The Clinton New Era, 1890-05-30, Page 1r
OW bole leuumber 21
CLINTON, ONT., MAY 30, 1890.
Our Weekly Budget
From all parts of the County—by wide-awake
and lively Correspondents
Goderich Township.
19,(Anderson's) a nondenominational
Sabbath School has been commenced.
The attendance is very good, and Mr
Adam Caatelon is superintendent.
.A,OCIDENT,—On Sunday evening
while Mr B. Switzer was driving
along the road, a dog bit the colt he
wits driving, causing it to kick, strik-
ing Mr Switzer a severe blow on the
hand. Some time after the horse
again became unmanageable and run 1 land, and came to Canada in 1883,
Away, throwing Ben out and partially living in Colborne ever since.
destroying the buggy• BETTER.—Mr Valentine Fishcr'e
• PIaNIC.—Th . a nnual picnic of the family have all had the mels ex -
school in S. S. NO. 8, taught by Mr cept his wife and himself. They
Lawrence will be held in Mr Jos. were all down at ,once and for some
Izard'e grove, same place as last year, time they watched the two girls,
on Friday June lath. Games of all thinking every breath would be the
bells Green is 94 yeare old, and, dur-
ing the last six years, has pieced
thirty patch work quilts. Some of
the blocks, only five inches square,
have sixteen pieces. All has been
sewed by hand, and only one stitch
' at a time, and aa neatly done as a
woman of twenty could do. Last
East Wawanosh.
As a certain young man w.e return-
ing home from the temperauce lodge
at Westfield, accompanied by two
ladies, be eco far forgot his duties as
driver that the horse was allowed to
wander off tbe road, and upset them
all in the ditch. No damage was
done et a general shaking up.
You ntp be more careful in the
future, i11, when you take ladies
out for # drive.
Noxr.s —Mise Maggie Morton bas
returned home from Brantford. Mies
Matilda E. McDonald, of Wingbam,
is visiting friends on the 6th con.—
Mies L. A. Morton, of Clinton, spent
a few days last week under the parent-
al rcof. Launcelot Nethery is suffer-
ing from a severe attack of inflamma-
tion, but we hope to hear of his
speedy recovery. By the death of
her aunt, Mies Bela E. Scott is heir-
winter elle had la grippe,but as a gene- ase to a handsome fortune. Mise
ral thing she has enjoyed reasonably Tena Shortreed was the guest. of Mies
good health. She is a native of Scot- Annie B. Scott, on Sabbath. Mr
Geo. McGowan and his daughter, Mre
Steinhoff, of Blyth, were visiting
friends at Dungannon last 'week:
Mies A. Ross, who is attending the
Collegiate Institute at Goderich, is
home for a few days. Owing to the
prevalence of measles and whooping
cough, the attendance at S.S. No. 10
was down as low as seven or eight
pupils last week. As Mr T. Wallace,
of Donnybrook, was returning borne
from lllyth, on Wednesday night of
last week, owing to the darkness, his
horse got into the ditch, the result
was an upset, with a pair of broken
shafts and other slight damages to
his rig. Mr Alex. Dey, who has
been taking charge of Mr Ramsey's
blacksmith shop, at Westfield, has
given up the job, and is now at home
working hie farm.
kinds willbeindulged in by the pupils
and quite a number of prizes will be
competed for. The pupils and friends
of adjoining schools will be made
welcome. The management is doing
all in their power to make it a succeee.
DEATH.—Mr Wm. Jenkins, who
resided on the Huron road, about two
and a half miles from Clinton, passed
over to the silent majority on Sunday
at the age of 79 yeare`and ten montbe.
He was born in Devon and came to
• Canada about forty years ago, first
settling in Darlington township. He
came to this locality about 16 years
ago. He generally enjoyed good
health and was only sick a few days
before his death. Deceased has led
a quiet unobtrusive life, .anivereally
respected and esteemed. AHe leaves
four sone and three daughtee, two of
the lattter being married:—Mre Geo.
Levis, of Holmesville and Mrs Frank
Gorrell, of Manitoba. The funeral
on Tuesday was largely atteneed.
Council metion the 26th as Court of
Revision. Members all present.—
These having qualified the court
opened. The appeal of John A.
