HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-05-16, Page 5I..
For Watches
. B. RUMBALL & 00
For Clocks
For Jewellery
For Fine Watch Repairing
Central Telephone
Routes of
The Celebrated Prize Stallion,
No. 2971, C. S. B., Vol. 6
!, Monday afternoon, will leave his own stable,
and proceed to Josehp Guvier's, 13th con.,
Hallett, for night. Tuesday, proceed to W.
HBI(e, Colborne, for noon, then to J• Fisher's
Maitland con., for night. Weduesday,-pro-
oeed to Swarts' hotel, Holwesville, for voou;
then to Nixou Sturdy's, 7th con., Goderich
Township, for night. Thursday, proceed to
Benmiller for noon ; then to John Taylor's,
Nile, for the night. Friday, proceed along
1 0 titles to Manchester, fie. noon , then
to his own stable, where he will remain till
the following Monday afternoon. J.P. FISH-
ER, Blyth, Proprietor. 3i
' OTTER WILSON, Manager.
Young Boreland Chief 289.
,JWi11 stand for mares this season as follows:
Monday morning will leave his own table,
C. Nesbitt's, lith con., Ooderich township,
and proceed along the Maitland con., to A.
Halo ead's for noon, then, by way of Holm es-
ville bridge, to T. Young's, Colborne, for
night, Tuesday, by way of the 6th con. of
Colborne, then turn south to M. Million's for
noon, then to W. Blake's for night. Wed-
nesday,will proceed by way of Ball's bridge
to O. Cristopher's, Hullett, for noon, then,
by way of the baso line, to C. Nesbitt's for
night. Thursday, by way of the base line to
Bell's hotel, Clinton, for noon, then, by way
of the 18th con., Goderich township, to G.
Graham's for night. Friday, will proceed to
T. Alexander's, 7th con. Goderich township,
for noon, then to Samuel Merrill's for night.
Saturday, will proceed to Swarts' hotel,
Holmesville, for noon, then by way of the
18th con„ to C. Nesbit's, where he will re-
main till the following Monday morning,
House and Lot for Sale.
For Salo or to rent, on very reasonable
terms, a ,mall frame house and lot on Maple
Street. Quarter acrs lot. For particulars
apply to NEw Efts Office or E. TIGH E, Clin-
ten Post Office.
Lot for sale or to rent, on Towusend St.,
The houso, which is new, contains fourteen
rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is
also a good stone cellar, good lawn, hard and
. soft water In abundance. The lot contaius
f of an acre. Terms reasonable. Apply
'Mthe premises or to MRS C. CARTER,
inton. tf
To Rent.
Two fine stores in Perrin's block,
Also, will be vacant by the 1st of May, the
-commodious rooms used by Mr Shearer.
Apply to J. P. TIMDALL, Agent for Canada
Life Insurance Co.
T The undersigned offers for sale his farm
of 64 acres, being the west part of lot 9, on
the 3rd con., and 14 acres of the east halt of
lot 10, on the 3rd con of Hullett. Frame
barn, stable and sheds, log house, one acre
of on orchard, and river ruuning through
the place. About 50 acres cleared, Will be
aold cheap. Apply personally to lot 8, on
he 2nd con., or by letter to Seaforth P. 0
Good House and Lot for Sale.
The undersigned have instructions to offer
for sale a house and lot on Ratteubury St.,
near the Methodist church. The property
is in good shape, the house being a comfort-
able and well-built dwelling, with stone cel-
lar, hard and water under cover, stable, Sc,
A large quantity of trees ou the lot. Will be
sold 1200 less than its real value. Apply to
MANNING & SCOTT,'Soticitors, Clinton.
One of the best steam >;twmiils in Huron
County, enpasity 10,0011 Inc day, in first class
running order and furnished with shingle
and heading machinery. Also about 5 acres
of land and house, plenty of timber near.
