The Clinton New Era, 1890-04-25, Page 8rui
Mi W.•11. Hine is. confined to the
house by jllneas.
111ra Green, of Parkhill, and Mrs
lgytq Keachle, of (salt, are home 'els a
S. Mr Janes Fair has this season dis-
posed of two par loads of spring wheat
for seed.
Mr Coates, formerly of tows, but
now of Seal -oral, was visiting in teen
last week.
Trunks and _ ,Mr Geoo.L.:'I'ay is back ,;n. Wien
at JOHNS- and winding up his affairs beftee his
hey are.)ery removal to St. Catherines.
Dr Williams went to St. Thomas
d to exits -wee' this week to visit one of his.brohhers
ACTUBIN G who is not in good health.
s. J.W
W Mr Frank Jackson, after Qpendislg
ther's. J • lti • a couple of weeka at home,
' Barrie last Saturday.
or cask.-
ab1 .J. T6y11
440..Ceo;.1 QUIlTeiI CisIlnet3.
The"llCay district meeting
11 tin hofdthee
2 ethodi..t Church,
IClintofurthe latter part' of nextmonth.
- neNsAlirss ray>• ed the c n-
gregatIon of Rattenbury street Mettle*
dust cbvtrch with a solo, last Sunday
The election of Moderator of the
Presbyterian Synod has resulted in
the Selection of Rev, A. McLean, of �5
Blytly.lse a unanimous vote.
be given in at
riday evening,
of stereoscopic
er's illustrations
nt, - and views of
town. The ad -
The proceeds of
is in aid of the
he Sunday echocl.
Mr Angus Cole, who now holds a
good position in. Flint, Mich, intends
to move his family there at an early
Mrs Dempsy has been confined to
her room for aevsral days, and, .we
are sorry to say shows no signs of im-
The dollowing persons have been to
added to the Trustee Board of the and if you have Butter and Eggs to trade out, you dont
Rattenbury St. church : - John Bean,
w. R. Lough, James.Xouag, H. Fos- stave to leave the store for anything, as we carry a full
ter, R. Holmes.
"I love to bear my Saviour's voice,"
was the title of the beautiful song
,'ith which Mies Aggie Jackson de-
lighted the congregation at St. Paul's,
last Sunday evening.
We understaud that Rev. W. F.
'Campbell has tendered his resigna-
tion as .pastor of Hohnesville Meth,
odist church. Whether it will be ac-
cepted or not, is not yet decided.
ihevight place to do your trading this spring, for the -
lowing reasons His stock is complete in all lines,
Sunday afternoonaext,the 27th.
Wm. McDonagh, of London,
Mr Howard Cox, of Goderieh, ie w deliver a special sermon in the
now in town, having come demi from Town Hall, to the Oddfellows. In
MEE TING. the suburb to clerk in the stoke of the evening of the same day he will
Reformers of Clio_ Mr T. Detlor. occupy the pulpit of the Rattenbury
The rain that fell on Wedneeday, , i t., Chucch.
in the Council (:hat:- was figuratively, like drops of gold, Mr Beldon, pastor of the Baptist
ing of Monday, April and may be of just as much valve to
church, is still very ill, although he
sharp. A full nit( rid the country. took his own work on Sunday last.
En.—We are ib -
day afternoon last
ere playing ball
ver near the Lon -
practises as this
Archibald has
of Mr Grigg, on
Robson has rented
ob. W. Coats, and
will move to his
r Robson.
ason Mr Forrester
ndred acres under
to to have about
more than that
farmers the flax
lmost their sole
rt. We hope they
depend upon it alone
Mr Thos. Cottle has now his green It is expected that Rev. Mr McEwan,
house fully equipped and in good run-' of the Houle Mission Board, Toronto,
niog order. He has a nice variety of will take the work next Sunday, and
planta in it at the present time. will preach at the base line in the
.lir J. H. Racey, who ran as a labor afternoon.
candidate in Hamilton, at the last The Hamilton Herald, of a recent
election, has just died in Los Angeles. date, had a lengthy account of the
He was a nephew of' Mr R. M. Racey. Bev. J. M. Smith, (formerly of the
The fire eugine was called out Sat- Baptist Church) and describing hie
iirday morning, by an alarm, to find travels in all parts of the world. It
that it was only a chimney on the was a very readable account, but too
house of Mr S. Hartt, that was blaz- long to reproduce here.
inc. The Bluevale correspondent of the
Mr C. H. Chant, of U nionville, was Brussels Post says'—On Sunday last,
in town over Sundsy,en a visit to his in the absence of Rev Mr Waliwin,
son, Mr H. B. Chant, who had been Mr Young, local preacher, - from
confined to the house for several Clinton. occupied his pulpit and de -
days. livered two good sermons, the subject
A young mau named Cautelon was of the one in the evening being "The
hold's a hor'se by the bridle the telegram from God."
