The Clinton New Era, 1890-06-06, Page 7• - .�-.t. p.., ,.- tee,► T+eleawnseii-+p.rieww .:• w-, • 4 CATARRH, AIl1l1{RL f7ttAFNtsSS^jiAY FEJ $ A NCW SWIM T8EATIAENT. t°Suifeket'8 are not generally aware that AttNE9.'diseases are contagious, or that they lire inn to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and ettetw4hian tubes. Microscopic research, however, leas proved this to be a fact, and tt* T'eliult of this discovery is that a !dimple retnedy has been formulated where- by catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay *Per sae permanently cured in from one tR three simple application made at home IV- the patient once in two weeks. LB.—This treatment is not a snuff or an ointment ; both have been discarded by reputable physicians as injurious. A ;phlet explaining this new treatment XS sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. DPreei & Sox, 303 West King Street, TRronto, Canada.—Toronto Globe. Sufferers from Catarrhal troubles should i%totally read the above. (4OCB NEW Ln �\ .$ Ool Solid L 1. bold watch R Worth 8100.0U. Best 85 watch in the world. Per ect / timekeeper. Warranted heavy, A ^ SOLID OOLD hunting eases. Both ladles' andgeot s nixes, with works and cases of equal value. Olga Pa0800 in each locality can secure one tree, together with our large and valuable lineofHostaeboid mausolea. Those samples, as wen a the kiwatch are free. All the work you gd de late show what we send you to those who call—your *sods and neighbor. and those about you—that always results -iii valuable trade for us which bolds for years when once started, J17nfiitbW an we arepaid. We pay ell express, freight, etc. After .3,941i11ew all, if you would like to go to work for e. you can siensrMm 880 to 860 per eek orad upwards Address, Stinson elle Co., Boz tll ^.., Portland, shine. FOR Sore Eyes catarrh lameness female Onnplaints unhurn reness rains AVOID ALL 1 ,71TA- TIONS. THEY- MAY BE DANGEROUS. FAC.SIMILE OF BOTTLE WITH BUFF WRAPPER. :C ahng � rlr,ises USE fz. Scalds Piles PuND S Burns ' Mounds EXTRACT • �eCt DEMAND POND'S EX- TRACT. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE FOR IT Bites Stings Sore Feet INFLAMMATIONS and • "HEMORRHAGES FAIN THIS IS THE ONLY RIGHT KIND. DONOT TAKE ANY OTHER. FHE BEST ',!KING YONDER • a.is•I- NfctdREN'S IENOpINE look's 11�Uu� No Alum. Clothing Injurious. VINIVIMMINUD GARTH&CO. FACTORY SUPPLIES Valves, Iron & Lead Pipe Loose Pulley Oilers, Steam Jot Pumps, F:.rm Pumps, Wind is I;, Cream Separator=, r) .;ry and Laundry Uters:!>. 536 CRAIG S T .:',D.: , REVILED EVERY'IIIIEiIE,I MONTREAL. SPOOL COTTON For "[rand and Machine Use. HA. SO SUPERIOR. 44. ASK FOR IT. LEATIIER JB STEEL -LINED TRUNK!: In Samp1 e, Le di es' and all other kind. L lxhtest and StIinzest 'N'FlU 8 In the World. J. EVELEIGH CO MONTREAL, Ns Mfrs. for the Da^]ls'll HOTEL BAL ORAL. MONTREAL. Notre Dame et.,•one of the moot neutral and elegantly farntehed BottrJg in the City Accommodation for 400 guests. xateet d,`i 'C7' WOODRUFF, 't2 to $3 per day. o V t IP Manager 8016 AE'ts for Canada, . 11.PALMER&SON ° holeeale Imp'tre of MONISTS' SUNDRIES 1143 NOTES DAME ST., MONTREAL. SOAP. DOMINION LEATHER BOARD COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD Steam Pneking, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, Thu iso PerfeotFFiefion RECKITT'S . BLUES THS BEST FOR LAUNORV USE. PAPERS. *opium (*ulna, • ALL SIZES ANo WEIGHTS TO ORDER 2l DeStosolesSt, e;•Port11001 OHffGUNS Fink EEE HE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER 4 PERFECT FOOD CR THE SIGH 'T1 ARMING Si N?USTI° SO ERASE ;f J ° A PiWERrui. INVIOOPAT0R Rylcertjslnt. a 13Ykert has been re-elected in Lincoln by a majority of 37. His previous maj- ority was 4d7, a reduction of 450 shows that there is some honest opinion in Lincoln still, but it is lamentably small. A constituency that would re- turn a man like Rykert -a self -confess• ed fraud—is no credit to the Province, and should this individual ever attempt to take his seat iu the House, he should be unceremoniously kicked out. That the propriety of admitting him will be debated, is More than certain, and if he had any conscience or moral feelings left he would at once retire from public life, crawl into a hole and pull it in after hien. That he has not the sym- pathy even of the Conservative papers, is shown by the following extracts;— "Rykert is a political leper, and the constituency is a plague spot upon the map of the Province. John Charles Rykert is still the disgraced member for a rotten borough, and there ought to be enough decency in the House of Commons to throw him out and dis- franchise the constituency that has again made itself the accomplice in his wrongdoing.