HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-04-25, Page 7f� tyT ran -$$- ore -Eyes Catarrh 'Lameness �S,•i�'MIV�, Complaints Sunburn So0reness Sprains Chafing USE Bruises Scalds Piles FOES Burns Wn!..lnds EXTRACT i n•6oct Bites Stings -Sore Feet. INFLAMMATIONS and HEMORRHAGES ALL PAIN avow MA. iMITA. A DRY BOOK. TIONS. THEY MAY ITEbYs NOUS, 8E DANGEROUS. FAC -SIMILE OF BOTTLE WITH DUFF WRAPPER. DEMAND POND'S EX- TRACT. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE FOR IT THIS IS THE ONLY RIGHT KIND. DONOT TAKE ANY OTHER. THE HEIST 1K POLDER -1154-. ilTciAAETS 6ENIIINE Cobs Friuli i No Alum. Nothing Icjurious. RETA(EEN E'JENI'F','NENE, GARTH&ff FACTORY SliP?i'ES Valves, Iron b. lead "roe Loose Puliiy Sham let Pur ri, f rm Pump, `NHi F'.'s, Crean' Sepa:l tors, fa y and Laund:y tans; r. 536CRA'GSiR:ET, MONTREAL. Acs 1'The Bible is such a dry kook, it is said. Well, perhaps it is. There was old Bill Jones, who us- ed to be slob a fes nrihle_dru. rd; siksiritteftssisfrais was once heard to remark that he was a good subject for spontaneous combustion, and he was so constantly in liquor that the neighbors used to call him a walking whiskey- barrel.— Through some kind friend he was led to read the Bible, and became a follower of its teachings; and the result was that h„ became ter- ribly dry. For days he fought against a thirst which seemed con- suming him, and even now he is not free from occasional struggles but they grow less frequent and severe, so that ho hopes the alcohol is getting dried out of his blood. And there is his wife, who used to sit up nights and drop her hot tears on the worn garments which she mended, as bhe thought with dread of the midnight home -com- ing. Since Mr Jones (that is what they call hire now) took to reading the Bible the fountain of her tsars has dried up ; and her tears have dried up; and her face, once so care worn and sad, looks like sunshine after rain. Ard those children who used to come home from school with their gaping shoes on rainy days, and sit down to shiver with their wet feet in the fireless home—since father has taken to the Bible in- stead ofhis cups, they are dry and well -clad and warm. Even the old house has felt a change. The snow and rain used to find easy access through the leaky roofand the broken window panes; but all that is stopped now and the house is dry as well as its Imaster. Then there used to be a little silver stream flowing at fitful but frequent intervals from Jones' rocket into the rumseller's till, but since the Bible has been put in authority that strum has dried up. Yes, the Bible does seem to be rather a dry book. •It dries up a good many things.—Rev B.B Merrill. • CHADWICK'S SPOOLk COTTO4 ri'll's' .T7en4 tithe: iliac?aFare 1]1e. lit: NO SUPERIOR A'3tt FOR IT, LEATEE HaB STEEL -LINED TRUNKS Is Samr.lo, Linlies' and all ',char gni S;I:aoest T u 24C S. in the Vt'or.1. J.EYELEI4IH & CO MONTREAL, ler !h9 Dciin'n HOTEL 3AL O AL ■ MONTREAL. • tHatre Dame St., ono of the meat central and elegantly furnished Hotels In the Chs Accommodation for 400 guests. Rates:CI iT TNTOODRUFF, 62 to $K per day. , V t 1 v Manager Sola A¢'ts for Canada, 1.PALMER&SON Yholesale Imp'trs of J1JGCISTS' SUNDRIES i743'NOT11E DAM ST., MONTREAL SOAP. DOMINION LEATHER BOARD COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOS141LL80ARD Steam Packing, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, Thi, iea PerjectFrice:on CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physican, retired from prac- t:ce, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the forumla of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure ofconaump- tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and Nervous Complaints, after havio tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this mot- ive and a desire to relieve human suf- fering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. S-nt by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NOYES, 820 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. 