y, Wall Paper and Fancy Goods, Y - ed to destroy. Still many newspapers by their freedom front personalities, Westfield, June 9th the Reform Club, Toronto, with a cam. !
le'agreo entirely with all that the Es- will seek to mislead the people of On- and his clear exposition of the French -- plimeutary address and gold watch and 3 CLINTON
Vt0@?tor says concerning air Gibson'a tartothat it is notthe interest of Canada and Separate School Systems under CONSISTENCY. purse, containing $1,000, a gift fromhia
the adminietxation of Mr Rose, ought __ well-wishers.
f4t, a for the position and of his fidelity I to endeavor to secure roti tacit with the __ _
i P y to have enlightened and benefited Mr �'� flee L',filor of 11e0 ('linter+ 1'u /;,•,,. An Ontario excursionist ']timed John
1110 paxty,butlwe do uuf agree with the to Itnited States. McMillan and others of bio party, were SIR, -- The News -Record is always McMillan, from Dunbar, Dundas conn- BURN.
idea Of papers all over the I province aug. ' " - it not that they prefer the "bliss of saying that Canadians should have no ty, waa up before the court at Calgary iCHL l AR(i0 BLOoP.
if Mr J. G. flulmes, of Toronto, got
ignorance." intercourse with Americans;' we should charged with cruelty to a horse. He Ceara.--Ia Teeawetpr,on June 28,the
ifs@tin; this le that person as anitabl° The report says that Mr 'McMillan build up our own country, and since we overdrove and abused the horse, which The 1Vahpetun, N. D., eorred- wife of Mr Walter Coats, of a daughter.
ig4;ptte of the cabinet vacancies. We what he is said to (cave received fol' con- '•mopped the floor" witft his opponent, have the National Policy our young is likely to die. He was ordered to pay pendent of the Piuneet• Presa•t 1 . K1eLY--At Goderich, Jul 4th, the
11 ";}tUve not a word t� say against M, -Gib. testi°'„ Scutt, Huron, it paid him better figuratively. --The brawny M. P. might men can all find emplovment in Cana• $2•aU per day for the rig and $15 fine, gr'aphd aS fotlowa' "A straight e a wife of W. T. Kiely, Toronto, July
a eon.
certainly have done so litet�slly �ae da, and any one who says to the con- with impnso"mens for !4 days at hard ght billTu.-In Stanley, A-04', and would be much pleased to lie']
for being defeated than if ha had been Providence evidently intended him for Y slier and the truth is not in A'lml from thq r:ot'thwest might y, on the 2nd inst.,
in elected. I[e i said t0 have received the the "Athletic" rather than them for trap is labor. Ile was sent to the barracks. the wife of Mr Donald Smith, of a
.i.. "in the ministry, but we think chat him." To show his belief in his own News has been received at paisley Faf!-u at 2.,l fit. Etecft'iC light daughter.
x' Mowat should be left free to make ".cert of $1,000. ensic" arena. That he is a talker -of writings the editor of the News -Record that Rev. G. B. Greig, a former pastor towers were blown down, whole
Lice machine order -automatically coil- sends hie son to Chicago to grow up of Knox Church in that place, has sus- b(ucls8 were unt'uufed, dozens of MARRIED
,:410 Own choice, "" structed to run by the 110111' or day ac. with the country, and help to build up tained a sad bereavement at Sydney, small houses were razed and al-
Titotreao�-Vnttaroxr.-July, 2nd, at
1'l large number of the papers, speak- cording to the pati0nce and endurance a foreign land. 'Is he a fool or a knave, Australia, in the lose of tris wife. Mrs I the house of the bride's mother, b the
tnmediately after the elect+uu, arca of his audience must be admitted, but or both, Yours, Greig was a daughter of M: Peter Robb, most every plata glass window oil Rev Geo. Richardson, •i1' William H.
ing of tilt retircmetttofGeuet'alD]fiddle••
xrljile cardidates for the 0nbiuet vacntt- it is absurd to credit him with even a July l0. Ti:L-F. CANAI-1\N. formerly of Bruce towns4ip, and on FL'orit street and Broadway way Thompson to Dliss Lucy Vanetone, all
ton, intimate that hie auccesaor elapid a udtmentary knowledge of the chief her marriage left with her husband For of Goderich.