—Torouto Telegram, Cons. Mr Rykert has been re-elected for Lincoln. He has escaped defeat, that is all. The diminished Majority in to be regarded in the light of a severe re- buke. And it would have been no ground of complaint had the verdict been still more pronounced. Mr Rykert can now retire with the solatium of a coat of whitewash from those who ought to know him best, and who per- haps see in him points of virture and usefulness to which the outer world may have been rendered partial!y ob- livious. But his old influence as a parliamentarian will be exercised no more. It was the deliberate verdict of Parliament that the member for Lin- coln was guilty of a grave offence against its dignity. It remains to be seen how far it will concur in the re- habilitation of the offender at the hands of his constituents,—London Hee Press Cons. Mr Rykert has been returned for Lincoln, though by a greatly reduced majority. The constituency -has been Conservative for many years, and pro- bably it will continue to be Conserva- tive after Mr Rykert has stepped aside, for he will not have the effrontery to present himself at Ottawa with the judgment of Parliament against him and the ill-gotten gains from Sands in his pocket. But whether he be elected or not, Mr Rykert's day is past. There may be men at Ottawa as bad as he, but if there are there time will come as his has come. The "victory" is no use whatever to him. It proves nothing, it removes nothing. The report of the Parliamentary Committee lies against him, and he cannot hope for a cordial reception from the honest men who gather at the Capital to honestly dis- charge the business of the Dominion.— Toronto News, Cons. The Conservatives of Lincoln have declared by their actions in re-electing Mr Rykert that a man unanimiously convicted by Parliament of "discredit- able, scandalous and corrupt conduct" is a fitting representative for them. They are probably quite right. They did not allege anything against the Liberal candidate. He was an honest, capable, respectable man, but a Con- servative boodler seemed to them pre- ferable to an honest Liberal. It is most probable that if Mr Rykert at- tempts to take his seat in Parliament he will subject the Government to great embarrassment, and will bring down on himself fresh humiliation. There is nothing to prevent this Par- liament from expelling Mr Rykert. In any case the sitting member for Lincoln will probably find himself a sort of political pariah at Ottawa. If Mr Rykert simply resigns again with- out attemptin; to take his seat the Conservatives,, of Lincoln will have wallowed in the mire for no reason but the gratification of Mr Rykert's vanity. But perhaps the Conservative enjoy dirtying themselves, or perhaps a little dirt, more or less, does notseem to them to make much difference in view of their condition. TheConserva- tive electors of Lincoln and the elector- ate of Haldimand deserve to be clip- franchished. These counties have brought disgrace upon Canada as far as they could. Both should be com- pelled to stay at home in a political sense and not defile their neighbors with the mire which attaches to them. —Montreal Witness, Independent. A high parliamentary authority, speaking of Mr Rykert, said he was strongly advised before he left Ottawa not to engage in a re-election, as he would unquestionably be refused a seat in the house. There are serious con- stitutional and Parliamentary obstacles in the way of the member taking his seat. The majority of :t;, it is held, does not overturn the tlkliberate judg- ment of the Ilouse. Murder of Mr. Large. The following•letter explains itself : - To the ladies of the Rattenbury Streit Auxilliary of the W. M. S., I)t:Alt TlnexnS,— Knowing well the interest you have taken in my sister, (Mrs Large) I send you the following extract from a letter received from Miss Morgan, of Tokio, concerning the ter- ril,b stroke that has fallen upon my sister. I know your hearts will go out in loving sympathy, and that you will riot forget ber as you meet together for prayer and work. Miss Morgan says :—"Mrs Large was awakened, and had just become aware that two men were standing by the bed- side next to her husband. He (Mr Large) at once sprang up. Mrs Large, scarcely awake, thought that she had baby Kate in her arms, and that she must stay in bed to protect ber. That thought, she feels convinced, saved her life, for had she left the bed when Mr Large did, she would have been killed with him. When he fell inside the door, she realized that Kate was in her own little bed, and with one bound she was at Mr Large's side. It was then, she thinks, that the men struck her the terrible blow that almost took ber life, though, at the time, she was uncon- scious of being hurt, nor did she know her fingers were broken until she tried to help Mr Large. The doctor thinks she must have raised her right hent sto her bead when she`was struck7- a it was the same blow that gashed her head and took off the first two