other • day, when it made an effort The entertainment that took place,' S i 1 \e r
to get away and tore his hand pretty last Friday evening, in St Paul's
s bad, church school room, was fairly at -
The Chicago Horseman, the great- tended by the children, Mr Brewer
est paper in the world devoted to the delighting the little folk with his
trotting and running horse, last week nursery tales and views, such as little
`ELEnRnrr•.>—The Ath- contained a long article on the well Red Riding Hood, Blue Beard, Cin-
derella, andtion, which had intended as
known stables of Mayor Doherty. would please theer children. comicviHe ewsalso
celebration for the 24th The many Iriends of Mr Joseph
assortment of
His goods are mat ked at the lowest living profit, and he
has but One Price for rich and poor alike. Although
his goods are marked so low he always keeps up his end
of the stick in paying highest price for Butter and Eggs.
Above all other things lie is offering a special ilrcuce-
ment for the cash trade by offering extra presents for
every $240 )north purchased front us. It is not neces-
sary that you buy $20 worth at one time, but when your
cash purchases accumnlait $20 you get your choice of a
ve decided not to do so, Whitehead will be sorry to learn that
ck of financial encourage- his wife continues very ill. She has
hey will, however, try and not been able to take any solid nour-
an "Athletic Day" to be ishment for a month,and consequent -
d annually as a day for Ath- ly is much reduced in f esh and
ports and amusements. strength.
Messrs B..cdge, Hunter, Bartley and
:Banning leave early next week to
write on the first year examination of
Toronto 1`niversity. Mr John Coop-
er also leaves to write for the second
year and Mr John Croll for the fourth
1 t is reported that the Commercial
Hotel will has3 a new proprietor ere
long, as Mr Watson is leasing a hotel
at Kippen, but the matter is not yet
Lilly decided. Mr Watson has made
many friends during the timg he has
been here.
• We understand that Mr Wili Coats
bas been selected Chief of the Fire
Department, in place of G. E. Pay
resigned, by;the • Firemen. He will
make a good successor to an efficient
officer. Of course the Council has to
ratify the appointment.
Mr John Dayinent has just scut -
pleted a refrigerator for the Grand
THE.cusrOMAIL PINE --The other ,':cion Hotel, and also one for
days leiri'n-o the temporary absence of Mr Jas Steep; both ars claimed to be
Mr JI,W.". Iteter, from, his store a bot- as good' as they are capable of
tle of expensive liquor was stolen being made, and the fact that they
therefrom. Some time afterwards give perfect satisfaction is proof that
Constable Wheatley found a tramp the claim is not unuet.
asleep in a barn, with an empty bot-
tle, presumably she same as the
one stolen, in his possession. He
was brought before Metiers. Met;arva
and Steep, who imposed a fine of $1
and costs.
LEC EitohFN. tine day last week
while Mr T. Oliver, an employee at
the Sta�ppleton saw mill, met with a
bad acitrident, the result of which was
that his leg was broken, the bone be-
ing shattered and coming through the
flesh. He was attending a 24 foot log
on the carrier, having bis leg resting
against it, when it suddenly slipped
over, crushing his leg by its weight.
It will lay bine up for some time.
001.I.EcilATE TRUSTEE BOA•sr/.—
The regular meeting of the board was
held on Friday evening last, but the
only business traneactt.d was to con-
sider the application of Mr Prender-
gast, a former teacher, for the sum of
$28, which he:claims was due him.
The board refused .to recognize the
claim, as it considered that he had
been paid all that he was entitled to
License Commissioners for the West
Riding of Huron met in town on Fri-
day last to consider the applications
for the current year. Licenes were
granted to all the applicants (largely
;This is the time when the average
house -wife is in her glory and her bet-
ter half in the stove pipe. Both live
on hard tack and eleep on boards.
Ne:cher suffer for the want of exer-
cise, and it is useless for him to try
to sneak o8' to `see a friend." He
has to whack the carpet. Woe is us'
for our better half doth clean the
house, and we have to put up with
the inconvenience thereof.
: Butter : Dish
dor. TABLE FORKS, !, doz. TEA SPOONS, one
Oxer stock of spring goods is now fully assorted in• every department, and
our prices right. We are offering special value in
DISH, of a Cabinet containing
gave some very interesting views of
the town, among them being the.
them when we will be better' 'able to explain it
town hall, public school, Presbyterian j' -
and St. Paul's churches. His views
of Albert and Rattenbury streets were t0 3/011. 1n closing we would ,just repeat we willbe
very good, especially the latter,show-
ing several private residences. Seve- glad
ral of these views were taken by Mr
Brewer himself.
