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The Clinton New Era, 1890-04-25, Page 5
.\ . x+ma,r'•i4".:✓.m.,+•+C��t,.n,..:+.+.i"s'M9^L,9T+.,^rersP�•„'nP.'na5 %4sx'Y,. •m,+.sfasx..+.,aw,N�r•'h_ a. .. ,wF:wN R'!” _ r f '. ' '7r�1l''��ryryyyT '�T'd.'sFr'%aK'..F.gT.p?�W:•oi.+`R.. -. ... .. .. veAm.,a-i. , , iciNt+'SSY5,T,RYAIMVia. - .. .,a�SgGtrfl te(tcI°',CAtuat11►1P 11lt! ppRf1G. I't '4a -F al► a l �4 18N.JL `Y1�e11,R11, eta)'d�,rd .., , 0 90 * 0 90PCT H I o�5 ... 00 80 Barley ..................o SGo► o �o '• + _ - , � -- Pea5................... 0 &0a 0 52 Flour per bei............ 4 GO a 600 Those im-!11Butter................. 0150 0 16 - - ---- — i portant be- 111110, , ---....-...- ........ 5 001► G GU _ f mond eyes -1 Hilt' .. . .............. . . . G 26 . 25 �, 000 worth of ► :1 k s :d maybe had Hides i 50 a 0 OG �+•� at •rya^yam 30 o ' and pfOpet'• Sheep Skins ............ 0 LU a 0 7` t from j lv fitted by K percent below- merlaxprices. Iiinb'u Optometer, the only oue SALE REGISTER. in town, at — Farmlands,LotNo. 10,6tlicou.pbtan- -- ------ .__ _ t 7 ley, on April •LBth,at Cook's Hotel, %'or- ^- f J• B. RumbaiY &Cos nb, D. Dickinson, Aa°t. Farmlands, In order to materially reduce our stock: of these' goods, we have gone through it and 1 � , LLot 22, Mrd Coll., Hul- k CLOCKS Just 1'eCe,v- lett, rt' Holreday May let., at the Hut• ; tenbtr Hotel. D. Dickinson, Aida re marked every piece at prices away below the values. ed a large Farm lauds Lot No. 14, Maitland aesurtmeut of NlckleTinle,Kicl to ion., Celburne, nit Monday, May .ttll, If. you wa�lt a Silk Dress, if you want- a Satin Dress or if you want any length of Silk s:,: i Ratteubw-y Iluuse, Clln�ott, L. Dick- �T t� p Alarm and �Ir 1r:,t, farm lauds, Lot No ,t, 15lnitlaad ll• Luminous ittBCu, anti. Mar:—car Satin, now is your time to get it at; a bargain, , cannot possibly p ar ain, as we t ossibl re' eat the (°lh., ('olburme, um ➢IOIldti>.lia\ .;th, offer when the goods- are once sold. Fancy Silk and. Batin for Trimmings, extra loop` Ituttellbury llouae, Clinton. 1). Dick. i"qua, aat't. - y prices. 100Ishort ends of Satin at so much the piece. J. B. RU 1vI BALL fir. Go JEWELLERS & ENGRAVERSICLINTON. (� per c. oil' for 'gash. ESTATE J013N 110 0EMINT so trouI TH E POPULAR ts, of 1YoLrGAUE SALE CHEAP"CK ar'ultll' FARM � � n Stallions.-I c - `% I If you want to buy a Dinner,Tea and Chamber Set, don't nnvest until yin > Imported Draught 5tulliuu l - have seen our new stuck. ��'e offer new patterns in COG pieces OODS OUSE TOWNSHIP OF C'OLBORNE. C a" >: ,'.Prince Victor, No. lU'��'1 �� ons y ®�Y�N�t1 ��T� ��� 8 RY 5vi11 stand for wares durin,• the seasou of , ^ '= � 1 Ill v I � l .1890 as follows: M1londay, 'At will Isave Underand by virtue of the power of sale his own stable, still con. of stanls •, and,tro- contained in a certain luort'a e _ These sets are the bwat value in the market, several dilerent slat es and - '•� }} tie (whict,P4 [ y ,� 1 coed east 2;t' miles, than north to Dir llieh]'s I mortgage will be prod- d on day of hale• .. + CUlors to choose from. Also extra fine for noon; then north 11 wiles of the Bay field there will be sold at public auction by Llat - o a and Clinton Road, then wast to W Graham's I id Uiekinson, auctioneer, at the+ E.l i TEN PIECE CHAMBER SETS FOR ��;,5a Q Q j� Q S or night. Tuesday, ) roeo3d to Holmesvills fornoon,.thencsby way of9laitlaudConeeN 1tatteniiiLtry 11ouse, Clinton,, o m forsioi saseLine,thence north to �5'.h.BaR'n _ \1•ith extra large Ure and Basin. 