Naftel for over charge in assessmen t
was gone into, after a lengbty inves
tigation and comparisons with similar
property in the neighborhood it was
moved and seconded that the assess-
ment be confirmed. The application
of James Thompson, to be placed on
assiesment roll as owner of part lot
39, 3rd con., was granted. The en-
tire roll vas carefully gone over,when
it was mo' #d by John Beacom secon-
ded by Thos Churchill that the ass-
( essrnent roll as now revised and cor-
rected be passed. Carried. The
Court of;•,Revision being over the
minutes of last meeting of council
were read, and passed, and ordinary
business one into. Mr W. Trudgeon
was allowed to work his statute labor
last. We are pleaeed to say that they
are now convalescent, and if they
have no relapse, will Boon be out of
McMannie, of the Lake Road, is
building one of the largest bank
barna in the township. It is to be
60160. It is to be in two parte, tbe
lower part ten feet high, all the lum-
ber is cedar, this is for stables. The
upper part will be. the barn proper,
and finished in the most improved
plan. Mr McMannis has one of the
pretitest cows we have seen in the
NOTEB.—Mr M. C. Cameron held
a picnic on Mr. N. Morish'e farm on
Saturday. They all went home high-
ly elated over their day's sport taking
with them a great number of fish.
Measleshas' taken the place of la
grippe here. They are spread all
over the country. Mr M. Pframer
has torn down his mill. He intends
putting up a new one this summer.
Mr H.Morish is on a visit to Heneall.
The Ladies Aid Society is going to
have a"pancake social" at the resi-
dence of Mr. Thos Million on Thurs-
day evening. Mr Wm Vanstone is
getting home the material for his new
house,whioh he intends to build next
de ro d'opposite his farm Same
Dire Jas. Webster, of the 13th con..
Hullett, who has been vieitiog her
sister at Strathroy, returned home
this week. The change will likely do
her good, as she bas not been well for
for some time.
Berries promise to be rather early
this season, Lu having found one lust
Friday evening. He says it wasn't
a raspberry, a etrawberry, a huckle-
berry or a gooeeberry, so what kind
of a "Berry" must it have been.
MONSTRoBITY. — Mr Patrick Mc -
Casey is the owner of a colt that is
somewhat of a freak, its upper }jaw
being turned around crossways. 'Ile
animal is doing well and likely to
live. Paddy can set cut with a cir-
cus now.
Most of our village people went
away from town on the 24th inst., to
different places, the majority of them
went to Wingham, however.
PoLITICs.—Belgrave is not behind
other places in the matter of political
ingly pleaaaut time was spent at the
residence of Mr Wm. Oke last Friday
evening. .A goodly number from'
Morrie, McKillop and Hullett took
part. The early part of the evening
was spent in swinging, ball and cro-
quet, when it became dark, parlor
games were introduced which were
played awl enjoyed with ouch zest
that the party did not break up till a
late hour. All united in thanking
Mr and Mrs Oke for the hospitable
manner in which they were entertain-
ed and then—Home.—
Brume Courses—The Court of
Revision for the township of Hullett
was held at Londesboro, May 26th,
pursuant to advertisement; all the
members were present and duly
sworn. Mr Jno. Brigham, chairman.
Some changes and corrections were
made in the roll. One appeal was
received as to the assessment being
too high, and in that case the assess-
ment was confirmed. Two lots were
struck off the non-resident roll, and
assessed resident, and three names
were struck off,. not being bona fied
owners. The roll was then passed,
and the Court closed.
The council held a meeting, accord-
ing to notice, and made several
changes in the appointments of path -
masters and road divisions. A peti-
tion was presented from Geo Ruddell
and others asking to be allowed to
erect wire fences in front of their
several Iota pursuant to section 2,
chap 198, R. S. O. respecting snow
fences. The petition was granted
and a by-law was ordered to be pre-
pared to confirm the same. Sixty
cords of gravel will be put on S. R.
25-26 under the directions of council -
lore Churchill, Lasbam and Scott and
fifty cords nn S. R. 5 6 under the
directions of councillors Britton and
Brigham. Council adjourned to
meet again when called by the reeve.
A young man about 22 years of ago,
named James Reale, a West Toronto
,;,inction grocer, whose parents reside
in Goderich, was struck on Saturday
morning by a special G. T. R. train
and instantly killed. The accident
happened between High Park and
the rolling mills at Swansea.
