HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-07-04, Page 5fl . i 4 1 LOOK. COME TO J B. RUMBALL & CO'S !Watch & Jeweery STORE On July 12th, FOR THE GIIEATEST SNAPS EVER GIVEN IN OUR ,INE Glodericle Township. WEDDING AT ARROW. --The Kincar- dine Reporter says the following and the NEW ERA endorses it. On Wednes- day evening of last week there was a , large gathering of friends and relatives at Elm Grove farm, Arniow, the resi- dence of Mr John Shier. The occas- ion was the solemnization of the nup- tials of Miss Mary E., a daughter, and the Rev. John Wesley Churchill. The officiating clergyman was the Rev. Mr Davey, of Georgetown, formerly on the Bervie circuit, assisted by Rev. Dr. Hannon, of Kincardine. The marriage took place underneath au arch of evergreens. Mr and Mrs Shier, assisted by their family, are warm hearted hosts, and they were unremit- ting in attention to their guests. The presents received by the bride were numerous and elegant, the gift from the bridegroom being a very beautiful set of gold jewellery with moonstone setting. Rev. Mr Churchill is well known and Highly respected in this neighborhood. IIe has labored as a student on the Bervie circuit and has also with much acceptance occupied the pulpit of the Kincardine Methodist f church. This will be his first year an ordained minister and his charge will be at Lion's Head on the Bruce penin- sula. We look for a rapid advance• ment during his ministerial career. FORSALE OR TO RENT. TS OUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT—ON JUL Albert Street, (Miss Trewartha's) suit- able for small family and is in good repair; ordinary conveniences. Also good second hand Cook Stove for sale cheap. For parti- culars apply to JOHN BEAN. THE POLITICAL SITCATION Has not materially changed within he last year, but Wilson's Wild Cherry i9 becoming better known every week as a cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, Loss of Voice .nd other affections pf the throat, chest and lungs. For twenty years this re- 'iable medicine has been used in scores of families with the greatest success. Sold by all druggists. Get the genuine in white wrappers only. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. — SUB- ScRIRER offers for sale the new house ocoupied by bimseif, on Mill Street, Clinton. It is a story -and -a -half, frame, with stone foundation, cellar, and hard and soft water, stable, &o., on the lot, which is a quarter - acre. Terms Reasonable. JOS. CLARK. —A Reward Of *20 will be paid by the undersigned, for such evidence as will lead to the conviction of any person poaching in Sharpe e Creek, Colborne. M. C. CAMERON. J. N. SHANNON, M. D., Goderich FOR SALE OR TO RENT—HOUSE AND Lot for sale or to rent, on Townsend St., The house, which is new, contains fourteen rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is also a good stone cellar, good lawn, hard and soft water in abundance. The lot contains } of au acre. Terms reasonable. Apply on the premises or to MHS C. CARTER, Clinton. tf To Rent. Two find stores in Perrin's block, Also, will be vaeent by the 1st of May, the commodious rooms used by Mr Shearer. Apply to J. P. TISDALL, Agent for Canada Life Insurance Co. IF YOl' DO IT ONCE. YOU'LL DO IT AGAIN. 1)O WHAT? G° rl'° CAIISLAKE'S VICTORIA ST., CLINTON, When you are in need of your Clothes being cleaned or repaired. Being a practical Tai- lor of large experience, I am able to turn out first-class work at shortest notice. — Charges moderate. A call solicited. VictoriaSt.,Clinton SAW MiLL FOR SALE. One of the best steam sawmills in Huron County, capasity 10,000 per day, in first class running order and furnished with shingle and heading machinery. Also about 5 acres of land and house, plenty of timber near. Last year's custom sawing was over 400,000 i(and over 15,000 sill heading ) Near ship ping point and thriving t ifr s A first-class ausmess cheap. For pat 1'^.Ilan) address, NEW ERA OFFICE. Civ :' ra Immediate possession if required. Farm For Sale, On the 6th con. of Goderich township, lot 11, over 80 acres, nearly all cleared, good clay loam; one of the hest„ farms in that victnity. A good large orchard, agood piece of wood land. A frame house, and beauti- fully laid out, with fir trees and privett hedge surrounding it. Terms very reasonable. MARGARET COLLINS, Goderich P. 0. Good House & Lot & Planing Mill for Sale. ANTED Men to take orders for Nursery Stock, on Salary or Commission. 1 can make a seccessful ALESMA Qorracto l ovcry Tllurad4y etteraoon. Thursday, July 3, 1990. Wheat, ion, standard95 a 0 95 Oats 035a007 Barley 0 40 a 0 40 Peas 0 55 a 0 55 Flour per bal 6 70 a 5 70 Butter....,... ._. 