HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-05-16, Page 7a AL BALM I, An and a eedy cure for Codd to the H03i and Catarrh it53taga5. Bt]OTHINC, CLEANSING, HEALING. ,t.. tit flails% Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. ,.• are siniRly symptoms of E.tttt Tris, s ,nh a. e , : • Ino. partial deafness, losing #Kft74 of smell ter !rent, hawking and spitting, *Betts lt, general fie . • of .belrty,etc. If you are trnulti,d withany e • e . r kindred symptoms, you 404 Catarrh, and rI. time in procuring 4 bot of NASA' I , M lie Warned in time rittgiected i tri in • . . , -au' ; in Catarrh. followed bypmoan , iso: • NASAL BALM is sold by t;iltjetlggisr., •.r : t, post paid, on receipt of Price (50 cent. uy addressing rt.F )RD £t CO., BROCKVILL6, SINT. • Ucwat• 'caitations similar in t...ne. OUR NEW SBA Solid Worth ilio .t w tele In the world. Per act timekeeper. Warranted heavy, SOLID SOLD hunting CMS. Both ladies' and gent's nails, with works and Dues of sonsl value. Oar AMNION In each locality eau assure one e, together with our Lrgs and valuable lino otfotuehold amp les. These &ample., &a wall as the watch are free. All the wort you rod* do U wMid rbow what e you to those who call—your ads and nsighbora and those aout you—that .swaye multi ii4T$uabla trade toren whicbholds for years whenbnce started, t *d thus yrs overpaid. We pay all express, freight. etc. After 7Q!tknow all lr you would Wee to go to work for us. you eau Mut from .110 to 860' per week and upward.. Address, WfMOOS aV. Co.. Boz d1 2, Portland, Marna von Sore Eyes Catarrh ,::Lameness `Female Complaints Sunburn Soreness Sprains afing Bruises SSE Scalds Tines �U� B l -i s Wounds EXTRACT 9r jeci Bites 'Stings Sore Feet U..NFLAMMAdTIONS an IEVIARRHAGES ALL PAIN AVOID ALL '7,1ITA. TIONS. THEY MAY BE DANGEROUS. FAC.SIMILE OF BOTTLE WITH BUFF WRAPPER. DEMANO POND'S EX- TRACT. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE FOR IT R -I EFpgii"G OQINT. f hfl*bel murmur presently, "holy SQ NU h shita.'ere:Rld floor is t 1 tuees tIere't3 a temperance lecture that has the merit of being true. A Sun roporter met u man the other day who for years kept a well-known up -town grog -shop - hare. given up. the business ; sold out and quit for good,',saidtbe ex -saloon keeper. •I couldn't stand drunken men. Oh, I could handle them all right—I wasn't afraid of them, but the idea of tak- ing so much money that deprives women and children' of neces- saries and comforts was too much for me. I used to see poor fel- lows who got $10 or $12 a week come in of a Saturday and blow in half of their earnings, and I knew that it meant distress for hard-working women and inno- cent children. I couldn't keep on taking their money. It broke me up.'—New York Sun. AVBRICE HAS ITS TIES. I heard of a close-fisted old fel- low in a tower in Lincoln county who one day went to a black smith's shop in his neighborhood to get a handle welded on to the blade of an old-fashioned brick - oven shovel. Said he to the wielder of the sledge, 'You juest mend that ere whilst I'm gone down to the corner with this pa'ro' yellins, 'n' I'll get it when I cum back-er-long.' The smith mended the shovel and left it standing against his anvil. When the owner camp back he stopped the 'yellins' and entered the shop. 'Wall,' said he 'how much is to pay on that ere little job ?' 'Six cents,' was the reply. The old fellow stood for a full minute with his headjdropped for- ward and his eyes on the floor. Then ho spoke, 'I'm sorry I heti it done. 'All right,' said the blacksmith; 'that's easily remedied,' and raised his hammer and struck the iron a clip and unwelded tt. 'There,' said he, 'it's all right now.' This time the old gentleman dropped his head and looked at the floor for full five minutes. At the end of which he said solemnly, 'I'm sorry you did that.' 'Well, you were sorry it was done and now it is just as it was when you brought it hero,' was the reply. 'I can't kerry that home that way,' said the owner of the article •The folks want to use it. I guess you'll heb t� weld it again.' 'All right,' said the other, and in two minutes the work done again. 'Wall, what's to pay on it now ?' 'Eighteen cents,' was the rerly. 