13012-y.e.o.w. RECKITT'S BLUE THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. PAPERS. Wrapping, tanilla, TAS,�O ALL SIZES ge? AND 7444 WEIGHTS TO ORDER 21 DeBresolesst. is:-Portnent..fl oHj4s ONS Sp i.UIDBEEF ' THE GREAT ;STRENGTH GIVER PERFECT F00D FOR THE SICK 'PkWARMING er UtRITIOUS8EYERACE 1 A POWERFUL '-•"1 INvIGORATDR t D one OUR NEW pp11 FRE i,oldes Wa1O �' old watch Worth 10 est watch In the oxdPe timekeeper. the he �aj SOLID GOLD huntinpf sen,. Both ladles' and gent • sixes, with works and case. of equal value. Ont Pxn0OR In mach locality can secure one free, together with our large hienand valuable lineofglouaebold hienI' - ample.. These samples, as well as the watch are flree. All the work you need do le to show what we Bend you to those who Ball -your Mends and neighbors and those about yon -that always revolts In valuable trade for u. whish holds for years when once started, and thus we are repaid. We pay all express, freight, etc, After you know e11, if you would like to go to work for us. you can earn from 120 to BOO Dor week nod upward.. Address, die e Co.. Sox e1 2, Portland, Maine. CATARRH, CATARnoAL• DItAFNESS—HAY FE'1zR ., NEw MOMS TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane, of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a fact, and the result of this discovery is that a simple remedy has been formulated where- by catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple applications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. N.B.—This treatment is not a snuff or an ointment ; both have been discarded by reputable physicians as injurious. A 'I140iphlet explaining this now treatment ''is sent an receipt of ten cents byH. To/0110f /Maw & SON, 80$ West Ring St cot, .t,o/0114(f!f Ciiiiitel lb 4.'t Mtifl GloAR& HURLING THE HARPOON. A sailor who had just returned from a whaling voyage was taken by a friend to hear an eloquent preacher. When they came out of church the friend said ; 'Jack, wasn't that a fine ser- mon ?' 'Yes, it was ship shape ; the waterlines were graceful; the masts raked just high enough ; the sails anu rigging were all right, but I didn't see any har- poons. When a vessel goes on a whaling voyage the main thing is to get the whales, But they don't come to you because you have a fine ship. You must go after them and harpoon them.. Now it seems to me that a preacher is a wha'ernan. He is sent, not to interest or arouse the fish by sail- ing among them, but to catch them. Jesus said to His disciples, I will make you fishers of men.' How, how many terrnons like that do you think it would take to convict 11 sinner and make him cry out, 'What must I do to be saved ?' The friend said, 'But, Jaek,peo ple nowadays don't like to be hat pooped. They like to listen to such expositions. Surely it is a grand thing to attract such an audience to hear the gospel.' '•To hear aboujethe gospel, you moan ? I don't object to the doe to''t t exposition and illustration As I said before. they are all ship shape, But the trouble was when he sailed to the fishing ground and the whales had all gracefully corne to the surface, instead of manning the boats and striking for a haul, ho made a polite bow and appeared to say : 'I am very glad to see so many whales. I must not do anything to hurt or frighten them; hops they will ad- mire my ship and all come again on my next voyage.' Doyon think the ship -owner would send such a captain to Behring Straits a second time? Head in Acts the report of Peter's first gospel ser- mon. Ho begins with an able ex- position of Old Testament pro- phecies in regard to the incarna- tion sun: resurrection of Christ and the (ntpoaring of' the Spirit, and then, when he had gained the attention of the crowd, he charged home upon them with the words of 'Jesus, whom ye have crucifi- ed !' That was hurling a hlu•- • Poon." I in the ten yersl7M 11889 the (&4it inn people popofig tiomg, to the�minion Government ftp 1IG,* au°ilihaa $262,812,578. If paying high taxes makes a people rich, as our pres- ent rulers at Ottawa labor hard to make believe, we should all be rolling in wealth by this time. Bloxam's Electric Hair Restorer performs all it claims. Contains nothing injurious. Sold at J. H. Com be's. Attorney-Genertl Martin's celebrated seven hours' apeeeh in the Manitoba Legislature dwindles into insignificance besides Mr Oaler's great effort on behalf of the Grand