D.}e&were springing up like musiisoocus broken, Seven children were it,
be a Oanadian. Certainly he should issues in Provincial politics. Australia last summer. stantl ' kill9d,
...*ll over, we wrote all !tent, stating tLat � h,R, } Two unknown r1T_EU
The man, who, at Lettem ori the . ?� l)TPa. The last of the Toronto Globe's de. tramps, atoppin- in a box cat•, Rowl,t,nN -ll Goderich Township, 1
Due brad and rained iu the country, and eco 0f the election, in attempting to
1v� believed it to be unwise to attemlpt partmell 3 t0 move to the new premises wore killed. No. 1 padsen >br l , on
l'i1 this way to tie the Premier's hnnds not so likely to di�liouor his uniform as handle the Separate School question, Capt Harrisou,of the Salvation Arnc b the 7th inst., Susannah, wife of James
is the business department. The old Bowden, aged v7 years.
the last occul,ant of the p�sitiou. based his arguments (?) on the au Bei- Y train On the NOrthern Pacific o -
,at the item was crowded out, and we PP was drowned while bathing at Paris on building isjhistoric. There Brown g McBRir:rr.-N.Goderich,onJune'L9th
tion that the Separate Schools of rho Tuesday. held many a conference with his political ing west mad'] ftp of three ba r-
ave seen no reason since to change that -- �"��� -- Province of Quebec were Roman Catho• friends. There he received the fatal gage cat's, nine Coaches and aleeh Thos Mc$rien, aged m years, 6 months
view, N'1'e do not know anything about Ito as w Ontario, certainly ought to Mr Alex. Jacques, of Ottawa, pope• shot from the effects of which lie died. era, a rivets Car Containin,. P and 18 days.
Thortcas li. Scott, of 1'anc.eck, but we ea "s h ro sliced 1 know;edge overhaul• lardy known as' the Ula Man," on Weil, times change, and oldbuildings s a
Monday. g party of Chico o and NOtthwesC IaISLAND,-In Tuckeramith, on Juno
"If the people have cou'idence iu Mr do know that his head is level oil the Y Ito ourinformant is, when the old Globe lin its tneww. ter esti to g 27th, Wm. Ireland, aged :51 years and 6
M advice y' It is said that H. DI. Stanley is to q i ern Officials, and Superintendent months. \'%
eTawat as a leader, and they certainly trade question, for in a letter to the Le next draws upon hie imagination have a title of nobility conferred on ]rim The Chinese Minister, Tzui, who a1'.
bete, be should be allowed to make leis London Advertiser he shows up the fat• for ]limp toaselect oma K champio ,,champion," Hamilton Liberals have MCCabe'3 cat ava8 blown ft Om -- -- - ---
on his wedding day. rived at New York from Europe on the track, but no lives were lost, I CLINTON MARKETS
4W14 selection, without pressure from lacy of•a speech delivered by Hon. John who is not notoriously Incompetent to enter a protest against the return of T: Sunday, e decided to y, said: -"Unless the United FSRc3o'8 POSITION Cxrectedarery Thursday afternoon,
#y source being brought to bear u o❑ Curling, at a farmer's P g States Government repeals the law Fargo is the County Beat of Cas,,; Thuredag, July 10, l89Q.
p picnic the other 'it the honors sought to be confer• H Stinson tothe'Legislatuie.
