HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-05-02, Page 54) e PBt Those im- portant se- cond eyes may be had and proper- ly fitted by King's Optometer, the only one in town, ut J. B. Rumball & Co's CLOCKS ed °al large assortment of Nick leTime,Nickle Alarm and Nickle Luminous Alarm. J. B. RU M BALL & CO JEWELLERS & ENGRAVERS,CLINTON. Routes of Popular Stallions. Glenlyon, No. 6978, Vol. XI, regis- tered CB.,S. of G. B. & I. MONDAY, April 28th, sill leave his oa.n etable, lot .34, con. 14, Goderich Township, and proceed south to Bayfield road, then east to the 16th con., then down 160 con. to W. Butler's far noon; thou down con. 16 to R. Thompson's for the night. TUESDAY, will proceed to John Rudd's for noon; thence to H. Elford's, Holmes- ville, for night. WEDNESDAY, will proceed up the cut line as far as the 9th con., then down the 9111 con. to George Millar's for noon; then, by way of side line, to Joe. Currie's for the night. THURSDAY, will proceed down the 7th con to the Bayfield road, then down the Bayfield road to Peter Cole's for noon; then to his own stable for night. FRIDAY, will proceed. to James Me- Farlane's, Stanley, for noon, then to his own stable for the night, where he will remain till the following Monday morning. ROBT. M. CHURCHILL, Proprietor, FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Manitoba Lauds for Sale. 3,000 Acres of Choice Lands near the rising towns of Morden, Morris, Rapid City and Minnedosa. Full particulars given. Address F. G. McINTOSH, Listowel, Ont. FOR SALE OR TO RENT—HOUSE AND Lot for sale or to rent, on Townsend St., The house, which is new, contains fourteen rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is also a good stone cellar, good lawn, bard and soft water in abundance. The lot contains I of au acre. Terms reasonable. Apply on the premises or to MRS C. CARTER, Clinton. tf COMFORTABLE HOUSE TO RENT.— That comfortable house on Isaac street, south, at present occupied by Mrs Archi- bald, is offered to rent. It contains 3 bed- rooms and oloeets upstairs, and good ac- commodation down, with stone cellar, and hard and soft water. Rent reasonable. Ap- ply to MRS. McCORVIE or to DONALD JUNOR. • To hent. SUNDRIES A. O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meet in Jack- son's Hall on the lst and 9rd Fridays in each month. Visitors' cordially invited. R. STONEHAM, M. W. J. BEAN, Recorder. MRS. WHITT. M.C.S.M; TEACHER OF MUSIC. Piano, Organ and Technicou, or Muscle developer. for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. S. Hartt's, opposite Mr. Whitehead's. Two tine stores in Perrin's block. . Also, will be vaoent by the 1st of May, the commodious rooms used by Mr Shearer. Apply to J. P. TISDALL, Agent for Canada Life Insurance Co. FARM FOB SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his farm of 64 acres, being the west part of lot 9, on the 3rd,con. and 14 acres of the east half of tot 10, on the 3rd eon of Hullett. Frame barn, stable.and sheds, log house, one acre of an orchard, and river running through the plane. About 50 acres cleared, Will be sold cheap. Apply personally to lot 8, on he 2nd con., or by letter to Seatorth P. 0. OSEPH BRAMFtELD, 51m tf Good House and Lot f'or Sale. DRESSMAKING Apprentice wanted to learn thellressniaking APPiy at once. Good House and Lot for Sale Cheap. h[. TREWARTHA The undersigned have instructions to offer for sale a house and lot on Rattenbury St., near the Methodist church. The property is in good shape, the house being a comfort- able and well-built dwelling, with stone cel- lar, hard and water under cover, stable, &c. A large quantity of trees on the lot. Will be sold 9200 less than its real value. Apply to MANNING & SCOTT, Solicitors, Clinton. SAW MILL FOR SALE. Shorthorn Bull for Sale. One choice Shorthorn bull, 15 months old, registered in the Domiuiou Herd book, sired by (Imp.) iced Knight. Apply to NEIL Me - DONALD, Blyth P. 0. pd 41 One of the best steam sawmills in Huron County, capasity 10,000 per day, in first class running order and furnished with shingle and heading machinery. Also about 5 acres of land and house, plenty of timber near. Last year's custom sawing was over 400,000 {and over 15,000 sill heading, ) Near ship ping point and thriving t "w 1 A first-class businese cheap For pat : 0rlare address, NEW ERA OFFICE. Cl ix . Immediate possession if required. Butchering Business for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale his well- established butchering business, with outfit of horses and all utensils. Particulars on application. At the salve