'Six for mending it the first time, six for unwelding it, and six for welding it again.' The bill was was paid without a word, and the shovel was carried home to the 'wimmen folks.'— Froni the Lewiston Journal. I'tfi>x !?Ii the rug.' $be moved to the rug and set up a new series of world-weary latuepttitione; but after she had sat there for some time and had ex- perienced none of the positive symptow of freezing to death, she rose and sat down on the foot of the bed. 'This damp old bed always was 'Dough to freeze anybody, and I guess it'll fetch me,' she exclaimed 'if anything, will.' Presently, almost without her own consciousness, she sank down upon the bed, and then one of her nieces glided into the room and softly covered her with a quilt. 'Oh, dear l ob, dear 7' Aunt Me- hitabel shrieked, 'I'm goin' to sleep, an' that's a sure sign that I'm freezin' to death. Good -by to a cold, cruel world—good-by, good-hy !' Aunt Mehitabel slept soundly PENAL- until morning, and awoke in a greatly impoved mental condition. She did not renew her attempt at suicide, and never made any re- ference to it as long as she lived. To people who are born to com- mit suicide Aunt 111ehitabel's method of shuffling off is perhaps to be re.;ommended. THIS IS THE ONLY RIGHT NINO. DONOT TAKE ANY OTHER. 'pHEIREST '1IKINGI PO 1DER -e-Is.4 4icLAREN'S GENUINE fook Frlolq No Arum. Nothing Injurious. GEr„ILED EVERYWHERE. GARTH & Cu. FACTORY SUPPLIES Valves, Iron & Lead P!:e Loose Pul'ey O: era, Steam let Ptntps, E t'o Pumps, Wi•,d Cream Coplrt,rs, R and t.a::nory U;•'rn 53o CRI1:i MONTRE:,, V;t;3,l CHA©WICK'S $PO0li COTTON For Hand and Machine Use. HAS N0 SUPERIOR. A3K FOR IT. LL'iATIIERUAU STEEL-LiliED "(NM In Sample, Lsdica' at;. all other kinds. ?.IRhtast and Stinzost TRUNKS In the Wor:d. J. EYELEIGR & 0 MONTREAL, Sole },bits. for tho Dc- iu'n HOTEL BAL ORAL MONTREAL. tuocro Tame St., ono of the most rent *al and elegantly furnished Hotels 1:, the E It, Accommodation for 400 guest*. Antes:CV 3T 1 TO0DRUFF, ri to $3 per day. S. V . V Y Manager DOMINION ?EARS' Sola AS'ti for Canada, 1.PALMERRSON Vholeeale Imp'tra of /JGGiSTS' SUNDRIES 17I3 NOTRE DAIfE ST., MONTREA.L.. LEANER BOARD COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOS BIILLBOAAD Steam Seeking, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, Mie in a PerfectFrintion RECKITT'S BLUE THE BEST FOR LAUNMRY USE. PAPERS Wrapping, 4anilla, 1Ef1 S, 44• ALL eve SIZES ANO 7 ty WEIGHTS TO ORDER 21 DaDresoles St. lltitls :-Partilant, 0 OHI4S INS FLUID1C,IEEF THE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER PJ PERFECT FOOD _Aoft THE stcx ARMING h •r‘ ITIOUs6EVERAGE r,,J. A POWERFUL INVIGORATOR USE OF PAPER IN JAPAN. t_ Inf ' nes "and Children. ••Castorkils so wellodspeadlochildrenthst awMEISontmr OAS, CottrtlPottoe, L repot utneod Itar rupasiorto any prtralpiiea s__' Btosuch. DlattllceA tion. kerma lame" IL A. Amara, 7L D., IOUs Worms, gitrali rltrep, and preMOM. tii- 31180.Ox Oxford 8R. Brooklyn, N. T. �itrtta dont mrd "shoe. Tux Damon ColrAxr, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. 1CURE FIT ITHOUSANDS OF BOTTLES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. ig When 1 say Cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them return again. 1 MEAN A R A D I CA L C v R S. 1 have made the disease of Fits, Epilepsy or Failing Sickness a life-long study. 1 warrant my remedy to Cure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address:—H. O. ROOT. M.O.. Drench Office, 185 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. The Japanese use paper every ' nstant, says the Newark Standard The string with which the articles you buy are fastened is made of paper. Do you want a piece of string ? Tear a sheet of paper, roll it between the fingers; it re- quires a strong wrist to break it. £he handkerchief thrown away after use is paper! The partitions dividing the houses paper ! The pane through which an indiscreet eye loeks at you is paper. The pane is truly wanting in trans- parency, or not at all transparent, and the Japanese, especially the ladies, who are just as curious as they are in other countries. are none the less embarrassed to see, without troubling themselves, what is taking place outside. The method is very, very simple—otre finger is passed through the paper that is all! When one has a good look, a small piece is stuck on this opening with a grain of rice. The y0kounine hat passing is paper; the porter's cloak, who carries his burden, singing his cadence, through the rain; the garment of the boatman, who conducts you on board ; the tobac- co pouch, cigar case—all are paper ! Those elegant flowers ornamenting the beautiful hair of the Japanese ladies, and those robe collars, which are taken for crape—Taper ! SUICIDE BY FREEZING. 