Trunk in the St. George case. He has now been speaking five days and has never travelled over the same ground since. He is apparently now as fresh as when he started, and good for a day or so more. For the delicate and aged and all in whom the vital current is impoverished and sluggish,Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the very best touie It restores the wasted tissues, and imparts to the system surprising elasticity and vigor. Price $1. Worth $5 a bottle. Joseph Scllolm, tictel.keeper, of Ches- ley, and his son, a young man about 25 years of age, were tried on Monday be- fore a bench of magistrates on a charge of assault, and committed to stand their trial at the next assizes. On Monday of last week James McFarlane, a shoe- maker from Paisley, got into a dispute with younglScholm about his hotel bill. Words led to blows, and the father, coming to young Scholm assistance, McFarlane was roughly handled and ejected from the house. He went to a blacksmith shop near by, where, for some time, he lay moaning and writh- ing in agony. He started for his home iu Paisley, but had to return to Chesley, where he died on Thursday night. A coroner's inquest was held, the verdict, and proceedings were at once instituted Bail has been accepted, $2.000 for the old man and $500 for his son. Liver- disoaso, biliousness, dy apepsia, or indigestion, and a derangements of the stomach and bowels cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discover}, or money paid for it returned. Salt Lake City seems not to languish for want of polygamy. The Salt Lake Evening Tories reports "there was never a city in the Union that has changed, as has Salt Lake, from a sleepy overgrown village to a metropoli- tan city in so short a time. Where but a few years ago the common one•story abodes or the dingy frame dwellings were the only structures that greeted the eye, to -day large business blocks, elegantly constructed, are seen. The dirt paths along the street are supplant- ed by wide walks, and the patient horse, which, a decade ago, with difficulty hauled a little dingy omnibus from place to place now contentedly munch- es oats while the electric motor dashes across the city with its loads of human- ity.' C. C. Ricit.aDS & Co. Gents.—I was cured of a severe at tack of rheumatism by using MIN ARD'S LINIMENT, after trying al other remedies for 2 years. Albert Co., N. B. GEORGE TINGLEY CAsTOR IA for Infants and Children. LINTON R. HOLMES, - CLINTON, - "DaetOlbiepweBidaptedi childtendsah QYtelia'ouree Cole, Constipation. I recommend tiassuperior teeny prescriptioa lSour Stomach. Diarrhea, Eructation. "mown tame." U. l Amman, ill i> Killa �o Worms, gives sleep, and promotes db 111 So. Oito d 8t. Drootlya, N. Y. Wltbopi Wmioura laedkatioo. .Trts csrrra011 COMPANY, ?1 Murray Street, N. Y. ICUREF!T 1 THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When I say Cure I do not mean ® merely to stop them for a time, and then have them return again. 1 MEAN A EA b t CA L CURE. I have made the disease of Fits, Epilepsy or Falling Sickness a Lrs..-:ong study, I warrant my remedy to Cure the worst cases. Because oth'rs h:.0 f ''. d 's no reason for not now receivinga cure. Send at once for a treatise and a F. gee S-' -..e of a,y infaltliblo Remedy. ive Express and Post Office. It costs you n.tit u:g i tri,-. and it will cure you. Address 1-H. G. ROOT, IMC., Branch Office, !83 WEIri ADEc.A:CE 3TOSEET,.TQRONTO. GENTSPURNISHINBS •V4e have just received a large and attractive assortment of the latest styles for spring and summer weal. We bought an immense stock at close cut prices, and are offering to the public good goods at prices that were never before heard of in this section. Conte and see the goods. Nobby HATS, Dandy CAPS, Beautiful TIES, Pretty SHIRTS, Nice Colored GLOVES. G. GLASGOW NEXT DOOR NORTH ■ To Dm. GOODS PALACE. x x THE NEw ERA is publish gives about Thirty-two Columns Matter Every Week ; Correct from Toronto and in this neigh Large Circulation and is Unsurpa.. vertising Medium. Will be sent t for $1.50 a year, in advance. JOB DEPART We have all the latest styles of type fo Bills, and any kind of printing that c Prices the Lowes, Work the Fines faction guaranteed. One