The Clinton New Era, 1890-05-23, Page 7rAntst °Itoaaan arra. �.ea L�7,♦T� 3a,� ITET, '1;I6$i1, i ii' nom MR • 1 TIGBI . p the btwtb a!o. �A Omeletle o Omelet tpsrsfttl,tnd parulis; eslmti• find mildest vegetable aperients and extract Of FloWerl of Chrunomile. - Thpy will 4** elllcactoui remedy for derangements digestIye osstang, and for obatruotlons and tor, °t the Met and; bowels wreck produce In - And the Several varieties of bilious and liver tk Bold by all Chemists. Waor.FJ!I1 Aguas ANS AND SONS, LIMITED; MANTREAi.,.• a FOR, o.re Eyes Catarrh rootless elope O►Cnplai.ntS un ufn OreneSS 4ng rules USE Scalds es FOND'S enNAthsd-EXTRACT 1iI4 .ct R les AVOID ALL 1i11ITA- BE DTTHEY M IOANGEROUS. AY FAC.SIMILE OF BOTTLE WITH BUFF WRAPPER. DEMAND POND'S EX- TRACT. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE FOR IT I< SAIKi WOMAN' 1M Gbligntlol}� $1*.tergifor lis t>oionaon unman run, and sorrow, onneni ,se fax 'aft they havOts Wading, as the vital ties oi'a: 'encs ed in bustne e, cad, slow not as f;oad„4 recall 44. _men, Wawa to,tiay are eiugag-V Ind numerous 'buaipe8s pa suits ---in manufactar•ea of various wares, are owners of stores and millin- ely establishments, aro occasion= ally bank cashiers and directors in banking institutions ; and, one at least, thq owner and success- ful manager of a horse railroad. Surely such women have"capacity fol liasiaess.!" There are woman who are physicians and surgeons, and managers of hospitals, who are lawyers, ministers, mission- aries, artists, painters, sculptors, astronomers, designers, chemists, architects„ presidents of colleges, professors in universities and medical colleges, school commit• tees, teachers of classics, super•in• tendents of county schools—four- teen in Iowa—prison commission- ers, superintendents of state refor- matories for women, principals of Normal schools, Egyptologists and lecturers, and in a few in- stances in Kansas, mayors of cities. This certainly shows woman's "capacity" for business. There are women all over our country who are successful authors proprietors and editors of maga- cowmon blood can Ono, to speed to the help of .these oppressed arrest CI1V-the7high•10v91 of -our - Christianity our -Christianity it equals, invidious to the plead,: for what greater heresy eau there he than the divorce be-. tween Ore** and practice in the marl Who claims kinship with, Christ, the world's Saviour and yet has no heart, no hand for the world whose Saviour be is? -- Selected. A GLASS EYE DID IT. A good many years ago there was a man elnploj ed in the office of the Princess' Theatre; whom for the convenience of this anec- dote we will call Brown. Brown had in an accident lost one eye, and wore in the place of it a glass one, which, naturally, he could at any moment take out or put in without any inconvenience. He used to ride about a great deal in cabs, and, like other people, ob- jected to the cabman's whip being flicked in his face. ,-Ota one occasion a big,red-faced, brandy -nosed ruffian drove him from the city to Oxford street. The man whipped his horses un• mercifully, and the knotted lash- zines, and in many of our large end kept spinning and twirling cities women manage club -houses 1 across brown's eye. Brown re- monstrated and was answered by volleys of oath. 'I know my own business,' the scoundrel cried. 'You keep your --seat, and keep a civil tongue it, your --- and industrial and educational unions, and there are many in- stances where they have managed their affairs with such success that they own the buildings in which they meet, and control a large amount of property. In Chicago the women connected with the National W. C. T. U., manoge most successfully a large publishing establishment, and these women have raised half a million of dollars to erect a build - ng for their own use 1 'About rigs re• Feet ANIMATIONS and RRHAGES LL AIN THIS IS THE ONLY RIGHT KIND. DONOT TAKE ANY OTHER. I' . 