0 10 a 0 11 . Eggs 0 12 a 0 12 Wool 0 20 a 0 20 Pork 5 00 a 6 50 Hay 600a6 Hides 3 26 a 3 25 Sheep Skins 0 50 a 0 72 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET There is nothing new to noteconceru- ing the cattle trade. The cattle mar- kets on the other side show no improv- ment, Liverpool being reported worse, if anything, by private cable. The lo- cal market continued very steady dur- ing the week,but eased off this morning under au over -supply. The receipts over the two railways show a decrease of about 25 per cent. compared with the previous week, whioh is doubt ac- counted for by the fact that distillery and stall -fed cattle have about all come forward, and the grass cattle are not in fit condition to ship as yet, the high prices for which cattle are held by the farmers no doubt bring another reason for the falling off. The grass crop has been generally good this spring, and the grass-fed cattle are expected to come to hand earlier than usual; in fact the offerings this morning consisted almost wholly of this class of stook, some of the animals being in really prime condition. Sheep are coming forward more freely and are meeting with considerable attention from ship- pers, the stock in the country being re- ported small. We quote the following as being fair values during the week:— Export cattle, 5 to 51c; good butchers' do, 4,I to 5 c; medium, do, do, 4 to 4} c, culls, 31 to 3q; sheep. 4} to 4{ c; hogs; 5.} to 5} c; and calves, $4 to $5. The receipts since Saturday were 626 cattle, 900 sheep, 337 hogs, and `_0 calves.— A good active trade was transacl,ed this morning about 6 carloads of butchers' cattle changing hands, 5 c, being the top price. Sheep, suitable for shipping, were in good demand at $5.50 to $5.75, and hogs at $4.50 to $4.75. Business was not so good at the east end abattoir. There was only a fair attendance of bnyers,and those who did attend bought very slowly and generally by single heads. The supply was greatly in ex. cess of the demand, and, as a conse- quence, prices were easier. Almost all the cattle offered were grass-fed and looked very well considering the earli ness of the season. oflany one who will work and follow my instruc- tions. Will furnish handsome outfit free, and pay your salary or commission every week, Write for terms at once. E. 0. GRAHAM. Nurseryman,Toronto, Ont. Tho subscriber offers for sale his house and lots on Albert Street. This property is vary eligibly situated. The House is a good storey and a half, frame, with all conveniences. and contains 11 rooms. The lot is ono -half an acre, but will be sold with or without the rear quarter. On the back part is a planing mill, with 15 horse -power engine, with 1 surface Ponev Planer, 1 first-class double Cape Tenenting Machine, 1 Moulding Machine, 1 Jig and Rip 'Saw, with shafting, belting, &c. This will be sold entire or to suit vurcliaser. Terms reasonable. I). BUCHANAN, Clinton Blacksmith Shop and land for sale. LIVERY. The undersigned have bought out the Liv- ery business lately owned 1)5 It. Beattie and desire to nforui the public that they will carry on the same in the old premixes, Next COMMERCIAL Hotel. Several new and good driving horses, and the most stylish Barrages have been added to the business, and will be hired at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. R. REYNOLDS & SJN Subscriber offers for sale the property owned by him at Gowrie, in the county of Perth. it consists of a blacksmith shop do- ing a good business, with dwelling house, st:e blo and half-acre.of land attached. Is in a splendid farming section, with no opposition Will be sold with or without tools. Satis- factory reason for selling. For particulars apply to THOS. LOitB, Holmesville, or JOS ILOBB, Gowrie. t f COR N STEEP'S Seed Store. Subscriber has on hand a quantity of ENSILAGE CORN, RED COB, and MAMMOTH SWEET Butchering Outfit for sale The horse. cart. elaurhter house, an i all other necessaries for running a Butcher Shop, iuclu ling 7 stare pigs, belonging to the estate -of H.'i'ewsloy, are offered for sale on c ✓ reasonal.ls terms. This is a splendid op- portunity for any one wanting to go into business. Parties indebted to the estate of Henry Tewsley, are hereby notified that accounts must positively be paid to the undersigned, without delay, who alone is authorized to collect the soma. ROBERT FITZSIMONS, Administrator. Clinton, May 9, 1890 LIIMBER AND SAWING.