1, 1tiw, He surely knows the qualifica• day. D'lr Scoff proves that although red 'poli Lim. Yours truly. which now excludes my countrymen Wheat, fall, standard.. ., 95 a 0 95
Thomas Buchanan, a well known from this country we shall give the county, North Dakota, and lies on
SAAIL•EL C1tAWF°R1' Oats ..................... 0 35 a 0 35
l one of the old members of the House; tits Canadian northwest is a better Dlorria, June 30, 1890. prominent farmer in Mono township, Americans a doze of their own medicine, ' the Red R1VeI' of the North, di- garde
"e knows those who, all the known and °atony than Dakota, the latter has a I The item allOded to came to us on Dufferin county, died do Monday, of old I mean that we shall exclude citizens of reetly opposite Moorehead, Minn. pons y , , , , , , ,,, , ; ;;; " " 0 40 a Q 40
what we lead reaaott to believe to be age, at Rosemont. the United States from rite CL[neae It has the population of some Flour perbal... .. 0 70 a 5 70
unknown circumstances conaidered,wiil much larger population than the former, Air A. H. Plewes, died'st St. Thomas Empire." 8,0 Butter
though both were e1' ua good authority. Some of those pre"- 00, and is a substantially built,, ,- 0 11 a 0 1
Ije most suitable, and is more likely to equal in 1881. He ant on the occasion referred to, still oil Monday morning. The deceased One of the most revolting cases that + Eggs..'.*.*.::::: .......... 0 1`3 9 0 12
flourishing city, rite metropolis I
;:' also proves that although Ontario's differ in their conclusions, with the was L7 Years of age, and was the third has ever come before the Police Court P Wool . .... . .............. 2
I~ke a choice that will give of a fine fatmin country. 0 0 k 0 20
Population was at one time ahea:4 of the writer of this letter. It is not neceas- son of Mr David Plewes, of Brantford, of Petrolea was up the other morning. g y It Id Pork ................. . . . 5 00 a 5 5U
L left alone than he is if embarrassed Ont., the well-known secretary of the Wm, Thoatpson, aged''atxluf 20 years, One of the t incl al 8tattony on Ha
Stat of Michigan ; the latter is non ary for its to defend Mr McDiillah from principal I y • • • . ............... . 6 00 n G 25
` y'• the wed! -meant suggestions troll the charge of being "a machine talker" Dominion Miller's Association was arrested and brought before the the Northern Pacitie wee, of Min. I Hides • . 3 25 a 3 25
far in advance of Ontario, while it is for every Due acquainted with him Mayor, charged with committing on
,�Ariouseq•ugrters. A great windstorm visited Fargo and unnatural crime on Wilfrid Will' heap°IIA' The 81111'011.r:ii; ('Our'• Sheep Skins ............ 0 50 a 0 72
not as good a country. And this dig- knows that he is anything but that. - other points in North Dakota On Mon- ti} id ver}' Ha[,1:1
�4;' Whan at least a dozen different Wren, Parity in Population is the result of a I' I Necv Eli A,i day. The wires are down and reports a 1'' -year-old boy. Both parties live at I - -
P the East End. The offender was com- SEVEN CHILURSV K;-,:,r.ii, I MONTREAL' LIVE STUCK
�7svarious portions of the province are fo°itah trade policy that prevents puree- are incomplete, but the damage, os e. MARKET
P milted to Sarnia jail. About tweet}' pet'„ '8 wore _
dominated for asinglepoaition, all lay. coarse Letcveeu two uatioua that ,Could SOME HI:vDRANCf•:S TU GOSPEL dally in Fargo, appears to have been .�
iVOi IK IN TIE NINI?'1'EI'S'CH very extensive, and several lives were The government at Morocco lately itljured in the coaches -,oat were ! There is nothiu' new tonoteconeern-
�iugcertain claims thereto, and possibly b0 as Duo commercially. lost, sent ten Arab horses of the purest and biuwtt Oft' the tract: at Fargo in g
('E.'NTI?It1'. i ill the cattle trade. The local market"
i (tone of them get it, it is only natural finest blood as a gift to the King of Bel- were a bade better but the markets on
An old man, who tramped all the way gium. When they reached Brussels } eaterday's cyclone. Some tip•
^that some of them and their friends l • S. ('ensux higurc�, f" the �'/et p1 c't Uri C.'lirrhn, ,1' 1'r L'e•,,, from Halifax,renchedWinnipegacou le King allinh didcovet iaa were read the other side do not show theleast sign
1 of days ago, P b Leopold cvaa not greatly struck by P' e, of any improvement, According to pri.