1'Yk NEW Worth Watt S5Solid old Watch Worth in set,,,,.. watch in the world. Perfect timekeeper. wamntediteavy, 80L,D OOtD hunting ca/05. Both ladies' and gent • sizer, with works and cases of 0 ual ,aloe. 000 0811900 In .acct 10061117 Can secure One 'Pee, together with our lnrgo and,dnable ins ofaoes,as well BPI - . ao/Dtes. These samples, as well as the wase nee tree. All the work you V to show what we send you to those who cull—your d neighbors and those nbodt you—that always results „tt!!letrade for us, which holds for years when onto started, :Maulus we are repay. We pay all express, freight, oto. After known% if ou would. you can OMln.from 880y yto 8601 per ike 'week workoand upwards s Address, �'Yq.EMoon alt Co.. Boz 812, Portland, Moine. ■ R ,iHEBEST ZING POWDER I' jaw. Swish, swish, the whip went again, this time flitting Brown in the face.' The latter, without further ado, took his glass eye from its socket, and set up a fiend- ish yell. 'Stop, you villain! stop!' he cried, pulling at the reins with all his might, and was answered CAST-1tRIA 1 R, 1101,4 V e, .a - Publisher, .for InfarltS end Children.. tMedbel tut ad selAl solea e'Cael�e!*iaaoweAtlds � QOOrdpatt0>zr. 1... ..usumpetlertosiwpmoriitt{o. soirstomaRtL, Rruokl►tiou. knows► W sae." a A„ Amami, M.3), Si1Msew�oram�ee siro4 sleets +40. p gmo0es dk' SU Go.00kalets B;uvkITn, N. i[ 1011, otgiux ovs inedbauSe 1. • 'lux OtrgTAua Co*p.i y, T7 Murrey street, N. Y. CLINTON, - - ONT. I URE Fl ils II TBOUSANOS, OF BOTTLES LIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When I say Curs 1 do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them return again. 1 MEAN A RADICAL O U R E. 1 have made the disease of Fitch Epilepsy or Failing Sickness a life-long study. 1 warrant my remedy to Cure tho worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Erfpress and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and It will cure you. Address 1—N. a. ROOT, M.C., Branch Office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. THE NEW ERA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh RE)ading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Report from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a': Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Act. vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address,. for $1.50 a year, in advance. n ten years ago this enterprise be- by another volleylof oaths. ' Whats gan with one employe, an editor,' the matter now ?' cried the cab - and desk room for which no rent I man with an objurgation, reining in his horse and jumping off from his box with the evident intention of giving his tarewhat for. You've was paid. Now it has ono hun- dred and twenty employes, in- cluding several editors, and re- -t•IS+' TEAREN'S CHOIR 1oi FrlolitI No Alum. Nothing Injurious. I'FTAIIED 651111HERE, GARTH 8:CO, quires such an amount of room murdered me, you blackguard ; you've blinded mo 1' cried Brown, exhibiting the glass eye on the extended palm of his band and passing the other over the gaping socket. 'Do you mean to say as I've done this, sir?' stammered the man with a frightened stare, his red face turning an ashen yel- low, and his blue nose becoming green. 'I mean that you have knocked out my nye,' exclaimed Brown with a hoarse fierceness. 'Now drive me to tho theatre fast, and I'll send for the doctor and for the police at the same time.' The cabman remounted nerv- ously, and drove to Oxford street with extreme gentleness. Arriv- ing at the theatre, Brown descend- ed without paying. 'Wait here a moment,' he said, 'and I'll send for a policeman. A ruffian like you must be punished severely.' The cabman did not wait. Crack went the whip, and the vehicle sped away like a flash. Brown having saved half a crown, replac- ed his glass eye and went up stairs. that it is paying 0. rental of $9,000 per year. The Union Signal, which is only one of its publica- tDions, has a circulation of 80,000. oes not this show some business capacity in women ? In the Boston Journal of Jan- uary 18th, we find a sketctl of Mrs John A. Logan who made her Home Magazine a successand who presides over its editorial columns. This paper informs us that 'she is a thorough business woman, with an appreciation of the practical side of literature, and this aids her wonderfully in her editorial duties,' Women who have had a chance have shown quite as much bust- ness ability as men, and in some instances they have been more successful than mon, like Mrs Frank Leslie, who at the death of her husband took in charge his illustrated paper, under great dis- couragements, and by her energy and superior business ability she was eminently successful in her enterprise, paid the debts of the establishment, and by her indo- mitable perseverance, energy, and fair dealing, became in a few years a wealthy woman. Women may fail,as men often fail in busi- ness ; distinguished generals have sometimes failed on the battle- field, and have been relieved of their commands! The average woman is every way eqaal to the average man, is quite as intelli- gent, and more . religious as all churches show; is better educated and has higher moral instincts and aspirations.