Last year's custom sawing was over 400,000
,(and over 13,000 sill heading 1 Near ship
ping point and thriving C 'iv 1 A first-class
business cheap. I•'or pat 1111,ars address,
NEW ERA OFFICE, Clit `1: Immediate
possession if required.
Blacksmith Shop and land
for sale.
Subscriber offal's for Hale the property
_ oned by hint at Gowrie, in the county of
Pwerth. It consists of alrlackeniith shop do-
ing a good business, with dwelling house, 8111
IAe and half -acre of land attached. Is in It
splendid farthing section, with no opposition
Will be sold with or without tools. Satis-
factory rattson for selling. For particulars
apply to THOS. LORlt, Holmesville, or .JOS
LORD, Gowrie. t f
Farm for Sale or to Rent.
Subscriber osiers either for sale or to rent
that farm of 76 acres, being lot 21 end part of
22, 5th con. of Stanley. About 55 or 60 acres
cleared; all seeded down. Frame barn and
s' able, log house, orchard of one acre, plenty
of avatar. Soil good, one of the best grass
farms in the township. Within nix mites of
Clinton, and ten of eon.forth: schools and
ohurches within reasonable distance Will
be sold on terms to suit purchaser. Or will
he rented, possession to be given in the fall.
J. W. MILLS, Varna P.O., or W. SHIPLEY,
Clinton. ° 3 m. Api.4
Good House & Lot & Planing
Mill for Sale.
The subscriber offers for sale his house and
lots on Albert Street. This property is very
eligibly situated. The house is a goad storey
and a half, frame, with al] conveniences.
and contains 11 roome. The lot is one-half
an acro, but will be soli with or without the
rear quarter.
On Oto back part is a planing mill, with 15
horse -power engine, with 1 surface l'oney
Planer, 1 first-class double Cape Tenanting
Machine, 1 Moulding Machine, 1.fig and Rip
Saw, with shafting, belting, Aro. This will
bo sold entire or to snit purchaser. Terms
reasonable_ D. BUCHANAN, Clinton
Tho undersigned have bought .ml the Liv-
t,ght v
ery hnsine8s lately owned 143 It. Bettie and
desire to nforin the publie that they will
carry on the game In the old premises,
Next COM IM ERC 1 A i. Hotel.
Several new and good driving horses, and the
moatstyylivh carrages have been added to
the hnsineay. and will he hirers at reasonable
prison. Satlsfaetion gnarantoed.
NF:w ERA—largest paper in Raven.
A. O. U. W.
The Clinton Lodge. No. 111, west du ,fack-
son's Hall on the 1st and :led F'ridays iu each
mouth. '151tore cordially Invited. It.
STONEH AM, M. W. J. BEAN, Recorder.
Piano, Organ and Techuicoti, or Muscle
developer. for u00 of pupils. Rooms at
Mr. S. Hartt's, Ratteubury Street, Clinton:
Apprentice wanted to learn theDresanlalinie
Apply at once. '
Good House and Lot fur Sale Cheap.
Shorthorn Bitil for Salle.
One choice Shorthorn bull, 15 months old,
registered in the Domini -in Herd Look, sired
by (Imp.i Red Knight. Apply to NEIL Ile -
DONALD, Blyth P. 0. pd 4i
Butchering Business for Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale his well-
established butcheriug business, with outfit
of horses and all utensils. Particulars on
notify those time indebted to him thatLwould
their ac-
counts must be settled at once. ARTHUR
The undersigned keeps for service at his
oro'bred Durham Bull, of first-class Goderieh pada
gree. Terms, $1 at time of service with
privilege of returning if necessary.
Also a thorn erect Berkshire Boar. Terms,
11 at time of service, with privilege of re-
turning if necessary. W. WISE.
now has his saw mill thoroughly equip-
ped and in first-class running order, and Is
prepared to do custom sawing of all kinds,
having engaged Mr W. Dodds, a practical
sawyer, to take charge of the same. Will
buy good sound hemlock logs. Orders re-
spectfully solicited. (food Cedar Posts for
sale. We are paying 15 per 1000 for logs,
THOS, TRICK, Goderich township,
Dee. 89. tf
The subscriber, while thanking the people
for their patronage ie the past, desires to in-
timate that she has recommenced the Dress
and mantle inakiug business, in the rooms
over Twitchell's store. All orders will re-
ceive prompt attention. MRS J. TAYLOR,
Stanley' Court of Revision.