time he would notify those indebted to hint that their ac- counts tritest be settled at once. ARTIIUR COUCH. Blacksmith Shop and land for sale. BULL FOR SERVICE. . CLINTON .MAB* TS tSR1tr9904e' *r' TburtOr, 4itft3'aaea;, Thpradiy. DZiy 1,.1050, Wheat, f all, standard0 95 a 0.05 aQll4 Barley 0 40 a 040 1,'ea9... * 0 55 a 0 55 Flour per hal 5 50 *5 50 Batter 0 155 a 0 15 Pork 5 00 a 550 Hay 6 00 a 25 Hides 8 25* a 3 05 Sheep Skins 0 60 a 0 72 SALE REGISTER. Farm lands Lot No. 14, Maitland Con., Colborne, on Monday, May 5th, Rattenbury House, Clinton. D. Dick, inson, auot. Farm lands, Lot No. 23, Maitland Con., Colborne, on Monday, May 5th, Rattenbury House, Clinton. D. Dick. inson, auct. The undersigned keeps for service at his premises 11th con., Goderich Township, a thoro'bred Durham Bull, of first-class pedi- gree. Terms, 91 at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Also ether° tared Berkshire Boar. Terms, 91 at time of service, with privilege of re- turning if necessary. W. WISE. Subscriber offers for sale the property owned bvhim at Gowrie, in the county of Perth. It consists of a blacksmith shop do- ing a good business, with dwelling house, sta ble and half -acre of land attached. Is in a splendid farming section, with no oppositiou Will bo sold with or without tools. Satis- factory reason for selling. For particulars apply to THOS. LOBB, Holmesville, or JOS L0B73, Gowrie. t Farnt for Sale or to Rent. Subscriber offers eitlier for sale or to rent that farm of 76 acres, being lot 21 and part of 22, 5th con. of Stanley. About 55 or 60 acres clearers; all seeded down. Frame barn and s,able, log house, orchard of one acre, plenty of watar. Soil good, one of the best grass farms in the township. Within six miles of Clinton, and ten of Seafortb; sohools and -churches within reasonable distance Will be sold -on terms to suit purchaser. Or will be rented, possession to be given in the fall. J. W. MILLS, Varna P.O., or W. SHIPLEY, 'Clinton. ' 3 in. Apl. 4 Good House & Lot & Planing Mill for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale his house and lots on Albert Street. This property is very eligibly situated. The house is a good storey and a half, frame, ,with all conveniences. and contains 11 rooms. The lot is one-half an acre, but will be sold with or without the rear quarter. On the back part is a planing mill, with 15 horse -power engine, with 1 surface Poney Planer, 1 first-class double Cape Tonenting Machine 1 Moulding Machine, 1 Jig and Rip Saw, with shafting, belting, &c. This will be sold entire or to suit purchaser. Terms reasonable. D. BUCHANAN, Clinton TO MACKINAC SUMMER TOURS. PALACE STEAMERS. Low Flare9. Pour Trips per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Petoske The Boo, Marquette, end Lake B:uron Ports. Every Evening' Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Sunday Tripe dannqpteJmber unet101yJe1y, Augsat and Se. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS, Sates and Exonraion Tiokete will be furnished by your Tioket Agent, or address 5. B. wartcoMB, O. P. A., Orrsorr, M,014., THE DETROIT E CLEVELAND STEAM NAV. CO MORTGAGE SALE —OF— FARM - LANDS —IN THE— TOWNSHIP OF COLt3ORNE. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET There were ahout 250 head of cattle, 700 calves and 160 sheeep and lambs of. fered at the east end abbattoire Trade was active, and prices had an upward tendency all rouud; prime beeves selling at about Nets per lb. A very fine bull sold at 4ic per lb, while the others sold down to Sic per lb. Oxen sold at from no to 4}c per Ib, and leanish dry cows at from So to 3}o. Milkmen's strippers were very numerous, and sold at from $25 to $50 eaoh, or from 3o to 4io per Ib, the general price being $35 each. A number of good cattle were bought at the stock yards by the Meat Company, and a few were bought by shippers. Good calves were in demand at from $5 to $7 eaoh. Common calves sold at from $2.25 to $4 each. Sheep are a little higher in price, the unshorn ones selling at from 50 to 5}o per lb, and those that are shorn about lc per Ib lower. Fat hogs are slightly higher in price or from 50 to about no per lb. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage (which mortgage will be produced on day of sale) there will be sold at public auction by Dav- id Dickinson, auctioneer, at the Rattenbury House, Clinton, ON MONDAY, the 5th of MAY, 1890 At 2 o'clock p. m., the following lands and premises, viz : Lot number fourteen, in the Maitland Concession, Township of Colborne, in the County of Huron, and containing 90 'acres, more or less. There are on the premises a frame house auk barn. The soil is a good clay 1 in good order for spri work. TERMS.