—D. P. Livermore in the Union Signal. FACTORY SUPPLIES Valves, Iron &. Lead Plpe Loose Pulley O11ers, Steam Jet Pumps, F: rrl Pamps, Wind hells, Cream Separator, Dairy and Laundry -Utensils. 536 CRAitI STfIE::T, MONTREAL. GENTSFURNI$HING$ JOB DEPARTMENT We have just received a large and attractive asscrtwent of the latest styles for spring and summer wear. We bought an immense stock at dose cut prices, and are offering to the public good goods at prices that were never before heard of in this section. Come and see the goods. Nobby HATS, Dandy CAPS, Beautiful TIES, Pretty SHIRTS, Nice Colored GLOVES. G. GLASGOW NEXT DOOR NORTH To DRY GOODS OODS PALACE. We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, Jale Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. - Prices the Lowest Work the Finest and satis- faction ?'uaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. 'CHADWICK'S SPOOli COTT®14. Per .Hand and .Jl1aeltine Use. tin NO SUPERIOR. ASK FOR IT. LEA.TRERBIB STEEL -LINED TRUNKS In Sample, Ladies' and all otherkinds: Lightest ani strongest TRUNKS In the World. J. EVELEIGE & CO MONTRE6.1., Sole Mfrs.Iarthe Bonin's :HOTEL BALMORAL MONTREAL. itotre, Dame 6t,. ono of the most central and elegantly furnished Hotels in the O1t.1 Accommodation for 400 guests. Oates t s Vs ' 'O0DRUFF, to $8 per day. e Manager DOMINION ■ .. vier.. R s • 1019 A¢'ts for Canada, a•PALMER&SON y,•`<bredale Imp'tre df 7U 1i10TIlE DA E St, MONTREAL. v a 1AAA - LEATIiER BOARD COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MiLLDOARD Steam Pooling, ° FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, This teaPerfectr iotion CKITT'$ BLUE. OE BEST FOR LAUN3RY USE. AFRICA TODAY. Until very recently we were accustomed to picture Africa as a vast stretch of arid card, swept by burning winds, and incapable of maintaining any form of life except within narrow limits in its northern and southern extremities and along the fringe of coast line. But to --day we know Africa to be H land nearly four times as large ar= Europe, its mountains pushing 'heir heads against the sky and tapping themselves with snow; a land of luxuriant forest and rich, fertile valleys, watered by mighty rivers and great inland seas, pos- sessed of a fauna and a flora as varied as her various climates : and, above all, teems with untold millions of human beings. This list, after all is what interests ue. It is not in geogerphical mileage merely,but in :ts area of human life with its accumulated sin and sor- row, its vicissitudes of' thought and feeling, its capacities and ca- pabilities, that Africa grows; and Cour hearts are right with God they must grow with it. There the pathos of heathenism is found at its fullest. What first impressed me as I wont among the Bakwilli on the western coast, what con- tinued to impress me more than anything else while I remained among them, was the apparent utter barrenness of tho mind of the people of anything like dofin- ;te'idea of God. I never saw an idol in any town, nor anything beyond the blindest most unrea- soning fetichism approaching to worship witchcraft, slavery, poly- gamy,infanticide,---thestIire some of the voices that cry out to us from Africa, saying, "Como over and help us," On what to us as Christalns is the comparatively low level of humanoness,we stand Children Cry for PAPERS 'icoongt *ink Loi t 4:tL i AL SIZE». AND GI/Eldleta r ORDS $ >�a9so104 ;9llAlaf�+ n t. 0H SONS uriulOLSLB' EEI" * GREAT STRENGTH GIVER 4PERE'S Foot, VAnR tHr SICK ARMING to 0TA1TI5USDEVARA(1E '' A t7iiiWERrUL jf4l4 0 1A1'cR ,. 4', t I.,1.. -t '.. .. w`... t .. 1 . SEL ROOS—,..e.