'These sets are positively the best value for night. Wednesday, proceed north to ON o -� o 1planohester Hotel for noon; then north to 1� 6 e�y '� ea = � in town. (ether colored 10 piece sets frown $8 u) White Granite ware 'Weeffield,•then east to J. H. IDlcClinton's for MON�AY, the 5th of MAY, 68,3017 � 4 ✓ G c 4 1 1 , ' the night. Thursday, proceed south to Mr C'1 equally as cheap. fine Colored TE A SET�?,44 pieces for X43,25, sr;veral Ne`v :tri \ et•'' t l \:('e,1• ('•` Scott's. 13th cou. of Hullett, for noon; their At o'clock P. m.. the following lands and - p� ditferent styles and Calors. These goods a ptinted on extra heavy ware, � 1} miles south; then west to the Base Line, ytetuises, viz: Lot nutubur fourteen, in the E- ✓ y e I and by way of Ball's bridge to J. J. Fisher's, Maitland Concesaiou,Tcwnsbipof Colborne, 1 slid tire, without Ilotibt, the cheapest ever shown in Clintcn. ties then! for the night. Fridav, proeved by way of in tits County of Huron. and containing t Benmiller to Huron ft.oad, for uoon ; then 90 acres, »toxo or loss. There aro on tis -. l,efU l'e ell l'ClaSilll . + r` south on the 8th coil. (}oderich towuship to Prpmisusft frauiehousrnud bank barn. TiIr, p� y NJ T !C sD@ John MuCartney's: for tile eight. Saturday, soil is a good clay lmnu, in good urder. for - ,� IEA D S�uXnv7) COFFEES, SPICE &C., at 10\acst prices. 111 a Few days procee9 south to Hanley corner, then past spring work. 1 I we will alinounce the winner of the Ser lIachiue ;even away 5vitli ; to Wm. Wises, for nuou: then by wa.yy of TERMS. --The ,roperty will lie,old stibjoct d �✓ Amflo 'Varna and Bayfield !toad to his own statilo, to 11 mortgage or 51700. 'I'eu per osut. of � a �Tl Utli' i'iSlilng 'POwdef. j P I n -where he will rutnaitt till the following Moll- , Ll.e purchase 1-touey to be paid on the day of ,' Oaymoriliug. This route will he continue,l 'eels and the balance up thirty days there- _ COOPER �T LOG �T throughout the seam!!, health and weathu ofter without interest. The purchaser will �� Vr• �.�1 1 r , Clinton 4)ertnitting. J. UANf1Y, Varna, I'rupriet,.r, be requires( to sign aL agreeil)ent oil the day of Furtefor rteruis and lof tilt, purchase. = �E_._l '{'O DRESS s \, lm a,rted ('lwdesdale Stalhuli Further feYnts fttld pNPtlmlllal'a !!!ails lalowu -- -- - -------- -- ------ I Golk-y"s Ro ill A (lllllat, No. !6321 eoL ondao of sale or upon application to H.BORN9 S ( HALF., Emcl ur to rile undrt-siRned. i y X„ B. C. B. U. DIC ON MANNIN(,fix'OTT. Nhr� u1.,�, Ill Cliatou, on the 12th SPRING SALE Which we consider the 1)Cdt -AIC:e 7t. till' CUllnty'. �`'t VIfCI' 1 Iannt' Of alonduy', April "_l,t, urn leave Iii—mo ,table, B. Auctioneer Vendor'+ Solicitorsthe tvtfo of D1r Thus. I' ttzeimone, 6� Naw Or/' f dl+, Churchill's liullutt, ked proceed by' lUt.l) Cnu., Clinton, April;ird, 1+!A. Goderich township, to John 1.1hott's, Bayfield Of a sett. Line, for a,uun • then to Jnhu Sheppard's, lot 23, ------" -----'------ 7^1 ceed to d bine, for the nti(ht Tuesday, will plc- I April 4t Gtherwif .)h (.nod Fri -]BOOTS 1 j , Sateen ®S - PrInts •to Tos.liarhei'.,, 4th Con., for the fitheught. 