COI:, . ERI'. — The concert in the
the same as last year) with the ex- Town Hall, on 'Tuesday evening, for
ceptions of the following :--All in the benefit of the Mechanics' losti-
Blyth and East Wawanoeh. The . tute, was a moat successful: and plea -
Grand union, Clinton, and..M1,,,1labb, sant affair—one of the beet local con -
of Goderich. These will be consider- certs whish has been given:for some
ed, at an adjourned meeting of the time, although the audience was not
board to be held this afternoon. as large as the excellence of the April pro -
the gram warranted. Misses Rumball
.'Gine Crani. --On 21st A p and Walksr, Itev Mr Livingstone and
•4Cll,nton Gun club met on the Agri- Messrs Brewer, Cook, Emmerton, R.
cultural grounds for the first of their Foster, W. Harland, jr., T. Tackson,
weekly practises shooting at artificial jr., W. Kay, Walton, Shearer, Sibley
blackbirds. The following Is the ani the Mouth Organ Quartette
score made : Club from town took part, and
O S Doan 1 0 :1 i ,1 0 0 0.1 U---- • without particularizing, all malntain-
J Powell 1 0 0 0.0 1 0 0 1 1-4 ed their reputation for ability to en
J McMurray 1 1 1 1 1 1.1 1 U 1—e ,, tertaiu. The Board of the Meehan -
F, Hovey 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1-6 ice' institute ought to receive the — -- -- — -- - • --
Dr Blackhall .,1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1-6 special thanks of the citizens, for The town council have given
The Examining Board of the Guelph
Conference Methodist Church, met in
Mitchell Wednesday and Thursday.
Rev J. E. Howell, M.A., President of
the Conference, presided, Rev E. A.
Crown, B•D., Elora, acting as Secre-
tary. The following is the result of
the examinations :—Fourth year—J.
W. Churchill, Guelph District, first
class. Third year — W. E. Kerr,
Owen Sound District, second class.
Second year—J. W. Cozens,Goderich,
first class ; A. E. Henderson, Palmer-.
ston ; Judson Truax, Stratford; F M.
Matters, Galt.; second class.—First
year—H. A. Baylis, Walkerton, and
W. H. Harvey, B. A., Guelph, first
class ; J. S. Humphrey, Owen Sound,
second class. Preliminary—W. H.
Harvey, B. A., and F.W. Thompson,
of Guelph District, first class ; H. A.
Hamwell, Walkerton; H. S. Casson,
Goderich, and W. G. Maywood,
Guelph, second class.
The Johnny cake social,held under
I the auspices of the Y. P. E. S. of the
,Rattenbury St. Methodiet church last
Tuesday evening was quite a success.
After the visitors had been entertain-
ed with Johnny cake and maple syrup
a delightful programme was given.
Mise Hattie Rumball favored the
audience with one of her splendid
recitations. Miss M. Washington
also gave a very nice recitation which
was much enjoyed by all. Two
quartettes were given by Mrs Marcy,
Miss E. Rumball, and Messrs Sibly
and Holloway. Miss Allie Taylor, 1
Mies Washington, Mrs Pattison and
Mr Sibly gave solos in excellent
style. Misses Taylor and Boles and
Doherty and Irwin rendered splendid
to ,(.." V0}1 at any time, and will do unr best to
treat you well.
Dress Goods & Prints,,
Cottons, Cottonades,
Lace Curtains From 50 cts a pair up
Bankrupt Stock
� $2 PANTS
_)oes the reader of this advertisemotlt need a new pair
of pants to Ji tisii out a coat and vest. If so, we New la York i Hats
duets. Rev. I. Livingstone gave in want to :all your attention to a great
his usual eloquent way a recitation Of
Shakespeer'a MacBeth. Rev. Mr
Edge favored the listeners with an
impromptu speech. Messrs Ballard
and Squires were to have given a
flute duet; but Mr Squires was not
able to attend, so thearldience missed
a treat. The chairman, R. Holmes,
said that he was sure that Mr Ballard
could duett himself, but that gentle-
man did it not. Altogether those
present enjoyed themselves greatly.
At 571 Cents on tide Dollar, and in order to clear them out before We
get in our Spring stock, we will sell this lot on a small advance on
what they cost us. Biggest Bargains over offered in Boots and
Shoes, fu. the Next two weeks. Conte and sen for yourselves.
Plumsteel - & - Gibbillgs'
Just opened out two cases of the latest styles in
J Johnson 1 1 0 0.0 0 1 1 0 1—a
C Overberry....... 1 1 0 1 1,1,1 1 1-9
A McRae ... o1 01000000 2
giving a Clinton audience the nppor- agricultural society $100 for the
minty of hearing bliss Lily Evans, of their grounds as a park for
an elocutionist who has not before coming season.