fingers of her right hand. If that hand had not been raised, her life, too, would have been sacrificed. The Misses Hart, Munroe and Blaekmoro were not at her side till the dreadful deed had been committed. Regardless of her own wounds, from which the blood was flow- ing freely, her whole attention wan giv- en to her hoaband, whom she vainly tried to restore to life, though when she put her hand in the great gashes in his head, she knew that if life were not al- ready gone he could not live. We all feel convinced that the first blow was fatal, and after that he was insensible to the wounds he received. When the Children Cry for knew ed, the bound heir head and arm tight ly,d to prevent further loos of blood, un- Iithe doctor could be euwmoned. " Thirteen stitches were put in her face." These are the main facts, the rest tells that her wounds are healing rapidly; that she bears up wonderfully, and is a marvel to them all. She leaves for horde by the first steamer in July. yours, H. M. S. DETLOI. 1)esirell Changes. Among the resolutions presented to the recent Methodist District Meeting here, but thrown out,iwere the follow- ing,which will be taken to confereuce 4 direct 1. That provision be made for the regular meeting of the lay section of each conference, both Annual and General, at an early period thereof. 2. That the ministerial members of each Annual Conference shall hold their special session—for the consid- eration of the fifteen questions in paragraph 152, of the Discipline affecting the ministerial relation—in advance of the meeting of the full conference ; such special session to be presided over by the retiring Pres- ident. 3. That laymen shall he equally eligible with ministers fur all offices or positions in the church, except those requiring the performance of ministerial functions ; and that the laity shall enjoy equitable representa- tion upon all Conference or Connex- ions! Committees. 4. That a church may invite a minister to its pastorage, and support the same by personal representations, through a deputation, to the Station- ing Board 5. That provision be made for ap- peal from the decision of the Superin• tendent of a; Circuit, or the Chair- man of a District; upon a question of law, or the interpretation or adminis- tration of the Discipline. 2. That the system of (compulsory giving in connection with the raising of the Superannuation Fund b' alio'. ished, and that such changes shall be made in connection with the Super- annuation Fund so as torovide that that portion of'sakrfundparising ons of the contribution of the people shall be distributed exclusively among those requiring financial assistance. 7. That the membership of Trustee Boards shall be revised annually. 8. That to impart a more represen- tative character to the Quarterly Official Boat ds, the followingchangee be made :— (a) That stewards be elected an- nually by the church members over eighteen years of age. (b) That leaders be elected annually by their classes. (c) That the Superintendent of the Sunday School be elected annually by the Sabbath school Committee. All these elections to require a majority vote, and to be by ballot, with nomination. 9. That the Stationing Committee be empowered to extend the minis- terial term from 3 to 5 years. CASTORIA toy infant$ and Children. •'Calstorlata Ise well adapted tocbtideen that Cutest, ewes Colic, Constipation, t recommend it as superior soapy prescription r+ption SourStomach, Diarrtunai, Eructation, (mown to me." 13. A. MOUsa, M. D., Kills Worms, given sleep, and promotes di- ' 111 So. Onlerd 8i., Nreektyu, N. Y. WitaRt isjuriom medication. Tax Clemson COMPANY, S7 Murray Street, N- Y. --- - - - - - - _a H E CLINTON NiwERA- R. IHOLME- - Publisher, CLINTON, - - O.N T. X X X 1 CURE FIT THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES I GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. id When I say Cure I do not mean "• merely stoand th:n have them return again. t MEAN A RADICAL URE. to i have made the diseam for a se of Fits, Epilepsy or Falling Sickness a lice -long study, 1 warrant my remedy to Cure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express and Post Office. It cost ou nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address : H. G. ROOT, M.C., Branch Offitbs,186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. • GENTS FUR X X X THE NEW EISA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Deports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a I rge Circulation and is LTnsijrpassed as an Ad- vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance, NI $HINGS We have just received a large and attractive assortment of the latest styles for spring and summer weat. We bought an immense stock at close cut prices, and are offering to the public good goods at prices that were never before heard of in this