11IOIiT(lA(Kl; K,�hI; I►i� (lay Apt•il 4th, the wife of :11r 'Phos. H Q '�i (� ' to Thos. Harrison'., iib to fur the night. Swart/., of a sou. 1 _L_J S Wednesday, will proceed bt Jas. Calwell's, seta Yalaable FARM PROPERTY 11 ' •con. for Wool ; then to Robt.Iialtley's,sUt Crnl,, DiARRIF.I) t I ast and beautiful colors, choice patterns, Soft and dUr- ' ' for Lite night. Tbursduy', will proceed to J. Hu - •it. 11ot.lx:.+-]triter.-At the Methodist In OrClel' t0 lCllUl'f 111' St011i l0 lllaliB 1'OOIll tOT t51)ring die's, 6th Con., for noun ;then toJohn 5t"hltloy's, '7th Con., for thn night. Frida}, will proceed to —IN THE— personage, Walton, oil the 16th inat., b able cloth at 12:- cents equal t0 anything you can buy at ..t fv', John Yeo'n by tray of Hurun Road, fur neon : by the Itev. mut. Torrance, Mr David , Croods, I evill sell for the nett thirty clays, my entire 3 �' 3 y 4 then to J. 0. Steep's, 10th Coal., for the night. TO`65'rtiHIY of C'OI,13UIi.V1': H. Itchnes, to Miss Hannah M. Betts, 1:) Cents We SllOw a special line Of c,LL W0p1 StUCIi of { :. Saturday, will proceed to J (stable.wh elth DRESS GOODS ill:grey and brown Of'- r•t�,-at 12 i cts•, 3?f ;., Con.,for noon ;then to his own stable. µ•bete he Under and b) virtue rd tile, paµcr of sale in a I all of McKillop. �1� Rubbers will remain till the following llonday nioroin:; certain nldunture of mortgage, which will be Hui.�7F::;-1IOrcn.--At Syracuse, N. �ootS IS11oe t prudticed at time of +a!u, [hero aeiU be ,aid by Y., April 8th. ls!)0, by Iiev. B. $hove, ) , &, I worth a good deal more if hou--lit in t h,, •r'egular way, 3 w• a:,OHL RCIiILL WALLACE,, Yr„ ,rietnr,- , t - - - public auction, ur' 11r U. Holmes, conductor G. T. R., T �Y 1 The Imported Clydesdu.e Stallion, Overshoes er11.7hoe1�7 p London, to Mrs F+liva D. Hou�b, of r 1 Toini'h The 13oy, No. ;3x6 Vol. "I. MONDAY, 5th of Slay, 1` 90 Yards cTWEEDS �f�+ ► Syracuse, N. 1'. ► [ t I ®® 1 S� ! 1.7 I Monday, April 31, will !suss his uµ'u stable, 0th f t v Con,,ufliull,tt,al,,l Proceed top F'a»ham:+,LUth At the huurnf '+.'ul.,cl: p.m.,atthu Dlcllnvtt�-4It 1'nrA.-Un April 1(itll, til COST 1 Olt CASH. Call earl- and get Bargains. ' ~t con„ for uouu ; tbell north to J J.n shurtreed's ��tteu�ur� �Ol1,P, CLINTON" I at the bride's home, ill Colborne town- i�P-n 1)C'r cent Discount fc�r C.. X11. E,(r5 taken in e�chan. e Several patterns at less than mill )rices. We recognize MOCTIR, for nhht, Tuesday, teal prvn•rad U11 (D' cry Daii Kelly's, NItirris, for uouu ; then to 1lamou'. ship, by Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, B. A., __. _ 1 b • ^V1 1 by Ii:tt-id Dirkins•,n, Auctioneer.:Ill and sin. u' Andrew Mcllwain, of west evawanosli, ; the fact that in order to hold our trade and increase the '" - .hotel, Blyth for ui;;ht. \5'uthlasdoy, µ'1l1 7•u- _ _ " •seed Lo Lgnt�[sboru, and retnaiu for ono hour•, lar, that certain patrol or tract of t u,d and pec- Wand Mary Jane, daughter Of the late T� } y T 