11ow AUNT MEHITABEL TO LEAVE THIS WORLD AND BORROW. The Boston Transcirpt says : Somehow the raw chill brought to his mind the case of Aunt Mehita- bel Coffin, who, not more than a short generation ago, lived in a cold old house down on the cold side of Cape Cod, with houseful of rather frigid maiden ladies, her sisters and nieces. Becoming a little unsettled in her mind, Aunt Mehitabel resolved that she would battle no longer with an inclement world. She announced to the family one particularly cold morn- ing that she had made up her mind to commit suicide. 'Law's sakes !' exclaimed her younger sister Abigail, incredul- ously, 'how do you think you're going to kill yourself. Mehita- bel ?' - 'The most nat'ral way 'round here,' said Aunt Mchitabel,with a shiver, 'is to freeze to death. An' that's the way I'm goin' to do it.' The rest of the family laughed ht'r to scorn. But when she had made all her preparations to go, and had even given away her Paisley shawl and her string of gold beads, their skepticism turn- ed to alarm. It began to look as it she were actually in earnest. Tho next night the thermometer went down almost to zero. Aunt Mehitabel told them all a wailing good -by at about 9 o'clock in tho evening, and went up to the spare room, which was of course the coldest, room in the house. She put up the window,sat on the sill, and hung her feet out into the icy north wind. There was no man in the household, and no woman strong enough or brave enough to compel Aunt Mehitabel to get back into the room. So the sisters and nieces gathered about shivering in the intensified cold of the spare room. By- and by the suicide began to show signsaof un- easiness in her perch at the win- dow. sho said. 'I guess it's 'bout's easy to freeze to death on the floor as 'tis out hero.' She crept back into the robin and crouched down upon the hard floor, mooning and complaining. By this time the other women of the household had fled 1 ack into PREPARED OF CARE GENTS FURNISHINGS We have just received a large and attractive assortment of the latest styles for spring and summer wean. We bought an immense stock at close cut prices, and are offering to the public good goods at prices that were never before heard of in this section. Conte and see the goods. Nobby HATS, Dandy CAPS, Beautiful TIES, Pretty SHIRTS, Nice Colored GLOVES. G. GLASGOW, NEXT DOOR' NORTH To Dm- GOODS PALACE. BUILDERS' IRON .VOR' Office Railings, Lam ► tri ec,,.l:: AND FOUNTAINS. ETC;. Bann Vire ADDn&Shoe Works (2.4:14ITE1:,), WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO. MEN BUYING BONNETS. The Chicago Tribune says : A Wabash avenue saleswoman in a millinery store : I have been brought up in this business, and I never before knew of so many men buying bats and bonnets for women as there are this season. I can remember when a man would have no mote thought of coming into a place like this except as a looker-on, than a wo- man would think of going into a saloon. But for the last few sea- sons men have taken it into their beads to do much of the buying for their wives, sisters or sweet- hearts. And I must say that I like the change. Tho average man can pick out a becoming hat or bonnet for a women and not look over one third of the store. As a general thing a man knows bettor• than a woman what is best suited for her. Very few hats or bonnets selected by men are ever returned. One of the most pro- minent lawyers in the city (be used to be a judge) drove up in his car- riage the other day and brought in his wife's old bonnet, and gave minute instructions as to how it should bo trimmed. And I must say he had excellent taste. I was over to Paris a few weeks ago, and I found men doing a good deal of shopping in this line of goods. ILNTE1l STING TO PARENTS. Mr Robert Laidlaw,of the Ottawa Free Press, says.' 