- •'ori N+;IRT' BUILDERS' IRON WORT Office Railings, Lawn Fatrlettl.. AND FOUNTAINS, ETC. R. HOLMES, BOX 74. CLINTON. McCOOL 'BROS & CO., THE LEADING OIL MERCHANTS OF CANADA Are still pleasing the public with oils. Why use an oil that will in- jure your machinery when you can get the celebrated ADDRESS Barnum Wire & Iroit Works CATALOCIUES (2.SM2'TEa). WALKERVILLE. ONTARIO. SENT ON APPLICATION. " 1iARIDi a 1" Specialties: Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka, Spindle, Bolt -Cutting, Solar and Harness. Manufacturers, McCOOL BROS & CO., Toronto. For sale by all dealers throughout the Dominion. - WHAT PARESIS IS. "Paresis," said a Cincinnati phy- sician, as he lighted a 'cigar and told a patient that smoking was a dangerous vice, "is a disease of which men, particularly men of affairs, are very much afraid. It is a hopeless disease and physi cians have never been able to cure it. Tho fear that it exists is due to the fact that it is a malady that men can measure as it grows from day to day. Paresis is popularly known as softening of the brain. hut• it is quite the reverse. The brain hardens and contracts. The popular idea that this awful malady is due to exercises of an improper sort is altogether wrong The groat cause is worry- over- work, a too constant application atilt) brain along the one line that is dominant in the United, States a desire td grow rich. 1 saw an article in a newspaper not long a o that stated that a man of un- discipTined mentality, the self- made elfmade roan, in fact the man whose brain was not trained and the working of whose brain was not systematized by a good education, was more susceptible to paresis than any other type of man, and it hits been my observation that is true. Men who cannot stand, men who, to use the a popular vulgar- ism, have the 'swelled head', fall the quictcest. Yes, it is true that no newspaper -man has died of paresis. MERCHANT .TAILORING. Walton -&- Morrison - - x We desire to announce to the.people of Clinton and vicinity that we have opened 41, ,MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, -- Opposite the Post Office, in SMITH'S BLOCK, CLINTON Where we will carry a choice stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, and all ar- ticles required for the clothing trade. Having had several years practical experience in the largest cities of Ontario and the States,we feel confident that we can give entire satisfaction to all who favor us with their trade. Our prices will be found reasonable, and we guar- antee a cut and fit that cannot be surpassed. Orders respectfully solicited. Redly the firelight shines h the room, Chasing away all the shadow and gloom; Light-hearted children are prattling in glee; Father is as happy as can be. For the wife and mother who suffered so long, For getting her health bank and soon will be strong, And who is so happy as she is to -night, As she thinks of the shadow that's tak- en its flight— the shadow of disease that darkens so many homes, and makes the life of wife and mother one of terrible suffer- ing. How pleased we are to know that at last a remedy has been found for all those delicate derangements and weaknesses peculiar to women. It comes to cheerless homes with "glad tidings of great joy." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has done for women what no other remedy has done, or can do, and it is not to be wondered at that women who have been Cured by it'are to enthusiastic in its praise. It is the only medicine for women sold,lby druggists, tinder pos- itive a itive guarantee from the manufacturers of sattlsfatition, or mote returned. `PItoher'6 Ca toria. • WALTON & MORRISON, SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON The CENTRAL GROCERY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. JUST RECEIVED A. Fine Assortment of PLAIN and STAMPED GOODS, TRAY CLOTHS, SIDEBOARD DRAPES, TOILET SETS, SPLASHERS, STAND COVERS, &c., Also a large stock of RUBBER BALLS, BASE BALLS, SKIPPING ROPES, HAMMOCKS, EXPRESS WAGGONS. Call and see our stook be- foro buying, as we want to clear out our present stock of WALL PAPER CEILING DECORATIONS, &c. We offer them cheap, call [and see for yourselves. WORTHINGTON'Sf BOOK and DRUG STORE mousiness Change. The undersigned having bought the stock of H. R. Walker, at a low rate on the dollar, are prepared to offer the same at very close