4+' then to hi, own +table fur the i.i,bt. Thurday, II11NCa Pltaate 1)'llty Gild bl:Uq :❑ tl Tutcnshq, of ; , it'lll proceed up the 14th c�nl., :d Ilttllctt, b,.thu Colbmue, in the Count) of llnr+ul. and I'rutint;r. l IhInU&n McPhee. A I y llllillber Of our c11St011lel'J 111 t116Se days of. keen CUlnpB Bose Line. then acro,., Ly ua, of smutucrhiil to of Ontario, Len,,: composed of Int numhrr twuil- � 1 i r i 1 C ' _r 8 HANK I t) •three, in the 5bd❑and Concession of tl.e said TflOfit:-Giid,n•;s.- At the fe3idettCe tition, we -must be ill) and doing. We nitist offer special H. Mur by's, f„rtmou ;then to W. Crnntell'aDtli loµn.hi , of Uutburne, cuutaiuiug Lr ndmeusutc_ I of the bride's father, April 11th, 18:10, 'inducements. UVe e'isit the nlarhets see seal tlllle3 r Godnric tuwushlp,forthe ui,ht 1'rid.q', will f durR'; meeed by w'ky of Bawliuld Road to Bell's II -,tel, meat 1,:i screw, [Wore or Ice.+, un thio pr y,erh' I by the Yee. W. H. Geddes, William — - (,. ,, keep r ppLmro is a Pr:uuc hnus+;'iu ;;nod ru ,airuul a large ln`, the year, and, thus 1t.E.Cp t1101'011bllly poste!! til styles (,roCC d for nuou : ihqu to t'r:mk Lay Lou'.,'"nd I I ThenC, Jr., Of eVCmt evnwanosh, to 1)_ 33 e.l. a barn. The soil is a cine F nn, wen muter Fal eldest daughter of 91r John and fabrics ; and ample capital enable, l`.S t0 take C Will I of ced ultsto It for the night. Saturday, a,d, and there is now {rua�iu;r 73 acres of fat- 1 p an:. will proceed up to It. FIJIV,>>, Huli %%il fi'r µ.hent. Tile orchard oil the lace is one of the Gillies, of Kiuloss, County of Bruce. noon, thea N, hie oµ•u stu4lc, µhere b: a is 1) I bast in the Tuttc,hi , Ir,: •main Lltl Lhe Polluu•iuq )tundty murilinq. .I ,t [) I of Culbon,e. Y f"t gay+r� DI--MIT"ITE J. --At the residence special lots that are placed UIl rile 111111'1{C't ❑111' C11St0- ,, ,`"1. 0 W A E REYNOLDS, Prl,prit•U,rs. njo t1l1.-The place will be molanve 10 to a first o° the bride's fatber, On the 8th of iners are assured that Ill dealing evltll 113 they <ret the nlort6agc of $",Ao, nP the bal:ant•o IU per cent. ' Thr itnport(,I Clydesdale 5taln,,;,, J nmst be paid un day of site, and the balance in Match, by the Rev. T. V. holt, lir thirty days thelearter, without interest. L'os- r newest (Y00(1S-at 1118 ClOSC3t )I'1CCS. f�S a proof Of this M(Gotclln Dunbar, to Alisa Bia�r is b 1 Fleetwood, No. (:1((i�i, Vol. X. C. S. seminii citeu on a,uq)teti,m of purrh.ase. 7`hr 1 ( '? a1 C., G. 13. cY i.) purvhu-rr, on day of sale, µill Lu required to Mitchell, all formerly of taut Wawa- Thtr .,alzmce (,l' t. he hat:krin.1 :imide (it' lt.Jl.ita('ev, to he sol off cheap I compare goods' and prices evith 1t., neighbor who may :1 t' �F_u an ti---eententfor the ennylletiou of hie pur- nosh, note of 5tron-ville, Michigan. Y ,s S Jau»duy, April 21st, will tette his nu'n •retic' deal else where. We thank you for past favors and so cha.e. further terms and conditi,nts ut.ade 'Thoroton wallaces, lot 31, Cun. 7, lfullett, and known un day of hale. Bli-s•rA(a,-T.t1 i.Oi:-At tlie'residence Of ��.'1 ©� �j•.