r9hguld feeIhurt at not being recognized, 51'°•--1:1 Christianity making pro. Y Fie geld he was 60 years their beauty andon inve8tigation being the saddest being the death of vete cables the are in
The following table al nsve the p0pu►a- grass'? and if not whc:' arc questions old and had set out on the 1st of April made it turned out that the original the ,'even childtvn Of tile I worse, T Y many instances
;,;bit�; he difficulty of selecting is intensfied tion of the cities named, compared with which the Christian chulcbes of the for British Columbia. He followed the animals had been sold by some un 0 ate Capt he receipts of cattle were lar-
',' , railway from Htilifes and it took hini a nous official and that inferior one crup• ,Jatuud McCarthy, who died only ger by about 1,300 during the week than
t injudicious zeal, and in this particu- 18130 as estimated front the latest census Present day ought to ask themselves. a had
In answer to the first question, we little over three months to get this far, been substituted. a few weeks ago. The Children during Previous week and within 290 of
lar way the hands of the Premier are returns : a distance of 2,187 miles. He begged those for the corresponding week last
would env that Christianity is not whO wet -0 at hone with their year. The receipts have been most(
£iii when they should be perfectly ❑n- 1800• IBRO• making the progress that it ought to his food sod shelter along the road and Five provincial election petitions y
:,-,`' P Y New 1'ork..........1,627,227 1,206,•2;19 make at the present time. Ilia true managed to steal two or three short rides were lodged on Friday with the registrar ln0ther,Souaht yatety in the Coal solely Of grass•fed stock. Advices to �Ie-
f`"}i- rlmbered. Chicago............ 1,086,000 50:1,185 the number of nominal christian" are °" freight trains. He Lae been a fisher. 0f the Court of Appeal. They are re- bin, where the}- wOt•e all Crushed hand say the grass crop is first-class and
�``'' Philadelphia epect'vely against the return of Dir Dun -
'Y to death, The m Ji het' was al that the receipts will run large,- that is
,; t , .. • 1,U4n,49p 847,170 increasing every day, but we fear that man all his life on the Atlant?c coast
,' ?, -- �+•- Brooklyn , , . , , , . , , . 806 X8;3 566, 363 the. "puce in 1loart" or sanctified are slid is now going toBritisl L'olumbia to lop, Ke Conservative elected for North yet it)u81 injured,so if the farmers will part with the stock
Baltimore..... - .... 432,095 :3:32,:34:3 becoming few and far between. dye follow the same avocation. Renfrew;Mr Charlton, the Liberal elect- .Y at k figure which will "let out" the ship. 4Y.a published an article a short time St. Louie....... , , , 4:;0,000 350,518 as ' then there niuet be obstacles to the ed for South Norfolk; and Mr Hugh ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS, yells. At the east end abattoir a better
a3do from the London Free Press,show- Boston .. ....... DIc Wm. Chase, 0f St. Johns, Out Smith, the Conservative member for from L{±e eurtoundin count' feeling was apparent. Aboat 350cattl
417,720 Sfi2 839 as ay in this enlightened nineteenth was severely bitten by a stallion at the
Cincinnati r >; Frontenac; also against the return of G. with n a raditta of 30 miles 1'a, 150 calves and 35Qsheep and Iambs were
3Io,000 ,,,130 century, that are hindering the pro. International Hotel in St, Catharines,
I3nlg.the necessity c` allowing American San Francisco...... 300,000 233,95!1 grecs of the work, and I think the chief W Rosa for west Middlesex; and J. T.
, on Saturday. He was porta of damage to growing crops offered,andbutcherg'stockabeingrather
; ?x71 to come into Canada free £or stock- Pittsburg .......... 350,000 156,389 obess of h that ave are making ways Parading the Gilmore for west Yorkore in admir. e P small a good business was transacted, eedingpurposea. The KingatonNewg, Buffalo ............ 2.",0,000 1.5,,,1,34 and places of our own for even<+elizin� h g owdewhenthe animal rusted far• peached the Come in. Farm houses, borne and the supply being about equal to the de -
Cleveland.......... •24x3,000 iti0,141; the world, instead of conforming to Y at his keeper, lifting him cam. Rev. W. F. Wilson, who r
now iousl annual sermon to the Toronto Orange- Oulbuiidingr in all directions are wand. Some exporters were on the
,;•,;(another Conservative paper, s what New Orleans..... , `146,000 216,090 the ways and means instituted by God pletely off the ground wall his teeth re
orted leveled to the ground, market, but no cattle beingon offer suit -
'w ti<bin the same way. This is what Be -R- • ... `,35,000 1L;,SA7 Himself and ]aid down for our guidance Hien Sunday, %s reported a having, in P
Milwaukee r sunk in the musles of his arm below the course the sermon, denounced the and trees along fhe river banks able for shipping they did no business,
',' ''im Washington....... , 228,160 147,•2!33 iu that infallible standard, the Bible, except in sheep, which sold at 4 to 4 c;
I 11! journals have been advocating for the elbow, and shook him as a terrier cry of "To Hell With the Pope " "It fnt• nijles in both directions from ex the scales, at to
Newark, N. J..... , '2UO,000 13G,S08 The first place that I will mention that had no effect, for the dear old Pope is $7 apiece. Lambs
11.. tie time, and before long we would Detroit)............ 1!37,000 116,:340 we have instituted for ourselves and would a rat. With great difficult posy that cit are broken Oken OtT entice Or sold at $2.50 to $4 apiece, and calves at
Chase was rescued from his awful pas!• living to -day." (Laughter.) "If there }
ilgt be surprised to see the leading pap. Kansas City..., .... 1!)S,000 55,783 for which v<e can find no precedent in tion, when it was found that the flesh are any here to -day," said the preacher, sh"t tt Of Tallage, CaeeeltOn 1'e- $2 to $12.