'Our babe was so choked up she could hardly breathe. In fact at one time we feared that she would choke to death. Respiration became more Difficult every minute, for which we could get no relief by- the usual remedies formerly used. Having a bottle of 'Nasal Balm in the house my wife suggested try- ing it,and in twenty minutes from the first application the child was sleeping and breathing easily, and in twenty four hours not a sign oftho trouble remained.. It is an invaluable remedy for chil- dren as well as grown up people. BLUES—HOW TO GET THEM. MERCHANT TAILORING. Walton &— Morrison TEE CINTON NEW ERS R. HOLMES, - - Publisher, CLINTON, - - ONT. a J•X We desire to announce to the people of Clinton and vicinity that we Kase opened a Wo do not refer to the low spirits and down -hearted feeling which sometimes goes by the name of blues. Everybody knows how to get that kind. We refer to dark blue, indigo bine, and navy blue dyes, which will not crock, fade or wash out. There aro some people who do not know how to get these colors. They can be made easily on all kinds of goods by the use of the proper color of Diamond Dyes. Like the other colors of Din''land Dyes, these blues are very easy t , use and will give perfectly satisfactor v re- ults, Diamond Dye Indigo Blue is a new color recently added to the list of Diamonds Dyes. It is the result of years of experiment finally crowned with perfect success. It is a thoroughly fast and most reliable color, and is as- ,ecially recommended for use in the the passageway, and stood waiting Dyeing of clothes intended for hard tit the darkness, wear. 'Beals all,' they heard A'int Jlo ittd}ing cotton goods, Diamond I)ye o -MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT,— Opposite the Post Office, in SMITH'S BLOCK, CLINTON Whore we will carry- a choice stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, and all ar- ticles required for the clothing trade. Having had several years practical experience in the largest cities of Ontario and the Statos,we feel confident that we can give entiro satisfaction to all who favor us with their trade. Our prices will be found reasonable, and we guar- antee a cut and fit that cannot be surpassed. Orders respectfully solicited. WALTON & MORRiSON, SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON The VENTRAL GROCERY OPPOS;TE 1HE POST OFFICE. THE NEW ERA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a. Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad- vertising Mediuln. Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance. JOB DEPARTMENT We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, Sale Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. Business Change. R. HOLMES, BOX 74. CLINTON. McCOOL 'BROS & CO THE LEADING OIL MERCHANTS OF CANADA Are still pleasing the public with oils. Why use an oil that will in- jure your machinery when you can get the celebrated • ` ` iA. P ID 1 1\T M I " Specialties: Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka, Spindle, Bolt -Cutting, Solar and Harness. Manufacturers, McCOOL EROS & CO., Toronto. For sale by all dealers throughout the Dominion. The undersigned having bought the stock of II. R. Walker, at a low rate on the dollar, are prepared to offer the same at very close prices for cash. The stock consists of GROCERIES, Crockery, Glassware. &c., And is in first-class order. They are also adding new stock in every depart- ment, and will be prepared to supply the public with anything in the grocery line, at the very lowest prices. Specially low prices will be offered in CROCKERY - and - TEAS Patronage respectfully solicited. Remember the place—Walker's old stand. McMURRAY & WILTSE, - CLINTON Blue for cotton should be used. Dia- mond Dye Dark Blue, Indigo Blue, and Light blue are intended for silk or wool goods only, but Diamond Dye Navy Blue will color either silk, wool or cotton. Try these dyes once and when- ever yon want beautiful, rich blues you cannot be inducefd to use any other dyes. MACE STOCKINOS. Every woman has been troubled in obtainiug black stookings that will neither crock nor wash out. Then, too