��Te1�7 Rat -es Hoes Lawn - roeeel north to the 8th con., to Geo. Chriscu- I th bride's father, Solomon City, Kan• Spades, Shovels, , ji , a� Mow -i a co>ytinuance of your valuable patronage. -phVr's,tor nuWl • thorn ncruas to the 10th sun., Full nlfunnutiun call be had on opp'i,-ai,gn to y s at p FARRAN & TISDALL, Clint,•u, .,r v.,: c, ,d•'r, sax. on March 12th, by Rev. Mr Ross, I then eust 11 miles, then acrOas to the 13th, to W .yulb'ih Fattersun's, for night. Tuesday, will proceed ti I Uatc:, t:,l+ thin, ,,cu. elf ,prl;, Imih), Mr IItlgh A. Mustard, of Uheever, Katt. ere,Brushes, Alabastine and Kalsomine r the Base Liuo to I,uac Rapsuli s for noun ; thee 11.1NN1N(: tt 6COT'T, sax, to Miss ;1laggie, daughter of Mr Uv way of sunmterhltl to Sirs 15'utgatp Tebbutt s' Paints, Glass Tinwares W. L. C.� �T I l�/ T T' . r Vendor: soli,•it„ Heart'• 'ra tor, former! of Hullett, bfaltlandconeemsion for the night, Wednes,luy, r=. y' y , ) . Rf% proceed to 5t'', ColAou,h'8, 11th sun., Cudericl, ._ Hurun coutity, Ontario. ,� rprocee ip, for noon ;then by µay of Jug. Con- /, ` 1, f 5TT, D FINE LOT 1 0P__ I L jai' ®�' Pit nell's corner, to the 14th to liepple Disney's, A1.0R 1'C, 11"� SALE j - a"� V FIurOnRoad „for the night. 'fLuradnr,tcillpro- I C Tt:ws7.D:5-In CbIb01'nC,oil rlpt'i! ilill, WINDOW I Geed by way oP Clinwn to lt. Churchill a Hullett, 181)0, win. Tewsle aged i li \cars, 1 SHADES - Sor noon ; then (town the 2nd to Oeo, Date%Hui- Jett for thrn,•ht. luptit.Ifupn,ceodutoB.to i J\Cart,\N-in ee'awsllnsh, oil April theVuronraa ,then uptiln Hlirun ,earl to B. ���� In inc•t the (;u1 prive you 13:u uiu.� in every department. Try MK Churchill', for nuou ; then down the Baso Line I 1 itu, Barbara, eldest, +laughter, of DIr y to 5th con„tll^n east to Jam. uewndd's, for the I Jas..Iackm;tit, a;ed 27 clays anti I l IZ�) tial' e !'N!' I Iirtlttlll't'. 1':11111, SL In gild Al'lll�h illi 111 011e. n(ght. suturduy, will prucreditr•rocs to the sib -IN THP. 'con., to Goo. Musk's for noon : then holm lu Iii., days. Perfectly- transparent. f. 'Olvil stable, where he will remain till the follow .PU0+4.111-I l }' (►i+ HL"I,LI: i'1' Uil --Ili (io(lorich, on k, aged 14:1 ��� • c ` :Ing m(lilaymornhr;. ('lit'H(.FtlLI, t %VAL- I April 1 -Ili 'oderi h Dark, nes lata' I G LAC F., Prupriehrrm. — — -- . !101`4' and ht'• virtue of the palati of sale \'eat•:+. I S ® Public, Pincher, (NO, .553 S. C. B: of Scot- ,contained in aCertain Mortgage sn.le!whichuulrtgttau will bo produced oil rile day of !anti.) sale) than; will bs sold by pnbllr auction, Uy ron and Hardware Merchants Clinton Monday, Al'ril 29th, will lease his ern arabin I David Dickinson, nuctionr:'r, ut rho1{ ����T' �'C't�9'�' >! ill rl•:.4CHE}t OF MUSIC. and payee • u, the 2nd Coil., leave bi-4 snttth, then south to Farunt's corner, then oast to C. Lens• Uslittelibill'y I-Iollse,('i,+lNTON, I'inw,, Org•tn and Toehnicon, oI Muscle' - - - borough's frr nrnnl ;than to his own stable for deveU{ , . night. T'ne4duy, will proceed north to the &e --O N— i ur. for use of pupils. ahead* at : MERCHANT TA I LO R' N G ''. Line to R. blason's, ooderien T'p for noon ; then rI'I"ILi US A play- l , t 1 890, Air. y. Hartt a, opposite Mr. evhitehead'm. north W &tstis corner, then south Ii Mile to + + - a Enos Bull's for night. H'ednesday, will pro- . At2o'clock p. m,tlte following lands