t 0 Minneapolis. , • . , , , , 18;5,000 46,:987 God's word is our "way of giving.'
t10 ».bothsides advocating it. of the arm had been torn completely who use that cry You should hang your pOrtd bridce8 in all ditectione - -
g Louisville.... , ... , , 1140,000 ]2:3,7:,8 We hear daily Of soirees, concerts, so. from the bone. The injured arm may heads With shame, looking at man waalteel Out Or blown away,
''c Jersey City, N..J... , 16'2,117 1'30,722 rials, public dinners, oyster suppers, have to be amputated. that despises a thing like that."flU `�dl'frti5ellCflltla.
I - �+• 10maha,Neb........ 1:34,74'2 :30,.518 pancake Jt p]etOrt-Nearly every build-
St.Paul............ 130,(306 41,47" baraars pods, dtLeitthoneatsd fand[vone During a severe thunderstorm that itt-r in town bears marks Of the
`>^jolt; A special from I,incup, Col., gives an passed over Norwood, on Mondayafter-
;:::liTrCbarles Durand, in a letter to the Allegheny Pa...... 100,000 78,6H2 questionable ways of raising money to account of what is claimed to be the noon, George Howson, a welt know aturin. I�u tine tie t intt9la'. I'ut a FOR A a0 INctr BICYCLE,
Scranton, 11 a..... , 9,,,000 45,850 carry on the cause of Christ indirect( most wonderful discover of young farmer, was stntctc b lightningknown V, h n t't. CLF, RAL(,
I . ire, and replying to an article of y gold ever nitmbet had( 1 $1 IS bearings. G. H. mrt'LINC(.
77, New Haven, Conn.. 83,000 .52,149.3 but directly to aggrandize self, to sat reported. The find is six miles from and instantly killed at his farminAsp, -
C ti7uwin Smith's, denies that land in Patterson N.J...... 7x3,300 51,031 isfy our own sensual appetites, taking Lineup and is owned by McCormick ' _ NpTICIs
Atlanta, Ga........ (13,200 37,•40!1 "rho worth Of our money" out in akPlensg and Lewis. Between the two lines there li°del Township, 3 miles from Norwood. __
j3ptario Las decreased 30 per cent in He was working with a saw in a shed
yitMe We are afraid DIr Durand is Dayton, Ohio...... 60,000 37,678 ore first, and then givin the leavin s to ten feet in thickness, the power six beside his barn, The lightning broke An persona indebted to mo wilt obli e by
9,000 56,7{7 to the Lord; Cringing our offering to tlgie feet of iron, mangem, etc. The upper er settii ig at once. hik: _
as Troy . , , . , , , , .... i P the saw and tore his shirt down his Last week Mr Hays, of Arduck, caught __ tt• W. WILLIAMS, yf. D.
.;'';- as well informed tie be might be.- Lincoln, Neb :53,000 13,000 Lord and allowing Satan to take his four is gold -bearing quartz of free gold- arm and his trousers off one leg, inflict- twelve bears. He kill - -
".�'l have the authority of a gentleman Dea Dloines........ 50,000 22,408 share out first. All scripture admonish- The lowest assay from the rock ie $4.40 Inge aeverewound. The deceased leaves their skins to Kinged them and sent Teacher Wanted.