The body was sent to Goderich for
on ai
as late ohn .Hunter. A special excitement, and a more interested
grant of `$100 was made to repair and intelligent community would be
side line at gully near James Colwell's hard to find, in connection with po-
farm 6th cols. Moved by John Bea•
com second g41 by Thos. Churchill,
that each road commissioner be given
$250 to be expended in the sub -divis-
ion for whibh he is appointed, carried
The following accounts were paid,
Hall Rutledge work: on 4th con 50c
Qlpgt personally notifying parties to
attnd court of Revision 70cts, Clerk
preparing school census from assess-
ment roll and furnishing Trustees
witbbame50cts for each school. Coun-
cil adjourned to meet again on the se-
cond Monday in July. JAMES PAT•
TON, Clerk.
Last week Mr Duncan McEwan
had the misfortune to lose a fine two
year old colt from stoppage of the
A few of the neighbors of Mr Thos.
Baird went to Ashfield this week for
a load of lumber for the new addition
he is putting to his barn.
Mr Geo. Baird has put a hay fork
into his barn as has Mr Jos McCully
NoTEs.—Mr James Watters, of
Woodstock, spent a flying visit last
week with friends in this vicinity.
Mr David Day, of Guelph, spent the
24th with hie relatives in tole neigh-
borhood. The 24th passed off very
quietly in this section. Some went
shooting,•'others took in the races in
Seaforth while the majority took in
the picnic in James Landsborough's
bush, where a very enjoyable time
was spent. On Saturday evening
last Mr Bishop M.P. for South Huron
addressed the electors of this section
in No 6 school house, and on Monday
afternoon in No 4 school house and
dealt with the leading questions of
the day. The prospects are that Mr.
Bishop will be returned by a large
majority. A Mr Rumball of Clinton
has the contract for shingling the roof
of Turner's church. One of our en•
terprising farmers has on hand 600
dos of hens' eggs. It took 6 young
men and a boy to see a eertain young
lady home last Sunday evening. Mr
John White disposed of bis excellent
fat cattle last week. The teachers in
Nos 4 and 6 schools attended the
convention held in Seaforth on Thurs-
day and Friday last. On Monday
evening last the young people in con-
nection with Turner's Church held a
very interesting meeting conducted
by the Misses A. E. Crich, Alvera
Cosens and Evy Turner, It con-
sisted of a Bible reading on the Life
of Joseph and WSB much appreciated
by all present,
SICK.—Mrs Thomas Dennison of
the 14th Con, bas been very serious-
ly ill with inflammation of lunge for
some time, and as yet but alight
hopes are entertained for her recov-
ery. Little Ida Dundas, youngest
daughter of Mr John Dundee, is also
very low with the same affection, and
it is feared she will not recover, as
ebe is not of a strong constitution.
NOTES.—Meeere. John McIntosh
and Malcolm McCray, of MacPher-
son's manufacturing establishment,
are visiting their parents who live in
this township. Mr and Mre J. Brown,
of Galt, are at present on a visit to
friends here. Miss Brothereton,
teacher otTuckeremith,epent Saturday
and Sunday under the parental roof.
Several of the lovers of sport drove
into town no the 24th to witness the
races. Metiers. John Stafford, Wm.
Dennison and John Dundee have
each been unfortunate enough to lose
a valuable mare and colt. Elder
Kerr conducted the services in Dun
and Cavan churches during the ab-
sence of Rev. P. Musgrave. Mr
Musgrove, Conservative candidate for
East Huron held a meeting in• the
Temperance Hall, Winthrop, on
Tuesday evening teat.
litical matters. A good number
went out to the town hall, Morris, to
the Gibson -Musgrave meeting there,
and were well pleased with the able.
addresses of both candidates, espe-
cially Mr Musgrave, who is fact rising
in popularity, and will poll a stronger
vote here than any Conservative has
ever done as yet. A great many
went to Wingham, to hear the speech
of W. R. Meredith, and were well re-
warded for their trip. Although
suffering from a sore throat he gave a
lengthy address on the questions now
agitating the public mind, and was
productive of good results in this vil-
lage at least, (although your Wing -
ham correspondent says he made no
converts). A meeting was also held
here on the evening ot the 24th inst.,
by Messrs Manning, of Clinton, and
Garrow and Troy, of Goderich. The
attendance was not large, doubtless
owing to the fact of its being a holi-
day. Ae the subjects discussed have
been listened to by our citizens quite
frequently, we need not refer to them.
The order was excellent, and cheers
were given for the Queen, at the close.
Queen's birthday passed off very
quietly in our village, the mill -dam
being the centre of attraciion where
numerous fish large and small were
caught and taken home for Sunday
dinner. Mr H. Shafer is still
busy shipping pork every week. We
are pleased to state our sick folks are
Mr M. Bates, of the Bayfield Road,
-who was given up by both friends and
medical men, is, we are glad to learn,
out of danger, and recovering finely.