Notice is hereby given that the meeting of
the Court for the Revision of the Assessment
Roll of the Township of Stanley, will be held
At the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., for the pur-
pose of hearing and settling all complaints
against the Assessment Roll. All persons
interested are,requested to take notice and
govern themselves accordingly. GEO.
Pasturage to Rent.
Having leased the W. Laitliwaite farut on
the Maitland Concession, Goderich Town-
ship, which has 60 acres of splendid pastur-
age, with good spring creek running through
it, the subscriber is prepared to pasture a
limited number of cattle for the summer.
Rates reasonable. Also, lie keeps for ser-
vice, at his own farm, 10th con., Goderich
Township, a first-class thoro-bred Durham
bull. Terms, rat at time of service, with
privilege of returning if necessary. HENRY
MURPHY, (]oderich_Township.
Butchering Outfit for sale
The horse, cart, slaughter house, and all
other necessaries for mooing a Butcher
Shop, including 7 store pigs, belonging to the
estate of H. Tewsley, are offered for sale on
reasonable terms, Thia Is a splendid op-
portunity for any one wanting to go into
Parties indebted to the (gate of Hairy
Tewsley, are hereby notified that accounts
mut positively be paid to the undersigned,
without delay, who alone is authorized to
collect the same.
Adtninistrat, r
Clinton, May 9, 1890
lc; thg•matter of Hugh Meliric,Y 1 ice of the
'l'.nvnship of Hullett, ire thY- comity of
I' uron, Yoouutu, deceased.
1'•;rvuant lo, the provisions of the 11.8.0.,
110, notice is hereby given that all
vro titors arra other persons !raving any
claims against the estate of Hugh Mclirieu,
Into of the Township of Hullett, in the Coun-
ty of Huron, Yeoman, deceased, who died on
or about the:ll.st day of January, A. D. 1890,
are hereby required to send by poet prepaid,
or deliver to John Nilson, of the said Town-
ship of Hullett, Yeoman, Auburn P. 0.. or
John Morgan, of the Village of Blyth, in the
said County, Gentleman, Executors of the
estate of the said docoased, on or before the
first day of June, A.D. 1890, a statement con-
taining their names and addresses and frill
particulars of their claims or demands, and
the securities, Of any) held by them, and
that after the last mentioned date theexecn-
tors will proceed to distribute the assets of
the said deceased among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claim;
of which notice shall have been given as
above required, and that the said execu-
tors will not be liable for the assets or any
part thereof to any person or poranns of
whose claim or Cia1n15 notice shall not have
been received by them, the said exeentors,
at the time of said distribution.
Solicitors for the Executors.
Dated at nederich, this Lird day of April,
!'IOI'NTV' OP HURON l'EAC )E1t*' 1;X
Primary (3rd) and Junior leaving and rape
Matrieulation (2nd) Rxaniinatioiis at the
Collegiate tntltutea and High Schools 111 the
County, on Tuesday; July 8th, 8:40 a, 111.;
Senior leaving and Flonor Matriculation Ex-
amination (1st Cd, Tuesday, .July 16th, 8,10
a. In. Candidates who wish to write at eith-
er Clinton or Seaforth must. notify D. M.
Malloch, Esq., I. 1', Schools, Clinton P. 0.,
not later than the 22nd day of May, stating
which of the two actin la
n they intend to
Mime write nt; and Bellow
o wish to write at
Goderich mnet notify J. E. Tom, Esq„ I. P.
Schools, Goderich P. 0., at the same date.