—SUBSCRIBER now has his saw mill thoroughly equip- ped and in first-class running order, and is prepared to do custom sawing of all kinds, having engaged Mr W. Dodds, a practical sawyer. to rake charge of the same. Will buy good sound hemlock logs. Orders re- spectfully solicited. Good Cedar Posts for Bale. We are paying $5 per 1000 for logs, THOS. TRICK, Goderich township, Dec.89. tf Pasturage to Rent. Having leased the W. Laithwaite farts on the Maitland Concession, Ooderieh Town- ship, which has 60 acres of splendid pastur- age, with good spring creek running through it, the subscriber is prepared to pasture a limited number of cattle for the summer. Bates reasonable. Also, he keeps for ser- vice, at his own farm, 16th con., Goderich Township, a first-class thoro-bred Durham bull. Terms, $1 at time of sort ice, with privilege of returning if necessary. HENRY MURPHY, Goderich Township. Dressmaking. Mso, a large quantity of WHITE ASH BUTETI: TUBS At lowest prices. JAS. STEEP 7 Pork Packer, Seed and Feed dealer, Reith's Old Stand, Albert St., Clinton. The subscriber, while thanking the people for their patronage In tho past, desires to in- timate that she has recommenced the Dress and mantle making business, in the rooms over Twitchell's store. All orders will re- ceive prompt attention. MRS J. TAYLOR, Clinton. IG MONE FOR AGENTS 11111. ILLINE We have opened out thus week a large shipment of Ladies and Children's Fine Straw lints». Being near the close of the season in the wholesale trade, we were enabled to secure these at a big discount, and now offer them at exceptionally low prices in order to effect a ready sale. Odd lines of RIBBONS, &c., at half prices, to clear. PARASOLS- I -We have two or three job lines in Parasols, which it will pay you to see if you are in need of one. Just received. per express, another lot of those very popular Grenadines. 5 per c. off for cash. ESTATE JOHN HO �E�TS. 55. children of Roman Catholic parents succumbed to cholera in- fantum last week in Montreal. Over sixtyjpersors were poison- ed on Monday night by ice cream at a restaurant in New York, and the clerk is suspected. The election of Mr Sol. White t0 the Legislature is to be protested on the ground of bribery by agents and personal bribery will also be charged. Mr Donald Coutts is the petitioner. The Tories of South Essex may sot off this action in North Essex by a pro- test against the election of Mr Balfour. An Oshawa telegram says :— Our apple trees bid fair to produce most bountifully this spring,being laden with blows. But the great rains came on while they in blow and literally washed out the pollen Hence many kinds will be barren this year,viz., Baldwins, spies and russets. Rhode Island greenings, Tompkins County, king and red Aslrachans are the fullest of fruit, and even they are not as full as ordinary years. A sad bereavement happened to Rev Mr Mutch,pastor of Chalmer's Presbyterian Church, and Mrs Mutch, Toronto, the other even- ing. Mrs Mutch placed her 5 - month -old baby boy in a hammock to sleep and on the child falling asleep she left the room. On re- turning some time afterwards Ml's Mutch was horrified to find that the baby had turned over on his face in the hammock and had been smothered to death. B. LA URAN CE'S Spectacles. These celebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B. Lau- rance's test, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. You can depend on getting the GENUINE B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES by calling and examining the stock. t WILI IA7VI COOPER , CO. LINTON. NO RISK. NO CAPITAL REQUIRELD An honorable end praiseworthy business without any possible chance of loss; steady employment and control of territory Have done business in Canada 30 years. Liberal pay to right man to sell our unexcelled Nursery Stock. Send for terns. CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY, Nurserymen, Colborne, Out. MRS. WHITT. M.O.S.M: TEACHER OF MUSIC. Plane, Organ and Technioon, or Muscle developer. rtor use of 's, Rattenburypila. Rooms Street, Clinton WVOOL, WANTED. Wier, WANTED AT THE ('LIN nu WOOLEN MILL STORE. 1'.