FIXING Up.—Rev Mr McConnell,
who recently -bought the Thos. Boles
farm, has turned the house around,
and is making considerable improve-
ment. He seems to be as good a
farmer as a preacher.
IMPROVING.—Mra Robt. Dennison,
of the Bayfield road, who bas been
indisposed for some time, is now
much better, and is able to attend
church and other 'services.
Varna. .
CoMiNG EVENT.—Invitations
;,1 a out for the wedding of Misa Eup-
heria McCash, daughter of Mr John
McCash, of the Bayfield Road, which
interesting event takes place on June
8rd. This young lady is exceedingly
popular,' and has a wide circle of
friends whose good wishes go out•to
her in advance. The fortunate groom
ie Mr Jae. R. Munshaw, a young
jeweller, of Ripley.
NOTEB.—Mr Alex. Foater, who re-
cently bought some land near Varna,
is repairing bis house which will
have a nice appearance. Mr Jas.
Meelymont and Mies Wilie have been
visiting friends in Wingham. Mr T,
Wilie *ill represent the Methodiet
churches of the circuit at Conference
next weep. William Keys, the egg
dealer, is doing a nice business in
chipping eggs from here. Mr John
Sparrow it building himself abeautiful
house ; that's right John, enjoy life
while yon can, even if there are no
little sparrows to enjoy your comfort.
Thep pulpit of the Methodist church
will be occupied on Sunday next, by
Mr H. N. Citation, son of Rev. W.
Creon, of Seaforth.
1 ROBERT EtOtseeE8. Publiebese
1 *Leo a year 1ti ivance
Hayfield. Myth
Mr Harry Pollock is Lome at pre,- Mies Murray, of Clinton, wee -the
ent for a few holidays. / guest c.f Mre Racey this week. •
•Mies Lottie Martin was ou trip Mr L. PowPil and Mian NW
to Toronto, last week. Brownlee spent Sunday in Town.
Our Firemen dietinguished thetliu+.
Mies Welsh, of Cooper's Book Store, selves in Wingham on the 24th, b
Clinton, spent Sunday with friends taking let prizes
Mrs Strutters, Clinton, is the Mr Alex Lucas, who left for G' &I.
guest of her sister, Mrs Jas. Tho
mp- gary a month ago, has returnee);, to
eon. town this week.
Mr John King and wife, of Gode• The I. O. G. T. met on Thuredayr
iich, were spending a few daye last evening this week in order to get a
week, with friends in town. night clear of political meetings.
Our tris citet, Mr Frank Edwards, Mr Thos. Jones our most popular
utcherccowpanied by hie esti
9 b,amable.
is out again, and makes come great wife spent a few days in Seaforth last
speed on our good roads. week.
Mr Walter Baker, principal of theC. Hodgen who has conducted a
public school, attended the Teachers' bakery business here for some time
Convention, in Hensel last week. past,left last week for Drayton to take
On Saturday, a young man fell in- a situation there.
to the river, but was pulled out after A took large
eGoodionTof the Iar Sermon.
inhaving received a good ducking. inondeeboro on Sabbath last. The
Mrs Richards and daughter, of report a turn out of nearly a hundred.
Brussels, have returned to town. and say that the sermon was a good
They find there ie no place like one.
Bayfield. Mr Frederick Bryant who has been
Mr Calliday, of Lake Chase, Mich., in the employ of Memos Slater & Sims `•
with his wife and daughter, bas re• for some time peat, leaves on Tbure-
turned to epend a few weeks with day, morning for Laskey, near Toron-
his friends at home. to, where he has secured a sit. Fred
Mies Alsworth treated a large num- was a good boy, we wish him success.
ber of her Goderich township friends The Literary Society in connection
to a picnic, on the 24th, in the beau- with our Public school intend to hold
a concert in 'Temperence Hall on the
tiful grove on the hillside.
Equestrian amusements seem to evening of Wednesday next. Let all
be all the rage amongst the young who would. encourage the children in
thus training themselves as well as
folks of our village ghie summer. entertaining us attend.