The notice must be accompanied hy a fee of
-85.00. No name will be forwarded to the Do-
partnlent'unless the fee is pail. Fioad-ma;-
tors of the Collegiate iestitutea and High
Schools will plea;eaetld the applications of
their eandi<lateg to the Inspector of the divi•
Rina in which the Collegiate I
High n
ittttea o'
, hole are ;1
a Forms of appii-
ratinn may be had from the Inspoetors ur
Secretary R. T;e5miners.
flodorinh, April 26th, 1800.
ormiwON 1k1,3.1 EETa
Oorrogtod ulnrp Thursday afternoon.
Thareday, May 15, 1$90.
Whoat, fall, standard.... 1 00 a 1 00
Oats 0 35 a 0 85
Barley 0 40 s 0 40
Peas 0 55 a 0 55
Flour per bal .. 5 50 a 6 50
Butter 0 13 a 0 14
Eggs 0 9 a 0 9
Pork 6 00 a 5 50
Hides 600a625 Sheep Skins 3 25 a 3 250 60 a 0 72
There were about 400 head of butchers
cattle, 300 calves, 300 sheep and lambs,
and 25 lean hogs offered at the East
End abattoir. The market was rather
dull, as the shippers are not operating
owing to depressed markets on the other
side. The best cattle sold here went at
about 5io per lb.,with pretty good stock
at from 4!c to ti}}c do, oxen sold at trona
44c to 5c do, bulls at froth 3c to 4}c do,
with dry cows and milkmen's strippers
at from $20 to 150 each, or from 3c to
41c per lb. Good veals are in demand
at from $4 to $7 each, and common
calves at from $3 to $3.50 each. There
is a good demand for mutton critters ;
sheep that have their fleeces still on
tlaetn sell at from $4.50 to $8.50 each,
anal those that have been shorn,at from
84 to $6.50 each. Good Iantbe are in
demand at from 84 to $5 each and very
tine ones sell up to „t5.50 each. Common
lambs bring from $2 to 83.75 each,
Lean hogs of the rooting.racing breed,
sell at from 87 to 811 each. Fat hogs
sell at from 51e to fie per lb.
News Notes Amid The County.
The Choicest Steal1ngs front
Our county Exchanges.
Jus. Brown ha', leased. for a term of
years, the farts recently owned by V.
Sictuou,U rCy.
Sir Win. Bion. of Hallett, re:'eived
the salt of 44.55 for 7 stead of cattle,
which he sold for .54 cents per lb.
511r tV an
stone, t tt., Y,
t nes one of the oldest
and nto;t 1i.yhly respected residents of
hrus,<'1-;, dlr,i on Friday last, after
long illness,
Uu Tuesday a thorough bred cow, the
property of Peter Robertson, 9th con.
Grey, had to be ]tilled on account of
having Tuberculosis.
Mrs McNeilly has returned to old
Goderich Township, on the 3rd con.,
visiting old neighbors, She has been in
Dakota with her sons,
Mr Thos Hendry,recently of Seaforth,
now of Huron County, Michigan, is
gradually becoming weaker as the pain-
ful malady with which he is afflicted ad-
During the past month Mr McMann,
of Seaforth, has sold out of his stables
there over 75 horses, the most of them
going to the States. That represents
a good lot of money.
We regret to learn that the wife of
Rev. P. Musgrov,y, of McKillop, is very
ill, and it is thought that she will not
long survive. The friends have been
called from a distance.
At the sale of farm, farm stock, imple-
ments, &c., of Mr Wm. Clarke, of Mor-
ris, the farm was knocked down to
Mr Jos. Clegg, at $5,310. The farm
contains 150 acres, and is one of the
hest in the township.
The community in general learned
with deep regret of the death of Mrs
Wm Eagleson, Concession 4, Turnbury,
which occurred on Sunday morning last,
after two or three days illness only.—
Mrs Eagleson was a member of Wroxe-
ter Presbyterian Church.