•. ,e a large and varied stock of all kinds c. \\ ,len Goods,trom the best mill:; in Ou- t r i consisting of Tweeds, Coarse and Fine Flannels, Blankets, Yarns, etc., to exchange (ir wool. Farmers, give nie a call before disposing of vour wool. I know f can give you satisfaction. Butter and egos taken in exchanges for goods. Farmers leaving their wool with me can have it carded into rolls ,l "Stand—Smith's Block,opposite the Post Office, Clinton. JOHN SCOTT. • SPECIAL-YALUE ! Offered this week aSeSMEN'S Ril IOKSHA, K'. "Ana StrawHats .Arr oosrr BOOTS and SHOES TDETLOR Now is the Tate to Get your Charles Hartfield, aged 16, who lived with Mr William Rutleuge. about a mile from Lambeth, died on Monday of lock-jaw, resulting from injnries received a short time since. Young Hartfield went with Mr Rutledge's hired man to get a load of telegraph poles, when the horses took fright and ran away. Hartfield becoming entangled in a chain was dragged along the ground almost half a mile, sus- taining. A sad feature of the case is that the young fellow's parents and sisters are away in San Diego, Cal., where they went last fall for the benefit of their health, leaving young Hartfield in the care of lir Rutledge. At the meeting of the Guelph Fat - stock Club held on Saturday a recent decision of his honor Judge Chad- wick was discussed. A Mt McQueen brought some heifers to the show to enter for prizes. They were ruled out on the ground that the term "cow" did not comprehend heifers. McQueen brought suit to the Divi- sion Court for damages, and recover- ed, the judge deciding that the heif- ers were eligible for entry, and being superior animals would have taken the prizes. A letter was read from Prof. Shaw recommending an appeal from bis honor's judgment. It was finally decided to move for a new trial, and Mr W. A. McLean, counsel for the club, who was present, was instructed to take the necessary pro- ceedings. The Judge gave judgment Fri- day morning. He held that these defendants were properly sued, as the club was not responsible for the acts of these two men ; that the contract was that publisked in the printed rules, which must be liberally construed ; that no dic- tionary defined a cow as an animal with a calf, but simply as the feminine of the bovine species ; that the damages were clear, as the evidence showed beyond doubt that Mr McQueen would have taken all three prizes, and con- cluded by saying his judgment be against the defendants, with 9oets. Reaper & Mower Koife Sharpener Full linos of everything in foot wear, as cheap as the cheapest. A. few job lines at less than half cost. Call early and secure bargains. C. CRUICKSHANK, Clinton ADDRESS P. STRAiTH, CLINTON, Ont And they will ho sent to any station on the Railway at once. A few slightly damaged, but perfectly workable, will he sold at cost. And a few slightly damaged stones. without frames, below cost. —SPECIALTIES im BINDER TWINE, HARVEST TOOLS, BARBED WIRE, BLACK FENCE WIRE, PARIS GREEN JUST•COMING IN, 10 CARS; STOVE COAL NUT COAL NO. 4 COAL 10 CARS Quality the best and prices the lowest. Order early HARLAND BROS., Iron and Hardware Merchants, Clinton HUB GROCERY We snake a specialty of Try our Blended Black, We can give good Japan Also choiceYounglyson THE POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE LONDESBORO Customers often say "Where in the world do all the Ready -Made' Suits go to'? Nearly every time I am in the shop you are opening up new arrivals of Men's or I Children's Suits." gives good satisfaction, .and you'll use no other. at all prices to suit, that gives. satisfaction. We told our customers not to be deceived with peddlers, and a number have taken our advice and quit them. They find that theykcan do as well at the Hub OUR COFFEF is the best we can buy in Canada. We guarantee satisfac- tion every time. GEO, ,Li w AT. W, CLITYTON Well, the world is wide, and people from all parts of - it are welcome here to buy their Clothing. But take the Township of Hullett alone—a great many suits are re- quired every year to clothe its people. We do not sell all of them, but we sell very many of them, :Aid would no doubt sell &ore if the people would take the trouble to examine our stock and compare prices. We have always on hand an immense stock of MEN'S SUITS, in Serges, Tweeds and Worsteds. We lead the trade in BOY'S and CHILD'S CLOTHING. The best dressed boys in the township are those whose parents have found out that this is the place to buy Nobby Suits The styles fire excellent, the cut first-class, and you can find no fault with the making. Prices are where you can easily reach them., SPECIAL OFFER FOR TEN DAYS. FOR $5 NET CASH WE WILL GIVE 1 1\Ian's Blue Serge Suit—Coat, Nest and Pants. 1 Linen Collar, 4 ply, any size. 1 Gent's Tie, good shape and quality. 1. White Shirt, Linen front and Cuffs. 1 pair Cotton Socks. All the above for $5 net cash, no discount. We will give the New Era from now to the end of the year, to new sub- scribers, for 60 cents cash i W. L. OBJIMETTE, LONDESBORO 0 0 C.r. VS o Eggs Taken in Exchange Q 5 per c. off for Cash r W. Taylor & Song CLINTON AND BLVTH '' 1890 SPRING 1890 FIRST-CLASS GOODS, LOWEST PRICES and LARGE STOCK of NEW GOODS to Select from.