I Sant LakeCity...... 49,972 20,768 es jus to do everything with an eye Per ton, and there are specimens, which a wife and four young children. stone. sorvices to commence at close of suntulor
,�tY .this county, avho is in a position to Chattanooga .... 41,000 1.2,892 single to God's glory; are we doing 1Layt Put through a common mortal-, returns Daniel Munroe, of ttxbridge, and vacatcon. 1vIust have recommendation fcoa
I., St ow whereof he speaks, (and who takes Manchester, N. H.. 44,000 32,630 when we have au eye to our own gthatati. $•).0 in gold to the ton. The excitement Rev. Messrs. Hunter and Crossley Norman Davison, of Iteacii ,,,township the inspector of the county in which last
[l tics ............ . . 42,2:37 :33,914 fication first. Tho Bible says "What- over tiro discovery is intense, and I are about to take a couple of months' (about four miles distarit), were killevious,m en too from Trustees of Schools pre
IiC part in politics) that laud in the Duluth, Minn...... :$0,0(10 ;3,643 soever you do, do lieartily as unto the thousands of miners are rushing into recreation in DIuskoka. About the by lightning on Tuesday in'tLe course y gaged in. Either second or third
rtbtrntyof Heron has decreased over t30 class certificate. Services to continue ono
py Lord and not unto men. ' The first the territory. middle o£ August they open a series of of a violent storm, year. Apply, stating eatery, t° R. E. LANF,,
@r cent. And this county is one of the special services at Sault Ste. Marie, Dir Geo. Stewart, aged 70 years, a F. Vit. Lanes, Ont.
Christian church was commanded to The work for temperance Laing duos then to Purt Arthur and from thence hitherto well -trusted buaines" man, has Farhi for Bale
�" "lay. by a certain sum every day as by the railways has often been com-, on to &Isnit0ba and British Columbia. diasappeared from Montreal, leaving
.,Sri best in Canada, Further he ali atatea • God had prospered them and at the mented upon. If there is one class of DIr Hunter aspects B return to Columbia.
liabilities e $from . on was '
;�liat decreases in particular lOcalites I IllDllc i)elet14, in the A splendid farm of.50acres, being the east
end of each week to bring it as a free men more than anothor of whom sobrie• Thomas at the close of the year and furniture trade. half of Lot 2a, Con. Hullett, about threo
t,,I.-' ve been as much as 60 per cont. f'hi", the census year of the United will offering into the Lord" without ty must be demanded, that class is made miles from Clinton, on the premises is n
s"Y States, is notable for the fact that the an}' parade or show. Christian people up Of the railway' employees. The take out his family to the Pacific coast, Hon. S. H. Blake, with Dlessrs. G. T, frame dwelling house, good barn tie x G0,
+''' fiat debt of the country is reduced to s will turn up their eyes !n horror pe the I3altimoro .@ way hlCom, all intending too return home about next Brown and Edward Cronin, of London, Raabe aftrin � chard of one acre, two uevor
', - ligure below a billion dollars,forjthe first Y June. The recent -success of these t a , ell fenced, good soil, and in
mention of theatres, balls, circuses and pany, one of the oldest and largest rail- evangelists !n the vicinity of Dorchester started in a steam yacht for Murray bay, good state of cultivation. Reasonable terms
%i t' time since the war. On July 1st, 1890, other amusements of this kind, which way corporations in the United States, y Off Gananoque the boiler of the yacht A pl-1. on the premises to W. T, FARQUHAlt
;,, ; Andrew Carnogie,theSrottish-Amari- the gross debt was $1,595,5136,330 and are decency and order itself compared has lately issued acircular which warns has Leen remarkable. Clinton poet attire.