Young ladies may be seen now on Messrs Hamilton and McLean our
horse back from 5 o'olock in the mor- very popular hardware merchants,
ning until late in the evening. have decided to open a branch shop in
The west end of our town is build- Belgrave to be taken charge of by Mr
ing up fine of late, Mr James Fowlie, J. A. Brownlee, who has been their
blacksmith, has in process of erection employee for some time past in this
a fine brick blacksmith shop. there place as tinsmith. We wish them
is nothing like industry and Jim good success in their new venture.
is a walking specimen of it. The Hopeful Gleaner's ot St. An•
ORDINATION AND INDIICTION OF drew's Church haye extended an in-
REV: R. HENDEReON.—There was a vitation to the Epworth League and
meeting of the Presbytery of Huron also to the Young People's Christian
held at Bayfield, on Tuesday, the 27th society of Triuity Church to visit
inst., at which the Rev R. Render- them on Tuesday eyening text.—
son was ordained to the Christian Both societies have accepted the in -
ministry and inducted into the charge vitation and no doubt a moat enjoy -
of Bayfield and Bethany. The ordi- able evening will be spent.
nation and induction services took Wednesday night was a great night
place at the Presbyterian church, at here. For two weeks it had been an -
the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, nounced that Messrs Garrow and
in the preseuce of a very large con- Manning would discuss the question
gregation from the united stations, of the campaign at a meeting of the
together with many friends from former and the day before the meeting
other denominations. Rev Mr Mc- was to be held small hand bills were
Connell presided as Moderator, and circelated announcing that Mr Larke,
Rev Mr Henderson, of Hensel], con- of Oshawa, would hold a meeting on
ducted divine service, taking as the the same night and discuss matters
text for a thoughtful and earnest die- from an Equal Rights standpoint.
course the words of Paul, in Romana, From all quarters gathered a large :.f.
"I am not ashamed of the Gospel ot audience completely filling Industry
Christ." At the close of the service Hall to the docr. Mr Hamilton and
the Moderator related the various Mr Wolford, two prominent Eque1
steps which led up to the call, show- Righters, asked for a joint meeting,
ing the unanimity and heartiness of and there quest was gladly acceded to. "`i
it, and then by prayer and the laying An arrangement was
gentlemenoselgrate : Y
on of hands of Presbytery. Mr Hen- satisfactory
derson was solemnly set apart to the Messrs Garrow, Larke and Manning
ministry of the Gospel and inducted should each speak one hour,but when
into the charge. Dr Ure, of Gode- the arrangement was explained to Mr
rich, then, in fitting terms, addressed Larke he positively refused unless he''
the newly ordained minister as to his was allowed the right of reply. Final -
duty and work, pointing out to him ly Mr Larke was given one hour and
how to be successful; he must hold a half and upon the representatives of
fast in the life, and hold forth in his Mr Kelly, was induced to put in an.
teaching, the doctrines and principles appearance and speak.
of the Christian religion, thatDr
ministry mayadd to the glory of God MGar Garrow made the opening speech.
and the enjoyment of Him by him- H ;went overthe
logicaldffere neq making
selt and his ed people.hRevo l , Simp- inan excellent imression and being
son addressed the people, urging p
them to help their minister with their well received by .the large audience.
sympathy, their prayers, and their Mr Larke followed for an hour and a
active and willing co-operation. At half, all of which except five minutes•
the close of these most interesting he devoted to old and exploded scan --
and profitable services Mr Henderson dale concerning the Liberal party.—
was conducted to the door of the He commenced by accusing Mowat(?)
church, where he received the cordial of actingdM meanly
in defeating
s Johtt ,r•;
greetings of the people oyer whom Sand a charges
he has been placed. We congratu- Mr
Mowat prthe License •nae De
as attor-
late the people of Bavfield and 13eth pey against
De -
any upon their good fortune in recur- partment, against the Financial De
their minister, and we welcome back w::ot1 11°. t' --::.e rn':!u6live
ing the services 4f Mr $@Adersptt as pertinent, followed thick and fast,and,'~e.
minutes waei'i:"
Mr Henderson in his new and ex- up he uttered these worele "arid actor•';';':
tended field of labor as a oitizen of for the school question." The fuel;
this county. In the evening a tea- ience laughed most heartily, for the ;
meeting was held in the town hall, trick was altogether too palpable.—
which was beautifully decorated.— A large number looked to him for an
Abundance of eatables were provided explanation and defence of the Equal
by the ladies. Excellent addresses Rights platform and were heartily dis-
were delivered. Music was supplied gusted.