trial i. to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74, C est and t;i,8apest Fence STEEL RODS -IRON FOUNDATION. BUILDERS' IRON WORK, Office Railings, Lawn Furniture AND FOUNTAINS, ETC. Barnum Wire ADDIron Works tx,xxaxTrEal. WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO. McCOOL 'BROS THE LEADING OIL MERC OF CANADA Are still pleasing the public with oils. Why use an oil jure your machinery- when you can get the celebra Specialties: Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka, Spin Bolt -Cutting, Solar and Harness. Manufacturers, McCOOL BROS & CO., Toronto. For sale by all dealers throughout the itnmininn. • The distribution of the two -rowed barley, imported by the Dominion Gov- ernment to enable farmers to get into the use of seed of the best sort, adapted for exportation to the English markets is still progressing. Over 2,500 bushels have been sent out during the past two days. Farmers who have already or• dered or obtained one bag each may procure additional quantities by apply- ing immediately to Prof. Wm. Saunders, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. The price is $4 per bag of 112 pounds. The money should be enclosed with an order naming the nearest railway stat- ion to which point the freight charges, will be prepaid. .Nature has lavishly provided cures for all the diseases flesh is heir to, but the proper preparation of many of then, has not yet been discovered. In Wilson's Wild Cherry we hove a cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup and kindred ailments, prepar- ed from vegetable drugs, in a pleasant and concentrated form and which var- iably gives prompt relief and effects a speedy cure. Sold by all druggists. The Tara Leader has the following reference to John Cribbis, the abscond- ing tax collector of of Amabel town ship. -Mr Cribbis has been collector for the past nine years, and was a man in whom every one of his acquaintances had the greatest confidence -a confid- ence begot by their experience of his heretofore sterling honesty and up- rightness. Preyious to leaving Mr Cribbis visited the clerk's office and ask- ing to see his bonds abstracted those of Ilia sureties, and it is likely the amount he stole will be a total loss, as he mort- gaged and otherwise disposed of his property previous to leaving. The reeve and councilors are now making every effort to retrieve their loss, and have put all the legal machinery at hand in operation, but everything ap- pears against them, and they appear to have done the business in auch a care- less manner that there is very little sympathy expressed for them. The steamer Mariposa, from Sydney and Honolulu. brings the following ad- vices;-Extenlive floods have done great damage in New South Wales and Queensland. A jarge part of Brisbane was inundated, wharves sulitnerged and railroad traffic stopped. Hundreds of families are homeless, and many fata- lities are reported. Grafton, Singleton, West Maitland and other towns were flooded. Many losses of life and great destruction of property are reported from the interior points. At last ac- counts the floods were subsiding. Through a mutual acquaintance Mies Christie McA skiel, of Boston, 37 years old, became acquainted with George W. Shepard, of Los Angeles, Cal., some time ago and since then the two have corresponded. Shepard came here a few days since, proposed marriage and was accepted. The wedding was fixed for Saturday night at Vieth's hotel, on Tremont street. Shepard, it is said, induced Mise McAskeil to draw $600 from the savings bank and i.tstrust to him, to be forwarded by express to sheir prospective home in Los Angeles, Shep. and has not been seen since receiving the money, and although Miss McAs keil, the clergyman and witnesses were at Veith's Hotel promptly on time, Shepard came not. Miss McAsk, it is greatly prostrated over the disal+l . ars anise of her money and lover. �••0 ' Have you a Cough ? 'rake Wilson's Wild Cherry Have you a Cnld? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry, Have you Bronchitis? Take Wllaon's Wild Cherry. slave your lost your Voice ? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. Have you Asthma? Telco Wtlsen'4 Wild Cherry ftd'e you 4 Ootd ill .the head? Take Milson a odeildelitirrY. lJif RatlAfltt dtYfilt't fee. ill di, aabtl elf by r .. HE HAD TO WALK. A Bostom father whose son last autumn took it into his foolish head to re away from horse, taught the boy n lesson which not likely to be soon tnl'gntten. The lad had read a lot of sensa- tidnal trash, and although he had a good home he iva: led away by - what he read, and started oft to 'enjoy life,' His funds and his 1•ou:::e gave out together befiee he trot further than New York. where he was robbed in one place, i11t1ented in another, and fell ill iii as third ; so that by the time he had been absent from horse for about ten days -he sent a pathetic postal card to his family. begging for the money to comp home with. I-Iis father had already- followed him to Naw York, put detectives on his track, and knew what was happening to him; but way leav- ing him to his own devices in or- der that the lad might Recto ': hat his course would lead. Leaving a friend to see that the boy was watched and kept from actual harm, the feather returned home, and when the son's appeal came he simply wrote back: Don't you think you had better walk ? The poor prodigal was probably well- nigh heartbroken at such a re- sponse, which, indeed, it cost the father a good deal of resolution to make, but ho set not to walk from New York to Boston. A man was employed by the father's orders to come along with him. Tho son -supposed that he was merely a tramp with whom he had fallen in and who chose to be kind to him. The runaway reached home safely, but a more changed boy it would not be easy to find. His father has never alluded to his adventure, and there is now a respect and confi- dence between them which is really charming to see.—Youth's Companion. A young man named McPher- son, living in Aldborough Town- ship, committee suicide by shoot.- 1ng,himsolf. Minard's Liniment cures colds, etc. Speaking to a ccrrespondont in the lobby on Tuesday D'Alton McCarthyjrepudiated the idea that the Equal Rights contingent had fired its last gun this session. 'When the North-west Territories Act,' said Mr McCarthy, 'is discus- sed in the House 1 will personally enter a vigorous protest against the clause which embodies SirJohn Thnmpuon's amendment on the dual language question. I cannot accomplish much, as all the mem- bers are already on record, but I am opposed to leaving the ques- on of French as an ofTicial •langu- go to the North-west Assembly nd shall to the very end persist a most vigorous protest. 1 ifs vigorously advocate the aboli- onp16 of �tt�h}Ae Separate eetwol eyi tern ti a When baby wait sick, we gave her Caetorla, a When she was a Chlld, she cried for Caetor's, i n When she became Mies, ehe clang to Cabteila, tq Man gibed 01211drvby rhe Ave them Oaetorill ti ttt TOO GREEN TO BURN. That was a good story told by John Charlton in the house the the other day about the farmer who had been taxed to death all his lite and after death went to the lower regions where he found a lot of politicians, but not feeling at home among there he went in- to another cell where there Was a lot of Iluvycrs and doctors. Not feeling at home there either he stool around disconsolate until '.l:ii Nick put in an appearance cold asked Lim what he wanted I sun a farmer,' he said. 'Where are you from ?' asked the devil, [ am from C'tnada,'he repliel,and 'Whom did you vote for ?' inquir- ed his satanic majesty. 'I voted for Sir John A. Macdonald and the National Policy,' was what he said, and the devil asked 'Why did you do that?' 'Well,' said the farmer,'I did that under the im- pression that it was going to raise the price of produce.' 'Oh,' said the devil, 'then come aljtng. I have a place for you,' and ho took him to another large room, 1,000 feet long, 300 feet wide and 100 feet high, with a line stretched across it and a great number of people hung up, and the farmer said. 