and I3tltchering I3tif(llless for Sale. need ea+t to Willlani Aitch,.nn's for noon; then. , p,•ernimes:-Lot Number tweet t __-- Zile undersigned. will continue the busl- proceed north along the nuumlary line to the thitdeoncession of the Township'of ill the I'hp nu,dpxsigned offers far eftlo Ute well i Walton � $ O n &�Morrison 18th con., of Hullett, to Joseph Stevens' for in the County of Huroa,contaiuir oP(Hufl ,t,_ established butchering business, with outfit •� night. Thursday, wi;l proceed 11 wii- cast. I dre•d acres More or less. The ,ro u• of horses and all utonaila. Particulars on I lle$s heretofore carried on'by e/ . C. Det then south to thetith con., of McKillop, to Ju,. situate one and a half milha from (Ibi[an, application. At the sawo time he would I — 2r ,L notift those inriehtedtohinl that theirac- 1 1 for &� Co. Further announcement will 1)f? Wheatley'aforneon; thea Mouth t0 Ute Huron I and is a Ilrst-class grazii;g and wheat farut• I ��rC d('Nlre t0 announce to the people of Clinton and vivinity that There is on the premises a r, i 'rrlaflit 9 enuutn muse bo settled at oupe. ARTHUR( t4 -Road, then east to Weir's hotel, sta long or C,(,I1i.I1 - }l rive opered a thenii night. Friday, will proceed wast along the mh,.l„a creek ronveuient of acetas fur stock. mad ill a fN1V days Huron [toad to Samuel \Yeise's for noun : thrl' 'PN.It11S--T1 n per rent of tilt) purchase -- proceedw�sis miles, then south ht'- will erl 111411^c oll(IaV elf Nltlr', balance to be laid in :+hul'thU2'll 131111 for Salle. -, '-MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT mergqer t0 is awn arabic. Saturday, will pr',- 3�1d(;e_tburlxBfter,.avitlinutJltl.tarwtt,- Ott tale — I - coed Lii [Tie 4.. con ,;'ofStan to Har rt' I. n .ti �:1 of the 1 [hip choice Shorthorn bull, In woutlre old, - - 'Diehl', fee noon ; [Leu to his own stable, u h -e I 1 urchaaar $Ypbl) of the pur- 1 _•�T he will wm coon Lill the to O following Mnndac m n - ; rl1 money [may remain on utortt(aae at G rpgistorell in the llmuluion Herd book, PiredOpposite- -- + by i to , l}IC P(ONt t�tl'ICC, Irl in,r. AVERY & NOT•T, Proprietors. },':' 'flat Tho purchaser will he required to 1 .) Red Knight. Apply tb NEIL Mc- sign r.0 tion •f til on the day. gale for itis llU\ALD, Blyth 1'. O. pd •li S19IITH'S BLOCK CLINTON ' rnmplotwn of the purrLnso. For farther - (/''�,� 7j-��' The Imported ('lydesdnh Stallion trriusanrl particular• oplly to H.Hale, Esq., � IULL FOR 91sItVI(:I+:.--SuLw riber kepps 9 'THOMAS � D E T L �J 1 � ) ll•1(IC of UXfl11'(l No. 1H1 or the undersignu,t. ) tar servieo at his prentises, lot 21i, con 3, r Hullett, afirst-class grade bull, with good �� hel'e WC Will C:11'1•y a ChU1Ct: NlOC1C Of 'jtvCCCIN, ev01'S1CdR, :Ind all :11'- i' D. DICKINSON, �LSNsrNr,s' SCOTT, liele.9 requited for the clothing trade. Ifavin(r had soverai ye:tl'N Of $COtlRlld• AnetinL,"-r 5pn,for's So:ieitors points, and of H CHPedl}•res. Terms, $I to i Canton, A n•il.:r,l., is'N). msure� BEN CHURCHILL. •Apt. 2t. practical experience ill tire 1111-gogt epics of OIltai'io and the States,we �''0 Mnndny, lenvea his own stable, lyase i,iuc, oral ' } �� proceed tn.lohn Baker's, tiWNi.o to l'un., (,n,ie_ MORTGAGE SALE �4 t ?Ich '1'u tanahip, for noun; than to Fttnrt, ilutcl, tCE'I COIIhdCt)t thllt tvC ('all "IVC E!rl tl l'e Natl Nfa('tiOn 10 all 5V h0 f.'11•nl' U9 t-liolmrsville, for the a+ghL, Tuesdny, proceed with their tri!