the price charged for a fair quantity of black stockings is more than the aver- age person cares to pay. Fortunately, a new color recently added to the list of Diamond Dyes, now makes it possible for every woman to obtain black stockings that will hold their color peeectly, and which cost her but little more than ordinary white Ones. This new cclor, which is giving satis- faction wherever used, is Fast stocking Black Diamond Dye. A ten cent pack- age colors five pairs of cotton stockings a fast jet black that will not crock or wash out. Stockings dyed with this color are improved in looks by washing in soap suds. 1t simply needs a trial to convince any lady that this is not only the most economical way of obtaining black stockings, but also the easiest. After ming one package, you could not be induced to buy black stockings, or wear anything but those colored with Fast Stocking Diamond Dye. At the Methodist Metropolitan Church, Toronto, Wednesday, to o Chinamen wore baptized into the Methodist Church by .Hee Leroy Hooker. _ -.-.-.-.-•---sass.----•-----,_� -.. SCOTTS EMULSION Of Pure Codi Liver Oil and i HYPOPHOSPHITES( of Lime and' Soda Scott's Emulsion 'Az/ZIT, is a urnnderfa1 Flc.gh Frod,wrr. It is the 7;•est Rentr•Ay ror CONSII1vzrTI011T,°. Scrofula, Dronchitis,Wasting Dia - oases, Chronic Coughs and Colds. PAT.ATARLR AR MULE. Sentra Eemulnion is only put up in salmon color wrapper. Avoid all imitations or substitutions. • Sold by all Dragaiste at 50o. and $1.0a SCOTT .t ROWNE. Rollavilla. JUST RECEIVED A Fine Assortment of PLAIN and STAMPED GOODS, TRAY CLOTHS, SIDEBOARD DRAPES, TOILET SETS, SPLASHERS, STAND COVERS, &c., Also a large stock of RUBBER BALLS, BASE BALLS, SKIPPING ROPES, HAMMOCKS, EXPRESS WAGGONS. Call and see our stock be- fore buying, as we want to clear out our present stock of WALL PAPER CEILING DECORATIONS, &o. We offer them cheap, call (and see for yourselves. WORTB.INGTON1 BOOK and DRUG STORE. CHINA HALL To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dee. 1st.►GIVE TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se- curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock. We Offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth 0 We Offer NEW SEASON BLACK TEA at 25 cents, worth 40. We Offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap, 2 BROOMS for 25c. FRESH FINAN HADDIE, SISCOS, HERRING, BLOATERS,; &c. Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give ns a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL. The Poopto's Hauiess &GPocotyPcol, Londosboro We have just received a full stock of CHRISTMAS and NEW YEARS PRES- ENTS for young and old consisting of Childrens CUPS, SAUCERS, MUGS, MOUSTACHE CUPS, 'TEA SETS, EGG CUPS, &c. SILVERWARE— CASTORS, CRUETS, PICKLE DISHES, KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS BUTTER KNIVES, WATCHES, GOLD WATCHES, BROQCHE CUFF BUTTONS, CHAINS, CHARMS, PINS, COLLAR BUTTONS. A Large as sortment of Vases, all kinds. Santaclans head quarters for Toys of every de- scription, such as Horns, Bugles, Animals, Music Boxes, Work Boxes Dark, and Magic Lanterns, Guns, Whistles, Books, False Faces, Dominoes, Tops, Pistols, Swiss Magic Houses, Purses, Whips, childrens Tea Sets, Fancy Candy, Hearts, &c. Al) the above articles will be sold cheap for cash. Drop in and see these before they are all gone. My stock of Xmas Groceries is complete and at lowest current prices. Other lines of goods also complete, Harness, Whips Robes, Blankets, Belts and all goods found in a harness shop. Tinware, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Flower, Feed Jewellery, &c. The highest price paid in cash for all kinds of Furs or 10 per cent advance if taken in trade. All kinds of Produce taken the same as cash. After thanking you for past custom and so- liciting a continuance. I wish yon a merry Xmas and a happy New Year. GEO. NEWTON - - LONDESBORO mosessomennInt B. LAURANCE'S Spectacles. Those eelebrated Spectacles les rut• fitter! in every in'tnnr'e with IL Lau- rance's 'est, and a certainty of beingsuited is enirnntecd. You esn depend on getting the GENUINE 13. LAURANCE SPECTACLES by calling and examining the stock nt 9rI- C)M AS J.,CI-KS4C)N 'tav*. 11 ., CLIN'I'f7)INi .