—The property will be sold subject to a mortgage for 91700. Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale and the balance in thirty days there- after without interest. The purchaser will be required to sign an agreement on the day of sale for the completion of the purchase. Further terms and particulars made known on day of sale or upon application to H. HALE, Esq or to the undersigned. D. DICKINSON MANNING &SCOTT, Auctioneer Vendor'd"Solicitors Cliuton, April 3rd, 1890. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. BORN BAt Lcii.-=Ig 6o-` ck on the 25th April the wife 81 Mr Freauloh, of a MCMICHA1 L—In Hullett, on the 22nd of .pril, the wife of Mr Thomas Mc- Michael, of a daughter. EDMUNDS.—In Clinton, on the 29th April, the wife of Mr C. E. Edmunds, of a daughter. SwAFFIDLn.—In Clinton, on the 29th April, the wife of Mr W. S. Swaffield, of a daughter. TYNDALL.— In Goderich Township, Base line, on 30th April, the wife of Mr Lawrence Tyndall, of a son. MARRI)✓D BntrrELs--Wooacoca.--At Trinity Memorial Church, Denver, Colorado, on 3rd April, by the Rev. Mr Marshall, Rector, Herman W. Bartles to Mary B. Woodcock, eldest daughter of Mr E. Woodcock, of Goderich. LIGHTLE—EAST.—On Monday April 28th, at the residence of the bride's father by the Rev. W. Craig, B. D., Elmer E. Lightle to Etta, third daughter of Mr Thomas East. BOIL GRE4,..! IIE SALE, $1,000 worth of Silks and Satins at. from 30 to 50 per cent below regular prices. In order to materially reduce our stock of these goods, we have gene through it and re marked every piece at prices away below the values. If you want a Silk Dress, if you want a Satin Dress, or if you want any length of Silk or Satin, now is your time to get it at a bargain, as we cannot possibly repeat the offer when the goods are once sold, Fancy Silk and Satin for Trimmings, extra low prices. 100 ishort ends of Satin at so much the piece. ESTATE JOHN HoD GENBI In the matter of Hugh Mclirieu, late of the Township of Hullett, in the County of Huron, 1eonlan, deceased, Pursuant to the provisions of the R.S.O., Chap. 110, notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any claims against the estate of Hugh McBrien, late of the Township of Hullett, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the 31st day of January, A. D. 1890, are hereby required to send by post prepaid, or deliver to John ,Nilson, of the said Town- ship of Hullett, Yeoman, Auburn P. O., or "John Morgan, of the Village of Blyth, in the said County, Gentleman, Executors of the estate of the said deceased, on or before the first day of June, A.D. 1890, a statement con- taining their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims or demands, and the securities, (if any) held by them, and that after the last mentioned date tbe execu- tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have, been given as above required, and that the said execu• tots will not be liable for the assets or any hi rt thereof to any person or persona of s. I;,,se claim or claims notice shall not have been received by them, the said executors, at the time of said distribution. ()ARROW & PROUDFOOT. Solicitors for the Executors. Dated at Goderich, this 23rd day of April, 1890. MORTGAG.E SALE OF Valuable FARM PROPERTY —IN THE -- TOWNSHIP of COLBORNE IED MooatooE.—In Hullett, on the 27th inst., Mary Jane, daughter of Thomas Mogridge, aged 19 years 8 months and 3 days. WILLIAMiso.N.—In East Wawanash, on the 21st inst., Robt Williamson, aged 77 years. Under and by virtue of the power of sale in a certain indenture of mortgage, which will be produced at time of vale, there will bo sold by public auction, on MONDAY, 5th of May, 1590, At the hour of 2 o'clock p.m., at the Rattenbury House, CLINTON, by David Dickinson, Auctioneer, all and singu- lar, that certain parcel or tract of land and pre- mises situate Ivfng and being In the Township of 'mi Huron and Province inthe County � of e Colborne, 15 of Ontario, being composed of lot number twen- ty-three. in the Maitland Concession of the said township of Colborne, containing by admeasure- ment 178 acres, more or Ions. 0,1 this property there lo a frame house in good repair and a large frame barn. Tho loll Is a clay loam, woll water ed, rind there is now growing 15 acres of fah wheat. The orchard on the place In one of the best in the Township of Colborne. TERMS.