by the united choirs, assisted by It was nearly 11 o'clock when Mr
Misses Sarah Morgan, Maggie Con. Manning rose amidst tremendous ap-
nell and Hilda Moorehouse. The plause to reply. Very few left the
proceeds of the meeting were $52. hall and the large number of ladies .,
never stirred; in half an hour the
Londesboro. trifling charges of Mr Larke were
Mr R. Welfield, formerly of the brushed aside and as the epeaker i"
Londesboro creamery, but now of the told the story of the difference be -
Dentistry college of Philadelpha, was tween Mr Larke at Clinton when he
in town on Monday calling on his bad no one to tollow him and Mr
old friend. Bob looks well and we Larke at Blyth, the audience laughed
wish him success in his new profession and cheered repeatedly. Then Mr",';;;'
Manning went into the school qu -•.;,
The many friends of the parties, tion and until after midnight-.,tho-t,
that were hurt at the accident , at Mr audience listened patiently and with •:`j:;
Hamilton's, will be glad to hear that a great deal of eatisfacttolL to the
they are doing fully better than can arguments advanced. The confider- -";
be expected up to the present, Mr ;tion Compact was explained and
Geo. Bradford to is engaged Mr A.
the various chargee made against the
who wasase uo y enoughk aftertojoinCole, Mowat Government fully answered.;';'
who o lucky that The speech was admitted by all parte
order about five weeks previous to the les to be a masterly one.
Our village displayed more than
usual loyalty to our beloved Queen
on the 24th. Quietness prevailed
through the day, but this monotony
was changed in the evening by &mag-
nificent display of fire-worke which
was witnessed, by a large number of
both sexes.
A sight of more than ordinary in-
terest was witnessed en the Maitland
River a few days ego. Mr Stephen
Halstead, who he lately been mak-
ing syrup in borne, left the kettle
there. Dee g the sap season over
be repaired o the bush with horses
and sleigh to bring home the kettle,
After loading it on the sleigh and
placing a board across the top be
seated himself on the board and pro-
ceeded to cross the river, which on
account of the recent rains had
swollen to a greater extent than was
at first supposed. As he pro'eeded
the water deepened, entered the
sleigh, filled it and reached to bis
sides. In this way matters proceeded.
Au occasional ag,tited chirp to the
horses was observable. All were
only too glad to reach land.
NOTES.—Mies D. A. Holmes, who
has been visiting in or near Brantford
for a few days returned a day or two
ago. Mrs R. Docking is visiting in
Mitchell and vicinity. She will be
absent for two or three weeks. Mr
T. Lobb and wife returned from
their trip to Westminster an Monday
last. Mrs D. Bear it is understood
has left for Michigan. Mr A. Wilson
from Michigan has paid us a flying
visit. At the South Huron Teacher's
Convention, Mr T. Murchwas elect-
ed a Delegate to the Provincial
Teacher's Association, which meets in
August next. Miss Murray, who
has been visiting friends in this vic-
inity returned to her home in Wood-
stock on Tuesday. Mise McMurray
left the East End, on Tuesday for
Sunshine. Mr Jake Hunter spent
the 24th with his most intimate
friends. Miss Elsie Pickard was at-
tending the funeral of the wife of Mr
A. Enticnap, of Platteville, last week.
Mr John Hill and family, spent
the 24th in the village. Misses An-
derson and Mays, of Dungannon, have
been staying a couple of days at the
parsonage. Mr Ed. Lavin and family
spent the 24th at hie father-in-law's,
Mr Hill,.of Brussels. Mr Jack Hun-
ter sports a new buggy. Mies Flem-
ing, of Sunshine, is visiting her sister
Mrs W. Lobb, of the village. Mise
Aggie Cottle is visiting in Stratford
for a few days. A great time is ex-
pected on Saturday night when Mr
Carrow speaks in the hall. Mr and
Mrs Robinson, of Stratford are visit-
ing at Mr Stanley's.
Mr Jas Jerome,of Blyth, is visiting
his parents here this week.
Mrs J. Lamby, of Belmore was
visiting in town on Tuesday.
Rev Mr Dack,of Lietowel, preached
in the Baptist church here on Sunday.
Mr Wm Johnston, of Orangeville,
is visiting relatives in town this
Mr and Mrs H. Bullard, of Tees -
water, are visiting at Mr Joseph
Bullard's, on Josephine st.
Mr and Mrs J. L. Coutts and son
Willie, of St Thomas, are renewing
acquaintances in town, this week
NOTES —Mrs R. Hiecox is the
guest of her daughter Mrs W. Sproul.
Mies A. Treleaven and her brother
Bert, of Belgrave, spent Sunday et
home. Miss Fannie Andeiion and
Mise Nelly Mays are visiting Mre
(Rev.) Campbell, of Holmesville.