prices for cash. The stook consists of GROCERIES, Crockery, Glasswat e, &c,, And is in first-class order. They are also adding new stock in every depart- ment, and will be prepared to supply the public with anything in the grocery line, at the very lowest prices. Specially low prices will be offered in CROCKERY - and - TEAS Patronage respectfully solicited. Remember the place—Walker's old stand. McMURRAY & WILTSE, - ' CLINTON CHINA HAlL To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dee. 1st.!GIVE TEN, PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity dose - curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock. We Offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth, 0 We Offer NEW SEASON BLACK TEA at 26 cents, worth 40. We Offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap, 2 BROOMS for 25c. FRESH FINAN IIADDIE, SISCOS, HERRING, BLOATERS,; &c. Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give us a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. EesRs. 0. C RICHARDS & Co. Gents.—Having used MINA.RD'S LINIMENT for several years in my sta. ble, I attest to its being the best thing I know for horse flesh. In the family, we have Used it for every purpose that a liniment is adapted for, it being re- commended to us by the late Pr J. L. R. Webster. Personally I find it the best allayer of neuralgic pain I have ever used B. Tanis, Proprietor Yarmouth Livery Stable. The liquor dealer in Drawls, Mass., who paid $8,000 for run• ning the only saloon in town is rapidly coming to the conclusion that too much of a good thing is good for nothing. Last Saturday afternoon men stood in line 1100 feet waiting for a chance to get a drink and the rush and turmoil were so great that citizens com- plained of the place as a nuisance. It is probadly the first time on record that a saloon keeper has complained of eXtceSBive patron. age, STIX. The strength of this article is extra- ordinary. After being cemented most articles will break in another place rather than where cemented. Price 15 cents from druggists. CHRONIC COUGH NOW t For it you do not it may become con- sumptive. For Consumption, Beroftda, General Debiifty and Wasting Diseases, there is nothing like SCOTT$ EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHI1'ES Of ram., and sseydd. It 18 almost as palatable as milk. Far better than other so•called Emulsions. A Wonderful aeon producer. SCOTT'S EMULSION trs puf uli itt tt salutes* dolor toroppar.�d euro and pat the (tanning. Said by all ,Pealed at 80a. •tad $1.00. 9L"0'1"P k ItOWN , fi'olt+t* ale. N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL. TlicPcoplo'sliancss &GfoctryDpot, L have just received a full stook of CHRISTMAS and NEW YEARS PRES- ENTS for young and old consisting of Childrens CUPS, SAUCERS, MUGS, MOUSTACHE CUPS, TEA SETS, EGG CUPS, &o. SILVERWARE— CASTORS, CRUETS, PICKLE DISHES, KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, BUTTER KNIVES, WATCHES, GOLD WATCHES, BROOCHE CUFF BUTTONS, CHAINS, CHARMS, PINS, COLLAR BUTTONS. A large as- sortment of Vases, all kinds. Santaolaus bead quarters for Toys of every de- • . soription, such as Horns, Bugles, Animals, Music Boxes, Work Boxes Dark and ' Magic Lanterns, Guns, Whistles, Books, False Faces, Dominoes, Tops, Pistols, Swiss Magio Houses, Purses, Whips, children° Tea Sets, Fanny Candy, Hearts, &o. All the above articles will be sold oheap for cash. Drop in and see these before they are all gone. My,stock of Xmas Groceries is complete and at lowest current prices. Other lines of goods also complete, Harness, whips Robes, Blankets, Belts and all goods found in a harness shop. Tinware, Hardware, ` Crockery, Glassware, Flower, Feed Jewellery, &c. The highest price paid in cash for all kinds of Furs or 10 per Dent advance if taken in trade. All kinds of Produce taken the same as cash. After thanking you for past custom and so- lioiting a continuance. I wish you a merry Xmas and a happy New Year. GEO. NEWTON - - LONDESBORO B. LAURANCE'S Spectacles. Those celebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B. Lair rance's test, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. Yon can depend on getting the GENUINE B. LAURANCE sPECTAOLVA by calling and ekamining the stook at + 'IUt.,,)M &S JACIKSONIS, ,