Rev. Father O'Connor, parish priest
of Maidstone and Essex ,Centre, former-
ly parish priest of St.Augustine,Wawa-
nosh, and well known and highly es-
teemed by ninny of our readers, died on
Sunday eyening,after a lingering illness
contracted through la grippe.
The partnership hitherto subsisting
between Messrs Robert Logan and Jno.
Weir, proprietors of Logan & Co'a bank-
ing house in Seaforth,has been dissolved,
Mr Logan having purchased the inter-
est of Mr Weir and will hereafter con-
tinue the business himself.
Now that there are but two fish -boats
left at Goderich to carry on operations
at the home fishing groundq the catch
is sufficient to make it pay. On Wed-
nesday Mr David Morwick lifted part
of his nets that had been down for eight
days and secured a haul of one ton of
sound fish.
Mr D. 1). Wilson, of Seaforth, and
his tieo daughters, the Misses Maggie
and Dora left on Wednesday for an ex-
tended tour through Britain. They
will "do" Ireland first then to England
and Scotland and the continent and
will return home after an absence of
about three months,
Nearly 22 years age one of the gener-
al merchants in Wingham gave a dac-
bill to a farmer. The farmer was in
town one day last week and presented
this due -bill at a store that was not
then in existence. Of course the whole
matter was passed as a joke, but it was
true nevertheless.
A quarrel took place between Mr
Malloy and his son, which resulted in a
staid -to -Band conflict and the son was
badly bruised. Ile has entered an ac-
tion against the father, the result of
which we have not yet learned. For
the brutal treatment which the son re-
ceived we hope the father will receive
his just punishment.
David Milne, stockman, of Ethel, re-
ceived quite an addition to his stock
family in the shape of a Short Horn
cow presenting him with twin calves, a
Leicester ewe having twin lambs, and
a Berkshire sow adding her quoto of 9
pigs. All are living and doing well.—
It was a kind of a windfall for one day.
The spooks and goblins that delight
To fill with terror all the night;
That stalk abroad in hideous dreams
With which dyspepsia's fancy teens,
Will never trouble with their ilia
The man who trusts in Pierce's Pills.
1)r. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets;
—vegetable, harmless, painless, sure!
The trouble some of the Morris boys
go to for a little fun is shown by the
following: —Some time ago some dozen
youths visited a farmer's barn -yard, at
night,where they found a lumber waggon
which they put on top of the barn 'roof
after a lot of hard work. Sheaves of
grain were then carried and a load bnilt
upon the waggon. There was some
talk of law at the time but no per.
son was badly hurt. This is carry-
ing a joke too far, however, and 'the
"boys" won't likely try it again.
The McKillop assessor has completed
his work and shows a very tine finished
roll. The foowI
ng statistics a fce
n it
may ifiterest the ratepayers:-- No of
acres x,2079, value 81,802,755, taxab.e in-
come $1600, days statute labor a;11,
dogs '298, bitches 8, number of persons
283)1, children between 5 and 16, 1ffil,
between 7 and 13, 258, between 1(1 and
21, 197, No. of cattle 5387, sheep '2598,
hogs 1282, horses 1797, acres of fall
wheat 3107,R
names AS dtr
voters rs an
council appointed 118 patbmasters, or
abont one to oix,there ar not (site 100
voters to oath polling di 'Rion.
The -Dry - G -cods -Palace.
We have just opened a shipment of
Flowers, Ribbons, Laces and Straw Goods,
The very newest things in the market. OUR MILLINERY
STOCK is again fresh and well assorted. -
PARASOLS—Several new lines just to hand.
Remember the Great SILK SALE
We are offering our entire stock of these goods at greatly
reduced prices. ' See our Black and Colored Satin Meros
at 75c. worth $1, also a line of Summer Silks at 371- cts,
worth 50c. Remnants at half price
5 per c. off 'for Yash.
tt'e have a new lot of Uncolored Japans, Congou, and Young Ilyson. Do
not be deceived by tea peddlars; you can gt't better value at home. We
guarantee satisfaction.