Rev. A. Potter and T. Anderson at-
tended the District meeting held in
Clinton lost week. We stated in the
issue of last week of Me Pollard los-
ing a horse by having it stolen, but
we are glad to learn that the perpet-
rator of the act was found and the
horse restored to its owner. A public
meeting under tbe aus "e'esof the W.
M. S. will be held on
ing. Addresses will
ibrsday even-
iven by some
of the ladies and aoocf program will
be presented. This- society should
receive all the sympathy and help
possible to secure a good attendance.
bers of the Council met at Kyle's
Hotel on May 26th, and organized as
a Court of Revision; the Reeve presid-
ing. There were eight appeals against
the assessment Roll, all on the ground
of overcharge. Our townehip has for
many years been assessed at or near its
real value. The assessment is now as
high as any former period. The de -
depreciation in the value of lands,
which has taken place during recent
years, and sales at reduced yalue, have
made it apparent to the ratepayers
that the assessment is too high, hence
the appeals. An examination of the
Roll ehowe several farms assessed at
considerable over the market value;
it shows, in one case, at least, a farm
assessed for $1500 more than it was
bought for during the year. The
appeals were determined as follows:—
Assessment of Michael Keefe reduced
$200, Wm. McNaughton reduced
$100, Robert Stewart reduced $700,
Richard Robinson assessment main-
tained, James Broadfoot aeseeement
maintained, John Stewart reduced
$200, John Wood reduced $500, R.
Bell assessment maintained. The dog
tax of the following persons was struck
off the roll, the dogs having been de-
stioyed, viz:—John Stewart, James
Pickard, A. G. VanEgmond D. Hay,
Wm. McKay and Vim Me�Nttughton.
The Cuencil wish- it distinctly un-
derstood that no application to strike
off dog tax made later than the date
of the Court of Revision will be enter-
tained. The Council feels that inas-
much as the law„izele�,,AFl,,date atswhich
revision work ehbtfld properly be
done, it is well to do the work at the
proper time as fixed. Moved bk'I.
Webster, sec. by Jae. W alker, that the
Assessment Roll, es amended py this
Court, be adopted as the res'iieed
Assessment Roll for theisear•1590.—
The Court then adjourned and the
Council met for general business.
The following orders were drawn
on the Treasurer: Wm. Cooper, '.:0,
salary as assessor, Wm. Kinsman $12,
stripping and improving Fisher's
gravel pit; R. Morrison $13 33, sup-
plies to N. Price; McDonald & Waugh
Undertakers, funeral expenses to N.
Price, 1.10; Wm. Elliott, $6, service as
auditor; R. Hicks $6, service as audi-
tor. The Council adjourned to meet
eE-call of reeve • S. SMTLLrl, Clerk
Mise Mary Sparlinc and Miss C.
Shaw, of Seaforth, are spending a few
days in town, the guests of Mr A. W.
Mrs Wm. Black and daughter
Frankie returned this week from an
extended visit to Montreal, Hamilton
and Toronto.
Severol Winghamites went to Luck -
now on Monday to celebrate the
Queen's Birthbay with the people of
that town.
Rev. John Scott, M. A., of the
Methodist church here, was in Berlin
on Sunday, conducting the opening
services of the new church in that
Mrs Geo Barrett, of Brussels, who
has been visiting her parents • Mr and
Mrs Mrs Geo. Blackwell, of this place
returned to her home in Brussels on
Monday last.
Owing to the illness of Mr Flack,
who was to have preached in the
Methodist church on Sunday morning
there was no service in that church,
in the evening the pulpit was occu-
pied by Rev Mr Isaacs, of Auburn.
On Saturday evening d` musical
entertainment was given, in the rink
by the Cosgrove Family's Concert Co.
Those who were preseht, say that
each member of the Company proved
themselves to be musical geniuses
without a doubt.
Autbur ie.
A grand entertainment will be
given in the Auburn Methodist church
on the; evening of Tuesday,Jupe 8rd.
Lecture by Rev J. Edge,, Clinton and
concert by the Tcharkowsky quartette
club assisted by Mr B. Gibbing•,
Euphonium soloist, of the famons
Doherty Band. A fine programme
has been prepared. , • -
Meeere Wm and Thos. Black, are
in London this week, in consequence
of the death of their mother, ,Iters
Alexander Black. She died on Sunday
at the advanced age of 69 years. The
funeral took place on Tuesday after-
Wingham celebrated the Queen's
birthday in right royal manner on
Saturday. An immense number of
people from the country came in
quite early, and each railway train
brought fresh additions to thelthrong.