section. ('once and see the goods. Nobby HATS, Dandy CAPS, Beautiful TIES, Pretty__SHIRTS, Nice Colored GLOVES! G GLASGOW, NEXT DOOR NORTH To DRV GOODS PALACE. JO H DEPARTMENT to st and Ciibapest Fence STEEL RODS—IRON FOUNDATlO-:i. BUILDERS' IRON WORK, Office Railings, Lawn Furniture AND FOUNTAINS, ETC. Bann Wir(R&$Iron Worts CATALOGUES WALKERVILLE. ONTARIO. SENT ON APPLICATION. We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, Jae Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74. CLINTON. McCOOL 'BROS & CO THE LEADING OIL MERCHANTS OF CANADA Aro Still pleasing the public with oils. SVhy use an oil that will in jure your machinery when you can get the celebrated _`LAi DiN'ET" Specialties: Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka, Spindle, Bolt -Cutting, Solar and Harness. Manufacturers, McCOOL BROS & CO., Toronto. For sale by all dealers throughout the Dominion. { C. C. Ric•il.An.Ds & Co. Sias,—I was formerly a resident of Port La Tour and'. have always used MINARD'S LINIMENT in myhouse- hold, and know it to be the best remedy for emergencies of ordinary character. Norway, Me. JOSEPH A. Show, NEWS NOTES. Evangelist Moody is a strict Sunday keeper, and although he preached four times at New York last Sunday he would not ride in a street car, elevated train or carriage, but walked from his hotel to all the meetings, more than six miles in all. Mr Wm. Reid, of the North Gore of Chatham, started the other day on a visit to his old home in the neighbor- hood of Kingston. He drives all the way, in a two -horse carriage. Mrs Reid accompanies him. The distance is over 400 miles, and he expects to be two Reeks on the road. The following interesting, if not amusing question, was one of those pro- pounded on the occasion of the recent law examinations at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, together with the answer of one•of the candidates for the long robe, who was one of the youngest and most modest of their number. The high ap. preciation of the soundness of the young gentleman's answer was shown by his immediate call to the bar with- out an oral. Q—Can a solicitor re- ceive a gift from his client during the pending of the relationship between them? Explain fully. A—Impossible. Clients are never known to do such insane acts. Besides, most of them by a long "relationship" are rendered in- capable of doing such an act of folly. A sensation in religious circles at Montreal, for the past few weeks has been the disappearance of Rev. Mr Martin, formerly a priest in the Church of Rome, but latterly identified there with various Protestant bodies. The sensation was increased Sunday night when it was known that Rev Mr Martin had appeared with his wife at morning service at Russell Hall, the French Presbyterian Church on St. Catharine street. Mr Martin states that having become discouraged through ill health and inability to proyide for his family, he made an agreement with the Arch- bishop to return to the church on con- dition that hia family would be prodid- ed for. He then went to Antigonish, N. S., to the Trappists' Monastery, where the Abbot had been instructed to receive him as a priest going into retreat, but there he found his domestic ties were too strong and he returned to bis family. A Coalton, Pa., telegram says.—Sam- uel Pierce, of the lumber region known as Pembroke Manor, was drowned in Flight's mill pond of Monday after- noon. A son of his was drowned in the same pond a year ago. Pierce was the last of six brothers, not one of whom died a natural death. Two brothers were killed in the late war. Two other brothers passed safely through some of the bloodiestsbattles of the war and re. turned home without having received a scratch. One of them was killed by the cars at Ransom Switch three days after he got home. The other was kill. ed in a log slide and jam on Pine Creek before he had been home a month.— The fifth brother shot himself, whether accidentally or intentionally was never known, but he was a cripple, and it is generally believed hecommrtted suicide. The father of thia family was killed in the Mexican war. Samuel Pierce, the last of the six brothers, leaves a widow in easy cironmatances. He was i1H years of age. His five brothers wero baohelors, and the family becomes ex- tinct with his death, the son that was drownei a year ago having been his only child. • Pitcher's Castaria. HARDWARE The balance of the bankrupt stock of Il.:1I.Racey-4 to Ile sold oft' cheap Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Lawn Mow- ers, Brushes, Alabastine and Kalsomine Paints, Glass, Tinware, &c. --A FINE Log OF -- WINDOW e-• SHADES °In fact we can give you Bargains in every department. Try PIK RON for your Furniture. Paint, Stain and Varnish all in one. Perfectly transparent. HARLAND BROS., Iron and Hardware Merchants, Clinton The CENTRAL