Timothy, Reil Clover, Flower and (;ard€n.
5', ,.,, ... -Ju. 1. '4t,' .gi'l't. ,.,tY
The SS Grocery
The undersigned has opened out a new and select stock of
&c. in the above stand. Having bought the same on the most favor-
able terms he is prepared to sell them as low as the lowest. TEAS
a specialty, of the best quality, at lowest prices consistent therewith
New Firm NEW GOODS, New Prices
GROCERS, are in the field with
Bargains is new Black, Green and Japan Teas. Coffees. Sears. &c
Try our TEA NECTAR, and SECttE.T BLEND TEAS; they cannot
he excelled in price or quality.
CROCKERY have a tine assortment in Dinner, Tea and
�� a Chamber Bets, in all the Patest designs and colorings,
and at prices to suit everybody. Come and inspect them and be convinced. We
also have a fine assortment of GLASSWARE, and cheaper than the cheapest WO Carry an immense stock and SELL ty A'r Ctant PRICES, and e .
garment is guaranteed perfect in style, cut and workmanship.
Headquarters for Clothing
In Tweed and Worsted
We have secured another Sewing Machine, which we will
give away with 1 11►. Baking Powder. (longe and have
at chance before it is too late,
Special attention given to family Trade. Goods promptly delivered. Deal with
us and get the newest, cheapest and freshest goods.
COOPER & LOGAN, - Clinton
In order to reduce my stock to snake room for Spring
Goods, I will sell fur the next thirty (lays, Illy entire
stock of
Boots, Shoes, Rubbers & HayA o Ever Heard It,
Overshoes }-
A'1' (;OST FOR CASH. Call early and get Bargains.
Ten per cent Discount for C... q1I. Eggs taken in exchange
The balance of the bankrupt st(elc of 11..1\[.l[aceyl to ho sold off cheap
Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Lawn Mow-
ers, Brushes, Alabastine and Kaisomine
Paints, Glass, Tinware, &c.
----A FINI' LOT OF --
In fact we can give you Bargains in every department. Try PIK
RON for your Furniture. Paint, Stain and Varnish all in one.
Perfectly transparent.
Iron and Hardware Merchants, Clinton
Men t° take orders for Nuracry Steck, n0 Snlnr)
r,r Commission. i van make n seecossfnl
°flatly one who will work and follow my Instruc-
tions. Will furnish handsome nnttlt free, and
pity your salary or commission every week,
Write for terms at enee. F• 0, GRAHAM.
Nurseryman, Toronto, trait,
BULL FOR SERVICE.—Subscriber keeps
for servioe at his premises, tot '26, eon 9,
Hullett, a first-class grade hull, with good
points, and of fine- 11 adigren, Terms, 81 to
inenre. 1d1:N CHURCInr1T,. •Apt. 2.5
a i
1'ar i - —
Parties lad.ugplotsinthecemeteryshould
have them attended to at once. simne ex-
pensive monuments have been broken by fall-
ing over, owing to the ground sinking. This
could have been preventers hy paying the
caretaker a small sum. Parties who have
large shrubs or trees interfering with ad-
joining lots will please remove them. No-
thing hilt small shrubs should in future be
planted, as they run Over adjoining lots. and
are contrary
to regulations,
YAI artioa d
siring r R I ntormation as to levelling ground,
planting shrubs. Ro., 1)511 ane the Cemetery
Hegnletinna by applying to Joe. Wheatley
Cemetery Superintendent.
Chairman Cemetery Committee
"Truth is stranger than Fiction,"
1,4 gliding. ant of the ordinary grove.
TILE NEW DEPARTURE—By giving cheap Goods in
1111 departments.
From whoa) the public can depend at all times on Bargains
at Flint, Bottom Prices.
We are all after the gold you know. The public's obedient servant,
T. ]DRTI.,OR,. ODI1\1-TO1T
NEW GOODS to Select from.
Eggs Taken in Exchange
5 per c. oil' for Cash
W. Saylor & Soni