1'411 millionaire, warns our men the net debt r blew up and the gentlemen had a nar-
y g $988,17,1,172. The assets with some tea meetings and socials employees against frequenting drinking A young Belleville boy way playing now escape. They were rescued by a
ainst three great reeks which are are made up of such solid items as $321,- that I have attended; talk of Catholics establishments, and says: -"Employees hangman with several children and tug and proceeded by train. EXCURSION
c11 ' 612,423 gold and $317,834,822 silver in patronizing, dancing in the interests of will be discharged if intoxicated either came near launching himself into etern- ��®�
1,a._*ad of them. The first is drunken. the treasury. Henry Ackroyd, boat -buider,'Coronto,
y 3 their church, I tell you my Protestant on or off duty. No persons discharged itY• His apparatus was s rope with a 60 years of age, tried t commit suicide GODF.RI CtH AND $('
^;414888; the second, speculation, and the We have not the figures of the Can- church members it is no worse than for intoxication will be re-employed." noose at one end and a stone of perhaps !n a determined manner coat Tti«reds �1?LrRN,
,:;,>vhird endorsing. Of the first be da s radian debt at July let, but at may 31st you are doing, it is a different species This is rigid and may seem tyranni. 46 pounds at the other. Passing one Y
y the grope debt was $283,157,439 and rite o£ pleasure it is tree, but they both cal, but it is really not Be. The officers end of the rope over a beam, he placed night. He rowed to the Island, pulled
shore ie no nae in wasting time upon not debt was $233,749,33f,, the assets of amount to the same thing, namely of the company are virtually responsi• the weight on a platform, and having fila boat ashore, drew a razor from his
uSy young matt who drinks liquor, no $49,408,102 being made up of sinking selfish pleasures, and the people who blo t0 the public, knit it is their right got his younger sister to assist, iia ptxt pocket and cut a frightful gash across Train leaves at 10 a m„ returning leave"
funds $24,066,947, other investments indulge in them both come under the as well tie their duty to choose for the a noose around her neck and was about hie throat, almost from ear to ear,- Ooaerich at 7 p. m.
matter how exceptional hie talent, and $6,196,314,Province accounts $9,410,.243 same head, namely, lovers of pleasures vastly important duties of the com- g t fain, when hie father He then walked to the summer residence FARE, ADULTS 300., CHILDREN Ire,
4L "to let the wei h o4 >yIr Jas. Foreman, assistant assessor, Tickets on sale ilea revious da
'ill thfa dtatemont he is not very fur and miecellatteoueandbankingnccounta more than lovres of God. Don't be pony's service men who are thoroughly name upon the scene and rewarded his p y.
(astray, Nearly all large Corporations $9'734'627' afraid of God's cause going down au- to be relied upon. ingenuity with a sound whippin _ and blood
the bloody weapon a his band W. N JACKSON,
j At June 80th, 1868, the outstandingY g some plane to Nothing daunted, he preptired to p ac- and blood pouring from the wound, TOWN AGENT G. T. R.
realize this now, as they refuse to em- debt of the United Stated was $2,611less
t u . Follow the Bible rules and A Sarnia telegram says: -Those who tiee upon himself, but the stone fell, said: I have out my throat," and
keep i p, strikin h 1'o weakness by loss of bloo3 be stag. j��tYT M c` ---
u - 1'y mon who drink. Total abetinenco 687,851, against he t1' there waa $130,- aommandd and God ie able t0 vindicate where in the notghborhood of the (}rend g im in the mouth and knocking from and fell to the ground. He was +s+� YY 1►AUR7IC B
i#Yay not be ipopular, and its advocate, 834,438 Dash in the treasury, leaving a His own cause. The 2nd hindrance Trunk station when the excursion train out two of his teeth. That cured the tgeredaken to the hospital, where he said he BOOK
net debt of $2,480,853 413. The debt that I will mention t, `•giving for to be was leaving on Wednesday evening last, youth, and ire won't play Kingman take crap. He ma
May be fanatical, but it ie the only sato per capita was $67 10, and rho interest seen." There is a pamphlet published were treated to a bit of romance in real again. y• y res°ver' (jl()i1Tu�g' jy�
dbusse to pursue, and ie adsuredty the Per Dapple was $8.48, The total inter- yearly in almost every Church giving life. A family party, consisting of Mr M. B. Daly, the new Lieutenant- l llIUM 1�T SONGS No 2
thl 6t profitable in the long run. est charge last year, 1889.90, was $36,- the members' names and opposite their father, brother and daughter the latter On Tuesday morning while Mr John
123,818, or about 57 Dente per capita on name, the amount given by each per- about 16, had come in from 23etroles on a genre, of the 7th Governer of Nova Scotia, is the son of Just what ie needed for Choirs and
Stark, aged about 60
.�_4 __ a Population of 64,000,000, 9 son for the year. The poor man does the excursion. When the time come to con., Chatham toAnahtp, waa drivin a Sir Dominick Daly, who was at one Gospel Meetings.