—Tho place will ho sold subject to a first 0of the balance 10 or cont. mortgage of 52,2 0, p must be paid on day of sale, and the balance in thirty days thereafter, without interest. POs - •a91011 given on completion of purchase. The purchaser, on day of sale, will be required tq ign an agreement for the completion of his pur- chase. Farther terms and conditions made know on n da • of sale y Fall information can be had on application to FARRAN & TISDALL, Clinton, or the Vendors' Sol ieltors. Dated thi. third day of April, 1800. 1IA:'\NIN(i At SCOTT, t rad Irv' R•dicit„rv. 5 per c. off for cash. HUB GROCERY TTTTTTTTTTT We have a new lot of Uncolored Japans, Congou, and Young Hyson. Do not be deceived by tea peddlars; you can get better value at home. We guarantee satisfaction. SEEDS --Timothy, Red Clover, Flower and Garden. GEC,, .'W AI.IiOW, CLT '['0] ll Out in the wild West a mail bag was emptied of its valuable contents by parties unknown, and filled with stones. The loss was not discovered until the bag reach- ed its destination, and no one had any notion where the theft was committed within 1,000 miles of the journey. But a petrologist was shown the rocks, and be said at once that there was only one place in the United States where such were to be found. He told where the place was, and a detec- tive going there—it was 450 miles away—found two Chinamen at work in an isolated spot, wher•o,it was subsequently r'emembered,the robbed train had stopped for water. He promptly charged them with the crime, and they were so taken by surprise that they confessed it. So much for rocks. --Ex. Tho following is an extract from the will of the late Rev D. B. Cameron, of Acton :—'Consider- ing the extravagance displayed by the community in general and a protest against it, I direct that my body, when dead,shall be decently wrapped in bleached cotton,neatly prepared for the purpose, laid in a simple coffin made of pine, with no ornamentation, notiso much as my name,and carried to the grave in a sleigh,if in winter,or aspring wagon,and laid in the grave with- out a shell; and that no monument or stone of any kind be put up to mark the place, unlass some friend take a boulder from the field to mark the spot, and, if he fancy to do so, cut thereon the initial letter's 'D. B. C.' In tall other respects I confirm my said will. Tho story of a bungling job which occurred at the Hamilton City Hospital some time ago has just leaked out. A man went to the hospital some months since suffering from an internal trouble and when a diagnosis of the case was made it was discovered that one of the patient's kidneys was diseased, but the other was per fectly healthy. It was decided to perform an operation on the man and remove the diseased kidney. The surgical operation, as far as exposing the kldne3-s,was success- fully performed, but the doctor on whom devolved the duty of re- moving the diseased kidney, made the dreadful blunder of removing the one which was perfectly sound. The mistake was not discovered until it was too late to roctiff it, and the man was left with the bad kidney, while the good orrc was taken from him. As a result of this bungle the patient died a few days after the operation was per- formed. The man's name has not been divulged, and until now the public knew nothing about the affair, although it occurred some months ago, and almost every medical practitioner in the city knew of it. VERY If you want to buy a Dinner,Tea and Chamber Set, don't invest until you have seen our_new stock. We Offer new patterns in 100 pieces DINNER SETS FOR $8 These sets are the best value in the market, several different shades and colors to choose from. Also extra fine TEN PIECE CHAMBER SETS FOR $3.50 With extra large Tire and Basin. These sets are positively the best value in town. Other colored 10 piece seta from $3 up, White Granite ware equally as cheap. Fine Colored TE SETS,44 pieces for $3.25, several different styles and colors. These goods a printed on extra heavy ware, and are, without doubt, the cheapest ever shown in Clinton. See them before purchasing. TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, SPICE &e., at lowest prices. In a few days we will announce the winner of the Sewing Machine given away with our Baking Powder. COOPER & LOGAN, NEXT TO COUCH'S. SPRING Clinton THE POPULAR. tir DRY GOODS HOUSE' LON DESBO RO New arrivals this week of Prints, Ginghams and IJRESS: Goois- Which we consider the best value in the county. We offer a range of Sateen -:• Prints Fast and beautiful colors, choice patterns, soft and dur- able cloth at 124- cents, equal to anything you can buy at 15 cents. We show a special line of ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS in grey and brown el:c'cts at 12- cts., worth a good deal more if bought in the regular way. 500 Yards TWEEDS Several patterns at less than mill prices. We recognize j the fact that in order to hold our trade and increase the number of our customers in these days of keen compe • tition, we must be up and doing. We must offer special,i, BOOTS and. SHOES inducements. We visit the markets several times dor ing the year, and thus keep thoroughly posted in styles and fabrics ; and am le capital enables us to take any In order to seduce my stock to make room tor Spring special lots that are placed on the market. Our cust9- Goods, I will sell for the next thirty clays, my entire mers are assured that in dealing with us they get the stock of i newest goods at the closest prices. As a proof of this Boots Shoes Rubbers & compare goods and prices with a neighbor who may SALE OF ' ! deal else re. We thank you for past favors and so 'icit a continuance of your valuable patronage. Overshoes AT COST FOR CASH. Call early and get Bargains. p_ r ETen per cent Discount for C a ch. Eggs taken in exchange W L. OU 1 I.,M T T E CTAS. CRTJICKSHANK. . ' • ONDESBORa , HARDWARE The balance of' the bankrupt stock of R.M.Raceys to be sold off cheap Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Lawn Mow- ers, Brushes, Alabastine and Kalsomine Paints, Glass, Tinware, &c. --A FINE LOT OF -- WINDOW . SHADES In fact we.can give you Bargains in every department. Try PIK RON for your Furniture. Paint, Stain and Varnish all In one. Perfectly transparent. HARLAND BROS., Iron and Hardware Merchants, Clinton CHOICE FARM TO RENT BY AUCTION. Lot No. 23, Maitland cell., Colborne, contain- ing 178 acres, with 16 acres fall wheat, bal- ance of arable land all fall plowed (exception of meadow) splendid orchard, good barns and outbuildings. If this farm is not sold on the 50 of May, as advertised to take place at the RATTENBUIIT Bonen, CLINTON, it will immediately after on the same day and at the same plane, be put up to rent by auction. Immediate pos• session can be given. Terms made known on day of sale. D. DICKINSON, MANNING & SCOTT, Auctioneer. Vendor's Solicitors • BULL FOR SERVICE.—Subscriber keeps for service at his premises, lot 26 con 3 Hullett, a first-class grade bull, with goo points, and of fine pedigree. Terms, Bl t insure. BEN CHURCHILL. *Ape. 25 NOTiCE TO OWNERS LUMBER AND SAWING.—SUBSCRIBER now has his saw mill thoroughly equip- ped and in first -claw running order, and is prepared to do custdht sawing of all kinds, having engaged Mr W. Dodds, a practical sawyer, to take charge of the same. Will buy good sound hemlock logs. Orders re- spectfully solicited. Good Cedar Poeta for sale. We are paying 95 per 1000 for loge, THOS. TRICE, Goderich township, Dec. 89. 11 ANTED Men to take orders for Nursery Stock, on Salary or Commission. i can make a successful ALESMAN ofinny one who will work and follow my instruc- tions. Will furnish handsome outfit free, and pay your salary or commission every week, Write for terms at once. E. 0. GRAHAM. Nurser man Toronto, (int —OF— y CEMETERY LOTS. Parting hav:ngplote in the cemeteryenould have them attended to at once. Some ex- ipensive monuments have boon broken y ng over, owing to the ground oinking. This eould have been prevented by paying the caretaker a small sum. Parties who have large shrubs or trees interfering with ad- foining lots will please remove them. No- thing but small ehr,bs should in future be planted, an they run over adjoining lots, and are contrary to regulations. All parties de siring information as to levellingground, planting shrubs, &o., can see the emetery Regulations by applying to Jos. Wheatley Cemetery Superintendent, W. C. SEARLE, Chairman Cemetety Committee LIVERY. The undersigned he.ve bought out the Liv- ery bluff noes lately owned by It, Beattie and desire to nform the public that they will carry on the same in the old premises, Next COMMERCIAL Hotel. Several new and good driving horses, attd the most etylish oat -rages have been added to the business, and will be hired at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. 11. REYNOLDS & 5 JN To The Public. The undersigned will continue the busi- ness heretofore carried on by J. C. Det- lor & Co. Further announcement will be made in a few days, THOMAS - DETLOR, CLINTON tommalmamor w 0 V1 0 Ie90 SPRING 1890 FIRST-CLASS GOODS, LOWEST PRICES and LARGE STOCK of NEW GOODS to Select from. e - Eggs Taken in Exchange cps 5 per c. ofl' for Cash W. Saylor & Sonsy 0 CLINTON AND BLVTH