The park grounds were well filled
with a 'merry and pleased looking
crowd of pleasure seekers. The cali -
thumpion procession headed by the
town band and Bell's factory band
passed up Josephine St to the park at
about 1 o'clock,after which the games
were started. A game of base ball,
very interesting for the first four
innings, was played between the Tees -
water and Wingham teams, resulting
in a victory for 1eeewater. Owing to
there being just one visiting fire bri-
gade present, Wingham entered for
the 900 yards run and -succeeded in
taking 1st prize, Blyth was awarded
2nd prize, finishing just le seconds
behind the Wingham men. The foot
races, pony races etc were all very
interesting, but the fireman's fight
between T. Hughes and Jos. Hurd -
hese amused the people very much,
Clinton junior lacrosse team defeated
the Wingham team 4 to 2. The chief
attraction however was the "May
Pole" played by about 50 little girls,•
dressed in white and wearing floral
Ash field.
NOTES.—The crops since the re-
cent warm rains, are making good
progress. The Sabbath school con-
vention of the Ashfield circuit will
be held on the 13th of June at Hope
appointment. The farmers aee about
through with their root crops and
will soon be turning their attention
to statute lobor and other work.
CATTLE.—Mr James Oke, cattle
buyer of this place, shipped on Mon-
day eleven carloads of first class fat
cattle for the English market, for
which he paid over $14,000 to the
farmers of this vicinity.
Goon FIGURE.—Mr Thomas Rue -
Bel, of Usborne, sold his 2 -year-old
bull, Riverside Hero, to Mr James
McArthur, of Princeton, Ont, for the
handsome cum of over $700.
Hill's Green.
•NOTES.—Our enterprising clock -
maker and repairer, Mr Maxwell, is
now busily engaged on a clock,which
no doubt the women hope will prove
successful; as by it they can tellthe
time of day in the dark as well as in
the light,by means of reflection which
is placed on the face of it, we hope to
bear more about it in about two weeks
We are sorry to state that our ama-
tine sports came home without a prize
and only hope they will have better
succeee next time. The sacrament of
the Lord's supper will be dispensed
here on Sunday next in the Presby-
terian church special services will be
held on Friday and Monday. A
titimber of our young people as-
sembled on the,24th, on the river flats,
where a very sociable time was spent.
Mr C. Stelch, while -indulging in the
games there strained hie foot; he has
been laid up since. Our local sports
as was expected, carried off their full
share of prizes at the games at Sea -
forth and Exeter. Mr R. McAllister
lost a valuable colt this weeek.
At the close of the meeting Rev.
The politcal meeting was inrgely
Mr McLean demanded of the See-';;
attended by both Liberals and Censer- retary that his name be at oectt
tative.tThe addresses ofMessre Garrow removed from the membership of thhe
and McMillan were attentively lis- Equal Rights Association. He want-
toned to, which showed conclusively ed no more to do with such an assoeid+:
the steady poliey of the Mowat Gov- tion and he thought they had'beete;
ernment and the good measures that grossly insulted and misled by Mr '`'1.
Government has passed. They oleo Larke having been announced as an
showed the tricke that the opposition Equal Rights speaker.
candidate had tried at different places
throughout the riding, when in the
protestant localities he is down on
the separate school system and in the
Catholic localities says it is all right
and both stories have been said on
the public platform.
This alludes to a well-known Clin-
tonien :—The St Thomas Times says :
A Howard Combination Furnace by
the Howard Furnace Co., of Berlin,
is now in operation at the Registry
office. ein construction it is simple,
practical and se'eatifi"avnd one of the
most economical of heaters; the work
was done by Jos. Chambers, of Berlin
formerly of St Thomas.
AC9IDENT.--The two sons of ll'%'-',
Smith, of the London road, had a
narrow escape from drowning at Bay!•
field on the 24th,1hey'wero out on the
river in a boat, it upset, and, but feet-
the assisetance of a stranger they
would have met a watery grave. Mt '
and Mrs Smith desire publicly to sits
press their gratitude to that coati*
ger gentleman.
Rev H. McQnarrie, c f Wingbatn, .
will preach in Union church ori Vele,.
day,Jure 6th,and Rev R. HenderlObb
of Bayfield, on Monday the btht it •
being commumio i arrviee,•