'What docs this mean 2' 'Well,' said tate devil, 'these aro Canadian farmers who voted for Sir John A. Macdonald and the National Policy under the impres- sion that it would raise the price of grain, and, as they are to green to burhung n, I have them up to dry.' JUST RECEIVED A Fine Assortment °'of PLAIN and STAMPED GOODS, TRAY CLOTHS, SIDEBOARD DRAPES, TOILET SETS, SPLASHERS, STAND COVERS. &c., Also a large stock of "RUBBER BALLS, BASE BALLS, SKIPPING- ROPES, HAMMOCKS, EXPRESS WAGGONS. Call- and see our stock be- fore buying, as we want to clear out our present stock of WALL 'PAPER CEILING DECORATIONS, &c. We offer them cheap, call (and see for yourselves. WORTHINGTON'S BOOK and DRUGSSTORE GREAT SIOUX RESERVATION NOW OPEN. The fertile lands in the Great Sioux Indian Reservation,weet of the Missouri river, are now open for settlement. The President's proclamation was issued on February 10th,1890. The natural gate- way to the Southern part of the reser- vation is via Chamberlain, South Dako- to, the prrx»nt western treminus of the Chicago, Milwaukee Jr St Paul Railway. From that point to the lands beyond, homeseekers must proceed by team. All necessary outfits can be secured at reasonable prices at Chamberlian• For the convenience of persons who may desire to inspect the neve country first -plass reduced rate excursion tickets to Chamberlain and return, will be sold from Chicago, Milwaukee and other pointe on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, good to return until Oc tober 31st, 1890. For naps. and circulars, containing general and detailed information,please send tc "the nearest ticket agent, or address A. V. H. CARPENTER, General Passanger Agent, Milwaukee, Wis May 30. Robert ('raise, aged 55 y cars, hanged himself on Thursday morning hatwecn .i and t; o'clock in a shed on the farm of his bro. then James, on the M;th concession of Sarnia Township. Ile was a married man, but had not been living with his wife for a few years. Ile had been despondent for Rome time. Tho wife lives in Corunna, and two sons, the only children, live at Cheboygan, Mick l IMStdef1/2. flif tet the MIt e'V t'~yW hath) To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dee. 1st.EGIVE TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASII on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHIN& AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se- curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock. We Offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth 0 We Offer NEW SEASON BLACK TEA at 25 -cents, worth 40. NEWffCURREANTS and RAISINS, cheap, at 252c BROOMS worth 35. FRESH FINAN HADDIE, SISCOS, EERRING, FLOATERS,; &c. Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give us a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL. Ilichole'sllarros &Grocaykpol, �oodesboro We have just received a full stock of CHRISTMAS and NEW YEARS PRES- ENTS for young and old consisting of Childrens CUPS, SAUCERS, MUGS, MOUSTACHE CUPS, TEA SETS, EGG CUPS, &c. SILVERWARE— CASTORS, CRUETS, PICKLE DISHES, KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONEly BUTTER KNIVES, WAD. HES, GOLD WATCHES, BROOCHE CUFF BUTTONS, CHAINS, CHARMS, PINS, COLLAR BUTTONS. A large as- sortment of Vases, all kinds. Santaclaus head quarters for Toys of every de- scription, suds as Horne, Bugles, Animals, Music Boxes, Work Boxes Dark and Magic Lanterns, Guns, Whistles, Books, False Faces', Dominoes, Tops, Pistols, Swiss Magic Houses, Purses, Whips, childrens Tea Sete, Fancy Candy, Hearts, &c. All the above articles will late sold cheap for cash. Drop in and gee these before they are all gone. My -stock of Xmas Groceries is complete and at lowest current prices. Other lines of goods also complete, Harness, Whips Robee, Blankets, Belts and all goods found in a harness shop. Tinware, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Flower, Feed Jewellery, &c. The highest price paid in cash for all kinds of Furs or 10 per cent advance if taken in trade. All kinds of Produce taken the same as cash. After thanking you for past custom and so- liciting a continuance. I wish you a merry Xmas and a happy New Year. GEO. NEWTON - - LONDESBORO B. LA URANCE'S Spectacles. 'I'h ecelebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B. Lan - rant. '+ Fest., and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. You can depenr, (setting the GF.NUINE B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES by calling and examining the stock at T 40AtA JA.CIit:+ C)N'PA', CroINT4t).