A CRUEL Jus E.—The popular ed- been heard here. ft is not too much
to say that Miss 1•:vane, captured the
itor of the Brussels Post was a witness hearts of the audience on her first
. in Court at Goderich one clay last
week. While he was leisurely wait- appearance. Her performances show
her a mistress of the art of elocution.
ing around, he was introduced to come She has a good voice, her performance
one as, "Mr Herr, editor of the liruss• being distiict even during the most
els Post." "Oh," remarked the gen- rapid and passionate utterance, and
Leman to whom he was introduced being clear and sweet inl the lower
"The last editor that was in jail was tones. in rendering the selections
the Tory one from Brnseels, and now which she read, "Wild '/.icgarella"
they've sent up the Grit one also. and "Mother and Poet," selections
It was some moments before Herr givingfine seope for skill in the ex -
could recover self -composure enough pressin of pathos and passion, she
to answer that he was simply a wit- gave full proof of her excellence as a
:: nese on the present occasion. reader and the careful study she has
given to the cultivation of her voice.
In response to rapturous encores, she
recited two selections of a lighter
cast, in which she showed her ability
in .comedy as well se tragedy. Mise
.Evans will be assured a hearty wel-
come at any time she may appear
before a Clinton audience again.—
Miss A. J. Fisher sang a solo, "Tiue
till death," and she and her sister,
Miss Sophie, sang aduet, "Two merry
girls," in excellent style, both pieces
being encored. Mr Malcolmson, of
Goderich, charmed the audience with
two Scotch readings viz: "The aggre- 1
vating riddle" and "Jeemes Kaye at
Balmoral." Mr Malcolmson has
mastered the peculiarities of the
Scotch dialect and entering, into the
spirit of the pieces, is able to split
the sides of his audience with the
greatest ease. The Institute will rea-
lize bout $20 ,front the proneilde of
Elie ,eopeert.
A Goon A!POINTMEN1',—Yeeter-
day's Globe contains the following: --
An order in Council has been passed
appointingMr C.H. C.Wright, of Bos-
ton, Mass., Lecturer in Architecture,
Toronto. Mr Wright, after graduat-
ing, chose the profession of architec-
ture, and has been pursuing his stud-
ies under the direction of Prof. Chan-
dler, the head of the Depaatment of
Architecture in the Massachusetts
Institute, of Technology, from whom
he' has received a very satisfactory
testimonial as to bisdqualiliications for
hie present appointment He has
also been engaged for mote:than a
year on the construction of the new
Boston Public Library, which will
be, when finished, one of the finest
pnblic buildings in Amerce. j This
gentlemn ie eon -in-law of Mr Jas
ornball, Clinton, and will be found
evey way capable for hie new
daties. j
The many friends of Mr T. K.
Grigg, London, formerly of Clinton,
the proprietor of the well-known
hotel of that name, will hear with re-
gret that he is confined to bed with
an attack of inflammation, brought
on by chill. He is improving, how-
ever, and expects to be about shortly.
Mr Birmingham, the Provincial
Organizer for the Conservatives, was
in town last Thursday, where he met
the Executive of the WestRiding As-
sociation. It is rumored that the
nomination for the West was offered
to a well known Clintonian, but that
he•does not desire to accept. A de-
finite nomination will not likely be
made until after the Liberal candi-
date is chosen.
This from the Brussels Post, refers
to a grand -daughter of Mr John Cal-
bick, Clinton :—After a brief illness
of a few weeks Ida May, youngest
daughter of W. A. Calbick, died on
Wednesday evening of the last week.
She took la grippe and that developed
into brain fever, resulting fatally.
The little sufferer was unconscious the
moat of the time, the last words she
spoke being onSaturday morning. Ida
was a brigbt,aetive little girl past 7 -yrs,
of age, and was the pet of the house-
hold. The illneee and abbenee of Mr
Calbick adds to the Borrow, but, from
personal observation, we feel safe in
saying that the resolute manner in
which tlio worried mother bore her
part indicates that Heroines still
At the above figure. I ast year we placed on the market
;t line at the same figure, and they had a wonderful
sale, giving the utmost satisfaction to the wear-
er. \V'c claim that they are a tremendous
bargain, and hundreds of pairs could
be sold if people appreciated the
bargain. They are cut and
manufactured by our-
selves, and we- have them in
every size. Shrewd people who know
the value of a $ will make a note of this line.
Jackson Brothers,
In Black, White and Colors.
o it•I
find (foods, splendid range of Patterns, Prices Right.
(complete range in Nar-
row and Wid3 Widths.
An inspection will repay you. We have the Goods, and
Good Goods, and Goods that will please yon, and the
best of all, at prices to suit the times.
Beesley's Great millinery Emporium
The, Ladirs. Parona EsbhrnenI