GROCERY- OPPOSTE THE POST OFFICE. JUST RECEIVED A Fine Assortment of PLAIN and STAMPED GOODS, TRAY CLOTHS, SIDEBOARD DRAPES, TOILET SETS, SPLASHERS, STAND COVERS, &c., Also a large stock of RUBBER BALLS, BASE BALLS, SKIPPING ROPES, HAMMOCKS, EXPRESS WAGGONS. Call and see our stock be- fore buying, as we want to clear out our present stock of WALL PAPER CEILING DECORATIONS, &c. We offer them cheap, call ;and see for • yourselves. WORTHINGTON'S BOOK and DRUG STORE CHINA HALL To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dee. 1stAIGIVE TEN PE} CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on aur large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. Business Chane.e The undersigned having bought the stock of H, R. Walker, at a low rate on the dollar. are prepared to offer the same at very close prices for cash. The stock consists of G ROCERC S, Crockery, Glassd`'ate, &c,, And is in first-class order. They are also adding new eto:;k in elery depart- ment, and will be prepared to supply the -public with anything in the grocery line, at the very lowest prices. Specially low prices will be offered iti CROCKERY - and - TEAS Patronage respectfully solicited. Remember the place—Walker'. old stand. MCMURRAY & WILTSE, - CLINTON Redly the firelight shines through the room, Chasing away all the shadow and gloom; Light-hearted children are prattling in glee; Father is as happy as can be. For the wife and mother who suffered so long, For getting her health back and soon will be strong, And who is so happy as she is tonight, As she thinks of the shadow that's tak- en its flight— the shadow of disease that darkens so many homes, and makes the life of wife and mother one of terrible suffer- ing. How pleased we are to know that at last a remedy has been found for all those delicate derangements and weaknesses peculiar to women. It comes to cheerless homes with "glad tidings of great joy." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has done for women what nu other remedy has done, or can do, and it is not to be wondered at that women who have been cured by it are so enthusiastic in its praise. Itis the only medicine for women sold, by druggists, under a pos• itive guarantee from the manufacturers of satisfaction, or money returned. The New ERA gives more local news every week than any other paper in the county. Kinard's Liniment Iumberman'sfrfoa s STIR. - ;4 The strength of this article is extra- ordinary. After being cemented most articles will break in another place rather than where cemented. Prioe 1G cents from druggists. SCOTT'S EMULSION DOES CURE DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se- curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock. We Offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth 0 We Offer NEW SEASON BLACK TEA at 25 cents, worth 40, We Offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap, 2 BROOMS for 25c. FRESH PINAN HADDIE, SISCOS, HERRING, BLOATERS,'&c, Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give ns a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL. ilicPcop1611aplicss &6-PocvriNpoi,, toigIcsliora We have just received a full Mock of CHRISTMAS and NEW YEARS PRES- ENTS for young and old consisting of Childrens CUPS, SAUCERS, MUGS, MOUSTACHE CUPS, TEA SETS, EGG CUPS, &c. SILVERWARE— BUTTER SKNIVESS WATCHES,GOLDS WATCHES, BROOC, CRET, PICKLE DISHE, KNIVES, HEPOONS CUFF BUTTONS, CHAINS, CHARMS, PINS, CQLLAR BUTTONS. A large as• sortment of Vases, all kinds. Santaclaus head quarters for Toys of every de. ecription, such as Horns, Bugles, Animals, Music Boxes, Work Boxes Dark and Magic Lanterns, Guns, Whistles, Books, False Faces, Dominoes, Tops, Pistols, Swiss thHouses,Purses, Whips,cheap Tea e'ysecclle boveaileswill besld for cash Drop in and ethese before they are all gone. My stock of Xmas Groceries is complete and at lowest current prices. Other lines of goods also complete, Harness, Whips Robes, Blankets, Belts and all goods found in a harness shop. Tinware, Hardware, casher, d Jeweller, &c. icpd in for Crockery, lll kind of Fu eor 10 per cent e t advancef takenhin e htrrade. ighest All:ekinds of Produce taken the same as cash. After thanking you for past custom and so. Halting a continuance. 1 wish you a merry Xmas and a happy New Year. GEO. NEWTON - - LONDESBORO B. LAURANCE'S Spectacles. In its First Stages. Palatable as Milk. Be sure you get the genuine in Salmon color wrapper; sold by all Druggists, at 5oc. and $s.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville These celebrated Spectacles aro fitted in every instance with B. Lan. ranee's test, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. You can depend on;getting the GENUINE 13. I.AIIRANCE SPECTACLES by by calling and examining the stock at rr ()NI A /4 J ACKCOTN *Si. � ca.y C FAS Item. IA I l\ JL C,l\ e seder •^ee•