horse rake, the t horses became frighten. time Governor of the colony of Prince
In 186,8 thb gross debt of Canada ,(vvee not like to have hie conte placed beside return the girl refused to start, saying ghten. Edward Island, of Tobago and South Price 3GC, Per doz. $3.60
' ' At the foot of An advertisement issued $96,896,666, and the net debt $76,7117,• the rich man's dollars, although he has that her relatives did not treat her well and ran away, Mr Stark was Australia. In early life the senior Dat
''by the Ontario Crown land, Depart• iBIn brief due ng 2t being $4,he Ung, prvtnabthem andmade difuth has the
not the effect While the diswould
ute was
o back home. thrown between the animals, trampled Y CoopE0 de COOS BOOK STOKE
upon, and dragged aloe the was chiefly noted for his determination
': 4fllblll}, appears this sentence:- g ' reduced
the United g g p going on a good d' 13 groan for to remain in office, no matter the princi- CLINTON,
Statue debt hoe been reduced from $2,- of makingg the poor man drop out of looking young colored man joints the a considerable tdtance, a part of #be pat at ,take. In those days the Cana. - - _ j
"No unauthorized advertiseme»t of 480,853,418 to $9A8,775,172, while the the church altogether it will sometimes party and took the girl's aide of the maahinestriking him on the load and -
Canadian debt has been increased from Opposite effect of making him uestion, saying that she should not be upper part of the body at each revola• thea governors chose the majority o£ 131118$. WF11TT, M.C,$,lyls
"tlbe above will be paid for." have the o p q g tion o the wheels, The horses were their advisers, and Sir Domimok's
$75,757,134 to is a li49,336. The Unit- give more than he ought to give nor• forced to g° with her relatives if she leading characteristic was the oelarit TEACHER OF MUSIC.
'gilts dtatemont lies appeared before, ed state, debt i, a little more than one- der not to be behind his richer neigh- did not wish to do so. When asked by °aught by some men who witnessed the y Piano, organ and Teehnleon, or Musoio
!'t1tb8 we have wondered that it hag not third of what it was 22 dare a o, The give an the father What business he had t° in. accident, but Mr Stark had ahead the with which he found it convenient to develo er. for ties of pupils, Rooms at
y g bora. God don't we tie to y. loin key and every government that Mr. 8. Aartt a, Ratteubary Street, Clinton
b',*% referred to, for it is simply a Canadian debt to a wattle more than thing to him that we owe to our fellow terfere, the mulatto palled ottt a mar- frighd fatal injuries, lig body being was formed. He waeaindeed a life -loo
P Y these times what it was 22 years ago, man. He commands us to give him riege certificate which showed that dna frightfully bruised and out. He was • g Montreal claims a population
�fbtuitoue insult to Reform Papers, The change of condition is as 9 to 1. give of Holland, of Petroiea, bad that margin unconcious when talren up and remain. office seeker and bolder. His son bide p p tion
P P g our hearts and exhorts a" t g fair to follow his example. He was not of 77,000,000.
tYiiob, do far as we know,tire not in the When relative populations areoonaider• o«r mean, tie 13e hag proepeeed ug, been joined in the bonds of matrimony ed in that couditian anti( au early hour P
ed, the Showing _ Wednesday morning, when he died. long in Parliament before he secured
cilia it of stealing advertiaemento And long can Cnada competo with this ari wheat we Owe to anoth right to tivetit The d ei used fatherhandabrotcierc ave the Dopnt S eakorehi Last eleotion Aid, Murr} Tomer, of I1Cllvilto
there#ore we have no 1'i Mr Starkwas an old and much respect- yy P'
gg gg g P doubtless having an eye on thet{outen- died On Wedne»day,
1611 pYpeCting the govornmQnt to pay of thing going ern? Does Sir John Nlao• to Help on God's eoaso. itender tc n the discussion and entered the train, ed member of thoaommunity,andleaved eat -Governor's office he did not seely Influenza i8 1 a '
iot iflltim. + donald know, or does be caro ?-Hamil- (-ae»ar the thin;s that are Caesar's !while the newly.wedded husband start a wife and grown up family to mourn nomtnatton, and n v ging in China
. 11fou Timog. and lot him give it if ho will. Then od up two whit his bride. hie sudden death. Prize. 0 be secures the I find there aro many deaths.
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