(:e. (.)ill- prices Will bo found reasonable, and w(` prate- '', ,,fit' the Hurun Rnad to Ouor}to Kdw,trds for noon, I � � - OF thenccdownthe ethc•,n.taT'bomas'1'ichbounle's AhtCC a ('llf anti lit the! (':1anUt b0 Nllfpashetl, p1(Iel's 1'eNpeulfuily - ldorthenight. Wednesda,, by way 0f Purter'A MORTGAGE SALE' UI'' e) - ill to the 7th ('ml, to Rnhert L11iocC.4 for noon, , LL �(, f� S J t�' �r��� + �5�+,. ROI i c i led. i khan k, Cantebnt'a Puleruld nod acuros+ to the •,--•_�� Farm 1 1 Lands ( �i 1 p'Bth on. then down the. (ith to W. weedfTownslow,' x( 1 - v T rile r-thelln%fiel .finetol Thurad son'. for , --ueof � WALTON � NIORRISON, SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON � I1 �the Day field Lino tr,.lobo Anderson•+ fur n Fri, ---iV 'i'HF; - -- t'ndpr and by virtue of aha pwer oP sato Thi :1 then to Alex Innes, St.,nlry, for the night. Fri- ' enn'tninal in a Oe •talo mortgage r of by I ay, Prn[•er•d to till, I:nttr'nbury House, Clinton, I r . Inlet Johnston, t +antst; r, and Eliza .Jane I -__-- i (hv"I Fh�nn'aSthCon.niHu1-' I�%`''} NS11II O1l �iT�1\jai;}', ,IM,1: oJohiswffr, to Edward Ta for Uart.. -- ----- -- (� f0 noon. then g s tturd,,y, h: t,is own oabl+`, — _ ) [] ��`` �p j� lett, furlhenlght, — nrD1,thuuudnrPlgnminrenutllm•izerltoofferOPPOSITE 1 HE POST OFFICE. when, tie will re" 1, till ,h' i_11ow,n•_ 5lunaay timer and I,•, v4nip, of ti:, pntarr nP Palp Por sole' the following propvrty in tile. town 1890 1890 '•'� inernn,�. IS11:a :v N,L4L'GHLI?', rontauted in n e'•rt'iill N(ni•IgAt(1• Iwd1(eh of [Tinton, being rou+posed of partof int I N'G nlnrltinrgr will I.,• }rrn•m1,'••', on ,lay- of sit](,) number ail in the swirl town of('linton,enln- !� }�+ ------ - prietur'. no'n. will br s„Id by pnl,iiv au,•tinu, by 1). nt„nciilg on Albert :prom, at a. point sixty- ` -- I)wklnson, a n Uouir,-T at tour feet six inebes north n1 the south-east ® Change* ('/)Ol{:ti s.ngltof meld Int, tIsfl-P north lem,t th_--_� ������ljl) l j:l+ i•r1lf Nib, nortfof lht' ngli1nI,is f illd to incb,j. to the north•ens[ angio of the anir( lot , thpurpdire sold 1of , thenen doe mnufh I`• fret t. fu(•b('m VL FI ST -CLASS GOODS LOWEST` .St1ft RDAY, 26th of APall , 189❑ t , I The umdersi,r {, bought the stool, of It. 1{. e%alk,•r, at a low rate on blies W r v.: sr hennrinrt of sthA Int, and frnll mod havit7 , r t g mit tl r f,;t 1, • :I,r•nr„ dn,"'net :a t fr.•' to pin, of ) g1roi- �j �'/� d„ Ilar, nre prepared to offer tho stung ;tt very oboe priors for cash. 'Che• stooisi "°"i Tl:eandarsf nod:r,;, ,,•wa•t \t.2u,:.,In, t.,.e folios. w: lentis n.nd lig. r•,nixioing I,y' winwasurria•it. 2:17'i PRICES and LARGE STOCK of VL eery hloolleP, lately r, , orrl b) +l, n, attic u'. i o-1 , tut �un1 b, r aro. n, I ire nth ('nn' mqultro fret uatre ur II sal, sui,jrrt n, a riglLt rol{'i,itm of tlestrr Ln nfnrin Ib„ p,tb L•n inat they +u:i , .... ,.,,i 1 . lowllsoip of `;h,alrv, in tilt- it woe [welt,• fr, t ill uidth n, -roes ilia want GaYr}' on thn Hitll„' In !1 .fill }•r, {•,`•• �. u; ,u, rnntui,.i,: ,a v hur,,h'(,(I , rly' limit ,d part of s,tid ],if. 1111d tnkr•th+'1• NEW GOOD►? to Select fin�lll. t p t 5 t url nl„ru „' n em 'I'h, rr err "rested ort Voll n ril;lit of wnv IA Pref, uirir nlnng the p ' i7ext UOi/III1:.'si. Ijutrl. to (1 uum,•s, g.lndbA,'n, nr••I and stal,l('n, ,vestorl; liu{itof the adjoining Int No.37N. �A���i�'�a �1,jI'i�a 'Y • Q►Q�i,g�s �, tiRYG9�y �8'. p rtud n ornery 'old s LAIi ur,n-, 1 dwol:in d 4 @y �. g exten,ling to Vrin(+•sv tihrrf, tt hint right of • f'"e' 9 .110(1 rlrltinu ,,,•':. a.vl the lienee µ ltl, kaviwil. 11,1 s 11 1, 11+1•('I:IPP. war• tee l,t•ril ,•, m+ Yvt•,I tnr tl a tine l ' --- 1S'ow rel non n.ud g wittl int nrrrs uo, )rte f,4 b r r t;htnnon 'I'h(• pro I be nsr o 1�:•, i ill a, ttst'eatPttl,ll raYYAg, -N 11aVe I,•'�' ,ill,. '1 fn I f mtu, r1 p .,+.1 t••.,,ro d 1'�1 :\nd i:; in tirmt (•laaN order. '1'hry ar'_ els., n,Llu,:; Hoar• mtnrli u. , a1 ra rl.' art- tyle bllhit l•'h+. NIIA wt1T fin Ili rill ',' ...tti,ltta},i y' 1N NiLll af.p 'r ir111�N t7•,tltl 5 ll tin Wild f, tvllir•II nlnl'i gNg, ,I y, l' I•. ti n.l'r• 11,.\V I 1111• mHpafrmn Rrurrarlll, n stntiun rm tLr Ion- ( anent, and trill lir prepared to supply the public: j% ill anything in t1w t'ro i'ry lino,. jpYfaes, 'sotisfartLman,urnnh•I,i Nvornbionnf the>nni nlorignss ,'. oro Eggs Taken in Exchange (inn, to and Ih•nrr• ka.ilrroul. s 1> fnt nen bly situnLr in ILe busiunsa pori e Al m rat Ihn v(ry lowest prices. 5 rriiLlly loge ,rir rs will be ulF„rr1 1 Lrrt Strppt. For hn'tber infornlenon =. ,ply I p 1 1 - Th.ItM1'1S #blur f ilio }nn•rin{Pr nowt\' to to the nnAerAtaned. ' (D i, :�i�.vi irOi; ti,� j.j:. ue paid nu bit ,I sole ani b•Ilnurr n, 3+' M1fA\NIN(1 R S('n'r'1' ' `:J ��` � 11, ((l� i _ 1. -- ,latm thrreA.10 «',them intorrst It' ab irod S'li itora for 1-, 1..,n' 5 gie1� c 011 f01^ Cash 1�V (, I�,-s+.. I' Clin�trM7 :1'%rrh 30th, I+,•n, "5 �I 1( ,I1�i l l(1 `P 1] 'itUr tmrloYPigned n1 . r. fur mn'e 1'is ! I i th( u:urigaFr,• will nllnw tLr nrrhn.Ae I �� J l- -I_ •a r r '1 A Q�f04 Hetes, brtug'he •t',_ P,nl u1 lot'a..,n uunu•t , •, , b'i. nre tonin nit , ,rigngr at a l'ntranage res 7ectfnil Ami oito,l. lirmt'nll-i- tl,'• dare-W.tl_kvr'm ob] stat)rl. ' th(1:yrrl c•,n., and ; f r, r,.• -'of 1'ne r•al.t i,ntf of err cont ,I,r:,l•osL with l,rivbrc, nt' I•,,.yin,( in �gi;Ai,P•.n TT•;`UI;ItF f„r hin•,bnm, of 'tlt I(1, nu f.hr :led r•••n r•r 11,111 'tt. Frnlnp rnataluu•n•;. f,nlw-dime }•ns.;, a.inn r•nn L(, Whore Lands will bo rncolved l,a the end, r- pIV 'f iWpyl,”' yYq■1i1 *0� �p�i'.' �'�t� on-Q, �+�� 1 y i ho•Isr, one e.,•rr gi vr•n. i', 1,h•11 ,'r I,lnls nod n.rtirnl nre. • � .81 'e:�d i'\t� !A - G Yn, st.ahln n,n,1 mbrrls, b+': 1` Pignr l up to Wed t. Tran ne the oil ItAI � an orA)ii r,l, no Priv,r iunntn tbrmigb Apply tot undrrsigor''' (11' 11'1!1, next. 'items nod renditions IT plaep. Alvin! :,n,n r, • rlrnrr,l, \5'111 he h. Di('KT\4:'•�. 11.1XY1\(;.S �('O'I"1' ninL'lanuwn upon hryt d(l,P2nnIl'r1I3rrImt1t.,,5,1yfFhjRl.i). tlie^. . nplirtl iou to thein P Apotly to lot. H, lit, Ali,'fionprr. \endor'P S,41vitnm ('lint, n 5larrh21N01lafnttb I', n. JANTN(Po 11 nTT 1t r CL'NT�41 NiA►LYT�tP Solicit, 19urn-or McMURRAY WILTSE, CLINTON